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The Onsen Musume who make their homes in locations throughout Japan are deities who were born when water first began gushing out from the sources of hot springs. Their appearance is no different from that of a human. On most days, they attend Onsen Musume Normal School on the island of Odaiba, where they study "Onsenology," the science of hot springs. They live in ryokan in their hometowns. After school and on days off, they help out at the ryokan, as well as in places such as the tourist information centers in hot spring areas. In order to create excitement in hot spring areas throughout Japan that have started to see dwindling numbers of tourists, the Onsen Musume are instructed by Sukunahiko, the highest-ranking hot spring deity, to work as idols. This leads the Onsen Musume to form a number of different groups and spread the word about their hot spring areas through song, dance, and on occasion, other extracurricular activities.


Series ID 107192
Media Type Other
Title Onsen Musume
English Title Onsen Musume
Romaji Title
Furigana Title おんせんむすめ
Japanese Title 温泉むすめ
Japanese Studio Name 動画工房
English Studio Name Doga Kobo
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