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Zeno Zoldyck : Now! Kill him! (0:00:05.25)
EXTRA : Fake x And x Psyche (0:01:45.00)
EXTRA : Hey, what's going on?! (0:02:36.33)
EXTRA : Below us! (0:02:39.09)
EXTRA : There was a huge explosion below us. (0:02:40.17)
EXTRA : Enough waiting around... (0:02:43.22)
EXTRA : I'll see what's happening for myself! (0:02:44.96)
EXTRA : Everyone, please calm down. (0:02:47.17)
EXTRA : I finally managed to contact the Ten Dons. (0:02:49.32)
EXTRA : They wish to speak to you directly. (0:02:52.83)
EXTRA : The auction will proceed,
so please remain calm.
EXTRA : Please enter the auction hall
on the tenth floor.
EXTRA : An underground chamber where everything costs extra.
That is where you will sleep.
Never descend stairs that you didn't first ascend.
Do not compete with others at numbers.
EXTRA : I'll be fine. (0:03:06.59)
EXTRA : This is the tenth floor. (0:03:07.81)
EXTRA : I'll be safe as long as I don't
go down any stairs...
EXTRA : It's all good. (0:03:12.75)
EXTRA : Her fortunes are one hundred
percent accurate.
EXTRA : Her fortunes won't come true
if you heed the warning.
EXTRA : So I'm okay... (0:03:23.49)
EXTRA : Yo, everyone all right? (0:03:32.96)
EXTRA : First, I apologize for taking
so long to make contact.
EXTRA : Sorry. (0:03:38.98)
EXTRA : There's been a lot of chaos, (0:03:41.07)
EXTRA : but it's all cleared up now. (0:03:43.12)
EXTRA : We've dealt with the Phantom Troupe's leader. (0:03:45.41)
EXTRA : It's only a matter of time before
the rest of them are finished.
EXTRA : We're letting the professionals
handle the hunt
EXTRA : so you can enjoy the auction. (0:03:57.67)
EXTRA : Tonight, we'll be watching the auction live, (0:04:01.39)
EXTRA : so let us see some furious bidding. (0:04:05.94)
EXTRA : As you all just heard, (0:04:11.13)
EXTRA : the Ten Dons will be watching a
live feed of the proceedings.
EXTRA : Please concentrate on the auction. (0:04:18.05)
Silva Zoldyck : Illumi? (0:05:02.70)
Illumi Zoldyck : Yeah. (0:05:04.33)
Illumi Zoldyck : Where is my client? (0:05:05.28)
Silva Zoldyck : Right here. (0:05:07.43)
Illumi Zoldyck : Oh, were you fighting? (0:05:15.77)
Illumi Zoldyck : Is he still alive? (0:05:18.33)
Illumi Zoldyck : Just in the nick of time... (0:05:20.80)
Illumi Zoldyck : That's a relief. (0:05:22.67)
Illumi Zoldyck : Well, relay a message. (0:05:24.18)
Illumi Zoldyck : I've killed the Ten Dons. (0:05:26.43)
Illumi Zoldyck : Tell him to wire the money
to my account as agreed.
Zeno Zoldyck : Up we go... (0:05:34.54)
Zeno Zoldyck : Good grief. (0:05:36.42)
Zeno Zoldyck : It seems we both get to live another day. (0:05:38.37)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Aren't you supposed to kill me? (0:05:41.23)
Zeno Zoldyck : We were hired by the Ten Dons. (0:05:42.93)
Zeno Zoldyck : Now that they're all dead, (0:05:45.81)
Zeno Zoldyck : you are no longer our target. (0:05:49.82)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Really? That's surprising. (0:05:53.33)
Chrollo Lucilfer : You won't get another chance like this. (0:05:55.84)
Zeno Zoldyck : Do you believe that we kill for pleasure? (0:05:58.32)
Zeno Zoldyck : We don't do this for fun. (0:06:04.35)
Zeno Zoldyck : I refuse to work for nothing
or die for nothing.
Chrollo Lucilfer : Did you know that I hired Illumi
to assassinate the Ten Dons?
Zeno Zoldyck : Of course. (0:06:16.43)
Zeno Zoldyck : But that's irrelevant. (0:06:17.85)
Zeno Zoldyck : We simply do the job we're hired for. (0:06:21.25)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I see. (0:06:24.78)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Say, can I ask you something? (0:06:26.53)
Chrollo Lucilfer : If you and I were to fight one-on-one, (0:06:30.80)
Chrollo Lucilfer : who would win? (0:06:33.02)
Zeno Zoldyck : Most likely, I would win. (0:06:36.03)
Zeno Zoldyck : Unless you decided to actually try to kill me. (0:06:39.49)
Zeno Zoldyck : Honestly, you're a cheeky kid. (0:06:44.86)
Chrollo Lucilfer : So he could tell? (0:06:48.66)
Chrollo Lucilfer : What a drag... (0:07:10.24)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I couldn't steal their powers. (0:07:13.91)
Melody : So you want us to wait at L Hospital? (0:07:20.47)
Kurapika : Yeah, it's more dangerous
here than anticipated.
Kurapika : We'll send her over by ambulance. (0:07:26.88)
EXTRA : She's just unconscious,
so you shouldn't have to worry.
EXTRA : But she'll be much safer at a hospital. (0:07:33.43)
EXTRA : Make the preparations. (0:07:37.77)
Franklin Bordeau : Looks like you had fun, boss... (0:07:41.96)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Yeah. (0:07:45.91)
Chrollo Lucilfer : I'm a little tired now. (0:07:47.70)
Shalnark : You were up against the Zoldyck family. (0:07:49.72)
Shizuku Murasaki : I wish I could've seen how
those two fought you.
Feitan Portor : Fighting would be more fun than watching. (0:07:58.58)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Kortopi, everything ready? (0:08:02.77)
Koltopi : Of course. (0:08:05.95)
Koltopi : I can't make living copies, (0:08:07.60)
Koltopi : but I can provide static copies. (0:08:09.66)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Good enough. (0:08:12.78)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Then we'll stick to the plan. (0:08:14.41)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Also... (0:08:16.04)
Chrollo Lucilfer : Don't touch the ambulance that girl is in. (0:08:19.24)
Light Nostrade : Will we really be safe on the trip over? (0:08:25.47)
Kurapika : If they planned to attack the ambulance,
they would've done so on its way here.
Kurapika : And you shouldn't have to worry
about stray bullets anymore.
EXTRA : It's the moment you've all been waiting for. (0:08:39.30)
EXTRA : We will now begin the auction! (0:08:41.88)
EXTRA : Allow me to introduce our
first item of the night...
EXTRA : I was concerned for a moment. (0:08:55.64)
EXTRA : But all's well that ends well. (0:08:57.76)
EXTRA : And none of the leaders were hurt. (0:09:01.02)
EXTRA : We did well. (0:09:05.14)
EXTRA : Thanks. (0:09:10.40)
EXTRA : Allow me to introduce the next item. (0:09:25.12)
EXTRA : An executioner's blade made of pure gold, (0:09:28.72)
EXTRA : taken from the Yulu Museum
of National Treasures!
EXTRA : Let's start the bidding at 20 million! (0:09:35.14)
EXTRA : 40 million! (0:09:38.52)
EXTRA : 50 million! (0:09:39.42)
EXTRA : I hear 50 million... (0:09:40.61)
EXTRA : 100 million! (0:09:42.88)
Shalnark : I'll put him on autopilot now... (0:09:45.67)
EXTRA : Next, we have the fabled
sacred jar of the Rai Dynasty,
EXTRA : Inspirational Blue. (0:09:54.03)
EXTRA : The last pristine piece left in this world. (0:09:56.41)
Shizuku Murasaki : Um, Inspirational Blue is... (0:10:00.49)
Phinks Magcub : Over here. (0:10:04.02)
Shizuku Murasaki : Kortopi, this one is next. (0:10:05.76)
Shizuku Murasaki : Here, make a copy. (0:10:08.61)
Koltopi : Okay. (0:10:10.69)
EXTRA : Gallery Fake: Divine Left Hand,
Demonic Right Hand
EXTRA : Here comes Inspirational Blue... (0:10:17.89)
EXTRA : Let's start the bidding at 100 million! (0:10:21.39)
EXTRA : 200 million! (0:10:24.81)
EXTRA : 330 million! (0:10:25.73)
EXTRA : 380 million! (0:10:27.10)
EXTRA : Hey, there. (0:10:33.72)
EXTRA : Aren't you going to participate
in the auction?
Kurapika : What do you mean? (0:10:38.41)
EXTRA : The leader of the Troupe was killed. (0:10:39.65)
EXTRA : Why wouldn't they proceed? (0:10:42.53)
Kurapika : Impossible. (0:10:45.39)
Kurapika : It can't be... (0:10:47.77)
EXTRA : We're just mopping up leftovers now. (0:10:49.81)
EXTRA : They're called pros for a reason. (0:10:52.36)
Zenji : While your useless ass was busy
fussing over an ambulance,
Zenji : the Zoldycks got the job done. (0:11:03.89)
Zenji : So you're not needed any longer. (0:11:07.44)
Zenji : Just stick with your little fortune girl. (0:11:10.78)
Zenji : Run off to the hospital or the hotel. (0:11:14.53)
Zenji : Or will you lick the boots (0:11:18.85)
Zenji : of that old fraud who
failed to score any points—
Kurapika : I won't believe it. (0:11:31.78)
Kurapika : Not until I see a body! (0:11:33.67)
EXTRA : This is the boss? (0:11:48.18)
EXTRA : He's young. (0:11:50.34)
EXTRA : Cocky son of a bitch. (0:11:52.03)
EXTRA : Hey, don't touch his head. (0:11:54.52)
EXTRA : We're going to show his
face on the Internet.
EXTRA : We found the other members' bodies! (0:11:59.82)
EXTRA : Okay, I'm on my way. (0:12:01.77)
EXTRA : A total of five bodies? (0:12:04.49)
EXTRA : Try to identify them. (0:12:06.55)
EXTRA : DNA, teeth, fingerprints, disease... (0:12:08.71)
EXTRA : Try everything you can! (0:12:11.27)
EXTRA : You can dismember them,
but don't touch the heads.
EXTRA : Once we have their identities, (0:12:15.71)
EXTRA : we'll kill their parents, siblings,
relatives, and lovers!
EXTRA : We'll make sure no one ever (0:12:21.93)
EXTRA : tries a stunt like this again! (0:12:24.27)
EXTRA : Now, everyone... (0:12:36.61)
EXTRA : It's time for our last item tonight! (0:12:38.49)
EXTRA : One of the world's seven
most beautiful items,
EXTRA : the Scarlet Eyes! (0:12:46.29)
EXTRA : With the Kurta Clan's extinction, (0:12:50.73)
EXTRA : only thirty-six pairs exist. (0:12:52.60)
EXTRA : This particular set has a
particularly brilliant red hue.
EXTRA : Then, let's start the bidding at 100 million! (0:12:59.88)
EXTRA : 110 million! (0:13:03.53)
EXTRA : 120 million! (0:13:05.35)
EXTRA : 130 million! (0:13:07.12)
EXTRA : 150 million! (0:13:08.90)
EXTRA : 170 million! (0:13:10.48)
EXTRA : 190 million! (0:13:11.91)
Kurapika : I apologize. (0:13:13.24)
Kurapika : I predicted incorrectly. (0:13:14.50)
Kurapika : The leader of the spiders is dead. (0:13:16.15)
EXTRA : 210 million! (0:13:16.19)
EXTRA : 220 million! (0:13:17.76)
Kurapika : The auction is proceeding as scheduled. (0:13:18.13)
EXTRA : 230 million! (0:13:19.20)
Light Nostrade : What? (0:13:20.63)
EXTRA : 240 million! (0:13:21.26)
Kurapika : The Scarlet Eyes are currently
being auctioned.
EXTRA : 250 million! (0:13:23.00)
EXTRA : 260 million! (0:13:24.60)
Kurapika : Should I bid on them? (0:13:24.75)
Light Nostrade : Of course! (0:13:25.91)
EXTRA : 270 million! (0:13:26.55)
Light Nostrade : You must win them. (0:13:27.08)
Kurapika : Is there a limit as to price? (0:13:29.00)
Light Nostrade : No! Bid as much as it takes! (0:13:30.87)
Light Nostrade : Win the Scarlet Eyes! (0:13:32.89)
Kurapika : I understand. (0:13:34.14)
EXTRA : 300 million! (0:13:35.68)
EXTRA : I hear 300 million! (0:13:36.90)
EXTRA : Anyone else? Do I have any more bids? (0:13:39.54)
Kurapika : 350 million! (0:13:42.69)
EXTRA : 360 million! (0:13:47.08)
EXTRA : 370 million! (0:13:48.93)
EXTRA : 390 million! (0:13:50.54)
Kurapika : 500 million! (0:13:52.02)
Zenji : 1 billion. (0:13:53.61)
Light Nostrade : 2.9 b-billion? (0:14:01.65)
Kurapika : Yes, (0:14:04.36)
Kurapika : the skinhead who was in the
room with the assassins
Kurapika : put up a fight. (0:14:09.37)
Zenji : Zenji? Damn him... (0:14:11.19)
Light Nostrade : I didn't expect to spend
this much, damn it.
Light Nostrade : Curse that pig. (0:14:17.64)
Light Nostrade : No matter... (0:14:20.42)
Light Nostrade : This means that the community
receives more money,
Light Nostrade : which will benefit my reputation. (0:14:25.79)
Light Nostrade : As long as I have Neon's fortunetelling, (0:14:29.04)
Light Nostrade : I can easily make back that money. (0:14:31.07)
Light Nostrade : It's not a problem. (0:14:33.77)
Light Nostrade : Well done... Good job. (0:14:35.58)
Light Nostrade : That's right. (0:14:38.67)
Light Nostrade : This is an investment in my trek to the top. (0:14:39.97)
Light Nostrade : In order to succeed,
I must keep Neon happy.
Light Nostrade : She is my trump card. (0:14:50.36)
Light Nostrade : She always will be. (0:14:53.73)
Light Nostrade : As long as I have her... (0:15:00.14)
Light Nostrade : I can throw money at anything. (0:15:03.74)
EXTRA : You're from the Nostrade Family? (0:15:13.78)
EXTRA : Congratulations on your winning bid. (0:15:16.10)
EXTRA : Is this the item you wanted? (0:15:19.28)
Kurapika : Yeah. (0:15:21.77)
Zenji : Bastard. (0:16:05.15)
Zenji : You think you can just walk away? (0:16:07.07)
Zenji : Tsk... (0:16:13.30)
Zenji : Stop! (0:16:14.88)
Zenji : I'll blow your head off! (0:16:16.20)
Kurapika : Move. (0:16:18.58)
Zenji : Don't be... (0:16:20.65)
Kurapika : Just stop. (0:16:25.14)
Kurapika : I don't care who I kill right now... (0:16:27.73)
Kurapika : Even if it's you. (0:16:32.58)
Zenji : Who is that guy? (0:16:56.59)
Leorio Paladinight : Yeah, I'm getting into this! (0:17:08.82)
Leorio Paladinight : How about another? (0:17:10.75)
Killua Zoldyck : Seriously... (0:17:13.57)
Killua Zoldyck : They were drinking while
we were captured?
Leorio Paladinight : Oh, you're back? (0:17:18.70)
Leorio Paladinight : Come and drink with us! (0:17:20.89)
Killua Zoldyck : Are you an idiot? (0:17:23.59)
Killua Zoldyck : We're underage! (0:17:24.95)
Killua Zoldyck : And aren't you underage too? (0:17:26.86)
Leorio Paladinight : What's your point? (0:17:29.26)
Leorio Paladinight : In my country, you can drink
once you're sixteen.
Killua Zoldyck : I see. (0:17:34.85)
Leorio Paladinight : Really... (0:17:38.24)
Leorio Paladinight : I had no idea that happened. (0:17:39.53)
Leorio Paladinight : I'm amazed you escaped alive. (0:17:41.80)
Zepile : The Phantom Troupe's that dangerous? (0:17:44.54)
Gon Freecss : Back there, one of the tricks
you taught us came in handy.
Gon Freecss : If the exit is blocked... (0:17:58.96)
Killua Zoldyck : Make your own! (0:18:01.37)
Zepile : I get it. (0:18:04.64)
Zepile : I'm glad I was able to help in some way. (0:18:06.44)
Zepile : Experience can sometimes blind you. (0:18:15.27)
Zepile : A con artist's knowledge might come
in handy against the Troupe.
Leorio Paladinight : Exactly! (0:18:22.44)
Leorio Paladinight : There's more to being a con
artist than you'd think.
Leorio Paladinight : I haven't just been drinking
myself senseless here...
Leorio Paladinight : I've been learning a lot from Zepile. (0:18:29.21)
Leorio Paladinight : And tomorrow morning,
we'll hit the auction.
Leorio Paladinight : You guys are coming, right? (0:18:35.04)
Gon Freecss : I'd like to, but I have to find Kurapika
and learn about Nen from him.
Leorio Paladinight : Kurapika? You got through to him? (0:18:42.96)
Gon Freecss : Yep, but we're waiting for
him to call us back.
Leorio Paladinight : Hold on. (0:18:48.64)
Leorio Paladinight : Did you say you need to learn
about Nen from him?
Gon Freecss : I did. (0:18:51.79)
Leorio Paladinight : Why? (0:18:53.00)
Leorio Paladinight : He just learned about Nen
recently himself, right?
Gon Freecss : But Kurapika managed to defeat a
member of the Phantom Troupe.
Leorio Paladinight : Seriously? (0:19:01.00)
Killua Zoldyck : Yeah. (0:19:02.28)
Killua Zoldyck : He must know some secret about Nen . (0:19:03.82)
Killua Zoldyck : Some strength that doesn't
require experience or power.
Neon Nostrade : Yay! (0:19:16.78)
Neon Nostrade : Thanks, Daddy! (0:19:17.93)
Neon Nostrade : They're beautiful... (0:19:20.89)
Light Nostrade : Are you feeling better now? (0:19:24.30)
Neon Nostrade : Uh-huh, I forgive you! (0:19:26.47)
Light Nostrade : Really? (0:19:28.70)
Light Nostrade : I'm glad to hear that. (0:19:29.96)
Light Nostrade : Good work. (0:19:38.16)
Light Nostrade : My daughter is doing well, (0:19:39.89)
Light Nostrade : so we'll head back to the hotel. (0:19:42.24)
Light Nostrade : Tomorrow, we need to buy
the actor's used tissue.
Light Nostrade : And that will end the auction. (0:19:50.04)
Light Nostrade : I'll be leaving the morning of
the day after tomorrow.
Light Nostrade : But I want you to accompany
my daughter as she shops.
Melody : Kurapika... (0:20:09.37)
Melody : We can handle the remainder
of the auction and shopping.
Melody : You should get some rest. (0:20:16.02)
Kurapika : Yes... (0:20:19.58)
Kurapika : Thanks, I think I'll do that. (0:20:21.89)
Basho : Is he really okay? (0:20:27.85)
Gon Freecss : Hello? Kurapika? (0:20:43.20)
Kurapika : Yeah. (0:20:46.84)
Kurapika : You said you wanted to
stop the Troupe, right?
Kurapika : That won't be necessary now. (0:20:52.79)
Kurapika : The spider is dead. (0:20:57.96)
Gon Freecss : Huh? What do you mean? (0:20:59.47)
Gon Freecss : Kurapika?! (0:21:01.37)
Hisoka Morow : Oh, a shame. (0:21:07.76)
Hisoka Morow : I'd hoped to provide some comfort. (0:21:12.41)
Feitan Portor : The Mafia community was nothing special. (0:21:17.32)
Shalnark : We didn't even need Nobunaga. (0:21:21.16)
Nobunaga Hazama : Shut up! (0:21:23.53)
Killua Zoldyck : What'd he say? (0:21:25.54)
Gon Freecss : The Troupe's dead. (0:21:26.68)
Leorio Paladinight : What?! (0:21:28.06)
Killua Zoldyck : Seriously? (0:21:29.30)
Gon Freecss : He hung up. (0:21:30.86)
Gon Freecss : I have no way to find out any more. (0:21:33.52)
EXTRA : Kurapika is now drowning in
an indescribable emptiness.
EXTRA : Brush Your Teeth.
Unripe Fruit
Gon Freecss : Today, we introduce Kortopi. (0:23:09.61)
EXTRA : A Phantom Troupe member. (0:23:11.05)
Gon Freecss : A member of the Phantom Troupe. (0:23:11.37)
Killua Zoldyck : Beware of Gallery Fake, his ability to (0:23:12.45)
EXTRA : A Conjurer. (0:23:12.70)
Killua Zoldyck : conjure a copy in his right hand (0:23:14.28)
EXTRA : Uses his right hand to copy
what his left touches.
Killua Zoldyck : of what his left hand is touching. (0:23:15.80)
Gon Freecss : I might be a fake. (0:23:17.37)
Killua Zoldyck : What? (0:23:18.99)
Gon Freecss : Next time: Fortunes x Aren't x Right? (0:23:25.47)
Killua Zoldyck : My horoscope was horrible today. (0:23:28.05)
Gon Freecss : Oh, there's a Choco Robo here. (0:23:30.05)
Killua Zoldyck : Lucky! So much for that horoscope! (0:23:31.98)

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How dare you, child! - Siegrune

I held my tongue because you
were princesses of the Claw Clan,
- Siegrune

but it's incredibly rude
to try and test my father!
- Siegrune

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