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Series ID 2310
Media Type H-Game
Title Zubu Nure no Ane Kasumi "Watashi no Mizugi ni Sonna Kitanai Mono, Shimikomasenaide!"
English Title Zubu Nure no Ane Kasumi "Watashi no Mizugi ni Sonna Kitanai Mono, Shimikomasenaide!"
Romaji Title Zubu Nure no Ane Kasumi "Watashi no Mizugi ni Sonna Kitanai Mono, Shimikomasenaide!"
Furigana Title ズブ ぬれ の ぎし・ かすみ 「わたし の みずぎ に そんな きたない もの、 しみこませ ない で!」
Japanese Title ズブ濡れの義姉・香澄「私の水着にそんな汚いもの、染み込ませないで!」
Japanese Studio Name オーバードーズ
English Studio Name Overdose
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Content Rating A - Adult
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Red Magnus
RiskyZ : I kind of enjoyed his character until they made it a running gag for him to execute prisoners. I don't care how comedically they try to present the scene, I will never find executions funny

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