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EXTRA : Vash the Stampede? (00:01:46.370)
EXTRA : Yeah. They say the man \n with $ $60 billion on his head... (00:01:50.470)
EXTRA : ...showed up in Dankin Town. (00:01:54.210)
EXTRA : Didn't you hear? (00:01:56.910)
EXTRA : So, what happened? (00:01:58.550)
EXTRA : They say the town got wasted! (00:02:00.010)
EXTRA : Dankin was buried in corpses. (00:02:03.080)
EXTRA : The coffin maker got so rich, he \n built himself a mansion made of wood! (00:02:06.150)
EXTRA : That's nuts! (00:02:11.430)
EXTRA : What'd you expect? (00:02:13.700)
EXTRA : Messing with Vash \n is like waltzing with Death. (00:02:15.200)
EXTRA : He kills women and children, \n and picks off any town he pleases. (00:02:20.700)
EXTRA : The Humanoid Typhoon \n is the perfect name for him! (00:02:26.370)
EXTRA : What the f?! (00:03:03.810)
Descartes : I finally found you. (00:03:56.530)
EXTRA : THE $ $60,000,000,000 MAN (00:04:12.610)
EXTRA : One night, and look at this. (00:04:23.020)
EXTRA : I didn't believe the rumors, \n but he really is a typhoon. (00:04:25.130)
EXTRA : Over half the town is rubble! (00:04:29.360)
EXTRA : That's a real shame. (00:04:33.270)
EXTRA : At least he made the undertakers happy. \n What did he get, 100? 200? (00:04:35.670)
EXTRA : Actually, zero. (00:04:40.040)
EXTRA : Countless people were injured, \n but there were no fatalities. (00:04:42.310)
EXTRA : I guess you don't need God \n for a miracle. (00:04:46.650)
EXTRA : What did he look like? (00:04:50.250)
EXTRA : He's a short-legged, \n earringed giant in red. (00:04:53.190)
EXTRA : I didn't get a look at him myself. (00:04:57.590)
EXTRA : Thanks. (00:05:01.200)
EXTRA : Whatever you do, stay away \n from him! For your own good. (00:05:03.500)
EXTRA : Red... (00:05:06.900)
EXTRA : The area of Dankin \n is nearly demolished. (00:05:09.200)
EXTRA : All residents, please go to \n your designated shelter areas. (00:05:11.310)
EXTRA : The next update will be at 1:30 pm. (00:05:15.340)
EXTRA : Please enjoy our musical selection. (00:05:18.410)
EXTRA : What'll it be? (00:05:37.470)
Meryl Stryfe : A banana sundae. (00:05:39.830)
Milly Thompson : A gateau mille-feuille \n with Ceylon tea! (00:05:42.170)
EXTRA : Listen missies, the gag won't \n work unless you order milk! (00:05:48.910)
EXTRA : Then we'd give you \n all the milk you want! (00:05:53.820)
EXTRA : Although it wouldn't be free. (00:05:57.250)
Milly Thompson : But I don't want milk, \n I want Ceylon tea. (00:06:01.790)
EXTRA : Hey! (00:06:07.660)
Milly Thompson : I'm so sorry! (00:06:08.960)
EXTRA : You clumsy bitch! (00:06:10.600)
Milly Thompson : I broke another sling. (00:06:16.270)
Meryl Stryfe : You have a spare, don't you? \n Be more careful. (00:06:18.670)
Milly Thompson : I will! (00:06:21.310)
EXTRA : - What is she?! \n - A monster! (00:06:22.280)
Meryl Stryfe : By the way, mister, we heard that \n Vash the Stampede was in Felnarl... (00:06:25.380)
EXTRA : Vash? Who are you two? (00:06:31.620)
EXTRA : Are you innocent-looking things \n after the $ $60 billion reward? (00:06:34.520)
Meryl Stryfe : Not at all. (00:06:39.260)
Milly Thompson : We're here on business. (00:06:40.360)
EXTRA : Business? (00:06:42.930)
EXTRA : Well, I didn't see him myself... (00:06:45.130)
EXTRA : ...but they say he \n left town before dawn. (00:06:48.300)
EXTRA : They say he went east. (00:06:51.610)
Meryl Stryfe : Can you tell us \n what he looks like? (00:06:53.810)
EXTRA : He stands about 12 feel tall \n and wields a huge weapon. (00:06:57.180)
EXTRA : And he's supposed \n to have a Mohawk. (00:07:01.820)
EXTRA : He has tons of henchmen... (00:07:06.350)
EXTRA : ...and is the worst kind \n of womanizer out there. (00:07:08.360)
Milly Thompson : Ma'am! (00:07:13.360)
Meryl Stryfe : A man with a huge \n weapon and a Mohawk. (00:07:14.360)
Meryl Stryfe : That's him, all right! (00:07:17.730)
Descartes : Where'd he go? (00:07:23.370)
Descartes : Find him, even if you have \n to dig up the entire area! (00:07:26.410)
EXTRA : But, boss, you think that \n yellow coward was really him? (00:07:29.280)
EXTRA : I can't believe it. \n Let's move on. (00:07:34.620)
Descartes : You're real big \n to give me orders. (00:07:39.650)
Descartes : You saw what he was wearing! \n Get him! (00:07:43.390)
Descartes : Get him or I'll break your neck! (00:07:46.630)
EXTRA : Yes, boss! (00:07:49.260)
Vash the Stampede : I thought I'd suffocate. (00:07:59.240)
EXTRA : You!! (00:08:01.510)
Vash the Stampede : Pardon me, won't you? (00:08:05.350)
Vash the Stampede : Thanks to you guys... (00:08:07.480)
Vash the Stampede : ...I almost went to pieces. (00:08:23.230)
Vash the Stampede : It's a miracle I got away. (00:08:26.200)
EXTRA : I found him! \n He's over there!! (00:08:29.100)
Vash the Stampede : Perfect! (00:08:33.670)
Descartes : He thinks he's funny. (00:08:39.950)
Descartes : Hunt him down. (00:08:41.720)
Vash the Stampede : I'm hungry. (00:08:48.590)
Vash the Stampede : Persistent, aren't they? (00:08:51.630)
Vash the Stampede : Ha ha ha! I'm like \n a standing target over here! (00:08:57.100)
EXTRA : You... (00:09:07.710)
Vash the Stampede : Don't move now! \n I've got you in my sights! (00:09:09.180)
EXTRA : Boss, he's over here!! (00:09:13.550)
Vash the Stampede : Er, I'd rather you \n lowered the gun quietly. (00:09:15.980)
EXTRA : Forget it! (00:09:19.050)
Vash the Stampede : Surely you don't like pain? (00:09:20.150)
EXTRA : I'm used to it. (00:09:21.690)
Vash the Stampede : Your little wife \n and kids are crying. (00:09:22.890)
EXTRA : I'm single, and no girl \n has ever looked my way. (00:09:25.830)
Vash the Stampede : What a lonely life! (00:09:29.800)
EXTRA : Like I'm saying... (00:09:32.270)
EXTRA : ...die. For our happiness. (00:09:35.540)
Vash the Stampede : I can't do that. (00:09:42.280)
Vash the Stampede : Get down! (00:09:44.950)
EXTRA : B-Boss! (00:09:54.090)
Descartes : Well done. I commend you. (00:09:58.190)
Vash the Stampede : You hurt your pal, too. \n Where's the justice in that? (00:10:00.530)
Vash the Stampede : The pain... \n You hurt your pal, too. (00:10:02.160)
Descartes : So go ahead and shoot me... (00:10:14.640)
Descartes : ...if that big gun of yours \n isn't just for show. (00:10:16.880)
Vash the Stampede : I can't stand blood. \n The sight of it makes me faint! (00:10:20.210)
Descartes : Okay, then! Let's see what happens \n when you see your own blood! (00:10:24.420)
Descartes : You! Hold him down \n for my happiness! (00:10:30.020)
Descartes : See how devoted he is? (00:10:40.840)
Vash the Stampede : Ow, ow! (00:10:44.640)
Vash the Stampede : Could you be more gentle? (00:10:45.970)
Descartes : Good. Now to take him in to the Feds. (00:10:50.710)
EXTRA : Ya-hoo! We'll be rich! (00:10:56.520)
EXTRA : Women? They friends of his? (00:11:05.930)
Descartes : Are they after our prize? (00:11:09.500)
Meryl Stryfe : We're going in. (00:11:12.770)
Milly Thompson : Yes, ma'am! (00:11:14.040)
Descartes : What do you want? (00:11:27.720)
Meryl Stryfe : P-Pleased to m-meet you! (00:11:29.650)
Meryl Stryfe : I'm Meryl Stryfe from \n the Bernardelli Insurance Society. (00:11:32.620)
Milly Thompson : I'm Milly Thompson! (00:11:38.190)
Meryl Stryfe : Please accept this \n token of good will! (00:11:39.830)
Milly Thompson : Smooth, ma'am! (00:11:43.100)
Descartes : What're you doing here? \n You with him? (00:11:45.670)
Meryl Stryfe : No! We're here on behalf of \n the Bernardelli Insurance Society... (00:11:50.670)
Meryl Stryfe : ...for Vash the... (00:11:54.810)
EXTRA : What?! (00:11:56.680)
Ruth Loose : I finally found you, \n my $ $60 billion beauty... (00:12:01.780)
Ruth Loose : ...Vash the Stampede. (00:12:06.120)
Ruth Loose : I am Ruth Loose... (00:12:11.060)
Ruth Loose : ...the bounty hunter \n called Constance Rifle. (00:12:13.190)
Ruth Loose : Vash the Stampede, \n I'm here for your head. (00:12:16.800)
Descartes : What?! (00:12:21.040)
Meryl Stryfe : - Ma'am! \n - This is bad. (00:12:22.270)
Milly Thompson : - Ma'am! \n - This is bad. (00:12:22.270)
Vash the Stampede : I think I missed something. (00:12:24.310)
Ruth Loose : It's a privilege to meet you, \n Vash the Stampede. (00:12:38.790)
Ruth Loose : Your head is starting \n to resemble a greenback. (00:12:42.660)
Ruth Loose : You can't blame me, since \n it is worth $ $60 billion. (00:12:45.860)
Milly Thompson : What'll we do, ma'am? (00:12:51.030)
Meryl Stryfe : Th-That goes without saying! \n We stop them! (00:12:52.970)
Meryl Stryfe : Uh... (00:12:55.470)
Descartes : Hey! You said \n your name is Ruth? (00:12:56.270)
Meryl Stryfe : Uh, listen! (00:12:58.870)
Descartes : I'm glad you enjoy your job, \n but I think you're a little late. (00:13:00.340)
Meryl Stryfe : Please listen... (00:13:04.750)
Ruth Loose : Late? I don't think so. (00:13:06.510)
Descartes : You idiot! Where are you \n pointing that thing?! (00:13:11.190)
Ruth Loose : At a $ $60 billion skull. (00:13:13.690)
Descartes : Don't be a moron! (00:13:16.020)
EXTRA : The boss, Vash?! \n Where'd you get that idea? (00:13:19.890)
Ruth Loose : I'm not fool enough \n to listen to no henchman. (00:13:23.660)
Ruth Loose : That's a mighty poor joke. (00:13:26.370)
Descartes : This is ridiculous! \n Quit wasting my time. (00:13:29.000)
Ruth Loose : Don't move! (00:13:32.610)
Ruth Loose : A short-legged, \n earringed giant in red. (00:13:34.210)
Ruth Loose : You are Vash the Stampede! (00:13:38.350)
Descartes : What are you talking about?! (00:13:40.750)
Descartes : Vash is a blonde man in a \n red coat, with a big gun! (00:13:42.120)
Meryl Stryfe : N-No, he isn't! (00:13:46.920)
Meryl Stryfe : Vash is a man with a \n big weapon and a Mohawk!! (00:13:48.320)
Milly Thompson : That's strange. (00:13:53.960)
Meryl Stryfe : The rumors don't match. (00:13:55.260)
Milly Thompson : What now? (00:13:57.230)
Meryl Stryfe : What now?! We have to \n believe what we heard. (00:13:58.330)
Milly Thompson : But... (00:14:01.770)
Descartes : At any rate, I'm not Vash! (00:14:04.470)
EXTRA : Boss, look! (00:14:06.440)
Ruth Loose : The Feds will pay $ $60 billion \n for Vash the Stampede, dead or alive. (00:14:07.580)
Ruth Loose : I can kill you now, \n if you like. (00:14:14.350)
Descartes : Blonde man, red coat, big gun. (00:14:18.550)
Descartes : I see. You're trying \n to get the jump on me... (00:14:23.760)
Descartes : ...Vash! (00:14:26.560)
Ruth Loose : What? (00:14:28.400)
Descartes : You even came up with \n a fake name! Nice plan! (00:14:30.060)
Milly Thompson : Huh? (00:14:33.270)
Descartes : He's gotta be the real deal! \n Let's get him! (00:14:35.170)
Ruth Loose : I see. So that's how \n you stayed alive. (00:14:40.410)
Descartes : Blast him!! (00:14:46.750)
Descartes : Bastard! (00:14:56.220)
Descartes : Don't push your luck! (00:14:57.890)
Milly Thompson : The Humanoid Typhoon is loose! \n What'll we do, ma'am? (00:15:09.100)
Meryl Stryfe : What'll we do?! Naturally... (00:15:13.710)
Meryl Stryfe : ...we run away! (00:15:15.610)
Milly Thompson : While there's life, there's hope! (00:15:17.510)
Meryl Stryfe : We have to give the town \n an evacuation order, or else! (00:15:22.420)
Milly Thompson : But, ma'am, isn't this \n like abandoning our duty? (00:15:26.550)
Meryl Stryfe : Well, yes, but if we \n don't contact the town... (00:15:30.890)
Vash the Stampede : Mm, these are really tasty! (00:15:33.560)
Meryl Stryfe : How did you get those?! (00:15:35.560)
Vash the Stampede : Thanks! I was getting hungry! \n Danke, danke! (00:15:37.360)
Meryl Stryfe : We didn't come here \n to save you, you know! (00:15:41.100)
Vash the Stampede : Then what were you doing there? \n You go for guys like that? (00:15:46.370)
Meryl Stryfe : I'm afraid you're wrong! \n We came on business! (00:15:50.840)
Milly Thompson : We're disaster investigators for \n the Bernardelli Insurance Society! (00:15:55.280)
Vash the Stampede : So why are insurance people \n after a wanted man? (00:15:59.950)
Meryl Stryfe : There have been over 300 \n Vash the Stampede-related disasters. (00:16:03.560)
Meryl Stryfe : You can understand what kind of \n risk an insurance company takes. (00:16:09.030)
Vash the Stampede : Yeah, that must be rough. (00:16:14.300)
Meryl Stryfe : That's why we're here to keep \n him under 24-hour surveillance... (00:16:17.370)
Meryl Stryfe : prevent further damage! (00:16:22.040)
Vash the Stampede : 24-hour WHAT?! (00:16:24.910)
Milly Thompson : What's wrong? (00:16:27.380)
Vash the Stampede : - N-Nothing! \n - I know! (00:16:28.720)
Meryl Stryfe : In exchange for this and the donuts, \n would you please go warn the town? (00:16:32.390)
Meryl Stryfe : I'll even lend you a thomas. (00:16:38.090)
Vash the Stampede : You're going back there? (00:16:40.090)
Meryl Stryfe : It's our job. (00:16:41.930)
Meryl Stryfe : It looks like it's over. (00:16:51.610)
Meryl Stryfe : Thank goodness \n there was no damage. (00:16:54.240)
Milly Thompson : But didn't the \n bounty hunter get killed? (00:16:56.440)
Meryl Stryfe : Yes, it's sad. (00:17:01.020)
Milly Thompson : So how are we going to \n approach him this time? (00:17:02.850)
Meryl Stryfe : This one's a thirty-pack! (00:17:07.550)
Milly Thompson : Way to go, ma'am! (00:17:09.360)
Meryl Stryfe : If you are courteous, \n there is nothing to fear. (00:17:11.030)
Descartes : You've got a lot of nerve \n to come back here! (00:17:21.400)
Meryl Stryfe : Uh, please accept this \n token of good will! (00:17:24.000)
Descartes : Where's the guy who \n ran away with you? (00:17:27.340)
Meryl Stryfe : W-We split up halfway! (00:17:30.640)
Descartes : It was so damned hard \n to track him down. (00:17:32.980)
Descartes : What did I ever do to you, Ruth?! (00:17:35.980)
Milly Thompson : It's you! (00:17:38.150)
Meryl Stryfe : How are you alive?! \n Weren't you fighting? (00:17:39.320)
Ruth Loose : We each realized our mistakes. (00:17:42.790)
Descartes : Each?! You're the one \n who screwed up! (00:17:45.230)
Descartes : Now listen! \n We split the pot 70/30! (00:17:50.200)
Descartes : Don't you forget it! (00:17:53.670)
Meryl Stryfe : What is this about? (00:17:56.040)
Descartes : - Okay, let's go! \n - Just a moment. (00:17:57.740)
Ruth Loose : - Okay, let's go! \n - Just a moment. (00:17:57.740)
Milly Thompson : Ma'am... (00:18:03.580)
Meryl Stryfe : I knew we shouldn't \n have taken this job. (00:18:05.380)
Descartes : What good will this do? (00:18:09.320)
Ruth Loose : Just enjoy. (00:18:13.120)
Descartes : You have bad taste. (00:18:15.620)
Descartes : I kind of like it. (00:18:17.790)
Milly Thompson : The rumor did say he's \n "the worst kind of womanizer." (00:18:22.000)
Meryl Stryfe : Now is not the time \n to remind me. (00:18:24.730)
Descartes : Which will it be? Pleasure \n before death, or just death? (00:18:31.810)
EXTRA : Boss, it's an emergency! (00:18:46.650)
Descartes : What is it?! (00:18:48.660)
Vash the Stampede : I'm having an emergency!! (00:18:50.260)
Descartes : - Why that... \n - He's here! (00:18:53.230)
Meryl Stryfe : It's him! (00:18:54.630)
Ruth Loose : Got him! (00:18:59.430)
Vash the Stampede : Run!! (00:19:02.800)
Descartes : Thanks for saving me the trouble \n of looking for you, Vash the Stampede! (00:19:04.970)
Meryl Stryfe : Vash? (00:19:09.940)
Descartes : He's gone! Where'd he go?! (00:19:14.750)
Ruth Loose : Where are you going? (00:19:17.050)
Vash the Stampede : - To the potty, sir! \n - Oh. (00:19:18.350)
Ruth Loose : - To the potty, sir! \n - Oh. (00:19:18.350)
Milly Thompson : He saved us, but... (00:19:22.260)
Meryl Stryfe : ...he's embarrassing to watch. (00:19:23.860)
Descartes : All right! Corner him! (00:19:27.930)
Vash the Stampede : Uh-oh. (00:19:35.570)
Descartes : That's far enough, Vash! (00:19:36.500)
Descartes : So, you wanna die by my boomerang, \n or do a suicide dive off the cliff? (00:19:38.840)
Vash the Stampede : Suicide? (00:19:46.150)
Vash the Stampede : I disapprove of suicide \n more than anything. (00:19:48.580)
Descartes : Then the boomerang you get. (00:19:52.890)
Descartes : What?! (00:20:10.740)
Vash the Stampede : It's only fun until \n someone gets hurt! (00:20:16.440)
Descartes : You!! (00:20:20.010)
EXTRA : Boss! (00:20:24.950)
EXTRA : - He got the boss! \n - He's not human! (00:20:30.190)
Vash the Stampede : Such fragile bonds of trust. (00:20:38.070)
Vash the Stampede : And as for you! (00:20:40.200)
Vash the Stampede : Look out. (00:20:41.940)
Ruth Loose : For what?! (00:20:43.270)
Vash the Stampede : Oops, too late. (00:20:47.270)
Vash the Stampede : Sorry. Get well soon. (00:20:52.810)
Meryl Stryfe : Amazing! He got both of them. (00:20:57.380)
Milly Thompson : It's as if he were \n Vash the Stampede! (00:21:01.520)
Vash the Stampede : Did I work off \n the donuts and the $ $10? (00:21:07.230)
Meryl Stryfe : It couldn't be him. (00:21:15.370)
Meryl Stryfe : Disaster report: (00:21:34.790)
Meryl Stryfe : We have determined that the landslide \n which destroyed Felnarl resulted... (00:21:37.120)
Meryl Stryfe : ...from illegal use of explosives \n belonging to a man named Ruth Loose. (00:21:41.230)
Meryl Stryfe : Please pay the insurance owed. (00:21:46.230)
Meryl Stryfe : We're back to less \n than zero on our Vash hunt. (00:21:52.340)
Meryl Stryfe : And we can't ignore the rumors... \n This is going to be difficult. (00:21:56.510)
Milly Thompson : What about him? (00:22:01.380)
Meryl Stryfe : That couldn't possibly be him. (00:22:04.150)
Milly Thompson : Really? (00:22:06.920)
EXTRA : Vash the Stampede? (00:22:08.790)
EXTRA : Yeah, they say the man \n with $ $60 billion on his head... (00:22:10.320)
EXTRA : ...showed up in Felnarl. (00:22:13.530)
EXTRA : - Didn't you hear? \n - Nope. So, what happened? (00:22:15.900)
EXTRA : The town is gone. (00:22:19.670)
EXTRA : Funny thing is, \n they say nobody died. (00:22:21.970)
EXTRA : You mean like, you don't \n need God for a miracle? (00:22:25.870)
EXTRA : NEXT EPISODE (00:24:07.470)
Vash the Stampede : NEXT EPISODE \n There is something which (00:24:08.410)
Vash the Stampede : Emotions of the heart \n cannot be defined. (00:24:12.680)
Vash the Stampede : But there is one way \n to read the emotions. (00:24:15.950)
Vash the Stampede : Look into their eyes. (00:24:18.920)
Vash the Stampede : The girl lied to me. \n The gentleman lied to me. (00:24:21.220)

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