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Koutarou Satomi : Saturday, April 4th. (0:00:02.03)
Koutarou Satomi : Spring is at its peak, (0:00:05.07)
Koutarou Satomi : and it's the perfect time for new beginnings. (0:00:06.56)
Koutarou Satomi : Now that I've gotten into high school, (0:00:10.33)
Koutarou Satomi : I, Satomi Koutarou, will be living on my own. (0:00:12.18)
Koutarou Satomi : This is my best friend, Mackenzie. (0:00:18.01)
Koutarou Satomi : The nickname's short for Matsudaira Kenji . (0:00:20.10)
Koutarou Satomi : I've been stuck with him since elementary school. (0:00:23.38)
Koutarou Satomi : This is Kasagi Shizuka-san, my landlady. (0:00:30.01)
Koutarou Satomi : It's hard to believe, but she's the complex manager and the same age as me. (0:00:33.17)
Koutarou Satomi : Looks like she cleaned up the yard for me. (0:00:37.63)
Koutarou Satomi : And this here will be my apartment—
my castle—for the next three years.
Koutarou Satomi : Room 106 of Corona House. (0:00:48.27)
Koutarou Satomi : No security deposits, downpayments,
or common area maintenance fees here.
Koutarou Satomi : And the rent's only 5,000 yen, to boot! (0:00:54.42)
EXTRA : Oh, so you're all settled in. (0:01:05.13)
EXTRA : Make sure you thank everyone who helped you move. (0:01:07.83)
Koutarou Satomi : Will do. (0:01:11.09)
Koutarou Satomi : How're things on your end, Dad? (0:01:12.24)
EXTRA : They blindsided me with this job relocation,
but they did find me a good hostel.
EXTRA : I've got room, board, and bath.
I'd say I'm set for now.
Koutarou Satomi : I see. (0:01:23.70)
Koutarou Satomi : Well, don't let this opportunity go to waste. (0:01:24.81)
Koutarou Satomi : Find someone nice. (0:01:28.13)
EXTRA : Shoot, I just remembered that I still need to unpack. (0:01:29.56)
EXTRA : I'd better hang up now. (0:01:33.57)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, all right. (0:01:37.01)
EXTRA : Talk to you later. (0:01:41.09)
EXTRA : Sleep tight, Koutarou. (0:01:42.30)
Koutarou Satomi : You too. (0:01:44.04)
Kenji Matsudaira : You just finished moving in.
Why not take the day off?
Koutarou Satomi : I need some money for this spring. (0:02:29.61)
Kenji Matsudaira : Didn't your dad leave you some? (0:02:32.44)
Koutarou Satomi : He did, and I'm being frugal with it. (0:02:35.38)
Koutarou Satomi : Why do you think I wouldn't
settle for just any apartment?
Kenji Matsudaira : I admit that 5,000 yen a month is practically a steal, (0:02:43.38)
Kenji Matsudaira : but I'd still be worried if I were you. (0:02:46.88)
Kenji Matsudaira : Rumor has it that your room's haunted. (0:02:48.98)
Koutarou Satomi : My room's poltergeist free. (0:02:53.23)
Koutarou Satomi : And even if it wasn't, no ghost is gonna chase me out of my room. (0:02:55.38)
Kenji Matsudaira : Whoa! (0:02:59.72)
EXTRA : Satomi-kun. (0:03:01.18)
EXTRA : Site B could use a few more people. (0:03:02.82)
EXTRA : Mind lending them a hand? (0:03:05.96)
Koutarou Satomi : Sure thing. (0:03:07.76)
Koutarou Satomi : Site B... Site B... (0:03:12.87)
Goddess of Dawn : Koutarou. (0:03:16.84)
Koutarou Satomi : Hm? (0:03:22.31)
Goddess of Dawn : Koutarou. (0:03:23.99)
Koutarou Satomi : I must be hearing things. (0:03:40.81)
Koutarou Satomi : Ow... (0:04:08.95)
Koutarou Satomi : Where am I? (0:04:14.73)
Goddess of Dawn : Koutarou. (0:04:24.83)
Goddess of Dawn : I've been waiting for you for so long. (0:04:27.55)
Goddess of Dawn : Over the countless days and nights (0:04:34.03)
Goddess of Dawn : that my consciousness waxed and waned, (0:04:36.66)
Goddess of Dawn : how many times have I dreamt of this moment? (0:04:39.64)
Goddess of Dawn : Koutarou, we meet at last. (0:04:47.53)
Koutarou Satomi : Ow... (0:05:22.05)
Shizuka Kasagi : Um, so what happened there? (0:05:24.17)
Kenji Matsudaira : Wait until you hear this, Landlady. (0:05:27.04)
Kenji Matsudaira : He hit his head at work and passed out. (0:05:29.10)
Shizuka Kasagi : What?! Are you okay?! (0:05:32.43)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, the doctors said that I'm fine, save for the bump. (0:05:34.58)
Shizuka Kasagi : I'm glad you're okay, (0:05:40.90)
Shizuka Kasagi : but try not to worry us, Satomi-kun. (0:05:42.72)
Shizuka Kasagi : Er, Satomi-san. (0:05:45.72)
Koutarou Satomi : Why'd you correct yourself? (0:05:47.22)
Shizuka Kasagi : For propriety. We have a lessor-tenant relationship. (0:05:49.04)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, but we're going to be classmates starting today. (0:05:51.90)
Kenji Matsudaira : You don't need to waste any effort watching what you say around him! (0:05:55.24)
Koutarou Satomi : Too bad the same doesn't apply to you! (0:05:58.56)
Shizuka Kasagi : Satomi-kun, have any after-school plans? (0:06:03.79)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry, Landlady. (0:06:06.90)
Koutarou Satomi : There's something I need to do. (0:06:08.64)
Kenji Matsudaira : Wait, lemme guess. (0:06:10.58)
Kenji Matsudaira : You need some alone time with that bombshell club president of yours. (0:06:12.74)
Koutarou Satomi : If you think all men are
obsessive skirt chasers like you,
Koutarou Satomi : you're hugely mistaken, Mackenzie. (0:06:19.00)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry again. See you later. (0:06:21.27)
Shizuka Kasagi : No worries. See you later, Satomi-kun! (0:06:23.19)
Kenji Matsudaira : He's joining the Knitting Society. (0:06:27.93)
Shizuka Kasagi : Huh? (0:06:31.98)
Shizuka Kasagi : He's joining a club already? (0:06:32.62)
Kenji Matsudaira : He got invited during the acceptance announcements and decided to join right away. (0:06:34.89)
Kenji Matsudaira : I thought he'd keep playing baseball,
but I guess he's done with it.
Harumi Sakuraba : Satomi-kun, I've been waiting for you. (0:07:05.07)
Koutarou Satomi : Sakuraba-senpai, thank you for letting me join! (0:07:08.67)
Koutarou Satomi : Ow... (0:07:12.11)
Harumi Sakuraba : Hm? (0:07:14.36)
Harumi Sakuraba : I see. (0:07:19.69)
Harumi Sakuraba : So it was you I saw at the hospital yesterday. (0:07:21.65)
Koutarou Satomi : I never would've thought you'd be at the same hospital. (0:07:26.50)
Harumi Sakuraba : My body's been frail for as long as I can remember. (0:07:31.02)
Harumi Sakuraba : I go in for periodic checkups. (0:07:34.06)
Harumi Sakuraba : Better to be safe than sorry, right? (0:07:36.50)
Koutarou Satomi : True. (0:07:38.81)
Koutarou Satomi : Well, if you ever see me around anywhere, feel free to say hi. (0:07:40.64)
Koutarou Satomi : Especially since we're officially fellow Knitting Society members now! (0:07:45.86)
Harumi Sakuraba : Are you sure this club is right for you? (0:07:52.45)
Koutarou Satomi : Huh? (0:07:56.08)
Harumi Sakuraba : I'm sure all the sports teams would love to have you. (0:07:57.31)
Koutarou Satomi : There's something I want to do, (0:08:03.47)
Koutarou Satomi : and I need to learn how to knit to do it. (0:08:07.24)
Koutarou Satomi : That said, I'm about as dexterous as a drunk, (0:08:11.59)
Koutarou Satomi : so who knows how long it'll take me to learn? (0:08:13.78)
Harumi Sakuraba : All right, then. (0:08:18.85)
Harumi Sakuraba : If your mind's made up... (0:08:20.42)
Koutarou Satomi : Right. (0:08:21.81)
Harumi Sakuraba : We'll start tomorrow. (0:08:24.71)
Koutarou Satomi : Looking forward to it, Sakuraba-senpai! (0:08:27.36)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm back. (0:08:40.63)
Koutarou Satomi : Oh. (0:08:42.16)
Sanae Higashihongan : He's back?! (0:08:48.54)
Sanae Higashihongan : All right, today's the day! (0:08:51.23)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm gonna raise hell before it gets dark out! (0:08:53.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : He didn't notice a thing the last two nights, but I'm sure he'll catch on if he's awake! (0:08:58.41)
Sanae Higashihongan : Prepare to be spooked, my clueless friend! (0:09:03.62)
Sanae Higashihongan : It's hauntin' time! (0:09:06.48)
Sanae Higashihongan : Huh? Wait... (0:09:08.62)
Koutarou Satomi : Who are you, and what are you doing in my room? (0:09:10.69)
Sanae Higashihongan : You can see me?! (0:09:15.39)
Koutarou Satomi : Of course I can! (0:09:17.20)
Koutarou Satomi : How'd you get in here? (0:09:19.54)
Sanae Higashihongan : What's going on? (0:09:21.62)
Sanae Higashihongan : No way! (0:09:25.86)
Sanae Higashihongan : You're touching me! (0:09:26.66)
Sanae Higashihongan : You're touching me! (0:09:28.04)
Koutarou Satomi : Run along home now! (0:09:29.67)
Koutarou Satomi : That's weird. (0:09:33.33)
Koutarou Satomi : I could've sworn I locked the windows before I left. (0:09:35.32)
Sanae Higashihongan : Hey! (0:09:37.92)
Sanae Higashihongan : What's the big idea?! (0:09:38.93)
Koutarou Satomi : Y-You... (0:09:44.59)
Sanae Higashihongan : That's exactly the reaction I wanted. (0:09:47.85)
Sanae Higashihongan : Being able to talk to you is kinda weird, (0:09:50.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : but it'll make things a whole lot easier. (0:09:52.52)
Koutarou Satomi : Wh-What the hell are you? (0:09:54.19)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm Sanae. (0:09:56.63)
Sanae Higashihongan : Higashihongan Sanae. (0:09:58.24)
Sanae Higashihongan : I'm the ghost who lives here! (0:10:00.12)
Koutarou Satomi : I see. So you're the ghost, huh? (0:10:09.37)
Koutarou Satomi : So tell me. What business
does a ghost have with me?
Sanae Higashihongan : This is my house! (0:10:15.34)
Sanae Higashihongan : So make like a tree and leave! (0:10:17.06)
Koutarou Satomi : Selfish much? (0:10:19.13)
Koutarou Satomi : Finding a cheap apartment's no cakewalk,
you know. This place is mine .
Koutarou Satomi : I'm not gonna just up and— (0:10:23.64)
Koutarou Satomi : Are you always this prone to violence?! (0:10:26.73)
Sanae Higashihongan : Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! (0:10:29.65)
Sanae Higashihongan : Take this! (0:10:35.75)
Sanae Higashihongan : Poltergeist attack! (0:10:37.36)
Koutarou Satomi : What's wrong with you?! You could've killed me! (0:10:53.13)
Sanae Higashihongan : That's what I was trying to do, Einstein! (0:10:56.06)
Sanae Higashihongan : This should do the trick! (0:10:58.40)
Koutarou Satomi : Thought so. Your powers don't work on blessed stuff! (0:11:13.83)
Koutarou Satomi : Luckily, my grandma sent me a bunch! (0:11:16.99)
Sanae Higashihongan : I've been living here longer than you! (0:11:22.24)
Sanae Higashihongan : Get out! (0:11:24.90)
Koutarou Satomi : Never! (0:11:26.08)
Koutarou Satomi : Living in this cheap apartment gives my dad one less thing to worry about. (0:11:27.46)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm not going anywhere! (0:11:30.18)
Yurika Nijino : Owwie... (0:11:50.75)
Yurika Nijino : Owwie... (0:11:54.77)
Koutarou Satomi : Who... are you? (0:11:56.64)
Yurika Nijino : I'm... (0:12:00.11)
Yurika Nijino : R...nb... (0:12:03.24)
Yurika Nijino : Yurika... R...nbo... (0:12:04.81)
Yurika Nijino : I'm the princess of love and courage! (0:12:09.06)
Yurika Nijino : Magical Girl Rainbow Yurika! (0:12:11.80)
Yurika Nijino : I'm the princess of love and courage! (0:12:17.33)
Yurika Nijino : Magical Girl Rainbow Yurika! (0:12:19.94)
Yurika Nijino : I'll protect the peace of this town! (0:12:22.03)
Koutarou Satomi : Y-You're a cosplayer? (0:12:28.23)
Sanae Higashihongan : Oh, is that what she is? (0:12:30.20)
Yurika Nijino : No! I'm not cosplaying! (0:12:31.73)
Yurika Nijino : The window... (0:12:36.48)
Yurika Nijino : I'm so sorry! (0:12:38.24)
Yurika Nijino : I was in a rush! I didn't mean to break anything! (0:12:39.84)
Yurika Nijino : Please don't ask me to pay you back! I'm flat broke! (0:12:43.26)
Koutarou Satomi : Why were you in such a rush? (0:12:47.86)
Yurika Nijino : Oh, that's right! (0:12:49.70)
Yurika Nijino : This room is in danger! (0:12:52.52)
Koutarou Satomi : Danger?! (0:12:56.41)
Sanae Higashihongan : Danger?! (0:12:56.41)
Yurika Nijino : Yes! (0:12:57.71)
Yurika Nijino : Accumulating in this room, right now... (0:12:58.54)
Yurika Nijino : are copious amounts of magical energy! (0:13:01.36)
Yurika Nijino : Dark magical girls will try to acquire this energy for evil. (0:13:05.09)
Yurika Nijino : So, please! Escape while you still can! (0:13:10.60)
Yurika Nijino : Right now! (0:13:12.94)
Yurika Nijino : Wait, what? (0:13:16.49)
Yurika Nijino : Please let me back in! (0:13:17.90)
Yurika Nijino : Listen to me! Please! (0:13:20.16)
Koutarou Satomi : If that's the backstory for your cosplay party,
go hold it somewhere else!
Sanae Higashihongan : What he said! (0:13:25.32)
Sanae Higashihongan : We're in the middle of something here! (0:13:26.12)
Yurika Nijino : I don't wanna wear this costume either! (0:13:33.75)
Yurika Nijino : It leaves my chest and butt exposed, (0:13:37.10)
Yurika Nijino : but the Magic Kingdom told me I had to wear it with pride! (0:13:41.99)
Yurika Nijino : Please! Believe me! (0:13:46.40)
Yurika Nijino : Believe me! Please, believe me! (0:13:49.54)
Koutarou Satomi : Yeah, let's do that. (0:13:53.92)
Yurika Nijino : Do you believe me? (0:14:01.44)
Yurika Nijino : Do you believe that I'm a magical girl? (0:14:04.02)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry, but I still don't buy it. (0:14:06.07)
Sanae Higashihongan : There's no such thing as magic. (0:14:09.14)
Yurika Nijino : Please! (0:14:12.53)
EXTRA : I'm Karama! (0:14:17.45)
EXTRA : I'm Korama! (0:14:19.42)
Koutarou Satomi : N-Now what?! (0:14:21.67)
Kiriha Kurano : I apologize for startling you. (0:14:26.81)
Koutarou Satomi : Wh-Who are you? (0:14:32.53)
Kiriha Kurano : Pleased to meet you. (0:14:34.41)
Kiriha Kurano : My name is Kurano Kiriha. (0:14:36.40)
Kiriha Kurano : I'm a descendant of the Earth People, (0:14:39.00)
Kiriha Kurano : and a member of the Kurano clan,
masters of oracles and incantations.
Koutarou Satomi : "Earth People"? (0:14:45.53)
Sanae Higashihongan : Oh my god! It's so cute! (0:14:47.44)
Kiriha Kurano : Put simply, we are an underground people. (0:14:49.87)
Koutarou Satomi : So let me get this straight. (0:14:56.35)
Koutarou Satomi : You are a descendant of people who moved underground centuries ago (0:14:59.03)
Koutarou Satomi : who recently discovered the location of a shrine important to your people, (0:15:03.92)
Koutarou Satomi : and that shrine happens to be this room? (0:15:07.59)
Kiriha Kurano : Precisely. (0:15:11.47)
Kiriha Kurano : Would you be willing to give us this room, Koutarou? (0:15:13.03)
Kiriha Kurano : We wish to rebuild the shrine. (0:15:17.76)
Koutarou Satomi : I see. (0:15:21.29)
Koutarou Satomi : I can sympathize, but... (0:15:22.64)
Sanae Higashihongan : Hold on! You weren't this nice to me! (0:15:24.54)
Koutarou Satomi : Of course I wasn't. (0:15:28.46)
Koutarou Satomi : You didn't act like you deserved it. (0:15:30.16)
Koutarou Satomi : And you three, settle down! (0:15:32.28)
Yurika Nijino : I'm sorry! (0:15:35.23)
Kiriha Kurano : By the way... (0:15:38.21)
Kiriha Kurano : If you're willing to leave,
we'll reward you handsomely.
Koutarou Satomi : G-Gold bars?! (0:15:45.63)
Sanae Higashihongan : No way, not happening! You can't have this room! (0:15:49.69)
Yurika Nijino : That's right! (0:15:52.70)
Yurika Nijino : You can't! (0:15:53.78)
Koutarou Satomi : I understand, Kiriha-san. (0:15:55.24)
Kiriha Kurano : So you'll accept it, Koutarou? (0:15:58.27)
Kiriha Kurano : Thank you. (0:16:00.12)
Sanae Higashihongan : You selfish money-grubber! (0:16:00.81)
Koutarou Satomi : It wasn't the money!
I wasn't even gonna take it!
Koutarou Satomi : She explained herself and made a proper offer. (0:16:06.98)
Koutarou Satomi : The least I could do is consider. (0:16:09.34)
Kiriha Kurano : Wonderful. (0:16:12.07)
Kiriha Kurano : Now we can move on to our next goal. (0:16:13.34)
Kiriha Kurano : Karama! (0:16:15.92)
Kiriha Kurano : Korama! (0:16:16.90)
Kiriha Kurano : Prepare to invade the surface world! (0:16:17.96)
EXTRA : Invasion time! (0:16:19.90)
Kiriha Kurano : If we can activate the shrine,
we'll have an endless supply of ether energy
Kiriha Kurano : to create all the ether weapons we'll ever need! (0:16:28.54)
Koutarou Satomi : Hold it! (0:16:30.56)
Sanae Higashihongan : Wh-What do you mean, invade the surface? (0:16:32.12)
Kiriha Kurano : Fret not. (0:16:34.74)
Kiriha Kurano : We'll treat you as an honored guest, Koutarou. (0:16:36.20)
Koutarou Satomi : That's not the issue! (0:16:39.55)
Koutarou Satomi : Keep your gold! (0:16:41.36)
Koutarou Satomi : I'm not giving you the room! (0:16:42.18)
Sanae Higashihongan : Well said! (0:16:43.90)
Sanae Higashihongan : I refuse as well! (0:16:45.06)
Yurika Nijino : As do I! (0:16:46.72)
Koutarou Satomi : Shut up, cosplayer! (0:16:48.34)
Kiriha Kurano : Maybe this will convince you. (0:16:52.74)
Koutarou Satomi : Y-You think this is enough to break my will? (0:16:59.58)
Kiriha Kurano : A millennium underground
wasn't enough to break ours.
Kiriha Kurano : How long do you think it'd take me to break yours? (0:17:05.98)
Sanae Higashihongan : Hey! Go indulge in your lewd hanky-panky in someone else's room! (0:17:09.09)
Yurika Nijino : We don't have time for this! (0:17:13.16)
Yurika Nijino : The magic power... (0:17:15.58)
Koutarou Satomi : Not again! I can't handle any more of you people! (0:17:25.51)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Y-Y-You insolent wretch! (0:17:35.95)
Koutarou Satomi : Wh-What? (0:17:38.16)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Don't fondle them, you fool! (0:17:40.33)
Koutarou Satomi : Sorry! Ah! (0:17:44.17)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : "Sorry" isn't good enough! (0:17:47.49)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You dare to fondle my noble breasts
out of sheer lust, do you?
Koutarou Satomi : I-It was an accident! I swear! (0:17:52.92)
Koutarou Satomi : Why would I even want to?! There's barely anything there for me to touch in the first place! (0:17:55.20)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Barely... anything? (0:17:59.45)
Sanae Higashihongan : He's got a point. Why settle for the fun size when he could get the extra large? (0:18:02.07)
Kiriha Kurano : Interested? (0:18:06.01)
Yurika Nijino : No! (0:18:07.10)
Koutarou Satomi : That goes double for you! (0:18:09.25)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You primitives have some nerve! (0:18:14.78)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight! (0:18:19.87)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Activate anti-personnel pulse laser and sonic impact cannon! (0:18:22.24)
EXTRA : As you wish, my princess. (0:18:25.73)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I'll give you all a swift death! (0:18:33.05)
Kiriha Kurano : Karama! Korama! (0:18:35.85)
EXTRA : On it! (0:18:37.04)
EXTRA : Etheric Field! Maximum Power! (0:18:38.20)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Annihilate them, Blue Knight! (0:18:40.74)
EXTRA : As you wish, my princess. (0:18:42.89)
Koutarou Satomi : What the hell's going on?! (0:18:54.39)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You can regret your insolence in the afterlife. (0:18:58.33)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight! (0:19:02.70)
EXTRA : As you wish, my princess. (0:19:03.80)
Koutarou Satomi : What are you doing to my room?! (0:19:14.42)
Koutarou Satomi : What? (0:19:18.43)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You primitives shall never
so much as lay a finger on me!
Sanae Higashihongan : Sure about that? (0:19:28.40)
Sanae Higashihongan : Take this! Sanae-chan Tulip! (0:19:30.60)
Koutarou Satomi : Way to go, Sanae! (0:19:35.19)
Koutarou Satomi : A-A bear? (0:19:41.11)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : D-Don't look! (0:19:44.83)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : You boors! (0:19:46.52)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Stop it! (0:19:48.10)
EXTRA : A bear! (0:19:49.55)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Stop! (0:19:50.60)
EXTRA : It's a bear! (0:19:51.54)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Stop it! (0:19:53.24)
Sanae Higashihongan : Surrender, and I'll forgive you. (0:19:54.56)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I am a princess of the Holy Fortorthe Galactic Empire! (0:19:57.85)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : I shall never bend my knee to you primitive savages! (0:20:00.78)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight! (0:20:04.02)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Transform into Final Attack Mode (0:20:05.14)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : and fire a limited blast from your Genesis Buster! (0:20:07.68)
EXTRA : As you wish, my princess. (0:20:09.98)
EXTRA : Emergency alert! (0:20:13.41)
EXTRA : Ultra-high energy readings detected
fifty meters above us!
EXTRA : Looks like an antimatter cannon! (0:20:23.47)
Kiriha Kurano : Oh no! It'll kill us all! (0:20:26.64)
Koutarou Satomi : What?! (0:20:28.40)
Yurika Nijino : It's huge! (0:20:30.83)
Sanae Higashihongan : No! I don't wanna die! (0:20:32.16)
Koutarou Satomi : You're already dead! (0:20:34.46)
Koutarou Satomi : Hey, Tulip! (0:20:36.77)
Koutarou Satomi : Call it off! (0:20:38.16)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight. (0:20:40.47)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Commence firing sequence. (0:20:41.58)
EXTRA : As you wish, my princess. (0:20:42.84)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Please stop, ma'am! (0:20:45.56)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Don't try to stop me, Ruth! (0:20:46.74)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Princess Theiamillis! (0:20:51.65)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Destroying an entire planet is a violation of the treaties on intergalactic war. (0:20:53.10)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : But they called my breasts fun size... (0:20:58.02)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Your test is to make the lifeforms residing at these coordinates swear loyalty to you. (0:21:01.53)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : You are about to fail this test. (0:21:07.07)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Do you intend to shame your mother by entering the annals of Fortorthe history (0:21:09.58)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : as the fastest failure in the rite of passage? (0:21:13.44)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : Blue Knight, (0:21:23.41)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : turn off the Genesis Buster. (0:21:24.50)
Shizuka Kasagi : Satomi-san, what is going on... in... here? (0:21:29.47)
Shizuka Kasagi : What did you do to this room?! (0:21:42.97)
Shizuka Kasagi : Listen up! (0:22:04.63)
EXTRA : Yes! (0:22:06.73)
Shizuka Kasagi : The next time you deface any part of this building (0:22:07.76)
Shizuka Kasagi : or disturb the neighbors... (0:22:10.16)
EXTRA : Yes? (0:22:12.64)
Shizuka Kasagi : I will make you regret... (0:22:14.23)
Shizuka Kasagi : that you were ever alive. (0:22:18.25)
Shizuka Kasagi : I understand the situation. (0:22:25.59)
Shizuka Kasagi : A ghost, (0:22:27.20)
Shizuka Kasagi : an underground person, (0:22:28.07)
Shizuka Kasagi : aliens, (0:22:28.99)
Shizuka Kasagi : and a cosplayer (0:22:30.07)
Shizuka Kasagi : are all fighting to have this room. (0:22:31.90)
Shizuka Kasagi : It's hard to believe, but the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. (0:22:34.26)
Shizuka Kasagi : Regardless, as the landlady, I'm ordering you all to resolve this peacefully. (0:22:38.15)
Shizuka Kasagi : If you can't... (0:22:45.46)
Shizuka Kasagi : You're going to find eternal peace, right here and now. (0:22:47.27)
Shizuka Kasagi : Sign this, please. (0:22:52.15)
Shizuka Kasagi : The treaty is now officially in effect. (0:23:08.55)
Shizuka Kasagi : You understand what'll happen if you break it, right? (0:23:11.82)
Koutarou Satomi : I don't care what anybody says! This room's mine! (0:23:17.49)
Koutarou Satomi : I won't let anybody else have it! (0:23:21.36)
EXTRA : Who in the universe was that landlady? (0:23:26.07)
Sanae Higashihongan : How was she able to hit me?! I'm a ghost! (0:23:28.84)
Yurika Nijino : It hurts so much... (0:23:31.02)
Theiamillis Gre Fortorthe : But... (0:23:33.66)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : Yes. (0:23:35.26)
Ruthkhania Nye Pardomshiha : My shoulders feel much better. (0:23:36.12)
Kiriha Kurano : What? (0:23:38.47)

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