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ID 45782
Name Igneous
Other Names イグナス
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Spider Riders
Media Type anime
Voiced By Takehito Koyasu, 子安武人, こやす たけひと
Voiced By Tim Hamaguchi, ,
Tags spider, mecha, uniform, cape, boots, gloves, headband, spiky hair

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Anime boy Igneous is a character from Spider Riders.

They have been indexed as Male Teen with Gray eyes and Blue hair that is To Ears length.


Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Tim Hamaguchi (English)
A leading Spider Rider and captain of the Arachna military. His name mirrors Magma's—when magma cools, it becomes igneous rock. Igneous is calm, gentle and has quite a strategic mind. Igneous takes Hunter's training seriously and almost acts as a mentor to Hunter, to his annoyance. He challenged Hunter and Shadow to a duel when they joined the Riders, but it was only to see if Hunter could cooperate with Shadow. Igneous was part of the Arachna Knights, where he teamed up with a long-time friend Slate. Both were known as "Claw" and "Fang" and they proved to be quite powerful, especially since Igneous didn't call his spider Flame to assist. Regardless of his grade, Igneous is proud to serve the royalty of the Arachna Kingdom, and always offers his help to prince Lumen and princess Sparkle. His weapon is a cavalry lance and one of his attacks is a flamethrower coming out of the tip of the lance. He has a crush on the Queen of Nuuma, Illuma. Igneous had a fan club of Arachna's castle's females, but while he was away to Nuuma, they had found boyfriends, leaving him crushed. He is also afraid of ghosts, but won't admit it and says they don't exist.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Gray
Hair Color Blue
Hair Length To Ears
Apparent Age Teen
Animal Ears No


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