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Kiruko : A Man-eater. (0:00:06.28)
Kiruko : Oh no, we better tell everyone! (0:00:08.95)
Kiruko : Captain! (0:00:12.58)
EXTRA : Don't barge in— (0:00:13.49)
Kiruko : A Man-eater's attacking the ship! (0:00:14.24)
Kiruko : We need to go faster! (0:00:16.04)
EXTRA : What'd you say?! (0:00:16.91)
Maru : Sis, it's here! (0:00:19.25)
Kiruko : Eat this! (0:00:24.25)
Maru : Take that! (0:00:29.88)
Kiruko : Seriously? (0:00:37.35)
Kuku : You made sure no one saw you coming, right? (0:02:18.70)
Tokio : Yup. (0:02:21.75)
Kuku : Then, let's go! (0:02:22.71)
Kuku : To see the babies! (0:02:24.75)
Kuku : Here we are! (0:02:36.22)
Tokio : But where? (0:02:38.22)
Kuku : Follow me! (0:02:39.81)
Tokio : Huh? (0:02:40.72)
Kuku : We're going in through here! (0:02:50.02)
Tokio : How am I supposed to do that?! (0:03:02.33)
EXTRA : Hey, did you hear a weird noise? (0:03:15.22)
EXTRA : Um, I think so. (0:03:17.26)
Taka : 'Kay, watch this! (0:03:19.14)
EXTRA : Quit it, you'll get hurt! (0:03:19.60)
EXTRA : Unusual activity detected. (0:03:25.44)
EXTRA : Taka's always full of energy. (0:03:27.48)
EXTRA : Close contact of more than
ten seconds, confirmed.
EXTRA : Nanaki and Iwa, again? (0:03:35.95)
EXTRA : What emotions possessed them
to kiss each other like that?
EXTRA : It's quite strange. (0:03:41.08)
EXTRA : We've never taught them that behavior. (0:03:42.99)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:03:46.33)
EXTRA : Possible deterioration in health detected. (0:03:46.96)
EXTRA : Medical team, confirm
Tarao's condition immediately.
EXTRA : The nurse is currently with him. (0:03:53.25)
EXTRA : We're on our way. (0:03:55.05)
Tokio : Alright, stick to the wall... (0:03:56.59)
Tokio : Okay. (0:03:59.64)
Tokio : Now, go up. (0:04:00.76)
Kuku : What a great idea, Tokio! (0:04:03.31)
Tokio : Taka was the one who came up with it. (0:04:05.56)
Kuku : I got you, Tokio! (0:04:12.94)
EXTRA : Let's look for it! (0:04:20.11)
EXTRA : Okay, then... (0:04:21.99)
Kuku : Tokio! (0:04:24.79)
Kuku : Hurry up. (0:04:26.75)
Tokio : Right. (0:04:28.04)
Tokio : Aren't I going beyond outside right now? (0:04:31.29)
EXTRA : We're dead if it gets inside! (0:04:42.72)
EXTRA : Miss, can't you shoot it away again? (0:04:45.22)
EXTRA : Then we can use that opening to go
and close all the doors!
Kiruko : I can't. (0:04:51.27)
Kiruko : I'm all out of charges. (0:04:52.77)
EXTRA : Don't know if the ship's bent or rusted, (0:04:54.65)
EXTRA : but there's some doors
that just won't budge.
EXTRA : Then the only thing we can do
is barricade ourselves in here.
EXTRA : How long 'til we reach the shore? (0:05:03.49)
EXTRA : If we hurry, about half an hour. (0:05:05.58)
Kiruko : Will it hold? (0:05:08.12)
Kiruko : Probably not. (0:05:13.54)
Maru : Sis. (0:05:17.05)
Kiruko : From what I can tell about that fish... (0:05:18.38)
Kiruko : It's got countless hands to cling to walls, (0:05:21.59)
Kiruko : and it covers its body with a bubble
to act as lubricant and move on land.
Kiruko : It relies on that same bubble
for attack and movement.
Kiruko : Where do you think
is the best place to fight it?
Maru : Somewhere it can't refill
on water, so on land?
Kiruko : Better if it's someplace
with lots of twists,
Kiruko : since it attacks and moves
only in straight lines.
Kiruko : We'll fight it inside the ship. (0:05:45.12)
Maru : Inside? (0:05:46.41)
Kiruko : Hey! (0:05:48.33)
Kiruko : There's a door downstairs, right? (0:05:49.37)
Kiruko : Lemme see the key. (0:05:51.41)
EXTRA : What? (0:05:53.08)
EXTRA : Why should we? (0:05:54.08)
Kiruko : If you don't wanna die, then gimme that key! (0:05:55.04)
EXTRA : It ain't locked! (0:05:56.92)
EXTRA : Ain't never been locked. (0:05:59.63)
EXTRA : You heard him. (0:06:02.26)
Kiruko : Alright. (0:06:05.09)
Maru : Sis, wait! (0:06:07.85)
Maru : How are we gonna fight it
without the Kiru-Beam?
Kiruko : We've got the Maru-Touch. (0:06:12.14)
Maru : And that's? (0:06:16.11)
Kiruko : You touch it and kill it. (0:06:18.23)
Maru : Wha? (0:06:19.82)
Maru : Wait, you call that a plan?! (0:06:23.28)
Kiruko : Hey! (0:06:30.62)
Kiruko : Over here! (0:06:31.62)
Kiruko : Come and get me! (0:06:33.04)
Kiruko : It's... (0:06:40.00)
Kiruko : It's coming! (0:06:41.96)
Maru : Scary! (0:06:44.76)
Maru : Damn, the boxes! (0:06:49.47)
Kiruko : Hurry and climb over! (0:06:51.22)
Kiruko : Way to waste a shot, stupid! (0:07:06.32)
Maru : Sis, it's open! (0:07:09.99)
Kiruko : If you don't do both sides,
the fish can't get in!
Maru : But it'll follow us! (0:07:16.54)
Kiruko : That's what I'm betting on! (0:07:17.71)
Maru : Huh?! (0:07:19.46)
Maru : It's all boxes here, too. (0:07:22.63)
Kiruko : Just get over there! (0:07:23.80)
Maru : Dammit, how am I gonna come up
with a way to fight that thing?
Maru : I found the door! (0:07:38.40)
Maru : Just hold on a sec! (0:07:40.94)
Maru : Open, dammit! (0:07:42.78)
Maru : It's no good! (0:07:44.19)
Kiruko : Maru, you don't need to do that. (0:07:52.62)
Maru : Sis, it's not budging at all! (0:07:55.91)
Kiruko : I said it's okay. (0:07:58.67)
Maru : Why? (0:08:00.54)
Maru : What's happening to it? (0:08:07.59)
Kiruko : The ship's goal is to transport
crazy amounts of marijuana.
Kiruko : But all we saw upstairs
were just vegetables.
Kiruko : I knew there'd be boxes of marijuana
on the other side of this locked room.
Kiruko : With all the cardboard
and dried-up weed sucking the moisture...
Kiruko : This guy's just a fish out of water. (0:08:29.95)
Kiruko : We win. (0:08:37.87)
Kiruko : Think it's fine now. (0:08:43.75)
Kiruko : Finish it for me. (0:08:45.63)
Maru : Can't believe we beat it
without the Kiru-Beam.
Kiruko : You can't just look at
the opponent in situations like this.
Kiruko : Stay calm and take in your surroundings. (0:08:53.55)
Kiruko : That's how you get the upper hand
and win every time.
Kiruko : I've survived that way 'til now. (0:09:00.31)
Maru : Still, it's terrible. (0:09:04.48)
Maru : Kiru-Beam's one thing. (0:09:07.44)
Maru : But Maru-Touch is just awful. (0:09:09.78)
Kiruko : What do you mean? (0:09:12.03)
Maru : You've got a stupid way of naming things! (0:09:13.20)
Tokio : It's pitch black now. (0:09:18.95)
Kuku : We're almost there. (0:09:21.42)
Kuku : See? (0:09:22.83)
Kuku : It's okay, no one's around. (0:09:27.80)
Tokio : So there's people sometimes? (0:09:29.80)
Kuku : Just the Director. (0:09:31.84)
Kuku : And other adults I don't know. (0:09:33.93)
Tokio : Is this outside the school,
or are we inside?
Kuku : Look! (0:09:46.94)
Kuku : Real babies. (0:09:48.73)
Tokio : Those are... (0:09:57.79)
Tokio : babies? (0:09:59.95)
EXTRA : Intruder detected. (0:10:25.77)
EXTRA : Intruder detected. (0:10:28.36)
Kuku : Tokio! (0:10:29.61)
EXTRA : The sanctum. The sanctum. (0:10:30.28)
EXTRA : Intruder detected. Intruder detected. (0:10:41.95)
EXTRA : The sanctum. (0:10:45.79)
EXTRA : What was that alert? (0:10:47.92)
EXTRA : It's my first time hearing it,
so I'm not sure.
EXTRA : It said an intruder! (0:10:52.21)
EXTRA : Let's check inside. (0:10:53.51)
EXTRA : What're you all doing here? (0:11:13.44)
EXTRA : There was an intruder alert in the sanctum! (0:11:16.28)
EXTRA : I'm aware of it, as well. (0:11:19.37)
EXTRA : We'll confirm it right now. (0:11:21.95)
EXTRA : Monitor Room. (0:11:24.20)
EXTRA : We're looking into it, but... (0:11:25.54)
EXTRA : There's no sign of any intruder. (0:11:27.58)
EXTRA : We'll continue our search,
but it's most likely a malfunction.
Tokio : They didn't find us? (0:11:36.93)
Kuku : Tokio! (0:11:39.09)
Kuku : Come on! (0:11:40.43)
Kuku : We need to hurry. (0:11:53.69)
Kuku : Tokio! (0:11:57.86)
EXTRA : To-ki-o. (0:12:07.16)
EXTRA : To-ki-o. (0:12:08.46)
EXTRA : To-ki-o. (0:12:10.08)
EXTRA : Okay, Mina. (0:12:14.34)
EXTRA : Yes? (0:12:17.84)
EXTRA : Do you know anything about that alert? (0:12:19.18)
EXTRA : This place is like
a part of your body, is it not?
EXTRA : If a human had a health inspection, (0:12:26.06)
EXTRA : and received a report
for "further examination required",
EXTRA : would that human be able to identify
the body part in question,
EXTRA : as well as the problem? (0:12:36.82)
EXTRA : I surrender, Mina. (0:12:38.95)
EXTRA : You win. (0:12:40.57)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:12:49.42)
EXTRA : Hold up, you two! (0:12:50.25)
EXTRA : Yeah, dumbasses! (0:12:52.38)
EXTRA : You think you can walk away
after messing up all our cargo, huh?!
EXTRA : If you hadn't been there,
the whole ship would've been lost.
EXTRA : You saved our lives, so thank you! (0:13:05.51)
EXTRA : This is payment
for the monster extermination.
Kiruko : Well, we did what we had to do, that's all. (0:13:11.65)
Kiruko : It wouldn't sit right with me if we took it. (0:13:14.82)
Kiruko : But if we could ask you something... (0:13:16.86)
Kiruko : Tell us about this area instead. (0:13:19.49)
EXTRA : Sure, I guess. (0:13:21.36)
EXTRA : If you keep walking down this big road, (0:13:26.33)
EXTRA : you'll see a kind of town. (0:13:29.08)
Kiruko : You don't say? (0:13:31.75)
Kiruko : Oh, yeah. (0:13:33.04)
Kiruko : Do you know anything about this mark? (0:13:34.38)
EXTRA : Brands with bird designs
have been around for ages,
EXTRA : so they all look the same to me. (0:13:43.39)
Kiruko : Alright. (0:13:46.10)
EXTRA : That mark! (0:13:46.97)
Kiruko : Wait, you know it? (0:13:48.14)
EXTRA : It's... (0:13:49.85)
EXTRA : It's from Mitsuba. (0:13:52.56)
Kiruko : Mitsuba? (0:13:54.19)
EXTRA : Yeah, that's definitely it. (0:13:55.06)
EXTRA : You'll find the ruins of it
along the road I told you about.
Kiruko : Thanks! (0:14:02.24)
EXTRA : Hey, kids. (0:14:04.32)
EXTRA : Wanna work as our bodyguards? (0:14:05.87)
Kiruko : We're busy right now, but maybe next time! (0:14:08.16)
EXTRA : They turned down my bro's great offer. (0:14:12.62)
EXTRA : A bunch of ungrateful brats! (0:14:14.83)
EXTRA : They've got the skills and the character. (0:14:16.67)
EXTRA : I'd like to meet them again
if given the chance.
EXTRA : They're really nice kids! (0:14:21.59)
Kiruko : Geez, that thug... (0:14:32.89)
Kiruko : Getting my hopes up. (0:14:36.19)
Kiruko : And there's nothing. (0:14:39.32)
Maru : Sis! (0:14:41.15)
Kiruko : Huh? (0:14:42.69)
Maru : I found something we could eat! (0:14:43.70)
Kiruko : Oho, not bad! (0:14:45.66)
Kiruko : Where was it? (0:14:48.03)
Maru : It was in a backpack under some shelves. (0:14:49.41)
Maru : I also found an umbrella,
so wanna find the town?
Kiruko : Nah, there's still time until sunrise. (0:14:55.54)
Kiruko : Let's rest here. (0:14:58.96)
Kiruko : Youkan? (0:15:01.67)
Kiruko : Is this even edible? (0:15:03.76)
Kiruko : It's sweet! (0:15:10.10)
Maru : So then, "you-can" eat it! (0:15:11.85)
Maru : This is super good! (0:15:23.19)
Maru : Hot! (0:15:25.24)
Kiruko : We can make more if you want. (0:15:26.86)
Maru : Let's give it a name. (0:15:29.28)
Kiruko : Since it's made with youkan and bread, (0:15:32.16)
Kiruko : "Bread-Kan Soup"? (0:15:35.33)
Maru : Right, the way you name things is the worst. (0:15:36.50)
Kiruko : Hey! (0:15:39.88)
Kiruko : I don't wanna hear that
after making that bad pun!
Maru : Whatever it's called, it's real yummy! (0:15:44.09)
Maru : How many more times can we make it? (0:15:46.30)
Kiruko : Just once. (0:15:47.72)
Maru : Really... (0:15:48.84)
Maru : But that was unexpected. (0:15:55.73)
Kiruko : What, the rain? (0:15:57.94)
Kiruko : Came out of nowhere. (0:15:59.77)
Maru : Not that. (0:16:00.81)
Maru : I mean Mitsuba. (0:16:03.82)
Kiruko : You're right. (0:16:06.53)
Kiruko : What did he mean, "definitely it"? (0:16:08.28)
Kiruko : It doesn't look like it at all. (0:16:11.24)
Kiruko : That stupid thug. (0:16:13.20)
Shiro : It's missing. (0:16:27.84)
Shiro : It should be here between these two dates! (0:16:29.18)
Shiro : Even my memories of it are getting hazy... (0:16:34.10)
Shiro : If I knew this was gonna happen,
I should've burned it into the back of my eyelids.
EXTRA : Okay! (0:16:46.94)
Shiro : Mimihime. (0:16:48.20)
EXTRA : The only one who can play it is Taka. (0:16:50.32)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:16:51.62)
EXTRA : Just try it. (0:16:53.08)
EXTRA : I'm going to the pool. (0:16:53.95)
Mimihime : A picture? (0:16:55.99)
Mimihime : I don't remember sending you
any messages recently.
Mimihime : I'd talk to you directly
if I needed something.
Shiro : You have a point. (0:17:03.71)
Mimihime : What picture was it? (0:17:05.00)
Shiro : No, that's... uh, not important. (0:17:05.96)
Shiro : Actually... (0:17:08.92)
Shiro : You might think I'm weird for saying this. (0:17:11.64)
Shiro : Every time I look at you, Mimihime... (0:17:17.02)
Shiro : I get these wild urges. (0:17:20.85)
Mimihime : What do you mean? (0:17:24.11)
Mimihime : Can you be more specific? (0:17:25.48)
Shiro : Specifics, huh... (0:17:28.44)
Shiro : Like... (0:17:31.32)
Shiro : I wanna keep you in my room. (0:17:34.62)
Mimihime : I don't mind if it's for a short while. (0:17:37.58)
Mimihime : And, what else? (0:17:40.04)
Shiro : I-I wanna take off your clothes
and touch you...
Shiro : To touch you... (0:17:48.17)
Shiro : and lick... (0:17:49.84)
Shiro : and lick you. (0:17:51.76)
Mimihime : You mean you wanna eat me? (0:17:55.10)
Shiro : No! (0:17:56.72)
Shiro : It's different from eating. (0:17:58.72)
Shiro : You'll disappear if I do that. (0:18:00.64)
Mimihime : Then, do you wanna cut me up
and stab me with needles?
Shiro : No way! (0:18:04.77)
Tokio : Hurry and get better, Tarao. (0:18:30.42)
Tokio : Let's play together again. (0:18:33.76)
EXTRA : Tokio... (0:18:35.93)
EXTRA : It's okay... (0:18:40.43)
EXTRA : It's not infectious... (0:18:41.68)
Tokio : I didn't mean it like that! (0:18:44.39)
Tokio : Sorry. (0:18:47.73)
EXTRA : Tokio... (0:18:50.94)
EXTRA : Tokio! (0:19:01.12)
Kona : Tokio! (0:19:17.84)
Kona : What's wrong? (0:19:20.51)
Tokio : Kona... (0:19:22.22)
Kona : Have you calmed down? (0:19:29.11)
Tokio : Yeah. (0:19:30.86)
Tokio : Lately, everyone's acting weird. (0:19:33.69)
Tokio : And I'm... scared. (0:19:39.62)
Kona : There's nothing to be afraid of. (0:19:45.58)
Kona : It's natural to fall in love with someone. (0:19:49.38)
Kona : One day, you'll also want to touch them
and be touched by them as well.
Kona : You don't need to feel confused. (0:20:00.80)
Tokio : Then... (0:20:07.39)
Tokio : If that's the case... (0:20:09.81)
Tokio : I'd like it to be you, Kona. (0:20:15.49)
Kona : I'd like that too, Tokio. (0:20:25.87)
Tokio : Okay. (0:20:30.79)
Tokio : Sure. (0:20:35.09)
EXTRA : Tokio. (0:20:50.81)
EXTRA : This announcement is made only to your room. (0:20:53.15)
EXTRA : Tarao's condition has suddenly changed. (0:20:57.90)
EXTRA : He wants to speak with you. (0:21:01.16)
EXTRA : Come to the treatment room
as soon as possible.
Tokio : Tarao! (0:21:08.75)
EXTRA : Let me be... alone with Tokio... (0:21:11.46)
Tokio : Are you okay? (0:21:14.46)
Tokio : Hang in there, Tarao! (0:21:15.88)
EXTRA : We'll be outside. (0:21:18.67)
EXTRA : Call us if anything happens. (0:21:20.22)
Tokio : Tarao! (0:21:24.93)
Tokio : O-Oh, sorry. (0:21:26.93)
EXTRA : It's okay. (0:21:28.64)
EXTRA : I want you... to hold my hand... (0:21:30.39)
EXTRA : I'm sorry about earlier... (0:21:37.11)
EXTRA : I didn't think about your feelings. (0:21:39.19)
Tokio : Forget about that! (0:21:42.03)
EXTRA : I won't be... getting better... (0:21:47.58)
Tokio : Don't say that! (0:21:50.08)
EXTRA : Listen to me, Tokio... (0:21:53.88)
EXTRA : You need to... (0:21:57.59)
EXTRA : run away. (0:22:00.51)
EXTRA : This place is... (0:22:04.30)
EXTRA : dangerous. (0:22:07.39)

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