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EXTRA : Claudio, those glasses... (0:00:19.54)
EXTRA : Couldn't you take them off? (0:00:28.22)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Sorry for the wait. (0:00:31.31)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is today's dessert.{Not sure if I should translate the italian or not yet, since it's presented as Italian to the Jap audience as well. Anyways dolce means "sweet"} (0:00:33.36)
EXTRA : How... did you know that it was my birthday? (0:00:39.87)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I asked madame customer exactly one year ago. (0:00:43.39)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : If I remember correctly, it was raining that night, and you were here with some close friends. (0:00:49.15)
EXTRA : And you remembered it, for me? (0:00:54.61)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'm delighted that it's sunny this time around. (0:00:57.38)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Happy birthday. (0:01:00.00)
EXTRA : Thank you. (0:01:05.67)
EXTRA : It seems I'll be visiting you another year then. (0:01:07.40)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'll always be waiting for you. (0:01:13.01)
Nicoletta : This mysterious restaurant can be found on a street near the center of Rome... (0:01:16.85)
EXTRA : Oh, if you're looking for this place, just make a left at that corner and it should be right in front of you. (0:03:11.45)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:03:17.10)
EXTRA : Did you make a reservation? (0:03:18.49)
EXTRA : That place is really popular, so if you didn't you might not get a table. (0:03:20.39)
EXTRA : See you. (0:03:24.67)
Nicoletta : So it's really popular... (0:03:28.31)
Nicoletta : Ristorante Casetta Dell'orso. (0:03:47.11)
Nicoletta : Here it is. (0:03:51.93)
Vito : Good evening. (0:04:06.58)
Nicoletta : G–Good evening. (0:04:07.89)
Vito : Do you have a reservation? (0:04:15.38)
Nicoletta : No, I don't. (0:04:18.49)
Vito : I'm afraid that all tables are reserved this evening. (0:04:21.20)
Nicoletta : Umm... (0:04:25.25)
Nicoletta : Is the owner here? (0:04:29.70)
Vito : He should arrive any minute now. (0:04:32.01)
Vito : Excuse me, but who might you be? (0:04:34.18)
Nicoletta : I... I'm the daughter of an acquaintance. (0:04:36.79)
Vito : In that case, please sit over here while you wait. (0:04:41.81)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:04:45.67)
Vito : Might I help you with your coat? (0:04:49.85)
Vito : Excuse me. (0:04:53.47)
Nicoletta : Th–Thank you. (0:04:56.84)
Vito : Is this your first time in Rome? (0:04:59.26)
Nicoletta : I was here as a child. Born here, actually. (0:05:01.96)
Vito : Oh my. (0:05:07.27)
Nicoletta : And so I'm here, I guess. (0:05:18.13)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please. (0:05:29.72)
Nicoletta : Oh, he seems really nice. (0:05:31.03)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:05:36.07)
Nicoletta : All the waiters seem to be gentlemen with reading glasses... (0:05:42.72)
Nicoletta : What kind of place is this? (0:05:46.48)
Vito : Owner. (0:05:50.03)
Vito : A customer has been waiting for you. (0:05:54.37)
Lorenzo Orsini : Who could it be? (0:06:00.28)
Olga : Why did you come here?! (0:06:10.77)
Nicoletta : I'm going to tell the owner—your husband—everything: (0:06:13.03)
Nicoletta : that you're divorced and have a daughter that will soon be 21. (0:06:17.18)
Olga : You can't do that! No way! (0:06:22.37)
Nicoletta : It doesn't matter what you think. (0:06:25.09)
Olga : Listen to your mother! (0:06:27.94)
Nicoletta : I've never thought of you as my mother. (0:06:30.04)
Olga : I see. (0:06:35.50)
Olga : In that case, I guess you're not my daughter. (0:06:36.37)
Lorenzo Orsini : Why don't you talk inside? (0:06:43.41)
Lorenzo Orsini : Aren't you two cold? (0:06:45.33)
Olga : I'll be right there. (0:06:47.69)
Lorenzo Orsini : Okay. (0:06:49.15)
Olga : Anyway, please just let it be for tonight. (0:06:53.71)
Olga : Let's meet up and talk about it tomorrow, okay? (0:06:56.73)
Olga : That sounds good, right? (0:06:59.70)
Nicoletta : I really don't think of her as my mother, but... (0:07:04.49)
Nicoletta : fifteen years ago, a short while after she divorced my father, (0:07:08.14)
Nicoletta : she left me at my grandmother's. (0:07:14.38)
Olga : You see, there's this person that mommy really wants to marry, (0:07:17.66)
Olga : but this person apparently doesn't like widows. (0:07:23.12)
Olga : Please understand. (0:07:28.37)
Nicoletta : But...! (0:07:29.65)
Olga : I'll come and visit all the time. (0:07:30.80)
Olga : Good-bye! (0:07:37.18)
Nicoletta : Even though she said that, I'm able to count the times she came to visit. (0:07:43.82)
Nicoletta : And not a word since I became an adult. (0:07:48.21)
Nicoletta : I've had enough. (0:07:51.63)
Nicoletta : I'll expose her for sure! (0:07:54.33)
Olga : What's wrong, Nicoletta? (0:07:57.62)
Olga : You're really quiet today. (0:07:59.92)
Lorenzo Orsini : Oh, I know what this is. (0:08:02.27)
Lorenzo Orsini : It's the '94 we ordered last month— (0:08:04.00)
Gian Luigi Orsini : Wrong.{This is for comedic effect, Gigi is saying hazure which means "miss", or "you missed", and I think it's supposed to be funny since he doesn't say much, anyways, the closes "comedic effect-word" I could think of in Eng. was just "No" as to cut him off, I don't know if there's some way to maybe make it more funny :3} (0:08:06.32)
Lorenzo Orsini : Oh. (0:08:07.63)
Nicoletta : He seems rather... unique. (0:08:09.30)
Lorenzo Orsini : So, what's your relation? (0:08:12.10)
Nicoletta : That's... you see... (0:08:15.16)
Olga : She's my best friend's daughter, Nicoletta! (0:08:16.97)
Olga : She came here for vacation. (0:08:19.46)
Nicoletta : What? (0:08:21.45)
Olga : I'm going to look after her while she's here. (0:08:22.32)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:08:33.00)
Nicoletta : I'm sure my mother will like that. (0:08:34.46)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Excuse me. (0:08:39.03)
Nicoletta : Oh, it's that man again. (0:08:42.39)
Lorenzo Orsini : Ah, this is our head waiter, Claudio. (0:08:44.80)
Lorenzo Orsini : She's Nicoletta, the daughter of Olga's best friend. (0:08:48.96)
Lorenzo Orsini : Apparently, she's here to do some sightseeing. (0:08:53.79)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I see. (0:08:56.43)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : So it was like that. (0:08:57.83)
Nicoletta : Y–Yes. (0:09:00.21)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is today's appetizer. (0:09:02.50)
Nicoletta : What exquisite demeanor. (0:09:11.63)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please relax and enjoy the meal. (0:09:15.40)
Nicoletta : I see. He's a true gentleman. (0:09:19.97)
Nicoletta : What? (0:09:25.45)
Nicoletta : W–What's up with this place? (0:09:27.06)
Nicoletta : Everyone's spaced out. (0:09:30.83)
Nicoletta : Delicious. (0:09:36.07)
Lorenzo Orsini : Yes, our chef is very good, don't you agree? (0:09:37.14)
Nicoletta : So that's why they're popular. (0:09:41.07)
Nicoletta : I was told at the door that you can't be seated if you don't have a reservation. (0:09:43.18)
Lorenzo Orsini : Yes. (0:09:46.46)
Lorenzo Orsini : Most of our customers are after the employees. (0:09:47.96)
Nicoletta : Huh? (0:09:51.31)
Lorenzo Orsini : Gentleman-enthusiasts keep swarming us. (0:09:53.21)
Lorenzo Orsini : And I mean every night. (0:09:55.84)
Nicoletta : Can't really say I sympathize. (0:10:01.97)
Nicoletta : Excuse me a bit. (0:10:06.28)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : One of the guests is intolerant of diary products, (0:10:08.12)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : so could you please change one of the appetizers? (0:10:12.06)
Furio Facchini : Understood.{I actually think his name is Julio, since Julio Englesias is written "Furio" in katakana as well, and the name Furio isn't at all on, so I'm pretty sure that the japs made a miss in their research, again, as usual. But it says Furio on a sign in the ep, so if we use the "correct name" we're gonna get complaints from viewers I think.} (0:10:15.47)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Madam customer, the bathroom is the door to your right. (0:10:18.67)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:10:22.35)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is our chef. (0:10:26.14)
Nicoletta : The appetizer was marvelous. (0:10:30.19)
Furio Facchini : Thank you. (0:10:33.98)
Nicoletta : More reading glasses. (0:10:37.17)
Nicoletta : It seems everyone here wears reading glasses and matching suits. (0:10:40.21)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I guess you could say that. (0:10:48.05)
Furio Facchini : I suppose it's because you don't get hired if you don't wear them. (0:10:50.98)
Nicoletta : What? (0:10:54.38)
Furio Facchini : My eyes aren't even bad. (0:10:55.47)
Furio Facchini : Look, it's like this; they're just for show. (0:10:57.90)
Nicoletta : Why? (0:11:01.25)
Furio Facchini : It seems to be the madame's fancy. (0:11:03.06)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : It seems to be the madame's fancy. (0:11:03.06)
Nicoletta : F–Fancy? (0:11:06.57)
Nicoletta : What's up with this place? (0:11:10.98)
Nicoletta : It kind of gets on my nerves... (0:11:32.08)
Nicoletta : Looking all happy like that. (0:11:37.85)
Nicoletta : Yes? (0:11:45.35)
Olga : Nicoletta? (0:11:46.12)
Olga : It's me. (0:11:47.11)
Olga : I know I promised we'd talk today, but something came up and I don't think I can make it. (0:11:48.32)
Nicoletta : Huh? (0:11:52.06)
Olga : I made arrangements for the apartment to be available all day. I'll call you later. (0:11:52.46)
Olga : Bye! (0:11:55.49)
Nicoletta : Wait! (0:11:56.07)
Nicoletta : She's got me going at her pace. (0:11:58.99)
Nicoletta : I guess I'm lucky she lent me the apartment, but what am I supposed to do now? (0:12:27.93)
Nicoletta : Huh? (0:12:46.53)
Nicoletta : Isn't that the head waiter? (0:12:47.41)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Bye. (0:12:54.52)
Nicoletta : Good morning. (0:12:56.37)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Good morning, Nicoletta. (0:12:58.05)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Are you taking a walk? (0:13:00.53)
Nicoletta : He's kind of sexy. (0:13:03.45)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : If I had the time, I'd love to give you a tour of the town, (0:13:08.39)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : but it's time for me to get back to the restaurant. (0:13:13.31)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : If you haven't eaten yet, would you care to accompany me? (0:13:18.00)
Nicoletta : But I don't have a reservation. (0:13:21.61)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : You can eat with us if you'd like. (0:13:23.70)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : What we eat could be added to the menu. (0:13:26.53)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Or would this kind of invitation be inappropriate... (0:13:32.34)
Nicoletta : No, I'd love to go! (0:13:38.22)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : The owner has asked me to make your stay as pleasant as I can. (0:13:41.33)
Nicoletta : I wonder what made the owner decide to marry that woman... (0:13:49.37)
Nicoletta : And letting her have her way when she asks to be surrounded by men with reading glasses. (0:13:54.39)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : We understand the owner's motivations very well. (0:13:59.82)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : He wants to make her happy. (0:14:04.44)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : The madame is a wonderful lady after all. (0:14:07.24)
Nicoletta : Why did I react to that? (0:14:12.65)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Are you all right? (0:14:18.29)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is a rather bustling city. (0:14:20.79)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : However, I would ask you not to hate Rome for it, but to love it for that very reason. (0:14:23.96)
Nicoletta : Okay. (0:14:33.00)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'm sorry to have made you wait. (0:15:05.77)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please, no need to hesitate. (0:15:09.81)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'd like to reintroduce you to everyone. (0:15:11.98)
Nicoletta : Oh my...{this is tricky, "yabai" usually means "I'm in trouble" or "this is bad", but in this case she's saying it because she thinks she's falling for him (I think, really get that feeling), and she isn't sure she wants to, I don't really know how to best TL this...} (0:15:20.10)
Nicoletta : Thank you. (0:15:26.96)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : You're welcome. (0:15:28.21)
Nicoletta : Hey, who's the most popular one here? (0:15:40.09)
Furio Facchini : I think that'd be Luciano. (0:15:46.18)
Luciano De Luca : Isn't it Vito? (0:15:47.71)
Vito : No. (0:15:50.72)
Vito : There are a lot of guests who swoon when Teo comes out of the kitchen. (0:15:52.03)
Teo : I think it's Furio. (0:15:56.60)
Furio Facchini : Well, my glasses are fake, so I don't think that's possible. (0:16:00.33)
Nicoletta : What about Claudio? (0:16:08.31)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Me? (0:16:10.91)
Teo : Claudio is popular with new customers, (0:16:12.45)
Teo : but most of the regulars are after one of the others. (0:16:17.13)
Teo : That's not to say that he isn't popular though. (0:16:20.77)
Nicoletta : Why is that? (0:16:23.91)
Teo : Well, he's very earnest, but just doesn't draw much interest. (0:16:25.21)
Teo : And on top of that... see for yourself. (0:16:28.69)
Teo : Vito and Furio also have rings, but don't have Claudio's earnest disposition. (0:16:34.55)
Vito : I can't very well turn down a request from a beautiful lady, can I? (0:16:41.03)
Teo : And Furio teaches a cooking class for madames. (0:16:45.55)
Furio Facchini : In my own home on days off, of course. (0:16:50.05)
Furio Facchini : It's very modest though. (0:16:52.88)
Nicoletta : How wonderful. (0:16:55.47)
Teo : Luciano is a widower. (0:16:56.82)
Teo : He might have a sullen look, but there are a lot
of whimsical people who find it refined and attractive.
Luciano De Luca : Today's meal has a bit too much salt. (0:17:05.38)
Luciano De Luca : Who would make something like this? (0:17:08.66)
Teo : Who indeed. (0:17:10.59)
Teo : If you keep dropping shrewd remarks like that, one would think you're getting old and cranky. (0:17:12.13)
Furio Facchini : Anyway, to each his own. (0:17:17.36)
Furio Facchini : Ever since we became famous as a restaurant where the waiters wear reading glasses, our female customers have increased. (0:17:21.07)
Nicoletta : Um, what about Gigi? (0:17:35.46)
Teo : Well Gigi has no amiability, so... (0:17:38.32)
Vito : Yeah, that might be true. (0:17:40.35)
Luciano De Luca : None whatsoever. (0:17:41.95)
Furio Facchini : I guess he doesn't. (0:17:43.91)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Now come on, that's not true. (0:17:45.13)
Vito : Well he does has a few peculiar customers, and I was a bit skeptic at first, but... (0:17:52.96)
Teo : I guess we all got used to him. (0:17:58.26)
Vito : Of course, we also have customers who come here just for the food. (0:18:00.53)
Furio Facchini : And some are after Teo's dessert. (0:18:03.17)
Teo : Thanks for making me feel better. (0:18:05.31)
Olga : It has some basic furniture, but if you're missing something just give me a call. (0:18:16.13)
Nicoletta : Oh yeah, she... (0:18:33.13)
Nicoletta : She gave me one of these for my birthday when I was little. (0:18:36.45)
Nicoletta : Thanks, Mommy! (0:18:39.96)
Nicoletta : But it's not like giving me a present solves anything. (0:18:49.94)
Olga : Welcome to Rome! -Olga (0:19:01.23)
Nicoletta : Good evening, Rome. (0:19:20.20)
Lorenzo Orsini : Are you sure she'll be fine on her own? (0:19:24.39)
Lorenzo Orsini : If it's all right with her, she can stay with us as long as she wants to. (0:19:27.14)
Olga : Thank you, but I don't think there's any need for worry. (0:19:30.24)
Lorenzo Orsini : It's really cold. (0:19:39.01)
Lorenzo Orsini : Let's get to the restaurant quickly and warm up. (0:19:40.82)
Olga : I wonder if everyone is wearing their glasses today. (0:19:43.45)
Luciano De Luca : She's here again! (0:19:53.76)
Nicoletta : Interesting greeting. (0:19:56.00)
Vito : Come on, it's pleasant having her here. (0:19:57.92)
Luciano De Luca : Now really, this isn't some playground... (0:20:04.90)
Nicoletta : Well, I might be going a bit strange, (0:20:07.14)
Nicoletta : but at least I haven't gone so far as to like the reading glasses. (0:20:10.25)
Nicoletta : I'm different from those people. (0:20:13.14)
Nicoletta : But... (0:20:16.76)
Nicoletta : These gentlemen interest me. (0:20:20.56)
Nicoletta : That restaurant is on one of the streets of Rome. (0:20:27.82)
Nicoletta : It's name is "Casetta Dell'orso," which means "The bears' small home". (0:20:31.47)
Nicoletta : I wonder if that's another one of her fancies? (0:20:38.17)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please don't... (0:20:58.64)

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