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Kiyotaka Ijichi : We have a bit of time before your
appointment with the principal.
Kiyotaka Ijichi : Did you want to stop anywhere? (0:00:07.05)
Satoru Gojou : It's fine. (0:00:08.65)
Satoru Gojou : I'll show up early for a change. (0:00:09.68)
Satoru Gojou : Stop the car. (0:00:16.23)
Kiyotaka Ijichi : Huh? Right here? (0:00:16.93)
Satoru Gojou : Go on ahead. (0:00:19.34)
Kiyotaka Ijichi : Huh? A-Are you testing me? (0:00:20.73)
Kiyotaka Ijichi : You're not going to hit me if
I actually go on ahead, are you?
Satoru Gojou : Just what do you think I am? (0:00:26.28)
Kiyotaka Ijichi : In that case... (0:00:28.83)
Satoru Gojou : Now... (0:00:38.54)
Satoru Gojou : Who are you? (0:00:47.66)
Jougo : That was easier than I expected. (0:01:15.88)
Satoru Gojou : Who are you... (0:01:25.98)
Satoru Gojou : calling easy? (0:01:29.35)
Jougo : Brat. (0:01:32.90)
Satoru Gojou : He's a cursed spirit, but he
can communicate clearly.
Satoru Gojou : And the sheer amount of cursed energy... (0:01:40.53)
Satoru Gojou : An unregistered special-grade? (0:01:43.61)
Satoru Gojou : He's likely stronger than Sukuna currently is. (0:01:47.35)
Satoru Gojou : Special-grades are classified
as such because they're special.
Satoru Gojou : Having them pop up this frequently
throws everything off.
Jougo : Did I wound your pride? (0:02:00.73)
Satoru Gojou : Nope. (0:02:03.58)
Satoru Gojou : I'm starting to find this fun. (0:02:05.69)
Jougo : Finding this fun, you say? (0:03:41.73)
Jougo : No sense of danger at all. (0:03:45.02)
Satoru Gojou : He chose a place devoid of people? (0:03:48.74)
Satoru Gojou : No, he was avoiding other
sorcerers coming to back me up.
Jougo : Ember Insects! (0:03:58.71)
Satoru Gojou : Well, if you're coming
after me, you're right...
Satoru Gojou : about having no sense of danger. (0:04:04.44)
Satoru Gojou : What happens if this hits me? (0:04:11.32)
Satoru Gojou : Sound? (0:04:19.02)
Satoru Gojou : A two-stage attack of sound and explosions? (0:04:26.37)
Satoru Gojou : That's clever. (0:04:29.38)
Jougo : There's more! (0:04:37.31)
Jougo : That's all it took? (0:04:46.32)
Jougo : I took a look for myself, and it was
just an overestimation by the weak.
Jougo : That human was just as fragile as the rest. (0:04:51.84)
Jougo : He wasn't living a life of truth.
It's all so nauseatingly repulsive.
Jougo : I'm going to go spread real strength,
the truth, through death.
Satoru Gojou : We just went over this a moment ago. (0:05:06.90)
Satoru Gojou : Can't you even learn? Ugh, this smoke... (0:05:10.79)
Jougo : What's the meaning of this? (0:05:16.17)
Satoru Gojou : To put it simply, you didn't hit me. (0:05:19.21)
Jougo : Impossible. That wasn't like before. (0:05:21.90)
Jougo : I know I touched you and killed you. (0:05:24.82)
Satoru Gojou : You touched the "Infinity" that
exists between you and me.
Satoru Gojou : I'll show you. (0:05:33.44)
Satoru Gojou : Put your hand out. (0:05:35.41)
Satoru Gojou : Come on, come on. (0:05:38.80)
Satoru Gojou : Come on, come on, come on. (0:05:41.85)
Jougo : No hostility? I guess I'll see what it's about. (0:05:44.64)
Satoru Gojou : See? (0:05:55.89)
Jougo : I can't touch him? (0:05:58.69)
Jougo : It stops just before him. (0:06:00.40)
Jougo : This is Infinity? (0:06:02.63)
Satoru Gojou : You're not exactly stopped,
but the closer you get, the slower you go.
Satoru Gojou : So, what now? (0:06:10.61)
Satoru Gojou : We could just shake
hands like this, you know.
Jougo : I refuse. (0:06:17.36)
Satoru Gojou : Don't be shy, now. (0:06:19.22)
Satoru Gojou : You're making me embarrassed, too. (0:06:21.27)
Jougo : Damn you! (0:06:25.23)
Jougo : He's fast! (0:06:31.80)
Jougo : It's not just a blow
strengthened by cursed energy!
Jougo : What is this?! (0:06:36.30)
Jougo : I don't get it! (0:06:37.62)
Jougo : I have to know! (0:06:38.73)
Satoru Gojou : There's still more! (0:06:40.28)
Satoru Gojou : Infinity exists everywhere. (0:06:47.01)
Satoru Gojou : My jujutsu just brings it forward in reality. (0:06:51.42)
Satoru Gojou : Convergence, divergence... (0:06:55.63)
Satoru Gojou : What do you think happens
when one touchs this void?
Satoru Gojou : Cursed Technique Reversal: Red. (0:07:02.18)
Satoru Gojou : Oh, this is perfect. (0:07:50.92)
Suguru Geto : You can try, (0:07:55.34)
Suguru Geto : but you'll die, Jougo. (0:07:57.64)
Jougo : It wasn't just talk. (0:08:07.28)
Jougo : No matter. If I can't hit him,
I'll just drag him into my Domain.
Jougo : Where did he go? (0:08:19.64)
Satoru Gojou : Sorry about that. (0:08:22.23)
Yuuji Itadori : Where the heck?! Hey, where are we?! (0:08:24.35)
Satoru Gojou : Were you waiting? (0:08:27.46)
Jougo : That's... (0:08:29.52)
Jougo : Sukuna's vessel?! (0:08:30.99)
Satoru Gojou : This is Itadori Yuuji-kun,
and he's here to watch.
Yuuji Itadori : Mt. Fuji! His head's Mt. Fuji! (0:08:35.90)
EXTRA : I'll protect you. (0:08:46.51)
EXTRA : I'll never leave you. (0:08:48.96)
EXTRA : Sam... (0:08:51.60)
Satoru Gojou : Wow, he learns surprisingly quick. (0:08:58.31)
EXTRA : Come on. (0:09:02.85)
Satoru Gojou : Yuuji. (0:09:03.90)
Yuuji Itadori : Gojou-sensei? (0:09:06.75)
Satoru Gojou : Talking to him doesn't
cause a problem, either.
Yuuji Itadori : You need something? (0:09:11.49)
Satoru Gojou : Looks like we'll be able to increase his output
quickly and move on to the next stage soon.
Satoru Gojou : We're heading out, Yuuji. (0:09:16.96)
Yuuji Itadori : Huh? (0:09:18.63)
Satoru Gojou : It's an extracurricular lesson. (0:09:19.74)
Satoru Gojou : I'm going to teach you about the pinnacle
of jujutsu battles, Domain Expansion.
Yuuji Itadori : Why aren't we sinking?! (0:09:31.76)
Yuuji Itadori : Sensei, I was at the school
just ten seconds ago, right?
Yuuji Itadori : What's going on here? (0:09:39.66)
Satoru Gojou : Oh, we warped here. (0:09:40.81)
Yuuji Itadori : He has no intention of explaining. (0:09:42.16)
Jougo : Sukuna's vessel... (0:09:43.37)
Jougo : So he really is alive. (0:09:45.07)
Suguru Geto : You have to render Gojou
Satoru incapable of fighting.
Suguru Geto : The second is to get Ryoumen Sukuna
and Itadori Yuuji on your side.
Jougo : I can't kill Itadori due to our future plans... (0:09:58.48)
Jougo : Has he caught on to our goals? (0:10:01.39)
Jougo : What's the brat for? He a shield? (0:10:05.06)
Satoru Gojou : A shield? No, no. (0:10:07.44)
Satoru Gojou : I told you, he's here to watch. (0:10:09.61)
Satoru Gojou : I'm in the middle of teaching
this boy lots of things.
Satoru Gojou : Don't worry about him. Just keep fighting. (0:10:15.92)
Jougo : Bringing in someone who will slow
you down just makes you a fool.
Satoru Gojou : It'll be fine. After all... (0:10:25.26)
Satoru Gojou : you're weak. (0:10:28.56)
Jougo : Don't underestimate me, brat! (0:10:35.42)
Jougo : I'm going to enjoy swallowing
up that smug face of yours!
Yuuji Itadori : This guy... (0:10:47.80)
Yuuji Itadori : is weak? (0:10:49.83)
Yuuji Itadori : He's way more monstrous than any of
the monsters I've encountered so far!
Satoru Gojou : You'll be fine. (0:11:04.00)
Satoru Gojou : Just stay close to me. (0:11:05.70)
Jougo : Domain Expansion! (0:11:11.60)
Yuuji Itadori : Wh-What is this?! (0:11:38.23)
Jougo : Coffin of the Iron Mountain! (0:11:42.81)
Yuuji Itadori : Wh-What is this?! (0:12:02.30)
Satoru Gojou : This is Domain Expansion. (0:12:05.41)
Satoru Gojou : You use cursed energy to
construct an Innate Domain
Yuuji Itadori : Ow, hot! (0:12:10.13)
Yuuji Itadori : Hot, hot, hot! (0:12:11.06)
Satoru Gojou : imbued with a cursed technique
in your surroundings.
Yuuji Itadori : Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! (0:12:11.83)
Satoru Gojou : What you all experienced at
the juvenile detention center
Satoru Gojou : was an incomplete Domain that hadn't
been imbued with any cursed techniques.
Satoru Gojou : If that had been a proper Domain,
all of you first-years would have died.
Satoru Gojou : I think Megumi understood that. (0:12:26.79)
Satoru Gojou : Spreading out a Domain
consumes a ton of energy,
Satoru Gojou : but its merits are worth the cost. (0:12:34.25)
Satoru Gojou : One such benefit is the boost to
stats due to environmental factors.
Yuuji Itadori : Oh! (0:12:40.08)
Yuuji Itadori : Like buffs in video games! (0:12:41.17)
Satoru Gojou : Another is... (0:12:44.65)
Jougo : Most sorcerers would have burned to ash
the moment they entered my Domain!
Satoru Gojou : ...that the techniques imbued in the Domain
are guaranteed to hit within that Domain.
Yuuji Itadori : Guaranteed?! (0:13:01.23)
Satoru Gojou : Guaranteed. (0:13:02.39)
Satoru Gojou : But don't worry. There are
several ways to deal with it.
Satoru Gojou : You can take the hit using a
cursed technique, like just now, or...
Satoru Gojou : I don't really recommend this one, (0:13:13.71)
Satoru Gojou : but you can go outside the Domain.
That's usually impossible.
Satoru Gojou : You can also... (0:13:20.16)
Jougo : If I neutralize that Infinity
of yours with a dense Domain,
Jougo : then my techniques will reach you. (0:13:25.55)
Satoru Gojou : Yeah, they'll hit. (0:13:27.88)
Yuuji Itadori : Huh? Infinity? (0:13:29.37)
Jougo : Give me the Prison Realm! (0:13:31.20)
Jougo : I'll add it to my collection. (0:13:34.33)
Jougo : I came here half in jest. (0:13:37.20)
Jougo : I thought I wouldn't care if I couldn't kill him. (0:13:41.24)
Jougo : But having this difference
between us thrust in my face...
Jougo : On my pride as a cursed spirit, (0:13:49.12)
Jougo : as the new humanity,
this is completely unacceptable!
Satoru Gojou : The most effective way to deal with a Domain (0:13:56.89)
Satoru Gojou : is to lay out your own Domain. (0:14:00.47)
Satoru Gojou : When two Domains are
laid out at the same time,
Satoru Gojou : the more refined one
will dominate that space.
Satoru Gojou : Though, sometimes, compatibility and
the amount of cursed energy are factors.
Jougo : There won't even be ashes
left of you, Gojou Satoru!
Satoru Gojou : Domain Expansion: (0:14:25.42)
Satoru Gojou : Infinite Void. (0:14:30.21)
Jougo : What just happened? (0:14:56.45)
Jougo : Was my Domain overwhelmed? (0:14:59.05)
Jougo : I can't see anything. (0:15:03.26)
Jougo : I can't feel anything. (0:15:04.79)
Jougo : No... (0:15:07.53)
Jougo : I can see everything! (0:15:09.24)
Jougo : I can feel everything! (0:15:11.57)
Jougo : But the information is never complete... (0:15:12.88)
Jougo : So I can't do anything! (0:15:16.81)
Satoru Gojou : This is the inner world of Limitless. (0:15:22.27)
Satoru Gojou : Perception, communication... (0:15:25.88)
Satoru Gojou : Every action involved in living is forcibly
carried out an infinite number of times.
Satoru Gojou : It's ironic, isn't it? (0:15:34.98)
Satoru Gojou : When granted everything,
you can't do anything...
Satoru Gojou : but just die peacefully. (0:15:40.70)
Satoru Gojou : But I have questions I want to ask you, (0:15:43.46)
Satoru Gojou : so I'm letting you off the hook with this. (0:15:46.43)
Satoru Gojou : Now, who told you to come after me? (0:16:04.99)
Yuuji Itadori : He really is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer! (0:16:10.11)
Yuuji Itadori : As a living organism, (0:16:13.45)
Yuuji Itadori : he's on another level! (0:16:15.50)
Suguru Geto : Oh, dear. (0:16:20.43)
Suguru Geto : What now? (0:16:22.82)
Suguru Geto : Will you rescue him? (0:16:24.49)
Suguru Geto : I can't let people from the school see
my face, so I'll be going home now.
Suguru Geto : If you want to save him,
go ahead and save him.
Suguru Geto : Though I don't know if your
kind have such emotions.
Hanami : We do. We're the true humans, after all. (0:16:43.21)
Suguru Geto : Quite the statement for
a cursed spirit to make.
Satoru Gojou : You don't seem like the type to act on orders. (0:16:54.24)
Satoru Gojou : Was something good supposed
to happen if you killed me?
Satoru Gojou : Regardless, I want to know. Who was it? (0:17:03.14)
Satoru Gojou : Come on, just tell me already. (0:17:06.43)
Jougo : Like I'd ever tell you, brat! (0:17:10.02)
Satoru Gojou : You sure you should be saying that? (0:17:13.36)
Jougo : Damn you! (0:17:17.55)
Satoru Gojou : Hurry up and tell me, or I'll exorcise you. (0:17:19.36)
Satoru Gojou : Of course, I'll do that either way. (0:17:22.48)
Yuuji Itadori : Wait, curses are capable
of holding conversations?
Yuuji Itadori : It seemed so normal, I overlooked it. (0:17:27.53)
Satoru Gojou : Wow! (0:17:37.49)
Yuuji Itadori : Flowers! (0:17:38.47)
Satoru Gojou : Pretty! (0:17:39.23)
Satoru Gojou : That is a curse, right?
It's stripping away my will to fight.
Yuuji Itadori : Sensei, I'll be fine! (0:17:53.44)
Yuuji Itadori : Go after him! (0:17:55.78)
Yuuji Itadori : Sorry, I lied! Help! (0:17:59.49)
Satoru Gojou : Wow. (0:18:06.84)
Satoru Gojou : He got away. (0:18:08.50)
Satoru Gojou : He's good at hiding his presence. (0:18:10.11)
Satoru Gojou : He's way creepier than Volcano Head. (0:18:12.76)
Yuuji Itadori : I'm sorry about that. (0:18:19.93)
Satoru Gojou : So cursed spirits of that level
are forming a faction now?
Yuuji Itadori : They managed to escape because of me. (0:18:21.45)
Yuuji Itadori : Though you're the one
who brought me here, right?
Satoru Gojou : This is getting interesting. (0:18:24.42)
Satoru Gojou : Yuuji. (0:18:26.74)
Satoru Gojou : I want you—or rather, everyone—
to become strong enough to beat that.
Yuuji Itadori : Huh? Beat that ? (0:18:33.21)
Satoru Gojou : It's better to have a concrete goal, right? (0:18:35.44)
Satoru Gojou : Man, I'm glad brought you here. (0:18:38.02)
Yuuji Itadori : I had no idea what was going on, though. (0:18:41.01)
Yuuji Itadori : Are you serious? (0:18:43.96)
Satoru Gojou : Now that we've set your goal,
all that's left is to pursue it.
Satoru Gojou : We'll speed up the schedule a bit. (0:18:49.76)
Satoru Gojou : For the next month, you'll be
watching movies and fighting me.
Yuuji Itadori : Fighting you?! (0:18:56.20)
Yuuji Itadori : Will I still be alive a month from now? (0:18:58.96)
Satoru Gojou : After that, it's practical combat. (0:19:01.72)
Satoru Gojou : You'll take on and complete
several harder missions.
Satoru Gojou : You'll learn the basics
and how to apply them,
Satoru Gojou : and then you'll show them off
at the exchange event.
Yuuji Itadori : Hey, Sensei! (0:19:12.69)
Satoru Gojou : Yes, Yuuji-kun? (0:19:14.00)
Yuuji Itadori : What's the exchange event? (0:19:15.84)
Satoru Gojou : I didn't tell you? (0:19:20.37)
Masamichi Yaga : He's late! (0:19:30.07)
Suguru Geto : Sure is peaceful here. (0:19:59.84)
Mahito : How's Jougo doing, Getou? (0:20:05.76)
Suguru Geto : On death's door. (0:20:09.18)
Suguru Geto : Hanami stepped in to save him, (0:20:11.01)
Suguru Geto : so he'll probably be fine. (0:20:13.04)
Mahito : How irresponsible. (0:20:15.02)
Mahito : You're the one who egged him on. (0:20:16.74)
Suguru Geto : Heavens, no. (0:20:18.81)
Suguru Geto : I tried to stop him. (0:20:20.39)
Mahito : Speak of the devil. (0:20:26.21)
Mahito : Jougo, Hanami. (0:20:28.07)
Mahito : Glad to see you're safe. (0:20:30.32)
Jougo : How can you say that when you see me like this?! (0:20:33.17)
Suguru Geto : You're lucky you got off with just that. (0:20:37.02)
Jougo : Why, you... (0:20:41.39)
Suguru Geto : I think you understand now... (0:20:43.44)
Suguru Geto : So we'll go about sealing Gojou Satoru
at the appropriate time,
Suguru Geto : in the appropriate place, once we've secured our advantage over him. (0:20:49.27)
Suguru Geto : We'll carry it out on October 31st in Shibuya. (0:20:53.91)
Suguru Geto : I'll contact you with more details later. (0:20:57.44)
Suguru Geto : Good enough, Mahito? (0:21:00.38)
Mahito : No objections here. (0:21:04.83)
Mahito : Let's be cunning about this. (0:21:06.93)
Mahito : Like curses should. (0:21:09.02)
Mahito : Like humans should. (0:21:11.03)
Mahito : One, two, three, four... (0:22:47.47)
Suguru Geto : One, two, three, four... (0:22:47.47)
Jougo : What are you doing? (0:22:51.08)
Suguru Geto : Brazilian calisthenics. (0:22:52.45)
Suguru Geto : Three, four... (0:22:53.61)
Mahito : I think we're nice and warmed up now. (0:22:54.78)
Suguru Geto : Yeah. (0:22:56.90)
Jougo : What are you two planning to do? (0:22:59.81)
Mahito : Getou-kun! (0:23:12.77)
Suguru Geto : Shoot! (0:23:14.65)
Suguru Geto : Mahito-kun! (0:23:21.30)
Mahito : Overhead! (0:23:26.90)
Mahito : Shoot! (0:23:29.94)
Jougo : I'm gonna kill these two later! (0:23:41.74)

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