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Makiko Midori : There were many sheep out on the pasture. (0:01:22.17)
Makiko Midori : They were sheep with white wool, and they looked very warm. (0:01:27.15)
Makiko Midori : The girl approached the sheep carefully so she wouldn't surprise them. (0:01:33.59)
Makiko Midori : The many sheep realized the girl was there, and ran away very surprised. (0:01:41.19)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Are you all right, Sakura-chan? (0:01:48.83)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm fine, I'm fine... (0:01:52.04)
Makiko Midori : The sheep were further surprised by the girl's voice... (0:01:53.61)
Makiko Midori : ... and quickened their pace to run away. (0:01:56.24)
Makiko Midori : The sheep jump over the fences, and keep running further away. (0:01:59.45)
Makiko Midori : The girl, as if she was in a dream... (0:02:05.32)
Makiko Midori : ... or as if she was being pushed from behind by someone else... (0:02:08.29)
Makiko Midori : ... started to run after the sheep. (0:02:12.76)
Sakura Kinomoto : Wait, Sheep-san... one sheep... (0:02:15.90)
Makiko Midori : The ground was soft and unreliable. (0:02:16.73)
Makiko Midori : It was as if she was running in the clouds. (0:02:20.03)
Sakura Kinomoto : ...two sheep... three sheep... (0:02:20.30)
Sakura Kinomoto : ...two sheep... three sheep... (0:02:23.60)
Makiko Midori : After a while, a large hole appeared in front of the sheep's path. (0:02:24.57)
Syaoran Li : H-Hey! (0:02:31.54)
EXTRA : What's wrong? (0:02:36.15)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun... (0:02:37.48)
Makiko Midori : What's wrong, Kinomoto-san, Li-kun? (0:02:39.32)
Sakura Kinomoto : S-Sorry... (0:02:43.89)
Syaoran Li : A bear grew to be a giant?! (0:02:52.83)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. The plush bear I made suddenly got huge. (0:02:55.07)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I really was surprised by that. (0:03:00.97)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:03:04.18)
Syaoran Li : Why didn't you call for me? (0:03:05.64)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm sorry... but it really was sudden. (0:03:08.58)
Syaoran Li : Make sure to tell me next time... (0:03:12.69)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah! I promise! (0:03:15.62)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Then, take these... (0:03:19.56)
Tomoyo Daidouji : This is a new product from my mother's company! (0:03:21.88)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I already have one, so this is for you, Sakura-chan... (0:03:24.80)
Tomoyo Daidouji : ...and give the second one to Kero-chan, please. (0:03:28.50)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks! (0:03:31.94)
Tomoyo Daidouji : And, this one is for you, Li-kun. (0:03:34.44)
Syaoran Li : Thanks... (0:03:37.68)
Sakura Kinomoto : This way, I can quickly contact you, Li-kun! (0:03:39.98)
Sakura Kinomoto : But I'm in trouble... (0:03:54.09)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm always sleepy lately. (0:03:56.16)
Tomoyo Daidouji : We can't help that. (0:03:59.00)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Kero-chan did say that using Sakura Cards is a very tough thing to do. (0:04:00.97)
Sakura Kinomoto : Sakura Cards, huh...? (0:04:13.15)
Tomoyo Daidouji : That means... (0:04:19.65)
Tomoyo Daidouji : That from now on, whenever you use magic, you will be using Sakura Cards! (0:04:21.59)
Sakura Kinomoto : T-That's right... (0:04:27.16)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Then, to match the new card and wand... (0:04:29.60)
Tomoyo Daidouji : ...we have to come up with a new finishing pose! (0:04:32.77)
Sakura Kinomoto : Finishing...? (0:04:35.63)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Please, please do allow me to think of the Sakura Card version of the finishing pose! (0:04:37.97)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I will think up a pose that makes you look cute, beautiful, and dignified, Sakura-chan! (0:04:44.18)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Now, if that's the case, we must start practice immediately! (0:04:50.98)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : It looks like you are having a hard time, Sakura-san. (0:05:11.37)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : But he seems to be in more trouble over there... (0:05:16.98)
Yukito Tsukishiro : I don't know why, but no matter how much I eat, I'm not getting full... (0:05:40.83)
Yukito Tsukishiro : My memory sometimes escapes me, too... (0:05:47.81)
Yukito Tsukishiro : I wonder if something is wrong with me. (0:05:51.34)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Besides... (0:05:53.41)
Yukito Tsukishiro : I'm very sleepy... (0:05:55.85)
Touya Kinomoto : Yuki... (0:06:27.55)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Toya... (0:06:36.29)
Yukito Tsukishiro : The meeting for the soccer team is already over? (0:06:43.80)
Touya Kinomoto : Yeah... (0:06:46.90)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Toya...? (0:06:49.70)
EXTRA : There! (0:06:51.64)
EXTRA : Oh, sorry! (0:06:54.74)
Yukito Tsukishiro : What...? (0:07:01.81)
Touya Kinomoto : Yuki, you think I don't know... (0:07:04.98)
Touya Kinomoto : No, maybe you don't know yourself... (0:07:10.56)
Touya Kinomoto : But I don't want you to disappear. (0:07:16.76)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Why would I disappear...? (0:07:28.31)
Touya Kinomoto : Just listen to me. (0:07:31.05)
Touya Kinomoto : I... you... (0:07:35.75)
Nakuru Akizuki : You what?? (0:07:40.49)
Nakuru Akizuki : I was just taking a nap here, and I heard your voice, Toya-kun! (0:07:45.12)
Nakuru Akizuki : Oh, that's right... Toya-kun, there was a teacher looking for you just now. (0:07:50.13)
Nakuru Akizuki : He seemed to be in a hurry. (0:07:54.33)
Touya Kinomoto : Akizuki... (0:07:55.43)
Nakuru Akizuki : Na-ku-ru! (0:07:57.80)
Touya Kinomoto : Are you doing this on purpose? (0:08:01.34)
Nakuru Akizuki : What are you talking about? (0:08:03.48)
Touya Kinomoto : I'll be going on ahead then. (0:08:08.68)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Yeah. (0:08:10.12)
Nakuru Akizuki : I'll see you in class! (0:08:13.02)
Nakuru Akizuki : I guess he's catching onto me as well. (0:08:16.05)
Nakuru Akizuki : I expected that much... (0:08:18.92)
Nakuru Akizuki : But you really don't realize anything, do you? (0:08:22.33)
Nakuru Akizuki : Then don't get in my way! (0:08:32.97)
Sakura Kinomoto : And so, at lunch, I was practicing my new finishing pose all break long! (0:08:55.53)
Kero : And did you get a good pose? (0:09:05.24)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm not sure if it's good or not, but I have something. (0:09:08.34)
Kero : Tomoyo really is enthusiastic... (0:09:11.54)
Sakura Kinomoto : But I wonder why I suddenly stopped being able to use Clow Cards, though... (0:09:14.45)
Sakura Kinomoto : I wonder if it has something to do with this paper that came from that bear... (0:09:21.19)
Kero : Gimme a look at it. (0:09:48.21)
Sakura Kinomoto : This is the magic circle for when you used Clow Cards, right? (0:09:51.32)
Kero : Well, yeah... (0:09:56.32)
Kero : D-Don't make such a face! (0:10:00.96)
Kero : If you are gloomy, Sakura, we can't do anything! (0:10:03.46)
Kero : Everything is about guts and force! (0:10:06.77)
Kero : Be more cheerful! (0:10:09.97)
Sakura Kinomoto : You're right! (0:10:12.00)
Kero : Yeah! (0:10:14.24)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yes? (0:10:17.18)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Good evening, Sakura-chan. (0:10:27.92)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yukito-san! (0:10:30.89)
Sakura Kinomoto : Please, come in. (0:10:33.16)
Yukito Tsukishiro : I just came here to deliver something... (0:10:35.29)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Toya forgot this. (0:10:38.10)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Can you hand it over to him? (0:10:40.47)
Sakura Kinomoto : Oh, sure. (0:10:42.36)
Sakura Kinomoto : I was able to see Yukito-san today!! (0:10:47.74)
Yue : Get used to it already. (0:11:03.79)
Sakura Kinomoto : O-Okay... (0:11:06.39)
Yue : At this rate, someday I will no longer be able to return to this form. (0:11:25.11)
Kero : Yue, you can't last with just Sakura's magic, I take it... (0:11:32.25)
Yue : Yukito is eating more than usual to sustain me subconsciously... (0:11:36.89)
Yue : ...but it's of no use. (0:11:41.39)
Yue : It's all that the new master can do to just use the new Cards. (0:11:48.33)
Cerberus : My symbol is the Sun. I can shine on my own. (0:12:06.35)
Cerberus : But the moon shines by reflecting light. (0:12:12.72)
Cerberus : You have to have someone else's magic as the source. (0:12:16.26)
Yue : At this rate, I will disappear someday. (0:12:19.26)
Cerberus : If that happens, Yukito... your disguise... will also disappear. (0:12:23.94)
Cerberus : That would make Sakura sad... (0:12:29.17)
Cerberus : The strange incidents that have been happening lately... (0:12:34.75)
Cerberus : Do you think they're all Clow's doing? (0:12:36.95)
Yue : I don't know. (0:12:42.59)
Yue : But... (0:12:44.39)
Yue : That really was Clow's presence. (0:12:46.63)
Cerberus : All the more reason that we're going to be in trouble if we're in our disguises. (0:12:50.33)
Cerberus : But if we can't rely on Sakura's magic... (0:12:56.67)
Yue : There is someone suited for this. (0:13:00.54)
Yue : But, Yukito... (0:13:04.21)
Sakura Kinomoto : Kero-chan, I have some sweets... do you want some? (0:13:11.38)
Sakura Kinomoto : O-Oh, it's you, Kero-chan. (0:13:18.02)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm still not used to the big Kero-chan! (0:13:21.93)
Yue : I'm going back to my disguise. (0:13:27.83)
Cerberus : Hey, come on! (0:13:32.10)
Cerberus : Yue, it's hard for me to hide when I'm in this form!! (0:13:36.27)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Wait... wasn't I just at the doorstep? (0:13:53.23)
Sakura Kinomoto : It was really hard to convince Yukito-san! (0:14:05.10)
Kero : If he can be fooled by Sakura, that snow-rabbit must be naturally dense. (0:14:08.47)
Sakura Kinomoto : What was that?! (0:14:13.28)
Sakura Kinomoto : Oh, Li-kun? (0:14:20.02)
Sakura Kinomoto : What, at the park?! (0:14:22.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah, got it. I'll be right there. (0:14:25.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : S-So it turns out this way, huh? (0:14:40.71)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Of course! This is an opportunity to film! (0:14:43.28)
Tomoyo Daidouji : And the Penguin Park at night, a place where something strange might happen! (0:14:47.41)
Tomoyo Daidouji : For such special situations... (0:14:53.89)
Sakura Kinomoto : ...Special clothes. (0:14:57.36)
Kero : You knew this would happen if you called Tomoyo... (0:15:00.56)
Syaoran Li : In any case, let's go to where we feel the presence. (0:15:04.83)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun, you feel it, too? This presence of Clow-san... (0:15:08.50)
Syaoran Li : I feel strong magic... but I'm not sure whether or not this is of Clow Reed. (0:15:12.17)
Syaoran Li : I've never met him before, you know. (0:15:16.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : I see... (0:15:19.51)
Syaoran Li : You can tell? (0:15:20.81)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah... (0:15:22.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : I think it's the strongest near King Penguin. (0:15:24.78)
Kero : What's wrong? (0:15:41.37)
Sakura Kinomoto : Don't you think King Penguin is a little different from before? (0:15:42.90)
Syaoran Li : What's wrong? (0:15:50.78)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Oh, my... (0:15:52.74)
Syaoran Li : W-What is this hole?! (0:15:58.38)
Kero : It really is a huge hole... (0:16:01.22)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I wonder who made it? (0:16:04.22)
Sakura Kinomoto : I feel it from in here... (0:16:11.10)
Sakura Kinomoto : Clow-san's presence. (0:16:14.40)
Kero : I guess we'll just have to go down and make sure. (0:16:16.37)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:16:20.11)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Then it's time to show off the new finishing pose! (0:16:21.37)
Sakura Kinomoto : Tomoyo-chan... (0:16:26.04)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Now, Sakura-chan, please feel free to RELEASE! (0:16:27.48)
Sakura Kinomoto : The Key which hides powers of the Stars! (0:16:37.29)
Sakura Kinomoto : Show your true form before me! (0:16:39.76)
Sakura Kinomoto : I, Sakura, command you under our contract! (0:16:44.10)
Sakura Kinomoto : RELEASE! (0:16:47.23)
Sakura Kinomoto : FLY! (0:17:00.98)
Kero : All right, I'll come with you! (0:17:18.00)
Kero : What is this?! (0:17:22.23)
Syaoran Li : God of thunder, answer my call! (0:17:29.98)
Kero : Damn it, kid! What would of happened if it hit me?! (0:17:37.52)
Syaoran Li : It's been sealed off with strong magic! (0:17:42.39)
Cerberus : Both of you, get back! (0:17:49.76)
Cerberus : This power really IS Clow's... (0:18:00.41)
Sakura Kinomoto : It really is Clow-san's presence... (0:18:14.99)
Sakura Kinomoto : Hey, Kero-chan? (0:18:18.09)
Sakura Kinomoto : Kero-chan...? (0:18:24.03)
Sakura Kinomoto : It's scary to be alone! (0:18:27.87)
Sakura Kinomoto : A plush toy? (0:18:37.58)
Sakura Kinomoto : This looks like the sheep that was in my textbook... (0:18:42.38)
Sakura Kinomoto : But why is there a plush sheep here...? (0:18:47.69)
Tomoyo Daidouji : That's Sakura-chan's voice! (0:19:05.54)
Cerberus : What's wrong, Sakura?! (0:19:10.68)
Syaoran Li : Damn it...! (0:19:23.15)
Ruby Moon : Oh, look, that boy sure tries his best... (0:19:28.59)
Spinel Sun : Though there is no way he can break Clow Reed's spell. (0:19:34.00)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : His straightforwardness is what's so good about him. (0:19:38.67)
Sakura Kinomoto : T-This hurts... (0:19:53.59)
Sakura Kinomoto : I-I have to do something... (0:19:56.86)
Sakura Kinomoto : But, which Card can I use? (0:19:59.72)
Sakura Kinomoto : WATERY would only make things worse... (0:20:03.66)
Sakura Kinomoto : FIREY would burn me up as well... (0:20:07.67)
Sakura Kinomoto : What can I do...?! (0:20:11.80)
Sakura Kinomoto : I know! (0:20:14.51)
Sakura Kinomoto : The Card created by Clow, abandon your old form and reincarnate! (0:20:25.05)
Sakura Kinomoto : Under the name of your new master, Sakura... (0:20:29.52)
Sakura Kinomoto : ERASE! (0:20:34.39)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : Splendid. (0:20:59.75)
Cerberus : The presence of the power is gone! (0:21:14.00)
Cerberus : Sakura! (0:21:25.61)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Sakura-chan! (0:21:26.66)
Syaoran Li : Are you all right? (0:21:28.28)
Sakura Kinomoto : Y-Yeah... (0:21:30.32)
Syaoran Li : I'm glad... (0:21:33.48)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks for worrying about me... (0:21:35.45)
Cerberus : What in the world happened? (0:21:40.53)
Sakura Kinomoto : I don't know, but it was so full of sheep... (0:21:42.43)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Sheep? (0:21:45.93)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. Plush sheep. (0:21:47.43)
Syaoran Li : Plushes again...? (0:21:49.63)
Cerberus : What was it like inside? (0:21:51.60)
Sakura Kinomoto : I did feel Clow-san there... (0:21:54.17)
Tomoyo Daidouji : But what should we do with this hole? (0:21:59.58)
Sakura Kinomoto : I have to plug it up. I also have to move King Penguin back to its place. (0:22:02.58)
Tomoyo Daidouji : If you must move King Penguin... (0:22:07.99)
Tomoyo Daidouji : You must be using POWER! (0:22:10.86)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Then the finishing pose for transforming the cards! (0:22:18.43)
Sakura Kinomoto : L-Li-kun, Kero-chan, look the other way! (0:22:24.00)
Cerberus : Why? (0:22:28.57)
Sakura Kinomoto : Just do it! (0:22:30.17)
Syaoran Li : ...Okay... (0:22:31.84)
Cerberus : ...Okay... (0:22:31.84)
Sakura Kinomoto : You absolutely, positively can't look this way! (0:22:34.61)
Tomoyo Daidouji : You look splendid! (0:22:43.72)
Sakura Kinomoto : I can't... too sleepy... (0:22:54.60)
Tomoyo Daidouji : S-Sakura-chan! (0:22:58.37)
Cerberus : Sakura! (0:23:02.44)
Syaoran Li : Get a grip! (0:23:03.45)
Spinel Sun : You look very amused, Eriol. (0:23:07.61)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : I am having fun. (0:23:10.32)
Eriol Hiiragizawa : But it looks like it will be even more fun from now on. (0:23:14.15)
Sakura Kinomoto : I don't know why, but the Clow Cards don't look too lively. (0:24:32.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : The ones I changed into Sakura Cards are fine, but... (0:24:35.60)
Sakura Kinomoto : At this rate, the Cards are going to be facing something horrible?! (0:24:40.07)
Sakura Kinomoto : I don't want that to happen! (0:24:43.54)
Sakura Kinomoto : Cardcaptor Sakura: (0:24:46.01)
Sakura Kinomoto : "Sakura and the Panicky Bike" (0:24:48.01)
Sakura Kinomoto : Join me next episode... RELEASE! (0:24:50.58)

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He is so kind and handsome love him so much - Anonymous


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time with the hero killer.
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