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ID 89480
Name Kaho Ootani
Other Names 大谷 歌穂 (おおたに かほ)
Role Unsorted
Primary Assignment Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan
Media Type h-game
Voiced By Asami Nakamura, 中村麻未, なかむら あさみ
Height 160cm
Bust 87cm
Waist 58cm
Hip 90cm

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Kaho Ootani is exploring some dungeons with dekopin 100%


Anime girl Kaho Ootani is a character from Mesu Kyoushi 4: Kegasareta Kyoudan.

They have been indexed as Female Adult with Yellow eyes and Green hair that is To Waist length.


PE teacher boasting the most popularity in the academy

A cheerful woman, she deals with all students in an openhearted way, and is bright and up for anything, so students and teachers alike adore her.
Very caring, when something happens with her students she sincerely tackles their problems head-on with her big-sisterly disposition.
As a teacher she takes pride in her job, and is very serious.
She worries over students whose grades are poor all the more.
However whereas she's closely attentive to her students, she tends to neglect herself, with a slightly regrettable side- not cleaning her apartment, getting by on cup noodles for meals, and things like that.
Trait Appears as Official
Gender Female
Eye Color Yellow
Hair Color Green
Hair Length To Waist
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No


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