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Calico : Now! (0:00:08.27)
Calico : Get behind him! (0:00:09.50)
Calico : Oh! It's... (0:00:15.07)
Calico : the elephant's strength! (0:00:17.58)
Calico : Lassie! (0:00:27.00)
Shiroyasha : As you can see, (0:00:37.35)
Shiroyasha : our last finalist is Kasukabe Yo from the No-Names. (0:00:38.60)
Shiroyasha : Now, I will have my co-Host announce the rules for tomorrow's Game, (0:00:43.35)
Shiroyasha : which is being held in honor of her coronation ceremony. (0:00:48.11)
Sandora Dortlake : As Shiroyasha said, I am the
Master of the North, Sandra Doltrake.
Mandra : How dare you No-Names wreak havoc at our festival?! (0:02:44.14)
Mandra : Did you think you'd get away with this?! (0:02:48.75)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Shiroyasha told me to get the crowd
fired up, and that's exactly what I did.
Black Rabbit : That's not something to be proud about, you fool! (0:02:56.08)
Mandra : Not to mention- (0:02:59.40)
Shiroyasha : Give it a rest, Mandra. (0:03:00.92)
Shiroyasha : Sandra is the one who will decide what to do with them. (0:03:03.28)
Sandora Dortlake : Aristocrat of Little Garden, and her companions: (0:03:07.25)
Sandora Dortlake : I thank you for participating in the Nativity of the Salamander. (0:03:10.29)
Sandora Dortlake : Miraculously, no injuries resulted from this incident, (0:03:15.35)
Sandora Dortlake : and Shiroyasha-sama has kindly agreed to repair all damages to the city. (0:03:18.20)
Sandora Dortlake : Therefore, I will feign ignorance in this case. (0:03:23.51)
Izayoi Sakamaki : How kind of you. (0:03:31.44)
Shiroyasha : I was the one that asked for your help, after all. (0:03:33.98)
Shiroyasha : Consider this an advance payment. (0:03:38.73)
Sandora Dortlake : Jin, Lily! (0:03:53.29)
Sandora Dortlake : It's been so long! (0:03:55.08)
Jin Russell : I'm glad to see you're doing well. (0:03:58.46)
Lili : You look great! (0:04:00.22)
Sandora Dortlake : I really wanted to go see you guys as soon as I heard of the Demon Lord attack, (0:04:02.11)
Sandora Dortlake : but Dad got sick, and we had
to prepare for the coronation, so...
Lili : Don't worry about it. (0:04:10.27)
Jin Russell : I still can't believe you're a Floor Master, though. (0:04:11.70)
Mandra : Stay away from her, you No-Name scum! (0:04:15.61)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're awfully worked up. (0:04:20.78)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You weren't planning on stopping, were you? (0:04:22.82)
Mandra : Of course not. (0:04:24.78)
Mandra : Simply inviting you No-Names to our
festival is a disgrace to our Community!
Sandora Dortlake : Big brother! (0:04:34.87)
Sandora Dortlake : These people were once our allies! (0:04:36.20)
Sandora Dortlake : There's no need for such behavior
when we were the ones who broke the alliance!
Mandra : You don't understand, Sandra. (0:04:42.51)
Mandra : You are the Northern Floor Master. (0:04:45.13)
Mandra : These No-Names should never be allowed
to act so impudently in front of you!
Sandora Dortlake : But... (0:04:51.10)
Shiroyasha : That's enough, Mandra. (0:04:52.64)
Mandra : I must thank Thousand Eyes for such unnecessary kindness. (0:04:55.14)
Mandra : It's no wonder they say "Mythical Beasts of the South, Spirits of the North, (0:04:58.65)
Mandra : and Idiots of the East." (0:05:02.24)
Mandra : Perhaps the East has spread these
rumors recently out of spite for the North.
Sandora Dortlake : Brother Mandra! (0:05:07.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : What rumors? (0:05:12.37)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Is that why you asked for our help? (0:05:14.79)
Shiroyasha : An executive of Thousand Eyes has foreseen... (0:05:18.56)
Shiroyasha : signs of an invasion by a Demon Lord in the Nativity of the Salamander. (0:05:22.92)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:05:35.92)
Asuka Kudou : I'm not going to eat you. (0:05:42.82)
Asuka Kudou : I just wanted someone to keep me company. (0:05:45.74)
Asuka Kudou : Here. (0:05:48.99)
Asuka Kudou : A sign of our friendship. (0:05:49.87)
Melln : Sniff, sniff... (0:05:51.28)
Melln : Nom, nom. (0:05:53.95)
Asuka Kudou : Now that we're friends, let's introduce ourselves. (0:06:04.63)
Asuka Kudou : My name is Kudou Asuka. (0:06:07.80)
Asuka Kudou : Can you say that? (0:06:09.55)
Melln : Asukaa? (0:06:10.76)
Asuka Kudou : Don't stretch out the end so much. (0:06:12.05)
Melln : Asuka! (0:06:13.89)
Melln : Asuka! (0:06:14.77)
Melln : Asuka! (0:06:15.82)
Asuka Kudou : Thanks. (0:06:16.54)
Asuka Kudou : What's your name? (0:06:17.48)
Melln : Rattenfänger! (0:06:18.94)
Asuka Kudou : Is that your name? (0:06:21.94)
Melln : Commu! (0:06:24.53)
Asuka Kudou : That's your Community? (0:06:25.57)
Asuka Kudou : What's your name, then? (0:06:27.61)
Melln : Rattenfänger! (0:06:30.57)
Asuka Kudou : Oh, well. (0:06:33.95)
Asuka Kudou : We've come all the way out here, (0:06:35.24)
Asuka Kudou : so let's take a look around the exhibits, shall we? (0:06:37.04)
Jin Russell : Signs of a Demon Lord attack?! (0:06:42.67)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Oh? (0:06:44.80)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That's surprising. (0:06:46.52)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I was sure this would just amount to
petty infighting over the title of Floor Master.
Mandra : What?! (0:06:52.76)
Shiroyasha : Well, you did accept the request without asking for details. (0:06:54.01)
Shiroyasha : I can't be held responsible for that. (0:06:57.39)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It's no big deal. (0:06:59.02)
Izayoi Sakamaki : So, what do you want us to do? (0:07:00.60)
Izayoi Sakamaki : How do you even know that the prediction is correct? (0:07:03.70)
Shiroyasha : There is no doubt about it. (0:07:05.98)
Shiroyasha : Laplace's Demon provided us with the prediction. (0:07:07.53)
Black Rabbit : The one who can foresee everything?! (0:07:10.53)
Shiroyasha : All this states is a that a Demon Lord will attack. (0:07:14.20)
Shiroyasha : However, I bet he knows who's behind the attack, too. (0:07:17.54)
Mandra : So he'll only say that there will be an attack, but not who will be attacking? (0:07:23.69)
Mandra : Does he think this is a game?! (0:07:26.10)
Sandora Dortlake : Big brother! (0:07:28.94)
Izayoi Sakamaki : He knows who is behind this, (0:07:29.92)
Izayoi Sakamaki : but cannot tell us the name. (0:07:33.59)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Is the culprit so powerful that his name cannot even be uttered? (0:07:35.93)
Jin Russell : Wait... (0:07:40.98)
Jin Russell : Could another Floor Master have
joined forces with a Demon Lord?!
Shiroyasha : We don't know yet. (0:07:46.57)
Shiroyasha : However, other Masters were
hesitant about Sandra's Nativity.
Black Rabbit : If that has anything to do with the attack, (0:07:55.62)
Black Rabbit : then we'll be in big trouble. (0:07:58.66)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Is it that strange for such a thing to occur? (0:08:02.37)
Jin Russell : I-It's beyond strange! It's the worst-case scenario! (0:08:05.63)
Jin Russell : Floor Masters defend the weaker
Communities from the Demon Lords.
Jin Russell : They're our guardians! (0:08:13.18)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They aren't robots, though. (0:08:14.59)
Izayoi Sakamaki : None of them are 100% sincere. (0:08:18.07)
Shiroyasha : That just means we'll have to
punish whoever is behind all of this.
Sandora Dortlake : We must face the Demon Lord first, though. (0:08:24.90)
Sandora Dortlake : Jin, I want you and your friends
to help us defeat the Demon Lord.
Jin Russell : Understood. (0:08:33.07)
Jin Russell : No-Name will aid both Communities. (0:08:34.74)
Shiroyasha : This is all for the peace of Little Garden. (0:08:38.53)
Shiroyasha : I can assure you that the
culprit will be punished accordingly.
Sandora Dortlake : Salamandra will do the same. (0:08:45.88)
Sandora Dortlake : Good luck, Jin. (0:08:47.75)
Sandora Dortlake : Please save us. (0:08:49.25)
Jin Russell : Yeah. (0:08:51.05)
Shiroyasha : There's no need to be so tense. (0:08:52.13)
Shiroyasha : I, the greatest Floor Master, will face the Demon Lord. (0:08:54.68)
Shiroyasha : You go with Sandra to set up the stage. (0:09:00.01)
Shiroyasha : Or are you not happy with that, young one? (0:09:05.85)
Izayoi Sakamaki : No problem. (0:09:08.27)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It'll be a good opportunity to see a Demon Lord's power. (0:09:09.48)
Izayoi Sakamaki : But... (0:09:12.66)
Izayoi Sakamaki : you wouldn't mind if a stranger came and beat the Demon Lord before you could, (0:09:13.28)
Izayoi Sakamaki : would you? (0:09:16.82)
Shiroyasha : Very well. (0:09:19.24)
Shiroyasha : I approve. (0:09:20.41)
Asuka Kudou : So many exhibits! (0:09:28.04)
Asuka Kudou : I wasn't aware that so many
Communities would be participating.
Melln : Pretty! (0:09:33.09)
Asuka Kudou : It is certainly a work of art. (0:09:36.72)
Asuka Kudou : Submitted by... (0:09:39.05)
Asuka Kudou : Community of the Will-o'-the-Wisp. (0:09:40.26)
Asuka Kudou : Having an emblem is a huge stylistic advantage. (0:09:45.94)
Asuka Kudou : We need an emblem to become full-fledged Hosts. (0:09:57.21)
Asuka Kudou : We must take it back from the Demon Lord! (0:10:01.74)
Melln : Asuka? (0:10:04.74)
Asuka Kudou : Don't worry. (0:10:06.50)
Asuka Kudou : Let's go. (0:10:08.02)
Asuka Kudou : That's... (0:10:13.55)
Melln : Big! (0:10:14.63)
Asuka Kudou : Which Community... (0:10:21.55)
Melln : Asuka, (0:10:24.27)
Melln : Rattenfänger! (0:10:25.12)
Asuka Kudou : What? (0:10:26.98)
Asuka Kudou : Submitted by Rattenfänger... (0:10:28.48)
Asuka Kudou : Title: Deen. (0:10:31.11)
Asuka Kudou : Your Community made this?! (0:10:32.94)
Melln : Yeah. (0:10:35.73)
Melln : Ta-da! (0:10:37.40)
Asuka Kudou : Deen... (0:10:41.12)
Asuka Kudou : Your Community is truly amazing. (0:10:43.45)
Melln : Rattenfänger! (0:10:47.12)
EXTRA : I found you... (0:10:58.34)
Asuka Kudou : What? (0:11:01.22)
EXTRA : I've finally... (0:11:04.05)
EXTRA : found you... (0:11:05.47)
Asuka Kudou : Come out here, you coward! (0:11:07.81)
EXTRA : Oh, I've found you... (0:11:18.59)
EXTRA : You are not part of Rattenfänger! (0:11:20.91)
Asuka Kudou : Rats?! (0:11:26.69)
Asuka Kudou : Th-That's way more than necessary! (0:11:33.46)
Asuka Kudou : Go back to your home! (0:11:38.26)
Leticia Draculair : Where did you go, Asuka? (0:11:51.23)
Leticia Draculair : Even with Asuka's Gift, it's dangerous to be out around this time in the North. (0:11:54.86)
Leticia Draculair : This is all my fault. (0:11:59.38)
Asuka Kudou : Stop! (0:12:02.70)
Asuka Kudou : Go back to your nest! (0:12:04.73)
Asuka Kudou : Why?! (0:12:07.24)
Asuka Kudou : Why isn't my Gift working?! (0:12:08.28)
Asuka Kudou : Something's wrong. (0:12:24.09)
Asuka Kudou : My Gift hasn't gone anywhere. (0:12:25.55)
Asuka Kudou : But still... (0:12:28.06)
Asuka Kudou : Are they... (0:12:33.10)
Asuka Kudou : Are they after her ?! (0:12:34.81)
Asuka Kudou : Then... (0:12:36.94)
Asuka Kudou : Hold on. (0:12:40.28)
Asuka Kudou : Don't fall off! (0:12:41.53)
Asuka Kudou : I can't keep this up! (0:12:47.53)
Leticia Draculair : Foolish rats... (0:12:49.08)
Leticia Draculair : How dare you stand against my comrade! (0:12:50.62)
Leticia Draculair : Are you all right, Asuka? (0:12:57.54)
Asuka Kudou : Are you... (0:13:00.71)
Asuka Kudou : Leticia? (0:13:01.76)
Leticia Draculair : Where is the spellcaster? (0:13:04.97)
Leticia Draculair : Show yourself! (0:13:06.55)
Leticia Draculair : You must be pretty brave to organize an ambush here. (0:13:08.10)
Leticia Draculair : Tell us your name and Community! (0:13:13.07)
Asuka Kudou : You really were very strong. (0:13:18.61)
Leticia Draculair : Listen, Milady. (0:13:22.69)
Leticia Draculair : As much as I appreciate your praise, (0:13:24.45)
Leticia Draculair : you are being extremely disrespectful. (0:13:26.57)
Leticia Draculair : I am a pure-blooded vampire and former Demon Lord. (0:13:33.33)
Leticia Draculair : Taking care of a million rats at once is a simple task. (0:13:37.16)
Asuka Kudou : But... I... (0:13:42.17)
Asuka Kudou : I'm not surprised Thousand Eyes has such nice hot springs. (0:13:57.85)
Asuka Kudou : Simply getting in healed my wounds. (0:14:01.08)
Asuka Kudou : What an amazing day. (0:14:07.32)
Asuka Kudou : I was free to go where I wanted... (0:14:09.49)
Asuka Kudou : But... (0:14:14.91)
Asuka Kudou : Why didn't my Gift affect the rats? (0:14:19.54)
Asuka Kudou : It's no surprise that Laius could resist it, but... (0:14:24.42)
Laius Perseus : That won't work on me... (0:14:27.84)
Laius Perseus : I'm no average guy, bitch! (0:14:31.39)
Asuka Kudou : There's no way that my authority is less than a rat's. (0:14:35.47)
Asuka Kudou : There is only one possible explanation. (0:14:41.11)
Asuka Kudou : Someone more powerful than I was commanding them. (0:14:45.65)
Melln : Asuka? (0:14:52.28)
Asuka Kudou : My Gift really is difficult to use. (0:14:55.04)
Asuka Kudou : Its effectiveness relies heavily on my opponent's strength. (0:14:59.83)
Asuka Kudou : Even if I had the ability to control other Gifts... (0:15:04.71)
Asuka Kudou : Even if I could control a powerful Gift, (0:15:09.27)
Asuka Kudou : I can't do anything big like Izayoi-kun or Kasukabe-san. (0:15:13.04)
Asuka Kudou : Perhaps I made the wrong choice. (0:15:21.51)
Melln : Asuka? (0:15:26.61)
Asuka Kudou : I don't want to be a mind-controlling witch! (0:15:29.40)
Asuka Kudou : There's no point in forcing people to obey against their will! (0:15:33.93)
Asuka Kudou : I will attain the Gift to control other Gifts! (0:15:38.51)
Black Rabbit : Asuka-san! (0:15:48.38)
Black Rabbit : I heard that you got hurt! (0:15:49.56)
Shiroyasha : Hold it, Black Rabbit! (0:15:51.88)
Shiroyasha : How dare you walk into the bath before your host?! (0:15:53.48)
Asuka Kudou : A-Are you all right, Black Rabbit? (0:15:58.47)
Black Rabbit : I-I'm okay... (0:16:01.23)
Black Rabbit : A-Are you okay?! (0:16:08.11)
Black Rabbit : Is your maidenly skin unblemished?! (0:16:10.55)
Black Rabbit : Are you hiding your pain? (0:16:12.74)
Asuka Kudou : I'm more worried about you! (0:16:14.82)
Asuka Kudou : Don't fret over me. (0:16:17.40)
Asuka Kudou : The water healed me the instant I got in. (0:16:18.41)
Black Rabbit : What a relief... (0:16:21.58)
Shiroyasha : That's quite a rack for a fifteen-year-old, Asuka. (0:16:24.21)
Asuka Kudou : What? (0:16:27.76)
Shiroyasha : Voluptuous from the collarbone to the breasts, (0:16:28.46)
Shiroyasha : yet flawlessly slender from there to the navel. (0:16:31.34)
Shiroyasha : The tenderness of this area is surely
similar to that of a goose-down pillow!
Shiroyasha : Imagine wrapping your fingers around those lustrous thighs and squeezing that butt- (0:16:36.70)
Asuka Kudou : Has Shiroyasha always been like this?! (0:16:43.77)
Black Rabbit : As powerful and noble as she is, (0:16:46.77)
Black Rabbit : she is also very disappointing. (0:16:48.90)
Lili : Yeah. (0:16:51.65)
You Kasukabe : Yeah. (0:16:51.65)
Leticia Draculair : Yeah. (0:16:51.65)
Asuka Kudou : When did you... (0:16:53.30)
You Kasukabe : During the commotion. (0:16:55.30)
Shiroyasha : Well, I suppose I should tell you about the Demon Lord attack. (0:16:56.74)
Shiroyasha : Since we're all relaxed here, (0:17:01.54)
Shiroyasha : let's take our time, shall we? (0:17:03.18)
Asuka Kudou : A-A Demon Lord? (0:17:05.20)
Asuka Kudou : A prediction of a Demon Lord attack... (0:17:08.77)
Asuka Kudou : Well, I suppose that's worth the trip. (0:17:11.76)
Black Rabbit : Master Jin, (0:17:15.84)
Black Rabbit : Izayoi-san! (0:17:16.92)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Ain't that a sight, Kiddo? (0:17:19.22)
Jin Russell : Pardon? (0:17:21.77)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The curves of Black Rabbit and Her Highness' triceps to breasts are definitely something, but the sight of water dripping from Kasukabe's hair landing on her slender yet healthy skin and trailing down from her collarbone lures (0:17:22.47)
Asuka Kudou : Is anyone not a pervert here?! (0:17:40.41)
Black Rabbit : Shiroyasha-sama, Izayoi-san, you are both very bad kids! (0:17:42.74)
Jin Russell : Calm down, you two... (0:17:47.29)
Jin Russell : Huh? (0:17:49.71)
Jin Russell : Where are Leticia-san and Lily? (0:17:50.67)
You Kasukabe : They said they were gonna stay a bit longer. (0:17:53.34)
Leticia Draculair : You're getting better at this, Lily. (0:17:57.88)
Lili : Thank you! (0:17:59.85)
Shiroyasha : Well, I suppose we can let those two be. (0:18:01.43)
Shiroyasha : I'd like to talk to all of you about tomorrow. (0:18:04.10)
Izayoi Sakamaki : So, basically... (0:18:08.44)
Shiroyasha : Yes. (0:18:10.77)
Shiroyasha : Well, then! (0:18:15.03)
Shiroyasha : Our first "Design Black Rabbit an even
sexier and cuter outfit" meeting shall now-
Black Rabbit : Adjourn! (0:18:20.84)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Begin! (0:18:21.66)
Black Rabbit : Adjourn! (0:18:22.37)
Black Rabbit : I thought we were going to talk about important things involving the Demon Lord attack! (0:18:23.79)
Shiroyasha : Oh, no! Your outfit will be included in this conversation. (0:18:28.62)
Shiroyasha : I want you to referee Yo's Game tomorrow. (0:18:31.67)
Black Rabbit : This seems to be coming out of nowhere. (0:18:37.01)
Shiroyasha : Thanks to the ruckus you caused, everybody knows that there's a Moon Rabbit here, (0:18:39.56)
Shiroyasha : so there's no reason to keep you hidden away. (0:18:45.73)
Shiroyasha : There will be a large stipend. (0:18:48.14)
Black Rabbit : Understood. (0:18:51.07)
Black Rabbit : I, Black Rabbit, will facilitate and judge tomorrow's Game. (0:18:52.19)
Shiroyasha : I appreciate it. (0:18:56.78)
Shiroyasha : I order you to wear that sexy black see-through skirt and corset! (0:18:58.32)
Black Rabbit : Objection! (0:19:02.41)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Overruled! (0:19:03.40)
Black Rabbit : Silence! (0:19:04.03)
Black Rabbit : Order in the Court! (0:19:05.49)
Shiroyasha : Fine. (0:19:07.54)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Fine. (0:19:07.54)
You Kasukabe : Shiroyasha, who will I be up against? (0:19:09.29)
Shiroyasha : I can only tell you the name of your enemy's Community. (0:19:13.00)
Shiroyasha : The finalists are from Salamandra, No-Name, and two more. (0:19:16.38)
Asuka Kudou : Will-o'-the-Wisp and Rattenfänger?! (0:19:25.31)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Rattenfänger... (0:19:30.06)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That's German. (0:19:31.31)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I guess you're up against the
Pied Piper of Hamelin tomorrow.
You Kasukabe : Huh? (0:19:37.69)
Black Rabbit : The Pied Piper of Hamelin?! (0:19:39.03)
Shiroyasha : What do you mean, young one? (0:19:40.82)
Shiroyasha : Sorry. (0:19:43.91)
Shiroyasha : You wouldn't actually know. (0:19:45.33)
Shiroyasha : A Community called "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" once used to work under a Demon Lord. (0:19:47.29)
Izayoi Sakamaki : A Demon Lord? (0:19:52.09)
Shiroyasha : This Demon Lord summoned numerous Devils from over 200 grimoires (0:19:53.29)
Shiroyasha : and led a community called "Grimm Grimoire." (0:19:58.68)
Black Rabbit : However, they disbanded after
being defeated in a Gift Game.
Shiroyasha : The Pied Piper of Hamelin should have lost its power after the Demon Lord's death... (0:20:08.18)
Shiroyasha : How does Rattenfänger relate to the Pied Piper of Hamelin in the first place? (0:20:14.09)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Our very own Kiddo here will explain. (0:20:20.55)
Jin Russell : A-All right. (0:20:24.24)
Jin Russell : As you probably know, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" is one of Grimms' Fairy Tales . (0:20:26.43)
Jin Russell : The incident is said to have happened in the city of Hamelin. (0:20:32.04)
Jin Russell : A plaque in the city reads: (0:20:38.44)
Jin Russell : In the year of 1284, on the day of Saints John and Paul (0:20:41.17)
Jin Russell : on the 26th of June... (0:20:44.63)
Jin Russell : 130 children born in Hamelin were seduced by a piper, dressed in all kinds of colors, (0:20:46.76)
Jin Russell : and lost at the place of execution near the koppen. (0:20:52.81)
Jin Russell : The piper in this tale is the Rattenfänger... (0:20:56.48)
Jin Russell : The rat-catcher. (0:20:59.48)
Jin Russell : The one who manipulates rats. (0:21:00.53)
Asuka Kudou : Manipulates rats?! (0:21:03.11)
Melln : Rattenfänger! (0:21:06.11)
Asuka Kudou : Could it be? (0:21:11.79)
Shiroyasha : It's too early to know for sure if that's our Demon Lord, (0:21:13.75)
Shiroyasha : but there's a large chance that somebody from Grimm Grimoire is nearby. (0:21:16.67)
Shiroyasha : I will put people on patrol to keep Sandra safe, (0:21:21.51)
Shiroyasha : but I'll ask for your help in the case of an emergency. (0:21:25.68)
Shiroyasha : I'm counting on you. (0:21:28.51)
Asuka Kudou : Rattenfänger... (0:21:40.48)
Asuka Kudou : The Pied Piper of Hamelin... (0:21:42.07)
Asuka Kudou : Is she... (0:21:44.68)
Asuka Kudou : a Demon Lord's subordinate?! (0:21:46.40)
Melln : It's hot in these boobies! (0:23:27.01)
Asuka Kudou : Well, I did leave you in here for a long time. (0:23:30.09)
Asuka Kudou : Sorry. (0:23:32.14)
Melln : Those boobies look cooler! (0:23:33.18)
Calico : Th-There's still time to grow, Lassie! (0:23:36.97)

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Everyone who's known me for long enough knows that Manticore is my current favorite character. She overthrew Fate's Frankenstein for that spot a few years back, and she's continued to hold that spot. She may not be a particularly plot-relevant character in Arknights, but she's definitely the one I like the most. - ShinyShinigami


You think too highly of me. - Liz Thompson

I could easily die instantaneously. - Liz Thompson

Yes. - Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

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