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Shiro : There was once a girl who,
owing to her superhuman intelligence,
Shiro : was sent to an orphanage
before she was one year old.
Shiro : It was not long after
she'd learned to speak.
Shiro : There, she learned about games. (0:00:30.63)
Shiro : She was made to play many games
they called "intelligence tests",
Shiro : but they were too boring for her to enjoy,
no matter who she played with.
Shiro : After two years had passed, (0:00:44.59)
Shiro : she was reunited with a woman
who seemed to be her mother,
Shiro : and a boy who was
seven years older than her.
Shiro : He told the adults
whatever they wanted to hear
Shiro : and greeted all those he met
with a blank, empty smile.
Shiro : The girl's words to him were the
first she'd spoken in a long, long time.
Shiro : You really are empty. (0:01:09.05)
Sora : Let's play a game. (0:01:20.87)
Stephanie Dola : Who is that? (0:01:36.37)
Shiro : ...Blank... (0:01:38.97)
Shiro : ...Blank doesn't... (0:01:42.41)
Shiro : ...Blank doesn't... (0:01:44.67)
Stephanie Dola : You must've had a bad dream. (0:02:00.77)
Stephanie Dola : I'll bring you some warm milk. (0:02:03.50)
Shiro : No! No! (0:02:05.62)
Shiro : He was with me. (0:02:07.75)
Shiro : He was always with me. (0:02:09.12)
Shiro : ...That's why... (0:02:10.94)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro. (0:02:16.36)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro! (0:02:20.99)
Shiro : ...It's cold... (0:02:31.03)
Jibril : There you are, Master. (0:02:34.19)
Jibril : Dola was in a panic, saying you'd run off,
so I wondered what had happened.
Shiro : Jibril? (0:02:41.24)
Jibril : Yes, what is it? (0:02:42.52)
Shiro : Who are your masters? (0:02:44.88)
Jibril : ...Why are you asking me— (0:02:48.23)
Shiro : Answer me! (0:02:50.14)
Jibril : You are my master, Shiro. (0:02:53.41)
Shiro : So who fought you? (0:02:55.98)
Jibril : It was you, Shiro. (0:02:58.40)
Shiro : Who told Stephanie to
fall in love with them?
Jibril : I'm told it was you, Shiro. (0:03:04.32)
Shiro : Who found out about the
Eastern Federation's games?
Jibril : You, Shiro, aided by the information
Dola's grandfather left behind.
Jibril : I was charmed by your unparalleled
brilliance and strategic mind,
Jibril : and I decided to obey you. (0:03:20.58)
Shiro : Obey... me? (0:03:23.29)
Jibril : Yes. (0:03:25.43)
Jibril : You, Shiro—queen of Elkia and
designated representative of Imanity.
Stephanie Dola : In other words, there was
somebody besides her?
Jibril : There seems to be no
material evidence, though.
Jibril : We've questioned people throughout the castle,
...and then across the whole city, but...
Stephanie Dola : Yes, nobody in the protest demonstrations
knows anything about him, either.
Jibril : ...Which means... (0:03:52.37)
Jibril : ...It's likely... (0:03:54.85)
Jibril : that our master challenged
someone unbeknown to us,
Jibril : lost, and had her memories altered. (0:04:00.72)
Stephanie Dola : That's impossible. (0:04:03.90)
Stephanie Dola : ...Who could have... (0:04:05.10)
Stephanie Dola : The Eastern Federation? (0:04:08.07)
Jibril : Yes. They're capable of that. (0:04:09.46)
Jibril : Master. (0:04:16.53)
Jibril : Let's play a game. (0:04:18.75)
Shiro : A game? (0:04:25.17)
Jibril : Yes. The wager will be the false memories
that have been implanted in you.
Shiro : False? (0:04:31.94)
Jibril : And I know this is
most impolite to ask,
Jibril : but would you please lose? (0:04:36.23)
Jibril : That's check. (0:04:40.57)
Shiro : ... False memories... (0:04:43.35)
Shiro : Are they really false? (0:04:46.89)
Shiro : Is that why they're disappearing? (0:04:51.37)
Sora : Hey, Shiro. (0:05:00.51)
Sora : They say people can change,
but is that really true?
Shiro : ... They're all... (0:05:08.98)
Shiro : They're all disappearing. (0:05:10.55)
Sora : If they decide they want to fly,
will they grow wings?
Sora : I don't think so. (0:05:18.79)
Sora : You don't change yourself,
just how you do things.
Shiro : ...Bro... (0:05:24.69)
Sora : You have to make your own way. (0:05:26.20)
Sora : You have to create a way to fly,
even while you stay the same.
Sora : Let's think of a way to make
wings that will let you fly.
Sora : We can take our time. (0:05:37.81)
Shiro : They're all false. (0:05:40.73)
Shiro : All of them are lies. (0:05:45.03)
Shiro : If they disappear, (0:05:48.35)
Shiro : I'll feel better. (0:05:50.57)
Shiro : Blank? (0:05:59.87)
Jibril : Master? (0:06:04.37)
Shiro : ...Blank... (0:06:08.01)
Shiro : ...Blank never... (0:06:10.05)
Shiro : Blank never loses! (0:06:12.19)
Jibril : Why did you win? (0:06:32.87)
Shiro : He's real. Sora is real! (0:06:36.22)
Shiro : I know he's real! (0:06:39.33)
Stephanie Dola : Sora? (0:06:42.20)
Jibril : ...Master, please consid— (0:06:43.24)
Shiro : He's real! He is real! (0:06:44.76)
Jibril : Calm down, Master. (0:06:46.34)
Jibril : Think logically. (0:06:48.42)
Stephanie Dola : You're right. (0:06:49.93)
Stephanie Dola : It might be more natural
to think he doesn't exist,
Stephanie Dola : but I'm sure he does. (0:06:56.18)
Jibril : What are you saying, Dola? (0:06:58.54)
Stephanie Dola : Because I know you two
would never lose!
Shiro : ...Steph... (0:07:07.21)
Jibril : ...But... (0:07:08.44)
Stephanie Dola : Yeah, they'd never lose. (0:07:09.52)
Stephanie Dola : There must be some reason. (0:07:11.40)
Stephanie Dola : Some reason this happened. (0:07:13.49)
Jibril : You're letting sentimentality
cloud your judgment.
Jibril : ...You need to— (0:07:17.66)
Shiro : What did you two do yesterday? (0:07:18.70)
Jibril : Yesterday? (0:07:22.44)
Stephanie Dola : I spent some time dealing
with the demonstrations,
Stephanie Dola : and then you played a
game in the throne room.
Shiro : That was two days ago. The 19th. (0:07:28.08)
Shiro : I'll change my question. (0:07:31.88)
Shiro : Where were you two nights ago? (0:07:33.60)
Stephanie Dola : That same night, then? (0:07:36.02)
Stephanie Dola : ...Um... Um... (0:07:39.48)
Stephanie Dola : Huh? (0:07:41.44)
Jibril : ...I can't... (0:07:42.70)
Shiro : You can't remember. That's right. (0:07:44.06)
Shiro : Now I just need to confirm. (0:07:47.91)
Stephanie Dola : ...U-Um, what are you... (0:07:51.49)
Shiro : Fondling your breasts. (0:07:53.96)
Stephanie Dola : How am I supposed to respond to that? (0:07:56.44)
Shiro : It doesn't make you excited? (0:08:00.49)
Shiro : Even though I told you
to fall in love with me?
Stephanie Dola : ...Well... (0:08:04.50)
Jibril : So you're saying someone other than
you told her to fall in love with them.
Shiro : Yes. It was Bro who told her that. (0:08:10.54)
Jibril : But I thought she
already believed he existed.
Stephanie Dola : So why did you fondle my breasts? (0:08:18.18)
Shiro : To thank you. Without you,
I wouldn't have noticed.
Stephanie Dola : ...Shiro... (0:08:27.49)
Jibril : Let's think, then. (0:08:30.49)
Jibril : If this Sora existed,
how could he have disappeared?
Stephanie Dola : How could our memories of the
last day and a half have been erased?
Jibril : A large-scale magic spell could do it, (0:08:42.57)
Jibril : but not without leaving
some kind of trace.
Shiro : What if it was a game? (0:08:50.51)
Stephanie Dola : A game? (0:08:52.89)
Shiro : What if a game was held in
accordance with the commandments,
Shiro : and that was part of the rules? (0:08:57.90)
Stephanie Dola : If the game involved
Imanity's representatives,
Stephanie Dola : it could affect the entire race. (0:09:04.46)
Stephanie Dola : ...But Jibril... (0:09:07.84)
Jibril : No, since they are my masters, (0:09:09.57)
Jibril : in a way, I'm subordinate to them. (0:09:12.72)
Jibril : We can assume I would
also be under its effects.
Stephanie Dola : I see. (0:09:18.13)
Stephanie Dola : But what kind of game could that be? (0:09:20.06)
Shiro : I don't know. (0:09:23.51)
Shiro : But... I know what Bro said. (0:09:26.71)
Sora : I believe in you. (0:09:31.77)
Sora : Shiro, the two of us are always one. (0:09:34.99)
Shiro : Bro would never leave me alone. (0:09:39.03)
Shiro : ...So... (0:09:42.69)
Sora : Shiro, are you there? (0:09:44.14)
Sora : You're still there, right, Shiro? (0:09:47.63)
Shiro : Brother! (0:09:51.29)
Sora : Would you hold me
somewhere—anywhere I can still feel?
Sora : To keep me sane. (0:10:02.12)
Shiro : Bro! (0:10:05.31)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro? (0:10:10.97)
Shiro : Think hard, even if it burns you out. (0:10:13.88)
Shiro : Think about what's going on.
Bro trusted you with this!
Shiro : Use all the memories you still have! (0:10:21.18)
Shiro : Bro said that we were always one. (0:10:27.61)
Shiro : So he must still be here. (0:10:30.96)
Shiro : Bro said that we always
win our games before they start.
Shiro : And that we're bound by a promise? (0:10:39.34)
Shiro : Bro said we're not the heroes
from some boys' comic.
Shiro : No! (0:10:51.47)
Shiro : Think harder! (0:10:52.46)
Shiro : ... Harder... (0:10:53.90)
Shiro : Bro said he was going to
get the last piece we need.
Shiro : Get the piece we need? (0:10:59.85)
Shiro : So this game is to get us something
we need to face the Eastern Federation.
Shiro : ... Tool... (0:11:07.21)
Shiro : ... Wisdom... (0:11:08.20)
Shiro : ... Observer... (0:11:09.22)
Shiro : Elf? (0:11:11.12)
Shiro : He's going to get an elf? (0:11:13.29)
Shiro : How? (0:11:15.10)
Shiro : Challenge Elven Garde? (0:11:17.55)
Shiro : Clammy? (0:11:19.82)
Shiro : No. Clammy doesn't believe in Bro. (0:11:20.98)
Shiro : ... She'd never agree to... (0:11:24.14)
Shiro : What if the game was to
steal each other's existence?
Stephanie Dola : Shiro! Shiro! (0:11:40.89)
Kurami Zell : A game to steal each other's existence? (0:11:46.43)
Sora : That's right. (0:11:48.72)
Sora : The thirty-two stones collectively
constitute your existence
Sora : and are ranked by importance according to the
priority assigned to them by your subconscious.
Sora : In other words, you won't know
which stone constitutes which part of you
Sora : until your opponent takes it. (0:12:05.66)
Sora : For example, the existence
of that elf next to you.
Sora : Or your arms, legs,
nerves, or memories.
Sora : In the end,
your very existence is taken,
Sora : and no one will even
realize you're there.
Sora : In other words, you'll disappear. (0:12:21.66)
Kurami Zell : Are you serious? (0:12:24.02)
Sora : Yep. (0:12:25.50)
Sora : Commandment five: The challenged party
has the right to decide how the game is played.
Sora : If you don't like it, the game is off. (0:12:32.28)
Sora : What will you do? (0:12:34.60)
Fil Nilvalen : ...Clammy... (0:12:35.99)
Kurami Zell : Fi, this man is going to
wager Imanity's Race Piece.
Kurami Zell : We can't just ignore that. (0:12:42.61)
Kurami Zell : For shame. And here I was hoping
we could reconcile after what happened.
Sora : We still can. (0:12:51.34)
Sora : You just have to trust me
and lend me that elf of yours.
Kurami Zell : Absolutely not! (0:12:57.04)
Sora : Thought as much. (0:12:58.91)
Kurami Zell : What is the wager? (0:13:00.50)
Sora : We'll say the winner gets the right
to make two demands of the loser.
Sora : You could, for example,
make the results of the game eternal,
Sora : erasing your opponent's
existence permanently,
Sora : and then alter the memories of
their partners to make them join you.
Kurami Zell : In other words, we're each
betting our existence
Kurami Zell : and complete rights
over our partners, right?
Sora : That's right. (0:13:23.54)
Kurami Zell : You're insane. (0:13:25.25)
Sora : Well, just as long as I'm insane,
I'd like to propose one more important rule.
Shiro : Bro? (0:13:36.54)
Jibril : Master? (0:13:38.67)
Stephanie Dola : Shiro! Are you okay? (0:13:39.40)
Shiro : Bro! (0:13:42.17)
Shiro : ...Jibril... (0:13:45.26)
Jibril : What is it? (0:13:46.82)
Shiro : Would it be possible to make a game
where the players steal each other's existence?
Jibril : No, unfortunately. (0:13:52.54)
Jibril : In a virtual world like Materialization
...Word Chain, it would be possible, but...
Shiro : What if you collaborated with an elf? (0:13:58.19)
Jibril : Collaborate? (0:14:00.32)
Jibril : With those forest bumpkins? (0:14:01.64)
Jibril : During the great war, I leveled one of their
...capitals with a single blast! They're nothing but—
Shiro : Could you do it? (0:14:08.98)
Jibril : Theoretically, yes. (0:14:11.41)
Jibril : Those bumpkins do have some small measure of skill
when it comes to constructing complicated spells.
Stephanie Dola : So, Sora erased his own existence
by playing this game?
Shiro : Yes. (0:14:24.72)
Jibril : Wouldn't that mean
he has already lost?
Stephanie Dola : That's right. (0:14:31.58)
Stephanie Dola : If he'd won, he would be here. (0:14:33.04)
Shiro : What if it was neither? (0:14:37.07)
Jibril : You mean the game's still underway? (0:14:41.61)
Stephanie Dola : That can't be. (0:14:45.07)
Shiro : Jibril, see if you can detect
any magic in this room!
Jibril : Very well. (0:14:52.07)
Shiro : I woke up here. (0:15:00.45)
Shiro : Even though Bro and I
sleep in a different room,
Shiro : I woke up here. (0:15:06.70)
Shiro : He told me he
wouldn't leave me alone.
Jibril : You're right.
Magic is being used here.
Jibril : But I can't detect its exact position. (0:15:18.38)
Stephanie Dola : We just have to search
...everywhere we can—
Jibril : There you go, Dola,
tripping over thin air.
Jibril : You don't need to play
the klutz forever, you know.
Stephanie Dola : Tripped? Me? (0:15:33.43)
Shiro : An Othello stone? (0:15:37.93)
Jibril : That has the elven rune
for "three" written on it.
Jibril : Why are those stones
the only ones left?
Shiro : Because they haven't been used yet. (0:15:46.39)
Shiro : Even if we can't
sense them, they're there.
Stephanie Dola : But we don't have anything to
go by except two sets of three stones.
Stephanie Dola : We don't even know
if we're white or black.
Shiro : It's simple. (0:16:01.90)
Shiro : Bro told me that
the two of us are one.
Shiro : I'm participating in this game. (0:16:08.54)
Sora : I'll propose an important rule. (0:16:12.39)
Sora : Each of our partners
will play in the game.
Sora : If one of us becomes
unable to continue,
Sora : their partner will play in their stead. (0:16:20.34)
Shiro : That's why I still had my memories. (0:16:23.69)
Stephanie Dola : You can see the board? (0:16:26.94)
Shiro : No. (0:16:30.41)
Shiro : ...But I can see... (0:16:31.63)
Shiro : what Bro would do. (0:16:33.75)
Kurami Zell : You're trying to lose
deliberately, aren't you?
Sora : Nope. (0:16:41.64)
Sora : I've set it up so I can win like this. (0:16:42.85)
Shiro : I can see how he'd
lead his opponent on.
Kurami Zell : What is this? (0:16:52.23)
Kurami Zell : Your memories? (0:16:53.62)
Kurami Zell : Are you making me
steal your memories
Kurami Zell : to prove that there's
no other race working with you?
Sora : Not a bad answer. (0:17:03.35)
Shiro : I can see how he'd
tell me what he wants.
Kurami Zell : Now you can't continue the game. (0:17:21.07)
Kurami Zell : I win. (0:17:23.68)
Fil Nilvalen : But the game isn't over. (0:17:25.99)
Kurami Zell : What's going on? (0:17:29.97)
Kurami Zell : Why isn't the game ending? (0:17:31.24)
Kurami Zell : What part of Sora do
those three stones contain?
Shiro : I can see how he'd
deceive his opponent,
Shiro : ...and... (0:17:42.57)
Shiro : I can see how he'd win. (0:17:46.03)
Shiro : Bro, you're amazing! (0:17:52.27)
Shiro : ... Nobody would ever figure this out... (0:17:54.53)
Shiro : except for you and me. (0:18:00.07)
Shiro : The parts of you that are contained these last three stones are...
Shiro : Three: the way to win the game. (0:18:11.55)
Shiro : Two: your absolute trust in me. (0:18:17.41)
Shiro : And one: (0:18:22.85)
Shiro : everything I am. (0:18:27.39)
Shiro : ...Okay, Bro... (0:18:31.14)
Shiro : Come back to me! (0:18:33.73)
Shiro : ...Bro... (0:19:06.99)
Sora : ...Shiro... (0:19:13.71)
Sora : Okay! (0:19:16.09)
Sora : You can punch me if you want! (0:19:17.00)
Sora : ...I'm ready— (0:19:18.38)
Shiro : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (0:19:21.23)
Shiro : I'm sorry! (0:19:24.52)
Shiro : I should've come sooner. (0:19:26.19)
Jibril : I can't believe I forgot my master. (0:19:33.63)
Stephanie Dola : Why? (0:19:35.66)
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy! Wake up! Clammy! (0:19:37.34)
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy! Clammy! (0:19:42.25)
Sora : Now then, (0:19:44.44)
Sora : I'll make my demands,
just as we agreed.
Fil Nilvalen : Y-You can do whatever
you want with me!
Fil Nilvalen : ...But Clammy... (0:19:53.51)
Sora : ...Nope! Demand one... (0:19:55.61)
Fil Nilvalen : Don't! (0:19:58.34)
Sora : We keep a copy of the memories
we stole from each other,
Sora : and return the originals. (0:20:03.00)
Fil Nilvalen : Clammy! (0:20:07.70)
Stephanie Dola : What's going on? (0:20:09.41)
Jibril : They each keep the memories
they took from the other,
Jibril : but they get their
own memories back.
Jibril : Now that Clammy and Master
know everything about each other,
Jibril : they can trust each other as well. (0:20:22.16)
Jibril : This is the last piece
that our master wanted.
Jibril : ...And... (0:20:29.43)
Sora : Demand two: (0:20:30.50)
Sora : You, elf. (0:20:32.08)
Sora : Feel, I'm taking the right
to alter your memories.
Fil Nilvalen : ...Wha— (0:20:37.80)
Kurami Zell : Don't worry. (0:20:38.58)
Kurami Zell : It's fine, Fi. (0:20:40.07)
Kurami Zell : He only wants one thing. (0:20:41.75)
Kurami Zell : You want us to spy for you, right? (0:20:44.43)
Sora : Yeah, you've been
inside my head, all right.
Fil Nilvalen : Spy? What does he mean? (0:20:51.39)
Kurami Zell : I'll tell you later. (0:20:55.41)
Kurami Zell : After seeing what was in
your head, I changed my mind.
Kurami Zell : I'm in. (0:21:03.73)
Shiro : You're amazing, Bro! (0:21:06.65)
Sora : Right? Tell me how proud
you are of your big brother.
Shiro : I'm proud of you, Bro. (0:21:15.35)
Sora : Wow, actually hearing it
from you is kinda embarrassing.
Jibril : Master! (0:21:24.47)
Sora : Shiro... It's okay now, right? (0:21:28.03)
Shiro : Yeah. (0:21:31.45)
Shiro : I'll stand by for you anytime. (0:21:33.13)
Kurami Zell : Fi, (0:21:37.47)
Fil Nilvalen : ...Clammy... (0:21:39.17)
Sora : I was so scared!
I'm never doing that again!
Fil Nilvalen : I was so scared! (0:21:49.05)
Stephanie Dola : What's going on? (0:21:53.21)
Jibril : ...I guess this might be... (0:21:56.97)
Jibril : our master's true colors. (0:22:00.31)
Shiro : I was so scared! (0:22:05.42)
Kurami Zell : I was so scared! (0:22:05.42)
Fil Nilvalen : I was so scared! (0:22:05.42)
Sora : I was so scared! (0:22:05.42)
Kurami Zell : It's way faster than Salamander! (0:23:40.39)
Sora : Shut up! (0:23:41.94)
Kurami Zell : It's a sad thing, growing up. (0:23:43.20)

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