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Aladdin : Halharl Infigare! (0:00:54.13)
Alibaba Saluja : Aladdin... (0:01:28.88)
Alibaba Saluja : You are truly... (0:01:30.46)
Alibaba Saluja : The Magician of
Creation... A Magi!
EXTRA : Premonition of
a Journey
Sinbad : My beloved
citizens of Sindria!
Sinbad : Thanks to you all, we were able to achieve
a stunning victory in the recent war.
Sinbad : Tonight, we shall
celebrate that triumph.
Sinbad : Bask in the glow of victory
to your heart's content!
Sinbad : I have one more joyous
report to make to you.
Sinbad : Guests of our country have
conquered yet another new dungeon.
Sinbad : Allow me to introduce
them to you.
Sinbad : Alibaba Saluja. (0:03:55.52)
Sinbad : Ren Hakuryu. (0:03:58.07)
Sinbad : Morgiana. (0:03:59.94)
Sinbad : And Aladdin. (0:04:02.07)
Sinbad : One adventure has
come to an end.
Sinbad : But we are always
in the midst of a journey.
Sinbad : This moment right now is
the beginning of a new journey.
Sinbad : Now then,
raise your glasses.
Sinbad : To the adventure that is
about to begin anew!
Sinbad : Cheers! (0:04:24.09)
EXTRA : Cheers! (0:04:25.18)
EXTRA : Take that, you cursed
dungeon creatures!
EXTRA : I'll turn you into the rust
of my Sword of Amon!
EXTRA : Prepare for defeat! (0:04:40.74)
EXTRA : Feel the force of
my magic firsthand!
EXTRA : My name is Aladdin! (0:04:45.91)
Alibaba Saluja : Wh-Why the heck
is Aladdin so ripped?
Morgiana : The one playing Alibaba is
a dead ringer for you.
Alibaba Saluja : Doesn't look
a thing like me!
Alibaba Saluja : Doesn't this make
you mad at all?
Morgiana : I feel embarrassed. If only
my skills were as polished as that...
Alibaba Saluja : Oh, yeah? (0:05:02.67)
Alibaba Saluja : Well, but... (0:05:05.55)
Alibaba Saluja : A heck of a lot happened, but it's good that
we were able to come back in one piece, huh?
Alibaba Saluja : I know I caused you
guys a lot of trouble...
Alibaba Saluja : But seriously,
thanks, Aladdin.
Alibaba Saluja : You, too, Morgiana! (0:05:19.73)
Aladdin : Alibaba... (0:05:21.40)
Sharrkan : What's the big idea,
getting so sentimental?
Sharrkan : Drink up! (0:05:26.49)
Sharrkan : Ah! Not bad! (0:05:29.12)
Hakuryuu Ren : Orders from
the empire to return?
Koubun Ka : Yes. Not to mention the fact that eventually,
we'll be viewed as unwanted guests.
Koubun Ka : I believe it would be prudent
to leave before that happens...
Kougyoku Ren : No! (0:05:42.09)
Kougyoku Ren : I'm not leaving yet! (0:05:44.30)
Koubun Ka : Y-Your Highness... (0:05:47.30)
Kougyoku Ren : After all, Lord Sinbad said that
I could stay as long as I liked!
Koubun Ka : Prince Hakuryu! (0:05:54.73)
Hakuryuu Ren : Very well. Let's
get ready to go home.
Koubun Ka : Y-Yes, Your Highness. (0:05:59.86)
Hakuryuu Ren : However, I have yet to
fulfill my objective.
Hakuryuu Ren : I must get an answer
from King Sinbad soon...
Sharrkan : Not a good impression. (0:06:14.33)
Alibaba Saluja : Cut it out, Aladdin! (0:06:15.54)
Sinbad : Aladdin? (0:06:19.50)
Aladdin : Uncle Sinbad. (0:06:21.75)
Sinbad : There's something
I'd like to talk to you about.
Aladdin : Talk to me?
About what?
Sinbad : About the other
magis besides you.
Aladdin : Do you know what kind of
people they are?
Sinbad : Yes. You know one of
them very well yourself.
Sinbad : The Kou Empire's
magi, Judar.
Sinbad : He has deep ties to Al Tharmen,
and as such, he is a magi to be wary of.
Sinbad : The second one is... (0:06:50.28)
Sinbad : The Wandering
Magi, Yunan.
Sinbad : The one who caused Dungeon No. 1
to appear fifteen years ago.
Aladdin : The first dungeon,
you mean?
Sinbad : Yes. (0:07:00.21)
Sinbad : His intentions and
motives are unclear.
Sinbad : He's simply an enigma. (0:07:04.00)
Sinbad : But the one most shrouded
in mystery at this time is...
Sinbad : The Leam Empire's
magi, Scheherazade.
Sinbad : She's a legendary magi who's said to have supported
the empire for the last two hundred years.
Aladdin : Two hundred years? (0:07:22.15)
Sinbad : I know it may seem
somewhat hard to believe,
Sinbad : but there's no question that Leam's
current prosperity is due to her power.
Sinbad : And so, Aladdin... (0:07:32.41)
Sinbad : Will you go to
Leam for me?
Sinbad : As the magi of
the Kingdom of Sindria?
Aladdin : Uncle Sinbad... (0:07:45.80)
Aladdin : I'm not the magi of this
country yet, you know.
Sinbad : You're right about that. (0:07:53.68)
Sinbad : Give this conversation some
thought after the festival.
Sinbad : Just enjoy yourself
as much as possible tonight!
Koubun Ka : Your Highness!
Your Highness!
Koubun Ka : Please don't fall asleep
in a place like this!
Jafar : Lord Ka Kobun? (0:08:12.53)
Koubun Ka : This man is... (0:08:15.49)
Jafar : This is a golden
Jafar : Why don't we have
a good, long talk?
Koubun Ka : Uh, no... I... (0:08:21.50)
Jafar : Now, now,
don't be like that.
Jafar : Come on, this way! (0:08:25.50)
Koubun Ka : No... um...
you see...
Jafar : Come now!
Let's talk!
Kougyoku Ren : Ka Kobun... give me
some water, please...
Sinbad : Here you go. (0:08:33.05)
Kougyoku Ren : Lord Sinbad! (0:08:37.89)
Aladdin : Hey there. (0:08:45.61)
Aladdin : Has Miss Dunya
woken up yet?
Aladdin : I've brought her some
food from the festival.
Sinbad : Princess... (0:09:05.04)
Kougyoku Ren : Y-Yes? (0:09:05.88)
Sinbad : I am grateful to you. (0:09:07.29)
Kougyoku Ren : What? (0:09:08.67)
Sinbad : To take each other's hands in this way...
if only this blissful time would last forever...
Sinbad : I wish that
with all my heart.
Sinbad : Forgive me. I spoke
my mind without thinking.
Sinbad : Now then, I shall be
taking my leave...
Kougyoku Ren : Lord Sinbad... (0:09:37.57)
Kougyoku Ren : I, too, wish that it would
never end... That is how I feel.
Jafar : You really are
evil, aren't you?
Sinbad : Come on,
don't say that.
Sinbad : Of course I'm going to capture every
card that I can get my hands on.
Sinbad : Since I can still see considerable
value in her position and power...
Jafar : You mean like those considerable
gains you reaped in Balbadd?
Sinbad : Yes. (0:10:16.11)
Sinbad : Ja'far? (0:10:20.53)
Sinbad : Have I become...
Sinbad : Lately, whenever I see Alibaba and
the others, it all comes back to me.
Sinbad : The days when I knew nothing,
and raced all over the world.
Jafar : Yes, I'd say so. You've
become a devious man.
Jafar : Now that you've acquired
far too many possessions,
Jafar : you've turned into something
that you never wanted to be.
Jafar : But this is the road
that you chose yourself.
Jafar : Change is necessary;
the only way is forward.
Sinbad : Yes. You're right. (0:10:59.86)
Jafar : I shall accompany you
wherever you go.
Alibaba Saluja : Aladdin? (0:11:12.79)
Aladdin : Alibaba! (0:11:14.75)
Alibaba Saluja : So you were here. (0:11:15.84)
Aladdin : I went to see how
Miss Dunya was doing,
Aladdin : but she still
hasn't woken up...
Alibaba Saluja : I see. (0:11:23.81)
Alibaba Saluja : I haven't been able to
go see her yet myself.
Alibaba Saluja : For some reason, it reminds me of
Cassim, and it's kind of painful...
Alibaba Saluja : But... (0:11:36.94)
Alibaba Saluja : After seeing her memories,
I just can't forgive Al Tharmen.
Alibaba Saluja : I felt that way
all over again.
Aladdin : Right... (0:11:49.29)
Aladdin : Alibaba... (0:11:58.34)
Aladdin : I really like this
world we're living in.
Aladdin : The world that Ugo sent me into...
and where I met you.
Aladdin : That's why... (0:12:13.23)
Aladdin : I'm not going to let
this world come to an end.
Alibaba Saluja : Yeah. (0:12:20.28)
Aladdin : But... (0:12:32.42)
Aladdin : To make sure I succeed, (0:12:34.33)
Aladdin : what is it that
I'm supposed to do?
Aladdin : From this moment on... (0:12:40.72)
Aladdin : Which direction is it
that I'm supposed to go?
Aladdin : You fixed it! (0:12:55.52)
Aladdin : You're awesome, Yam! (0:12:56.94)
Yamraiha : You take good
care of that, now.
Yamraiha : Magic tools are valuable -
they can be used by magicians, too.
Aladdin : Come to think of it, you don't have
a Household Vessel, do you, Yam?
Yamraiha : No. Magicians and Djinn's Household
Vessels just aren't compatible,
Yamraiha : so I can't use one. (0:13:12.21)
Yamraiha : But I can create all kinds of
magic with my own two hands.
Yamraiha : You'd better devote yourself
to mastering that, too!
Aladdin : Okay. I want to learn
more and more about magic.
Aladdin : Hey, wasn't the place
where you studied magic...
Yamraiha : Magnostadt Academy... (0:13:32.23)
Yamraiha : I was a student there
until ten years ago.
Aladdin : Magnostadt... (0:13:38.82)
Kougyoku Ren : Wh-What do you
think you're doing?
Alibaba Saluja : S-Sorry! (0:13:53.41)
Kougyoku Ren : Y-You're... (0:13:55.21)
Kougyoku Ren : I hear that you had
your hands full in Zagan.
Alibaba Saluja : Uh, that's right. (0:14:02.05)
Kougyoku Ren : Come to think of it... (0:14:04.17)
Kougyoku Ren : If things had turned out differently,
I might have married this man...
Alibaba Saluja : Here. (0:14:12.68)
Alibaba Saluja : Sorry I stomped
all over your flowers.
Alibaba Saluja : Here...
as an apology...
Kougyoku Ren : How do I wear this? (0:14:21.82)
Alibaba Saluja : Uh, this thing? (0:14:24.40)
Kougyoku Ren : Um... You take this, and
pass it through the ring, and...
Morgiana : I've got to become
more powerful!
Morgiana : Hakuryu... (0:14:43.96)
Hakuryuu Ren : Forgive this
disgraceful sight.
Hakuryuu Ren : I thought I should learn to use it
just like a real arm as soon as possible...
Morgiana : Oh, but... there's
no need to rush...
Hakuryuu Ren : But there is. Since it looks like
I'll be leaving this country soon...
Sinbad : The Organization's
Dark Metal Vessel...
Sinbad : You could say it's the most prized of
our military gains from this recent war...
Jafar : Yes. (0:15:07.03)
Yamraiha : The sorcerers within
the castle are currently analyzing it.
Drakon : What is it? (0:15:17.29)
Yamraiha : A Magical Power Mark? (0:15:18.42)
Yamraiha : This is the pattern that's engraved on every
magical tool produced at the Magnostadt Academy!
Drakon : Who knew that your homeland was
involved with the Organization...
Sinbad : Did Princess Dunya
have anything to say?
Jafar : Actually, although
she's now awake,
Jafar : she refuses to
speak a word to us...
Yamraiha : Once she learned that I was
a former student at Magnostadt,
Yamraiha : she became completely
obstinate about it...
Sinbad : Then I shall go. (0:15:46.61)
Sinbad : I did get the impression that she was
the kind of woman who'd listen to me, if no one else...
Drakon : That's your
game plan again?
Yamraiha : Your Majesty, about that... (0:15:55.41)
Yamraiha : There's just one person
who can talk to her...
Aladdin : Lord Ythnan! (0:16:03.25)
Aladdin : "What a fool you are, Dunya!" (0:16:05.55)
Dunya Musta'sim : Stop it, Aladdin!
Not while I'm eating...
Dunya Musta'sim : Oh! The soup... (0:16:11.89)
Aladdin : Oh, no! Miss Dunya!
I'll eat that for you!
Dunya Musta'sim : No, no, don't do
that! Please stop!
Aladdin : I'm so glad we got to
be friends, Miss Dunya.
Dunya Musta'sim : Well, I'm very
grateful to you.
Dunya Musta'sim : Being able to see Isaac,
even if it was a hallucination...
Dunya Musta'sim : That made me very happy. (0:16:38.87)
Aladdin : But why won't you
talk to the others?
Dunya Musta'sim : Because... (0:16:47.42)
Dunya Musta'sim : The king of this country is in league
with Magnostadt Academy, isn't he?
Dunya Musta'sim : That woman magician must be
working for that horrible school...
Aladdin : But Yam's not
that kind of person!
Aladdin : Oh, no, Miss Dunya.
You have a stain here, too!
Dunya Musta'sim : What? (0:17:10.53)
Sinbad : Pardon me, Your Highness. (0:17:11.57)
Aladdin : Is it here? No,
wait, is it here?
Sinbad : I never thought anyone would
make a move on a woman before me...
Sinbad : Aladdin, you are a true magi! (0:17:21.12)
Yamraiha : Hey, you! (0:17:24.37)
Yamraiha : You little pervert! (0:17:26.50)
Alibaba Saluja : Hakuryu, is it true that
you're leaving Sindria?
Hakuryuu Ren : Yes. I'll be departing
by ship in a week's time.
Alibaba Saluja : I see. (0:17:37.43)
Hakuryuu Ren : Before that day arrives,
I must make sure that King Sinbad...
Hakuryuu Ren : In order to achieve my goal... (0:17:43.77)
Alibaba Saluja : Hakuryu? (0:17:48.06)
Hakuryuu Ren : Uh... it's nothing. (0:17:50.07)
Hakuryuu Ren : What about you two?
What are your plans for the future?
Alibaba Saluja : Oh, well, for now we'll be
sticking with Sinbad.
Alibaba Saluja : Right, Morgiana? (0:18:00.03)
Morgiana : What? (0:18:01.70)
Hakuryuu Ren : I learned quite a lot from
you during my time here.
Hakuryuu Ren : No matter what path
you choose to take,
Hakuryuu Ren : I truly believe that
you'll be following your heart.
Hakuryuu Ren : Our time
together was short,
Hakuryuu Ren : but thank you
very much.
Alibaba Saluja : Hakuryu... (0:18:24.14)
Sinbad : Do you understand what
I'm trying to tell you?
Sinbad : At this time, my country has no
ties whatsoever with Magnostadt.
Sinbad : Yamraiha herself had already left the academy
at the time of the coup d'état ten years ago.
Sinbad : So please be assured. (0:18:38.16)
Sinbad : I will never hand you
over to Magnostadt.
Sinbad : No matter what! (0:18:45.21)
Sinbad : The Metal Vessel
rejected the princess?
Sinbad : Is this... (0:18:57.47)
Sinbad : ...the light of
the Dark Metal Vessel?
Sinbad : Is that the fragment
from that day?
Yamraiha : This isn't good! (0:19:07.23)
Sinbad : What did you do? (0:19:16.24)
Yamraiha : I temporarily stopped
the proliferation.
Yamraiha : But since it's eaten away
at her to such a degree...
Yamraiha : I'm afraid I can't do
much more for her...
Aladdin : No way... (0:19:26.79)
Sinbad : Aladdin... (0:19:29.00)
Sinbad : If anyone could save her,
it would be you, wouldn't it?
Sinbad : With the power
of a magi...
Aladdin : All right.
I'll give it a try.
Aladdin : Solomon's Wisdom! (0:19:46.22)
Sinbad : So this is the power
of Solomon...
Aladdin : There are so many
black crystals...
Aladdin : Miss Dunya! (0:20:05.70)
Dunya Musta'sim : Aladdin... (0:20:08.54)
Aladdin : Could this be... (0:20:23.01)
Aladdin : ...all the anger and hate... and grief...
contained inside this Metal Vessel?
Aladdin : Magnostadt... (0:20:34.86)
Aladdin : Let Miss Dunya go! (0:20:43.41)
Dunya Musta'sim : Thank you... (0:20:57.21)
Yamraiha : Aladdin! (0:21:10.35)
Sinbad : Looks like it worked. (0:21:11.81)
Aladdin : Yes. (0:21:14.35)
Aladdin : Miss Dunya? (0:21:17.77)
Aladdin : Miss Dunya? (0:21:20.19)
Aladdin : Miss Dunya! (0:21:22.15)
Sinbad : What's the princess's
Yamraiha : The immediate crisis
seems to have passed,
Yamraiha : but it's taken too much
of a toll on her.
Yamraiha : This must be an after-effect of
the Dark Metal Vessel.
Yamraiha : Most likely, she doesn't
have much longer...
Sinbad : I see... (0:21:42.97)
Alibaba Saluja : It's too sudden,
don't you think?
Alibaba Saluja : For Hakuryu to be
leaving this country.
Alibaba Saluja : Sure, a lot happened, (0:21:52.18)
Alibaba Saluja : but it's still sad to know that
we'll be saying goodbye soon.
Aladdin : Yeah. (0:21:58.15)
Hakuryuu Ren : What are your plans
for the future?
Alibaba Saluja : For the future, huh? (0:22:05.86)
Aladdin : Alibaba. Morg. (0:22:10.03)
Aladdin : There's something
I want to tell you two.
Alibaba Saluja : Tell us? (0:22:16.00)
Aladdin : I think...
In the coming days,
Aladdin : I'll be going on
a journey on my own.
Aladdin : When I told them of my decision
to set off on a journey,
Aladdin : Alibaba and Morg,
and Hakuryu...
Aladdin : Each of them decided what path
they would take, respectively.
Aladdin : Next episode... (0:24:11.57)
Aladdin : Departure. (0:24:13.07)
Aladdin : Sorry, Alibaba, for telling you that
I wanted to go on a journey out of the blue.
Aladdin : But I think right
now that's what I...
Aladdin : What I'm supposed to do! (0:24:22.92)

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This is a literal child - Anonymous


And have the police keep an eye on him. - Ranpo Edogawa

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Suspended? - Ranpo Edogawa

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