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Melfina : I finally got to try it myself! (0:00:03.33)
Melfina : Your cooking is as good
as everyone says, Efil!
Melfina : You know, though, I never thought
you'd buy a mansion like this.
Melfina : You weren't at the inn,
so I had a hard time finding you.
Kelvin : You could've asked via the servant network! (0:00:20.93)
Melfina : I wanted a heartwarming reunion! (0:00:23.51)
Melfina : And more specifically, to surprise you! (0:00:26.66)
Kelvin : So you just wanted my reaction? (0:00:28.95)
Gerard : My King. (0:00:30.77)
Gerard : Who is this beautiful woman? (0:00:32.63)
Sera : I've never seen her before, actually. (0:00:37.32)
Sera : Who is she? (0:00:39.87)
Kelvin : Oh, this is... (0:00:40.88)
Melfina : Excuse me, I haven't introduced myself. (0:00:42.63)
Melfina : I'm not sure if we're really meeting
for the first time, though.
Melfina : I'm Melfina. I was summoned last night. (0:00:49.45)
Gerard : Is that you, P-Princess? (0:00:53.60)
Melfina : Yes, it's me! (0:00:56.64)
Gerard : I do know that voice... (0:00:58.97)
Sera : Oh, so you're Melfina, huh? (0:01:00.91)
Melfina : I'm sure you have complex
feelings about me, Sera.
Melfina : Demon King Gustav was... (0:01:09.64)
Sera : It's fine. (0:01:10.88)
Sera : It's my father's fault for going too far. (0:01:12.36)
Sera : And you weren't the one who
summoned that hero, were you?
Sera : So what's the problem? (0:01:20.30)
Melfina : Thank you! (0:01:23.68)
Gerard : I was sure that my king had brought
a new mistress home already.
Kelvin : Wait, where did you get that idea? (0:01:32.33)
Melfina : That's right! I'm his wife, not a mistress! (0:01:34.35)
Sera : Hey, that's filthy! (0:01:38.19)
Efil : Master, let me wipe your mouth. (0:01:40.16)
Kelvin : Thanks. (0:01:42.33)
Gerard : So tell me, My King... (0:01:43.62)
Kelvin : No, that's not right! (0:01:47.90)
Kelvin : It's not! It really isn't! (0:01:49.99)
Kelvin : So, is it a bad idea to call you Melfina? (0:03:27.01)
Kelvin : You're a famous goddess in Deramis, right? (0:03:32.15)
Melfina : That's true! (0:03:35.68)
Melfina : Call me "Mel" from now on. (0:03:37.21)
Efil : Mel, right? I'll tell Elly and Luca. (0:03:39.63)
Melfina : Thanks. (0:03:43.55)
Melfina : Now, since you've successfully
summoned me, I need to reward you.
Kelvin : Reward me? (0:03:51.92)
Melfina : You've done a great job. (0:03:53.38)
Melfina : You get a flower for good work! (0:03:56.46)
Melfina : Now receive the grace of Melfina,
Goddess of Reincarnation.
Kelvin : Grace? Like Efil's "Fire Dragon King's Grace,"
or the heroes' "Fairy's Grace"?
Melfina : What you just received was the
Goddess of Reincarnation's Grace.
Melfina : It has two effects. (0:04:11.98)
Kelvin : Two? (0:04:13.63)
Melfina : The first is that once a month, (0:04:14.65)
Melfina : it will completely prevent damage from a
single wound that would otherwise be fatal!
Kelvin : That's super-powerful! (0:04:21.96)
Melfina : Yes! (0:04:24.10)
Melfina : It's perfect protection from unfortunate
accidents and unexpected attacks!
Sera : That's great, Kelvin! (0:04:28.80)
Sera : Now I don't have to hold back
even the slightest, tiny bit
Sera : during our next training session! (0:04:33.88)
Melfina : And one more... which is
actually the most important one.
Melfina : The ability to summon heroes. (0:04:44.41)
Melfina : Rigid Briar! (0:05:03.84)
Melfina : I wouldn't suggest moving too much! (0:05:06.32)
Luca : It's pretty! (0:05:14.61)
Luca : But I'm kind of cold. (0:05:16.26)
Gerard : Oh, Luca, you can't let
your stomach get cold.
Kelvin : I wonder if they've made it
to the Western Continent.
Kelvin : Heroes, huh? (0:05:33.53)
Sera : Djinn Scrimmage! Right arm only! (0:05:36.23)
Gerard : That's Victor's... (0:05:42.12)
Melfina : Divine Dress. (0:05:48.08)
Sera : I win! (0:05:58.09)
Kelvin : What is a hero, anyway? (0:06:05.51)
Kelvin : They say it's somebody who
defeats the Demon King,
Kelvin : but that doesn't have to be a hero, does it? (0:06:10.60)
Kelvin : For example, it could be
a Rank S Adventurer,
Kelvin : or maybe the Beast King of Gaun, who's said
to be the strongest on the Eastern Continent...
Melfina : You've grown, Sera. (0:06:30.48)
Sera : You're really strong, too, Mel. (0:06:33.77)
Gerard : A good fight! (0:06:36.88)
Gerard : You both seemed more into it than usual.
Did something happen?
Sera : Oh, we were fighting for the
right to sleep next to Kelvin.
Melfina : What should we compete on next? (0:06:47.58)
Gerard : The right to sleep next to him? (0:06:48.13)
Luca : Aww, I want to sleep next to Master. (0:06:49.79)
Sera : Maybe we should bet on whether
tonight's dinner is meat or fish.
Gerard : Luca, you're still too young. (0:06:54.22)
Sera : This feels great! (0:06:59.98)
Sera : Baths are the best! (0:07:01.56)
Melfina : It feels like it's washing
away all my stress...
Efil : Is there any place on your
bodies that still hurts?
Sera : I'm just fine! (0:07:12.02)
Sera : Kelvin patched me up! (0:07:13.62)
Melfina : He seemed very distracted, though. (0:07:16.97)
Sera : Did he? (0:07:20.23)
Efil : I think he's considering what Mel told him. (0:07:21.93)
Melfina : About the heroes? (0:07:28.30)
Efil : Yes. (0:07:30.17)
Efil : Master was summoned from
another world, as well.
Efil : He probably has thoughts on this
that we wouldn't understand.
Melfina : Hello there, My Lord! (0:07:45.56)
Kelvin : What, is that chocolate? (0:07:55.62)
Kelvin : Don't just shove things in my mouth, Mel! (0:07:57.48)
Melfina : So? (0:08:00.93)
Melfina : Isn't there something you'd like to ask me? (0:08:02.56)
Kelvin : You can tell, huh? (0:08:05.94)
Melfina : I'm your wife, after all. (0:08:07.45)
Kelvin : Why do you need heroes, anyway? (0:08:11.09)
Melfina : A good question. (0:08:14.90)
Melfina : Before I tell you about heroes, though, (0:08:16.47)
Melfina : I need to explain more about the Demon King. (0:08:18.67)
Kelvin : The Demon King? Sera's dad? (0:08:22.36)
Melfina : Of course, this applies
to Gustav, as well, but...
Melfina : In this world, the appearance
of a Demon King is something
Melfina : that occurs in regular cycles,
and can't be prevented.
Melfina : Even I can't tell you what form
the next Demon King will take.
Melfina : But all Demon Kings have possessed
a special skill: Papiyas.
Melfina : It has two effects. (0:08:46.82)
Melfina : The first is that it multiplies
the evil within them
Melfina : to the point that it
warps their personality.
Melfina : And the second is that
it nullifies all damage.
Melfina : It's what you'd call permanent God Mode. (0:08:59.92)
Kelvin : How the heck are you supposed
to defeat them, then?
Melfina : That's where the heroes, people
from another world, come in.
Melfina : Their power is of a fundamentally different
nature than any in this world,
Melfina : and can neutralize a Demon
King's invincibility.
Kelvin : That means my attacks
would work on him, too.
Kelvin : But then there's no need
to call them heroes, is there?
Melfina : That's true, but you need to give
things the proper appearance.
Kelvin : I see. (0:09:30.59)
Kelvin : I don't have any memories of my old self. (0:09:33.08)
Kelvin : That's why I was able to so quickly
acclimate to this world.
Kelvin : But they're not like me. (0:09:40.11)
Kelvin : Is it okay to do what you did to them, (0:09:43.52)
Kelvin : and just summon them from their own
world and force them to be heroes?
Melfina : If you're uncertain about summoning
someone from another world,
Melfina : then I recommend a reincarnation summon. (0:09:58.24)
Kelvin : A reincarnation summon? (0:10:01.82)
Melfina : There are two ways to summon
someone from another world.
Melfina : Teleport them here, or reincarnate them. (0:10:07.82)
Kelvin : How are they different? (0:10:10.50)
Melfina : The quickest way to explain it is that
teleportation brings a living person here.
Melfina : Whereas reincarnation summons
the soul of a dead person
Melfina : and rebuilds their body from scratch. (0:10:24.08)
Kelvin : I see. (0:10:26.08)
Kelvin : So the heroes were teleported,
and I was reincarnated?
Melfina : Yes. (0:10:31.84)
Melfina : Reincarnation takes a massive amount of MP, (0:10:32.85)
Melfina : so it's not good when you need to summon
multiple people, like the Deramis heroes.
Melfina : It can, however, summon a single,
powerful person like you.
Melfina : Another thing to know is
that during reincarnation,
Melfina : you can select any skills
and perks you want.
Melfina : And since your body is rebuilt,
your appearance and age can be changed, too.
Kelvin : So you're telling me I didn't look like... (0:10:56.47)
Melfina : Don't worry. (0:10:59.49)
Melfina : You kept your appearance and age. (0:11:01.57)
Melfina : Changing them would require skill points. (0:11:04.72)
Kelvin : O-Oh... (0:11:08.27)
Kelvin : Yeah, if it took skill points,
I'm sure I wouldn't have.
Melfina : I believe that you'd have fewer
objections to a reincarnation summon.
Melfina : What do you think? (0:11:18.50)
Kelvin : Can I choose the soul that's reincarnated? (0:11:21.70)
Melfina : No, it's totally random. (0:11:24.08)
Melfina : There's no need to hurry. (0:11:27.56)
Melfina : But you only get one chance. (0:11:30.94)
Melfina : There's no time limit on it, though,
so spend as much time thinking as you like.
Kelvin : When did she...? (0:11:43.48)
Kelvin : Listen, everyone. (0:11:51.39)
Melfina : You seemed so uncertain. (0:11:55.18)
Melfina : I'm shocked you made your decision so soon. (0:11:57.90)
Kelvin : I'm not totally certain about it yet,
but I talked about it with everyone.
Kelvin : I still have to keep the
promise I made to Gerard.
Kelvin : And we can never have too
many strong party members.
Kelvin : If I can't handle a hero, then I'm not strong
enough to do anything important anyway.
Gerard : Indeed. That's our king for you. (0:12:17.24)
Sera : I'll be happy to have more
people to spar with.
Efil : Elly, Luca, I told you how
Master is a summoner, right?
Efil : The summoning he's about to
do is a very special one.
Efil : Please be on your best behavior. (0:12:32.68)
Elly : Of course, Head Maid. (0:12:34.94)
Luca : Okay! (0:12:37.21)
Kelvin : We can let the person I reincarnate
decide how they want to live, right?
Melfina : Yes, of course. (0:12:43.98)
Melfina : Now, begin. (0:12:46.32)
Kelvin : Okay, first... (0:12:48.49)
Kelvin : Cancel summoning! (0:12:50.68)
Efil : Master, have this recovery potion. (0:12:58.56)
Kelvin : Right. (0:13:01.43)
Kelvin : Now my MP's restored to full. (0:13:06.82)
Kelvin : Mel, do it. (0:13:09.79)
Melfina : I will now begin the reincarnation summoning, (0:13:11.44)
Melfina : in accordance with the
right given by my Grace.
Melfina : Please decide the number
of people you'll summon,
Melfina : as well as the amount of magic you'll use. (0:13:18.30)
Kelvin : Use all but one of my MP,
and summon a single person.
Kelvin : If I'm going to do this,
I want a strong hero!
Melfina : Preparations are complete. (0:13:29.45)
Melfina : Beginning the reincarnation! (0:13:31.65)
Kelvin : It's taking time. (0:14:02.64)
Melfina : They seem uncertain what skills to pick. (0:14:04.24)
Kelvin : That's a good point! (0:14:07.27)
Kelvin : It'll probably take a long time, then. (0:14:09.03)
Kelvin : I could spend at least a full day on it. (0:14:11.37)
Melfina : No, time flows differently between
here and there, so it won't...
Kelvin : What's wrong? (0:14:18.67)
Melfina : They've made their choice! (0:14:19.53)
Melfina : It seems they chose not to change
their age or appearance.
Melfina : And... (0:14:25.58)
Kelvin : And? (0:14:26.77)
Melfina : Never mind. It'll be faster for you
to meet them yourself!
Kelvin : A child? (0:14:52.76)
Rion : Where am I? (0:15:01.12)
Kelvin : I suppose I should start by saying hello. (0:15:02.65)
Kelvin : My name's Kelvin. I'm an adventurer. (0:15:06.11)
Rion : An adventurer? (0:15:10.25)
Rion : Hello! My name is Rio Saeki! (0:15:14.22)
Kelvin : Rio? (0:15:20.01)
Rion : The angel told me I was coming
to another world! Is that true?
Kelvin : The angel? (0:15:27.49)
Melfina : The servant of mine that I left in charge. (0:15:28.99)
Kelvin : I'm the one who caused
you to be reincarnated.
Kelvin : First, I need to apologize for
reincarnating you for our own reasons—
Rion : You're the one who reincarnated me, then? (0:15:44.70)
Kelvin : Yeah, that's right... (0:15:47.09)
Rion : Thank you... (0:15:50.18)
Rion : Thank you! (0:15:53.24)
Kelvin : Don't cry! I'm sorry! (0:15:55.96)
Kelvin : What is this? (0:15:58.60)
Gerard : My King, do you have some kind of skill
that makes girls cry when you meet them?
Kelvin : I don't think so...? (0:16:06.25)
Kelvin : Huh? Rio? (0:16:09.25)
Melfina : The reincarnation appears
to have exhausted her.
Kelvin : She's still a kid! (0:16:17.81)
Kelvin : You're sure she's the hero? (0:16:20.20)
Melfina : Don't worry. (0:16:22.59)
Melfina : She's the best summon possible.
You used all your MP on her!
Kelvin : I see... (0:16:28.23)
Kelvin : Huh? (0:16:30.81)
Efil : Master! (0:16:34.45)
Melfina : It looks like the summoning
made him use up all his magic!
Efil : Master! (0:16:40.95)
Rion : That's right... I reincarnated, didn't I? (0:16:56.03)
Rion : Wow! I can't believe it! (0:17:47.29)
Rion : I'm... I'm running! (0:17:49.64)
Rion : The smell of the grass... (0:17:57.96)
Kelvin : Pretty, aren't they? (0:18:06.41)
Rion : Kelvin! (0:18:09.89)
Kelvin : I, too, was surprised when
I came to this world.
Kelvin : I don't have my old memories, though. (0:18:15.70)
Rion : You were reincarnated, too? (0:18:21.63)
Kelvin : Yeah. From what I heard, (0:18:23.49)
Kelvin : I died due to a god's mistake. (0:18:26.52)
Kelvin : I was lucky enough to reincarnate,
but I used my memories to enhance my skills.
Rion : Wow, you can do that? (0:18:38.34)
Kelvin : When I reincarnated in this world,
I didn't know what to do, at first.
Kelvin : But strangely, the thing I
felt most was excitement.
Kelvin : I only made it this far with a
lot of people's help, though.
Rion : Wow! (0:18:54.58)
Kelvin : I made good friends, too. (0:18:55.88)
Kelvin : I kept fighting and fighting, (0:18:59.39)
Kelvin : and eventually I ended up the
top Rank A adventurer in Parth!
Rion : Wow! Wow! (0:19:07.89)
Rion : I'm really in another world, aren't I? (0:19:09.63)
Kelvin : You have your old memories,
unlike me, right?
Kelvin : I brought you here mostly to satisfy my ego. (0:19:17.82)
Kelvin : But if you don't want to be here,
I'm not going to force you—
Rion : Of course I want to be here! (0:19:23.45)
Rion : I spent my whole life really sick. (0:19:26.15)
Rion : I couldn't even go outside,
let alone to school.
Rion : The only things I had to enjoy
were adventure novels.
Rion : I could only see the outside
world through a windowpane.
Rion : So they were the only
thing keeping me going.
Rion : So when I died, I wondered what
the point of my life even was.
Rion : But... (0:19:54.01)
Rion : Thanks to you, I can live again! (0:19:55.88)
Rion : And thanks to my healthy body,
I can stand up like this,
Rion : run, and even go on adventures! (0:20:03.50)
Rion : So please, let me join your party! (0:20:05.86)
Kelvin : Personally, that'd help a lot,
but don't you need to think about it more?
Rion : No, this is what I want to do! (0:20:15.00)
Rion : I'm so grateful to you,
and I want to pay you back!
Kelvin : I see. (0:20:23.57)
Rion : Yeah! (0:20:24.63)
Kelvin : Hey, they say that black
hair is rare around here.
Rion : It is? (0:20:33.07)
Kelvin : So I'd like to tell everybody
you're my half-sister,
Kelvin : who came after me from a different land. (0:20:39.01)
Rion : I'm your sister? (0:20:43.13)
Kelvin : Is that not okay? (0:20:45.33)
Rion : No, I'm fine with it! (0:20:48.39)
Rion : I was an only child, so it makes me so happy! (0:20:52.04)
Rion : So, what should I call you? (0:20:54.77)
Rion : Brother... Big Brother? Bro? Big Bro?
Broseph? Elder Brother?
Kelvin : Hey, hey... (0:21:05.32)
Rion : Brother Kel! (0:21:07.05)
Rion : What do you think, Brother Kel? (0:21:08.93)
Kelvin : I think it's fine. (0:21:11.17)
Kelvin : It sounds like what a
little sister would say.
Kelvin : But I do have one request. (0:21:15.73)
Rion : What? (0:21:19.91)
Kelvin : Your name's too close to a particularly
distasteful man I know.
Kelvin : I'd like you to change it. (0:21:25.89)
Rion : Really? (0:21:27.87)
Rion : Then call me Rion! (0:21:32.34)
Kelvin : That's not very different. (0:21:34.49)
Rion : I used to fantasize that I was
in the world of my stories...
Rion : And I always used the name Rion. (0:21:41.54)
Rion : I think it's what would feel best. (0:21:45.26)
Kelvin : I see. (0:21:49.19)
Kelvin : Welcome, Rion. (0:21:51.46)
Kelvin : To a fantasy world of clashing swords
and powerful sorcery.
Kelvin : You and I are gonna be busy! (0:21:58.62)
Rion : Yeah! (0:22:03.34)

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