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Emporio Alniño : Tomorrow at noon, (0:00:16.68)
Emporio Alniño : you will have a visitor. (0:00:18.89)
Emporio Alniño : But you must not meet him. (0:00:21.14)
Emporio Alniño : You must not go to the visitation room. (0:00:23.23)
EXTRA : Someone's here to see you. (0:00:25.90)
Emporio Alniño : Turn around. Go back to your room! (0:00:30.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dad… (0:00:34.03)
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. (0:00:37.66)
Jotaro Kujo : This man was behind it all. (0:00:39.33)
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. is,
without a doubt, a Stand user.
Jotaro Kujo : Just know that you are being targeted. (0:00:45.33)
Jotaro Kujo : I'll get you out immediately. (0:00:48.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : My handcuffs! (0:00:50.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : When did I get free? (0:00:51.92)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, get away from that door! (0:00:53.42)
Jotaro Kujo : Star Platinum: The World! (0:00:56.68)
Jotaro Kujo : Time, stop! (0:01:00.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : What happened just now? (0:01:08.69)
Jotaro Kujo : Stay still! The fight has already begun. (0:01:10.52)
Jotaro Kujo : Aerodynamics. (0:01:14.03)
Jotaro Kujo : It detected our positions
using aerodynamics.
Jotaro Kujo : Do not make a move
until we understand the contraption.
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't order me around. (0:01:23.20)
EXTRA : -I know that!
-You… FE40536!
Jolyne Cujoh : -I know that!
-You… FE40536!
EXTRA : Who do you think you're talking to?
You bastard!
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne! (0:01:33.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : -You…
-Don't move!
Jotaro Kujo : -You…
-Don't move!
Jotaro Kujo : Keep your voice down. (0:01:49.77)
Jotaro Kujo : It'll detect our position again. (0:01:52.82)
Jotaro Kujo : Johngalli A. uses
that Stand to read the airflow.
Jotaro Kujo : It may even react
to the change in our breathing.
Jotaro Kujo : Plus, that Stand can be used remotely. (0:02:02.95)
Jotaro Kujo : He can shoot at that Stand
to reflect the bullet to his target.
Jotaro Kujo : It's a sniping Stand. (0:02:09.21)
Jotaro Kujo : We cannot attack Johngalli A.,
who is in the men's prison.
Jotaro Kujo : We have to destroy that long-range Stand. (0:02:15.34)
Jotaro Kujo : Any damage dealt
to the Stand is reflected on its user.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm well aware. (0:02:22.85)
Jotaro Kujo : The problem is,
the moment we move to prompt an attack,
Jotaro Kujo : the Stand will detect our position
and Johngalli A. will shoot at us.
Jotaro Kujo : Stay by the wall, Jolyne! (0:02:49.46)
Jotaro Kujo : It's detecting your location! (0:02:51.75)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, (0:02:55.00)
Jotaro Kujo : what are you thinking? (0:02:56.55)
Johngalli A. : Your own muscles cannot be trusted. (0:04:57.13)
Johngalli A. : When skin comes in contact with a breeze, (0:05:00.50)
Johngalli A. : the muscles have a twitching reflex. (0:05:03.21)
Johngalli A. : This is an automatic reflex
you cannot control.
Johngalli A. : Therefore, I use my bones
to affix the rifle.
Johngalli A. : Bones land firmly on the surface. (0:05:15.31)
Johngalli A. : The gun is as stable
as the surface itself.
Johngalli A. : Its stability is something we can trust. (0:05:20.11)
Johngalli A. : Meteorologists may argue
that the direction of drafts
Johngalli A. : cannot be predicted. (0:05:26.49)
Johngalli A. : That may be true, but only to an extent. (0:05:27.95)
Johngalli A. : Is this fly flying randomly? (0:05:33.29)
Johngalli A. : No. (0:05:37.17)
Johngalli A. : It flies while smelling things nearby
and feeling the air current.
Johngalli A. : The wind is the fly's movement. (0:05:43.50)
Johngalli A. : Just as the guard said, (0:05:55.60)
Johngalli A. : Jotaro Kujo is here. (0:05:58.06)
Johngalli A. : He's here to see
his daughter, Jolyne Cujoh.
Johngalli A. : The descendant of the Joestars
is in the visitation room
Johngalli A. : at this very moment. (0:06:07.74)
Johngalli A. : Within range of my ability,
Downtown Transfer.
Johngalli A. : Joestar… (0:06:14.24)
Johngalli A. : Joestar! (0:06:17.04)
Johngalli A. : My life will finally begin (0:06:19.50)
Johngalli A. : after I eradicate your family's blood! (0:06:22.00)
Johngalli A. : You will pay for robbing me
of the one who was my rock!
Jotaro Kujo : I see. (0:06:46.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : You said we have to destroy it, right? (0:06:48.44)
Jolyne Cujoh : Look at its movement. (0:06:51.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : It can't detect the wind
due to the precipitation.
Jolyne Cujoh : Now's my chance! Stone Ocean! (0:06:56.16)
Jotaro Kujo : No, wait! Look closer! (0:06:59.37)
Jotaro Kujo : It's evading every drop of water. (0:07:05.34)
Jotaro Kujo : It's reading the drops' air current
to avoid them.
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, go back to the wall!
He's going to shoot at us!
Jolyne Cujoh : This isn't good.
Once the guards arrive, the air will stir!
Jolyne Cujoh : -Hey, listen!
Emporio Alniño : -Hey, listen!
Emporio Alniño : Hurry, move the base of the pillar! (0:07:31.61)
Emporio Alniño : Kick it with all your might! (0:07:35.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : -But you're…
-Don't worry about me.
Emporio Alniño : -But you're…
-Don't worry about me.
Emporio Alniño : Got that? Please don't forget what I said. (0:07:40.37)
Emporio Alniño : I want you to survive! (0:07:43.08)
Jotaro Kujo : I don't know why, (0:07:50.88)
Jotaro Kujo : but there's a descending hole
between the walls.
Jotaro Kujo : It seems to be a passage. (0:07:55.72)
Jotaro Kujo : Maybe it leads to
the sewer or the vent.
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this? (0:08:01.85)
Jotaro Kujo : It may lead us to the outside. (0:08:03.19)
Jotaro Kujo : Let's go, Jolyne.
Seems it's our only option.
Jolyne Cujoh : -It flew away…
Jotaro Kujo : -It flew away…
Jotaro Kujo : It's still close. (0:08:16.16)
Jotaro Kujo : It's looking for
the perfect angle to snipe us.
Jolyne Cujoh : No… (0:08:20.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's following the boy
on the other side of this door.
Jolyne Cujoh : He plans to hunt the boy
because he helped us escape.
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, go down the hole! (0:08:31.84)
Jotaro Kujo : I came to break you out! (0:08:34.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : Before I entered this room… (0:08:46.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : he grabbed this arm of mine. (0:08:49.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm sure of it. (0:08:53.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't believe it, but he's here. (0:08:55.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : He was just an ordinary kid
like you'd see at any park.
Jolyne Cujoh : And we don't know each other…
We're complete strangers.
Jolyne Cujoh : But… (0:09:05.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : he grabbed my arm
with desperation in his eyes.
Jolyne Cujoh : The warmth of his hand
even felt as if he cared about me.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm going back inside. (0:09:15.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : Before he shoots the boy, (0:09:18.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll kill Johngalli A.! (0:09:20.51)
Jotaro Kujo : Good grief. (0:09:26.44)
EXTRA : To the visitation room! (0:09:34.28)
EXTRA : That's where the fire alarm went off! (0:09:35.61)
EXTRA : There are no cameras there. (0:09:37.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : -Be prepared to engage!
-Where did he go?
EXTRA : -Be prepared to engage!
-Where did he go?
Jolyne Cujoh : That boy… (0:09:45.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : How does he move through this place, (0:09:46.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : appearing and disappearing
out of nowhere?
EXTRA : Hurry! To Visitation Room B! (0:09:55.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did that boy dig this hole? (0:10:04.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : This wall… So he used this! (0:10:06.35)
Johngalli A. : His height is about 140cm. (0:10:14.98)
Johngalli A. : His build is small, almost like a child's. (0:10:17.74)
Johngalli A. : I don't know who he is, (0:10:21.53)
Johngalli A. : but the hole
that suddenly opened is a vent.
Johngalli A. : I know where it leads by reading the air. (0:10:26.12)
Johngalli A. : However… (0:10:29.00)
Johngalli A. : I can't have this small guy
guide Jotaro and his daughter
Johngalli A. : deep underground
where I cannot reach them!
Johngalli A. : I will not lose those two again! (0:10:39.72)
Johngalli A. : I'll finish this small one first! (0:10:42.22)
Jotaro Kujo : Jolyne, (0:10:46.81)
Jotaro Kujo : our situation is too dire. (0:10:48.39)
Jotaro Kujo : Our Stands are only good
for defense at the moment.
Jotaro Kujo : Should we strike, Johngalli A. will read
the movement of the air.
Jotaro Kujo : This is too dangerous. (0:10:58.99)
EXTRA : Hey, you! (0:11:00.74)
EXTRA : You can't just leave the room! (0:11:02.20)
EXTRA : This side is the prison! (0:11:03.78)
EXTRA : -Good grief.
-Leave from the other side!
Jotaro Kujo : -Good grief.
-Leave from the other side!
EXTRA : What the… (0:11:07.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : There it is! (0:11:25.22)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just as I thought, it's chasing the boy! (0:11:30.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : But there aren't any windows here. (0:11:33.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : How can he aim through the men's prison? (0:11:36.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : No… However… (0:11:39.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : This boy… Look at him! (0:11:42.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : How smart! (0:11:46.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, we're blessed! (0:11:47.70)
Jolyne Cujoh : With his body submerged completely
underwater, the air is unaffected!
Jolyne Cujoh : And, he's inside a pipe! (0:11:53.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : Johngalli A. cannot find him now! (0:11:55.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : Not only that,
there are no windows down here.
Jolyne Cujoh : Surely he can't shoot him now… (0:12:00.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : The pipe is bursting! But how?
Where is he aiming from?
Jolyne Cujoh : Could he be… (0:12:12.60)
Johngalli A. : Distance to the target is 321m. (0:12:25.28)
Johngalli A. : The bullet drops 9.5cm while airborne, (0:12:27.74)
Johngalli A. : and there's a slight ocean breeze of
3.2 meters per second.
Johngalli A. : The bullet will drift
by 4.2cm to the left.
Johngalli A. : Finding its target. (0:12:38.00)
Johngalli A. : Targeting his heart. (0:12:39.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : Shit! (0:12:42.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:12:43.38)
Johngalli A. : Threads! (0:12:47.68)
Johngalli A. : Jolyne Cujoh… This is her Stand ability! (0:12:48.76)
Johngalli A. : She followed the boy down? (0:12:52.68)
Johngalli A. : Is she an imbecile! (0:12:54.69)
Johngalli A. : She thinks her net can stop my bullet? (0:12:56.31)
Johngalli A. : Changing my target to Jolyne Cujoh. (0:12:58.94)
Johngalli A. : Targeting the forehead. (0:13:00.94)
Johngalli A. : Now, shoot! (0:13:03.49)
Johngalli A. : How? (0:13:21.17)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm so glad I broke this pipe beforehand. (0:13:23.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : The moment I came in,
I punctured this gas line.
Jolyne Cujoh : Gas is lighter than air. (0:13:34.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : It creates a layer of gas
separate from oxygen.
Jolyne Cujoh : I thought it would obscure your aim. (0:13:40.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : Man, was I right. (0:13:44.53)
Johngalli A. : How did she do this? (0:13:47.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : You're too late! You're mine now! (0:13:48.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:13:50.70)
Jolyne Cujoh : Seems you couldn't read your own fate. (0:13:58.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : Who are you? (0:14:12.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : How is a child like you
roaming freely about this prison?
Jolyne Cujoh : I hit myself. (0:14:24.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : This bone. (0:14:27.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's right. You gave me this. (0:14:28.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : What is it? (0:14:31.41)
Jolyne Cujoh : It looks like a bone. What's going on? (0:14:33.20)
Jolyne Cujoh : You tried to stop me
from going to the visitation room.
Jolyne Cujoh : Just what do you know? (0:14:38.87)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, answer me! (0:14:42.63)
Emporio Alniño : Not yet… I can't, yet. (0:14:43.71)
Emporio Alniño : You mustn't let that go. (0:14:47.80)
Jotaro Kujo : This smell. (0:14:53.10)
Jotaro Kujo : Is this your doing? (0:14:55.35)
Jolyne Cujoh : That sniper guy, Johngalli A., his Stand? (0:14:56.85)
Jolyne Cujoh : It was nothing once I got to it. (0:14:59.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : I pounded it into a thousand pieces. (0:15:02.65)
Jotaro Kujo : I see. (0:15:04.98)
Jotaro Kujo : It seems you're quite used to
fighting with your Stand.
Jolyne Cujoh : Not out of choice… (0:15:10.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : There he is! Right there! (0:15:21.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's on the move! (0:15:23.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hide! He has a rifle. (0:15:27.25)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's hiding behind that pipe. (0:15:29.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : I saw him going above the tank! (0:15:31.43)
Jotaro Kujo : That's impossible. (0:15:33.72)
Jotaro Kujo : He was targeting from the men's prison,
which is 200 to 300m away.
Jotaro Kujo : There are layers of bars between us. (0:15:40.06)
Jotaro Kujo : Not only that,
he is almost completely blind.
Jotaro Kujo : How do you suppose he traveled so fast? (0:15:44.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : How the hell should I know?
If I said he's here, he's here!
Jolyne Cujoh : Hide! (0:15:50.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's directly above you! (0:15:53.07)
Jotaro Kujo : All right, I believe you. (0:15:56.78)
Jotaro Kujo : And get ready. (0:16:01.83)
Jotaro Kujo : The gas must have been accumulating. (0:16:03.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : We did it! (0:16:15.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, we're safe now! (0:16:17.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : What the… (0:16:20.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : Where did he run off to? (0:16:21.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : Are you hiding? (0:16:25.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : You don't have to be afraid anymore. (0:16:27.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : Come out and explain what's going on! (0:16:29.19)
Jotaro Kujo : What are you doing? (0:16:31.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm looking for the boy. (0:16:32.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did you see where he went? (0:16:34.74)
Jotaro Kujo : I don't understand what you mean. (0:16:37.62)
Jotaro Kujo : What boy are you talking about? (0:16:40.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : Oh, I see. (0:16:44.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : You didn't see him, did you? (0:16:46.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was talking to a little boy
outside the visitation room.
Jolyne Cujoh : Johngalli A. tried to
get rid of him first.
Jotaro Kujo : Get rid of him? (0:16:55.68)
Jotaro Kujo : What are you talking about? (0:16:58.01)
Jotaro Kujo : You came here on your own. (0:17:00.81)
Jotaro Kujo : And so I followed you. (0:17:04.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold on, our stories aren't matching up. (0:17:06.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : You must have heard his voice. (0:17:09.27)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, I know you did! (0:17:11.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's the one who told us
about the secret passage!
Jolyne Cujoh : You were there with me! (0:17:17.36)
Jotaro Kujo : Did you hear a ghost or something? (0:17:19.49)
Jotaro Kujo : I don't know of a secret passage. (0:17:21.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : Damn you! You're messing with me
at a time like this?
Jolyne Cujoh : You're here now because
you followed me down the secret tunnel…
Jolyne Cujoh : Hold on… (0:17:33.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : Something's not right with you. (0:17:36.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : Your wound… (0:17:39.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : You were shot.
What happened to your wound?
Jotaro Kujo : Wound? (0:17:43.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : The bullet wound
from when Johngalli A. shot you!
Jolyne Cujoh : On your right shoulder. (0:17:46.85)
Jolyne Cujoh : But you aren't bleeding, and your clothes… (0:17:48.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : I don't have a scratch
from being shot either!
Jolyne Cujoh : This man… (0:17:56.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : He isn't Johngalli A.!
He's the prison guard!
Jolyne Cujoh : But I saw him get shot through the head! (0:18:03.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : His head is unscathed! (0:18:06.91)
Jotaro Kujo : What do you mean he was shot? (0:18:09.25)
Jotaro Kujo : And who is Johngalli A.? (0:18:11.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's going on? (0:18:14.09)
Jolyne Cujoh : Something's amiss. (0:18:16.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's not adding up! (0:18:18.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : What is this? (0:18:25.60)
Emporio Alniño : A fate more terrible than death
will await us all.
Emporio Alniño : You must not go to the visitation room. (0:18:40.11)
Jolyne Cujoh : The visitation room… (0:18:42.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's right. Something was off
from the very beginning.
Jolyne Cujoh : When was I uncuffed? (0:18:48.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : And that bullet… (0:18:51.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : Was I really shot back there? (0:18:53.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : But my dad and I don't have a scratch. (0:18:57.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : Was Johngalli A.
attacking us to begin with?
Jolyne Cujoh : Something's wrong. (0:19:05.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : Nothing is making sense! (0:19:07.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : This isn't reality! (0:19:12.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm in a dream of some sort. (0:19:15.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, I'm under someone's spell! (0:19:17.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : This is… (0:19:20.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : A dream… (0:19:37.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : Was I… dreaming? (0:19:40.47)
Jolyne Cujoh : Since when… (0:19:44.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : It looks like I did (0:19:50.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : knock out this prison guard. (0:19:54.02)
Jolyne Cujoh : This photo of Johngalli A… (0:19:56.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dad showed it to me. (0:20:01.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : The accident with the hitchhiker. (0:20:05.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : I heard that it was all
a plot to imprison me.
Jolyne Cujoh : That was all real. (0:20:12.83)
Jolyne Cujoh : And then I tried to leave the room. (0:20:15.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's when I noticed I was uncuffed. (0:20:19.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : That was the moment. (0:20:23.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, I was sitting down when I awoke. (0:20:26.35)
Jolyne Cujoh : So before then… (0:20:29.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : We haven't stepped outside
of this visitation room.
Jolyne Cujoh : In other words… (0:20:36.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : Johngalli A.'s Stand (0:20:39.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : was an illusion my mind created. (0:20:42.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : The secret passageway too. (0:20:50.20)
Jolyne Cujoh : The moment we stepped into
this visitation room,
Jolyne Cujoh : we fell under their trap
and were forced to dream.
Jolyne Cujoh : As if engulfed by a python, (0:21:02.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : slowly but surely, (0:21:04.59)
Jolyne Cujoh : we're being melted to the bone! (0:21:08.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : The boy in the garbage can
who gave me this bone.
Jolyne Cujoh : He was real! (0:21:13.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was able to wake up (0:21:17.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : because I cut myself on this bone! (0:21:19.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : Without the pain from the cut, (0:21:22.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : I would have stayed asleep. (0:21:24.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : This ability is Johngalli A.'s attack! (0:21:28.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : My thread! I can't unravel it,
not even for a few centimeters!
Jolyne Cujoh : This is bad! (0:21:43.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit. (0:21:47.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm getting sleepy again… (0:21:49.14)
Jolyne Cujoh : We need to get out of here. (0:21:52.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : Out of this visitation room! (0:21:58.44)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:22:11.99)

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Man, i wanna have a waifu (wipes his teary eyes) - Anonymous


He's pretty tough... He's not running. - Kero

You knew this would happen if you called Tomoyo... - Kero

So this girl's name is Akane... - Kero

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