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Jolyne Cujoh : His heart… (0:00:14.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why isn't it beating? (0:00:15.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : My dad's not dead. (0:00:18.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : If I can get his Stand back,
he'll surely come back to life.
Emporio Alniño : I'll tell you one thing.
That power that awakened within you…
Emporio Alniño : It's called a Stand ability. (0:00:29.61)
Hermes Costello : I have to go see her. Jolyne… (0:00:32.24)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne Cujoh. (0:00:35.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : I see. (0:00:43.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : So Ermes has learned about Stand abilities (0:00:44.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : and about the discs too. (0:00:47.38)
Emporio Alniño : When Ermes inserted
McQueen's memory disc back into him,
Emporio Alniño : he came back to life. (0:00:56.26)
Emporio Alniño : He was resuscitated. (0:00:58.18)
Emporio Alniño : We may be able to bring your father back
if we have his discs!
Jolyne Cujoh : And what did you do
with this janitor's discs?
Emporio Alniño : I'm keeping them safe. (0:01:10.36)
Emporio Alniño : I have both discs. (0:01:12.23)
Emporio Alniño : She said the guards would find it (0:01:15.07)
Emporio Alniño : during body checks
if she brought them to her cell.
Emporio Alniño : I'll hold on to his Stand ability, (0:01:19.91)
Emporio Alniño : but I'll insert
his memory disc back later.
Jolyne Cujoh : McQueen's memory disc. (0:01:28.08)
Jolyne Cujoh : This disc contains memories
related to Pale Snake.
Jolyne Cujoh : And maybe (0:01:36.17)
Jolyne Cujoh : memories of Dad's discs too. (0:01:37.34)
EXTRA : It's coming! (0:01:55.44)
EXTRA : Hurry, shut the door! (0:01:59.07)
EXTRA : I was only trying to change
the tractor's tire!
EXTRA : I barely touched it! (0:02:06.96)
EXTRA : Hurry! (0:02:10.38)
EXTRA : Hurry, get out of there! (0:02:13.42)
EXTRA : We need to close this door! (0:02:16.46)
EXTRA : Come on, help me! (0:02:18.05)
EXTRA : Okay! (0:02:19.30)
EXTRA : It's heavy! (0:02:23.81)
EXTRA : Pull harder! It's almost closed. (0:02:25.64)
EXTRA : Now, pull! (0:02:28.27)
EXTRA : What the hell are you doing?
I said pull harder!
EXTRA : Those aren't my arms… (0:02:37.57)
EXTRA : Bro! (0:02:39.74)
EXTRA : I know. (0:02:41.28)
EXTRA : I was the one… (0:02:43.49)
EXTRA : who didn't pull hard enough-- (0:02:47.62)
Loccobarocco : Fine weather, as always. (0:04:40.86)
Loccobarocco : Tell me, Charlotte,
what is this commotion for?
Loccobarocco : Why did we call this assembly? (0:04:47.45)
Charlotte : This afternoon, (0:04:49.99)
Charlotte : two inmates went missing
on the farm grounds.
Loccobarocco : Is that so? (0:04:54.83)
Loccobarocco : That's not good. (0:04:57.04)
Charlotte : The prisoners could not have
escaped from the farm grounds.
Charlotte : They must have drowned
in the surrounding wetlands
Charlotte : or gotten bitten by venomous snakes. (0:05:05.13)
Charlotte : I think we need
to assemble a search party.
Jolyne Cujoh : Why don't you talk about the possibility
of them being eaten by a crocodile?
Jolyne Cujoh : Maybe a female crocodile. (0:05:15.39)
Loccobarocco : Who was that? What did you say?! (0:05:16.73)
Charlotte : I did not eat them! I am innocent! (0:05:19.81)
Loccobarocco : Anyways. (0:05:26.65)
Loccobarocco : I have called you here
to form a volunteer search party.
Loccobarocco : You will not be compensated,
nor will your sentence get shortened.
Loccobarocco : I'd like to ask for your compassion. (0:05:37.46)
Loccobarocco : Are there any volunteers? (0:05:41.09)
Gwess : Come on, Jolyne. (0:05:56.89)
Gwess : You just got out of the Punishment Ward. (0:05:58.64)
Gwess : Why would choose to tire yourself more? (0:06:00.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : Because you won't be there. (0:06:03.48)
Gwess : What? (0:06:06.07)
Loccobarocco : Very well. (0:06:06.99)
Loccobarocco : A party of five is plenty. (0:06:08.70)
Loccobarocco : Guard, bring the usual please. (0:06:10.24)
EXTRA : Inmates going to the farm (0:06:13.08)
EXTRA : must wear this
on their wrists to prevent escape.
EXTRA : "Like a Virgin." (0:06:20.46)
EXTRA : Also known as "invisible wall." (0:06:21.75)
EXTRA : In trying to take the bracelet cuffs off
you give it impact,
EXTRA : or if it breaks, (0:06:29.01)
EXTRA : it will explode immediately. (0:06:30.64)
EXTRA : Furthermore, if you stray
farther than 50 meters from me,
EXTRA : it will explode. (0:06:36.06)
EXTRA : It would be difficult
to wipe your asses without your arms.
EXTRA : Let's go, all five of you! (0:06:57.87)
Hermes Costello : Fifty meters? (0:07:04.38)
Hermes Costello : We're supposed to run? (0:07:09.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Wait up! Hey! (0:07:11.13)
EXTRA : All right, we'll split up here
and start the search.
EXTRA : The grassy area there is a marsh. (0:07:22.98)
EXTRA : There could be crocodiles, so watch out! (0:07:25.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : They wouldn't be here. (0:07:37.66)
Hermes Costello : Why did you volunteer, Jolyne? (0:07:40.41)
Hermes Costello : Well, it works well for me. (0:07:43.67)
Hermes Costello : There are plenty of things
I have to ask you.
Hermes Costello : About the disc (0:07:51.05)
Hermes Costello : and about the guy named Pale Snake. (0:07:53.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did you try it out? (0:07:57.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did you read McQueen's disc? (0:07:59.10)
Hermes Costello : Yes, I gave it a try, (0:08:02.56)
Hermes Costello : but it made me feel terrible. (0:08:05.10)
Hermes Costello : It felt as if a stench
was entering my brain.
Jolyne Cujoh : -Then you haven't noticed.
Hermes Costello : -Then you haven't noticed.
Jolyne Cujoh : The image within the disc (0:08:13.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : contained clues on Pale Snake's aim. (0:08:17.20)
Whitesnake : McQueen. (0:08:25.92)
Whitesnake : This disc will suit you. (0:08:28.29)
Whitesnake : It's yours now. (0:08:32.26)
Whitesnake : This is now your Stand ability. (0:08:34.26)
Hermes Costello : They're stored in one of
the farm tractor tires?
Hermes Costello : You saw a bunch of them there? (0:08:46.23)
Jolyne Cujoh : His aim is to collect the discs. (0:08:49.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : He was collecting Stand abilities and
memories he stole from other Stand users.
Jolyne Cujoh : There are dozens of discs. (0:08:59.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : He has to keep them hidden from
the prison guards and other prisoners.
Jolyne Cujoh : That's why he has them hidden in a tire. (0:09:07.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : My father's Star Platinum and memory discs (0:09:10.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : might be stashed there. (0:09:13.88)
Hermes Costello : What? Father? (0:09:15.80)
Hermes Costello : So you're searching
for your father's discs?
Jolyne Cujoh : Sorry, but I don't know
anything more about him.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll look for the tractor from the disc. (0:09:30.27)
Hermes Costello : A tractor? (0:09:38.74)
Hermes Costello : There's a good number of them here. (0:09:42.16)
Jolyne Cujoh : -That shed.
Hermes Costello : -That shed.
EXTRA : Hey! You two seem
to be enjoying yourselves.
EXTRA : You think this is a picnic or something? (0:09:58.38)
EXTRA : You're not searching at all! (0:10:01.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, we were discussing
that shed over there.
Jolyne Cujoh : We'll go search there. (0:10:06.39)
Hermes Costello : You made us run after you on purpose. (0:10:07.94)
Hermes Costello : Who's the one having fun here? (0:10:10.40)
EXTRA : Hold it! Did you mutter something? (0:10:12.40)
Hermes Costello : Oh, it's nothing. (0:10:15.36)
Hermes Costello : I swore to run around
like a dog and search.
EXTRA : I don't like her. (0:10:21.87)
EXTRA : Crocodile feces. (0:10:26.12)
EXTRA : I said hold it! You disrespectful bitch! (0:10:30.04)
EXTRA : I'm the guard here! (0:10:33.04)
EXTRA : Oops. That was an accident. (0:10:38.92)
EXTRA : The stick accidentally hit it, right? (0:10:42.89)
Hermes Costello : What is this sound? (0:10:47.93)
Hermes Costello : Why is my bracelet beeping? (0:10:49.60)
EXTRA : That wasn't on purpose. (0:10:51.27)
EXTRA : You ran into me. (0:10:54.57)
Hermes Costello : It won't explode, will it? (0:10:56.44)
Hermes Costello : That was a bad joke. (0:10:59.45)
Hermes Costello : Do something about it! (0:11:01.20)
EXTRA : Hey now, stay away from me. (0:11:02.62)
EXTRA : What if it explodes
the moment you come near me?
Hermes Costello : Hold on. (0:11:08.91)
Hermes Costello : I said I'm sorry! I'm apologizing! (0:11:10.33)
EXTRA : Watch it! I said don't come near me. (0:11:12.71)
Hermes Costello : I said, make it stop-- (0:11:17.09)
EXTRA : Boom! (0:11:20.59)
EXTRA : Yes! That's what you get! (0:11:22.43)
EXTRA : Eat crocodile shit! (0:11:25.72)
Hermes Costello : It stopped. (0:11:40.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : Come on. Don't panic and trip, Ermes. (0:11:41.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : That sound was a warning. (0:11:45.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : Right, Mr. Prison Guard? (0:11:49.83)
EXTRA : Dammit… (0:11:53.50)
Hermes Costello : So that was your ability, huh? (0:11:58.38)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : Come on. (0:12:05.59)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : There's only a tractor
and bags of flour in here.
Black-Haired Prisoner : There's no point in looking inside. (0:12:11.31)
Black-Haired Prisoner : If this was an easy assignment,
then there was no need for volunteers.
Black-Haired Prisoner : Seriously? (0:12:20.44)
Hermes Costello : There it is, Jolyne! (0:12:28.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's the same tractor. (0:12:31.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's the same tractor I saw on the disc. (0:12:33.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : The number is the same too. (0:12:37.00)
Hermes Costello : The same vehicle number. It says four. (0:12:45.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : They're inside that tire. (0:12:49.89)
Jolyne Cujoh : We can get to the discs
if we remove the tire.
EXTRA : Listen up! (0:12:54.02)
EXTRA : We will now sweep the wetlands! (0:12:55.73)
EXTRA : The missing inmates
could have drowned in the waters.
EXTRA : You will go look! (0:13:02.61)
Tanned Prisoner : Hey, there's no way
I'm going in the water.
Tanned Prisoner : I'm not going. (0:13:07.74)
EXTRA : Let's go! (0:13:09.45)
Foo Fighters : Guess that vehicle is amphibious. (0:13:11.66)
Hermes Costello : Give me a break. (0:13:13.79)
Tanned Prisoner : Who knows what sort of disease
we'll catch in the wetlands!
Black-Haired Prisoner : What a pain. (0:13:18.58)
Jolyne Cujoh : Now's our chance. (0:13:20.80)
Jolyne Cujoh : Let's remove the tire now! (0:13:22.34)
Hermes Costello : Hey, Jolyne. (0:13:24.01)
Hermes Costello : Doesn't something seem off? (0:13:25.80)
Hermes Costello : No, something is definitely wrong. (0:13:29.09)
Jolyne Cujoh : Yes, if we don't remove the tire now, (0:13:31.18)
Jolyne Cujoh : we would be separated from the guard. (0:13:33.97)
Hermes Costello : No, that's not what I mean. (0:13:36.39)
Hermes Costello : He said, "Five is plenty." (0:13:38.19)
Hermes Costello : That Warden. (0:13:40.52)
Hermes Costello : He said five inmates are enough. (0:13:42.36)
Hermes Costello : but there are six of us! (0:13:46.70)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, what could this all mean? (0:13:48.61)
Hermes Costello : Including you and I… (0:13:51.53)
Hermes Costello : there's six of us here! (0:13:55.41)
Hermes Costello : I know there were only
the five of us when we left.
Hermes Costello : But I wasn't paying attention
to how they looked.
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, what do you think? (0:14:03.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't say. (0:14:07.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was fixed on catching up. (0:14:08.88)
Jolyne Cujoh : But then, everyone's wearing a bracelet. (0:14:10.80)
Foo Fighters : That's strange. (0:14:14.10)
Foo Fighters : Were there six of us (0:14:16.10)
Foo Fighters : right from the start? (0:14:18.56)
Hermes Costello : Hey, you think this is odd too? (0:14:20.56)
Hermes Costello : There should've been
only five of us, right?
Hermes Costello : Can you tell who joined us and when? (0:14:28.32)
Foo Fighters : No, I could be mistaken. (0:14:30.07)
Foo Fighters : And it doesn't matter
how many of us there are.
Shaved-Head Prisoner : She's been with me the entire time. (0:14:35.83)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : I remember her. (0:14:39.00)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : She's Atroe. (0:14:40.25)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : She gets picked on a lot. (0:14:42.08)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : She volunteered to escape the bullying. (0:14:44.04)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : Right? (0:14:47.17)
Foo Fighters : I don't know you. (0:14:48.55)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : Hey! (0:14:50.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : What's going on? (0:14:53.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : Why is my bracelet beeping? (0:14:55.10)
Hermes Costello : Crap, mine is too! (0:14:58.18)
Black-Haired Prisoner : -Mine too.
-What the hell? They're all beeping.
Tanned Prisoner : -Mine too.
-What the hell? They're all beeping.
Jolyne Cujoh : We must be nearing the 50-meter limit. (0:15:04.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : But he can't be that far off. (0:15:06.73)
Jolyne Cujoh : The guard is gone! (0:15:10.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : Where did he go? (0:15:13.24)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : The ATV is covered in blood. (0:15:20.08)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : Why is that? (0:15:22.37)
Jolyne Cujoh : The bracelet won't stop beeping (0:15:23.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : because the guard's body
is getting farther away from us.
Hermes Costello : Did he fall in the water
and being washed away?
Hermes Costello : Find the guard! (0:15:33.01)
Tanned Prisoner : He must be within 50 meters! (0:15:34.43)
Tanned Prisoner : This is bad! (0:15:36.76)
Foo Fighters : Hey. (0:15:38.64)
Foo Fighters : My bracelet's beeping faster! (0:15:40.56)
Hermes Costello : No way. (0:15:47.48)
Hermes Costello : She's dead. (0:15:52.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : No way. (0:15:54.16)
Jolyne Cujoh : Did the additional person attack? (0:15:55.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : Is it because we got close to the discs? (0:15:58.54)
Tanned Prisoner : Look 50 meters away opposite from
the girl that just exploded!
Black-Haired Prisoner : There he is! (0:16:08.17)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : Get near him! (0:16:10.38)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : The bracelet will stop beeping
and it won't explode either.
Hermes Costello : Keep your guard up, Jolyne. (0:16:15.64)
Hermes Costello : Our enemy is among them. (0:16:17.35)
Hermes Costello : Someone's a real psycho. (0:16:19.93)
Hermes Costello : She looks suspicious to me. (0:16:22.48)
Hermes Costello : The woman with the shaved head. (0:16:24.77)
Hermes Costello : And Atroe didn't recognize her. (0:16:27.02)
Hermes Costello : It must be her. (0:16:30.73)
Hermes Costello : Her Stand ability must have killed him. (0:16:32.32)
Hermes Costello : We'll kill her before she gets us! (0:16:34.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : Calm down, Ermes. (0:16:36.70)
Jolyne Cujoh : Say that the shaved woman is the culprit, (0:16:38.58)
Jolyne Cujoh : so she was guarding the discs
in the shed since before we got here?
Jolyne Cujoh : That's what it would mean. (0:16:47.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : That's impossible. (0:16:49.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : She's an inmate. (0:16:50.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : An inmate can't keep watch 24/7. (0:16:52.55)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, stand back! (0:17:02.60)
Hermes Costello : -Something's there!
Jolyne Cujoh : -Something's there!
Hermes Costello : Just step back. (0:17:05.73)
Hermes Costello : Get away from the water! (0:17:07.31)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ermes. (0:17:13.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : -Did you see something?
Hermes Costello : -Did you see something?
Hermes Costello : It was nothing. (0:17:20.74)
Hermes Costello : But I'm not getting in the marsh anymore. (0:17:22.41)
Hermes Costello : And Jolyne. (0:17:26.29)
Hermes Costello : We can't be separated, no matter what. (0:17:27.67)
Hermes Costello : We don't know who the enemy is. (0:17:30.34)
Jolyne Cujoh : Right. And these bracelets
complicate things.
Jolyne Cujoh : To take the discs from the shed, (0:17:36.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : we must be within 50 meters of the guard
and the other three inmates.
Jolyne Cujoh : Ermes! (0:17:49.48)
Jolyne Cujoh : Something's in the bucket! (0:17:55.40)
Hermes Costello : My face got sucked in! (0:17:57.32)
Hermes Costello : What is this plankton-looking thing? (0:18:02.41)
Hermes Costello : What? (0:18:07.62)
Hermes Costello : It split into two. (0:18:08.92)
Hermes Costello : No, four! (0:18:11.21)
Hermes Costello : These creatures… (0:18:13.59)
Hermes Costello : The bucket wasn't empty. (0:18:17.51)
Hermes Costello : I didn't look hard enough. (0:18:20.93)
Hermes Costello : They were already in the water. (0:18:22.85)
Hermes Costello : Smack! (0:18:32.98)
Jolyne Cujoh : Ermes! (0:18:37.90)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, don't come in! (0:18:40.16)
Hermes Costello : The water is not safe!
They're multiplying!
Hermes Costello : They can rapidly multiply. (0:18:46.25)
Hermes Costello : Get out of the water. (0:18:48.54)
Hermes Costello : You won't make it in time.
I fell into the Stand's trap.
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:18:55.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll get him now. (0:19:04.85)
Hermes Costello : Jolyne. (0:19:07.85)
Hermes Costello : You're walking on the thread? (0:19:10.27)
Hermes Costello : Doesn't that mean
you're unraveling your own body?
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, stay away! (0:19:18.82)
Hermes Costello : I'll take care of myself! (0:19:20.90)
Hermes Costello : This is crazy! (0:19:34.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's true. (0:19:38.71)
Jolyne Cujoh : Yes, it's pretty crazy. (0:19:39.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : Good grief. (0:19:42.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : I would've been toast
if I hadn't unraveled so much thread.
Jolyne Cujoh : So this is your power. (0:19:49.18)
Hermes Costello : Her body has a hole in it. (0:19:50.81)
Hermes Costello : She let him punch her
so she could grab onto him.
Hermes Costello : Jolyne, get out of the water now. (0:20:04.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : Don't stand up, Ermes! (0:20:07.58)
Hermes Costello : That thing. (0:20:09.49)
Hermes Costello : It's a bunch of small Stands
clustered together!
Hermes Costello : It hid inside the tiny bit
of water in the bucket,
Hermes Costello : and it dragged me in! (0:20:16.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : I know that. (0:20:18.46)
Jolyne Cujoh : So don't stand up. (0:20:19.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : Grab it underwater. (0:20:22.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : The thread that I'm releasing! (0:20:24.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's fast. (0:20:38.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's powerful too, but its speed... (0:20:39.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just what is it? (0:20:44.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : A Stand's speed and power should weaken… (0:20:46.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : the farther it separates from its user. (0:20:48.41)
Jolyne Cujoh : It got me! (0:20:51.87)
Hermes Costello : Stay calm, Jolyne. (0:20:53.21)
Hermes Costello : I put my sticker on it. (0:20:55.12)
Hermes Costello : When I was caught in its arms earlier. (0:20:57.75)
Hermes Costello : This is my Stand ability. (0:21:00.63)
Hermes Costello : I'll peel it off now! (0:21:02.88)
Hermes Costello : Run further inland! (0:21:15.77)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's not coming onto land. (0:21:31.70)
Hermes Costello : Seems it only attacks in the water. (0:21:33.45)
Black-Haired Prisoner : Please respond! (0:21:36.87)
Black-Haired Prisoner : This is inmate FE32125. (0:21:38.38)
Black-Haired Prisoner : This is an emergency. (0:21:41.67)
Black-Haired Prisoner : The guard got in an accident. (0:21:43.51)
Black-Haired Prisoner : Send help immediately! (0:21:45.13)
Shaved-Head Prisoner : What happened to you two? (0:21:48.43)
Tanned Prisoner : It looked like you were running on water… (0:21:50.80)
Hermes Costello : You three, don't take another step! (0:21:53.47)
Hermes Costello : Step away from the water! (0:21:56.23)
Hermes Costello : Don't try to pull anything on us. (0:22:01.15)
Hermes Costello : I know one of you did this! (0:22:03.69)
Jolyne Cujoh : In order to obtain the discs, (0:22:09.78)
Jolyne Cujoh : it seems we have to defeat the User first. (0:22:12.74)

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Hanako ≻ Nene - Anonymous


I'll give you that much, Kariya. - Zouken Matou

But you look awful. - Zouken Matou

Does your left leg still work? - Zouken Matou

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