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Naru Narusegawa : Despite... Naninani ni mo kakawarazu. (0:01:30.40)
Naru Narusegawa : Dessert... dezaato. (0:01:33.74)
Naru Narusegawa : Destiny... unmei. (0:01:36.11)
Keitaro Urashima : I guess this is it, huh? (0:01:38.28)
Naru Narusegawa : Huh? (0:01:40.38)
EXTRA : When we grow up, let's go\nto Tokyo U together, okay? (0:01:41.95)
Keitaro Urashima : That promise I made 15 years ago... (0:01:47.25)
Keitaro Urashima : Today's the day I make good on it. (0:01:50.47)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't talk to me right now. (0:01:53.22)
Keitaro Urashima : There's no point in cramming\non the day of an exam. (0:01:55.49)
Keitaro Urashima : It's been my experience that... (0:01:58.58)
Keitaro Urashima : A fire?! (0:02:03.37)
Shinobu Maehara : I burned the fish! (0:02:08.95)
Keitaro Urashima : Huh? (0:02:11.04)
Keitaro Urashima : Over there?! (0:02:13.74)
Motoko Aoyama : Damn you! (0:02:18.86)
Keitaro Urashima : Motoko-chan! (0:02:20.41)
Motoko Aoyama : Turn off, damn you! (0:02:21.18)
Kaolla Su : Go for it, Keitaro! (0:02:36.33)
Motoko Aoyama : Give it everything you have. (0:02:38.44)
Shinobu Maehara : Both of you!
Please do your best!
Mitsune Konno : Take it easy, guys. (0:02:43.01)
Keitaro Urashima : We will!
See you later!
Naru Narusegawa : Ideal... risouteki na. (0:02:46.24)
Naru Narusegawa : Identify... mimoto o kakunin suru. (0:02:48.75)
Keitaro Urashima : Wait, Narusegawa! (0:02:48.78)
Naru Narusegawa : Win... katsu. (0:02:53.75)
Naru Narusegawa : Wind... (0:02:55.39)
Keitaro Urashima : We're finally here to carry out\nthat promise from 15 years ago... (0:02:56.22)
Keitaro Urashima : Come on!
Let's go, Narusegawa!
EXTRA : You don't belong here! (0:03:07.58)
Keitaro Urashima : Wha...? (0:03:09.60)
EXTRA : You don't belong here! (0:03:10.80)
EXTRA : You don't belong here! (0:03:12.34)
EXTRA : You don't belong here! (0:03:13.74)
EXTRA : You don't belong here! (0:03:15.21)
Keitaro Urashima : What do you mean by that?! (0:03:20.41)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm being turned away at the door?! (0:03:22.25)
Keitaro Urashima : You're saying I'm not worthy\nto get into Tokyo U? (0:03:23.68)
EXTRA : This is the Hongo campus. (0:03:27.42)
EXTRA : Students trying out for Liberal Arts\nneed to go to the Komaba campus. (0:03:29.69)
Naru Narusegawa : Drill... hanpuku kunren. (0:03:48.58)
Keitaro Urashima : Where's my applicant card? (0:03:48.81)
Naru Narusegawa : Drink... nomu. (0:03:50.84)
Naru Narusegawa : Drive... unten suru. (0:03:52.31)
Keitaro Urashima : Did you forget it? (0:03:55.88)
Keitaro Urashima : That's strange... (0:03:57.88)
Keitaro Urashima : What the hell is going on?! (0:04:06.99)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry! (0:04:13.66)
Keitaro Urashima : A-Are you all right? (0:04:16.54)
Keitaro Urashima : Hey, lady!
Snap out of it!
Keitaro Urashima : I-I can't feel a pulse! (0:04:27.88)
Keitaro Urashima : N... No... I didn't do it! (0:04:31.72)
Keitaro Urashima : No...! (0:04:35.42)
Keitaro Urashima : It... It wasn't me! (0:04:37.35)
Mutsumi Otohime : Entrance exam number A10582 Otohime Mutsumi. (0:04:45.13)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh, I'm... (0:04:47.45)
Mutsumi Otohime : Entrance exam number A10582, Otohi... (0:04:49.72)
Mutsumi Otohime : I wonder where the classroom is? (0:04:54.61)
Keitaro Urashima : WHY?! (0:05:11.66)
Noriyasu Seta : Here. (0:05:31.20)
Noriyasu Seta : You dropped your\nexam applicant card. (0:05:32.68)
Keitaro Urashima : Thanks. (0:05:36.51)
Keitaro Urashima : Um, who are you? (0:05:38.02)
Keitaro Urashima : Huh? (0:05:40.48)
Keitaro Urashima : Calm down. You've done everything you can. (0:05:49.03)
Keitaro Urashima : It's time to follow through on\nthat promise from 15 years ago. (0:05:52.79)
Kaolla Su : Hey, they're back! (0:06:10.25)
Mitsune Konno : H-How'd you two do? (0:06:13.35)
Keitaro Urashima : I aced it! (0:06:21.43)
Keitaro Urashima : I was on such a roll today! (0:06:23.36)
Keitaro Urashima : I might actually make it in! (0:06:25.03)
Shinobu Maehara : Congratulations! (0:06:29.27)
Shinobu Maehara : Kaolla-san! (0:06:34.84)
Mitsune Konno : How about you, Naru? (0:06:36.24)
Keitaro Urashima : How could Narusegawa not pass? (0:06:39.83)
Mitsune Konno : Yeah, you're right. (0:06:42.55)
Mitsune Konno : Hey, I know!
Let's go out and celebrate!
Keitaro Urashima : Yeah! (0:06:46.05)
Keitaro Urashima : Let's go see the results\nposting together, okay? (0:06:48.19)
Naru Narusegawa : Sure... (0:06:52.26)
Keitaro Urashima : The two of us finally\nmade it into Tokyo U. (0:06:58.83)
Naru Narusegawa : I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. (0:07:02.63)
Naru Narusegawa : The truth is, I'm that\ngirl from 15 years ago! (0:07:04.87)
Keitaro Urashima : I already knew. (0:07:09.24)
Naru Narusegawa : Kei-kun! (0:07:11.24)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa... (0:07:12.18)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm not listed... (0:07:22.59)
Keitaro Urashima : But how...? (0:07:24.35)
Keitaro Urashima : Are you mad at me for not keeping\nmy promise, Narusegawa? (0:07:28.66)
Keitaro Urashima : Of course she is. (0:07:35.07)
Keitaro Urashima : After all I said to get her\nhopes up, I let her down. (0:07:36.50)
Keitaro Urashima : I should apologize. (0:07:50.25)
Keitaro Urashima : And then start over again. (0:07:51.78)
Keitaro Urashima : N-Narusegawa... (0:07:55.25)
Keitaro Urashima : Listen, Narusegawa! (0:07:59.12)
Keitaro Urashima : Wait, Narusegawa! (0:08:02.93)
Keitaro Urashima : Please, give me one more chance! (0:08:04.83)
Naru Narusegawa : Stop following me! (0:08:07.50)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa! (0:08:08.57)
Keitaro Urashima : A UFO! (0:08:12.74)
Keitaro Urashima : A hundred million yen! (0:08:14.97)
Naru Narusegawa : Just stop following me! (0:08:17.11)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa! (0:08:20.61)
Keitaro Urashima : Are you okay? (0:08:22.51)
Keitaro Urashima : Are you hurt? (0:08:23.80)
Naru Narusegawa : No... Don't look at me. (0:08:25.35)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa... (0:08:32.94)
Naru Narusegawa : I told you to stop following me... (0:08:35.46)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry. I'll study 'til I drop\nand make it in next year for sure. (0:08:41.43)
Keitaro Urashima : So please... (0:08:48.04)
Naru Narusegawa : You failed, too, Keitaro? (0:08:50.94)
Keitaro Urashima : What do you mean "too"? (0:08:54.41)
Keitaro Urashima : No way! You failed, too, Narusegawa?! (0:08:56.65)
Naru Narusegawa : Two years!
Two whole years!
Naru Narusegawa : For two whole years,\nall I did was study! (0:09:07.22)
Naru Narusegawa : I hardly ever went out with my friends,
I quit all my clubs, and what did it get me?!
Naru Narusegawa : Another Oolong tea! (0:09:16.60)
Keitaro Urashima : There's always next year. (0:09:19.07)
Keitaro Urashima : If we both pass the exam next year,\nwe can still live happily ever after. (0:09:20.90)
Naru Narusegawa : What're you talking about? (0:09:27.21)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm saying, let's fulfill our promise\nfrom 15 years ago next year. (0:09:29.08)
Keitaro Urashima : We'll work at it together, right? (0:09:33.88)
Naru Narusegawa : What promise from 15 years ago? (0:09:36.52)
Keitaro Urashima : Come on, you don't have\nto keep pretending. (0:09:39.39)
Keitaro Urashima : Fifteen years ago, we made a promise\nat the park near Hinata Apartments. (0:09:41.76)
Keitaro Urashima : We said we'd go to Tokyo U together. (0:09:46.06)
Keitaro Urashima : I know that little girl\nwas you, Narusegawa. (0:09:48.40)
Naru Narusegawa : I don't think so. (0:09:52.77)
Naru Narusegawa : Fifteen years ago, I was only two. (0:09:54.44)
Naru Narusegawa : How could I have made\na promise like that back then? (0:09:57.74)
Keitaro Urashima : It's all over. (0:10:15.79)
Keitaro Urashima : Everything. (0:10:17.39)
Keitaro Urashima : All of it. (0:10:19.29)
Naru Narusegawa : Vacate... uchi o akeru. (0:10:27.79)
Naru Narusegawa : Vaccine... wakuchin. (0:10:30.10)
Naru Narusegawa : Vacuum... kuukyo. (0:10:32.24)
Naru Narusegawa : What am I doing? (0:10:35.41)
Naru Narusegawa : March XXth.
I've decided to go on a trip.
Naru Narusegawa : I don't want to see\nanyone for a while. (0:10:40.51)
Naru Narusegawa : Especially not him! (0:10:43.58)
Keitaro Urashima : A lucky day in March.
I've decided to go on a trip.
Keitaro Urashima : I'm off in search of a new me. (0:10:51.96)
Keitaro Urashima : I've got to forget\nabout Narusegawa. (0:10:56.49)
Keitaro Urashima : After all, she's not the girl\nfrom my memories. (0:10:58.90)
Naru Narusegawa : Car 14, seat 14-E... (0:11:14.45)
Naru Narusegawa : Here it is. (0:11:17.75)
Keitaro Urashima : Car 14, seat 14-D. (0:11:21.92)
Keitaro Urashima : Ah, this is it. (0:11:24.79)
EXTRA : Excuse me. (0:11:27.26)
EXTRA : This is car 15. (0:11:30.70)
EXTRA : Excuse me! (0:11:34.37)
Mitsune Konno : You're going to Kyoto?! (0:11:36.87)
Mitsune Konno : But, Naru!
What about Tokyo University?
Naru Narusegawa : I'll tell you all about\nit when I get back. (0:11:41.64)
Keitaro Urashima : Um... If you're not using that phone,\nwould you mind if I... (0:11:44.41)
Mitsune Konno : Naru? Who was that? (0:11:48.11)
Naru Narusegawa : I'm sorry. (0:11:50.35)
Keitaro Urashima : Oh, great... It only\naccepts phone cards. (0:11:57.39)
Naru Narusegawa : Sir? You can use\nthis one if you like. (0:12:00.43)
Keitaro Urashima : Thank you! (0:12:04.26)
Keitaro Urashima : There are still kind\npeople in the world! (0:12:06.23)
Naru Narusegawa : Anyway, I just wanted\nto let you know. 'Bye. (0:12:08.41)
Shinobu Maehara : What did Narusegawa-senpai say? (0:12:14.81)
Mitsune Konno : She said something\nabout going to Kyoto. (0:12:17.91)
Motoko Aoyama : Alone? A maiden traveling\nalone invites trouble. (0:12:20.28)
Mitsune Konno : I'm not so sure she's alone. (0:12:23.88)
Mitsune Konno : I could swear I heard Keitaro's\nvoice in the background. (0:12:26.62)
Kaolla Su : The number you have dialed\nis not in service! (0:12:32.92)
Shinobu Maehara : Urashima-senpai? (0:12:37.56)
Shinobu Maehara : What?! You're calling from\nthe bullet train to Kyoto?! (0:12:40.33)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry, I failed the exam. (0:12:44.34)
Keitaro Urashima : So Narusegawa and l... (0:12:47.87)
Keitaro Urashima : ...probably won't ever\nsee each other again. (0:12:50.16)
Keitaro Urashima : Hello? (0:12:53.71)
Keitaro Urashima : Oh, well. At least I\ntold them where I am. (0:12:54.91)
Mitsune Konno : No doubt about it,
those two planned this out before they left.
Mitsune Konno : I know they've been going\nthrough this brochure! (0:13:02.55)
Shinobu Maehara : T-They eloped?! (0:13:04.96)
Kaolla Su : Does an elope taste good? (0:13:09.16)
Naru Narusegawa : I look terrible.
I cried all last night.
Naru Narusegawa : I guess I'll go wash up. (0:13:17.64)
Keitaro Urashima : My glasses!
My glasses!
Keitaro Urashima : I'm so sorry! (0:13:28.68)
Naru Narusegawa : No, it was my fault. (0:13:30.08)
Naru Narusegawa : Here they are! (0:13:32.12)
Naru Narusegawa : I-I'm sorry! (0:13:38.12)
Keitaro Urashima : Oh, really? (0:13:44.33)
Naru Narusegawa : Really! Isn't that funny? (0:13:46.26)
Naru Narusegawa : Wow, he seems like\na really nice guy. (0:13:50.50)
Naru Narusegawa : He's nothing like Keitaro. (0:13:53.34)
Naru Narusegawa : Too bad he's just a blur... (0:13:55.51)
Keitaro Urashima : I never thought I'd hit it off\nthis well with a girl I just met. (0:13:57.24)
Keitaro Urashima : Too bad she's just a blur... (0:14:01.75)
Naru Narusegawa : Is something wrong? (0:14:04.72)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh, no! (0:14:06.48)
EXTRA : All right, I'll deliver them\nto your hotel later. (0:14:13.49)
Naru Narusegawa : Thank you! (0:14:15.73)
Keitaro Urashima : Thanks. (0:14:17.00)
Keitaro Urashima : So... Do you have any\nplans or anything? (0:14:21.00)
Naru Narusegawa : I thought I'd wander around a bit. (0:14:23.90)
Keitaro Urashima : Well, uh... Would you\nlike some company? (0:14:27.04)
Naru Narusegawa : Sure. (0:14:33.48)
Keitaro Urashima : Yes! (0:14:34.41)
Keitaro Urashima : No doubt about it! That's gotta\nbe a Kyoto-exclusive photo booth! (0:14:49.09)
Keitaro Urashima : But things are going\nso well with her... (0:14:52.40)
Keitaro Urashima : If she finds out my hobby\nis taking snapshots of myself... (0:14:56.47)
Naru Narusegawa : I'll be right back! (0:14:59.40)
Keitaro Urashima : Lucky! (0:15:03.41)
Keitaro Urashima : Now's my chance! (0:15:04.64)
Keitaro Urashima : Okay, cheese! (0:15:09.41)
Naru Narusegawa : It's no fair, taking a picture by yourself.
We're seeing the sights together.
Naru Narusegawa : It'll make a great souvenir\nof our Kyoto trip. (0:15:22.33)
Keitaro Urashima : This is the first time in my life
I've had a photo taken with a girl!
Naru Narusegawa : Excuse me... (0:15:35.64)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry! (0:15:39.28)
Keitaro Urashima : What a sweet girl!
She's nothing like Narusegawa!
Keitaro Urashima : Wait a minute... We're staying\nat the same inn, too? (0:15:50.12)
Keitaro Urashima : Something must be\nkeeping us together. (0:15:53.09)
Naru Narusegawa : You could be right...! (0:15:55.89)
Keitaro Urashima : Well, we meet again!
In front of the baths, this time!
Naru Narusegawa : Yeah, what a coincidence! (0:16:01.40)
Naru Narusegawa : Well, this is my room... (0:16:03.94)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh... (0:16:06.20)
Naru Narusegawa : Yes? (0:16:07.64)
Keitaro Urashima : I-I've n-never m-met a-anyone... (0:16:09.41)
EXTRA : Oh, just the two people I was looking for! (0:16:12.81)
EXTRA : I'm so sorry, but we made a mistake\nand overbooked the rooms. (0:16:16.41)
EXTRA : You two seem to be a couple,\nso would you mind sharing a room? (0:16:21.79)
Keitaro Urashima : WHAT?!
Naru Narusegawa : WHAT?!
EXTRA : Oh, there you are! (0:16:29.43)
EXTRA : Your glasses are ready! (0:16:31.53)
Naru Narusegawa : No! Not there! (0:16:41.24)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa! (0:16:43.94)
Naru Narusegawa : Another win!
What a piece of cake!
Naru Narusegawa : I'm not about to lose to a sex-crazed dope\nwho uses phony voices to pick up girls! (0:16:49.28)
Keitaro Urashima : You just didn't realize\nit was me, that's all! (0:16:52.88)
Keitaro Urashima : Damn it!
I demand a rematch!
Naru Narusegawa : You sure get worked up easily!
You're just like a little kid!
Naru Narusegawa : For somebody who's\nthree years older than me, (0:17:03.19)
Naru Narusegawa : you sure are dumb,\nfoolish, and a goof-off! (0:17:05.06)
Keitaro Urashima : Big talk from a girl\nwho's so butch! (0:17:07.00)
Naru Narusegawa : And you're trying to get into Tokyo U\nbecause of a promise you made... (0:17:09.50)
Naru Narusegawa : some girl 15 years ago?! (0:17:12.34)
Naru Narusegawa : What a textbook case of\narrested development! (0:17:14.47)
Naru Narusegawa : It's no surprise that you failed! (0:17:16.96)
Keitaro Urashima : Like you're one to talk! (0:17:18.68)
Keitaro Urashima : You studied so hard that you're\nstuck with those goofy glasses, (0:17:20.71)
Keitaro Urashima : and you still couldn't pass! (0:17:23.18)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry. (0:17:31.22)
Naru Narusegawa : You jerk! (0:17:32.72)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't you dare step past here! Got it?! (0:17:40.10)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm not low enough to mess around\nwith a girl who's asleep! (0:17:43.00)
Naru Narusegawa : I'm not so sure, coming\nfrom you, Lord Perv! (0:17:46.94)
Naru Narusegawa : Good night! (0:17:48.94)
Keitaro Urashima : H-Hey! What makes you think I... (0:17:49.94)
Keitaro Urashima : Damn. (0:17:52.41)
Naru Narusegawa : I swear, if he tries anything,\nhe's gonna pay. (0:17:56.58)
Naru Narusegawa : The bathroom... (0:18:15.00)
Naru Narusegawa : Now that I think about it, he doesn't\nhave the guts to try anything. (0:18:16.87)
Naru Narusegawa : But maybe he'll snap...! (0:18:20.67)
Naru Narusegawa : He might! (0:18:25.11)
Naru Narusegawa : W-Wait a minute, Keitaro...!
What are you doing?
Naru Narusegawa : He wouldn't!
He wouldn't!
Naru Narusegawa : That table tennis game is catching\nup with me...! No, I can't fall asleep! (0:18:37.39)
Naru Narusegawa : Whatever happens, I have\nto make sure he doesn't... (0:18:41.23)
Naru Narusegawa : No, Keitaro... (0:18:51.34)
Naru Narusegawa : Keita... (0:18:59.38)
Naru Narusegawa : He tied himself up! (0:19:04.92)
Naru Narusegawa : A to-do... oosawagi. (0:19:19.66)
Naru Narusegawa : To toe... tsumasaki de fureru. (0:19:21.83)
Naru Narusegawa : Together... isshou ni. (0:19:23.90)
Keitaro Urashima : Narusegawa wasn't the girl I made the promise with. (0:19:25.84)
Keitaro Urashima : But I think I might be... (0:19:29.64)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh... Listen. (0:19:35.28)
Naru Narusegawa : Say, why did you\ngo on this trip? (0:19:36.75)
Keitaro Urashima : Good question. (0:19:40.15)
Keitaro Urashima : Flunking Tokyo U again made me\nwonder what I've been doing with my life. (0:19:41.72)
Keitaro Urashima : So I wanted to get a\nfresh look at myself. (0:19:49.19)
Keitaro Urashima : How about you? (0:19:53.16)
Naru Narusegawa : Well... Something like that, I guess. (0:19:55.60)
Keitaro Urashima : Huh? (0:19:58.97)
Naru Narusegawa : I flunked the exam, and I\ndidn't know what to do. (0:19:59.84)
Naru Narusegawa : And before I knew it,
I was on the train, but...
Keitaro Urashima : But? (0:20:06.01)
Naru Narusegawa : But yesterday made me\nforget all that stuff. (0:20:07.58)
Naru Narusegawa : It's like it isn't really\nimportant anymore. (0:20:11.28)
Naru Narusegawa : Hey. Wanna go sightseeing\ntogether again today? (0:20:16.05)
Keitaro Urashima : Sure. (0:20:20.66)

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Momiji, my beloved. - Anaxistratus


Ah! Don't, it's embarrassing!
They need to fall in love with a vampire.
- Nazuna Nanakusa

You're being ridiculous. - Nazuna Nanakusa

It's my policy to not create offspring, y'know. - Nazuna Nanakusa

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