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Akira Yoshii : So, Aki, how many people are going on this trip? (0:00:00.65)
Shin Fukuhara : Yoshii Akihisa is in quite a bind. (0:00:05.41)
Yoshii Akihisa : Th-There's nine people including you. Is that too many? (0:00:10.40)
Akira Yoshii : If I borrow a minivan, it shouldn't be a problem; (0:00:14.33)
Akira Yoshii : but who are the other seven people you invited? (0:00:17.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : Th-They are— (0:00:19.99)
Yoshii Akihisa : Actually, I think you know them. (0:00:21.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : There's Yuuji, (0:00:24.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hideyoshi, (0:00:26.92)
Yoshii Akihisa : and Voyeur. (0:00:29.92)
Akira Yoshii : And the rest? (0:00:32.88)
Yoshii Akihisa : Other than them... (0:00:34.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is bad. (0:00:36.83)
Yoshii Akihisa : She ordered me not to hang out with girls. (0:00:38.02)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can say Kirishima is coming as Yuuji's fiancée, (0:00:42.14)
Yoshii Akihisa : but Himeji, (0:00:46.06)
Yoshii Akihisa : Minami, (0:00:49.08)
Yoshii Akihisa : and Kudou are coming too. (0:00:51.71)
Yoshii Akihisa : She'll kill me if she finds out! (0:00:54.25)
Akira Yoshii : So... (0:00:55.66)
Akira Yoshii : Who are the others? (0:00:56.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : Um, Hi-Hi— (0:00:57.37)
Akira Yoshii : You already mentioned Hideyoshi. (0:01:00.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's a se ~cr ~et . (0:01:03.50)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, please brace yourself. (0:01:06.12)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm sorry! It was just a joke! (0:01:08.67)
Akira Yoshii : Tell me the truth and in return I'll give you a kiss. (0:01:10.84)
Yoshii Akihisa : The other four are aliens. (0:01:15.13)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, close your eyes. (0:01:17.54)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wait a second! That was so obviously a lie, right? (0:01:19.51)
Akira Yoshii : Humans are aliens in a way. (0:01:22.56)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wait! I'll apologize! Stop! (0:01:25.94)
Yoshii Akihisa : Stop! (0:01:28.40)
Akira Yoshii : I can't... I can't believe you hate me so much! (0:01:32.86)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, I'm sorry. (0:01:36.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're my sister, so— (0:01:38.26)
Akira Yoshii : It turns you on, right? (0:01:40.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : She's a pervert! (0:01:41.60)
Yoshii Akihisa : She's a hopeless pervert! (0:01:42.67)
Akira Yoshii : Don't take it too seriously. (0:01:44.37)
Akira Yoshii : Thirty percent of it was joke! (0:01:46.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is bad. She's almost completely serious. (0:01:48.29)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, you're a bad boy for trying to deceive me. (0:01:50.75)
Akira Yoshii : Why did you try to lie about it? (0:01:55.70)
Yoshii Akihisa : You won't get mad if I tell you? (0:01:58.00)
Akira Yoshii : Not at all! As long as it's not that girls are coming, (0:01:59.89)
Akira Yoshii : I won't get upset or make you cross-dress! (0:02:03.96)
Akira Yoshii : Where are you going, Aki? (0:02:07.08)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't want to get yelled at, beaten up, crushed, or be forced to cross-dress! (0:02:09.40)
Akira Yoshii : I see. You invited girls. (0:02:13.60)
Yoshii Akihisa : Th-That's not it! (0:02:16.78)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's that, um... (0:02:18.15)
Yoshii Akihisa : They've helped me study, and I would've felt bad not
inviting them since we always hang out together.
Yoshii Akihisa : I didn't know we'd be staying overnight. (0:02:30.60)
Akira Yoshii : My, you're so helpless. (0:02:33.36)
Akira Yoshii : It's fine. (0:02:39.30)
Yoshii Akihisa : Th-Then... (0:02:41.39)
Akira Yoshii : Just this time, all right? (0:02:42.80)
Akira Yoshii : However, if you engage in any
improper activities with the girls...
Akira Yoshii : I'll slaughter your entire family! (0:02:51.05)
Yoshii Akihisa : That means you'd die too. (0:02:53.31)
Shin Fukuhara : Today's the day of their trip to the beach. (0:04:28.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : The weather's great, Yuuji. (0:04:31.77)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, it's great that everyone could come too. (0:04:33.89)
Mizuki Himeji : I was looking forward to this so much, I could barely sleep! (0:04:37.00)
Minami Shimada : Mizuki, you're not in elementary school anymore! (0:04:40.64)
Mizuki Himeji : I bought a new swimsuit just for today! (0:04:43.26)
Minami Shimada : Didn't you buy a new one not too long ago? (0:04:46.22)
Mizuki Himeji : Um, that one is... the size is... (0:04:48.52)
Minami Shimada : Do you mean, you got fat? (0:04:52.89)
Mizuki Himeji : Just a little bit! Really, only a tiny bit! (0:04:55.57)
Mizuki Himeji : A tiny bit... too fat... (0:04:58.54)
Minami Shimada : Settle on one! (0:05:00.67)
Mizuki Himeji : It's not what you think! I gained
weight because my hair got longer!
Minami Shimada : Come on, it's because you weren't being careful. (0:05:08.21)
Minami Shimada : Actually, I lost weight due to the summer heat! (0:05:10.73)
Mizuki Himeji : That's not fair, Minami! You betrayed me! (0:05:13.81)
Minami Shimada : Yeah, I got slimmer... starting with my chest. (0:05:17.04)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Himeji, Shimada, you're both worrying too much. (0:05:21.38)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You don't look that different. (0:05:24.93)
Minami Shimada : Well, excuse me! My breasts develop slower than yours! (0:05:27.03)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I don't have breasts to develop! (0:05:31.72)
Minami Shimada : Don't worry about us. We know you'll eventually grow into a drop-dead gorgeous figure. (0:05:33.72)
Mizuki Himeji : Someone as glamorous as you couldn't understand our problems, Kinoshita! (0:05:39.76)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I'm a man! Calm down! (0:05:43.73)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What's wrong with both of you today? (0:05:46.61)
Minami Shimada : But... (0:05:49.45)
Mizuki Himeji : But... (0:05:49.45)
Minami Shimada : I'm jealous of her boobs! (0:05:51.18)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm jealous of her slender waist. (0:05:53.00)
Shouko Kirishima : Indeed, Akira is a threat. I'll have to keep a close eye on Yuuji. (0:05:55.57)
Aiko Kudou : She's got a great figure from top to bottom. It's amazing! (0:06:00.18)
Aiko Kudou : I bet she'd look good in one of those
skimpy swimsuits from porn magazines!
Akira Yoshii : Oh, Kouta, what's wrong? (0:06:09.26)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Just car sickness. (0:06:12.06)
Akira Yoshii : It's a little odd to get a nosebleed from car sickness. (0:06:13.38)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, can you get him some motion
sickness pills from the bag?
Yoshii Akihisa : No problem! (0:06:19.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? The zipper won't open. (0:06:22.23)
Yoshii Akihisa : One, two... There! (0:06:25.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : Great! I opened it. (0:06:27.59)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:06:29.53)
Shin Fukuhara : It's an old-school swimsuit. Wow. (0:06:31.45)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sis, no way! (0:06:34.87)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What are you doing, Akihisa? (0:06:36.76)
Yoshii Akihisa : What should I do, Yuuji? (0:06:38.00)
Yoshii Akihisa : I just discovered there's a hopeless freak in my family! (0:06:39.54)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You look like a freak with that swimsuit in your hand. (0:06:42.00)
Yoshii Akihisa : No, this is my sister's swimsuit. (0:06:45.64)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I see. You've got a thing for your sister's swimsuit, huh? (0:06:47.80)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You're right, you are hopeless. (0:06:51.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : You don't understand! This is unacceptable! (0:06:53.22)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, you asked me to wear a swimsuit that didn't
show much skin so you wouldn't feel embarrassed.
Yoshii Akihisa : Sorry, but no! (0:07:02.40)
Yoshii Akihisa : Compared to walking with someone your age wearing a school swimsuit, (0:07:03.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : you showing a bit of skin is nothing! (0:07:06.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : Change it! Change the swimsuit! (0:07:09.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : As your little brother, I can't let you wear this! (0:07:11.20)
Akira Yoshii : Are you saying I should wear something more revealing? (0:07:14.41)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah, fine. Whatever. (0:07:17.70)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Akihisa, don't be such a pervert. (0:07:19.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : Voyeur, the Lord of Perversion, just called me a pervert! (0:07:22.63)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Don't cry, Akihisa. It's the same as when you call other people idiots. (0:07:26.42)
Yoshii Akihisa : Are you implying I'm the Lord of Idiocy?! (0:07:30.59)
Akira Yoshii : I guess I have no choice. I'll wear something else. (0:07:33.01)
Akira Yoshii : That swimsuit was so tight around my breasts that they were spilling out. (0:07:36.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wow! (0:07:47.58)
Yoshii Akihisa : What a good view! (0:07:48.53)
Yuuji Sakamoto : The breeze feels great! (0:07:50.15)
Kouta Tsuchiya : It's the perfect location. (0:07:51.79)
Minami Shimada : All right! Let's get changed quickly and go for a swim! (0:07:53.46)
Mizuki Himeji : Yeah! (0:07:56.30)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : This is my opportunity to make
everyone realize that I'm a guy.
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : This time I got it right and brought trunks. (0:08:01.05)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : This should shut them up! (0:08:05.14)
Aiko Kudou : Yay! (0:08:06.88)
Aiko Kudou : I changed inside the car! (0:08:09.00)
Aiko Kudou : The tan lines are different from
the swimming team's swimsuits.
Aiko Kudou : Isn't this kind of sexy, Voyeur? (0:08:15.51)
Aiko Kudou : You can take as many pictures as you want! (0:08:19.97)
Aiko Kudou : I don't mind at all! (0:08:23.18)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Don't get full of yourself, Kudou Aiko! (0:08:24.60)
Aiko Kudou : Huh? (0:08:26.94)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Your swimsuit doesn't interest me in the slight— (0:08:28.03)
Kouta Tsuchiya : I'm getting heat stroke. (0:08:33.32)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You did your best, Voyeur. That was 28 seconds. (0:08:35.03)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's awesome! You broke your nosebleed endurance record! (0:08:38.47)
Aiko Kudou : Are you all right, Voyeur? (0:08:41.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh no, if you come any— (0:08:43.98)
Kouta Tsuchiya : The sunlight's so strong! (0:08:50.45)
Aiko Kudou : Voyeur! (0:08:52.88)
Kouta Tsuchiya : I wish to be reborn as a bird. (0:08:54.61)
Aiko Kudou : No way! Don't say something like that! (0:08:58.06)
Kouta Tsuchiya : So that I'll be up in the sky; (0:09:01.14)
Kouta Tsuchiya : able to peep into girl's locker rooms as much as I like. (0:09:02.96)
Shin Fukuhara : He failed to learn from what had killed him. (0:09:07.81)
Shin Fukuhara : Swoosh. Swoosh. (0:09:11.72)
Yoshii Akihisa : So lemon juice actually goes pretty well with sugar, huh? (0:09:15.82)
Mizuki Himeji : We're sorry! (0:09:18.49)
Mizuki Himeji : Thank you for waiting! (0:09:19.78)
Shouko Kirishima : Thanks for waiting. (0:09:22.42)
Mizuki Himeji : Is Tsuchiya all right? (0:09:23.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : He's calmed down now. (0:09:26.23)
Shouko Kirishima : Aiko. (0:09:27.79)
Shouko Kirishima : Don't harass Tsuchiya too much. (0:09:28.76)
Aiko Kudou : Well, I didn't do anything! (0:09:30.42)
Mizuki Himeji : Tsuchiya got excited because your swimsuit was so cute! (0:09:34.34)
Kouta Tsuchiya : That claim has yet to be verified. (0:09:40.41)
Shouko Kirishima : Excited? (0:09:45.67)
Mizuki Himeji : Yup, Tsuchiya is a boy, after all. (0:09:46.53)
Shouko Kirishima : I see. (0:09:49.87)
Shouko Kirishima : Scissors. (0:09:53.19)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Oh my God! (0:09:53.94)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What the hell are you doing?! (0:09:57.73)
Shouko Kirishima : You should get excited by my swimsuit. (0:09:59.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : There's no need for that because
both of you look really pretty!
Mizuki Himeji : Oh my! You called me pretty. (0:10:08.31)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm so embarrassed! (0:10:10.13)
Shouko Kirishima : Yoshii, thank you. (0:10:11.72)
Minami Shimada : Well sorry for not being attractive! (0:10:13.75)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's not true! (0:10:17.19)
Yoshii Akihisa : Minami, you're slim, but you've
got weight where you need it.
Minami Shimada : I know, I know! My breasts are
small and my belly is plump!
Yoshii Akihisa : That's not what I meant! (0:10:25.97)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Hey there everyone! Thanks for waiting! (0:10:27.52)
EXTRA : What are you doing?! (0:10:31.93)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : What do you mean? (0:10:34.86)
EXTRA : Why aren't you wearing a top?! (0:10:35.76)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Well, that's normal for a man's swimsuit. (0:10:37.87)
EXTRA : A girl shouldn't be wearing a man's swimsuit! (0:10:40.34)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Look, I'm not a girl, and... (0:10:42.69)
EXTRA : Anyway, just come with me! (0:10:44.66)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You've got it wrong! Listen to me! (0:10:46.46)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Wait! Let me go! (0:10:48.34)
Akira Yoshii : Oh, Minami. (0:10:50.58)
Akira Yoshii : Did my little brother do something wrong again? (0:10:52.13)
Akira Yoshii : What's wrong, Minami? (0:10:58.91)
Minami Shimada : Don't mind me, I know I'll never win! (0:11:01.49)
Shouko Kirishima : Akira, excuse me for a second. (0:11:05.26)
Shouko Kirishima : Amazing! (0:11:09.64)
Mizuki Himeji : Sorry! Excuse me! (0:11:12.08)
Mizuki Himeji : The beach is so cruel! (0:11:19.93)
Minami Shimada : God's the cruel one! (0:11:22.37)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Sorry, everyone. I'm a bit late. (0:11:24.49)
Akira Yoshii : Is something wrong, Hideyoshi? You look depressed. (0:11:28.16)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Just leave me alone. (0:11:33.75)
Shin Fukuhara : The beach is cruel in more ways than one. (0:11:36.04)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa, it's more to the right! (0:11:52.39)
Minami Shimada : No, actually, it's more to the left! (0:11:54.69)
Aiko Kudou : Yoshii, go forward more! (0:11:56.76)
Yoshii Akihisa : Who should I listen to? (0:12:00.07)
Akira Yoshii : Aki, turn 32 degrees to the left
and walk 4.7 meters forward.
Kouta Tsuchiya : Actually, do the opposite. (0:12:08.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : They're all giving me different directions! (0:12:10.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : What should I do? (0:12:12.69)
Yoshii Akihisa : How about Yuuji? (0:12:14.17)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji, how's my swimsuit? (0:12:16.05)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's okay, I guess. I saw it last time, remember? (0:12:17.97)
Shouko Kirishima : I asked because you probably weren't paying attention. (0:12:20.70)
Shouko Kirishima : You need to come and get a better look. (0:12:23.46)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Wait, hey, don't grab on to me! (0:12:24.98)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Things are touching! (0:12:26.68)
Yoshii Akihisa : Right there! (0:12:28.06)
Yoshii Akihisa : Go to hell! (0:12:31.60)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Watch it! (0:12:35.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : Damn! I missed. (0:12:36.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : Sorry, Yuuji! I thought you were the watermelon. (0:12:40.72)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : It looked like you were aiming right at him. (0:12:44.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh, come on, Hideyoshi. It was a misunderstanding! (0:12:48.26)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, Hideyoshi. (0:12:51.20)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Akihisa was only after the watermelon. (0:12:52.91)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Now, then, it's my turn. (0:12:56.58)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What's wrong? Let go of the bat, Akihisa. (0:13:00.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, you just had your turn and failed. (0:13:03.59)
Yuuji Sakamoto : The first round is over. Now we're on the second round and I'm first. (0:13:06.21)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's only fair to go in reverse order in the second round! (0:13:10.16)
Mizuki Himeji : Um, it'd be a waste to splatter the watermelon everywhere, so let's stop trying to split— (0:13:13.27)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's all right! (0:13:18.86)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I swear I won't crush the watermelon! (0:13:19.86)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Then just what are you trying to crush? (0:13:21.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wow, I'm tired. (0:13:27.53)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I didn't even swim. Why do I feel so exhausted? (0:13:29.12)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : You brought it upon yourself. (0:13:32.59)
Aiko Kudou : Thanks for waiting! (0:13:35.08)
Shouko Kirishima : We bought lunch. (0:13:36.82)
Minami Shimada : Sorry we're late! (0:13:38.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : Was the store crowded? (0:13:40.60)
Mizuki Himeji : No, it was... (0:13:41.50)
Aiko Kudou : Well, some guys hit on us. (0:13:43.42)
Minami Shimada : I really hate things like that! (0:13:46.23)
Shouko Kirishima : So do I. (0:13:48.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh man, that sounds like a hassle. (0:13:50.55)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Just give them the cold-shoulder. (0:13:52.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : Definitely! (0:13:55.05)
Aiko Kudou : Hold it. That's not how you should react! (0:13:57.63)
Aiko Kudou : Jeez, you really don't get us girls at all. (0:14:02.90)
Shouko Kirishima : Yes. Yuuji, you need to worry more. (0:14:06.44)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Huh? What are you— (0:14:09.20)
Yuuji Sakamoto : My eyes! (0:14:11.73)
Mizuki Himeji : I wish Akihisa would show a little more concern about us. (0:14:13.91)
Minami Shimada : I know! Why don't we make him worry? (0:14:18.70)
Mizuki Himeji : That's right. (0:14:21.48)
Minami Shimada : Jeez, guys keep hitting on us everywhere! (0:14:22.84)
Mizuki Himeji : I know! It's always such a pain to deal with! (0:14:26.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? Guys hit on you a lot? (0:14:31.18)
Mizuki Himeji : Yes! All the time! (0:14:34.18)
Minami Shimada : Seriously, anywhere we go! (0:14:36.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : But, you didn't look that used to it. (0:14:38.56)
Mizuki Himeji : Th-That's not true! I was just tired of it happening all the time! (0:14:42.85)
Minami Shimada : Yeah! A slow guy like you wouldn't understand! (0:14:47.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's rude! I hit on girls all the— (0:14:51.99)
Mizuki Himeji : All the what? (0:14:55.16)
Minami Shimada : All the what? (0:14:56.84)
Minami Shimada : For starters, (0:14:59.37)
Minami Shimada : there's no way you could pull off hitting on a girl! (0:15:00.71)
Mizuki Himeji : Exactly! That sort of thing isn't your
forte and I doubt it'd go well!
Mizuki Himeji : Don't try to show off! (0:15:08.79)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji, you don't understand girls either. That's why you aren't popular. (0:15:11.18)
Yuuji Sakamoto : How dare you say— (0:15:15.23)
Akira Yoshii : Everyone has things that suit them and things that don't. (0:15:17.22)
Akira Yoshii : A romantic relationship isn't for you, Aki. (0:15:20.25)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! They're ridiculous! (0:15:28.58)
Yoshii Akihisa : It feels like they were picking on us for the fun of it. (0:15:31.04)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We aren't popular? What the hell? (0:15:33.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : I know! If I get serious, getting a girl is... (0:15:36.10)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:15:40.77)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What's wrong, Akihisa? (0:15:43.99)
Yoshii Akihisa : An unbelievable sight! (0:15:45.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hit on... (0:15:50.05)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What? (0:15:52.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : Voyeur is getting hit on. (0:15:53.09)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What are you smoking? I told you not to speak gibberish unless you're asleep— (0:15:55.72)
EXTRA : You're a photographic genius! (0:16:00.29)
Kouta Tsuchiya : This is a “normal feature”. (0:16:03.28)
EXTRA : Come on, don't be shy! (0:16:05.61)
EXTRA : You're so cute! (0:16:07.80)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Impossible! Why is Voyeur... (0:16:11.42)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji... (0:16:14.71)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What is it? (0:16:15.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Is there any chance, that you and I are the only ones who aren't popular? (0:16:16.92)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Don't be ridiculous! There's no way that's true! (0:16:26.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah! Of course not! (0:16:29.85)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's just that Voyeur looks quiet and harmless. (0:16:34.18)
Yoshii Akihisa : He's just a different type! (0:16:37.89)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We shouldn't start jumping to conclusions! (0:16:39.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : Exactly! How dare they say we can't mack on girls?! (0:16:42.72)
Yoshii Akihisa : We'll show them what we can do! (0:16:45.66)
Yuuji Sakamoto : That's the spirit, Akihisa! Let's show them how good we are! (0:16:47.11)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah! (0:16:50.92)
Yoshii Akihisa : Now that I think back, (0:16:52.56)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can only say that something was wrong with us back then. (0:16:55.11)
Yoshii Akihisa : Do you even know how to hit on a girl? (0:17:01.89)
Yuuji Sakamoto : The quickest way is to copy the success of others; let's learn from Voyeur. (0:17:04.14)
Yoshii Akihisa : So we should go after the girls
taking the photos, right?
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, one of us can say, “I'll take your picture if you'd like,” (0:17:10.39)
Yuuji Sakamoto : that should make a good ice-breaker. (0:17:14.86)
Yoshii Akihisa : Mhm. (0:17:16.59)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Then, whoever isn't talking can bring up more conversational material, (0:17:17.74)
Yuuji Sakamoto : and everything will be smooth sailing from there. (0:17:21.64)
Yoshii Akihisa : How exactly will they decide what topics to bring up? (0:17:23.18)
Yuuji Sakamoto : They'll just have to think something up. (0:17:25.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : So, it's the wingman's fault if things fall through? (0:17:28.71)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn you, Akihisa! What's up with you sprinting like that?! (0:17:35.31)
Yoshii Akihisa : How about you, huh?! (0:17:38.67)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You can follow me nice and slow! (0:17:40.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, I'll get the conversation going for you! (0:17:43.37)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Like I'd trust you! Leave it to me! (0:17:46.01)
Yoshii Akihisa : I won't let you! (0:17:49.25)
EXTRA : Thanks for waiting! (0:17:54.30)
EXTRA : I'll take the picture now! (0:17:55.72)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Miss! (0:18:00.30)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You look pretty. (0:18:02.25)
Yoshii Akihisa : If you'd like, (0:18:04.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : we'll take some swimsuit shots. (0:18:06.13)
Yoshii Akihisa : I didn't expect her to call the cops. (0:18:15.24)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Maybe taking photos is a bad way to start a conversation. (0:18:18.30)
Yoshii Akihisa : Right. (0:18:22.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : We don't have Voyeur's skill with cameras. (0:18:23.56)
Yuuji Sakamoto : All right! Let's change our approach. (0:18:27.75)
Yoshii Akihisa : What are we going to do? (0:18:30.10)
Yuuji Sakamoto : First, we'll compliment their looks; then
we'll get more conversational. How's that?
Yoshii Akihisa : Everyone loves a compliment! (0:18:35.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : However, how do we compliment them? (0:18:38.75)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We use comparisons. (0:18:41.09)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Tell them they look like TV stars (0:18:43.18)
Yuuji Sakamoto : or sports players. (0:18:44.77)
Yuuji Sakamoto : After we've compared them to someone, and the conversation gets going, the rest... (0:18:46.76)
Yuuji Sakamoto : will be a easy! (0:18:50.69)
EXTRA : Thanks. (0:18:56.06)
Yoshii Akihisa : Um, you look really pretty, Miss! (0:18:57.83)
EXTRA : Eh? Do I? (0:19:00.57)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, you've got a perfect body! (0:19:02.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : I think so too! You look really great! (0:19:05.27)
EXTRA : Oh my, you're flattering me! (0:19:08.29)
Yoshii Akihisa : No, no, that's not it! (0:19:10.46)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Right! You're honestly really pretty! (0:19:12.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah, yeah! You look really great, just like a... (0:19:15.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : Right, just like... (0:19:18.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : Like a porn star! (0:19:20.01)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Her right hand was definitely world-class. (0:19:30.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm sure she'll become a champion.
I can even feel it in my bones.
Mizuki Himeji : Oh? Where have the two of you been? (0:19:37.36)
Shouko Kirishima : Swollen faces. (0:19:42.03)
Minami Shimada : What happened? (0:19:43.27)
Yoshii Akihisa : N-Nothing much! Right, Yuuji? (0:19:44.30)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah! (0:19:46.89)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We just tripped, right, Akihisa? (0:19:47.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, let's get back to our swimming race! (0:19:50.16)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah! I won't lose this time! (0:19:52.59)
Yoshii Akihisa : We were finally about to succeed, but you went and ruined it! (0:19:58.34)
Yuuji Sakamoto : No, it was your retarded comment that killed it! (0:20:01.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're playing innocent? What the hell?! (0:20:04.07)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You want to fight it out?! (0:20:06.31)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Enough, this won't get us anywhere. (0:20:09.64)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're right. (0:20:12.97)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I was thinking, (0:20:14.31)
Yuuji Sakamoto : maybe it's not working because we aren't sincere. (0:20:16.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : What? (0:20:19.86)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's possible we're unconsciously holding back because the girls aren't our type. (0:20:20.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : Good point. We can't fake true feelings. (0:20:26.45)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Just kidding! (0:20:30.62)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's just a lame excuse. (0:20:33.30)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What's the matter, Yuuji? (0:20:38.13)
Yuuji Sakamoto : All right! Let's give it one last try! (0:20:48.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah, all right. (0:20:51.80)
Yoshii Akihisa : U-Um...! (0:20:55.85)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Th-The thing is, we got lost. (0:21:00.19)
Yoshii Akihisa : Uh, we're looking for the b-beach. Do you know where— (0:21:04.08)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Idiot! We're at the damn beach! (0:21:08.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : It just slipped out. (0:21:12.08)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Her hair color changed?! (0:22:09.72)
Shouko Kirishima : This is my real hair. (0:22:15.27)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Sh-Shouko! (0:22:17.69)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is bad! (0:22:19.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:22:21.19)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Sorry, Akihisa. (0:22:24.20)
Yoshii Akihisa : Voyeur! (0:22:26.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why?! (0:22:27.63)
Kouta Tsuchiya : They would've killed me if I refused. (0:22:28.97)
Yoshii Akihisa : D-Did they find out what we were doing? (0:22:31.39)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Right arm, they said. (0:22:34.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : Right arm, eh? Sounds pretty painful. (0:22:36.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't want to go back. (0:22:40.49)
Kouta Tsuchiya : They said they'll break everything except the right arm! (0:22:41.83)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa? Please don't move from there! (0:22:49.51)
Minami Shimada : We have a full course of punishment ready; so prepare yourself, Aki! (0:22:53.17)
Akira Yoshii : I'm so sad that I'm losing my little brother! (0:22:56.76)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Run, Akihisa! These three are seriously— (0:23:00.69)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Akihisa, thanks for all the memories. (0:23:06.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : No! (0:23:09.52)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji. (0:23:17.44)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yes, ma'am. (0:23:19.50)
Shouko Kirishima : Kneel down. (0:23:20.92)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What? But we're... (0:23:21.77)
Shouko Kirishima : Kneel down. (0:23:24.47)
Yuuji Sakamoto : But we're in the sea. (0:23:25.57)
Shouko Kirishima : Do I have to say it again? (0:23:28.10)
Shouko Kirishima : Kneel down. (0:23:33.66)
Shin Fukuhara : Question 2: What is the main component of seawater aside from water? (0:23:36.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : Tears of regret and repentance! (0:23:41.08)
Shin Fukuhara : What happened? (0:23:43.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : Next episode, “Me, Yukatas, and Festival Fun!” (0:23:44.83)
Shin Fukuhara : This will be on your test. (0:23:47.40)

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Tf when your character revolves around a naming pun that gets lost in translation - RiskyZ


Yeah. - Sora

Thanks to you, I realized that
we're not playing chess at all.
- Sora

All or nothing. - Sora

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