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Izuku Midoriya : Please wait. (0:00:01.02)
Izuku Midoriya : Is this like a ritual for you? (0:00:05.60)
Gentle Criminal : You're a very perceptive boy. (0:00:10.23)
Gentle Criminal : Dear listeners! The grand adventure
of a man of extraordinary talent is starting.
Gentle Criminal : Don't be so dazzled you look away-- (0:00:19.16)
Gentle Criminal : I am the gentleman thief
who will save the world,
Gentle Criminal : Gentle Criminal! (0:00:24.62)
Gentle Criminal : My plans have shifted. (0:00:27.13)
Gentle Criminal : In this current predicament, I'll keep it brief. (0:00:29.63)
Gentle Criminal : This time... (0:00:33.55)
Gentle Criminal : I tried going into U.A.! (0:00:35.55)
Izuku Midoriya : I won't let you do that! (0:00:38.76)
Gentle Criminal : That is not something I can do! (0:00:40.26)
Gentle Criminal : Gently... (0:00:42.64)
Gentle Criminal : ...Trampoline! (0:00:44.02)
Gentle Criminal : I'm sure you have feelings invested in this, too, (0:00:47.40)
Gentle Criminal : but they can't win against
my mustache and my soul!
Gentle Criminal : This scheme is a big step
toward my becoming a legend.
Gentle Criminal : Please don't get in my way! (0:00:57.78)
Gentle Criminal : Farewell, glimmer of youth! (0:01:00.49)
Izuku Midoriya : We're all invested in this! (0:01:04.50)
Gentle Criminal : For the sake of the world, for the
sake of others, for the sake of my dream--
Gentle Criminal : And, La Brava, to respond to your feelings! (0:01:16.80)
EXTRA : "Day of U.A. School Festival" (0:03:01.07)
EXTRA : "Green Room" (0:03:04.03)
EXTRA : "Neito Monoma - Quirk: Copy" (0:03:08.87)
Neito Monoma : What's with those clothes, Kendo?! (0:03:09.25)
Yosetsu Awase : --Oh, that looks good on you!
--Isn't it too sexy?
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu : --Oh, that looks good on you!
--Isn't it too sexy?
EXTRA : "Yosetsu Awase - Quirk: Weld"
"Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - Quirk: Steel"
Reiko Yanagi : Hey, boys, don't just walk in like this. (0:03:14.21)
Neito Monoma : That appearance! (0:03:16.92)
Neito Monoma : It's hard to believe that's the look of
someone who's sold her soul to violence!
EXTRA : "Reiko Yanagi - Quirk: Poltergeist"
"Itsuka Kendo - Quirk: Big Fist"
Itsuka Kendo : Is that a compliment or an insult? (0:03:22.18)
Neito Monoma : A compliment! (0:03:24.68)
Neito Monoma : After all, the one who entered you was me ! (0:03:25.93)
Neito Monoma : Since you're popular after being
in the commercial, I'm sure you'd win!
Neito Monoma : If you win, then Class B
will be even more "Plus Ultra"!
Neito Monoma : Most importantly, (0:03:37.07)
Neito Monoma : during that time, I would
be free from your powerful fist!
Itsuka Kendo : Well, if I'm going to do it,
I'm going to aim for the top.
Nejire Hado : Hey, hey, wait! (0:03:45.87)
EXTRA : "Nejire Hado - Quirk: Surge" (0:03:47.16)
Nejire Hado : Why is Kendo sure to win? (0:03:47.28)
Nejire Hado : We don't know that yet. (0:03:49.33)
Neito Monoma : Nejire Hado! (0:03:50.87)
Nejire Hado : Looking forward to competing with you, Kendo. (0:03:52.83)
Itsuka Kendo : I-I'm looking forward to it, too-- (0:03:54.63)
Bibimi Kenranzaki : Oh my, speaking of victory
while disregarding me ?
Bibimi Kenranzaki : I am the one graced with perfect beauty! (0:04:04.89)
Neito Monoma : Bibimi Kenranzaki! (0:04:09.39)
Yosetsu Awase : It's a fight among women... (0:04:16.31)
Mirio Togata : We'll be there soon. (0:04:21.86)
EXTRA : "Mirio Togata - Quirk: Permeation" (0:04:23.24)
Mirio Togata : Class A's performance starts at 10 a.m., (0:04:23.36)
Mirio Togata : and then after that is Class 1-B's play. (0:04:25.53)
Mirio Togata : Then, it's lunch and the beauty pageant. (0:04:28.53)
EXTRA : "Eri" (0:04:31.45)
Mirio Togata : Aren't you excited to see Midoriya, Eri? (0:04:31.91)
Eri : Yeah. (0:04:35.92)
Higari Maijima : Hatsume, (0:04:38.79)
EXTRA : "Mei Hatsume - Quirk: Zoom"
"Pro Hero - Power Loader"
Higari Maijima : clean yourself up before the presentation, too. (0:04:39.75)
Mei Hatsume : Don't you think I already look great? (0:04:43.51)
EXTRA : "Permission to Leave Campus Form: Izuku Midoriya" (0:04:46.18)
Midnight : Good morning! (0:04:47.14)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Midnight - Quirk: Somnambulist"
"Villain - All For One - Quirk: All For One"
All Might : Morning! (0:04:48.80)
Midnight : What's that? (0:04:50.56)
Midnight : A permission to leave campus form?
On the day of the festival?
All Might : Yeah, he said there was something he had to buy, (0:04:56.02)
All Might : so he went down the mountain to buy it. (0:04:59.77)
Midnight : The festival's about to start!
Isn't he cutting it a little close?
Midnight : He doesn't have to act so youthful! (0:05:05.74)
EXTRA : "School Festival Start!!" (0:05:08.78)
EXTRA : "Villain - La Brava" (0:05:17.29)
La Brava : Gentle, neither you
nor that boy will give up, huh?
EXTRA : "Izuku Midoriya - Quirk: One For All" (0:05:22.59)
La Brava : Let's use it-- (0:05:23.51)
La Brava : My Quirk! (0:05:25.17)
Izuku Midoriya : If I don't hurry up and go after them... (0:05:29.93)
Izuku Midoriya : It's not visible,
but traces of the Quirk still remain.
Gentle Criminal : I cannot cancel the effects
of my Quirk of my own volition.
Izuku Midoriya : Watch carefully. (0:05:51.83)
La Brava : He's on our tail, Gentle! (0:05:53.66)
EXTRA : "Villain - Gentle Criminal" (0:05:55.08)
Gentle Criminal : La Brava, if possible, I want
to save your Quirk for our retreat.
La Brava : But, but, Gentle! At this rate,
it's highly possible you'll fail!
Gentle Criminal : I know that! Because it's a race
against the clock this time.
Gentle Criminal : He's too fast! (0:06:09.64)
Izuku Midoriya : Earlier, he lost his footing
because of my air bullets.
Izuku Midoriya : In order to recover from that and land,
he put up two air membranes.
Izuku Midoriya : One above this tree! (0:06:23.57)
Izuku Midoriya : Remember where they are! (0:06:28.11)
La Brava : Gentle! (0:06:39.21)
Izuku Midoriya : Don't resist. (0:06:43.13)
Izuku Midoriya : Please, just give up. (0:06:45.30)
La Brava : The usual Gentle would've
run away when he was discovered.
Gentle Criminal : I am betting the mustache
I'm so proud of and my soul on this scheme!
La Brava : His feelings ended up hurting him... (0:07:03.73)
La Brava : Gentle! (0:07:07.32)
EXTRA : There's that girl Aiba in Class 3, right?
The short one.
EXTRA : I've never talked to her before,
but she sent me a love letter.
EXTRA : What, really? (0:07:21.25)
EXTRA : The stuff inside the letters made it
obvious she'd been following me around!
EXTRA : Huh?! (0:07:28.80)
EXTRA : And there were pages and pages of it... (0:07:29.92)
EXTRA : She's a stalker! (0:07:33.09)
EXTRA : Scary... (0:07:35.18)
La Brava : In the fall of my first year of middle school, (0:07:38.31)
La Brava : the love letter I worked up the courage
to give was mocked by the person I liked.
La Brava : After that, I couldn't
believe in anything anymore.
La Brava : I passed my days aimlessly
clinging to my computer.
La Brava : Maybe I'll say goodbye to my life... (0:07:56.37)
Gentle Criminal : Nice to meet you, dear listeners. (0:08:00.66)
Gentle Criminal : That's right! It is I, Gentle! (0:08:03.00)
Gentle Criminal : Gentle Criminal! (0:08:05.58)
Gentle Criminal : Those of you lamenting the times,
believe in me and follow me!
Gentle Criminal : I will change the world! (0:08:12.59)
La Brava : That's when I first came across... (0:08:16.97)
La Brava : ...the light that was you. (0:08:20.85)
La Brava : The dark circles won't go away. (0:08:28.94)
La Brava : I hope he won't think I'm creepy. (0:08:31.15)
La Brava : I couldn't hold back my feelings... (0:08:35.11)
La Brava : I'm a huge fan! (0:08:38.24)
La Brava : I want to help you carve... (0:08:40.08)
La Brava : ...your name... (0:08:42.37)
La Brava : history! (0:08:44.12)
La Brava : You just accepted me without saying anything. (0:08:50.13)
La Brava : And, you were kind. (0:08:54.22)
La Brava : You responded to my feelings... (0:08:58.05)
La Brava : ...and accepted me. (0:09:01.31)
La Brava : You walked... (0:09:10.73)
La Brava : ...together with me. (0:09:12.36)
Gentle Criminal : Manami Aiba. (0:09:27.46)
Gentle Criminal : For your codename... (0:09:29.88)
Gentle Criminal : How about "La Brava"? (0:09:32.71)
EXTRA : "* La Brava
* Honey"
Gentle Criminal : We are already the best team. (0:09:36.43)
La Brava : Gentle... (0:09:46.35)
La Brava : My Gentle...! (0:09:48.69)
Izuku Midoriya : I will hand you two over to the police (0:09:52.07)
Izuku Midoriya : as soon as I can! (0:09:55.03)
La Brava : I love you. (0:09:58.74)
Gentle Criminal : Thank you, La Brave. (0:10:01.87)
Present Mic : La Brava. (0:10:05.75)
Present Mic : Quirk: Love. (0:10:07.58)
Present Mic : By murmuring her love, (0:10:10.92)
Present Mic : she can power up the person
she loves most for a short time.
Izuku Midoriya : What...? His strength... (0:10:19.76)
Present Mic : The deeper her love,
the more power she can give,
Present Mic : and if activated in a crisis,
it can jump up to tens of times more.
Gentle Criminal : Sorry, young man. (0:10:35.15)
Gentle Criminal : I don't like using brute force,
so I always cut scenes like this.
Gentle Criminal : Please sleep for me for a while. (0:10:48.25)
La Brava : Sorry, Izuku Midoriya. (0:10:53.59)
Izuku Midoriya : I've... (0:10:59.38)
Izuku Midoriya : ...fought against stronger... (0:11:01.89)
Izuku Midoriya : ...faster people... (0:11:05.76)
Izuku Midoriya : I... (0:11:09.94)
Izuku Midoriya : ...haven't lost yet! (0:11:12.90)
EXTRA : "La Brava" "Quirk: Love"
"She can power up just one person
she loves for a short period of time.
The effect depends on how deep her love is."
EXTRA : "Gentle Criminal"
"Quirk: Elasticity"
"He can make any inorganic substance elastic by touching it."
Present Mic : Good morning! (0:11:24.91)
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Present Mic - Quirk: Voice" (0:11:27.58)
Present Mic : Hey, guys! (0:11:27.91)
Present Mic : That's it for preparations!
It's almost time to start!
EXTRA : "Pro Hero - Hound Dog - Quirk: Dog" (0:11:31.58)
Present Mic : We're partying today! (0:11:31.79)
Present Mic : All grades and courses
should just go out and have fun!
Present Mic : Let's hear it, everyone-- (0:11:37.05)
Present Mic : The U.A. School
Festival starts now!
Gentle Criminal : This is impossible, young man! (0:11:48.02)
La Brava : No way...! (0:11:49.56)
Gentle Criminal : This was our last resort! (0:11:50.52)
Gentle Criminal : We always use this, (0:11:52.60)
Gentle Criminal : Lover Mode, to extract ourselves! (0:11:54.56)
Gentle Criminal : Always, the two of us! (0:11:57.44)
Izuku Midoriya : Please, just stop! (0:11:58.94)
La Brava : Gentle! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (0:12:01.86)
La Brava : My love... My love wasn't enough! (0:12:05.45)
Gentle Criminal : No one has proved that your love was not enough! (0:12:10.50)
Gentle Criminal : Gently Sandwich! (0:12:15.71)
Gentle Criminal : A sandwich is deemed
more elegant the thinner it is.
Gentle Criminal : I don't like piling layer upon layer... (0:12:24.05)
Gentle Criminal : But even so, I want to fulfill... (0:12:27.47)
Gentle Criminal : ...the fleeting dream of my middle years. (0:12:29.77)
Gentle Criminal : To leave my name in history! For posterity! (0:12:33.27)
Gentle Criminal : This dream is no longer
a dream I hold for myself!
Gentle Criminal : Today, I take the first step
toward my great work.
Gentle Criminal : It's not so trivial that I can just
give it up when someone tells me to.
Gentle Criminal : If you're a U.A. student, then you must
understand my yearning for my dream.
Izuku Midoriya : Why? (0:12:56.88)
Izuku Midoriya : If you understand so much,
then why the school festival?
Izuku Midoriya : Why would you trample on everyone's hopes?! (0:13:01.71)
Gentle Criminal : That's because that's how it is! (0:13:06.09)
Izuku Midoriya : If it's for your dream, (0:13:10.18)
Izuku Midoriya : then you can steal people's
hard work and passion,
Izuku Midoriya : and the smile of a girl who
doesn't know how to smile yet?!
Gentle Criminal : If that means... (0:13:22.07)
Gentle Criminal : ...I can make my dream come true! (0:13:23.82)
Gentle Criminal : My dream (0:13:27.74)
Gentle Criminal : is to become a hero (0:13:29.37)
Gentle Criminal : and become a man great
enough to be in textbooks.
EXTRA : "Gentle - Age 18 (2nd year of high school)" (0:13:32.16)
EXTRA : Well, that's not what I was asking. (0:13:34.33)
EXTRA : You're in trouble, Tobita. (0:13:36.46)
EXTRA : Our school isn't that prestigious, (0:13:39.25)
EXTRA : but you keep failing and getting held back. (0:13:41.63)
EXTRA : On top of that, this is the fourth time
you've failed the provisional licensing exam.
EXTRA : Honestly, the only thing I can recommend
is for you to voluntarily withdraw.
EXTRA : I heard the Takeshitas' son
already has agencies asking for him.
Gentle Criminal : Don't worry, Mom. (0:13:58.52)
Gentle Criminal : I won't be discouraged. (0:14:00.27)
Gentle Criminal : I'll do my best! (0:14:01.77)
EXTRA : Call a hero! (0:14:05.07)
EXTRA : A hero! (0:14:06.45)
EXTRA : He's gonna fall! (0:14:09.11)
Gentle Criminal : I thought that with my Quirk, (0:14:12.24)
Gentle Criminal : I could make a cushion. (0:14:15.25)
EXTRA : The man who fell was seriously injured
and will take six months to fully recover.
EXTRA : "Tobita" "Trash" (0:14:35.39)
EXTRA : In the end, your actions interfered
with a hero's rescue attempt.
EXTRA : That is obstructing
the discharge of official duties,
EXTRA : "Notice of Withdrawal" (0:14:42.36)
EXTRA : and you will be charged with that crime. (0:14:42.40)
EXTRA : "Gentle - Age 22 (Part-timer)" (0:14:53.33)
Gentle Criminal : Spring is nice. (0:14:54.12)
Gentle Criminal : I can eat wild vegetables. (0:14:55.54)
Gentle Criminal : I had already forgotten my dream... (0:15:01.92)
Gentle Criminal : Takeshita?! (0:15:05.75)
Gentle Criminal : You already formed your own agency?
That's wonderful!
Gentle Criminal : Do you remember me? We were in the same class-- (0:15:10.13)
EXTRA : Oh, um... who are you again? (0:15:12.51)
Gentle Criminal : My dream was already... (0:15:20.06)
Gentle Criminal : Would I just continue
to grow older, poor and pathetic?
EXTRA : "History of Supervillainy" (0:15:31.28)
Gentle Criminal : No! (0:15:31.95)
Gentle Criminal : Not yet! (0:15:33.62)
Gentle Criminal : Not yet! (0:15:35.53)
La Brava : Gentle! (0:15:38.91)
La Brava : Up until now, we only used Lover Mode to escape. (0:15:40.66)
La Brava : Gentle doesn't like violence, and yet he's-- (0:15:45.59)
Gentle Criminal : You can mock me and say that I'm mentally weak! (0:15:49.59)
Gentle Criminal : That's fine! (0:15:53.01)
Gentle Criminal : I...! (0:15:56.26)
Izuku Midoriya : I won't mock you, Gentle Criminal. (0:16:00.31)
La Brava : Win! (0:16:04.98)
La Brava : Gentle! (0:16:07.90)
Izuku Midoriya : That girl's Quirk...! (0:16:12.32)
Izuku Midoriya : His power is getting stronger! (0:16:15.78)
Gentle Criminal : You! (0:16:20.54)
Gentle Criminal : Why do you want to be a hero? (0:16:21.87)
La Brava : I love you. (0:16:27.63)
Gentle Criminal : This dream is no longer
a dream I hold for myself!
Izuku Midoriya : I'm the same as you, Gentle. (0:16:34.76)
Izuku Midoriya : My dream isn't just my own anymore! (0:16:37.68)
Izuku Midoriya : A dream too big for the body I was born with! (0:16:42.60)
Izuku Midoriya : A dream I'd given up on
from the bottom of my heart!
Izuku Midoriya : For everyone that didn't laugh! (0:16:48.82)
Izuku Midoriya : For everyone that acknowledged me! (0:16:51.57)
Izuku Midoriya : I want to live up to their expectations! (0:16:54.28)
Izuku Midoriya : For those who have been hurt... (0:16:56.57)
Izuku Midoriya : I want... (0:16:59.95)
Izuku Midoriya : become someone
who can show them a bright future!
Gentle Criminal : The same... huh...? (0:17:08.46)
La Brava : I believe! (0:17:19.64)
La Brava : I believe that Gentle will win! (0:17:20.68)
La Brava : The computer and program
that I put together for this day--
La Brava : If I can connect to U.A.'s
internal network with this special wi-fi,
La Brava : then I can deactivate their security system,
and we can get inside.
La Brava : From here, the wi-fi just barely doesn't reach! (0:17:34.28)
La Brava : I need to get closer! (0:17:40.20)
La Brava : What I need to do for Gentle's sake! (0:17:42.41)
Gentle Criminal : La Brava, no! (0:17:45.83)
Gentle Criminal : It's dangerous to go alone! (0:17:47.79)
Izuku Midoriya : I need to stop him! (0:17:50.50)
Gentle Criminal : Am I still... (0:17:53.34)
Gentle Criminal : ...not as strong as those you've fought before? (0:17:55.67)
Gentle Criminal : I will throw away shame, honor,
and my way of doing things to defeat you!
Gentle Criminal : That is the courtesy
I can show a person like you.
La Brava : No... (0:18:14.57)
La Brava : No...! (0:18:20.57)
Izuku Midoriya : Shoot Style... (0:18:32.34)
Izuku Midoriya : ...St. Louis Smash! (0:18:34.05)
Izuku Midoriya : You were harder to fight than anyone
I'd ever fought until now, Gentle.
La Brava : Gentle! There are heroes just over there-- (0:18:56.28)
Gentle Criminal : Run... away... (0:19:00.45)
Present Mic : The power up from Love
lasts for only a short time
Present Mic : and can only be used once per day. (0:19:06.62)
La Brava : No, stop... Let go... (0:19:12.38)
La Brava : Let Gentle go...! (0:19:15.92)
La Brava : Let go! No! (0:19:18.17)
La Brava : Gentle had his heart set on this scheme! (0:19:20.84)
La Brava : He even forgot about the
tea breaks he loves to get ready!
La Brava : Let go! What "bright future"?! (0:19:27.89)
La Brava : Gentle is my only light! (0:19:31.31)
La Brava : Don't take my Gentle from me! (0:19:34.52)
La Brava : Don't take him away! (0:19:37.15)
Gentle Criminal : La Brava. (0:19:41.78)
Gentle Criminal : Even though I knew that you wouldn't run away... (0:19:44.20)
Gentle Criminal : ...I told you to run... (0:19:47.83)
Gentle Criminal : You can't help me. (0:19:54.00)
Gentle Criminal : That would make you an accomplice to my crimes. (0:19:56.30)
La Brava : Please! I've already
committed a crime with my hacking.
La Brava : It's fine, Gentle! (0:20:06.10)
La Brava : If I can be with you, (0:20:07.60)
La Brava : then I'll be happy no matter
what I'm doing or where I am.
Gentle Criminal : Would you have been happy to escape alone? (0:20:13.69)
Gentle Criminal : No... (0:20:21.20)
La Brava : I'll die before I'm going to
be separated from you, Gentle!
Gentle Criminal : I'm sure you would've gone on to commit
crimes much worse than what we've done.
Gentle Criminal : The one who brought you here, (0:20:33.17)
Gentle Criminal : who accepted you and made you my partner-- (0:20:35.79)
Gentle Criminal : is me! (0:20:39.42)
Gentle Criminal : La Brava, (0:20:43.43)
Gentle Criminal : I was happy, too! (0:20:45.14)
Gentle Criminal : If I get caught by the heroes like this, (0:20:52.64)
Gentle Criminal : then it'll be obvious you're my accomplice. (0:20:54.98)
Gentle Criminal : In that case, at least... (0:20:59.02)
Gentle Criminal : ...I can make it so this fight never happened. (0:21:03.74)
Gentle Criminal : To make the crime just a little less serious. (0:21:06.24)
Gentle Criminal : Just go away like that, Izuku Midoriya. (0:21:14.29)
Gentle Criminal : For the sake of her bright future. (0:21:18.17)
Gentle Criminal : Izuku Midoriya. You should be proud. (0:21:24.88)
Gentle Criminal : You protected everything you stood for and won. (0:21:28.10)
Gentle Criminal : I stumbled over a pebble on the road. (0:21:37.35)
Gentle Criminal : U.A., I wish to turn myself in. (0:21:43.07)
EXTRA : "Preview" (0:23:20.00)
Izuku Midoriya : Here's the preview! (0:23:20.79)
Izuku Midoriya : Gentle's feelings, La Brava's hopes... (0:23:22.21)
Izuku Midoriya : The two of them always put each other first. (0:23:25.00)
Izuku Midoriya : With the taste of
my bittersweet victory still lingering,
Izuku Midoriya : I run at full speed toward U.A., (0:23:30.68)
Izuku Midoriya : to where my friends are waiting. (0:23:33.30)
Izuku Midoriya : Because I want to see
the smiles of everyone--of Eri.
Izuku Midoriya : Now, let's start the show! (0:23:38.93)
Izuku Midoriya : Next time, "Let It Flow! School Festival!" (0:23:41.56)
Izuku Midoriya : Let my feelings reach! (0:23:44.61)
Izuku Midoriya : "Next time: Let It Flow! School Festival!" (0:23:46.03)
Izuku Midoriya : Go beyond! (0:23:47.03)

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Yes, She is a woman. Don't be fooled by the pretty boy look :P - NatsumiSawada


Now I'm super embarrassed that I told
Naoto I was gonna be the head of Toman.
- Takemichi Hanagaki (teen)

The Tokyo Manji Gang... - Takemichi Hanagaki (teen)

But... - Takemichi Hanagaki (teen)

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