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Teresa of the Faint Smile : Are you tired, Clare? (00:00:14.280)
Clair (young) : No I'm fine, Teresa. (00:00:16.180)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : By tomorrow, \n we'll arrive in the next town. (00:00:20.380)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Then we'll be able to relax for once. (00:00:23.520)
Clair (young) : Yeah. (00:00:26.590)
EXTRA : Ah, overcoming many a night (00:00:45.710)
EXTRA : The frozen dreams, the vanishing tears (00:00:52.880)
EXTRA : Warm me, warm me, wrap me (00:00:57.820)
EXTRA : I despise this body that's \n incapable of love for others (00:01:01.120)
EXTRA : No matter how far I walk, I see no end (00:01:08.960)
EXTRA : Taking my memories of the past with me (00:01:13.330)
EXTRA : What color will I become in time? (00:01:16.670)
EXTRA : I search for the answer (00:01:21.010)
Noel : So? Just what is up with this town? (00:01:42.830)
Sophia : Well, I suppose you could \n call it a Yoma's nest. (00:01:46.170)
Sophia : An ordinary town was attacked \n and devastated by Yoma. (00:01:49.940)
Sophia : They then stayed on, posing as humans (00:01:54.410)
Sophia : and basically fed on the people who \n came to the town, one after another. (00:01:56.610)
Noel : So, how many have you \n gotten so far, Sophia? (00:02:01.350)
Sophia : Let me see... (00:02:05.890)
Sophia : I suppose that makes seven, Miss Noel. (00:02:07.260)
Noel : What? Don't lie. \n There're thirteen bodies. (00:02:11.160)
Noel : You got six and I got seven. (00:02:15.100)
Sophia : Oh, but that is a \n miscalculation on your part. (00:02:18.030)
Sophia : I was keeping count properly, \n right from the start. (00:02:21.340)
Sophia : It is your inability to do even simple math (00:02:24.170)
Sophia : that is forever holding you back \n in the position of Number 4, (00:02:26.440)
Sophia : Miss Noel. (00:02:29.180)
Noel : Eh? (00:02:30.610)
Noel : I'll be damned if I let you \n get away with saying that. (00:02:31.480)
Noel : You're Number 4! I'm Number 3! (00:02:33.880)
Noel : Well, well. Your brute force \n is as gorilla-like as ever. (00:03:04.250)
Sophia : Oh, your little acrobatics \n were the same as ever, too. (00:03:08.750)
Noel : Eh? You picking a fight, bitch? (00:03:12.390)
Sophia : But you were the one \n who provoked me first. (00:03:14.990)
Noel : That's just perfect then. (00:03:18.030)
Noel : Wanna settle just who's \n Number 3, here and now?! (00:03:20.090)
Sophia : That suits me just fine. (00:03:24.470)
Irene : Give it a rest. (00:03:26.200)
Irene : What point is there in \n fighting amongst ourselves? (00:03:45.890)
Irene : Our orders are to wipe out \n the Yoma in this town. (00:03:48.790)
Irene : Am I wrong? (00:03:51.960)
Sophia : It has been a long time, Miss Ilena. (00:03:53.730)
Noel : You sure aren't known as \n Quick Sword Ilena for nothing. (00:03:56.930)
Noel : I never even saw the bare blade. (00:04:00.340)
Sophia : More than that, I find it frightening (00:04:03.670)
Sophia : that there is not a speck of blood \n on her, even at that close distance. (00:04:06.170)
Sophia : I suppose her position \n as Number 2 is secure. (00:04:10.810)
Noel : So, they got Number 2 \n through Number 4 together. (00:04:13.750)
Noel : I doubt they only wanted us to \n wipe out the Yoma in this town. (00:04:18.250)
Sophia : I agree. (00:04:21.890)
Sophia : A town like this, any one of us \n would have been more than enough. (00:04:23.320)
Sophia : Since they gathered \n the three of us together, (00:04:27.800)
Sophia : there must be something going on, right? (00:04:29.930)
Irene : We have been ordered to bring down \n Teresa, the Organization's Number 1. (00:04:34.670)
Noel : Wha- (00:04:38.740)
Noel : Teresa? (00:04:39.770)
Noel : You mean, that Teresa of the Faint Smile?! (00:04:41.740)
Sophia : Why of all things... (00:04:44.310)
Irene : She killed some humans. (00:04:46.180)
Irene : She massacred an entire group of bandits. (00:04:48.020)
Irene : And when she was to \n receive her punishment, (00:04:50.390)
Irene : she cut down our comrades \n and deserted from the Organization. (00:04:52.390)
Noel : Is this for real? (00:04:55.390)
Noel : The most powerful of us deserting? \n That's not even funny. (00:04:57.390)
Noel : She should've just let them cut her down. (00:05:00.430)
Irene : That was why (00:05:02.860)
Irene : the Organization's Number 2 \n through Number 5 were summoned. (00:05:03.700)
Irene : In accordance with \n the Organization's rules, (00:05:08.300)
Irene : we will put forth every \n effort to take Teresa's head. (00:05:09.940)
Noel : So, an all-out war between \n Number 1 and Numbers 2 through 5. (00:05:13.370)
Noel : That sounds interesting. (00:05:19.550)
Noel : So, who was Number 5 again? (00:05:21.720)
Sophia : You really are so stupid. (00:05:25.890)
Sophia : It's Elda. (00:05:28.660)
Sophia : --It's not Elda. \n --What? (00:05:29.860)
Irene : --It's not Elda. \n --What? (00:05:29.860)
Irene : The other member is Number 2. (00:05:32.860)
Noel : --Huh? \n --Huh? (00:05:34.900)
Irene : I recently became Number 3. (00:05:37.070)
Irene : Which means you two have \n respectively become Number 4 (00:05:40.500)
Irene : and Number 5. (00:05:42.540)
Noel : Wh-What's up with that? (00:05:44.370)
Sophia : But then... (00:05:46.670)
Irene : Number 2 is a novice, \n who recently received her emblem. (00:05:48.010)
Irene : She shot straight to the top \n in these past couple months. (00:05:51.680)
Noel : A novice?! (00:05:54.180)
Noel : Why's a girl like that \n suddenly get to become Number 2?! (00:05:55.920)
Noel : Don't make me laugh! (00:05:59.190)
Irene : If you're not satisfied, \n take the title from her by force. (00:06:00.520)
Irene : But let's just say I took one \n look at her and I was satisfied. (00:06:04.160)
Priscilla : Ow, that hurt... (00:06:10.730)
Noel : Who the hell is she? What a klutz. (00:06:15.640)
Irene : That's her. (00:06:19.210)
Irene : She's the new Number 2, \n who recently received her emblem. (00:06:21.210)
Irene : Priscilla. (00:06:25.950)
Noel : You've got to be kidding! (00:06:28.520)
Noel : She's just a brat! (00:06:30.020)
Noel : Have you and the Organization \n both gone crazy?! (00:06:31.750)
Irene : I told you, didn't I? (00:06:34.160)
Irene : If you're not satisfied, \n test her yourself. (00:06:35.860)
Noel : That's just perfect. (00:06:39.430)
Noel : I'll take the Number 2 \n position by brute force! (00:06:41.430)
Noel : Get up, bitch! (00:06:48.040)
Noel : I'll settle this right here, right now! (00:06:49.540)
Priscilla : What? (00:06:51.610)
Priscilla : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (00:06:53.670)
Priscilla : I apologize for being \n late to the rendezvous! (00:06:55.540)
Priscilla : I got delayed by the Yoma \n I had to slay, so I... (00:06:57.880)
Noel : What're you talking about? (00:07:00.620)
Noel : I'm telling you to fight! (00:07:02.250)
Noel : And getting delayed \n by a couple of Yoma is... (00:07:04.320)
Noel : What the hell is this? \n How could this be? (00:07:19.930)
Sophia : She was fighting so close by, \n yet we never even felt her presence. (00:07:22.940)
Irene : No matter how strong her opponents \n or how many she's up against, (00:07:27.480)
Irene : she annihilates them \n without releasing Yoma power. (00:07:31.080)
Irene : Truly, just as Teresa \n of the Faint Smile fights. (00:07:34.650)
Irene : Above all else, she despises \n Yoma more than anyone else. (00:07:37.850)
Irene : To be honest, no matter how \n many comrades I had by my side, (00:07:41.590)
Irene : I didn't want to fight Teresa \n of the Faint Smile. (00:07:44.630)
Irene : But I changed my mind when \n I saw her fighting Yoma. (00:07:48.200)
Irene : In time, she will surpass Teresa. (00:07:52.600)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Once my identity is known, \n we won't be able to relax in this town. (00:08:04.450)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : You may have finally gotten to sleep \n in a soft bed instead of camping out, (00:08:10.720)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : but you're fine with that? (00:08:15.360)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Good grief. (00:08:20.500)
EXTRA : A Claymore! (00:08:24.500)
EXTRA : What's a Claymore doing in our town?! (00:08:25.530)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : I swear... (00:08:27.700)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Here I was hoping to relax in this town, (00:08:29.500)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : but thanks to you, my plans are ruined. (00:08:32.870)
EXTRA : Oh, God, please save that boy! (00:08:36.980)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : You guys are really such nuisances. (00:08:40.680)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Damn. I guess we can't relax \n in this town either now. (00:08:53.900)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Wh-What the... (00:08:57.900)
EXTRA : Thank you very much! (00:09:02.970)
EXTRA : You are our savior! (00:09:05.970)
EXTRA : Please allow us to reward you in thanks! (00:09:08.980)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : No reward is necessary. (00:09:12.910)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : A man in black will come later... (00:09:14.480)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : --No... \n --Yes? (00:09:16.680)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Nothing. (00:09:18.820)
EXTRA : Get a hold of yourself. \n Come on, it's okay now. (00:09:19.850)
EXTRA : Dad! (00:09:22.920)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : It was something I merely did in passing. (00:09:27.030)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : No reward is necessary. (00:09:29.500)
EXTRA : --But that would be far too... \n --Teresa. (00:09:30.930)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : I know. In that case, \n would you arrange lodgings for us? (00:09:35.270)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : For this child and myself. (00:09:39.140)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : We've traveled far \n and we'd like to get some rest. (00:09:41.080)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : When are you going to stop laughing, Clare? (00:09:51.990)
Clair (young) : But I mean, I'd never \n seen you look like that. (00:09:54.620)
Clair (young) : You were so surprised \n at everyone rejoicing. (00:09:59.160)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Well, that certainly was a first. (00:10:02.860)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : To be sincerely appreciated like that. (00:10:05.830)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : I thought it was pretty nice. (00:10:09.770)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : To save people from Yoma without \n it being tied to any reward. (00:10:11.910)
Clair (young) : Teresa, can I sleep with you? (00:10:20.720)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : We're fortunate enough \n to have two beds here. (00:10:25.690)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : No need to squeeze onto one... (00:10:27.820)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Hey. (00:10:30.290)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Deep asleep the moment she \n laid down on the soft bed... (00:10:34.730)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Rest well. (00:10:40.300)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : We'll settle down in \n this town for a while. (00:10:42.540)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Three different Yoma auras \n have entered this town... (00:10:59.250)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : The enforcers sent after me for \n deserting from the Organization... (00:11:18.270)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : I have to suppress my Yoma aura... \n to the utmost limit... (00:11:24.710)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : So they don't sense me. (00:11:27.720)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : If I can avoid detection \n somehow and sidestep them... (00:11:30.750)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : But they're not a bunch that a \n tactic like this will work against. (00:11:37.360)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : As I expected... (00:11:41.300)
Sophia : This place? (00:11:42.700)
Irene : Looks to be it. (00:11:43.760)
Noel : Hah! She's sure staying at a fancy place! (00:11:45.670)
Irene : Here we go. (00:11:49.400)
EXTRA : Excuse me... (00:11:58.180)
EXTRA : No, this is too much... (00:12:04.050)
Sophia : It's fine. Just think of it \n as the price for the entire inn. (00:12:05.820)
EXTRA : Pardon? (00:12:09.760)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Yo. (00:12:14.200)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Long time no see, Ilena. (00:12:15.760)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Glad to see you're looking good. (00:12:18.500)
Irene : I'm here for your head, Teresa. (00:12:22.640)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : And are you capable of that? (00:12:25.970)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Your Quick Sword is all fine and good, (00:12:33.680)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : but don't catch the child \n sleeping over there, too. (00:12:35.680)
Irene : Not to worry. (00:12:38.690)
Irene : It'll be over by the time she wakes. (00:12:40.490)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : What's wrong? (00:12:47.630)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : It's no good if your \n Quick Sword stops moving. (00:12:49.100)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Well, you've gotten better than before. (00:12:55.670)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : But you still have a long way to go. (00:12:58.370)
Sophia : Now, then... (00:13:06.180)
EXTRA : Um, what are you... (00:13:08.920)
Sophia : I suppose it should be around... here! (00:13:11.150)
Clair (young) : --Teresa! \n --Don't move! Stay still. (00:13:16.020)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : --Teresa! \n --Don't move! Stay still. (00:13:16.020)
Noel : Damn. (00:13:27.000)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : I swear... They sure sent a rowdy trio. (00:13:28.470)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : There was one more? (00:13:33.970)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Impossible! I didn't sense her at all! (00:13:35.840)
Priscilla : We have never met. (00:13:40.080)
Priscilla : I am the Number 2, who \n recently received her emblem, (00:13:42.150)
Priscilla : and my name is Priscilla. (00:13:45.520)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Number 2? (00:13:47.290)
Priscilla : Pardon my rudeness, but I am \n here for your head, Miss Teresa. (00:13:49.260)
Noel : That idiot! (00:13:54.600)
Sophia : Oh, dear. The plan was to smoke her \n out, then cut her down from behind. (00:13:56.130)
Sophia : But that girl is taking \n her on fair and square. (00:14:02.170)
Sophia : Does she think she can win (00:14:05.710)
Sophia : in a head-on fight against \n Teresa of the Faint Smile? (00:14:07.440)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Get back, Clare. (00:14:12.910)
Clair (young) : What? But... (00:14:14.750)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : It'll be fine. Don't worry. (00:14:16.720)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Trust what I say. I told \n you that before, didn't I? (00:14:20.150)
Clair (young) : Okay. (00:14:24.260)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : You said your name was Priscilla? (00:14:28.800)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : The moment I leapt out \n should've been your chance. (00:14:30.800)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Why didn't you attack me? (00:14:34.100)
Priscilla : Because, such an act \n would have been cowardly. (00:14:36.500)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : What? (00:14:39.370)
Priscilla : More importantly, \n I have a question for you. (00:14:41.010)
Priscilla : Why were you not beheaded when you \n were to receive your punishment? (00:14:45.280)
Priscilla : The Organization's rules \n are supposed to be absolute. (00:14:50.350)
Priscilla : Our role is to wipe out Yoma \n so people can live in peace. (00:14:53.550)
Priscilla : In order to do that, we chip \n away at our own lives to fight! (00:14:59.060)
Priscilla : And for us to kill humans... (00:15:03.060)
Priscilla : It destroys the trust \n that the Organization (00:15:07.030)
Priscilla : has built all this \n time with the people (00:15:09.200)
Priscilla : and it is an unforgivable act! (00:15:11.110)
Priscilla : So, I am very sorry, (00:15:13.470)
Priscilla : but in accordance with \n the Organization's rules, (00:15:16.140)
Priscilla : I will take your head, Miss Teresa! (00:15:18.150)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : It's unbelievable... (00:15:22.750)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : you've been indoctrinated \n with logic convenient for the Organization. (00:15:24.650)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Well, if I have to respond... (00:15:29.320)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : The world isn't so simple \n and it doesn't operate by such ideals, (00:15:33.930)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : little missy. (00:15:37.400)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Why you! (00:15:46.610)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Damn. (00:15:55.680)
Noel : She's pretty good! (00:16:18.740)
Noel : She's got that Teresa on the defensive! (00:16:20.540)
Irene : Do you know why she's called \n Teresa of the Faint Smile? (00:16:23.880)
Noel : Huh? (00:16:27.350)
Noel : That's because she's always smiling \n when she's slaying Yoma, right? (00:16:28.280)
Irene : That is true for both you and Sophia, too. (00:16:32.250)
Irene : But Teresa alone has been given that name. (00:16:34.960)
Noel : You're right, now that you \n mention it. Why is that? (00:16:37.360)
Irene : Your agility, Sophia's strength, \n my Quick Sword... (00:16:40.790)
Irene : It's because compared to those things, (00:16:45.530)
Irene : Teresa has no conspicuous \n characteristics except her smile. (00:16:47.300)
Noel : That's because Teresa excels \n in all those areas, right? (00:16:49.970)
Irene : Not quite. (00:16:54.140)
Irene : Your mobility, Sophia's power, \n and my sword speed (00:16:55.780)
Irene : are each superior to Teresa's \n abilities in those areas. (00:16:59.410)
Noel : Huh? (00:17:02.620)
Irene : The reason Teresa is the most powerful (00:17:07.590)
Irene : is because of her exceptional \n ability to sense Yoma aura. (00:17:10.190)
Irene : It goes beyond being able to \n sense the location of Yoma. (00:17:15.900)
Irene : She can sense the minute that \n aura flows within the body. (00:17:19.430)
Noel : Huh? (00:17:23.270)
Irene : For those who fight using Yoma power, (00:17:24.770)
Irene : their aura flows to the parts of their \n bodies that they're going to move. (00:17:26.240)
Irene : Do you understand what this means? (00:17:30.380)
Irene : Priscilla can fight with her Yoma \n aura suppressed to the utmost, (00:17:34.150)
Irene : and that's exactly what makes \n her the most difficult opponent. (00:17:38.790)
Clair (young) : Teresa! (00:17:43.820)
Sophia : Honestly... (00:17:55.500)
Sophia : These two are unbelievable. (00:17:58.110)
Noel : Awesome! Just awesome! (00:18:01.610)
Noel : The whistling of the swords \n and the shock waves (00:18:03.010)
Noel : are messing with my mind. (00:18:04.850)
Noel : That brat's something else! (00:18:07.050)
Noel : She's fighting on an equal \n footing with that Teresa. (00:18:09.920)
Noel : Huh? Equal footing? (00:18:13.490)
Priscilla : What? (00:18:18.690)
Irene : It should be about time. (00:18:20.230)
Irene : We're going in to aid her. (00:18:22.130)
Irene : At this rate, it'll be \n Priscilla who'll lose her head. (00:18:23.860)
Noel : Huh? What're you saying? (00:18:26.600)
Noel : That Priscilla's a better \n opponent against Teresa, right? (00:18:28.740)
Noel : H-Huh? (00:18:31.440)
Irene : Ultimately, Priscilla's \n ability is just a smokescreen. (00:18:33.010)
Irene : Teresa need only fight normally (00:18:35.540)
Irene : instead of relying on reading Yoma aura. (00:18:37.240)
Irene : Her natural ability \n is too great to begin with. (00:18:39.950)
Priscilla : What? (00:18:43.150)
Priscilla : My movements suddenly became slower. (00:18:44.520)
Priscilla : No! (00:18:46.620)
Priscilla : She's... (00:18:47.720)
Priscilla : She's becoming faster! (00:18:49.160)
Priscilla : Why? (00:18:53.130)
Priscilla : Why is this happening?! (00:18:54.390)
Priscilla : I've always fought for the sake of humans! (00:18:55.860)
Priscilla : She's the villain who killed humans! (00:18:59.100)
Priscilla : And yet... And yet... (00:19:02.070)
Priscilla : Why is it that I can't win?! (00:19:04.840)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Her latent abilities are monstrous. (00:19:11.310)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : She will grow to become \n enormously powerful. (00:19:14.620)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Even if I manage to \n cut her down this time, (00:19:18.120)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : there's no knowing what \n may happen the next time. (00:19:20.490)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Sorry, but I can't die yet. (00:19:25.490)
Sophia : What? (00:19:29.730)
Noel : Woohoo! (00:19:42.080)
Teresa of the Faint Smile : Damn. (00:19:44.140)
Noel : Talk about lame. You got cut. (00:20:05.630)
Sophia : Oh, but isn't it better than being \n kicked and sent flying through the air? (00:20:08.000)
Priscilla : I do not want to do it like this! (00:20:13.610)
Priscilla : No matter how she may \n have violated the rules, (00:20:15.580)
Priscilla : to fight many against one is... (00:20:17.980)
Priscilla : I alone will... (00:20:20.080)
Irene : Don't be naive! (00:20:21.520)
Irene : If we hadn't backed you up, (00:20:23.480)
Irene : you are the one who \n would've been beheaded. (00:20:25.390)
Irene : Having been in the fight, you must \n realize that better than anyone. (00:20:27.960)
Irene : We are not here to test \n our individual abilities. (00:20:32.330)
Irene : It all comes down to \n carrying out the sentence (00:20:35.660)
Irene : imposed on a transgressor \n of the Organization's rules. (00:20:37.530)
Irene : What matters is finding a decisive \n way to bring down our opponent. (00:20:39.500)
Irene : We'll back you up. (00:20:43.100)
Irene : You think of nothing else, but to \n kill Teresa with all your might. (00:20:45.410)
Priscilla : I understand. (00:21:02.920)
Priscilla : I will defeat her. (00:21:04.490)
Priscilla : For none may get away with \n defiling the Organization. (00:21:06.160)
Priscilla : I am sorry, Miss Teresa. (00:21:10.400)
Priscilla : If possible, I would've liked \n to fight you one-on-one, (00:21:12.500)
Priscilla : but you have... (00:21:15.570)
Priscilla : ...only yourself to blame! (00:21:17.170)
EXTRA : Heart... Still, within your memories (00:21:41.700)
EXTRA : Body... You look for the missing me (00:21:47.030)
EXTRA : Once again today, \n someone somewhere is shedding tears (00:21:52.310)
EXTRA : That is what it means to live \n the fate that smiles coldly (00:21:57.510)
EXTRA : Holding on tightly to what \n I can't afford to lose (00:22:02.920)
EXTRA : I am right here even now (00:22:08.260)
EXTRA : The flower that never wilts \n is beautiful (00:22:13.660)
EXTRA : And with unwavering emotion \n in my heart, it continued to bloom (00:22:18.970)
EXTRA : The condemning sky with \n its ragged clouds (00:22:24.270)
EXTRA : Held in its embrace \n the never-ending sorrow (00:22:29.580)
EXTRA : Terror raises its head \n to utter its first cry. (00:22:40.420)
EXTRA : Terror raises the curtain \n upon a horrific tragedy. (00:22:42.920)
EXTRA : Next time, "Awakening" (00:22:46.390)

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