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A pixel animation derivative game under the same worldguide as the first 'Fallen Maidens', in the setting of 'the Lescatie nation-state', with 'Monster Girl Encyclopedia' author Kenkou Cross-sensei as supervising director, it tells the story of the last female hero, 'Eristia' who meets an eventful and obscene fate, that is, transforming into monsters.
The game has an RPG-type exploration section, and 11 kinds of monster transformation H-scenes (the first half mainly showing monster transformation, the second half being sex after becoming an H-loving monster girl) repeated, as she discovers the truth about the surrounding ruins, as well as herself.
There's a sweet guilty pleasure in leaving humanity behind and becoming a monster, wallowing in ecstasy. However, even after falling, it's still lovey-dovey and ero-ero. This game is recommended for those who like that kind of worldguide.