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☰ Menu >>> Profile Picture for Raigyo Tsunomata Edit
ID 64372
Name Raigyo Tsunomata
Other Names 角股雷魚
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Xam'd: Lost Memories
Media Type ona
Voiced By Andrew Love, ,
Voiced By Keiji Fujiwara, 藤原啓治, ふじわら けいじ

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Anime boy Raigyo Tsunomata is a character from Xam'd: Lost Memories.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Green eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Neck length.


Raigyo recently returned to the ship "Zanbani" after a two year journey wandering the world as a photographer and a vagrant. During his two-year journey, he had carried his possessions upon his back covered with a sheet, giving him an almost turtle-like appearance. Like Akiyuki, he is also imbued with a Xam'd hiruko, which might be best described as an endosymbiont [Hiruko (蛭子) being Japanese for "leech child"]. Raigyo once owned and wore the change of clothing that was given to Akiyuki to wear shortly after Akiyuki regained consciousness aboard the Zanbani. Unlike Akiyuki, Raigyo appears to have greater control over his ability to change between human and Xam'd form and thus, seems to have a better relationship with his own hiruko. He also seems to have enough control that he can prevent himself from turning to stone, a common side-affect that occurs in people imbued with hiruko. This is because both hiruko and humanform weapons are susceptible to turning into stone for some, currently unknown, reason. His hiruko resided within his left shoulder. His Xam'd powers seem to be related with water, as water covers his body during his transformation, which gives him the ability to swim fast and create water blades sharp enough to easily cut a humanform in two. His Xam'd form also has amphibian characteristics, like webbed hands.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Male
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Blonde / Yellow
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


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