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EXTRA : Alone with a cute classmate
in the nurse's office.
EXTRA : Tama-chan is popular and full of life. (0:00:08.47)
EXTRA : Everyone loves her for
her endearing character.
EXTRA : Doge Suwaru has a craving to see her panties. (0:00:12.89)
EXTRA : Wildly, with the power of friendship, (0:00:15.95)
EXTRA : Dedication! Hope! Dogeza! (0:00:17.87)
Dogeza : Ow... (0:00:20.26)
Dogeza : Thanks, I didn't think
I'd scrape my knee like that.
Tama Kyan : I'm glad it wasn't too messed up. (0:00:24.25)
EXTRA : (Though his personality
is definitely messed up.)
Dogeza : You sure are cute, though. (0:00:28.61)
Dogeza : The whole class has been complimenting you. (0:00:31.65)
Tama Kyan : Really? (0:00:34.13)
Tama Kyan : Thanks. (0:00:35.67)
Dogeza : What kind of panties do you usually wear? (0:00:37.03)
EXTRA : (Get straight to brass tacks.) (0:00:39.07)
Tama Kyan : What do you mean? (0:00:40.56)
Tama Kyan : They're pretty normal. (0:00:42.38)
Dogeza : Normal? Normal, huh? (0:00:44.58)
Dogeza : What kind are they? (0:00:47.79)
Tama Kyan : Same as everyone else. (0:00:49.75)
Dogeza : Boxers? (0:00:51.80)
Dogeza : Briefs? (0:00:53.01)
EXTRA : (Jeez, you're so persistent. Why do you care?) (0:00:54.34)
Tama Kyan : Are you really that curious? (0:00:56.32)
Dogeza : Normal could mean a lot of
things though, couldn't it?
Dogeza : My "normal," (0:01:00.93)
Dogeza : your "normal"... (0:01:02.01)
Tama Kyan : I-I see. (0:01:03.52)
Tama Kyan : You're so deep, Senpai. (0:01:05.25)
EXTRA : (How?!) (0:01:07.39)
Dogeza : So, anyway, can I see your panties? (0:01:08.19)
Tama Kyan : What?! Why are you groveling?! (0:01:11.73)
Tama Kyan : Please raise your head. (0:01:14.61)
Tama Kyan : My panties, huh? (0:01:16.28)
EXTRA : (She's not completely against it?!) (0:01:17.78)
Dogeza : I'm begging you. Just a peek. (0:01:18.99)
Dogeza : Please! (0:01:20.66)
Tama Kyan : S-Sure. (0:01:22.28)
Dogeza : Huh? Yes! Thanks! Let's get started. (0:01:24.18)
EXTRA : You move way too quick. (0:01:27.04)
Tama Kyan : I feel shy about lifting my skirt myself. (0:01:28.42)
Tama Kyan : Could you do it, Senpai? (0:01:32.11)
Tama Kyan : This is so embarrassing. (0:01:33.81)
Dogeza : Sure thing. (0:01:36.01)
EXTRA : (You should be happier!) (0:01:37.09)
Dogeza : Huh? Eh? Um... (0:01:43.06)
Tama Kyan : I change my mind! It's to embarrassing! (0:01:45.23)
Tama Kyan : Wait! (0:01:46.98)
Dogeza : But you said yes. (0:01:48.12)
Dogeza : Hngh! (0:01:49.81)
Dogeza : Arrrrrrrgh! (0:01:50.65)
Tama Kyan : I just changed to no! (0:01:51.88)
Dogeza : Nngh... (0:01:54.86)
Dogeza : Courage! You only live once! (0:01:55.76)
Dogeza : Nngh... (0:01:57.86)
EXTRA : (She's pretty strong.) (0:01:59.40)
Tama Kyan : Please, not right now! (0:02:01.53)
Dogeza : Don't say (0:02:03.91)
Dogeza : thaaaat! (0:02:05.62)
Tama Kyan : Senpai, you idiot! (0:02:09.24)
Tama Kyan : I said no! (0:02:10.98)
Dogeza : Oh, because it's gone hard. (0:02:13.00)
Tama Kyan : Please stop staring like that. (0:02:15.35)
Tama Kyan : It's not anything you haven't seen before. (0:02:17.84)
Tama Kyan : Huh, that's the kind of
panties you wear, huh?
Tama Kyan : Could I touch them? (0:03:23.51)
Tama Kyan : What? That's going too far? (0:03:24.73)
Tama Kyan : Even if I grovel for it? (0:03:26.46)
Tama Kyan : I'm begging you! (0:03:28.23)
Dogeza : Please, no! (0:03:28.90)

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