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Mye : Miss Cayna seems to be having fun. (0:00:09.97)
Lonti Arbalest : Indeed. (0:00:11.72)
Cayna : What's wrong? (0:00:16.91)
Cayna : Are you saying we should head back right away? (0:00:21.37)
Cayna : Let's hurry. (0:00:26.96)
Mye : Huh? (0:00:27.84)
Lonti Arbalest : What's wrong, Miss Cayna? (0:00:28.54)
Cayna : There's a possibility something bad
is going on at the royal capital.
Mye : Huh? (0:00:34.26)
Lonti Arbalest : Huh? (0:00:34.26)
Cayna : Summoning Magic! (0:00:35.26)
Cayna : Therwolf! (0:00:43.03)
Cayna : Get on! (0:00:49.02)
EXTRA : What the heck is that? (0:01:05.21)
EXTRA : A Battle, a Victory, a Conversation, and Information (0:02:51.37)
EXTRA : Run away! (0:02:56.49)
Shining Saber : You two go help get the citizens to safety. (0:03:00.78)
EXTRA : Yes, sir. (0:03:03.66)
Cohral : What are you gonna do? (0:03:05.08)
Shining Saber : What else? (0:03:06.17)
Shining Saber : I'm gonna pulverize it! (0:03:11.75)
Cohral : But that's an Event Monster! (0:03:13.42)
Shining Saber : To defeat it, we'd probably need at least
200 players who are at level 300 or above.
Cohral : Yet you're gonna fight it? (0:03:21.01)
Shining Saber : I'm the leader of the knights! (0:03:22.43)
Shining Saber : I take pride in being one of the
knights who protect this kingdom!
Shining Saber : If I don't fight now, when will I? (0:03:27.79)
Cohral : You... (0:03:30.97)
Mai-Mai : Big Brother! Kartatz! (0:03:37.78)
Skargo : Mai-Mai, Lopus. (0:03:39.94)
Kartatz : Thank goodness you're safe. (0:03:41.59)
Skargo : Are the students at the Academy all right? (0:03:43.14)
Mai-Mai : I've had them all take shelter.
What about the rest of the citizens?
Skargo : The king and premier dispatched the knights.
They're heading to them right now.
Lopus Harvey : I'm sorry. I had no idea I'd
end up making that thing.
Kartatz : So that monster's your doing? (0:03:57.78)
Lopus Harvey : It was an accident! (0:04:00.03)
Mai-Mai : Hold on a sec. You can explain later.
We have to do something about that thing.
Kartatz : Well, this ain't good. That thing's
definitely way stronger than us.
Mai-Mai : Stop thinking, start acting. (0:04:09.54)
Mai-Mai : We're going to at least get that
thing's attention, Kartatz.
Skargo : Hold on, Little Sister. (0:04:15.47)
Skargo : If we get that thing's attention, (0:04:18.19)
Skargo : it's probably going to go after
the thing that's right behind us.
Mai-Mai : Oh, the castle... (0:04:24.86)
Mai-Mai : Th-Then what are we supposed to do? (0:04:26.95)
Mai-Mai : Should we just sit here twiddling our
thumbs as that thing destroys the city?
Shining Saber : Cohral? (0:04:41.22)
Cohral : I'll hang with you. I don't
mind stupid suicide attacks.
Shining Saber : Thanks. I owe you one! (0:04:46.27)
Shining Saber : I'll buy you a drink once all this is over. (0:04:48.63)
Cohral : Sounds great. A drink that's not
on my dime tastes way better!
Shining Saber : Let's go! (0:04:57.83)
Cohral : Yeah! (0:04:58.57)
Shining Saber : That thing's giant! Let's knock it
on the head and flip it backwards!
Cohral : Yeah, I know! (0:05:05.55)
Shining Saber : Weapon Skill: Double Crush! (0:05:06.94)
Cohral : Weapon Skill: Pike Ring Attack! (0:05:09.37)
Mai-Mai : Who was that? (0:05:25.01)
Skargo : One of them is the leader of the knights. (0:05:26.43)
Skargo : I don't know who the other one is. (0:05:28.43)
Shining Saber : Damn it! How the hell are
we supposed to predict that?
Shining Saber : Hey, Cohral! You alive? (0:05:38.57)
Cohral : Yeah, I'm alive... (0:05:43.65)
Shining Saber : Get a hold of yourself. (0:05:46.60)
Cohral : M-Must be nice being over level 400... (0:05:48.49)
Cohral : I know I've got less than 20% of my HP left. (0:05:52.22)
Shining Saber : If you can't deal, then just rest.
I'll take care of things.
Cohral : You've gotta be kidding me. (0:05:58.32)
Shining Saber : That thing barely lost
any HP from our attacks.
Cohral : Even though I basically risked
my life on that attack.
Shining Saber : Guess we're just gonna
have to charge it again.
Cohral : Yeah... (0:06:18.86)
Shining Saber : Even though it may only
end in a draw at best!
EXTRA : What the?! (0:06:36.38)
EXTRA : What was that? (0:06:37.56)
Mai-Mai : Thank goodness. (0:06:39.04)
Kartatz : Hoo boy. Looks like we're saved. (0:06:40.50)
EXTRA : What? (0:06:43.71)
EXTRA : Wh-What's going on? (0:06:44.51)
Skargo : It means that this threat
is no longer a threat.
Shining Saber : The highest-level lightning and flame magic... (0:07:12.36)
Cohral : Yeah. Those spells were
definitely cast by a player.
Shining Saber : By another player? (0:07:20.06)
Cohral : Yeah. (0:07:22.47)
Cayna : Man... Who the heck activated
an Event Monster?
Cayna : I see. So that's what's going on. (0:07:38.24)
EXTRA : You okay? (0:07:38.98)
Cayna : To think that an Event Monster
was placed in this riverbank.
Key : The items that activated it
are oksorre root, logga eyes,
Key : and nweve tongue combined into a liquid. (0:07:56.67)
Cayna : So they just got "lucky" when they
combined all those rare ingredients.
Cayna : I see. So we're dealing with
a bunch of coincidences.
Cohral : Looks like the girlie over
there can see it, too.
Shining Saber : Yeah, the mother of the High
Priest with the mother complex.
Cayna : Mai-Mai. (0:08:15.22)
Mai-Mai : Y-Yes! What is it, Mother? (0:08:16.08)
Cayna : Seal off this area so no
one can set foot in it.
Cayna : If something like that happens again... (0:08:23.22)
Mai-Mai : Wh-What are you going to
do if it does happen again?
Cayna : To ensure that thing doesn't
fall into the wrong hands,
Cayna : I'm going to blast the whole
riverbank into the river.
Mai-Mai : Understood! I will set up a barrier, (0:08:35.45)
Mai-Mai : and anyone who comes near it will
be thrown into a cell immediately.
Shining Saber : We should probably get going,
Your Highness. Your father is worried.
Mye : I am very sorry. I was careless. (0:08:49.55)
Lonti Arbalest : I-I'm sorry... (0:08:52.45)
Cayna : The next time you want a bodyguard, (0:08:54.47)
Cayna : make sure you bring a reward and
go through the Adventurers' Guild.
Mye : What?! You're going to charge us? (0:08:59.89)
Cayna : I accepted this time for Lonti's sake, (0:09:03.11)
Cayna : but I'm not kidnapping a
princess for a second time.
Lonti Arbalest : You're rather calculating.
Impressive, Miss Cayna.
Cayna : I'd prefer to get money from Agaido. (0:09:13.08)
Mye : Thank you for everything. (0:09:17.81)
Skargo : Mother Dearest. (0:09:26.23)
Skargo : Here. (0:09:32.45)
Cayna : Isn't this... (0:09:38.32)
Cayna : Orichalcum? Why are you giving it to me? (0:09:39.18)
Skargo : That monster earlier dropped it. (0:09:42.99)
Skargo : The two who fought the monster
said they didn't want it,
Skargo : so it's being offered to you. (0:09:50.37)
Cohral : We don't have the skills to work with that, (0:09:52.13)
Cohral : so we figured you could have it,
since you defeated that thing.
Cayna : Really? Then I'll make you something. (0:09:59.27)
Cohral : Huh? For me? (0:10:02.45)
Cayna : I mean, I have plenty of weapons. (0:10:04.18)
Cayna : You can have it as thanks
for fighting that monster.
Cayna : You don't seem to have a sword.
Do you want one?
Cohral : S-Sure. Okay, thanks. (0:10:14.50)
Cohral : Also, the leader of the knights and
I want to talk to you about something.
Cohral : Would we be able to meet up tomorrow? (0:10:22.57)
Cayna : Sure. Then let's meet at the colosseum at noon. (0:10:25.14)
Cohral : All right. (0:10:28.75)
Cayna : Okay, I'll be going now. (0:10:29.50)
Cayna : Hey, Kartatz. Take me to this
Inaba's Black Rabbit place.
Kartatz : The what? (0:10:39.46)
Lonti Arbalest : Miss Cayna, it's The White-Tailed Black Rabbit. (0:10:40.78)
Cayna : Oh, was it? (0:10:43.93)
Kartatz : Why do you wanna go there? (0:10:45.70)
Cayna : I took on a quest to get
some horned bear meat.
Cayna : I've got the meat, so I wanted
to deliver it to them.
Kartatz : Also, why was the princess with you? (0:10:53.66)
Cayna : Um... Just because? (0:10:57.13)
Kartatz : Really, Mum? (0:10:59.80)
Shining Saber : Cohral! Hit 'em with all you've got! (0:11:04.01)
Cohral : All right! I was really lonely! (0:11:05.95)
Shining Saber : Allow me to properly introduce myself. (0:11:15.16)
Shining Saber : I am Shining Saber. (0:11:17.93)
Shining Saber : I'm level 427. (0:11:20.32)
Shining Saber : I'm currently the leader of
the knights in Felskeilo,
Shining Saber : but I was originally the sub-leader
of the Silver Moon Horsemen Guild.
Cayna : Wait, the Silver Moon Horsemen Guild? (0:11:29.83)
Cayna : You mean Kyotaro's guild?! (0:11:32.73)
Shining Saber : You knew our guild master? (0:11:36.50)
Cayna : Yeah, uh, sort of. (0:11:39.46)
Cohral : I also belonged to the same guild. (0:11:42.40)
Cohral : I'm Cohral, and I'm level 392. (0:11:44.84)
Cayna : I'm Cayna. I belong to
the guild Cream Cheese.
Cayna : Okay, yeah. They've definitely
heard about my guild.
Cohral : Isn't Cream Cheese (0:11:56.31)
Cohral : the guild where all the members are
OP and have Game Master credentials?
Shining Saber : Wait, wait. (0:12:02.37)
Shining Saber : You knew our guild master, you're a high elf,
and you belong to Cream Cheese?!
Shining Saber : Doesn't that mean you're...
the Silver Ring Witch?!
Cayna : Correct, my good sir. (0:12:12.83)
Cohral : Wait, an Arcal Staff?
What are you gonna do with that?
Cayna : I hate that dishonorable
Silver Ring whatever name.
Cayna : If you call me that again... (0:12:27.14)
Cayna : I'll crush you without warning. (0:12:30.56)
Cohral : All right, all right!
Stop looking at us like that!
Cayna : Well, whatever. (0:12:37.86)
Cayna : Oh, yeah. Cohral... (0:12:42.38)
Cayna : The thing I promised you yesterday... (0:12:45.34)
Cayna : Here you go. (0:12:49.49)
Cohral : Wow, this is pretty impressive.
Let's see those stats...
Cohral : What the hell is this?! (0:12:56.17)
Shining Saber : Ooh, what? What'd you get? (0:12:58.09)
Shining Saber : Valhalla?! That's, like,
the best sword you can get!
Cayna : I just happened to have some
diamond and corundum on me,
Cayna : so I just made the best thing
I could with what I had on hand.
Shining Saber : This goes way beyond
"the best thing you could make"!
Cohral : This goes way beyond
"the best thing you could make"!
Cayna : Heh. (0:13:15.96)
Shining Saber : Man, I'm so friggin' jealous! (0:13:16.98)
Shining Saber : Hey, don't you have another one? (0:13:19.40)
Cayna : You already have a pretty impressive weapon. (0:13:22.08)
Shining Saber : This is just issued to the knights! (0:13:24.13)
Cayna : I'd love to make you something,
but I don't have the materials.
Shining Saber : F-Fine, I guess I'll give up on that, (0:13:30.28)
Shining Saber : but we'd like to exchange some information. (0:13:33.95)
Shining Saber : I've only been in this world
for about three years.
Cohral : I've been here ten. (0:13:39.92)
Cayna : I've only been here about two months. (0:13:41.26)
Cayna : Hey, why did Leadale end service? (0:13:44.11)
Shining Saber : Why? (0:13:47.98)
Cayna : Well, I ended up dying IRL while playing
the game, so I have no idea what happened.
Cohral : Huh, I see. (0:13:54.56)
Cohral : Wait, you're a ghost?! (0:13:57.83)
Shining Saber : Wait, you're a ghost?! (0:13:57.83)
Cayna : Who are you calling a ghost? Rude. (0:13:59.56)
Cohral : Oh, I get it. (0:14:02.26)
Cohral : There was a rumor going around that
someone died while playing the game.
Cohral : That must've been you, huh? (0:14:07.70)
Cayna : Wait, what? That became a rumor? (0:14:08.81)
Shining Saber : Yeah. About six months after that rumor
started going around, Leadale ended service.
Shining Saber : I'm not sure if it actually has to do
with the fact that you died, though.
Cayna : I see. I guess I'll just have
to get more details
Cayna : when my Li'l Fairy's
able to actually speak.
Cohral : Li'l... Fairy? (0:14:28.59)
Shining Saber : Li'l... Fairy? (0:14:28.59)
Cohral : The hell is that?! (0:14:33.83)
Shining Saber : The hell is that?! (0:14:33.83)
Cayna : I guess players can see her. (0:14:36.47)
Shining Saber : Aw, come on out, Li'l Fairy. Wittle fairy... (0:14:40.19)
Cohral : You're creepy, dude. (0:14:45.07)
Cayna : This fairy is something that the player
Opuskettenshultheimer left behind for me.
Cohral : Opus? Never heard of him. (0:14:55.16)
Cayna : Otherwise known as Leadale 's Kongming. (0:14:58.37)
Cohral : Ugh, that dude. (0:15:01.17)
Cayna : You've heard of him? (0:15:03.12)
Cohral : A whole damn log came rolling down,
and as soon as I dodged that,
Cohral : one of the ropes dangling
from it snagged my leg,
Cohral : and I got dragged to the edge of a ravine. (0:15:09.63)
Cohral : Then he just kicked me into it, and I died. (0:15:11.90)
Shining Saber : You, too?! (0:15:20.72)
Shining Saber : We both share the same pain! (0:15:22.20)
Cohral : We both share the same pain! (0:15:22.20)
Cayna : What kind of bit is this? (0:15:25.42)
Cayna : Okay, we done playing games? (0:15:28.93)
Cayna : Let's hurry up and get these
friend requests over with.
Cohral : S-Sure... (0:15:34.72)
Shining Saber : S-Sure... (0:15:34.72)
Cayna : Now we can contact each other wherever we are. (0:15:38.04)
Cayna : Oh, yeah. If you know anything about the
Guardian Towers, I'd love to hear it.
Cohral : Well... (0:15:45.42)
Cohral : I know. Hey, Cayna. (0:15:48.37)
Cohral : Would you be willing to trade some skills
for info on the Guardian Towers?
Cayna : Skills? Like what? (0:15:53.81)
Cohral : Recovery magic. (0:15:57.72)
Cayna : You don't have any? (0:15:59.15)
Shining Saber : You don't have any? (0:15:59.15)
Shining Saber : I've never seen a player not have that,
considering you get it doing a simple event.
Cohral : Shut up. (0:16:07.02)
Cayna : Well, sure. As long as the info is decent. (0:16:09.91)
Cohral : Hell yeah! (0:16:13.40)
Shining Saber : What are you, a kid? (0:16:14.80)
Cayna : I'm guessing you know something. (0:16:16.58)
Cohral : I heard someone saw a palace in the middle
of the sea right by this fishing village.
Cohral : That's gotta be some decent info, right? (0:16:26.05)
Cayna : If it's in the sea, I guess
it might be Liothek's place.
Cohral : Hey! (0:16:32.97)
Cayna : Oh, right. I'll give you recovery magic. (0:16:33.91)
Cayna : Here's Simple Substance Recovery Dewl. (0:16:37.60)
Cohral : Install! (0:16:41.49)
Cohral : Doot-do-do! Now I've got
recovery magic! Thanks!
Shining Saber : You don't seem too happy to hear
it's in the sea. Can you not swim?
Cayna : Well, actually, yeah. (0:16:53.79)
Cayna : But I can figure that out
with magic, so that's fine.
Cayna : But out of the Skill Masters, (0:17:01.63)
Cayna : Liothek loved to collect creepily cute
and downright grotesque things.
Shining Saber : Yikes... (0:17:08.13)
Cayna : I was just imagining what kind of creepy
crawlies I might find and got depressed.
Shining Saber : Whoops, I gotta get back to the castle.
Cayna, contact me if you need anything.
Cohral : Same here. Thanks. (0:17:21.18)
Cohral : See you again at the Guild. (0:17:24.85)
Cayna : Yeah, see you. (0:17:26.52)
Shining Saber : Hey, wanna trade me your
Valhalla for my sword?
Cohral : Like hell I will. (0:17:31.96)
Cayna : They seem pretty close. I'm jealous. (0:17:33.98)
Cayna : Aw, are you consoling me? Thanks. (0:17:39.32)
Key : Incoming from behind. (0:17:43.16)
Cayna : H-Huh? (0:17:49.21)
Cayna : Skargo?! (0:17:52.05)
Cayna : Whoopsie. Y-You okay? (0:17:53.55)
Key : That was a little late. (0:17:57.26)
Skargo : Are you safe, Mother Dearest? (0:18:00.24)
Cayna : Huh? (0:18:03.47)
Skargo : I heard you were having a rendezvous
with some men, so I, Skargo,
Skargo : was ready to lay down my life to rescue you! (0:18:08.32)
Cayna : Uh, Skargo... (0:18:11.03)
Skargo : What did those men threaten you with?! (0:18:13.45)
Skargo : Not to mention! Ah! Not to mention! (0:18:16.96)
Skargo : One of them was the leader of the knights! (0:18:19.50)
Skargo : I will never let a scoundrel like
that have my mother dearest's hand!
Skargo : Curse you, Shining Saber! (0:18:26.58)
Skargo : How dare you ignore all the other ladies (0:18:29.26)
Skargo : and try to lay your mitts on my mother dearest?! (0:18:31.17)
Skargo : And you have the nerve to call
yourself a kni— Mother Dearest?
Cayna : Yes? (0:18:38.13)
Skargo : Wh-What do you intend to do with
that Arcal Staff you're holding up?
Cayna : Well, what comes up must come down. (0:18:45.97)
Skargo : I can't shake the feeling that
I happen to be right below it.
Cayna : What a coincidence. But I think it'll actually
quiet things down, so it's sorta perfect.
Skargo : I'm so sorry! (0:18:58.06)
Cayna : As long as you understand. (0:19:00.66)
Skargo : Huh? You're not going to hit me? (0:19:02.20)
Skargo : Has something happened, Mother Dearest? (0:19:04.88)
Cayna : No, not really. (0:19:07.42)
Cayna : Well, I'm gonna go now.
Make sure you actually do your job.
Skargo : O-Of course. Oh, and Mother Dearest... (0:19:15.63)
Skargo : I just obtained some excellent tea.
Will you join me for some?
Cayna : Well, I guess one cup wouldn't hurt. (0:19:25.40)
Cayna : It looks like he's absolutely oblivious
to how the princess feels about him.
Cayna : Mye's got a long road ahead of her. (0:19:39.43)
Mai-Mai : What? You're leaving on another journey? (0:19:46.41)
Cayna : Yeah. I need to look for the
Palace of the Dragon King.
Cayna : Did you hear that the knights
of both Felskeilo and Helshper
Cayna : were going to work together
to take care of the bandits?
Mai-Mai : Yes. (0:19:58.75)
Cayna : Apparently, they're leaving in two days, (0:19:59.51)
Cayna : so I was going to ask if I could
travel with them for part of the way.
Mai-Mai : Say, Mother. Why don't you
settle down somewhere?
Cayna : Settle down? (0:20:12.52)
Mai-Mai : You can't keep wandering around forever. (0:20:13.53)
Cayna : Settle down... Settle down, huh?
That might be a good idea.
Cayna : If I'm gonna live somewhere, though,
it's gotta be that village.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Yo, yo, yo. It's been forever. (0:20:30.66)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : You really do love to
leave a guardian hanging.
Cayna : I guess you're telling me
that you don't want any MP.
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Of course I do. Man, you're sadistic, Master. (0:20:44.03)
Cayna : Why do you keep talking like that? (0:20:48.72)
Cayna : Here, have some MP. (0:20:53.42)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Man, I feel alive again. That hit the spot. (0:20:57.47)
Cayna : Please don't sound like some
old guy relaxing in the bath.
Cayna : Oh, hey. Do you know what happened
to this world 200 years ago?
Guardian of the Silver Tower : I only know what I heard
from the other guardians,
Guardian of the Silver Tower : but basically, (0:21:12.84)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : all I know is that most of the masters
said goodbye to their guardians.
Cayna : Hm, well, yeah... There was no helping that. (0:21:18.84)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Hey, Master. Don't leave me hanging again. (0:21:24.44)
Cayna : Don't worry. I'll keep coming
by every now and then.
Cayna : Probably. (0:21:33.43)
Guardian of the Silver Tower : Huh? (0:21:34.39)
Lytt : Hup... Hup! (0:21:41.14)
Lytt : There we go. (0:21:46.78)
Lytt : Miss! (0:21:57.28)
Cayna : Have you been well, Lytt? (0:22:05.83)
Lytt : Yeah! (0:22:08.47)

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need - Anonymous


- We're done for the day, right?
- Yes.
- Anos Voldigoad

Then, why don't you stop by my place
to celebrate getting in?
- Anos Voldigoad

Since I'm sure my mom's waiting
with a feast prepared.
- Anos Voldigoad

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