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WISE Agent : Today is the day. (0:00:01.79)
WISE Office Chief : Hm? For what? (0:00:02.97)
WISE Agent : You have to ask? (0:00:04.75)
WISE Agent : It's the day Eden College announces
the admissions results.
WISE Agent : The results should be posted
at 1200 hours today.
Loid Forger : This is more nerve-racking
than I thought it'd be.
Yor Forger : My bracelet just broke.
Why did it have to happen today?
Loid Forger : Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence. (0:00:19.61)
Yor Forger : L-Loid, look. (0:00:22.20)
Loid Forger : Oh, come on, Yor. Black cats being
unlucky is just a superstition.
Yor Forger : Y-You're right. (0:00:31.32)
Anya Forger : Papa... (0:00:33.16)
Loid Forger : What's the matter? (0:00:34.39)
Anya Forger : I just stepped in poop. (0:00:35.51)
WISE Office Chief : Admissions results for Eden College? (0:00:40.31)
WISE Office Chief : Ah, the thing we've got Agent Twilight doing. (0:00:42.67)
WISE Agent : Chief, peace between the East
and West hangs on Operation Strix.
WISE Agent : Please take this more seriously. (0:00:51.79)
WISE Office Chief : You don't know Twilight very well, do you? (0:00:53.93)
WISE Agent : C-Correct, sir. (0:00:57.08)
WISE Office Chief : He might just be the best spy in all
of Westalis, so don't worry so much.
WISE Office Chief : He'll be telling us that "the sakura
blossoms bloom" soon enough.
WISE Agent : What does that mean, sir? (0:01:08.05)
WISE Office Chief : It's a code phrase from the Far East. (0:01:09.66)
WISE Office Chief : It means they passed. (0:01:12.19)
Loid Forger : It's not there. (0:01:15.88)
Yor Forger : We failed... (0:02:52.62)
Loid Forger : We failed... (0:02:55.43)
Anya Forger : We failed. (0:02:56.97)
Loid Forger : L-Let's head home. (0:02:59.78)
Yor Forger : I-I'll make us some tea. (0:03:01.75)
Anya Forger : I'm sorry... It's all because I stepped in poop. (0:03:03.94)
Henry Henderson : A moment, Forgers. (0:03:07.87)
Loid Forger : Master Henderson... (0:03:12.18)
Loid Forger : What is this? (0:03:16.48)
Henry Henderson : Look at the very top. (0:03:17.54)
Loid Forger : Anya Forger... (0:03:19.99)
Henry Henderson : That is the waiting list of successful
applicants, though rather confidential.
Loid Forger : A waiting list? (0:03:27.02)
Henry Henderson : Correct. Once her overall scores were tallied, (0:03:28.71)
Henry Henderson : Anya Forger placed first on that waiting list. (0:03:31.93)
Henry Henderson : If any of the current successful
applicants were to withdraw,
Henry Henderson : she'll immediately get into the school. (0:03:39.52)
Loid Forger : B-But after what we did... (0:03:41.90)
Henry Henderson : Do you know what the number one killer
of our species on this planet is?
Loid Forger : Huh? (0:03:49.82)
Henry Henderson : It is the mosquito! (0:03:51.17)
Henry Henderson : Yes. You saved Master Swan from
that brutal killer back there.
Henry Henderson : That brought your score up tremendously. (0:03:57.16)
Loid Forger : That's insane. (0:03:59.69)
Henry Henderson : Stand proud, Forger. (0:04:01.10)
Henry Henderson : Your family is worthy of our school. (0:04:02.63)
Yor Forger : So if even one person withdraws,
Miss Anya will get in?
Henry Henderson : Correct. (0:04:09.53)
Yor Forger : But if no one withdraws... (0:04:10.88)
Henry Henderson : Now, about that... (0:04:13.59)
Zachry Feiss : Th-The Thorn Princess? (0:04:15.81)
Zachry Feiss : What are you doing here? (0:04:17.38)
Yor Forger : Secretary Zachry Feiss, I presume? (0:04:19.10)
Yor Forger : If it's not too much trouble,
I will be taking your life.
Zachry Feiss : Please, no! Spare me! (0:04:25.25)
Zachry Feiss : I have a son who's just about to turn six! (0:04:27.42)
Zachry Feiss : He'll be starting at Eden College next month! (0:04:29.50)
Zachry Feiss : If I die, he won't be able to go to school! (0:04:32.02)
Yor Forger : I'm terribly sorry, but that's
exactly why I'm doing this.
Zachry Feiss : Huh?! (0:04:37.42)
Yor Forger : For the sake of Miss Anya
getting into the school...
Yor Forger : I need you to die! (0:04:41.81)
Yor Forger : You mustn't, Yor! (0:04:44.71)
Yor Forger : You mustn't take the life
of an innocent person, Yor!
Loid Forger : Yor? (0:04:48.91)
Yor Forger : Oh, it's nothing. (0:04:50.21)
Yor Forger : I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Zachry Feiss. (0:04:52.28)
Henry Henderson : Well, no matter. (0:04:55.49)
Henry Henderson : There are a few that withdraw every year. (0:04:57.82)
Henry Henderson : Make sure you are properly
prepared for the eventuality.
Loid Forger : Thank you very much, Master Henderson. (0:05:05.08)
Henry Henderson : I must warn you that I may not be
teaching here by the time you arrive.
Loid Forger : What? (0:05:13.95)
Henry Henderson : I was forced to give that
swine a good thrashing.
Henry Henderson : I was able to protect Eden's honor,
but who know what ramifications await me?
Loid Forger : That foolish man and this instructor... (0:05:18.81)
Loid Forger : I'm not sure which one will be
more useful to me in my mission,
Loid Forger : but if that fool stands in my way,
I have plenty of ways to destroy him.
Loid Forger : Please let me know if there's
anything I can do to help.
Henry Henderson : I appreciate the attempt at
consolation, my elegant boy.
Henry Henderson : Just await that call at home. (0:05:36.90)
Anya Forger : Anya will be accepted...
Anya will be accepted...
Anya Forger : Anya will be accepted...
Anya will be accepted...
Loid Forger : What in the world is she doing? (0:05:47.73)
Yor Forger : Apparently, she's performing a prayer
dance to help her get accepted.
Anya Forger : Anya will be accepted... (0:05:50.88)
Loid Forger : Oh... I see. (0:05:54.24)
Anya Forger : Kieeeeeeeh! (0:05:54.48)
Loid Forger : Hello, Forger residence. (0:05:58.74)
Loid Forger : Yes. (0:06:02.03)
Loid Forger : Yes. (0:06:03.78)
Loid Forger : Goodbye. (0:06:05.66)
Loid Forger : Anya got in! (0:06:14.49)
Anya Forger : Papa! I passed! (0:06:17.55)
Loid Forger : You did a great job, Anya! (0:06:21.18)
Anya Forger : I did it! (0:06:23.18)
Yor Forger : Oh, thank goodness! What wonderful news! (0:06:24.20)
Yor Forger : I'm so happy! (0:06:26.63)
Loid Forger : Thank you for all you did as well, Yor. (0:06:27.93)
Franky Franklin : Heya. I heard she got in. (0:06:32.68)
Franky Franklin : Time to celebrate! (0:06:35.23)
Loid Forger : You sure found out fast. (0:06:36.87)
Franky Franklin : Never underestimate an informant. (0:06:38.23)
Franky Franklin : Oh, you must be the missus.
Pleasure to meet you!
Franky Franklin : I'm Loid's friend, Franky! (0:06:42.79)
Yor Forger : Hello. (0:06:45.25)
Anya Forger : Scruffy-scruff! (0:06:46.30)
Franky Franklin : Let's get this party started! I got
some booze, and I ordered delivery!
Loid Forger : Who do you think you are? (0:06:51.29)
Franky Franklin : This is all thanks to me
stealing the answer sheet.
Loid Forger : You idiot! They'll hear you! (0:06:57.89)
Yor Forger : Huh? Wha wuz zat? (0:06:59.89)
Franky Franklin : Are you even drinking, you party pooper? (0:07:04.50)
Loid Forger : Leave me be. (0:07:08.25)
Franky Franklin : Isn't it great, Anya? (0:07:09.24)
Franky Franklin : Daddy said he'll buy you anything
as a reward just for today!
Loid Forger : Hey! Don't go promising her things like that! (0:07:13.97)
Anya Forger : I don't want you to buy me anything,
but I wanna do something!
Loid Forger : Hm? What's that? (0:07:19.36)
Loid Forger : I don't mind as long as it's doable. (0:07:20.66)
EXTRA : Save me, Bondman! (0:07:25.89)
EXTRA : Good morning, Bondman. (0:07:29.18)
EXTRA : Your mission today is to save
the kidnapped Princess Honey,
EXTRA : and take her back the castle. (0:07:36.29)
Bondman : Wait for me, Princess Honey! (0:07:38.12)
EXTRA : The kingdom's best spy infiltrates the castle... (0:07:40.98)
EXTRA : Bondman! (0:07:43.77)
EXTRA : Taking down any enemy that stands in his way, (0:07:45.42)
EXTRA : he finally makes it to the princess. (0:07:47.15)
Bondman : I'm here to save you, Princess Honey! (0:07:50.02)
EXTRA : Bondman! (0:07:52.74)
EXTRA : Peace was restored to the castle,
and their love continued to grow.
Anya Forger : This is what I wanna do. (0:07:58.05)
Loid Forger : What you wanna do? Wait, you mean... (0:07:59.75)
Anya Forger : I wanna play "save Anya from the castle"! (0:08:04.11)
Loid Forger : Nope. Not happening. (0:08:06.23)
Franky Franklin : How cruel... You meanie! (0:08:10.38)
Franky Franklin : I'm not going to school if you don't do this! (0:08:12.24)
Loid Forger : No one asked you to speak for her. (0:08:14.56)
Franky Franklin : Oh, hey. I'm pretty sure that's Newston Castle. (0:08:16.59)
Franky Franklin : I heard it was recently remodeled
into some cartoon's theme park,
Franky Franklin : but that's definitely it. (0:08:22.22)
Franky Franklin : It's got the same kinds of
tricks and traps seen in the show,
Franky Franklin : and you can even rent it out. (0:08:25.85)
Franky Franklin : The government doesn't have any
eyes over there, Loidy Boy,
Franky Franklin : so it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of fun. (0:08:31.54)
Loid Forger : But... (0:08:34.03)
Franky Franklin : After everything she went through to pass, too. (0:08:35.17)
Franky Franklin : Doesn't seem fair if you can't get
some kind of reward, huh, kiddo?
Anya Forger : Sniffle, sniffle... (0:08:38.17)
Anya Forger : Sniffle, sniffle. (0:08:40.32)
Anya Forger : Sniffle... (0:08:42.78)
Loid Forger : All right, fine. (0:08:43.80)
Franky Franklin : Right, then! Let's strike while the iron's hot! (0:08:44.83)
Franky Franklin : Leave the castle reservation to me.
You're in charge of our ride!
Loid Forger : Wha?! You expect us to go today? (0:08:49.81)
Loid Forger : And you want me to arrange this? (0:08:51.51)
Franky Franklin : Well, of course! It's for your daughter! (0:08:53.08)
WISE Engineer : We have a message from Twilight. (0:09:06.16)
WISE Engineer : Code GO005. (0:09:08.09)
WISE Agent : He did it. (0:09:10.02)
WISE Agent : "The sakura blossoms bloom." (0:09:11.90)
WISE Engineer : Another message from Twilight. (0:09:13.96)
WISE Agent : What is it? (0:09:15.69)
WISE Engineer : How shall I reply? (0:09:20.18)
WISE Office Chief : He might just be the best
spy in all of Westalis...
WISE Agent : Get him what he needs at once! (0:09:28.51)
WISE Engineer : Yes, ma'am! (0:09:29.90)
WISE Engineer : To Falcon in the Rhynnick region. (0:09:32.30)
WISE Engineer : Emergency operation from Twilight. (0:09:34.01)
EXTRA : Falcon here. Roger the emergency
operation from Twilight, over.
Loid Forger : "1830 hours... Meet downstream on the
Nein River in the Rhynnick region."
Loid Forger : They sure didn't waste any time. (0:09:44.15)
Franky Franklin : Believe it or not, this castle can do this, too! (0:09:46.63)
Anya Forger : I'm gonna make a quiz! (0:09:50.24)
Franky Franklin : Hey, great idea! (0:09:52.16)
Franky Franklin : You seriously came through! (0:09:54.69)
Anya Forger : Anya's never been on a
plane before! It's so exciting!
Franky Franklin : Nice, nice, nice! (0:09:57.81)
Loid Forger : There we go. (0:10:00.89)
Anya Forger : Does Anya look cool? (0:10:03.65)
Loid Forger : Yes, you do. (0:10:05.13)
Yor Forger : Loid! Where did you get this li'l plane? (0:10:07.62)
Yor Forger : It's amazing! (0:10:12.55)
Loid Forger : Oh, some wonderful coworkers of
mine are letting me borrow it.
Yor Forger : Fank you for always looking
after my husband.
Loid Forger : You all have your seatbelts on? Here we go. (0:10:24.67)
Anya Forger : Let's go! (0:10:27.84)
Franky Franklin : Let's go! (0:10:27.84)
Anya Forger : I'm so excited! (0:10:37.62)
Franky Franklin : Yahoo! (0:10:42.47)
Yor Forger : Oh, it's so pretty. (0:10:47.58)
Yor Forger : It looks like a tweasure chest. (0:10:50.08)
Anya Forger : Papa, you're amazing! (0:10:52.92)
Franky Franklin : Look! There it is! (0:10:59.41)
Franky Franklin : Holy crap! (0:11:02.98)
Anya Forger : The castle's so cool! (0:11:04.21)
Loid Forger : Hey, settle down! (0:11:06.09)
Loid Forger : We're about to land.
Make sure you're properly seated.
Anya Forger : We're in a castle! (0:11:13.48)
Loid Forger : You don't need to go running around with her! (0:11:15.34)
Yor Forger : This is wonderful. (0:11:17.27)
Loid Forger : What's the matter? (0:11:23.00)
Anya Forger : Something's not right. (0:11:24.34)
Loid Forger : What do you mean by that? (0:11:25.78)
Anya Forger : Can you truly call a castle
with no enemies or servants
Anya Forger : a castle? (0:11:30.86)
Anya Forger : I'm sad. (0:11:32.43)
Anya Forger : I don't think I can go to school now. (0:11:34.20)
Franky Franklin : I know, right? I can't blame ya, little missy. (0:11:36.50)
Franky Franklin : Daddy better step up his game. (0:11:40.50)
WISE Engineer : We have a report from Twilight. (0:11:42.81)
WISE Engineer : He's requesting agents. (0:11:44.30)
WISE Engineer : As many as possible. (0:11:46.02)
WISE Agent : This will be a true test for WISE. (0:11:48.62)
WISE Engineer : To all agents in Ostania. (0:11:52.18)
WISE Engineer : Report to Newston Castle
for an emergency operation.
WISE Engineer : This is an extremely important
assignment regarding Operation Strix.
WISE Engineer : Mission rank is over SS. (0:12:01.66)
WISE Engineer : I repeat: this is an extremely important
assignment regarding Operation Strix.
WISE Engineer : Mission rank is over SS! (0:12:07.98)
EXTRA : That's the real Twilight... (0:12:16.33)
WISE Agent 2 : I gotta get his autograph later. (0:12:18.67)
Franky Franklin : Look at your agency coming through for you. (0:12:20.44)
Franky Franklin : Well, give them the rundown. (0:12:22.61)
Franky Franklin : I'll explain the rest. (0:12:24.44)
Loid Forger : All right, fine. (0:12:28.11)
Loid Forger : Thank you very much for gathering
here today on behalf of my daughter.
EXTRA : Morse code. (0:12:38.77)
EXTRA : "Just listen quietly." (0:12:40.26)
WISE Agent 2 : Orders from Twilight! (0:12:43.04)
Loid Forger : I would like for all of you to
play the part of the enemies
Loid Forger : of a spy who is coming to save a princess. (0:12:48.14)
EXTRA : I have absolutely no idea what's going on... (0:12:50.20)
EXTRA : But this is Twilight we're talking about.
I'm sure this is all according to plan.
Loid Forger : Thank you again for doing
this for my daughter.
Franky Franklin : All right! Let's announce the cast! (0:13:03.35)
Franky Franklin : Here's our star for today! (0:13:06.53)
Franky Franklin : Princess Anya! (0:13:09.59)
Anya Forger : This is the spy person who's gonna save me! (0:13:12.65)
Anya Forger : Loidman! (0:13:15.82)
Anya Forger : And the big bad boss! (0:13:17.04)
Franky Franklin : Scruffy! (0:13:18.33)
Anya Forger : Count Scruffy Head! (0:13:18.48)
Anya Forger : And Mama... um... (0:13:20.49)
Anya Forger : can be whatever. (0:13:23.18)
Yor Forger : Shock! (0:13:24.16)
Franky Franklin : And now... (0:13:25.14)
Franky Franklin : to the very capable subordinates
of Count Scruffy Head!
Franky Franklin : I need you all to put on
your best performances
Franky Franklin : and get in Loidman's
way as much as possible!
Loid Forger : Uh... wait... (0:13:36.21)
WISE Agent 2 : This mission ranking is over SS. (0:13:37.51)
WISE Agent 2 : I'll make any sacrifice necessary
to see this mission through!
WISE Agent 2 : I couldn't ask for a better
opponent than Twilight!
EXTRA : This day has finally come... (0:13:44.98)
Franky Franklin : You can all decide for yourselves how
you're going to get in Loidman's way.
Franky Franklin : I am not exaggerating when I say the
success of this plan is in your hands!
Loid Forger : Uh... Where is this going? (0:13:56.46)
Franky Franklin : My loyal minions! (0:13:58.40)
Franky Franklin : Make Loidman suffer as much as
possible for Princess Anya's sake!
Franky Franklin : Once you're all prepared,
get to your positions!
EXTRA : Roger! (0:14:07.89)
Franky Franklin : Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff!
Princess Anya is mine!
Franky Franklin : If you want her back, come after me! (0:14:16.82)
Anya Forger : Save me, Loidman. (0:14:19.21)
Loid Forger : Wait, it's already started?! (0:14:20.94)
Anya Forger : Hey! (0:14:30.83)
Franky Franklin : Loidman! You are about to face many
obstacles in order to get the princess back!
Franky Franklin : First up, (0:14:39.27)
Franky Franklin : we have a quiz that the princess made
up in this courtyard, so listen up!
Franky Franklin : If you can't answer correctly,
you'll be putting that on!
Loid Forger : This is... (0:14:47.94)
Franky Franklin : You betcha! A Bondman costume set! (0:14:49.00)
Anya Forger : So exciting! (0:14:51.38)
Franky Franklin : Okay, question time! (0:14:54.08)
Franky Franklin : What does Princess Anya like about Bondman?! (0:14:55.83)
Loid Forger : Huh? His face? (0:14:58.86)
Anya Forger : Bzzz! The fact that he has
a pistol with a silencer!
Loid Forger : What? Really?! (0:15:04.08)
Franky Franklin : Oh, come on! You're her dad
and you don't even know that?
Loid Forger : Next question! (0:15:10.58)
Franky Franklin : What's Anya's favorite food? (0:15:11.62)
Loid Forger : Peanuts! (0:15:14.11)
Anya Forger : Ooh! Correct! (0:15:14.94)
Franky Franklin : Tch. Guess that was too easy. (0:15:17.00)
Franky Franklin : Here's the final question! (0:15:19.72)
Franky Franklin : If you get it wrong, you'll be
changing into that outfit, Loidman!
Loid Forger : That's if I don't get it. (0:15:24.27)
Franky Franklin : Here's your question, then. (0:15:27.96)
Franky Franklin : What does Anya want right now? (0:15:29.70)
Loid Forger : What does she want right now? (0:15:32.89)
Franky Franklin : Five! Four! (0:15:34.71)
Loid Forger : You didn't say anything about a time limit! (0:15:36.88)
Franky Franklin : I never said there wouldn't be one, either. (0:15:38.78)
Loid Forger : Calm down. What does Anya want right now? (0:15:41.88)
Loid Forger : What does she want... (0:15:44.62)
Loid Forger : Bondman's spy gear! (0:15:46.73)
Franky Franklin : What's the correct answer, Princess Anya?! (0:15:48.81)
Anya Forger : Right now... (0:15:51.17)
Anya Forger : I'm thirsty, so I'd like some water, please! (0:15:54.22)
Franky Franklin : Looks like you're wrong, Loidman! (0:15:56.78)
Loid Forger : How the hell would I know that?! (0:15:59.10)
Franky Franklin : Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff! (0:15:59.57)
Franky Franklin : Too bad for you, Loidman! (0:16:01.24)
Franky Franklin : Now, let's have you keep your word! (0:16:03.66)
Anya Forger : I'm so excited... (0:16:08.20)
Anya Forger : to see the real Loidman! (0:16:10.11)
Anya Forger : Loidman! (0:16:27.39)
Franky Franklin : All right, then! On to the next stage! (0:16:28.96)
Loid Forger : Hey, wait! (0:16:31.11)
Anya Forger : Loidman! (0:16:52.77)
Franky Franklin : If you want to save Princess Anya,
you'll have to make your way up here!
Franky Franklin : Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff! (0:16:58.40)
WISE Agent 2 : He's so cool! (0:17:03.59)
WISE Agent 2 : He's just so amazing... (0:17:31.47)
Anya Forger : You're so cool, Loidman! (0:17:32.77)
Franky Franklin : We're just getting started, scruff! (0:17:35.37)
Anya Forger : Oh, no. Save me. (0:17:37.75)
Loid Forger : God, this is pain. (0:17:40.06)
Anya Forger : Loidman! Up here, up here! (0:17:42.08)
Anya Forger : I'm right here! (0:17:46.34)
Loid Forger : There's no end to this. (0:17:58.98)
Anya Forger : This is so cool! (0:18:19.40)
Franky Franklin : You've got this, my minions!
Don't let him win!
Franky Franklin : Loid! Let them hit you, damn it! (0:18:23.61)
Franky Franklin : Now you've done it, you bastard! (0:18:32.08)
Franky Franklin : Don't think you're gonna catch us that easily! (0:18:34.27)
Franky Franklin : Buh-bye! (0:18:42.50)
Anya Forger : Save me, Loidman. (0:18:44.05)
Anya Forger : You're so amazing, Loidman! (0:18:58.03)
Franky Franklin : Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff!
I'm impressed you got this far, Loidman!
Franky Franklin : But I won't let you have the princess! (0:19:16.26)
Anya Forger : Save me, Loidman! (0:19:19.56)
Loid Forger : Are you seriously telling me
I have to act out this embarrassing
Loid Forger : little play in front of all of these agents? (0:19:29.89)
Loid Forger : But in the end... this is for the mission! (0:19:32.12)
Loid Forger : H... Hand over the princess. (0:19:36.58)
EXTRA : Ooh! (0:19:39.54)
WISE Agent 2 : I can't believe we get to see
Twilight's acting skills in person!
Franky Franklin : You fool! You think I'd
hand her over that easily?!
Franky Franklin : Now, go! The most powerful
witch in the world, Yorticia!
Franky Franklin : Finish off that fool, scruff! (0:19:53.36)
Loid Forger : Now there's a witch?! (0:19:55.90)
Loid Forger : What the hell is going on in this story? (0:19:57.25)
Loid Forger : Huh? (0:20:05.19)
Loid Forger : Wai—no way. What?! (0:20:05.77)
Yor Forger : Anyone who tries to kidnap Miss Anya... (0:20:07.95)
Yor Forger : will not get away alive! (0:20:12.79)
Loid Forger : Y-Yor, please calm down. (0:20:14.36)
Loid Forger : Why is she using physical
attacks when she's a witch?
Loid Forger : She's strong! (0:20:27.02)
Loid Forger : She's gonna kill me! (0:20:28.17)
Loid Forger : Yor... Are you all right? (0:20:36.20)
Franky Franklin : Scruffy, scruffy, scruffy, scruff! (0:20:45.02)
Franky Franklin : Excellent work getting this far, Loidman! (0:20:46.94)
Franky Franklin : But you won't defeat me that easil— (0:20:50.01)
Anya Forger : So exciting! (0:20:54.80)
Loid Forger : I... I've come to save you, Princess Anya. (0:20:57.90)
Anya Forger : Papa! (0:21:04.14)
Loid Forger : Wait... I'm supposed to be your dad in this? (0:21:05.71)
Anya Forger : So sparkly! (0:21:20.06)
EXTRA : Congratulations, Anya! (0:21:25.68)
Franky Franklin : Anya... (0:21:29.66)
Franky Franklin : Congratulations... (0:21:32.16)
Loid Forger : What is this? (0:21:37.11)
Anya Forger : I've had so much excitement
ever since I left the orphanage!
Anya Forger : It's all thanks to you, Papa! (0:21:43.24)
Loid Forger : Hm? Oh... I'm happy for you. (0:21:44.65)
Anya Forger : I'm gonna do my best in school! (0:21:48.02)
Loid Forger : That's good. (0:21:53.45)
Loid Forger : Well, anyway... congratulations
on getting into the school.
WISE Agent : Sir, the expense report from Agent Twilight. (0:22:14.48)
WISE Office Chief : Are these numbers real? (0:22:18.94)
WISE Agent : Yes, they are. (0:22:20.73)
WISE Office Chief : But... (0:22:22.21)
WISE Agent : They are correct. (0:22:22.94)

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