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Susamaru : How should we kill them, I wonder. (0:00:03.06)
Susamaru : I can feel the flow of power. (0:00:07.52)
Susamaru : Because of all the blood
he shared with me.
Yahaba : Of course we're going to
slay them vindictively.
Tanjirou Kamado : Get down! (0:00:20.49)
Yahaba : Did you decide how to kill them? (0:00:34.43)
Susamaru : Vindictively, of course! (0:00:36.55)
Susamaru : You were right, Yahaba! (0:02:44.14)
Susamaru : A building just appeared out of nowhere! (0:02:46.56)
Yahaba : The handiwork of a Blood Demon Arts
wielder adept at hiding objects.
Yahaba : And is the demon hunter
accompanied by a demon?
Yahaba : What's going on here? (0:03:02.28)
Susamaru : Isn't this fun? (0:03:05.62)
Yahaba : Still, I have to say, Susamaru... (0:03:08.75)
Yahaba : Your way of doing things
is so immature.
Yahaba : So careless. (0:03:14.54)
Yahaba : You splattered me! (0:03:16.59)
Yahaba : You splattered my kimono with dust! (0:03:18.09)
Susamaru : Oh, stop whining! (0:03:21.51)
Susamaru : We found them right away
thanks to my temari, so who cares?
Susamaru : And now we can have tons of fun! (0:03:28.02)
Yahaba : You've gone and splattered me again! (0:03:36.44)
Susamaru : You're so uptight. (0:03:38.53)
Susamaru : Your kimono isn't the least bit soiled. (0:03:40.32)
Susamaru : And besides... (0:03:43.32)
Susamaru : Found 'em! Found 'em! (0:03:51.54)
Tanjirou Kamado : A temari! (0:03:55.33)
Tanjirou Kamado : So, she caused all this damage (0:03:57.09)
Tanjirou Kamado : by throwing that temari? (0:03:58.50)
Yushiro : That woman... (0:04:02.97)
Yushiro : Is she one of Kibutsuji's minions? (0:04:04.43)
Yushiro : Lady Tamayo! (0:04:20.36)
Tanjirou Kamado : Yushiro! (0:04:26.91)
Tanjirou Kamado : Dammit! (0:04:30.20)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko! (0:04:31.33)
Tanjirou Kamado : Take the lady sleeping in the back room
somewhere safe outside!
Tamayo : It's too dangerous outside! (0:04:37.63)
Tamayo : We have a basement, so take her there! (0:04:39.34)
Tanjirou Kamado : Understood! (0:04:41.71)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko! (0:04:43.13)
Susamaru : That's one down! (0:04:48.64)
Tanjirou Kamado : She's giving off a totally different scent
than any of the other demons!
Tanjirou Kamado : Is it stronger?
It's a really thick scent!
Tanjirou Kamado : It feels so heavy
once it enters my lungs!
Susamaru : The demon hunter
wearing hanafuda-like earrings...
Susamaru : It's you, isn't it? (0:05:14.00)
Tanjirou Kamado : So, I'm the one they're targeting? (0:05:16.83)
Tanjirou Kamado : Miss Tamayo! (0:05:19.29)
Tanjirou Kamado : Please find a place to hide! (0:05:20.38)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm the one those demons are after! (0:05:22.84)
Tamayo : Tanjiro, I want you to fight
without worrying about us.
Tamayo : We'll be fine without your protection. (0:05:30.26)
Tamayo : Since we're demons. (0:05:34.98)
Susamaru : All right. (0:05:37.52)
Susamaru : It's all over for you now! (0:05:40.02)
Tanjirou Kamado : That temari will only swerve if I dodge it. (0:05:46.11)
Tanjirou Kamado : Of the ten forms... (0:05:57.00)
Tanjirou Kamado : The fastest thrusting technique... (0:05:59.46)
Tanjirou Kamado : Total Concentration... (0:06:01.96)
Tanjirou Kamado : Water Breathing! (0:06:03.46)
Tanjirou Kamado : Seventh Form, (0:06:05.30)
Tanjirou Kamado : Drop Ripple Thrust-curve! (0:06:06.72)
Susamaru : Oh, so you thrust at the curve diagonally
to soften the temari's blow.
Susamaru : But... (0:06:18.98)
Tanjirou Kamado : How can that temari
move around like that?
Tanjirou Kamado : It swerved unnaturally (0:06:28.07)
Tanjirou Kamado : when it struck Yushiro, as well! (0:06:29.91)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's not like it's spinning
in any special way, and yet...
Tanjirou Kamado : What is this? (0:06:36.20)
Tamayo : Yushiro! (0:06:41.83)
Tamayo : Yushiro! (0:06:43.84)
Yushiro : La... (0:06:56.68)
Yushiro : Lady Tamayo! (0:06:59.31)
Yushiro : Didn't I tell you? (0:07:01.23)
Yushiro : That we shouldn't get involved
with that demon hunter!
Yushiro : From the start! (0:07:06.32)
Yushiro : My Blindfold technique
is still a work in progress!
Yushiro : I know you're well aware
of that yourself!
Yushiro : I may be able to conceal the presence
of buildings and people, their scent,
Yushiro : but it's not like I can mask
their very existence!
Yushiro : The greater our numbers,
the more traces we'll leave,
Yushiro : and the greater the odds
that Kibutsuji will discover us!
Tanjirou Kamado : Those demons got this close to us, (0:07:29.97)
Tanjirou Kamado : yet there was no scent
until we came under attack!
Tanjirou Kamado : That was Yushiro's Blood Demon Art, huh? (0:07:35.97)
Yushiro : Anyone who ruins the time
I spend alone with you...
Yushiro : I despise such people! (0:07:43.48)
Yushiro : I despise them with passion! (0:07:46.15)
Yushiro : It's unforgivable! (0:07:49.11)
Susamaru : Hey, he's babbling! (0:07:54.24)
Susamaru : What fun this is! (0:07:57.83)
Susamaru : What fun this is! (0:07:59.54)
Susamaru : To be killed by me,
one of the Twelve Demon Moons...
Susamaru : You should be honored! (0:08:05.33)
Tanjirou Kamado : Twelve Demon Moons? (0:08:08.13)
Tamayo : They serve directly under Kibutsuji! (0:08:10.63)
Tanjirou Kamado : She grew more arms! (0:08:21.31)
Susamaru : Now then, let's keep playing! (0:08:27.40)
Susamaru : Until morning comes! (0:08:30.61)
Susamaru : Until you die! (0:08:32.65)
Tamayo : If I were to cast my spell now, (0:08:44.79)
Tamayo : it would affect Tanjiro, as well. (0:08:46.88)
Tamayo : And Yushiro needs time to prepare
to switch to attack mode.
Tanjirou Kamado : But if this goes on... (0:08:54.26)
Tanjirou Kamado : There it is again! (0:08:59.22)
Tanjirou Kamado : Even without hitting anything,
they changed trajectory!
Tanjirou Kamado : If I go ahead and slash them,
it blunts the blow,
Tanjirou Kamado : but then they hit me anyway! (0:09:10.65)
Tanjirou Kamado : Two different scents of blood. (0:09:17.20)
Tanjirou Kamado : There are two demons! (0:09:19.49)
Tanjirou Kamado : Their scent tells me where they are! (0:09:21.24)
Tanjirou Kamado : But... (0:09:24.04)
Tanjirou Kamado : Miss Tamayo! Yushiro! (0:09:29.79)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's no good! (0:09:33.38)
Tanjirou Kamado : I don't have time to protect them! (0:09:34.55)
Tamayo : We'll be healed soon enough! (0:09:37.30)
Tamayo : So don't worry! (0:09:39.55)
Yushiro : Hey! Moron demon hunter! (0:09:40.68)
Yushiro : If you look at the arrows,
you can tell which direction they're going!
Yushiro : Dodge the arrows! (0:09:46.35)
Tanjirou Kamado : Arrows? (0:09:48.40)
Yushiro : Seriously, you can't even see them? (0:09:50.69)
Yushiro : I'm going to lend you
my sense of sight!
Yushiro : That should at least enable you
to behead that temari woman!
Tanjirou Kamado : I can see now! (0:10:12.63)
Tanjirou Kamado : She was using these arrows to control... (0:10:13.88)
Tanjirou Kamado : ...the trajectory of the temari! (0:10:18.30)
Tanjirou Kamado : Thanks, Yushiro! (0:10:23.22)
Tanjirou Kamado : I can see the arrows now, too! (0:10:24.85)
Yushiro : Then, hurry up and defeat her! (0:10:27.56)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko! (0:10:30.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko, let's go outside! (0:10:31.77)
Tanjirou Kamado : Take care of the demon up in the tree! (0:10:33.23)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm the one you want to take on! (0:10:44.33)
Susamaru : The demon hunter
wearing hanafuda-like earrings...
Susamaru : No question. (0:10:51.79)
Susamaru : I'm going to bring
that head of yours to him.
Susamaru : What fun this is! (0:11:01.01)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko, how much longer? (0:11:09.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : They're gone! (0:11:24.62)
Tanjirou Kamado : Water Breathing... (0:11:28.16)
Tanjirou Kamado : Third Form, Flowing Dance! (0:11:36.92)
Tanjirou Kamado : Miss Tamayo! (0:11:44.14)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are these two demons
closely related to Kibutsuji?
Tamayo : Most likely. (0:11:49.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : Then, I'm going to extract blood
from them for sure!
Tamayo : I have two favors to ask of you. (0:12:09.04)
Tamayo : One, permission to study
your sister's blood.
Tamayo : Two, to retrieve
blood samples from demons
Tamayo : as closely related to Kibutsuji
as possible.
Tamayo : I meant demons whose powers are more
on par with that of Kibutsuji himself.
Tamayo : It won't be easy to extract blood
from such demons.
Tanjirou Kamado : Third Form, Flowing Dance! (0:12:40.36)
Tanjirou Kamado : Miss Tamayo! (0:12:47.45)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are these two demons
closely related to Kibutsuji?
Tamayo : Most likely. (0:12:52.83)
Susamaru : You think you're going to extract
blood from us?
Susamaru : I don't know what you're scheming, (0:13:08.89)
Susamaru : but I won't allow you
to do anything to displease him!
Susamaru : If you think you can extract blood
from us Twelve Demon Moons,
Susamaru : then have at it! (0:13:24.36)
Yushiro : Watch your back! (0:13:26.66)
Yushiro : Don't let your guard down for a second! (0:13:28.03)
Yushiro : If those two really are Twelve Demon Moons, (0:13:30.41)
Yushiro : then they're undeniably more formidable
than any other demon you've killed until now!
Tanjirou Kamado : Right! Understood! (0:13:38.21)
Tanjirou Kamado : Watch my back, don't let
my guard down for a second,
Tanjirou Kamado : undeniably... (0:13:43.21)
Tanjirou Kamado : until now... (0:13:44.59)
Tanjirou Kamado : Right! I'll do my best! (0:13:46.18)
Yushiro : Lady Tamayo! (0:13:48.76)
Yushiro : Let's use those two as decoys
and escape!
Yushiro : I'm just kidding! (0:13:54.60)
Yahaba : Don't stir up dust like that. (0:14:03.19)
Yahaba : So filthy! (0:14:06.07)
Tanjirou Kamado : She grew new arms
in such a short time!
Tanjirou Kamado : She can regenerate way faster
than those Final Selection demons!
Susamaru : I'm going to bring
that head of yours to him.
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko! (0:14:42.44)
Susamaru : Now then, why don't you both die at once? (0:14:46.28)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are you okay, Nezuko? (0:14:54.83)
Yushiro : Hey, Demon Hunter! (0:14:56.83)
Yushiro : You get rid of that arrow man first! (0:14:59.25)
Yushiro : We'll take on the temari woman
with your sister!
Tanjirou Kamado : Understood! (0:15:04.96)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko, whatever you do,
don't push yourself too hard.
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm counting on you. (0:15:24.57)
Tanjirou Kamado : I swear... (0:15:27.15)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm going to extract their blood! (0:15:28.44)
Tanjirou Kamado : If it means the medicine will be perfected
even a minute sooner,
Tanjirou Kamado : I'll gladly fight any demon! (0:15:33.74)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'll fight and win! (0:15:35.70)
Tanjirou Kamado : There it is! (0:15:40.29)
Tanjirou Kamado : Opening Thread! (0:15:41.96)
Yahaba : What a grimy little urchin you are. (0:15:44.84)
Yahaba : You stay away from me! (0:15:47.67)
Tanjirou Kamado : The thread snapped! (0:15:52.51)
Tanjirou Kamado : This hurts! I mean this really... (0:16:11.20)
Tanjirou Kamado : It seriously hurts! (0:16:13.49)
Tanjirou Kamado : A move! (0:16:25.63)
Tanjirou Kamado : Unleash a move to blunt the attack! (0:16:28.46)
Tanjirou Kamado : Eighth Form, (0:16:31.34)
Tanjirou Kamado : Waterfall Basin! (0:16:33.05)
Yushiro : He vanished? (0:16:53.36)
Yushiro : You hurt Lady Tamayo! (0:17:05.00)
Yushiro : I'll never forgive you for that! (0:17:07.79)
Yahaba : Tamayo? (0:17:10.84)
Yahaba : Hey, Susamaru, the one over there... (0:17:12.34)
Yahaba : Wouldn't that be Tamayo the Fugitive? (0:17:15.13)
Yahaba : What a great souvenir she'll make! (0:17:18.05)
Susamaru : Is that right? (0:17:20.72)
Yushiro : Idiot! (0:17:27.02)
Tamayo : You mustn't kick it! (0:17:27.90)
Susamaru : What fun this is! (0:17:39.78)
Susamaru : What fun this is! (0:17:41.62)
Susamaru : I like kemari, too! (0:17:44.21)
Susamaru : Yahaba! (0:17:46.96)
Susamaru : Will four heads be enough to take home? (0:17:48.54)
Yahaba : No. We're taking two. (0:17:52.13)
Yahaba : The demon hunter and the fugitive. (0:17:54.92)
Yahaba : We have no use for the other two. (0:17:57.68)
Tamayo : Nezuko... (0:18:02.35)
Tamayo : The bleeding isn't stopping instantly. (0:18:04.52)
Tamayo : She's recovering so slowly. (0:18:07.27)
Tamayo : This medicine will help heal your leg
right away, all right?
Tanjirou Kamado : What should I do? (0:18:25.16)
Tanjirou Kamado : I can't lose no matter what! (0:18:27.54)
Tanjirou Kamado : But even if I can see the Opening Thread,
it won't be easy to slash him!
Tanjirou Kamado : Any move would be pointless (0:18:35.42)
Tanjirou Kamado : unless I can land my blow
in the opening with pinpoint accuracy!
Tanjirou Kamado : If I'm off by even a little,
the move won't be nearly as potent!
Tanjirou Kamado : He'll only change the sword's direction
using his arrow skills!
Tanjirou Kamado : And I hate to say it, (0:18:52.44)
Tanjirou Kamado : but those eyeballs
on his hands are creepy!
Tanjirou Kamado : Though I hate to say it! (0:18:57.40)
Tanjirou Kamado : The speed of this arrow! (0:19:06.45)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's not going to disappear until it hits me! (0:19:09.08)
Tanjirou Kamado : And I can't slash it with my sword! (0:19:12.50)
Tanjirou Kamado : The instant the blade touches it, (0:19:15.38)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'll get blasted away
in the arrow's direction!
Tanjirou Kamado : What should I do? (0:19:25.56)
Yahaba : It's all going the way I want it to! (0:19:35.65)
Yahaba : Your arm's going to get twisted right off! (0:19:38.40)
Yahaba : So, you eluded it by spinning in the same
direction as the Kouketsu Arrow?
Yahaba : Damn monkey! (0:19:56.38)
Tanjirou Kamado : I can't take much more of his attacks! (0:19:58.55)
Tanjirou Kamado : I gotta strike back! (0:20:01.59)
Tanjirou Kamado : I gotta change the arrow's direction
without touching it directly!
Yahaba : It's about time for you to die! (0:20:08.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : Adapt your moves! (0:20:12.81)
Tanjirou Kamado : First, use the Sixth Form
to envelope the arrow!
Tanjirou Kamado : Then use the footwork of the Third Form... (0:20:21.61)
Tanjirou Kamado : to close in on him! (0:20:25.28)
Tanjirou Kamado : Twist! (0:20:31.83)
Tanjirou Kamado : Envelope! (0:20:33.08)
Tanjirou Kamado : Twisting Whirlpool-Flowing Water! (0:20:36.84)
Tanjirou Kamado : My sword's so heavy! (0:20:45.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : But... (0:20:49.27)
Tanjirou Kamado : Second Form... (0:20:50.85)
Tanjirou Kamado : Modified! (0:20:52.14)
Tanjirou Kamado : Horizontal Water Wheel! (0:20:54.19)
EXTRA : PREVIEW (0:22:41.09)
Tanjirou Kamado : Those are some powerful demons! (0:22:44.96)
Tanjirou Kamado : Those temari-and-arrow combination attacks
are giving me so much trouble!
Tanjirou Kamado : Are you okay, Nezuko? (0:22:50.51)
Tanjirou Kamado : Today, I have a Taisho secret for you
about those demons!
Tanjirou Kamado : Those two, Yahaba and Susamaru,
met for the first time today.
Tanjirou Kamado : I hear that they became friends
chatting with each other on their way here.
Tanjirou Kamado : I can't believe how much in sync
they are when they only just met!
Tanjirou Kamado : Well, we can't let them beat us! (0:23:09.41)
Tanjirou Kamado : Nezuko, let's practice our teamwork! (0:23:11.45)
Tanjirou Kamado : First Form! (0:23:15.74)
Tanjirou Kamado : Second Form! (0:23:18.00)
Tanjirou Kamado : Third Form! (0:23:20.75)
Tanjirou Kamado : Looking good, Nezuko! (0:23:25.09)
Tanjirou Kamado : Next, Episode 10, "Together Forever." (0:23:28.88)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm leaving the temari woman to you! (0:23:31.97)
Tanjirou Kamado : Let's fight together! (0:23:33.89)
EXTRA : TO BE CONTINUED (0:23:36.77)

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