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Rein Shroud : And so, after much ado,
Tania joined our party.
Rein Shroud : And the first job we took on as a trio was... (0:00:10.68)
Tania : No luck. There was just one over here. (0:00:20.52)
Rein Shroud : ...exterminating slimes. (0:00:24.93)
Rein Shroud : Slimes themselves are F-rank
monsters that anyone can beat...
Rein Shroud : ...which means most adventurers
don't bother with them.
Rein Shroud : But if they're left untouched for too
long, they can turn into a swarm.
Rein Shroud : It's common to see these slimes
ravaging farmers' fields.
Kanade : Slimes, huh? (0:02:13.27)
Tania : What's this, Kanade?
You afraid of slimes?
Kanade : No! (0:02:18.78)
Kanade : I can beat slimes no problem! (0:02:20.27)
Kanade : But... (0:02:23.07)
Kanade : I just hate how they're all jiggly and
wiggly and fighting them leaves me all sticky!
Tania : That is the inevitable result
of fighting them physically.
Tania : I'll just mow them down myself with
my fireballs and flame breath!
Tania : You can rest easy! (0:02:38.54)
Kanade : You mean it?! (0:02:40.12)
Kanade : I can count on you, Tania! (0:02:41.23)
Tania : Keep it coming! More compliments! (0:02:44.52)
Kanade : You're amazing, Tania!
You're the best, Tania!
Rein Shroud : I wasn't sure, at first,
if they'd actually get along,
Rein Shroud : but I think we might just make it! (0:02:52.07)
Rein Shroud : Let's see... (0:02:55.62)
Kanade : Still no slimes! (0:02:59.33)
Rein Shroud : I thought a swarm would be a
little more easily found...
Rein Shroud : Oh, well. We'll try from above. (0:03:05.64)
Kanade : From above? (0:03:08.27)
Tania : From above? (0:03:08.27)
Kanade : You're going to have the bird look? (0:03:10.64)
Rein Shroud : No. Since I have the two of you here, (0:03:13.28)
Rein Shroud : I thought I'd assimilate
and search around myself.
Tania : "Assimilate"? (0:03:17.90)
Tania : Hey! (0:03:35.49)
Kanade : Rein? (0:03:36.78)
Kanade : Rein looks like a puppet
with its strings cut!
Tania : Wh-What happened?! (0:03:40.19)
Rein Shroud : I'm right here, you two! (0:03:42.00)
Kanade : Rein became a bird! (0:03:45.82)
Rein Shroud : Not quite, I'm afraid... (0:03:48.30)
Rein Shroud : I transferred part of my soul into the bird, (0:03:50.62)
Rein Shroud : and assigned my consciousness to it. (0:03:53.04)
Rein Shroud : It lets me use the bird's body as my own. (0:03:54.78)
Rein Shroud : This is "assimilate,"
one of a beast tamer's skills.
Rein Shroud : In order to converse, I'm using
magic to send out thought waves.
Tania : Magic... (0:04:05.47)
Kanade : You can even do that, Rein? (0:04:07.02)
Kanade : Unbelievable! (0:04:09.74)
Tania : Yeah. (0:04:11.73)
Tania : Your abilities are truly exceptional. (0:04:12.57)
Rein Shroud : They are? (0:04:14.77)
Rein Shroud : Most beast tamers— (0:04:15.82)
Kanade : —can't do it! (0:04:17.11)
Tania : —can't do it! (0:04:17.11)
Rein Shroud : I-I'm going to find those slimes! (0:04:19.31)
Rein Shroud : Watch my body in the meantime, okay? (0:04:22.40)
Tania : Rein sure is something else! (0:04:25.93)
Kanade : He sure is... (0:04:28.65)
Tania : There are so many. (0:04:37.89)
Rein Shroud : When I found them,
I felt a chill up my spine.
Kanade : Let's take care of them! (0:04:43.38)
Tania : But first... (0:04:44.96)
Tania : Can you cast spells, Rein? (0:04:46.44)
Rein Shroud : I can cast beginner stuff like Heal and Fireball. (0:04:49.35)
Rein Shroud : I tried to learn long ago, but that
was about all I could handle.
Tania : I see. (0:04:57.29)
Tania : In that case... (0:04:58.60)
Tania : Try attacking those slimes
with your Fireball!
Rein Shroud : Huh? It's not very powerful, though... (0:05:03.44)
Tania : Just go on! Give it a try! (0:05:05.57)
Rein Shroud : F-Fine! Just don't push me! (0:05:07.52)
Rein Shroud : I'm gonna fall into the slimes! (0:05:09.44)
Rein Shroud : Let's see. (0:05:15.91)
Rein Shroud : Focus magic in your hand... (0:05:17.32)
Rein Shroud : Form the magic circle... (0:05:20.05)
Rein Shroud : Then... (0:05:23.14)
Rein Shroud : let it fly! (0:05:24.43)
Rein Shroud : Fireball! (0:05:26.48)
Rein Shroud : Wh-What the heck happened?! (0:05:36.02)
Kanade : It wasn't even a fight! (0:05:38.03)
Tania : Just as I thought. (0:05:40.06)
Tania : Your contract with Kanade gave you the
physical abilities of a cat spirit, remember?
Rein Shroud : Right... (0:05:47.32)
Tania : It stands to reason that your
contract with me would give you
Tania : the magical abilities of a dragonoid. (0:05:52.09)
Tania : My fireballs and fire breath
are powered by magic, too.
Tania : The magic power of the dragonoids
is the second-highest
Tania : of all of the ultimate species. (0:06:01.15)
Tania : That power now lives within you! (0:06:03.42)
Rein Shroud : Second-highest... magic power? (0:06:06.73)
Rein Shroud : It's no use. I can't keep
up with what she's saying!
Kanade : They're back! (0:06:12.00)
Tania : Good timing. We'll use them for practice. (0:06:13.37)
Tania : Magic is harder to use
than physical abilities.
Tania : You still can't control it well, can you? (0:06:19.80)
Rein Shroud : Well, no... (0:06:22.19)
Tania : I know it might be hard, (0:06:23.85)
Tania : but give it your best shot. (0:06:25.50)
Tania : You're our master, after all! (0:06:27.04)
Rein Shroud : That's right. (0:06:31.91)
Rein Shroud : I don't want to be an embarrassment
beside my two ultimate species.
Rein Shroud : I want to be better! (0:06:37.92)
Rein Shroud : Tania. Teach me how to use magic! (0:06:40.77)
Tania : I'm a strict teacher, so you'd better be ready! (0:06:43.88)
Kanade : Go for it, Rein! Fight! (0:06:46.64)
Rein Shroud : But the way Tania taught... (0:06:49.28)
Rein Shroud : Fireball! (0:06:51.37)
Tania : More focus! (0:06:54.35)
Tania : Keep that posture steady! (0:06:56.83)
Tania : There's more coming! (0:07:02.31)
Tania : Go on! Focus! (0:07:03.53)
Rein Shroud : F-Fireball! (0:07:04.91)
Rein Shroud : ...was seriously harsh... (0:07:06.98)
Rein Shroud : But it did teach me to control
my magic a lot better!
EXTRA : Hey, cat lady! (0:07:15.39)
EXTRA : What are you doing? (0:07:17.62)
Kanade : We finished our job, so we
came to report in about it.
EXTRA : Hey, dragon lady! (0:07:23.54)
EXTRA : What did you beat today? (0:07:25.15)
Tania : Slimes. (0:07:26.99)
EXTRA : Oh! My mom says they eat the
vegetables in the fields.
Kanade : They're all gone now, fortunately. (0:07:33.16)
Kanade : You'll be able to eat lots of veggies now! (0:07:35.08)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:07:37.16)
EXTRA : But I like meat better. (0:07:38.01)
Tania : I do, too! (0:07:40.20)
Kanade : Me, too! (0:07:41.64)
EXTRA : Yay! We're the same! (0:07:42.57)
Rein Shroud : I'm back! (0:07:46.89)
Rein Shroud : We got a pretty big reward for that one. (0:07:48.53)
Rein Shroud : People accept Tania if we tell them she's
a slightly odd girl in a dragonoid costume.
Rein Shroud : She still comes close to outing
herself now and then, but...
Rein Shroud : I think we'll be okay for now. (0:08:08.80)
Rein Shroud : I guess ultimate species
have ultimate stomachs, too!
Tania : Thanks for the meal! (0:08:31.60)
Kanade : Thanks for the meal! (0:08:31.60)
Kanade : I'm so full! (0:08:33.62)
Tania : Even the food is wonderful in the city. (0:08:35.32)
Rein Shroud : Great work today, you two. (0:08:37.80)
Tania : Though you're the one who
found and beat the slimes.
Rein Shroud : Only because you taught me how to use magic. (0:08:44.14)
Rein Shroud : I really owe you for that. (0:08:46.92)
Tania : N-No need to thank me. (0:08:48.76)
Tania : That's just what comrades do. (0:08:51.08)
Rein Shroud : I guess you're right there! (0:08:53.50)
Tania : Where did you learn beast taming, Rein? (0:08:55.34)
Kanade : I've been wondering the same thing myself! (0:08:58.70)
Rein Shroud : I don't think it's a particularly
interesting story.
Tania : Please. Just tell us! (0:09:05.26)
Kanade : Tell us! Tell us! (0:09:07.28)
Rein Shroud : Okay. (0:09:09.96)
Rein Shroud : I learned beast taming in
the village I came from.
Rein Shroud : A village full of beast tamers. (0:09:16.69)
Rein Shroud : My parents were beast tamers, too. (0:09:19.86)
Rein Shroud : So I can't remember a time when
I wasn't learning beast taming.
Rein Shroud : The insect tamer power I showed to Kanade (0:09:28.91)
Rein Shroud : was also something I learned from
someone else in the village.
Rein Shroud : It was a small village without a name, (0:09:35.29)
Rein Shroud : but it was a good place. (0:09:37.72)
Tania : Was ? (0:09:39.68)
Rein Shroud : My hometown... (0:09:44.12)
Rein Shroud : no longer exists. (0:09:46.44)
Kanade : I... I didn't know it would
be such a serious story.
Kanade : I'm sorry. (0:09:55.90)
Rein Shroud : Don't worry. I get it. (0:09:57.20)
Kanade : And... I know it might sound like an excuse, (0:09:59.82)
Kanade : but I didn't ask out of idle curiosity. (0:10:02.75)
Kanade : I just wanted to know more about you. (0:10:04.91)
Tania : I feel the same way Kanade does. (0:10:09.79)
Tania : I want to know more about you. (0:10:11.92)
Tania : But... (0:10:13.80)
Tania : if it's too painful,
you don't have to tell us.
Kanade : Yeah. I feel the same way! (0:10:18.81)
Rein Shroud : I understand wanting to know more
about your comrades, though.
Rein Shroud : Because I'm one of theirs! (0:10:26.96)
Rein Shroud : I want you both to know. (0:10:30.08)
Rein Shroud : May I tell you more about my past? (0:10:32.25)
Kanade : Yeah! (0:10:35.40)
Tania : Yes. (0:10:36.33)
Rein Shroud : It happened when I was 12 years old. (0:10:41.08)
Rein Shroud : My parents were busy that day, (0:10:44.40)
Rein Shroud : so they couldn't watch me at taming practice. (0:10:47.48)
Rein Shroud : I spent the day on the village
outskirts, practicing by myself.
Rein Shroud : I practiced until sunset, (0:11:00.67)
Rein Shroud : and it was only when it got
dark that I could see it...
Rein Shroud : Despite it being nighttime, the sky was red. (0:11:07.90)
Rein Shroud : "Something is wrong." (0:11:12.65)
Rein Shroud : That was the thought racing through
my mind as I ran back to the village.
Rein Shroud : But... (0:11:19.38)
Rein Shroud : by the time I arrived, (0:11:22.40)
Rein Shroud : it was already too late. (0:11:24.16)
Rein Shroud : The village had been attacked by monsters. (0:11:27.60)
Rein Shroud : I was the only survivor. (0:11:30.53)
Rein Shroud : It was then that adventurers, realizing
something was wrong, raced to the scene.
Rein Shroud : They took me into custody. (0:11:38.80)
Rein Shroud : They took me to an inn that
belonged to one of their friends.
Rein Shroud : I had to work to earn my keep. (0:11:46.48)
Rein Shroud : It took all of my effort just to stay alive. (0:11:50.31)
Rein Shroud : And that was my life, for years and years. (0:11:53.59)
Rein Shroud : Until one day, half a year ago... (0:11:57.40)
Rein Shroud : I met Arios and the others. (0:12:02.77)
Tania : Arios? (0:12:06.07)
Rein Shroud : The Hero. (0:12:07.96)
Rein Shroud : Arios happened to be looking for comrades. (0:12:09.67)
Rein Shroud : He invited me to join their party. (0:12:12.48)
Rein Shroud : I agreed without a second thought. (0:12:15.25)
Rein Shroud : I thought that being part of the Hero's
party would let me make a difference,
Rein Shroud : that I could perhaps prevent another tragedy like that of my hometown, (0:12:22.37)
Rein Shroud : but the reality was very different. (0:12:27.23)
Rein Shroud : I think Arios just wanted to use me. (0:12:35.65)
Rein Shroud : I'm sorry. (0:12:43.08)
Rein Shroud : I guess this got a little dark. (0:12:43.95)
Rein Shroud : I feel kind of pathetic... (0:12:46.16)
Rein Shroud : Kanade? (0:12:51.04)
Kanade : I've been wondering about that for a while. (0:12:52.84)
Kanade : When we went after the bandits, (0:12:56.90)
Kanade : when we fought the king lizard, (0:12:59.54)
Kanade : and when you saved me,
it was always the same...
Kanade : Why did you always rush
headfirst into danger?
Kanade : Where did you find the courage
to do so much to help others?
Kanade : Now I finally see. (0:13:15.45)
Kanade : You just really want to help people. (0:13:19.36)
Kanade : You don't want anyone to
experience the same sadness you have.
Kanade : That's not pathetic at all! (0:13:29.52)
Rein Shroud : Kanade... (0:13:32.51)
Tania : You're too kind for your own good. (0:13:36.75)
Tania : You're far too self-effacing,
and far too earnest.
Tania : It's the worst case I've ever seen, honestly. (0:13:41.82)
Tania : But... it's not necessarily a negative. (0:13:45.06)
Tania : Wh-What I'm saying is, I'm proud
to have a master like you.
Kanade : Yeah. (0:13:54.46)
Kanade : That's just who you are, Rein! (0:13:55.10)
Rein Shroud : The way I am... (0:13:59.27)
Rein Shroud : The time I've spent... (0:14:01.19)
Rein Shroud : I feel like it's all been affirmed. (0:14:03.07)
Rein Shroud : You guys... (0:14:07.88)
Tania : Although... (0:14:11.38)
Tania : I've never heard of anyone
stupider than that Hero's party!
Tania : You worked so hard to help and support them, (0:14:15.13)
Tania : and they called you useless?! (0:14:17.72)
Tania : It ticks me off so bad! (0:14:19.44)
Kanade : You said it! (0:14:21.50)
Kanade : I bet they're really struggling
without you right now!
Rein Shroud : Thanks for getting mad on my behalf... (0:14:25.76)
Rein Shroud : But I've moved on, I swear! (0:14:27.82)
Tania : I-It's not all about you, you know! (0:14:29.26)
Tania : It's just so cruel! (0:14:31.77)
Kanade : You're nice deep down, Tania! (0:14:33.66)
Tania : Cut it out! (0:14:35.85)
Kanade : Someone's blushing! (0:14:37.70)
Tania : No! I'm not blushing! (0:14:38.99)
Rein Shroud : I'd love things to remain just the three of us. (0:14:43.30)
Kanade : Hey, hey! (0:14:52.51)
Kanade : Let's compete to see who can defeat more! (0:14:53.37)
Tania : Goodness! Challenging me to a
duel is a foolish thing indeed!
Tania : But very well... (0:14:59.84)
Tania : I accept your challenge! (0:15:01.33)
Tania : Well? (0:15:06.60)
Rein Shroud : Our job this time is slaying orcs. (0:15:08.30)
Rein Shroud : Orcs are E-rank monsters, (0:15:11.30)
Rein Shroud : and they aren't much physically
stronger than goblins.
Rein Shroud : But orcs are much smarter, (0:15:16.58)
Rein Shroud : and they tend to fight with weapons. (0:15:19.64)
Tania : We might complete this challenge lickety-split! (0:15:25.90)
Kanade : Yeah! (0:15:29.58)
Rein Shroud : Don't let your guard down, you two. (0:15:30.78)
Rein Shroud : We're still new at this, after all. (0:15:33.36)
Rein Shroud : Even against orcs, there's always a chance— (0:15:36.25)
Tania : No worries there! (0:15:37.12)
Tania : I, Tania of the dragonoids, would never
be defeated by a mere band of orcs!
Tania : Now, let's try this way! (0:15:44.04)
Kanade : Wait for me! (0:15:45.34)
Rein Shroud : I hope it all goes as easy
as she thinks it will...
Kanade : Tania! He's coming for you! (0:15:56.11)
Tania : I've got it handled! (0:15:57.56)
Tania : Far too easy! (0:16:06.96)
Tania : Oh? Did we miss one? (0:16:10.12)
Tania : Hey! What's he doing? (0:16:17.51)
Tania : Let go of me! (0:16:19.21)
Kanade : Tania, behind you! (0:16:28.82)
Tania : Rein! (0:16:32.85)
Kanade : Take this! (0:16:34.01)
Tania : What do I do?! (0:16:38.39)
Tania : You're bleeding so much... (0:16:39.31)
Rein Shroud : Don't worry. (0:16:40.65)
Rein Shroud : I told you I could use Heal. (0:16:41.92)
Rein Shroud : And I have your magic powering it now, so... (0:16:44.84)
Rein Shroud : Heal! (0:16:47.99)
Rein Shroud : See? All back to normal! (0:16:52.00)
Rein Shroud : I'm just fine, see? (0:16:54.04)
Rein Shroud : Don't look so upset, Tania. (0:16:55.52)
Tania : But... it was all my fault... (0:16:57.07)
Kanade : You're really fine? It doesn't hurt? (0:16:59.63)
Rein Shroud : Just fine. (0:17:02.41)
Rein Shroud : Thanks, both of you. (0:17:03.42)
Rein Shroud : Let's gather up the rune stones
and get back to the Guild.
Kanade : Roger! (0:17:08.32)
Kanade : You rest, Rein. I'll gather them up! (0:17:09.18)
Rein Shroud : I told you, I'm fine! (0:17:12.01)
Rein Shroud : Sorry for the wait. (0:17:22.10)
Rein Shroud : Huh? (0:17:23.32)
Rein Shroud : Where's Tania? (0:17:24.43)
Kanade : She was here a minute ago, but... (0:17:26.31)
Kanade : She seemed a little down... (0:17:28.65)
Kanade : It felt like... she wanted to be alone. (0:17:32.32)
Tania : What was I thinking? (0:17:40.40)
EXTRA : Hey, dragon lady! (0:17:44.29)
EXTRA : Hey, what did you beat today? (0:17:48.62)
Tania : I didn't beat anything today. (0:17:52.24)
EXTRA : Really? (0:17:54.96)
Tania : Yes, really. (0:17:56.73)
EXTRA : Hey, does it hurt anywhere? (0:17:58.16)
EXTRA : If it hurts, you gotta say so. (0:18:02.36)
EXTRA : That's what my mom always tells me! (0:18:05.45)
Tania : I see. (0:18:07.88)
Tania : Your mother is very wise. (0:18:09.20)
EXTRA : Except when she tells me to eat vegetables. (0:18:11.34)
Tania : I do appreciate the concern. (0:18:14.67)
Tania : I'm fine, I promise. (0:18:17.08)
EXTRA : Okay, great! (0:18:18.88)
EXTRA : See ya! (0:18:20.09)
Tania : He was... worried about me, wasn't he? (0:18:23.90)
Tania : But I refused to listen. (0:18:28.15)
Tania : I was so high on my own status
as an ultimate species...
Tania : I let my guard down. (0:18:34.59)
Tania : How can I ever show my
face to you again, Rein?
Rein Shroud : Tania. (0:18:42.26)
Tania : R-Rein? (0:18:45.38)
Rein Shroud : What's the matter? (0:18:47.15)
Tania : Well... er... I... (0:18:48.77)
Tania : I'm so sorry about before! (0:18:52.40)
Tania : Y-You were trying to warn me, (0:18:54.69)
Tania : but I let my guard down, (0:18:57.65)
Tania : and got you hurt in the process... (0:18:59.32)
Tania : I know the Heal spell fixed the problem, (0:19:01.61)
Tania : but if things had gone a bit differently... (0:19:03.72)
Tania : So, please... (0:19:06.92)
Tania : accept my apolo— (0:19:08.54)
Rein Shroud : Is that what this is about? (0:19:10.96)
Tania : Why aren't you angry? (0:19:14.45)
Rein Shroud : Well... you're sorry, aren't you? (0:19:17.03)
Rein Shroud : As long as you're more
careful next time, I'm okay.
Rein Shroud : I'm just glad you're safe. (0:19:21.77)
Rein Shroud : Kanade was worried, you know? (0:19:25.41)
Kanade : Tania! Are you okay? (0:19:28.46)
Tania : I-I'm fine. (0:19:30.57)
Kanade : Okay! I'm so glad! (0:19:32.33)
Rein Shroud : Hey, has that room opened up yet? (0:19:42.07)
EXTRA : I'm afraid not! (0:19:44.08)
Rein Shroud : Just one more room, please... (0:19:46.03)
Rein Shroud : Even a small one, please... (0:19:48.04)
Tania : He didn't scold me for my mistake. (0:19:49.34)
Rein Shroud : Seriously, I want a room! (0:19:51.39)
Tania : He didn't get angry, either. (0:19:52.92)
Tania : He was just happy I'm safe. (0:19:55.60)
Tania : A curious person. (0:20:06.49)
Tania : He lets us use the beds, as well. (0:20:08.52)
Tania : Though it must be hard
to sleep there, I'm sure.
Tania : He's too kind for his own good, but... (0:20:14.06)
Rein Shroud : I'm just glad you're safe. (0:20:17.68)
Tania : Why is it? (0:20:20.19)
Tania : Why can't I stop thinking about Rein? (0:20:21.48)
Tania : I feel this warmth in my heart... (0:20:24.54)
Tania : What's going through my head now?! (0:20:28.72)
Tania : It's almost like I'm...
My feelings for Rein are...
Kanade : Fishy, fishy... (0:20:38.17)
Tania : No, absolutely not! (0:20:40.76)
Tania : It can't be true! (0:20:41.55)
Tania : Th-That's right... (0:20:43.10)
Tania : I'm just rather fond of him.
That's all it is.
Tania : I-I'm not that easy to win over, you know! (0:20:49.40)
Tania : And... don't shake off your covers. (0:20:53.17)
Tania : Good night, Rein. (0:21:03.24)
Kanade : More reward! More food! (0:21:10.74)
Rein Shroud : What song is that? (0:21:12.90)
Kanade : The "successful job" song! (0:21:15.37)
Tania : We've certainly been breezing
through the jobs of late.
Tania : Might it be time to buy new equipment? (0:21:22.11)
Tania : As ultimate species,
we don't need any ourselves,
Tania : but you're still just a human. (0:21:28.54)
Rein Shroud : Maybe I'll have a look around
once we're back in town.
Tania : I approve! (0:21:34.56)
Kanade : What about food? (0:21:36.41)
Rein Shroud : We'll get food first. (0:21:37.74)
Kanade : Hooray! (0:21:39.52)
Kanade : Let's go fast! (0:21:40.65)
Rein Shroud : Of course, of course. (0:21:41.90)
Kanade : Rein? (0:21:45.78)
Arios Orlando : Hey, there. (0:21:52.00)
Arios Orlando : Been a while, Rein. (0:22:00.11)

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Delta Akane

Yes, it is. Probably in the Dub it is Zakuro. His name translates from 茜デルタ which is Akane Delta/Deruta used in the original. - NatsumiSawada


My tracksuit and sneakers are intact, too. - Subaru Natsuki

You bitch... - Subaru Natsuki

N-No way... - Subaru Natsuki

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