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Chiaki Minami : This story is one that lightly describes the ordinary daily lives of the three Minami sisters. (0:00:00.44)
Chiaki Minami : Please don't expect too much from it. (0:00:06.57)
Chiaki Minami : Also, watch in a bright room, (0:00:09.20)
Chiaki Minami : and stay 3 meters away from the TV while watching. (0:00:11.18)
Hosaka : I see. (0:01:51.90)
Hosaka : It's true after all. (0:01:53.96)
Maki : Yeah. (0:01:56.17)
Maki : I'm going to Haruka's place today. (0:02:01.18)
Hosaka : Is that so? (0:02:04.70)
Hosaka : No... (0:02:06.04)
Hosaka : That's a problem. Today, huh? (0:02:08.33)
Maki : Um... (0:02:10.60)
Maki : Hosaka-senpai? (0:02:12.37)
Maki : The only ones going are me, Hayami-senpai, and Atsuko. (0:02:13.81)
Maki : You weren't invited. (0:02:17.34)
Hosaka : That would be natural. (0:02:19.98)
Hosaka : I've never even talked to Minami Haruka before. (0:02:22.00)
Hosaka : There's no reason why she'd invite me. (0:02:26.81)
Maki : Thank goodness. (0:02:28.79)
Maki : At least this person understands that much. (0:02:29.71)
Hosaka : But that troubles me. (0:02:32.93)
Hosaka : In order for me to be invited, I have to befriend her first. (0:02:40.27)
Hosaka : How can I talk to her? (0:02:46.76)
Hosaka : What should we talk about? (0:02:49.08)
Hosaka : There isn't much time before school is dismissed. (0:02:53.40)
Hosaka : I must plan my move carefully. (0:02:55.64)
Maki : Could it be that... (0:02:58.28)
Maki : you're planning to become friends with Haruka before school ends today? (0:02:59.88)
Hosaka : Of course. (0:03:03.88)
Hayami : Maki. (0:03:12.49)
Maki : Hayami-senpai, a moment please. (0:03:14.96)
Maki : Why did you tell that guy? (0:03:17.99)
Hayami : About what? (0:03:20.56)
Hayami : That we are going to Haruka-chan's place? (0:03:22.12)
Maki : He wants to go again... that guy. (0:03:24.26)
Hayami : Why again? (0:03:27.98)
Maki : Because... (0:03:30.56)
Maki : he's going after Haruka! (0:03:33.53)
Hayami : Why did you keep something so interesting from me? (0:03:42.49)
Maki : Interesting? (0:03:45.39)
Maki : No, no! (0:03:46.46)
Hayami : Let me call Haruka-chan. (0:03:48.13)
Maki : No... (0:03:51.88)
Maki : I can't rely on Hayami-senpai. (0:03:52.82)
Maki : I have to protect Haruka... (0:03:56.06)
Maki : from those devilish hands! (0:03:58.41)
Maki : Um... (0:04:01.33)
Maki : Hosaka-senpai? (0:04:03.18)
Hosaka : And so, Minami Haruka becomes embarrassed. (0:04:22.32)
Hosaka : That's when I show her a charming smile. (0:04:25.16)
Hosaka : It's perfect. (0:04:29.62)
Maki : That's gross. (0:04:33.41)
Hayami : Haruka-chan! (0:04:35.67)
Haruka Minami : Hayami-senpai. (0:04:37.93)
Haruka Minami : What's the matter? (0:04:39.59)
Hayami : Come this way. (0:04:40.88)
Hayami : Now. (0:04:42.68)
Hosaka : There, Minami Haruka no longer feels depressed. (0:05:07.07)
Hosaka : And that's when I hug her. (0:05:11.24)
Hosaka : Everything begins here. (0:05:18.80)
Hosaka : The problem is... (0:05:20.90)
Maki : Um... that's the simulation to become friends with her, right? (0:05:22.41)
Hosaka : Maki. (0:05:30.82)
Hosaka : "I love you!" and "I love you." Which one is better? (0:05:32.56)
Maki : What's the difference? (0:05:36.66)
Hosaka : There's a very big difference! (0:05:38.54)
Hosaka : Understand? (0:05:41.00)
Hosaka : "I love you!" (0:05:45.93)
Hosaka : "I love you." (0:05:48.36)
Hosaka : They are completely different, right? (0:05:52.54)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:05:56.96)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:05:59.26)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:06:02.74)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:06:05.91)
Maki : It's not like that! (0:06:11.99)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:06:14.33)
Hosaka : "I love you!" "I love you." (0:06:16.24)
Hosaka : All right, that's enough practice. (0:06:19.19)
Hosaka : There isn't much time before school ends. (0:06:22.04)
Hosaka : I love you! (0:06:25.02)
Chiaki Minami : I'm home... (0:06:26.79)
Kana Minami : Oh, man... (0:06:37.93)
Chiaki Minami : What are you doing? (0:06:54.68)
Kana Minami : No, I couldn't help myself. (0:06:56.18)
Kana Minami : Didn't I chew it enough? (0:07:18.85)
Kana Minami : It hurts! (0:07:30.13)
Kana Minami : I bit the inside of my mouth! (0:07:31.59)
Kana Minami : S-Stop that! (0:07:44.56)
Kana Minami : Don't look at me like you're looking at something pitiful! (0:07:46.09)
Chiaki Minami : No, it's not pitiful. (0:07:50.20)
Chiaki Minami : It's pathetic. (0:07:52.51)
Kana Minami : After having been made fun of by this gum, (0:07:54.42)
Kana Minami : I ended up leaving a wound in my mouth. (0:07:57.30)
Kana Minami : Moreover, to think that my own little sister would look down on me with such pitying eyes... (0:07:59.85)
Kana Minami : It's too humiliating! (0:08:04.79)
Kana Minami : It's humiliation to the fullest! (0:08:06.00)
Chiaki Minami : All right, then. (0:08:10.04)
Chiaki Minami : I'll teach you how to blow a big bubble, (0:08:11.28)
Chiaki Minami : so don't cry anymore. (0:08:13.28)
Chiaki Minami : Okay, look carefully. (0:08:15.80)
Chiaki Minami : What are you doing? (0:08:28.45)
Kana Minami : No, I couldn't help myself. (0:08:29.82)
Chiaki Minami : All right, we will go into special training now. (0:08:32.39)
Kana Minami : Yes, master! (0:08:34.57)
Chiaki Minami : You really have no talent for blowing bubblegum. (0:09:02.28)
Kana Minami : I'm sorry. (0:09:06.21)
Chiaki Minami : It can't be helped. (0:09:08.29)
Chiaki Minami : I'll show you one more time. (0:09:09.49)
Chiaki Minami : Stop that already. (0:09:22.01)
Haruka Minami : I'm home. (0:09:25.36)
Chiaki Minami : Welcome home, Haruka-neesama. (0:09:27.47)
Haruka Minami : Ah. (0:09:36.86)
Haruka Minami : Bubblegum? (0:09:38.46)
Haruka Minami : That's rare. (0:09:39.93)
Kana Minami : Even Haruka! (0:09:50.74)
Chiaki Minami : No, that's not just a regular bubble... (0:09:55.94)
Chiaki Minami : The advanced technique of embedding another bubble inside the bubble. (0:10:04.92)
Chiaki Minami : Just as expected from Haruka-neesama. (0:10:10.53)
Chiaki Minami : This is... a godly technique. (0:10:19.58)
Kana Minami : A godly technique? (0:10:23.13)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique. (0:10:24.72)
Kana Minami : A godly technique. (0:10:26.19)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:27.22)
Kana Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:28.31)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:29.49)
Kana Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:30.67)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:31.72)
Kana Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:32.63)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:33.65)
Kana Minami : A godly technique! A godly technique! (0:10:34.67)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! (0:10:35.65)
Chiaki Minami : A godly technique! (0:10:36.88)
Kana Minami : A godly technique! (0:10:36.88)
Kana Minami : My goddess, why did you stop? (0:10:43.26)
Chiaki Minami : Haruka-neesama, (0:10:46.02)
Chiaki Minami : show us your godly technique once more! (0:10:47.11)
Haruka Minami : Let's have dinner. (0:10:50.90)
Hayami : It's delicious! (0:11:14.23)
Maki : Haruka's lunch... (0:11:16.08)
Hosaka : What? (0:11:24.42)
Hosaka : Minami Haruka is good at cooking, you say? (0:11:25.59)
Hayami : Yup. I steal some of her lunch every so often. (0:11:27.76)
Hayami : It's really delicious! (0:11:31.75)
Hosaka : That's great, that's great. (0:11:34.25)
Hayami : You should have her share some with you. (0:11:37.91)
Hayami : But for someone who's vain and cowardly and has never talked to Haruka-chan, (0:11:40.59)
Hayami : you probably don't stand a chance. (0:11:45.15)
Hosaka : Don't describe me with those words! (0:11:47.96)
Hayami : Hurry up and go hit on her already! (0:11:53.24)
Hosaka : Don't force the breakage! (0:11:56.21)
Hayami : Hit on her and let it shatter to pieces! (0:11:58.07)
Hosaka : What sounds are those? (0:12:01.25)
Hayami : Now come on, Hosaka! (0:12:02.65)
Hayami : Show it to her! (0:12:04.72)
Hayami : The "C" in "Come on" is the "C" in "Charming"! (0:12:06.15)
Hosaka : All right, leave it to me! (0:12:08.25)
Atsuko : He's calling me. (0:12:16.43)
Atsuko : Maki isn't here, so he's obviously calling me. (0:12:19.18)
Hosaka : So Minami Haruka isn't here? (0:12:30.66)
Atsuko : That's right. (0:12:32.80)
Hosaka : I see... (0:12:33.85)
Hosaka : I even put effort into preparing a conversation on a common topic. (0:12:34.93)
Atsuko : A common topic? (0:12:38.11)
Hosaka : About cooking. (0:12:41.35)
Atsuko : Hosaka-senpai, do you like to cook? (0:12:43.67)
Hosaka : Starting today, I do. (0:12:46.98)
Hosaka : If Minami Haruka says cooking is fun, then it has to be fun. (0:12:50.59)
Hosaka : Minami Haruka's words are absolute truth. (0:12:54.93)
Hosaka : If she says that crows are white, (0:13:01.83)
Hosaka : {\t(2978,3853,1,\1c&H00FFFFFF&\3c&H00FFFFFF&\4c&H00FFFFFF&\alpha&HFF&)}I will dye all the crows in the world white just for her! (0:13:05.07)
Atsuko : Maybe this person... (0:13:51.79)
Atsuko : is actually cool. (0:13:55.28)
Atsuko : But... (0:13:58.72)
Atsuko : I don't think this is the right time to take your clothes off at all. (0:14:00.12)
Hosaka : Maybe it's better to bleach them... (0:14:05.26)
Atsuko : Hosaka-senpai, you're all open. (0:14:07.47)
Hosaka : So? Where is Minami Haruka? (0:14:09.91)
Atsuko : She went with Maki to buy bread. (0:14:13.24)
Hosaka : What? (0:14:16.47)
Hosaka : Minami Haruka didn't bring her own lunch? (0:14:17.49)
Atsuko : Well... just for today... (0:14:20.58)
Hosaka : If she eats only bread every day, wouldn't she be lacking nourishment? (0:14:22.67)
Atsuko : Hayami-senpai ate it all... (0:14:27.19)
Hosaka : Leave it to me, the one who's just discovered the wonderful world of cooking... (0:14:30.52)
Atsuko : Like I said, that's... (0:14:33.54)
Hosaka : Just you wait, Minami Haruka! (0:14:35.48)
Atsuko : Listen to what I say... (0:14:39.52)
Maki : Hayami-senpai, you just ate all of Haruka's lunch, (0:14:42.37)
Maki : and you still want to eat more? (0:14:45.94)
Hayami : Maki, you should eat more and grow up faster. (0:14:47.53)
Hayami : What's this? (0:15:04.39)
Hayami : Hosaka, you're eating lunch today? (0:15:05.29)
Hayami : Why are there two of the same thing? (0:15:08.03)
Hayami : It looks delicious. (0:15:11.22)
Hosaka : It's a French-style lunch. (0:15:13.56)
Hayami : Ah, it's delicious! (0:15:22.15)
Hosaka : It's no good. (0:15:23.87)
Hosaka : I can't have her eat this. (0:15:25.15)
Hosaka : This method of boiling red wine, with the raisins, the sautéing, and myself... (0:15:27.91)
Hosaka : They're all too sweet! (0:15:32.29)
Hosaka : The estragon and cornichons inside the gribiche sauce all taste like capre! (0:15:33.88)
Hayami : You made this yourself? (0:15:43.08)
Hosaka : I must make her the supreme lunch box. (0:15:44.20)
Hosaka : I must! (0:15:47.63)
Haruka Minami : Kana! (0:15:56.96)
Haruka Minami : What's the meaning of this? (0:15:57.83)
Kana Minami : What? (0:16:00.22)
Haruka Minami : The rice cooker is empty! (0:16:00.86)
Kana Minami : Huh? That's strange. (0:16:04.21)
Kana Minami : I thought I added rice and turned it on. (0:16:06.66)
Chiaki Minami : What do we do now? (0:16:10.12)
Chiaki Minami : What will you do for this bowl that has been brought out? (0:16:12.70)
Kana Minami : I'll put it away for you. (0:16:15.87)
Chiaki Minami : If we don't eat rice on Monday mornings, we won't have any strength. (0:16:18.80)
Haruka Minami : If only I had checked it... (0:16:23.46)
Kana Minami : We still have bread. (0:16:26.90)
Chiaki Minami : I know! (0:16:28.49)
Chiaki Minami : I know we have bread! (0:16:29.73)
Kana Minami : Should I go toast it? (0:16:31.88)
Chiaki Minami : Toast it now! (0:16:33.14)
Maki : What's wrong with Haruka? (0:16:42.46)
Atsuko : She said she doesn't have any strength because she didn't eat rice. (0:16:44.61)
Hayami : Is that right? (0:16:47.94)
Hayami : Is Haruka-chan hungry? (0:16:49.30)
Atsuko : Hayami-senpai. (0:16:51.32)
Maki : Hayami-senpai. (0:16:51.32)
EXTRA : Hosaka looks pretty cool when he keeps quiet. (0:16:59.28)
EXTRA : Is that right? (0:17:02.08)
Hosaka : Put salt into the boiling water. (0:17:10.45)
Hosaka : Put in the pasta. (0:17:17.30)
Hosaka : Then stir it up. (0:17:23.47)
EXTRA : He looks strange even when he keeps quiet. (0:17:28.36)
EXTRA : Right. (0:17:30.59)
Hayami : Hosaka, Hosaka! (0:17:34.40)
Hosaka : What is it? (0:17:36.45)
Hayami : I heard that Haruka-chan was hungry. (0:17:37.64)
Hosaka : What?! (0:17:40.02)
Hosaka : For this moment, I've been preparing two lunches every day! (0:17:41.65)
Hayami : I wonder if she's on a diet or something? (0:17:45.83)
Hosaka : What are you saying? (0:17:48.51)
Hosaka : I'm sure Minami Haruka knows the importance of healthy eating. (0:17:50.21)
Hosaka : Besides, even if she gained a bit of weight... (0:17:54.27)
Hayami : Even so? (0:17:56.85)
Hosaka : I will think up menus that let her lose weight in a healthy way! (0:17:58.16)
Hosaka : No, let's think together! (0:18:01.09)
Hosaka : That way... (0:18:02.75)
Hosaka : Both of our dreams will arise from this, won't they? (0:18:04.08)
Hayami : Hosaka, wake up from your dreams. (0:18:07.27)
Maki : Okay! (0:18:13.57)
Maki : Time for lunch, time for lunch. (0:18:14.82)
Maki : H-Hosa- (0:18:17.57)
Maki : I feel he's up to something creepy again... (0:18:21.34)
Atsuko : Haruka. (0:18:26.53)
Atsuko : I have some rice balls. (0:18:30.14)
Atsuko : You want some? (0:18:31.86)
Haruka Minami : Oh... (0:18:32.83)
Haruka Minami : Sorry about this. (0:18:34.16)
Atsuko : Take off the foil first. (0:18:37.10)
Atsuko : How is it? (0:18:42.64)
Haruka Minami : It's delicious! (0:18:44.35)
Maki : He's going back? (0:19:02.24)
Hosaka : This is not the time for me to appear. (0:19:05.92)
Hosaka : As long as she eats well, and smiles as always... (0:19:08.38)
Hosaka : Nothing is wrong! (0:19:12.29)
Haruka Minami : I'm home. (0:19:15.07)
Chiaki Minami : What are you doing, fool? (0:19:16.32)
Haruka Minami : What's wrong? (0:19:21.79)
Chiaki Minami : Welcome back, Nee-sama. (0:19:23.59)
Chiaki Minami : Kana cooked rice. (0:19:25.35)
Haruka Minami : We're supposed to have pasta for Mondays. (0:19:27.95)
Kana Minami : I thought you wanted to eat rice. (0:19:30.50)
Hosaka : No problem! (0:19:33.94)
EXTRA : Welcome, welcome! (0:20:02.09)
EXTRA : It's cheap! (0:20:03.28)
EXTRA : We've got some nice live fish today too! (0:20:04.59)
Haruka Minami : Is it the right time? (0:20:20.49)
Hosaka : Yes. (0:20:22.64)
Chiaki Minami : The cod, tofu, shiitake, and Chinese cabbage all belong to me, (0:20:33.64)
Chiaki Minami : you fool. (0:20:38.31)
Kana Minami : Hey, hey, are you telling me to just eat wild vegetables? (0:20:40.05)
Hosaka : You should say, "Thanks for the meal" first, my daughters. (0:20:46.98)
Haruka Minami : Here, darling. (0:20:50.49)
Hosaka : Thank you, Haruka. (0:20:53.07)
Hosaka : My daughters. (0:21:02.70)
Hosaka : Everyone... (0:21:07.89)
Hosaka : It's no good. (0:21:13.47)
Hosaka : Even if I use this ingredient, the Minami Haruka inside me will not smile. (0:21:15.32)
Hosaka : Wait for me, Minami Haruka. (0:21:20.22)
Hosaka : I will, by all means, create the ultimate lunch that is fitting for you! (0:21:23.01)
Hosaka : By all means... (0:21:28.20)
Hayami : And then, it was so fun... (0:21:30.81)
Hosaka : By all means! (0:21:35.77)
EXTRA : Sir, stop doing that! (0:21:36.23)
Hosaka : I will, by all means! (0:21:38.18)
EXTRA : Sir... (0:21:38.43)
Maki : That's gross. (0:21:45.32)
Haruka Minami : Let's have sukiyaki tonight. (0:21:57.68)
Hosaka : You want me to talk about Minami Haruka's charming points? (0:23:30.86)
Atsuko : No, the preview- (0:23:33.24)
Hosaka : First, let me speak about my life. (0:23:34.34)
Atsuko : Listen to me. (0:23:36.04)
Hosaka : I was born because of the red string of fate that ties me to Minami Haruka! (0:23:36.85)
Atsuko : Next time: Three Sister Weather. (0:23:40.53)
Atsuko : I see you take your clothes off even for the preview. (0:23:42.38)

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Takemichi Hanagaki (teen)
NatsumiSawada : He often is seen as a crybaby but he is one of the bravest character in Tokyo Revengers. Also, he never gives up no matter how many times he gets beaten up. Takemitchy does everything for his friends, especially his girlfriend Hina~ I absolutely love that cool guy Takemitchy :)

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