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EXTRA : The leader of the winged knights, Edil, (0:00:01.79)
EXTRA : turns out to be an old friend of Helck's. (0:00:04.25)
EXTRA : Edil reveals the reason
that humans have sprouted wings
EXTRA : is because they've awakened as heroes. (0:00:09.17)
EXTRA : After Hyura defeats him in battle, (0:00:12.50)
EXTRA : Edil is promptly killed
by one of his own comrades.
EXTRA : Meanwhile, Helck and Vermilio (0:00:16.50)
EXTRA : get sucked up into a gate
that was hidden below the castle.
EXTRA : A crazed cog in the machine (0:00:49.42)
EXTRA : Lets loose a shrill cry (0:00:51.67)
EXTRA : Destined for battle and foaming at the mouth (0:00:54.33)
EXTRA : As if waiting for an opening (0:00:56.33)
EXTRA : I got dealt a dangerous card (0:00:59.42)
EXTRA : But prediciments are opportunities (0:01:01.50)
EXTRA : There's no way in hell I'm giving up (0:01:04.17)
EXTRA : The last one standing is the winner (0:01:06.08)
EXTRA : Let's just dance hand in hand (0:01:09.17)
EXTRA : With the grinning devil (0:01:11.33)
EXTRA : No need to care about appearances (0:01:14.08)
EXTRA : Courage trembles with fury (0:01:16.33)
EXTRA : Before the darkness can consume it all (0:01:18.67)
EXTRA : Break it (0:01:21.83)
EXTRA : Kick it away (0:01:22.50)
EXTRA : It's your common sense that'll be smashed to bits (0:01:24.00)
EXTRA : Ignite a flame in the soul that no one can extinguish (0:01:27.08)
EXTRA : This prayer that I now offer to the endless world (0:01:31.88)
EXTRA : Will never stop until the day comes when it gets answered (0:01:37.29)
EXTRA : Always burning (0:01:42.04)
EXTRA : It's my soul (0:01:43.67)
Hon : Lord Azudra! (0:01:59.33)
Hon : A-awful news about Lady Vermilio! (0:02:00.54)
Azudra : What happened?! (0:02:02.21)
Ista : Lady Vermilio has gone missing
after being sucked into a gate?!
Ista : This can't be happening... (0:02:07.29)
Ista : No, stop it. Don't start going into panic mode. (0:02:09.21)
Ista : The most important thing that you can do
in times like these is keep your cool.
Azudra : Ve-Ve-Ver-Ver-Ver-Vermi... (0:02:16.58)
Azudra : It's... my fault... that Ver-Vermi... (0:02:20.04)
Hon : Please get a hold of yourself, Lord Azudra! (0:02:23.58)
Vermilio : I know what this is... it's the ocean! (0:02:39.42)
Vermilio : I saw it just once when I was very young. (0:02:42.46)
Vermilio : So, we've been flung all the way
to the edge of the continent.
Vermilio : There's no toxin here whatsoever, huh? (0:02:58.04)
Vermilio : It's incredible just how comfortable it feels
being in a land free of toxin...
Vermilio : I had completely forgotten. (0:03:05.13)
Vermilio : I wonder how long it will take me
to return to the Empire.
Vermilio : I need to get back as soon as I can. (0:03:16.08)
Vermilio : In any case, I'm glad that gate
sent me to such an abundant land.
Vermilio : If this had been barren wilderness, (0:03:23.33)
Vermilio : then I would've died of starvation
even without the toxin to worry about.
Vermilio : This rhythmical sound in the air... (0:03:30.71)
Vermilio : It's definitely not natural. (0:03:32.75)
Vermilio : Is somebody else here? (0:03:34.67)
Vermilio : Wait, what if it's Helck? (0:03:36.42)
Vermilio : Oh no! (0:03:39.25)
Vermilio : That means this really is his crummy cape! (0:03:40.38)
Vermilio : But it doesn't smell bad... (0:03:45.67)
Vermilio : Who cares about that right now! (0:03:48.25)
Vermilio : Damn Helck! (0:03:50.17)
Vermilio : What the hell is he getting up to now?! (0:03:51.21)
Vermilio : I'm close... (0:03:55.58)
Vermilio : I can't let my guard down. (0:03:56.79)
Vermilio : He's an enemy. (0:03:58.58)
Vermilio : Found him. (0:04:03.21)
Vermilio : But what's he doing over there? (0:04:04.79)
Vermilio : No way! Did he build that house?! (0:04:07.17)
Vermilio : I knew he was talented,
but this is a new level of handy...
Vermilio : Uh, what am I looking at here? (0:04:19.13)
Piwi : Hello there! (0:04:21.67)
Piwi : H-HELLO THERE! (0:04:26.42)
Vermilio : Um, hi. (0:04:29.04)
Vermilio : I heard you the first time,
so could you keep it down a little?
Helck : Hey! Good to see that you're awake! (0:04:35.92)
Vermilio : D-don't scare me like that, fool! (0:04:38.42)
Helck : Sorry, my bad. (0:04:40.83)
Vermilio : I can't believe I slipped up like that! (0:04:42.17)
Vermilio : I'm such a fool!
He could have killed me just now!
Vermilio : A-are we going to fight? Right here? (0:04:46.67)
Piwi : I see you finished the house! (0:04:50.13)
Helck : Yep! (0:04:51.67)
Helck : I couldn't have done
it without you guys to help!
Helck : Thank you so muc- (0:04:54.79)
Piwi : You're very welcome! (0:04:55.50)
Vermilio : Wh-why would you go and build a house? (0:04:57.04)
Helck : Are you kidding? (0:04:59.58)
Helck : Because sleeping in a house is much better
than spending the night outdoors.
Helck : I mean, it could rain or worse! (0:05:04.29)
Piwi : It will rain! (0:05:06.04)
Vermilio : How long are you planning to stay here? (0:05:07.63)
Vermilio : Is this going to be your new home or what? (0:05:09.92)
Helck : Heavens no! (0:05:12.50)
Helck : But it doesn't seem like
we can go back anytime soon.
Helck : So I decided to make a base of operations. (0:05:16.17)
Vermilio : What do you mean we can't go back?
Explain yourself.
Helck : Well, this is some kind of island. (0:05:22.13)
Helck : Which means walking back
to where we came from isn't an option.
Vermilio : Th-this is an island?!
We're not on the edge of the continent?!
Helck : I was able to loop around the entire place
in just a few minutes, so I'm positive.
Piwi : This is Remote Island! (0:05:35.38)
Helck : We really ended up in the last place
anyone would expect.
Vermilio : Y-you've gotta be kidding! (0:05:41.79)
Helck : But hey, at least it's a nice place! (0:05:44.17)
Helck : I love it! (0:05:46.38)
Vermilio : Y-you fool! (0:05:47.58)
Vermilio : Quit being so damn carefree! (0:05:48.83)
Vermilio : There has to be way
for us to get back, right?
Piwi : Yikes! Here comes the rain! (0:06:00.38)
Helck : Take cover in the house! (0:06:02.92)
Vermilio : On the bright side, I guess the Empire
is free from the threat of Helck now...
Helck : Hey! What are you doing? (0:06:14.04)
Vermilio : I'm sure as hell not going into a house
the enemy built!
Vermilio : Oh cra-! (0:06:21.79)
Vermilio : What are you doing?!
Put me down!
Helck : Whew! Safe! (0:06:31.63)
Piwi : Out! I call out! (0:06:32.92)
Vermilio : D-dammit! Just mind your own business! (0:06:35.17)
Helck : Anne. (0:06:38.33)
Helck : It's all right! (0:06:40.13)
Vermilio : What is?! (0:06:41.08)
Helck : This place is chock-full of good quality trees! (0:06:42.63)
Helck : We can use them to build a sturdy boat
and that will be our ticket across the ocean!
Helck : Let's join forces to get back
to the Demon Realm!
Helck : It's all right! We will make it there! (0:06:52.13)
Helck : So don't give up until the very end! (0:06:54.54)
Helck : We're in this together! (0:06:57.08)
Vermilio : Uh, okay. (0:06:58.46)
Vermilio : Why the hell did I say "okay"?! (0:07:01.17)
Vermilio : This is the opposite of okay!
I can't let this guy return to the Demon Realm!
Vermilio : Otherwise we'll be right back at square one! (0:07:05.63)
Helck : Don't look so down! (0:07:07.92)
Helck : Have hope! (0:07:09.33)
Piwi : It cleared up! (0:07:11.00)
Helck : Wow! That was fast! (0:07:12.25)
Vermilio : Actually, now that I think about it, (0:07:14.13)
Vermilio : this big lummox did actually try to save me
when I was getting sucked into the gate.
Vermilio : And it would have been easy for him
to just run away from it instead...
Vermilio : So why come after me? (0:07:24.96)
Vermilio : Not to mention,
the entire time we've been here...
Vermilio : he's had plenty of opportunities
to kill me but hasn't.
Helck : Alrighty! (0:07:33.29)
Helck : I'm hungry. Let's go look for some food! (0:07:34.58)
Piwi : I'm gonna head out. (0:07:37.38)
Vermilio : Are you actually our ally, Helck? (0:07:39.33)
Azudra : I had surmised the winged knights
were in fact humans,
Azudra : but not that they had awakened as heroes. (0:07:53.67)
Azudra : And a spatial-teleportation spell, eh? (0:07:56.79)
Azudra : That explains why they
weren't taking any further action.
Azudra : How curious. (0:08:04.29)
Azudra : It's abnormal for their magic capabilities
to grow this drastically.
Azudra : Not to mention the "hero awakening"... (0:08:09.21)
Azudra : I've never heard of such a spell. (0:08:11.38)
Azudra : Was a genius spellcaster born in the human realm?
Or is it something else?
Hon : Um, if I may, Lord Azudra... (0:08:18.00)
Hon : Now that you've calmed down, (0:08:20.08)
Hon : will you please tell us
what the plan is moving forward?
Azudra : As if you even need to ask.
This is a race against time.
Azudra : If the humans manage
to fully mature into heroes,
Azudra : then they will be too much for us to handle. (0:08:31.58)
Hon : Okay, so like I figured... (0:08:34.00)
Azudra : Yes. (0:08:36.38)
Azudra : We send a search party out for Vermikins. (0:08:37.58)
Hon : Huh? (0:08:39.75)
Hon : But based on what you said, (0:08:41.00)
Hon : it seemed like the next step
was launching an attack on the human realm...
Azudra : Have you lost your mind?! (0:08:45.54)
Azudra : There's no way in hell
that I can fight anybody right now
Azudra : because I'm worried SICK about Vermikins! (0:08:49.04)
Azudra : I'm a mental health wreck! (0:08:51.04)
Azudra : If we want any chance
at beating the humans,
Azudra : then we need to find Vermikins
and bring her back ASAP!
Hon : Yes, but sir, (0:08:58.42)
Hon : many of our troops have been deployed
to either protect the north border
Hon : or on monster slaying missions. (0:09:02.83)
Hon : And if you consider that a confrontation
with the humans lies on the horizon...
Hon : I think it will be nearly impossible
to organize a search party
Hon : large enough to get the job done. (0:09:11.33)
Hon : I mean, this continent is so huge. (0:09:13.21)
Hon : Who knows how many years it could take
just to find Lady Vermilio?
Azudra : We don't need a large search party. (0:09:20.08)
Hon : Huh? (0:09:22.83)
Azudra : Because we're going to use a locator spell. (0:09:24.04)
Ista : And what is that? (0:09:27.21)
Azudra : It's a spell that was created
as a safety measure
Azudra : when sending someone
into unexplored territory.
Azudra : It will allow us to roughly track her position. (0:09:34.13)
Ista : H-how incredible! (0:09:36.79)
Ista : There's just nothing that you can't do, huh? (0:09:37.96)
Hon : Hold on, Lord Azudra. (0:09:39.83)
Hon : I'm fairly certain that spell requires you to have
a physical piece of the person you want to track.
Hon : We don't have any of
Lady Vermilio's fingernails or hair-
Azudra : Turns out Vermikins getting a haircut
just before leaving was a stroke of luck.
Hon : You can't be serious, Lord Azudra. (0:09:54.46)
Hon : Are you saying that you kept a lock
of Lady Vermilio's hair?!
Azudra : Whoa, hold your horses.
Don't treat me like some kind of perv.
Azudra : I don't have any of her hair. (0:10:04.08)
Azudra : Although I did try to take some... (0:10:05.79)
Azudra : OH GOD! (0:10:08.75)
Azudra : OH GOD!
I got lit on fire as it was burned away.
Azudra : I got lit on fire as it was burned away. (0:10:10.46)
Hon : So you're not denying you tried to take some. (0:10:11.46)
Hon : But then who does have it? (0:10:13.79)
Ista : I have some with me. (0:10:16.17)
Ista : Where I come from, (0:10:18.33)
Ista : when someone we care about
leaves on a journey far away,
Ista : we have a custom of caring for
a small bundle of their hair in the belief
Ista : that it will help keep them safe. (0:10:25.08)
Ista : Would this help with the spell? (0:10:27.67)
Hon : You never cease to amaze, Ms. Ista!
How fantastic!
Azudra : So I get insults while Istykins gets praise? (0:10:32.67)
Azudra : Whatever. (0:10:35.42)
Azudra : Let's put the locator spell into action. (0:10:36.58)
Azudra : Hon! Prepare me a map and wooden figure! (0:10:38.29)
Hon : Right away. (0:10:40.67)
Azudra : I just put Vermikins hair
inside the wooden figure.
Azudra : And then activate the spell. (0:10:46.13)
Azudra : This will cause the figure
to move across the map,
Azudra : and the place where it stops... (0:10:51.83)
Azudra : That's where Vermikins is! (0:10:54.88)
Azudra : WHERE THE HELL?! (0:11:02.13)
Hon : That's not even on the map! (0:11:03.50)
Azudra : Uh... well, maybe she got sent
all the way off the continent...
Ista : Huh?! (0:11:09.04)
Hon : Wh-what do we do now? (0:11:09.79)
Azudra : I have no idea. (0:11:12.17)
Ista : HUH?! (0:11:13.88)
Ista : Hey, Asta, did you hear me? (0:11:19.38)
Asta : Yeah, I did. (0:11:21.17)
Ista : That's the deal. We're counting on you. (0:11:22.25)
Ista : Just promise me that you definitely
won't go overboard this time, okay?
Asta : Yeah, all right. (0:11:27.46)
Asta : I'll be in touch with you again later. (0:11:29.33)
Asta : Bye-bye. (0:11:31.25)
Asta : How about that... (0:11:33.96)
Asta : It turns out the winged knights
were human after all.
Asta : That explains why there are so many of them. (0:11:38.63)
Asta : And what's more,
they're all apparently hero status.
Asta : That's just insane. Horrifying, even! (0:11:46.25)
Asta : In any case, (0:11:49.08)
Asta : I'm positive that Lady Vermilio
will return eventually.
Asta : And in the meantime, (0:11:52.67)
Asta : I have to gather as much useful information
as I can for when she's back in action!
Asta : Okay. Time to go overboard! (0:11:57.13)
Asta : For the peace of the Empire!
Let's do this!
Piwi : Keep at it! You'll catch one soon! (0:12:11.83)
Vermilio : Oh, well... I wasn't sighing
because I haven't caught a fish.
Piwi : Keep at it! (0:12:19.17)
Helck : Chin up! (0:12:20.25)
Vermilio : Thanks... (0:12:21.92)
Vermilio : I don't know what to think. (0:12:25.54)
Vermilio : During the finals, Helck didn't even
raise a finger against the winged knights.
Vermilio : In fact, he helped them
by getting in Hyura's way.
Vermilio : So no matter how you look at it,
he's not on our side.
Vermilio : However, all of his conduct thereafter
has made me uncertain...
Vermilio : Why doesn't he kill me? Why save me? (0:12:41.25)
Vermilio : Is it because I'm useful to him? (0:12:45.63)
Vermilio : But how, exactly? (0:12:47.88)
Vermilio : Is he actually our ally? (0:12:49.46)
Vermilio : But it that's the case,
why did he protect the winged knights?
Vermilio : Dammit! (0:12:55.83)
Vermilio : This is getting me absolutely nowhere! (0:12:57.71)
Piwi : Keep it up! You'll catch one soon! (0:12:59.71)
Vermilio : Should I just ask Helck
about his true motives?
Vermilio : No, that might be opening pandora's box... (0:13:05.75)
Vermilio : Because if he proves himself to be a threat,
then we'll have to fight!
Vermilio : There's no way I can win that battle
and come out alive!
Vermilio : And in the worst-case scenario,
I die without bringing him down!
Vermilio : Then Helck just returns to the continent (0:13:24.46)
Vermilio : and the Empire will face
impending doom from him once again!
Vermilio : Fortunately, we have Azudra on our side.
Hey, you've got a bite! You've got a bite!
Piwi : Fortunately, we have Azudra on our side.
Hey, you've got a bite! You've got a bite!
Piwi : Even though I hate his guts,
You've got a bite! Hey, you've got a bite!
Vermilio : Even though I hate his guts,
You've got a bite! Hey, you've got a bite!
Vermilio : he's the strongest of the Elite Lords
under the right conditions.
You've got a bite! Hey, you've got a bite!
Piwi : he's the strongest of the Elite Lords
under the right conditions.
You've got a bite! Hey, you've got a bite!
Vermilio : he's the strongest of the Elite Lords
under the right conditions.
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Piwi : he's the strongest of the Elite Lords
under the right conditions.
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Vermilio : So he can hold his own!
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Piwi : So he can hold his own!
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Vermilio : As much as I HATE him!
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Piwi : As much as I HATE him!
Hello, Annie? Are you listening?
Vermilio : As much as I HATE him!
There's a fish! You've got a bite!
Piwi : As much as I HATE him!
There's a fish! You've got a bite!
Vermilio : With that in mind,
Hey, pay attention!
Piwi : With that in mind,
Hey, pay attention!
Piwi : perhaps buying time by leaving things
Hey, pay attention!
Vermilio : perhaps buying time by leaving things
Hey, pay attention!
Vermilio : perhaps buying time by leaving things
Are you okay, Annie? I'm talking to you!
Piwi : perhaps buying time by leaving things
Are you okay, Annie? I'm talking to you!
Vermilio : ambiguous like this is the safer choice...
Are you okay, Annie? I'm talking to you!
Piwi : Are you okay, Annie? I'm talking to you! (0:13:44.83)
Piwi : There's a fish! (0:13:46.13)
Piwi : What should I do?
There's a fish!
Vermilio : What should I do?
There's a fish!
Piwi : You gotta pull it up! (0:13:47.88)
Piwi : If you don't do it soon,
then the fish will get away!
Piwi : Cheep! (0:13:51.96)
Vermilio : This is one strong fish! (0:13:55.88)
Piwi : You can't just play tug of war with it! (0:13:57.25)
Piwi : The string will break! (0:13:59.33)
Piwi : First make the fish tired,
and then pull it up!
Vermilio : A-all right! (0:14:03.21)
Vermilio : What?! (0:14:06.96)
Vermilio : How the hell can such a small fish
have so much power?!
Piwi : Because plankton are
a nutrient-dense super food!
Vermilio : Well, you messed with the wrong demon! (0:14:13.04)
Vermilio : For I am the Elite Lor-
Anne from Management!
Vermilio : I would never lose to some stupid fish! (0:14:17.54)
Vermilio : G-guess I should have known better
than to try and rush it...
Vermilio : I'm sorry. Please don't look at me like that! (0:14:25.42)
Helck : NEVER GIVE UP! (0:14:29.83)
Vermilio : Helck... (0:14:32.38)
Vermilio : Seriously? Helping me again? (0:14:35.96)
Helck : Anne! You're incredible! (0:14:43.25)
Helck : The fish that you caught... (0:14:45.58)
Helck : was a real big whopper! (0:14:49.17)
Vermilio : THAT'S NOT EVEN A FISH! (0:14:52.50)
Vermilio : What the hell is that?!
Where'd you get it from?!
Helck : It was walking along the ocean floor! (0:14:56.92)
Piwi : Yikes! (0:14:58.67)
Piwi : That thing is poisonous, you know! (0:14:59.88)
Piwi : I'm gonna head out. (0:15:02.63)
Helck : G'night! Be careful! (0:15:03.67)
Piwi : Okay! (0:15:05.83)
Vermilio : I went over a bunch of things
in my head yesterday,
Vermilio : but I fell asleep without
ever coming to a decision...
Vermilio : I've no idea where he even got them from, (0:15:27.25)
Vermilio : but I have to admit these pajamas
are pretty darn comfortable.
Vermilio : No problems with the trap I set, either. (0:15:34.83)
Vermilio : Regardless, I can't afford to get sloppy! (0:15:38.00)
Vermilio : Who's there? (0:15:42.92)
Vermilio : Maybe it's that fuzzball. (0:15:44.25)
Vermilio : Is Helck not around? (0:15:46.75)
Vermilio : Hold on! I'm opening it now. (0:15:49.25)
Kabano : Wazzup! (0:15:52.46)
Vermilio : Who the devil are you? (0:15:54.63)
Kabano : Um... (0:15:56.00)
Kabano : I'm, like, the dude who's
gotta deliver your breakfast!
Vermilio : Breakfast? (0:16:00.67)
Vermilio : Somebody's already eaten half of it... (0:16:04.13)
Kabano : Sorry! (0:16:05.92)
Kabano : I got a bad case of the munchies
on my way here!
Kabano : But I held myself back
and left some for you!
Vermilio : Well, I never asked for breakfast,
so it doesn't really matter.
Vermilio : You're welcome to eat the rest,
if you want.
Vermilio : Tell me something.
Who prepared all of this?
Kabano : I can really have the rest?! Thanks, yo! (0:16:20.29)
Kabano : Welp, Imma go home now. Peace out! (0:16:22.71)
Vermilio : Listen to what I'm saying! (0:16:25.58)
Kabano : It wuz the village chief
who asked me to bring it!
Vermilio : Chief? (0:16:30.13)
Vermilio : Interesting. (0:16:31.54)
Vermilio : So there is a village here after all. (0:16:32.71)
Vermilio : Helck must have borrowed
all these supplies from there.
Kabano : Welp, Imma leave now! (0:16:38.00)
Vermilio : Wait. (0:16:40.08)
Vermilio : I have a little favor to ask of you. (0:16:41.38)
Kabano : Huh? (0:16:43.79)
Kabano : Down there. (0:16:45.71)
Kabano : Check it out, yo! (0:16:47.92)
Kabano : You can see my house! (0:16:49.88)
Vermilio : How do we get down from here? (0:16:51.63)
Kabano : Thatzzit! My house is right there! (0:16:53.83)
Vermilio : Yeah, looks like a nice house. (0:16:56.58)
Vermilio : Are there any other villages here? (0:17:00.13)
Kabano : There are no villages.
Just a few houses and thatzzit.
Vermilio : Are you the only ones
living on this island?
Kabano : Yezzur! It's just us.
We're the only ones around!
Kabano : Gee whiz, it's the first time in my life
I've seen somebody from outside the island!
Kabano : I'm, like, getting hyped up! Fo sho! (0:17:14.67)
Vermilio : Is that so? (0:17:16.92)
Vermilio : He's just like that fuzzball. (0:17:18.21)
Vermilio : They're not wary of strangers
around here, are they?
EXTRA : Ya big nincompoop!
Whaddya bring her here for?!
Vermilio : I take back what I said. (0:17:31.63)
Vermilio : It seems the village as a whole
is being pretty cautious towards us.
Vermilio : Well, that's only natural. (0:17:36.08)
Kabano : Aw shiz! I totally pooched it! (0:17:37.71)
Kabano : Welp, Imma go get chewed out for a bit! (0:17:40.17)
Vermilio : So you're in trouble now?
Sorry about that.
Piwi : Annie! (0:17:47.08)
Piwi : Good morning! (0:17:50.29)
Vermilio : Don't get so close! (0:17:51.54)
Vermilio : I absolutely hate when people
start clinging onto me!
Vermilio : Oh, but this thing feels a lot softer
and fluffier than I thought...
Piwi : Gosh, Annie, you have
old lady smell on you.
Vermilio : O-old lady?! (0:18:02.58)
Piwi : Annie! Guess what?! (0:18:05.71)
Vermilio : Look, I'm not cool with nicknames- (0:18:07.33)
Piwi : Helck said he's gonna make a boat! (0:18:08.63)
Vermilio : WHAT?! (0:18:10.46)
Vermilio : Where is he?! Where is Helck right now?! (0:18:11.58)
Piwi : Over there! (0:18:13.75)
Vermilio : Oh no! He can't have figured out
the way back yet, can he?!
Vermilio : This is bad! (0:18:19.54)
Vermilio : It hardly took him long
to build that house!
Vermilio : Which means he can build a boat in no time! (0:18:22.58)
Vermilio : I cannot let him make it back
to the continent!
Vermilio : Found him! (0:18:30.17)
Vermilio : Wh-what's that aura enveloping him? (0:18:42.38)
Vermilio : I'm sensing an incredible energy! (0:18:46.29)
Vermilio : Jeez! Just how far has he gone
to hide his true power level?!
Vermilio : It just took wind pressure?! (0:18:57.13)
Vermilio : Whoa! The axe couldn't take all his strength
and broke into pieces!
Vermilio : Has he never used one before or what?! (0:19:03.38)
Vermilio : Sucker! Now he can't make the boat! (0:19:06.92)
Vermilio : Goddammit! (0:19:14.58)
Vermilio : He always pulls shit like this! (0:19:15.67)
Vermilio : Eep! I'm such a fool! (0:19:18.38)
Piwi : Cheep. Cheep. (0:19:21.63)
Vermilio : What do you think you're doing? (0:19:24.04)
Piwi : I gotchu covered. (0:19:26.25)
Piwi : I'm going to trick him into thinking
it was just a bird making some noise.
Piwi : Cheep! (0:19:30.75)
Piwi : Cheep! Cheep! Cheep! (0:19:31.50)
Helck : Shucks! So it was you two I heard, huh? (0:19:33.42)
Helck : What brings you out here? (0:19:38.17)
Vermilio : I heard that you were building a boat. (0:19:40.46)
Vermilio : So, did you figure out which direction
will take us back home?
Helck : Nope! Not yet. (0:19:45.79)
Helck : But I wanted to be prepared to
leave immediately once we do figure it out.
Helck : Which is why I decided
to build the boat first.
Vermilio : Oh. So you haven't
learned anything new, then.
Helck : Don't look so depressed! (0:19:57.04)
Helck : It's only day two! (0:19:58.88)
Helck : Let's not rush and take it one thing at a time! (0:20:00.50)
Vermilio : Huh? (0:20:02.50)
Vermilio : Oh, sure... (0:20:03.21)
Vermilio : Are those... ruins? (0:20:30.29)
Helck : There are more of them all over the place. (0:20:32.83)
Helck : You know, this island might have been
very prosperous a long time ago.
Helck : Did your ancestors build all these? (0:20:38.38)
Piwi : I dunno! (0:20:40.92)
Vermilio : What a strange place... (0:20:42.54)
Vermilio : It feels nostalgic to me for some reason. (0:20:44.42)
Helck : Alrighty! It's finished! (0:20:46.96)
Vermilio : What? You already built the boat?! (0:20:48.54)
Vermilio : The quality of your work
is on the low end this time, huh...
EXTRA : So, this is where you
wretched outsiders got off to.
EXTRA : I've heard that you've been going 'round
and making a playground of our island.
EXTRA : Come with me. (0:21:07.46)
EXTRA : We're gonna need to have a little chat. (0:21:09.04)
EXTRA : I promise you (0:21:19.83)
EXTRA : Someday when the world (0:21:22.63)
EXTRA : Comes to an end (0:21:25.58)
EXTRA : I hope we meet once again (0:21:27.67)
EXTRA : Someone once told me (0:21:42.38)
EXTRA : You were like a flower (0:21:47.75)
EXTRA : In a room without water, yet surely (0:21:53.67)
EXTRA : Blooming towards tomorrow (0:21:59.21)
EXTRA : If it was all a dream (0:22:03.42)
EXTRA : To know you (0:22:06.21)
EXTRA : To be in love (0:22:09.08)
EXTRA : I wouldn't know the meaning of life (0:22:12.00)
EXTRA : Even if tomorrow (0:22:16.33)
EXTRA : The rain pours (0:22:19.13)
EXTRA : Dawn will come and (0:22:21.83)
EXTRA : Rainbows will arch over the world (0:22:24.21)
EXTRA : The pain in my heart (0:22:27.67)
EXTRA : The tears trickling down (0:22:30.38)
EXTRA : Let's turn it into seeds for the future (0:22:33.25)
EXTRA : We go on (0:22:36.71)
EXTRA : Until our clumsy love (0:22:39.04)
EXTRA : Blooms into a flower (0:22:41.08)
EXTRA : Next time: "Invasion" (0:22:46.83)

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Masashige Konami Hanzo Hattori

Yeah That’s Not a Dog-tag that’s a “ Omamori” an “Protective Charm.” - Anonymous


I'm telling you... I'm only a lowly scientist trying to understand their motivation. - Hyouka Fuwa

Tsukimigusa-san. - Anna Nishikinomiya

We're in a precarious situation and don't want to attract any attention. - Anna Nishikinomiya

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