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Neon Nostrade : Ah, this is the foundation I wanted! (0:00:10.31)
Neon Nostrade : I also want this lipstick and manicure spray. (0:00:12.74)
Neon Nostrade : Oh, what a cute wig... (0:00:15.62)
Eliza : Boss, we should get going soon. (0:00:17.74)
Neon Nostrade : Just a little longer. (0:00:21.05)
Neon Nostrade : I should buy this camisole too. (0:00:23.00)
Basho : Her shopping's gonna be the death of me. (0:00:26.81)
Melody : I concur. (0:00:29.59)
EXTRA : A x Brutal x Battlefield (0:01:52.00)
Neon Nostrade : Was there anything else we needed? (0:02:00.62)
Neon Nostrade : Did you want anything, Eliza? (0:02:02.85)
Eliza : No, nothing at all. (0:02:05.33)
Neon Nostrade : I have to go to the restroom. (0:02:12.40)
Neon Nostrade : It's okay... (0:02:14.39)
Neon Nostrade : Watch my stuff for me. (0:02:15.79)
Basho : Will Kurapika be okay? (0:02:20.28)
Melody : I used my flute to help him recover a little. (0:02:23.85)
Basho : How do you feel about the
whole assassins business?
Light Nostrade : The Ten Dons are hiring professionals
to handle the Troupe.
Kurapika : Professionals? (0:02:36.96)
Light Nostrade : So, Kurapika... (0:02:38.90)
Light Nostrade : I want you to join those hit men. (0:02:40.09)
Melody : Judging by his heartbeat, (0:02:44.56)
Melody : he wasn't entirely pleased
about joining the hit men.
Basho : Of course not. (0:02:52.26)
Melody : However, Kurapika is extremely determined. (0:02:53.51)
Melody : To achieve his goal, he's certainly
willing to sacrifice everything.
Basho : That's a hard road... (0:03:05.12)
Basho : I couldn't do it. (0:03:07.83)
Basho : What's the point of a life in which
you're basically killing yourself?
Eliza : She's taking a long time. (0:03:13.15)
Basho : Once we finish this job, (0:03:17.08)
Basho : I'm using the money to see
the world on my bike.
Melody : That sounds really nice. (0:03:21.99)
Basho : Not enjoying yourself is a crime. (0:03:24.34)
Melody : There are many ways to spend a life. (0:03:27.16)
Melody : Everyone has different ideas
about what's important.
Basho : Huh? (0:03:35.27)
Melody : What's wrong? (0:03:36.55)
Eliza : She's gone! (0:03:38.33)
Melody : Huh? (0:03:39.90)
Basho : What?! (0:03:40.55)
Neon Nostrade : Daddy's such a liar! (0:03:42.61)
Neon Nostrade : He wasn't going to take me to the auction! (0:03:45.12)
Neon Nostrade : Fine, I'll just go by myself! (0:03:49.61)
Zenji : Come in. (0:04:02.53)
EXTRA : Forever Active (0:04:09.26)
Zenji : One, two, three, four, five, six... (0:04:10.18)
Zenji : Looks like everyone's here. (0:04:15.46)
EXTRA : No, not yet. (0:04:17.53)
Zenji : I thought the team only had eight members. (0:04:19.91)
EXTRA : Nostrade is sending an additional person. (0:04:22.28)
Zenji : Tsk, the guy who uses that
voodoo fortunetelling?
Zenji : Then, has everyone arrived? (0:04:43.45)
Zenji : The job is to annihilate the Phantom Troupe. (0:04:47.32)
Zenji : When the auction kicks off again, (0:04:50.42)
Zenji : they may show up. (0:04:52.56)
Zenji : If they do, dispose of them. (0:04:55.06)
Zenji : You're free to use any means you want. (0:04:57.56)
EXTRA : This team will be after the same target. (0:05:00.89)
EXTRA : We should decide how we address
each other when communicating.
EXTRA : Just use colors. (0:05:06.80)
EXTRA : Call me Blue. (0:05:08.28)
EXTRA : I'll be Red. (0:05:10.65)
Zeno Zoldyck : It's like playing a game. (0:05:12.76)
EXTRA : Eh? What about you guys? (0:05:15.01)
Silva Zoldyck : Silva. (0:05:16.73)
Zeno Zoldyck : I'm Zeno. (0:05:17.82)
EXTRA : Zeno? What color is that? (0:05:18.85)
Zeno Zoldyck : We will both use our real names. (0:05:21.18)
EXTRA : What? (0:05:24.23)
Silva Zoldyck : You're welcome to call me by name, (0:05:26.09)
Silva Zoldyck : but I won't take orders. (0:05:28.24)
Silva Zoldyck : We'll do this our own way. (0:05:30.24)
EXTRA : Silva and Zeno... (0:05:32.73)
EXTRA : Of the Zoldyck family? (0:05:34.86)
Zeno Zoldyck : Let me know if you want someone killed. (0:05:38.51)
Zeno Zoldyck : I'm willing to give you a thirty percent
discount for being in the same line of work.
Kurapika : They're from Killua's family. (0:05:49.04)
EXTRA : Does it really matter (0:05:52.12)
EXTRA : what we call one another? (0:05:54.29)
EXTRA : Agreed. (0:05:55.70)
EXTRA : There's no requirement we work together. (0:05:57.11)
EXTRA : But we're talking about the Troupe. (0:06:00.61)
EXTRA : Attacking alone will be dangerous. (0:06:02.71)
EXTRA : And you? (0:06:06.77)
Kurapika : Shaky teamwork will only cause confusion. (0:06:07.92)
Kurapika : I will move alone. (0:06:10.92)
EXTRA : So it's 5 to 4. (0:06:14.08)
EXTRA : We have our answer. (0:06:15.54)
EXTRA : The auction begins at nine.
We will transport you to the auction hall.
EXTRA : Please wait here until it's time. (0:06:22.33)
Zenji : Yo, Nostrade... (0:06:26.63)
Zenji : How are you feeling? (0:06:29.15)
Light Nostrade : Not too bad. (0:06:31.04)
Zenji : Not too bad? (0:06:32.74)
Zenji : You've gotten pretty full of yourself. (0:06:34.45)
Zenji : Not too long ago, you were just
leading a little country gang,
Zenji : and now you're acting like my equal. (0:06:40.32)
Zenji : I hear you've been rubbing your hands
together so much, your skin rubbed off.
Zenji : You okay? (0:06:47.85)
Light Nostrade : It's sad when a man shows jealousy. (0:06:52.14)
Zenji : Bastard! (0:06:56.50)
Zenji : What's this about? (0:07:00.30)
Zenji : Go ahead and stick that knife in me! (0:07:02.55)
Light Nostrade : Kurapika, that's enough! (0:07:05.14)
Zenji : Let's be clear...
No one's impressed by you!
Light Nostrade : Many people envy my success, (0:07:18.62)
Light Nostrade : while they ignore their own failings. (0:07:20.78)
Light Nostrade : However, I intend to continue to rise. (0:07:24.30)
Light Nostrade : By using Neon's fortunetelling. (0:07:27.09)
Light Nostrade : I expect great things from you. (0:07:30.20)
Light Nostrade : You will be appropriately rewarded
when the time comes.
Kurapika : Yes. (0:07:35.91)
Kurapika : The police are cooperating? (0:07:43.50)
Light Nostrade : Sixty percent of the votes (0:07:46.43)
Light Nostrade : in the Yorknew City mayoral
election were bought.
Light Nostrade : And the police chief is the mayor's protégé. (0:07:51.75)
Light Nostrade : Redirecting traffic is quite easy for us. (0:07:55.30)
Kurapika : Hello? (0:08:01.52)
Melody : Kurapika, it's terrible. (0:08:02.30)
Melody : The boss ran away! (0:08:03.83)
Melody : She changed clothes in the restroom, (0:08:06.16)
Melody : so she must have planned ahead. (0:08:08.36)
Kurapika : Then I can guess where she's going. (0:08:10.88)
Kurapika : Return to the hotel and stand by. (0:08:13.86)
Light Nostrade : What's wrong? (0:08:16.82)
Kurapika : Your daughter's run away. (0:08:17.99)
Light Nostrade : What?! (0:08:20.03)
Kurapika : We probably have the same destination. (0:08:22.23)
Light Nostrade : The auction? (0:08:25.01)
Light Nostrade : Damn, she's turned off her phone. (0:08:30.22)
Light Nostrade : But Neon doesn't have a pass... (0:08:32.66)
Light Nostrade : She'll be turned away at the gate. (0:08:35.71)
Light Nostrade : This is Light Nostrade! (0:08:39.18)
Light Nostrade : I need you to convey an order
to all the guards at the gate!
Light Nostrade : If a girl about seventeen or
eighteen arrives with no pass,
Light Nostrade : they should take her into custody! (0:08:47.18)
Light Nostrade : Her description... (0:08:49.41)
EXTRA : Okay, please go ahead. (0:08:53.41)
Neon Nostrade : Whew, (0:08:58.30)
Neon Nostrade : I was stuck without a way
to get past that gate.
Neon Nostrade : Thank you so much. (0:09:01.84)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You're very welcome. (0:09:04.22)
Light Nostrade : Really?! When was that? (0:09:08.34)
EXTRA : About five minutes ago... (0:09:10.44)
EXTRA : Her hair and attire were slightly
different, but it was probably her.
Light Nostrade : She didn't have a pass? (0:09:16.69)
EXTRA : She didn't appear to realize that
the auction required a pass.
EXTRA : She mentioned something about
her daddy, but then she left.
EXTRA : Yes, she got in a taxi alone. (0:09:28.48)
EXTRA : Yes, goodbye. (0:09:31.51)
Shalnark : Nice work. (0:09:34.51)
Light Nostrade : Neon, where have you gone? (0:09:37.75)
Kurapika : I'll search for her. (0:09:39.71)
Kurapika : Do you have a map of the city? (0:09:43.87)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I've heard that you're a good fortuneteller. (0:09:52.86)
Neon Nostrade : Huh? (0:09:54.81)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Someone once mentioned it to me. (0:09:55.77)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I can't remember who... (0:09:58.62)
Neon Nostrade : I'm good. (0:10:00.67)
Neon Nostrade : Important people request
my services all the time.
Chrollo Lucilfer : What's your accuracy? (0:10:04.69)
Neon Nostrade : They say I'm always right. (0:10:06.11)
Chrollo Lucilfer : They say? (0:10:08.25)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Aren't you the one telling the fortunes? (0:10:10.08)
Neon Nostrade : My hand moves on its own. (0:10:11.63)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Oh, how impressive. (0:10:13.51)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Would you tell me mine? (0:10:15.38)
Neon Nostrade : Sure. (0:10:17.18)
Neon Nostrade : Write your full name, date of birth,
and blood type on a sheet of paper.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Will this work? (0:10:27.13)
Neon Nostrade : Let me see. (0:10:29.02)
Neon Nostrade : Chrollo Lucilfer... (0:10:30.89)
Neon Nostrade : That's a strange name. (0:10:33.36)
Chrollo Lucilfer : My friends call me "boss." (0:10:34.80)
Neon Nostrade : What? (0:10:38.40)
Neon Nostrade : That's even stranger! (0:10:39.15)
Neon Nostrade : Then, I'll tell your fortune. (0:10:41.88)
Kurapika : Your daughter is already in the
Cemetery Building on the auction site.
Light Nostrade : What? But how?! (0:11:03.30)
Kurapika : Regardless, we should hurry. (0:11:05.49)
Neon Nostrade : Okay, all done. (0:11:14.48)
Chrollo Lucilfer : May I have a look? (0:11:16.24)
Neon Nostrade : Sure. (0:11:17.82)
Neon Nostrade : My fortunes are a little strange. (0:11:20.59)
Neon Nostrade : They usually have four or five verses. (0:11:22.76)
Neon Nostrade : Each one corresponds to
a week of the month,
Neon Nostrade : so the first may have already happened. (0:11:29.70)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Oh... (0:11:33.51)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The calendar loses a precious component. (0:11:40.39)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The remaining months gather to mourn. (0:11:43.71)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The mourners play a melody, (0:11:48.02)
Chrollo Lucilfer : while the eleventh moon quietly rises. (0:11:51.54)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Amazing. (0:12:17.27)
Chrollo Lucilfer : It's correct. (0:12:18.87)
Chrollo Lucilfer : About this first verse... (0:12:22.21)
Neon Nostrade : Huh? (0:12:24.09)
Neon Nostrade : Oh, stop... (0:12:25.06)
Neon Nostrade : I never look at the fortunes I write. (0:12:26.25)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Why not? (0:12:29.53)
Neon Nostrade : I have a feeling they're more accurate
if I stay away from them.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Then may I ask you a question? (0:12:34.93)
Neon Nostrade : Uh-huh. (0:12:37.61)
Chrollo Lucilfer : This verse refers to a requiem for the dead. (0:12:38.94)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Do you believe in the afterlife? (0:12:44.37)
Neon Nostrade : Hmm... (0:12:47.22)
Neon Nostrade : Not really. (0:12:48.64)
Neon Nostrade : My fortunes are for people who are alive. (0:12:51.53)
Neon Nostrade : Like you, Chrollo-san. (0:12:54.96)
Neon Nostrade : I'm guessing that the requiem (0:12:58.18)
Neon Nostrade : is meant to help you, not the dead. (0:13:00.74)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You're probably right. (0:13:08.11)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Let's go. (0:13:11.15)
Chrollo Lucilfer : They'll let us start browsing
at the auction soon.
Neon Nostrade : Actually, I heard that from someone else. (0:13:16.35)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Eh? (0:13:19.23)
Neon Nostrade : When I was little, I saw a
fortuneteller on TV say that.
Neon Nostrade : That fortunes were meant to
make the living happy.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Really? (0:13:29.78)
Neon Nostrade : So the fortuneteller tried to
avoid giving negative fortunes.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Negative fortunes? (0:13:36.86)
Neon Nostrade : The idea was (0:13:38.51)
Neon Nostrade : to encourage people to wish for and
work toward better things.
Neon Nostrade : At the time, I was really moved... (0:13:44.41)
Neon Nostrade : From then on, I wanted to be a fortuneteller. (0:13:49.66)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The calendar loses a precious component. (0:13:59.21)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The remaining months gather to mourn. (0:14:02.44)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The mourners play a melody, (0:14:06.90)
Chrollo Lucilfer : while the eleventh moon quietly rises. (0:14:09.91)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The chrysanthemum withers and falls, (0:14:14.53)
Chrollo Lucilfer : to lie on the ground beside bloody Scarlet Eyes. (0:14:17.43)
Chrollo Lucilfer : But you will remain supreme. (0:14:20.93)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Even after losing half your limbs. (0:14:24.63)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Enjoy the interlude. (0:14:28.47)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Search out new allies. (0:14:31.00)
Chrollo Lucilfer : East is the direction to go. (0:14:33.92)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You will find one who awaits you. (0:14:35.83)
Neon Nostrade : A few years later, that fortuneteller
was arrested for being a con artist.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Are you talking about the Galactic Grandma? (0:14:45.51)
Neon Nostrade : Yep! (0:14:47.69)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I remember that she didn't
believe in the afterlife.
Neon Nostrade : Right, so that's why I don't, either. (0:14:52.56)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Personally, I believe in ghosts. (0:14:58.52)
Neon Nostrade : Huh? (0:15:01.64)
Chrollo Lucilfer : And that's why I'll do as he
would have wanted.
Neon Nostrade : What do you mean? (0:15:08.57)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Go wild. (0:15:12.87)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Are you okay? (0:15:19.03)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Call a doctor! (0:15:21.51)
EXTRA : We're on the first floor,
by the north elevator.
EXTRA : Someone's ill. Call an ambulance. (0:15:27.32)
EXTRA : We can't. (0:15:29.61)
EXTRA : They won't let an ambulance
inside without a pass.
Chrollo Lucilfer : What did you say? (0:15:35.85)
Chrollo Lucilfer : What if the unthinkable happens?! (0:15:36.88)
Chrollo Lucilfer : This is the daughter of the
Nostrade Family boss!
Chrollo Lucilfer : Will you take responsibility for her life?! (0:15:41.85)
EXTRA : Tsk, got it. (0:15:44.17)
EXTRA : She has fans among the Ten Dons. (0:15:46.20)
EXTRA : Fine, we'll make it happen. (0:15:48.55)
EXTRA : Hey, call for an ambulance! (0:15:50.53)
EXTRA : Got it. (0:15:52.34)
EXTRA : Are you able to rewind this monitor? (0:15:53.72)
EXTRA : Huh? Yeah. (0:15:57.82)
EXTRA : That chop was incredibly fast... (0:16:08.04)
EXTRA : Only I could have caught it. (0:16:10.61)
EXTRA : It's been a while since I was this excited. (0:16:13.29)
EXTRA : There is my prey. (0:16:16.70)
EXTRA : Nostrade-sama, your daughter is (0:16:19.35)
EXTRA : resting in room 501, on the fifth floor. (0:16:21.72)
Light Nostrade : She shouldn't have been able to secure a pass... (0:16:29.44)
Light Nostrade : How did she get in? (0:16:32.57)
Kurapika : Your daughter's picture is on the Hunter website. (0:16:37.71)
Light Nostrade : What? (0:16:41.33)
Kurapika : Most likely, someone found
this picture on the site,
Kurapika : approached her, and then brought her here. (0:16:46.65)
Light Nostrade : I'll find that person and kill him! (0:16:51.86)
Kurapika : Please remain calm. (0:16:54.02)
Kurapika : I don't believe capturing your
daughter was their objective.
Kurapika : She may have been a hostage in case they
had trouble infiltrating the building.
Kurapika : It's dangerous here. (0:17:05.25)
Kurapika : I called Melody and Basho. (0:17:07.16)
Kurapika : They should arrive soon. (0:17:09.22)
Light Nostrade : Can I trust them? (0:17:10.80)
Kurapika : You should go with them. (0:17:13.01)
Light Nostrade : But the auction... (0:17:15.30)
Kurapika : There won't be one. (0:17:17.28)
Kurapika : This place will become a battlefield. (0:17:19.29)
Kurapika : The auction will be postponed again. (0:17:21.65)
EXTRA : A trail of blood. (0:17:30.49)
EXTRA : He wants to be found... (0:17:33.19)
EXTRA : By leaving a scent that only another killer (0:17:35.28)
EXTRA : would catch. (0:17:38.61)
EXTRA : You are just like me. (0:17:41.29)
EXTRA : We are the same. (0:17:44.21)
EXTRA : Addicted to murder. (0:17:47.55)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Relax. (0:17:52.73)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I won't use any cheap tricks. (0:17:54.85)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Let's play one-on-one. (0:18:01.19)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:18:05.16)
Feitan Portor : I have a message from the boss. (0:18:07.58)
Feitan Portor : He wants to go wild in the Cemetery
Building, so we should come.
Phinks Magcub : We aren't too far away. (0:18:14.49)
Phinks Magcub : What about everyone else? (0:18:18.19)
Feitan Portor : The rest had the same idea. (0:18:19.68)
Feitan Portor : They've been cleaning up the trash,
while approaching the building.
Phinks Magcub : Okay, then let's go. (0:18:25.04)
Feitan Portor : Also, the boss actually added a rule this time. (0:18:26.80)
Phinks Magcub : A rule? What? (0:18:31.05)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Go absolutely crazy. (0:18:33.74)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The calendar loses a precious component. (0:18:59.15)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The remaining months gather to mourn. (0:19:02.98)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The mourners play a melody, (0:19:08.29)
Chrollo Lucilfer : while the eleventh moon quietly rises. (0:19:11.79)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The chrysanthemum withers and falls, (0:19:18.17)
Chrollo Lucilfer : to lie on the ground beside bloody Scarlet Eyes. (0:19:21.78)
Chrollo Lucilfer : But you will remain supreme. (0:19:26.10)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Even after losing half your limbs. (0:19:30.68)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Enjoy the interlude. (0:19:35.80)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Search out new allies. (0:19:39.16)
Chrollo Lucilfer : East is the direction to go. (0:19:42.91)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You will find one who awaits you. (0:19:45.24)
EXTRA : Why? (0:19:59.01)
EXTRA : Why? (0:20:01.77)
EXTRA : Why am I still alive? (0:20:05.24)
Chrollo Lucilfer : This is known as an Indoor Fish. (0:20:10.72)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Made from Nen , it can only
exist in enclosed spaces.
Chrollo Lucilfer : It's a carnivore that enjoys human flesh. (0:20:17.63)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Its victims don't bleed or feel pain. (0:20:20.68)
Chrollo Lucilfer : And they won't die until the
Indoor Fish disappears.
EXTRA : Won't die... (0:20:29.80)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The calendar loses a precious component. (0:21:03.95)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The remaining months gather to mourn. (0:21:07.63)
Chrollo Lucilfer : The mourners play a melody, (0:21:12.97)
Chrollo Lucilfer : while the eleventh moon quietly rises. (0:21:16.73)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Uvo-san, (0:21:30.20)
Chrollo Lucilfer : can you hear us? (0:21:31.85)
Chrollo Lucilfer : We are playing a requiem for you. (0:21:35.57)
EXTRA : It was the start of a stormy night, (0:21:41.77)
EXTRA : fierce and drenched with blood,
yet somehow overwhelmingly sad.
EXTRA : Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit
Gon Freecss : Coming up, we have Gon (0:23:01.40)
Killua Zoldyck : and Killua's (0:23:02.95)
Killua Zoldyck : Hunterpedia! (0:23:03.65)
Gon Freecss : Hunterpedia! (0:23:03.65)
Gon Freecss : It's Gon (0:23:06.63)
Killua Zoldyck : and Killua's (0:23:07.53)
Gon Freecss : Hunterpedia! (0:23:08.36)
Killua Zoldyck : Hunterpedia! (0:23:08.36)
Gon Freecss : Gon and Killua's Hunterpedia (0:23:08.57)
Gon Freecss : Today, we introduce Phinks. (0:23:09.61)
EXTRA : A Phantom Troupe member. (0:23:11.05)
Gon Freecss : A member of the Phantom Troupe. (0:23:11.42)
Gon Freecss : He's an Enhancer. (0:23:12.37)
EXTRA : An Enhancer. (0:23:12.83)
Killua Zoldyck : He's strong enough to punch through a body. (0:23:13.81)
EXTRA : The greater the windup,
the stronger his punch.
Gon Freecss : Sometimes, he dresses like an Egyptian mummy. (0:23:16.31)
Killua Zoldyck : It's his name. (0:23:18.62)
Gon Freecss : Next time: Assault x And x Impact. (0:23:24.97)
Killua Zoldyck : Oh, Gon... (0:23:27.42)
Killua Zoldyck : Wherefore art thou Gon?! (0:23:28.40)
Gon Freecss : Killua, that's because (0:23:30.09)
Gon Freecss : I'm Gon! (0:23:32.01)
Killua Zoldyck : That's it? (0:23:32.86)

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