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EXTRA : Humans! (0:00:08.82)
EXTRA : If you wish not for annihilation,
take heed!
EXTRA : I bear a message from the depths! (0:00:12.95)
EXTRA : You will surrender the surface to us,
the Clan of the Seafolk!
EXTRA : Thereafter you shall become
our nourishment, human scum—
EXTRA : Nice head! Are you related to
an octopus by any chance?
EXTRA : I heard it was that same guy again. (0:00:48.23)
EXTRA : What was his name? (0:00:51.36)
EXTRA : I forget, but he's super-strong. (0:00:52.99)
License-less Rider : Class C? (0:01:08.38)
License-less Rider : Never seen him before. (0:01:10.80)
License-less Rider : I've got to keep up. (0:01:13.88)
EXTRA : Help! Somebody! (0:01:38.03)
EXTRA : We, the Clan of the Seafolk,
now rule the surface!
EXTRA : It is useless to resist! (0:01:46.46)
EXTRA : You'll pay for that, human! (0:01:52.71)
Stinger : The Class A hero Stinger, (0:01:56.72)
Stinger : rising in popularity and currently
11th in the rankings, is here to help.
Stinger : At your service, everyone! (0:02:02.93)
EXTRA : It's Stinger! (0:02:04.93)
EXTRA : We're saved! (0:02:05.93)
EXTRA : Go for it! (0:02:06.98)
Stinger : Well now… (0:02:09.40)
Stinger : Anyone who needs a new blowhole
drilled into their torso, step right up!
Genos : Master… (0:03:49.62)
Genos : You have moved up to
rank 2 in Class C.
Genos : You are on the verge of
entering Class B!
Saitama : Class B, huh? (0:03:57.00)
Saitama : That means I won't have any more
weekly hero quotas, right?
Genos : Correct. (0:04:01.84)
Genos : Oh, excuse me… (0:04:03.30)
Genos : Hello? (0:04:05.09)
Genos : City J? It is a bit far. (0:04:05.89)
Genos : Are there no
competent heroes nearby?
Saitama : Busy guy… (0:04:10.77)
Genos : Master! (0:04:13.98)
Genos : The monster you defeated
on your way home the other day
Genos : called itself one of
the "Seafolk," right?
Saitama : I forget. (0:04:20.69)
EXTRA : Several monsters calling themselves
the "Clan of the Seafolk"
EXTRA : have appeared in City J and
are attacking anyone in sight.
Genos : A Class A hero fighting them
all alone and on the brink of defeat.
Genos : His extreme fatigue
and pain are apparent
EXTRA : A prompt response from
the Hero Association
EXTRA : is desperately needed. (0:04:40.59)
License-less Rider : Hang on! (0:04:41.88)
EXTRA : The threat level is Tiger. (0:04:43.05)
EXTRA : All citizens are asked to
stay out of the area.
Stinger : You've got spunk,
you slimy bastards.
Stinger : My beloved Bamboo Shoot here (0:04:53.93)
Stinger : is happy to be battling enemies
with some grit for a change.
Stinger : But it's time to end this. (0:05:00.73)
EXTRA : You can quit your boasting, human! (0:05:03.32)
EXTRA : Your foolish fan club has run off. (0:05:05.20)
EXTRA : But your death will not be easy. (0:05:08.87)
EXTRA : For the taking of our brothers' lives,
long will we cause you to suffer.
Stinger : Four fish to go! (0:05:14.79)
Stinger : It's a lot easier
without an audience!
Stinger : Sing, Bamboo Shoot! (0:05:21.84)
Stinger : Gigantic Drill Stinger
Quadruple Thrust!
Stinger : I did it… (0:05:33.27)
Stinger : I did it! (0:05:35.06)
Stinger : These monsters were probably
a God-level threat…
Stinger : and I defeated them all by my— (0:05:39.73)
Deep Sea King : You know,
when something's so annoying,
Deep Sea King : it is a pleasure to watch it die. (0:05:46.40)
Saitama : How much farther is City J? (0:05:53.24)
Genos : We are almost there. (0:05:55.75)
Genos : But I am getting no readings. (0:05:57.41)
Genos : I will scout ahead. (0:05:59.33)
Genos : Once I have confirmed their location,
I will let you know.
Saitama : Oh…hey! (0:06:04.09)
EXTRA : This is an announcement
from the Hero Association.
EXTRA : The threat level is Tiger. (0:06:11.05)
EXTRA : All citizens,
please stay clear of the area.
EXTRA : Was the warning issued? (0:06:19.94)
EXTRA : The request just went out. (0:06:20.98)
EXTRA : We'll need to update it
and re-issue.
EXTRA : What do you mean? (0:06:27.07)
EXTRA : Stinger is down. (0:06:28.07)
License-less Rider : Mumen Rider here. I'm heading in. (0:06:32.95)
License-less Rider : Give me the location. (0:06:36.29)
EXTRA : All lines are busy at this time— (0:06:37.91)
EXTRA : – Where are they?
– Hey, best forget it!
EXTRA : Class C heroes
can't handle this one.
License-less Rider : – Huh?
– The word just came down.
EXTRA : – Huh?
– The word just came down.
EXTRA : Emergency evacuation warning. (0:06:50.05)
EXTRA : The threat level has been
raised from Tiger to Demon.
EXTRA : – All residents of City J,
– See what I mean?
EXTRA : please evacuate immediately. (0:06:57.93)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:07:00.23)
EXTRA : I repeat. All residents of City J,
please evacuate immediately.
Deep Sea King : Evacuate? (0:07:06.90)
Deep Sea King : How foolish. (0:07:08.44)
Deep Sea King : As if I'd allow even one
of these apes to escape.
Lightning Max : So that's the one that got Stinger… (0:07:16.91)
Lightning Max : But he's the last of 'em. (0:07:19.91)
Lightning Max : Should I wait for backup? (0:07:21.87)
Lightning Max : If it's one-on-one, maybe I can— (0:07:23.46)
Deep Sea King : That smarts. (0:07:34.93)
Deep Sea King : Why would you do this? (0:07:36.60)
Lightning Max : Dammit, how'd he get behind me? (0:07:38.27)
Lightning Max : I was so surprised my voice
went all funky.
Lightning Max : Plus, my gunpowder-charged
lightning kick had zero effect!
Lightning Max : I can't win. (0:07:46.02)
Deep Sea King : Who are you? (0:07:47.94)
Lightning Max : I am… (0:07:49.78)
Lightning Max : Lightning Max, the hero… (0:07:51.03)
Lightning Max : Fight me. (0:07:53.99)
Deep Sea King : Fight you? Of course. (0:07:55.03)
Lightning Max : I'll run for it as soon as— (0:07:56.83)
Lightning Max : What happened? (0:08:02.87)
Lightning Max : I can't feel my body… (0:08:05.88)
Lightning Max : Dammit. (0:08:14.93)
Lightning Max : You arrogant… (0:08:16.05)
Lightning Max : Lightning Flying Backwards
Roundhouse Kick!
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Class S hero, (0:08:41.79)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Puri-puri Prisoner. (0:08:43.75)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I escaped from prison…
just to see you!
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Well, well. (0:08:48.88)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : A hero serving time in prison? (0:08:50.96)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I tagged along and
was able to escape too.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : My thanks. (0:08:58.93)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Prisoner number 4188, Sonic, right? (0:09:00.14)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Surprised I know? (0:09:04.94)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : You see, I check up on
all the boys who catch my eye.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I'm serving a life sentence because
I can't resist attacking beautiful men.
Deep Sea King : Oh my. (0:09:15.20)
Deep Sea King : More soldiers come for me? (0:09:16.95)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Goodness! (0:09:24.50)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I feel the strength about to
erupt out of him!
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Sonic, dear, you hang back. (0:09:28.25)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Class A rank 11, sweet Stinger. (0:09:30.92)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Class A rank 20, Lighting Max. (0:09:33.76)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I fancied them both. (0:09:36.47)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : And yet you ruined them! (0:09:39.89)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Now that Genos has passed me,
I am the lowest in rank…
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : but I am still Class S! (0:09:45.93)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I am unlike either of them. (0:09:47.89)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I'll begin at half-power,
to gauge how much you can take.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : You made me rip the hand-knit
sweater my boyfriend made!
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I will never, ever forgive you! (0:10:08.67)
Deep Sea King : A delectable slab of meat,
quite prime.
Deep Sea King : My appetite's up! (0:10:18.30)
Deep Sea King : Huh? (0:10:28.10)
Deep Sea King : Oh my… (0:10:29.39)
Deep Sea King : I felt that… (0:10:38.07)
Deep Sea King : just a little. (0:10:40.32)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I felt that too…a little. (0:10:42.03)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Puri-puri Prisoner is acting tough,
but he's hurting…
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : So this is what a fight between
a demon-level monster
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : and a Class S hero looks like? (0:10:54.04)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : It's almost comical. (0:10:56.09)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Neither one could defeat me. (0:10:58.84)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Dammit… His punch was stronger
than I expected.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : But I must not lose to him. (0:11:05.01)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I can't have any more of my boys
destroyed by this monster…
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I have no choice. (0:11:12.31)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : I'll have to transform. (0:11:13.98)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Ready… (0:11:16.94)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Transform! (0:11:18.99)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Puri-puri Prisoner Angel Style! (0:11:22.36)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : He's naked. (0:11:27.87)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : And he's definitely no angel. (0:11:29.41)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Nor is he human. (0:11:31.33)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Nor do I want to watch. (0:11:33.00)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I'm out. (0:11:34.67)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : No one has ever seen my Angel Style
and lived to tell about it.
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : All the more reason to leave. (0:11:40.05)
Deep Sea King : Quite unsightly. (0:11:42.34)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Are those…your last words? (0:11:44.76)
Pri-Pri-Prisoner : Angel Rush! (0:11:54.94)
Genos : Elevated energy levels nearby. (0:12:06.24)
Genos : That must be it. (0:12:09.04)
Genos : Damn it! I have no way
to reach Master!
Genos : It cannot be helped. (0:12:16.75)
Deep Sea King : Done with your combo? (0:12:25.93)
Deep Sea King : I felt that…a little. (0:12:32.60)
Deep Sea King : Hear me. (0:12:42.44)
Deep Sea King : The objective of a combination move
is to finish your opponent.
Deep Sea King : Each separate attack must be
delivered with intent to kill.
Deep Sea King : Like this. (0:12:51.79)
Deep Sea King : Isn't this fun? (0:13:02.26)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Just who are you? (0:13:04.93)
Deep Sea King : I am the Deep Sea King. (0:13:06.93)
Deep Sea King : As lord of the Clan of the Seafolk,
this world is mine to rule.
Deep Sea King : Do you dare defy me too? (0:13:13.85)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You think you have the strength
to rule the surface all alone?
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : That's pathetic. (0:13:20.98)
Deep Sea King : Oh? (0:13:22.11)
Deep Sea King : Then I suppose you must die. (0:13:23.24)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : That's my line. (0:13:25.86)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I would have let you live if you'd
shown me the respect I'm due.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I'm no hero, but I will eliminate you. (0:13:32.99)
Deep Sea King : The rain…is falling. (0:13:37.08)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Too slow. (0:13:43.34)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Wind Blade Leg! (0:13:45.51)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Deep Sea King,
I see right through your moves.
Deep Sea King : Are you sure of that? (0:13:53.64)
Deep Sea King : Once it bites,
my little moray here never lets go!
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Let me be clear. (0:14:01.02)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : There's no way I'd ever lose to you. (0:14:02.77)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : It's useless. (0:14:10.87)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You may have power… (0:14:12.08)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : but you're too slow to fight me. (0:14:17.16)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I'm glad, Deep Sea King! (0:14:21.63)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Fighting something like you just
confirms how strong I really am!
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You see, my moves are
the fastest and the strongest!
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Now what, lost your mind? (0:14:36.06)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : He's faster! (0:14:41.86)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Stronger too?! (0:14:45.69)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : What happened to him? (0:14:47.74)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : He's huge! (0:14:51.57)
Deep Sea King : The air of the surface
shriveled me up a bit,
Deep Sea King : but thanks to this rain,
I feel like myself again.
Deep Sea King : Your attacks don't hurt me…
even a little!
EXTRA : At this time, (0:15:18.89)
EXTRA : the whereabouts of the Seafolk
that attacked City J are unknown.
EXTRA : Several heroes
who tried to stop them
EXTRA : have been found
unconscious at the scene
EXTRA : and remain in critical condition. (0:15:29.57)
License-less Rider : Of all the times to hit a red light… (0:15:32.66)
Saitama : Where'd he run off to? (0:15:36.53)
License-less Rider : Wait, you're… (0:15:40.83)
License-less Rider : Class C, rank 2. (0:15:42.92)
Saitama : You a hero too? (0:15:44.29)
Saitama : Have you seen Genos? (0:15:46.75)
License-less Rider : Genos? (0:15:48.30)
EXTRA : Today, as our guest, we have
the top-ranked, Class A superhero
EXTRA : who has also been number one
in popularity rankings
EXTRA : for 28 weeks straight. (0:15:57.10)
EXTRA : He's also a successful model,
actor and singer.
EXTRA : Let's welcome
the handsome Mr. Amai Mask!
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Thank you for having me. (0:16:08.23)
EXTRA : We are currently facing
a threat level of Demon.
EXTRA : How do you assess the situation? (0:16:15.20)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : That is a difficult question. (0:16:17.87)
EXTRA : Why is that? (0:16:20.08)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I'm only a hero when I confront evil. (0:16:21.91)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : The rest of the time, I'm focused on
my career as an artist.
EXTRA : I see. (0:16:29.59)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I'm only here today
to promote my new song.
EXTRA : My apologies. (0:16:34.55)
EXTRA : In that case, let's discuss your song. (0:16:36.18)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : Let me just say this. (0:16:40.02)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : To assuage the public's fears
and worries,
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : heroes need to be
both tough and strong
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : so that they can defeat evil
with speed, grace, and brilliance.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I find it regrettable that
there were heroes
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : who were completely beaten
by evil this time.
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : So that no hero ever dies in vain, (0:17:03.04)
Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask : I hope each will continue
to train his hardest.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : My attacks have no effect. (0:17:10.92)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Could I be lacking in power? (0:17:12.88)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I can't kill him unarmed. (0:17:14.67)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : I need to retreat for now
and find a weapon.
Deep Sea King : Caught you! (0:17:20.89)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Crack crack, snap snap. (0:17:24.18)
Deep Sea King : Huh? (0:17:28.48)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : Wait there. (0:17:29.65)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : The next time we meet
will be your demise.
Deep Sea King : No matter. (0:17:37.95)
Deep Sea King : The small fry can be let go. (0:17:39.49)
Genos : Who are you? (0:17:47.12)
Genos : What are you doing here? (0:17:48.79)
Genos : There were orders to evacuate. (0:17:50.79)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : A hero? (0:17:53.09)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : If you're after the Deep Sea King,
better forget it.
Genos : Deep Sea King? (0:17:57.59)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You heroes could all jump him
at once and still lose.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You're fine at playing make-believe, (0:18:02.31)
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : but against true power
you don't stand a chance.
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic : You can't protect a thing. (0:18:06.81)
Genos : Who was that pervert? (0:18:12.15)
Genos : The Seafolk?! (0:18:15.94)
Genos : I sense numerous
life signals nearby.
Genos : With so many… (0:18:20.24)
Genos : The evacuation shelter! (0:18:22.53)
EXTRA : Daddy, are the scary monsters
still outside?
EXTRA : Don't worry. As long as
we're in this shelter, we're safe.
EXTRA : Besides…if it comes down to it, (0:18:35.05)
EXTRA : I'm sure all of us together
can beat a monster or two.
Deep Sea King : I sense them… (0:18:43.01)
Deep Sea King : Yes, so many! (0:18:44.35)
Deep Sea King : It's coming from... (0:18:47.43)
Deep Sea King : over there! (0:18:49.44)
Deep Sea King : Greetings… (0:18:58.03)
Deep Sea King : and goodbye. (0:19:00.32)
EXTRA : Please wait! (0:19:03.99)
EXTRA : We surrender! (0:19:06.79)
EXTRA : We will comply with
any demands you have.
EXTRA : But please do not attack. I beg you. (0:19:11.71)
EXTRA : I'm only Class C, so I evacuated.
Now I'm trapped.
EXTRA : I'm no hero. I'm a failure… (0:19:19.55)
Deep Sea King : Surrender? (0:19:22.39)
Deep Sea King : I've come to kill you.
Your deaths are inevitable!
Deep Sea King : And as for my demands… (0:19:29.98)
Deep Sea King : How about I demand you scream
nicely as I slaughter you?
EXTRA : I can't win… (0:19:37.11)
EXTRA : I know it won't amount to much, (0:19:38.65)
EXTRA : but all I can do is buy time for
the Class S heroes to get here.
EXTRA : But look at this monster… (0:19:43.66)
EXTRA : Who am I kidding? (0:19:45.70)
EXTRA : I can't buy time just by
talking to him.
EXTRA : I pissed my pants… (0:19:53.54)
EXTRA : I'm pathetic. (0:19:55.38)
EXTRA : I'll fight with you! (0:19:58.00)
EXTRA : Heroes? (0:19:59.96)
EXTRA : There are others in here too? (0:20:01.05)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : I may be the lowest ranking at 38, (0:20:03.34)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : but I'm still a Class A hero. (0:20:06.60)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : We can do this. (0:20:08.85)
EXTRA : I-I'm a hero too! (0:20:10.60)
EXTRA : Allback-man is here! (0:20:12.73)
EXTRA : Heroes? (0:20:14.52)
EXTRA : The heroes are here? (0:20:15.44)
EXTRA : Heroes! (0:20:17.02)
EXTRA : They'll save us! (0:20:18.02)
EXTRA : I feel better with a Class A around. (0:20:19.61)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : Yeah… (0:20:22.53)
EXTRA : Two Class C's,
one Class B and one Class A…
EXTRA : We can do it! (0:20:28.16)
EXTRA : We can win! (0:20:29.49)
Saitama : You sure this is the way? (0:20:33.87)
License-less Rider : Yes, since residents
are fleeing from this direction,
License-less Rider : we'll find monsters further up. (0:20:39.00)
Saitama : Did you see a butt naked guy
run past?
License-less Rider : What? (0:20:45.43)
Saitama : Maybe he was taking a bath
and was left behind.
Saitama : I'll check it out. (0:20:48.93)
Saitama : Go on without me. (0:20:50.64)
License-less Rider : Got it! (0:20:52.06)
License-less Rider : Mumen Rider here. (0:20:54.94)
License-less Rider : Yes, we're on our way. (0:20:56.73)
License-less Rider : What! The shelter? (0:20:59.69)
License-less Rider : It was the other way! (0:21:01.99)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : All right. When I give the signal,
charge him.
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : One… (0:21:19.04)
Biting Snake Fist Sneck : Two… (0:21:21.80)
Saitama : That's weird.
I know I saw him…
Deep Sea King : Why so quiet all of a sudden? (0:21:39.02)
Genos : Are you one of the Seafolk? (0:21:42.23)
EXTRA : Mumen Rider went in? (0:21:49.24)
EXTRA : Yes. I couldn't stop— (0:21:50.95)
EXTRA : Mumen Rider?! (0:21:52.95)
EXTRA : What's your location? (0:21:54.45)
EXTRA : This is beyond you. (0:21:56.04)
EXTRA : The monster even took out
a Class S hero!
EXTRA : We need to assemble
a subjugation squad.
Saitama : A Class S hero was defeated? (0:22:03.59)
EXTRA : Who is this? (0:22:05.92)
EXTRA : Where's Mumen Rider? (0:22:07.18)
License-less Rider : Stand-up Peddling Mode! (0:22:11.10)
License-less Rider : Roar, Justice! (0:22:13.26)
Saitama : Is this the Hero Association? (0:22:16.35)
EXTRA : Yes. Who are you? (0:22:18.94)
EXTRA : Give me the owner of
that cell phone right now!
Saitama : This is the hero Saitama. (0:22:23.98)
EXTRA : Saitama? (0:22:26.74)

Hey, how'd you like
my Gigantic Drill Stinger?

By the way, I nailed ten
of those Seafolk things!
Lightning Max : You're pretty upbeat. (0:24:11.42)
Stinger : Oh, Lightning Max? (0:24:12.68)
Stinger : I won't ask how many
Seafolk you defeated,
Stinger : but I'm sure you did great. (0:24:16.14)
Stinger : Next time on One-Punch Man:
Episode 9,
Stinger : "Unyielding Justice." (0:24:19.47)
Lightning Max : I'm not sure who'll mete it out, (0:24:20.64)
Lightning Max : but make sure our sacrifices
weren't in vain!

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waluigi - UlticraftMTT


You're still full of lip as always. - Milfa

You're a Buster too. You've used too much Tengeki. - Milfa

This is... A thousand years ago... - Keiko Asakura

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