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EXTRA : Doujin Shop Somewhere in the City (0:00:00.98)
EXTRA : Moe, moe, moe, moe! Get your moe! (0:00:02.47)
EXTRA : My beloved fellow otaku! (0:00:12.94)
EXTRA : Please excuse us. (0:00:16.78)
EXTRA : This store now belongs to
the Orc Pioneer Federation.
EXTRA : We can't see inside the store (0:01:57.40)
EXTRA : because the blinds are closed. (0:01:59.07)
EXTRA : But according to fleeing customers, (0:02:02.28)
EXTRA : the criminal group consists of six orcs. (0:02:04.71)
EXTRA : They're all armed. (0:02:07.42)
EXTRA : They're holed up in there, (0:02:09.34)
EXTRA : holding four employees and customers hostage. (0:02:11.27)
EXTRA : What are their demands? (0:02:14.75)
EXTRA : Well... (0:02:16.76)
EXTRA : We, the Orc Pioneer Federation, (0:02:19.77)
EXTRA : demand that mainstream adult manga
be changed to orc x female knight plots!
EXTRA : Your body doesn't lie! (0:02:30.08)
EXTRA : I'm so frustrated, (0:02:32.20)
EXTRA : but so turned on! (0:02:33.16)
EXTRA : I'm throbbing! (0:02:34.77)
EXTRA : Not only that, (0:02:36.46)
EXTRA : Orc Female Knight (0:02:37.59)
EXTRA : but we demand variations, including (0:02:38.08)
EXTRA : Orc Elf (0:02:38.76)
EXTRA : Orc Sister (0:02:39.93)
EXTRA : orc x elf, orc x sister, and more! (0:02:41.18)
EXTRA : Wh-What is he saying? (0:02:44.25)
EXTRA : They also demanded we break
new ground with orc x witch,
EXTRA : orc x female teacher,
orc x office lady, and others.
EXTRA : Their demands are idiotic, (0:02:51.88)
EXTRA : but, Chief, the problem is that
they're a non-human species.
EXTRA : Non-human species' rights,
including those of orcs,
EXTRA : are protected by the
Interspecies Exchange Bill.
EXTRA : There's nothing the police can do. (0:03:02.26)
EXTRA : We can't even arrest the criminals? (0:03:05.48)
EXTRA : Well, the bill is still new, (0:03:08.95)
EXTRA : and it's full of holes. (0:03:10.88)
EXTRA : This is your problem too, Minister! (0:03:13.71)
EXTRA : I don't have time for that law now! (0:03:16.09)
EXTRA : You're free to break it, (0:03:18.67)
EXTRA : but you won't just be fired.
You'll be arrested.
EXTRA : I never said I'd break the law. (0:03:25.58)
Kuroko Sumisu : Don't worry. (0:03:27.70)
Kuroko Sumisu : That's why we're here. (0:03:30.16)
Kuroko Sumisu : This coffee is awful. (0:03:34.68)
EXTRA : Is this really the time for coffee?! (0:03:36.00)
EXTRA : Smith-kun, (0:03:37.95)
EXTRA : your Interspecies Exchange Security Squad (0:03:39.21)
EXTRA : can resolve this situation, you say? (0:03:41.85)
EXTRA : Y-You're going to let them handle it?! (0:03:44.70)
EXTRA : How will you approach them? (0:03:47.45)
EXTRA : The orcs have a keen sense of smell. (0:03:48.96)
EXTRA : This is... (0:03:52.43)
EXTRA : A rare work from a major
circle's anonymous period!
EXTRA : Ah, a lady ninja was spying on us. (0:04:04.55)
EXTRA : You mean a kunoichi. (0:04:07.82)
EXTRA : She's a real beauty. (0:04:10.28)
Zombina : H-How did you notice me? (0:04:12.54)
EXTRA : Your smell. (0:04:15.95)
EXTRA : We orcs can smell a girl
from a kilometer away.
EXTRA : That's why the police can't
approach with their guns.
EXTRA : Did you hear gunshots? (0:04:25.91)
EXTRA : Y-Yeah. (0:04:27.49)
Zombina : You scent-fetishizing pig perverts! (0:04:30.43)
EXTRA : High praise. (0:04:32.90)
EXTRA : I'm not into foul-mouthed girls. (0:04:36.96)
EXTRA : Ah, is this the police? (0:04:41.85)
EXTRA : I took out the lady agent you sent. (0:04:44.02)
EXTRA : It was self-defense, of course. (0:04:47.94)
EXTRA : She violated the Interspecies
Exchange Bill and attacked me,
EXTRA : I didn't order anyone to go in! (0:04:54.32)
EXTRA : so I had no choice. (0:04:54.65)
EXTRA : A female agent? (0:04:57.21)
EXTRA : Who acted without authorization?! (0:04:59.10)
EXTRA : I hate to say it, (0:05:02.95)
EXTRA : but our only hope is to rely on you. (0:05:04.70)
Kuroko Sumisu : Don't worry. (0:05:07.29)
Kuroko Sumisu : The preparations are already made. (0:05:09.03)
EXTRA : Leader! (0:05:12.76)
EXTRA : Someone was still hiding in the corner. (0:05:15.74)
EXTRA : Stop! (0:05:18.52)
EXTRA : She looks just like the witch Mako-chan! (0:05:20.44)
EXTRA : How could you miss her in this tiny store? (0:05:23.44)
EXTRA : I checked, I swear! (0:05:27.38)
Doppel : Someone! (0:05:38.14)
Doppel : Someone help! (0:05:39.11)
Doppel : Someone! (0:05:41.08)
EXTRA : There's nothing to be afraid of. (0:05:45.16)
EXTRA : We are gentlemen. (0:05:48.30)
EXTRA : We'd never hurt a girl. (0:05:50.20)
EXTRA : We even observe the
Interspecies Exchange Bill.
EXTRA : So let's... (0:05:57.59)
EXTRA : get to know each other. (0:05:59.50)
EXTRA : Let's show the police how we
do interspecies exchange!
EXTRA : No fair, Leader! (0:06:09.04)
EXTRA : L-Let us in on the fun, too! (0:06:10.60)
EXTRA : Oh, fine. (0:06:13.14)
EXTRA : We'll take turns! (0:06:14.72)
Manako : Just as planned, (0:06:23.36)
Manako : they're all by the window. (0:06:24.92)
Manako : The blinds are out of the way, too. (0:06:27.63)
Manako : Now I can see. (0:06:30.60)
EXTRA : Guns! (0:06:45.70)
EXTRA : I didn't smell any guns. (0:06:47.96)
EXTRA : Are they outside the one-kilometer
range of our sense of smell?
EXTRA : Such accuracy from such a great distance... (0:06:54.98)
EXTRA : Who on Earth could it be? (0:06:58.12)
Manako : Finally done. (0:07:01.18)
Manako : They made me wait too long. (0:07:03.01)
Manako : The wind around the building
is drying my eye out.
EXTRA : Monoeye Manako (0:07:07.69)
Manako : Did I really need to be two
kilometers away, though?
Manako : Were they just being mean? (0:07:15.60)
EXTRA : What should we do? (0:07:18.36)
EXTRA : We don't have spare guns! (0:07:19.84)
EXTRA : Calm down. (0:07:21.93)
EXTRA : We still have the hostages— (0:07:23.31)
EXTRA : Huh?! (0:07:32.47)
EXTRA : Who is this giant man? (0:07:33.06)
Tionishia : Come on, hostages. (0:07:43.84)
Tionishia : Let's escape while we can. (0:07:45.95)
Tionishia : Also, I'm a girl. (0:07:51.68)
EXTRA : Ogre Tionishia (0:07:53.66)
EXTRA : Wh-What should we do?! (0:07:57.04)
EXTRA : The hostages are escaping! (0:07:58.63)
EXTRA : Calm down. (0:08:00.64)
EXTRA : We still have one more here. (0:08:01.86)
EXTRA : We can use her as a shield. (0:08:04.92)
EXTRA : B-But the guns... (0:08:07.36)
Zombina : Want to borrow my gun, then? (0:08:10.48)
EXTRA : You bitch! (0:08:18.26)
EXTRA : You were just pretending to be dead! (0:08:19.43)
EXTRA : Were you wearing a bulletproof vest? (0:08:22.01)
EXTRA : Then I'll squeeze you so tight, (0:08:24.36)
EXTRA : it'll shatter your back fat— (0:08:26.94)
EXTRA : I mean, your backbone! (0:08:28.48)
Zombina : Oh, jeez. More holes. (0:08:40.44)
Zombina : My weight is gonna skyrocket
with all these bullets in me.
EXTRA : H-How are you still alive? (0:08:48.66)
Zombina : Because... (0:08:51.07)
Zombina : I'm the world's liveliest corpse, (0:08:55.30)
Zombina : Zombina-chan! (0:08:57.38)
EXTRA : Living Dead Zombina (0:08:58.60)
Zombina : Grovel, you fetishist pigs! (0:08:59.04)
Zombina : Now, then. (0:09:02.03)
Zombina : You're the last one, black piggie. (0:09:03.23)
EXTRA : S-Stay back! (0:09:05.56)
EXTRA : Can't you see this hostage? (0:09:07.68)
EXTRA : Come any closer and I'll snap
her skinny little neck!
EXTRA : What?! (0:09:16.67)
Doppel : Orcs are so stupid. (0:09:18.54)
Doppel : As if a girl would ever enter a doujin shop. (0:09:21.27)
Doppel : Did you really think I was a high school girl
who looked like Mako-chan the witch?
Doppel : Sorry. I'm just Doppel-chan. (0:09:29.69)
EXTRA : Doppelganger Doppel (0:09:32.38)
EXTRA : I trusted you... (0:09:35.51)
Manako : Traveling two kilometers is rough. (0:09:38.33)
Manako : And this rifle is so heavy, too. (0:09:40.56)
Tionishia : Good work, Mana-chan. (0:09:42.98)
Zombina : Your rifle is great, though, Manacchi. (0:09:45.28)
Zombina : It'd be even cooler if you sawed
it off and dual-wielded them.
Manako : My arms would fall off. (0:09:51.21)
Doppel : You guys are lucky to have it so easy. (0:09:53.46)
Doppel : I was sexually harassed by those pigs. (0:09:55.80)
Zombina : Put on some clothes. (0:09:58.62)
Tionishia : Now, Pel-chan, no fighting. (0:10:01.04)
Doppel : What are you eating? (0:10:04.32)
Kuroko Sumisu : A special squad formed exclusively to handle (0:10:07.40)
Kuroko Sumisu : crimes committed by
untouchable non-human species.
Kuroko Sumisu : They are... (0:10:16.08)
Kuroko Sumisu : MONster's New Law! (0:10:18.00)
Kuroko Sumisu : Now, come quietly. (0:10:24.10)
Kuroko Sumisu : Or would you rather be turned into pork chops? (0:10:27.46)
EXTRA : Fine. (0:10:38.68)
EXTRA : I surrender. (0:10:39.95)
EXTRA : You're all so strong. (0:10:43.33)
EXTRA : You beat us completely. (0:10:46.08)
EXTRA : But, but, but, but... (0:10:48.32)
EXTRA : Now that I've surrendered, (0:10:50.64)
EXTRA : you can't use violence against me anymore. (0:10:53.76)
EXTRA : I suppose our punishment will be deportation? (0:10:56.44)
EXTRA : What are you doing?! (0:11:03.80)
Kuroko Sumisu : They're just rubber bullets,
but you're pretty tough.
EXTRA : Harming a non-human species (0:11:08.64)
EXTRA : violates the Interspecies Exchange... (0:11:10.88)
EXTRA : What?! (0:11:13.09)
Kuroko Sumisu : Okay, Smith-san. (0:11:14.56)
Kuroko Sumisu : I mean, (0:11:16.56)
Kuroko Sumisu : Doppel-chan. (0:11:17.84)
Kuroko Sumisu : Non-human on non-human violence
doesn't violate the law,
Kuroko Sumisu : but show some restraint. (0:11:23.76)
Kuroko Sumisu : Now, then. (0:11:27.86)
Kuroko Sumisu : Little piggies who add to my workload (0:11:30.32)
Kuroko Sumisu : when I'm making peanuts as
it is need to be punished.
EXTRA : I suppose... (0:11:39.82)
EXTRA : Because the criminal group (0:11:42.40)
EXTRA : involved in the standoff is non-human, (0:11:44.06)
EXTRA : there is some confusion. (0:11:46.40)
Miia : How awful. (0:11:48.51)
EXTRA : This incident may result in revision
of the Interspecies Exchange Bill.
Centorea Shianus : Insolent brutes. (0:11:50.55)
Centorea Shianus : Don't they realize they
represent all non-humans?!
EXTRA : Non-Human Standoff (0:11:54.77)
EXTRA : What do you think, Okayada-sensei? (0:11:55.10)
EXTRA : Well, I've been called here as a specialist,
but I'm not sure what to say.
Papi : Huh? Smith-san? (0:11:57.93)
Kuroko Sumisu : Ah, your coffee is so good, Darling-kun. (0:12:00.20)
Kuroko Sumisu : Do you use a special blend of beans? (0:12:06.00)
EXTRA : The orcs responsible for this incident
look like pigs as first glance,
Kimihito Kurusu : No, it's instant coffee. (0:12:07.96)
Kuroko Sumisu : Oh, that's right... (0:12:11.91)
EXTRA : but they're actually more
like boars than pigs.
Kuroko Sumisu : I invited over some coworkers today. (0:12:13.43)
Kuroko Sumisu : Do you mind? (0:12:15.18)
Kimihito Kurusu : Huh? (0:12:16.13)
EXTRA : Really? (0:12:16.38)
Zombina : We're here to eat! (0:12:18.60)
Manako : Excuse us. (0:12:21.42)
Doppel : Good evening. (0:12:23.46)
Tionishia : I'm hungry. (0:12:26.09)
EXTRA : Monster Girls! (0:12:29.76)
EXTRA : M-O-N! (0:12:35.13)
EXTRA : Hello? Are you all right? (0:12:43.19)
EXTRA : Hello? Can you hear me? (0:12:45.73)
EXTRA : Connected (0:12:47.57)
EXTRA : Hello? Hello? (0:12:48.28)
Zombina : Freeze! (0:12:58.76)
Zombina : I have a message for all non-humans here! (0:12:59.69)
Zombina : You're suspected of violating
the Interspecies Exchange Bill!
Zombina : Surrender and come quietly! (0:13:05.96)
Tionishia : Hey, Bina-chan, (0:13:08.57)
Tionishia : this place is full of spiderwebs. It's creepy. (0:13:10.29)
Zombina : Tio, you... (0:13:13.03)
Tionishia : Ow! (0:13:19.02)
Tionishia : I got caught on something. (0:13:20.40)
Zombina : Good thing I'm a zombie. (0:13:22.16)
Zombina : If I were living, I'd be dead now. (0:13:24.47)
Manako : What should I do?! (0:13:33.38)
Manako : She dodged my shot! (0:13:34.27)
Doppel : At least you have something to do, unlike me. (0:13:36.88)
Kuroko Sumisu : That's the note left by the girl who ran. (0:13:40.11)
Kuroko Sumisu : This address was written on it. (0:13:44.35)
Kuroko Sumisu : That self-proclaimed director
must have looked it up.
Kuroko Sumisu : We went because we received an SOS, (0:13:49.58)
Kuroko Sumisu : but she... (0:13:52.47)
Kuroko Sumisu : went outside without authorization. (0:13:53.55)
Miia : You mean you let her escape! (0:13:55.28)
Kuroko Sumisu : We still don't have a clear
grasp of the situation.
Kuroko Sumisu : He wasn't registered as a host family. (0:14:01.01)
Kuroko Sumisu : So why was a non-human living with him? (0:14:05.08)
Kuroko Sumisu : Where's Darling-kun? (0:14:08.92)
Centorea Shianus : At a supermarket closing sale. (0:14:10.36)
Centorea Shianus : He should be home soon. (0:14:12.36)
Miia : What's that you keep carrying in here? (0:14:15.54)
Papi : Oh, there's a bunch of food
lying in front of the house,
Papi : so I'm bringing it inside. (0:14:21.37)
Miia : D-Darling?! (0:14:24.52)
Kimihito Kurusu : Huh? (0:14:36.80)
Kimihito Kurusu : I came back from the supermarket, and... (0:14:37.72)
Kimihito Kurusu : Where am I? (0:14:39.82)
Rachnera Arachnera : You're finally awake? (0:14:41.60)
Rachnera Arachnera : I can't believe you passed
out when I caught you.
Rachnera Arachnera : Humans are so fragile. (0:14:47.70)
Rachnera Arachnera : I can't stand it. (0:14:51.04)
Rachnera Arachnera : Nice to meet you. (0:14:53.35)
Rachnera Arachnera : I am Rachnera Arachnera. (0:14:54.76)
Rachnera Arachnera : Is this your first time seeing an arachne? (0:14:57.28)
Rachnera Arachnera : Scared? (0:15:01.03)
Kimihito Kurusu : Good evening. (0:15:04.25)
Kimihito Kurusu : Yeah, you're my first. (0:15:05.96)
Kimihito Kurusu : Um, my blood's rushing to my head.
Could you let me down?
Rachnera Arachnera : You're acting awfully composed. (0:15:13.85)
Kimihito Kurusu : Ow... (0:15:19.89)
Rachnera Arachnera : Shall we see how long (0:15:22.28)
Rachnera Arachnera : you can keep up the tough guy act? (0:15:24.22)
Rachnera Arachnera : Oh? (0:15:31.64)
Rachnera Arachnera : Pathetic. You're screaming already? (0:15:32.82)
Rachnera Arachnera : He broke the harpy's egg
out of some sense of justice,
Rachnera Arachnera : but he's just like the other humans. (0:15:39.93)
Rachnera Arachnera : I wanted to reveal what a hypocrite
he is before I was caught.
Rachnera Arachnera : What a letdown. (0:15:48.00)
EXTRA : I-Is anyone here? (0:15:56.86)
EXTRA : We received a call... (0:15:59.65)
EXTRA : Spiderwebs! Gross! (0:16:04.85)
Rachnera Arachnera : Don't make a sound. (0:16:06.84)
Rachnera Arachnera : If you call for help... (0:16:09.62)
Rachnera Arachnera : Hey... What's this? You're hard right here. (0:16:14.00)
Kimihito Kurusu : She noticed! (0:16:17.78)
Kimihito Kurusu : It's just a physiological reaction! (0:16:19.51)
Rachnera Arachnera : Be quiet. (0:16:22.15)
EXTRA : What was that? (0:16:28.60)
Rachnera Arachnera : That was close. (0:16:32.05)
Rachnera Arachnera : You actually kept your grip. (0:16:45.68)
Rachnera Arachnera : Good boy. (0:16:47.84)
EXTRA : This is too creepy! (0:16:50.14)
Rachnera Arachnera : Listen to me. You're held in place only (0:16:54.38)
Rachnera Arachnera : by the threads on your mouth and legs. (0:16:56.48)
Rachnera Arachnera : I wonder what would happen
if you fell from this height?
Kimihito Kurusu : Wh-Why are you doing this? (0:17:02.47)
Rachnera Arachnera : You're such a naughty boy. (0:17:05.10)
Rachnera Arachnera : So I'm punishing you. (0:17:11.74)
Rachnera Arachnera : How's this? Are they heavy? (0:17:13.24)
Rachnera Arachnera : Oh, my. You're quite the trooper, aren't you? (0:17:16.76)
Rachnera Arachnera : Trying so hard to endure... (0:17:20.07)
Rachnera Arachnera : It's so cute. (0:17:21.94)
Rachnera Arachnera : Okay, then can you endure this? (0:17:23.66)
Kimihito Kurusu : There, too? (0:17:31.88)
Kimihito Kurusu : I-I can't take it... (0:17:34.15)
Rachnera Arachnera : Amazing. (0:17:44.61)
Rachnera Arachnera : You bit through my threads. (0:17:46.03)
Rachnera Arachnera : I guess that's not the only
part of you that's hard.
Kimihito Kurusu : I-I thought I was going to die, (0:17:51.80)
Kimihito Kurusu : in more ways than one... (0:17:54.52)
Rachnera Arachnera : Did I go too far? (0:17:56.44)
Kimihito Kurusu : Uh, Rachnera-san... (0:17:59.80)
Kimihito Kurusu : Why are you running? (0:18:02.63)
Kimihito Kurusu : You should be (0:18:05.27)
Kimihito Kurusu : with your host family, not me. (0:18:06.60)
Rachnera Arachnera : I didn't get along with my host family. (0:18:09.60)
Kimihito Kurusu : What? (0:18:13.14)
Rachnera Arachnera : They were probably expecting someone softer. (0:18:14.55)
Rachnera Arachnera : Their sour expressions were
absolute masterpieces.
Rachnera Arachnera : So then, (0:18:25.01)
Rachnera Arachnera : this shady man asked to host me instead. (0:18:26.12)
EXTRA : Host Family
Transfer of Rights
Rachnera Arachnera : Well, they probably wanted me out of the way. (0:18:30.56)
Kimihito Kurusu : That's terrible. (0:18:34.67)
Rachnera Arachnera : Just so you know, (0:18:38.79)
Rachnera Arachnera : I'm not looking for sympathy. (0:18:40.28)
Rachnera Arachnera : I'm just sick of humans. (0:18:43.36)
Rachnera Arachnera : They may say nice things, (0:18:46.29)
Rachnera Arachnera : but they only accept those who are like them. (0:18:48.35)
Rachnera Arachnera : I'm sick of ordinary humans. (0:18:50.80)
Rachnera Arachnera : You're just like them. (0:18:55.08)
Rachnera Arachnera : Your lower body is only responding to (0:18:57.34)
Rachnera Arachnera : the part of me that looks human. (0:18:59.17)
Rachnera Arachnera : But this part of me is only loathsome to you. (0:19:02.33)
Kimihito Kurusu : Well, actually... (0:19:08.78)
Kimihito Kurusu : Your legs are, well... I mean... (0:19:12.03)
Kimihito Kurusu : I think they're alluring. (0:19:16.47)
EXTRA : Leg Fetish (0:19:18.88)
Rachnera Arachnera : You pervert. (0:19:21.88)
Kimihito Kurusu : What?! (0:19:23.12)
Rachnera Arachnera : You must be seriously perverted,
to be turned on by spider legs.
Rachnera Arachnera : Gross. (0:19:27.36)
Kimihito Kurusu : Hey! (0:19:28.60)
Rachnera Arachnera : What? (0:19:29.88)
Rachnera Arachnera : Are you that pent-up? (0:19:30.78)
Rachnera Arachnera : Are you a virgin? (0:19:32.26)
Kimihito Kurusu : I-I-I-I'm not a virgin! (0:19:34.34)
Kimihito Kurusu : Wh-What's going on? (0:19:40.06)
Rachnera Arachnera : He called for help at some point. (0:19:42.82)
Rachnera Arachnera : So this was all an act to slow me down. (0:19:45.80)
Kimihito Kurusu : They have us surrounded. (0:19:46.53)
Kuroko Sumisu : This... Interspecies Exchange... (0:19:50.66)
Kuroko Sumisu : coordi... Smith. (0:19:52.74)
Kimihito Kurusu : Huh? (0:19:54.51)
Kuroko Sumisu : I... (0:19:56.00)
Kuroko Sumisu : message for you. (0:19:56.68)
Kuroko Sumisu : You assaulted a self-proclaimed movie director. (0:19:58.40)
Kuroko Sumisu : This act was in violation of the law. (0:20:02.65)
Kuroko Sumisu : Surrender now! (0:20:05.62)
Kuroko Sumisu : Otherwise, we'll have to use force. (0:20:07.28)
Doppel : Thanks for the call. (0:20:09.90)
EXTRA : S-Sure. (0:20:11.68)
Rachnera Arachnera : I'll have to use this hostage to— (0:20:13.40)
Kimihito Kurusu : Yeah, I did hit the guy, (0:20:17.23)
Kimihito Kurusu : but that was... (0:20:20.57)
Rachnera Arachnera : Uh, hey... (0:20:22.41)
Kimihito Kurusu : N-No. (0:20:24.73)
Rachnera Arachnera : Hey. (0:20:26.40)
Kimihito Kurusu : Regardless of the reason, violence is violence. (0:20:27.42)
Rachnera Arachnera : Hey! Listen to me! (0:20:30.12)
Rachnera Arachnera : You don't think (0:20:34.80)
Rachnera Arachnera : they're talking about me? (0:20:37.19)
Kimihito Kurusu : Huh? (0:20:40.21)
Kimihito Kurusu : Why would I? (0:20:41.01)
Kimihito Kurusu : I'll turn myself in. (0:20:46.83)
Kimihito Kurusu : You should run, Rachnera-san. (0:20:48.92)
Kimihito Kurusu : Good luck. (0:20:51.72)
Rachnera Arachnera : "Good luck"? (0:20:56.74)
Kimihito Kurusu : Huh?! (0:20:59.28)
Rachnera Arachnera : What a stud! (0:21:02.31)
Kimihito Kurusu : Why are you laughing? (0:21:03.44)
Rachnera Arachnera : But... (0:21:05.24)
Rachnera Arachnera : I think I've grown quite fond of you. (0:21:06.47)
Kuroko Sumisu : I'm truly sorry. (0:21:10.89)
Kuroko Sumisu : I chose the wrong homestay for you, (0:21:13.76)
Kuroko Sumisu : and didn't care for you
appropriately afterward.
Rachnera Arachnera : I'm not looking for an apology from you. (0:21:17.72)
Rachnera Arachnera : I think you're a bit lacking in sincerity. (0:21:22.78)
Rachnera Arachnera : This happened because of your mistake, right? (0:21:26.67)
Kuroko Sumisu : Sincerity? (0:21:29.79)
Rachnera Arachnera : That's right. (0:21:32.25)
Rachnera Arachnera : I have nowhere to go now, you know? (0:21:33.91)
Rachnera Arachnera : I could only live in a home that's been (0:21:36.21)
Rachnera Arachnera : remodeled to a large size, (0:21:38.44)
Rachnera Arachnera : one that hosts several other non-human girls. (0:21:40.46)
Rachnera Arachnera : And... (0:21:46.16)
Rachnera Arachnera : It wouldn't be much of a life (0:21:47.35)
Rachnera Arachnera : unless my host bore arachne no hostility. (0:21:50.28)
Kuroko Sumisu : I see. (0:21:55.16)
Kuroko Sumisu : Those conditions certainly limit the options, (0:21:56.73)
Kuroko Sumisu : but there is one place (0:22:00.96)
Kuroko Sumisu : that would meet your needs. (0:22:02.37)
EXTRA : Species 7 "Everyday Life with MON and an Arachne" (0:22:11.16)
Kuroko Sumisu : Everyone, get away from this room! (0:23:21.76)
Kuroko Sumisu : Darling-kun may be contaminated
and must be quarantined.
Kuroko Sumisu : If a powerful new virus that mutates quickly (0:23:27.44)
Kuroko Sumisu : and is capable of infecting non-humans gets out, (0:23:29.55)
EXTRA : Species 8
"Everyday Life in Poor Health"
Kuroko Sumisu : it could lead to a pandemic that
threatens the future of non-humans!
EXTRA : Monoeye Subspecies (0:23:36.06)

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Kojiro Hishi

he is soo cute - Anonymous


The stairs on the north side which have a different number of steps when you're walking up or down. - Chiho Sasaki

Yeah... - Chiho Sasaki

The walking Ninomiya Kinjiro statue covered in blood! - Chiho Sasaki

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