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Arc : Hi there, it's me, Arc. (0:00:00.62)
Arc : After infiltrating the base of some
elf hunters in the village of Diento,
Arc : along with Lady Ariane and Danka, (0:00:10.56)
Arc : I happened upon some information from a
furry-eared ninja about other kidnapped elves.
Arc : A furry-eared ninja! Here we go! (0:00:20.78)
Arc : After saving the captive
elves in the hideout,
Arc : two of us headed to free the elves
being held at the lord of Diento's palace.
Arc : Lady Ariane and I ended up
having to tackle this task alone.
Sena : If you're going to do it,
then get it over with,
Sena : you flea-dicked bastard! (0:02:19.62)
Tryton Du Diento : You always have the most unique reactions. (0:02:23.25)
Tryton Du Diento : And those eyes that look at me like I'm trash... (0:02:26.56)
Tryton Du Diento : They give me the chills! (0:02:29.95)
Tryton Du Diento : Udolan, my boy... (0:02:36.28)
Tryton Du Diento : You accompanied the elf hunters
without permission and failed...
Tryton Du Diento : And then you had the nerve
to come back alone?
Tryton Du Diento : Don't you know how to handle
these elves, you stupid little boy?
Tryton Du Diento : Pay attention, and I'll show you. (0:02:52.65)
Sena : No! (0:02:56.52)
Tryton Du Diento : This is how you handle an elf. (0:03:02.06)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc, let's make our way inside
from this bell tower.
Ariane Glenys Maple : The lord's chambers are bound
to be higher in the palace.
Arc : How can you be sure? (0:03:20.00)
Ariane Glenys Maple : There's an old saying. (0:03:22.75)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Idiots and smoke like high places. (0:03:24.92)
Arc : I'm convinced. Let us move quickly, then. (0:03:27.93)
EXTRA : Where did you come from?! (0:03:33.63)
Arc : Whoa there! (0:03:35.41)
EXTRA : Come along quietly! (0:03:36.43)
EXTRA : Do you realize where you are?! (0:03:38.01)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We've already been discovered! (0:03:40.92)
Arc : Wyvern Slash! (0:03:45.28)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So much for sneaking in! (0:03:52.76)
EXTRA : Did you see them?! (0:04:00.93)
EXTRA : No, no sign this way. (0:04:01.72)
EXTRA : Where could they have gone?! (0:04:04.21)
EXTRA : Split up and find them! (0:04:05.96)
Ariane Glenys Maple : They're gone. (0:04:11.52)
Arc : We managed to weather the trouble
despite the commotion.
Ariane Glenys Maple : There's not much else
we can do. Let's hurry.
Tryton Du Diento : Now what...? (0:04:26.93)
Celsika Dourman : Master Tryton! Master Tryton! (0:04:28.12)
Tryton Du Diento : What are you shouting about? (0:04:31.56)
Celsika Dourman : I-Intruders! (0:04:33.83)
Celsika Dourman : Intruders have breached the palace! (0:04:35.55)
Tryton Du Diento : And? (0:04:37.17)
Tryton Du Diento : Why haven't you lot dealt with it already? (0:04:38.68)
Celsika Dourman : B-But sir, they're monsters! (0:04:42.24)
Tryton Du Diento : What now?! (0:04:48.08)
Tryton Du Diento : Wh-Who are you two? (0:04:50.54)
Arc : Good evening. I'm Arc. (0:04:54.88)
Arc : Hope you don't mind us dropping in so late. (0:04:57.11)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We're here to save you. (0:04:59.35)
Udolan : It's them! (0:05:01.96)
Sena : Miss Ariane! (0:05:04.98)
Udolan : Why?! How are they here?! (0:05:06.80)
Tryton Du Diento : Rude filth! (0:05:11.60)
Tryton Du Diento : Who in the bloody hell do you think— (0:05:13.02)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You two can rest easy now. (0:05:21.16)
Sena : Th-Thank you... (0:05:23.16)
Una : You really did come! (0:05:25.16)
Arc : You're not going anywhere. (0:05:35.56)
Arc : A hidden room? (0:05:43.88)
Arc : Well, what do we have here? (0:05:45.97)
Arc : Lady Ariane! (0:05:49.16)
Arc : Come look at— (0:05:50.28)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Rotten! Bastard! (0:05:51.60)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You need something? (0:05:54.14)
Arc : Uh, no. Don't mind me. (0:05:55.16)
Tryton Du Diento : You wretches! (0:05:58.12)
Tryton Du Diento : Don't think you'll get away with this! (0:05:59.40)
Tryton Du Diento : I'm a Rhoden Kingdom marquis! (0:06:02.70)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Stop talking. (0:06:05.51)
Arc : Lady Ariane, isn't that
taking things a bit... far?
Ariane Glenys Maple : They broke the treaty first. (0:06:12.72)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I hardly see a problem
in exacting a price for that.
Ariane Glenys Maple : You can do what you want with him. (0:06:26.14)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Get satisfaction. (0:06:28.82)
EXTRA : Lord Tryton! Are you all right?! (0:06:41.61)
EXTRA : Capture the intruders! (0:06:43.56)
Arc : Lady Ariane, keep them occupied! (0:06:45.48)
Arc : I have matters to attend
to in this hidden room!
EXTRA : Resist and you'll get no mercy! (0:06:52.85)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Fire, I implore you.
Light this sword ablaze!
Sena : Miss Ariane! (0:07:09.95)
Ariane Glenys Maple : The two of you need to escape
and meet up with Danka.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Head for Lalatoya. (0:07:15.00)
Sena : Right! (0:07:16.61)
Arc : This is quite the haul! (0:07:21.85)
Arc : "Arc got a gold bar!" (0:07:23.62)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc. (0:07:26.14)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'm finished on this end. (0:07:27.76)
Ariane Glenys Maple : What are you doing? (0:07:30.20)
Arc : Lady Ariane... (0:07:32.72)
Arc : You'd be surprised how much of it
is necessary to rebuild an organization.
Arc : "Money", that is. (0:07:38.65)
Ariane Glenys Maple : What are you talking about? (0:07:40.49)
Arc : Think for a moment. (0:07:42.50)
Arc : Suppose they tried to re-establish
their abduction syndicate,
Arc : but we'd deprived them of their funds? (0:07:51.41)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Without the money... (0:07:55.67)
Ariane Glenys Maple : they wouldn't be able to
do anything anytime soon.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Well done, Arc. (0:08:01.29)
Arc : Yes! She bought it! (0:08:03.58)
Arc : Lady Ariane, these explosions... (0:08:10.28)
Arc : Did you set a fire? (0:08:12.99)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It wasn't me. (0:08:14.86)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We're the only ones who came to the castle, (0:08:16.83)
Ariane Glenys Maple : and Danka should be
escorting the other elves...
Arc : Well, we should make
ourselves scarce either way.
Arc : If it wasn't Lady Ariane, then these
explosions must've been caused by...
Arc : the furry-eared ninja, perhaps. (0:08:44.44)
Arc : And thus, I assume
I've fulfilled my contract.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. And I'm truly grateful. (0:08:52.80)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Is this a sufficient reward? (0:08:58.08)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Although it's not much compared
to the hidden stores you made off with...
Arc : Many thanks. (0:09:08.72)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Tell me, Arc. (0:09:10.61)
Ariane Glenys Maple : What are you going to do now? (0:09:11.97)
Arc : I didn't have anything
in particular in mind.
Ariane Glenys Maple : In that case... (0:09:17.46)
Ariane Glenys Maple : would you like to visit
the elf lands with me?
Arc : The elf lands? (0:09:21.99)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It's not just this place. (0:09:24.52)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Many of my kin are still being held captive. (0:09:25.88)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'd like it if you continued helping me. (0:09:28.67)
Arc : The land of elves! (0:09:34.84)
Arc : Now that sounds fantasy as hell! (0:09:36.48)
Arc : I wanna go! I wanna go right now! (0:09:38.91)
Arc : But... (0:09:44.10)
Arc : would they be willing
to welcome an outsider like myself?
Ariane Glenys Maple : We'll need to meet with the elder
and get his permission...
Arc : I figured we'd have to meet with the brass. (0:09:53.79)
Arc : And we must meet this elder, no matter what? (0:09:58.04)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Are you worried?
to prove that I trust you,
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'll introduce you to one of the elders...
To the person that I trust the most.
Arc : Lady Ariane... (0:10:13.88)
Arc : I can never remove my armor. (0:10:16.48)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You'd have to at least show your face
when meeting the elder.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Is there a reason? (0:10:29.85)
Arc : There's a chance that you may (0:10:32.32)
Arc : turn your sword against me
the moment I remove this helmet.
Ariane Glenys Maple : And if I swear not to,
will you show me your face?
Arc : At first, I just wanted to help out
this earnest-looking elf girl, but...
Arc : Traveling with her? (0:10:57.02)
Arc : Very well. (0:11:00.59)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc... (0:11:07.58)
Ariane Glenys Maple : What... happened to you? (0:11:08.72)
Arc : I'm not sure myself. (0:11:16.54)
Arc : I simply found myself in these lands, (0:11:18.84)
Arc : with nothing but my altered appearance. (0:11:21.68)
Arc : I imagine it must be some kind of curse. (0:11:24.96)
Arc : Even if I told her (0:11:27.57)
Arc : "I woke up in another world looking
like my video game character"
Arc : I doubt she'd understand. (0:11:32.55)
Ariane Glenys Maple : If you were truly undead,
you'd have the corruption of death...
Ariane Glenys Maple : And you wouldn't be able to use healing spells
or the power of light to dispel curses.
Ariane Glenys Maple : And there's no way a spirit creature
would be this attached to you.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc, you've lent me your strength
to save my comrades.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Which is why... (0:12:01.16)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Your secret will be safe among the elves. (0:12:02.29)
Ariane Glenys Maple : If your appearance
is the result of some curse,
Ariane Glenys Maple : the elder may have the knowledge to help. (0:12:11.99)
Arc : That would be wonderful. (0:12:16.59)
Arc : There's nothing I want more than
to be rid of the curse that affects me.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Then it's decided. (0:12:25.78)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Let me make this official. (0:12:32.03)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I am Ariane Glenys Maple, (0:12:34.32)
Ariane Glenys Maple : a warrior from Maple
in the Great Canada Forest.
Arc : I am Arc. (0:12:41.79)
Arc : I travel to break the curse upon me. (0:12:43.97)
Arc : I'll be at your disposal. (0:12:51.43)
Arc : I never thought I'd end up on a journey to (0:12:56.25)
Arc : break the curse that I made up
as part of my character's background...
Arc : It's still late at night,
with only the moon to show the way...
Arc : But the path set out for me is clear. (0:13:13.04)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Regarding the matter of Marquis Diento... (0:13:31.90)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Do we know who was responsible? (0:13:34.49)
Sekt : No, Father. Not yet. (0:13:37.46)
Sekt : There are rumors that the elves
are responsible, however.
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : What makes you deem this
hearsay worth mentioning, Sekt?
Sekt : "Marquis Diento was
in violation of the treaty,
Sekt : capturing elves and selling them
to the eastern empire."
Sekt : Given this previous rumor, it makes sense. (0:14:02.54)
Yuriarna : The marquis? It can't be... (0:14:05.15)
Dakares : Those sound like baseless rumors to me. (0:14:08.27)
Dakares : Or do you have any proof, Brother Sekt? (0:14:10.74)
Sekt : What's this? (0:14:13.96)
Sekt : Are you standing up
for Marquis Diento, Dakares?
Dakares : I am telling you not to impugn the nobility
of this kingdom with mere rumors!
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Calm yourselves. (0:14:25.32)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Dakares is correct. (0:14:29.40)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Do not condemn the marquis
without sufficient cause.
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : But the fact is, these rumors
do bear further investigation.
Dakares : Sire. (0:14:40.62)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : We should inquire into what's
happened in Diento immediately.
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : What is your take on this matter, Yuriarna? (0:14:49.20)
Yuriarna : I had heard these rumors as well. (0:14:53.47)
Yuriarna : And if they are true, (0:14:56.33)
Yuriarna : it would not only mean breaking
our treaty with the elves,
Yuriarna : but it could raise tensions between
our kingdom and the other nations.
Yuriarna : We should ascertain the truth quickly (0:15:06.64)
Yuriarna : and arrange to speak with the elves. (0:15:09.23)
Yuriarna : If the elves were to seek retribution
by halting their arrangements with Limbult...
Sekt : We would be held responsible
by the other countries.
Yuriarna : Yes. (0:15:25.42)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : The magical equipment would be bad enough, (0:15:29.04)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : but if they were to withhold the rune
stones needed for crop cultivation...
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : We'd be courting uprisings
from our own nobility as well.
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Yuriarna, (0:15:41.05)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : head to Limbult and make arrangements
so that we might speak with the elves.
Yuriarna : As you wish, Father. (0:15:48.51)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : That will be all for today. (0:15:53.16)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : Good grief. (0:16:09.79)
King Karlon Delfriet Rhoden Olav : This has become quite a mess... (0:16:11.89)
Arc : Such dense woods. (0:16:21.59)
Arc : We hardly seem to be making any headway. (0:16:23.32)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. But once we're through here... (0:16:25.12)
Arc : There we go! (0:16:29.72)
Arc : There's better visibility up ahead. (0:16:31.08)
Arc : Which means... (0:16:33.20)
Arc : Lady Ariane, (0:16:34.68)
Arc : I will move forward and scout ahead a bit. (0:16:36.16)
Arc : Dimension Move! (0:16:40.54)
Arc : Ow, ow, ow... (0:16:47.40)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It wasn't a bright idea to use that kind of magic
when your line of sight is limited.
Arc : T-True. (0:16:56.40)
Arc : But it did pay off. (0:16:57.78)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Thank you. Head back to Danka. (0:17:24.84)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Danka and the girls we rescued
are safely on their way to Lalatoya.
Arc : That's good to hear. (0:17:39.56)
Arc : Lady Ariane. (0:17:48.59)
Arc : Are we still a ways from Lalatoya? (0:17:50.84)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It's not that far. (0:17:54.77)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Another two nights and we should be there. (0:17:56.64)
Arc : Well, we covered a great distance today. (0:18:02.44)
Arc : One fish must not have been enough. (0:18:04.61)
Ariane Glenys Maple : N-Now that you mention it, yes. (0:18:06.83)
Ariane Glenys Maple : But I'll be fine. (0:18:08.98)
Arc : Let's see if I can't hunt
down a bull boar or two...
Ariane Glenys Maple : Th-Thank you. (0:18:17.12)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I shouldn't wake her. (0:18:44.72)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Just... stay quiet. (0:18:46.76)
Arc : This should make a nice meal. (0:19:01.73)
Arc : Lady Ariane, I'm back— (0:19:04.80)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Oh, Ponta! (0:19:07.12)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Who's a good girl?! Who's a good girl?! (0:19:08.77)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So fuzzy! (0:19:15.01)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You smell wonderful! (0:19:20.05)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So adorable! (0:19:22.44)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Oh, Arc. That was fast. (0:19:36.96)
Ariane Glenys Maple : My, that's a big bull boar. (0:19:41.98)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I suppose we should start cleaning it. (0:19:44.15)
Arc : Ponta, I'll be partaking
of your fuzziness later as well.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Stop! Stop, stop, stop! (0:19:54.13)
Ferna : Princess, your tea is ready. (0:20:13.20)
Yuriarna : Thank you, Ferna. (0:20:16.89)
Yuriarna : Such a lovely aroma... (0:20:27.63)
Ferna : Princess Yuriarna? (0:20:33.03)
Ferna : Is something bothering you? (0:20:35.44)
Yuriarna : Well... (0:20:38.08)
Yuriarna : I'm certain that Brother Dakares
is involved in the elf trade.
Yuriarna : And Brother Sekt won't stay
quiet about it for long.
Ferna : True. (0:20:50.08)
Ferna : Once Prince Dakares is cast down, (0:20:51.17)
Ferna : the throne will eventually
be yours or Prince Sekt's.
Yuriarna : Ferna! (0:20:58.60)
Ferna : Princess? (0:21:00.04)
Yuriarna : You shouldn't speak so carelessly. (0:21:03.18)
Yuriarna : Right now, we must focus
on the matter at hand.
Ferna : The diplomatic mission to Limbult? (0:21:11.83)
Yuriarna : Precisely. (0:21:14.84)
Yuriarna : The Grand Duchy of Limbult is the only domain
that has trade relations with the elves...
Yuriarna : We must arrange
for a meeting with the elves
Yuriarna : and prevent any potential
conflict from escalating.
Ferna : Right. (0:21:30.14)
Ferna : Still, it will be wonderful (0:21:32.73)
Ferna : to see your sister who married
into the Limbult family after so long.
Yuriarna : Yes... (0:21:40.24)
Yuriarna : I wonder if Sister Seriarna is doing well? (0:21:41.30)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We've nearly arrived. (0:21:48.66)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Once we pass through here... (0:21:50.43)
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is the elf settlement of Lalatoya. (0:21:58.28)

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