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Renge Miyauchi : This is my village. (0:02:26.08)
Renge Miyauchi : It's a quiet, peaceful place. (0:02:28.60)
Renge Miyauchi : But... sometimes I think... (0:02:32.07)
Renge Miyauchi : Do I actually... (0:02:36.08)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ren-chon! (0:02:38.72)
Renge Miyauchi : in the country? (0:02:55.32)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Mornin'! (0:04:31.91)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Say again? (0:04:36.70)
Renge Miyauchi : Meowning. (0:04:38.04)
Natsumi Koshigaya : I still don't get it. What's that mean? (0:04:39.85)
Renge Miyauchi : Meow... ning! (0:04:46.66)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Meowning... (0:04:51.92)
Renge Miyauchi : Is Koma-chan coming? (0:04:54.69)
Natsumi Koshigaya : She left earlier. (0:04:55.93)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Such a nice day, and we
have to go to school...
Renge Miyauchi : I'm still a bright, shiny first
grader, so I think it's fun.
Natsumi Koshigaya : That won't last long. (0:05:05.63)
Natsumi Koshigaya : School life is tough, you know. (0:05:08.19)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What with homework, tests, homework... (0:05:11.45)
Renge Miyauchi : We had miso soup with horsetail
shoots this morning.
Natsumi Koshigaya : We had egg soup with horsetail
shoots and onions.
Natsumi Koshigaya : Run, Ren-chon! (0:05:43.85)
Komari Koshigaya : Renge! Natsumi! (0:05:46.51)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Nee-chan! (0:05:48.19)
Renge Miyauchi : Nattsun, did you see the news today? (0:05:55.36)
Natsumi Koshigaya : No, I was in a hurry. (0:05:57.70)
Komari Koshigaya : I didn't, either. (0:05:59.88)
Renge Miyauchi : Too bad. Today's news was exciting. (0:06:01.65)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Did something happen? (0:06:05.48)
Renge Miyauchi : There was an old guy doing radio calisthenics
outside the window behind the host.
Renge Miyauchi : It was really cool. (0:06:14.19)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Why did that make you excited? (0:06:16.69)
Natsumi Koshigaya : It's still kinda chilly. (0:06:47.64)
Renge Miyauchi : The classroom feels different than yesterday. (0:06:51.10)
Natsumi Koshigaya : How so? (0:06:55.45)
Kazuho Miyauchi : Mornin'. (0:06:58.38)
Kazuho Miyauchi : Take your seats. (0:06:59.86)
Hotaru Ichijou : Um... (0:07:15.49)
Kazuho Miyauchi : Can you introduce yourself? (0:07:16.48)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ichijou... (0:07:29.32)
Hotaru Ichijou : U-Um... I'm Ichijou Hotaru. (0:07:35.10)
Hotaru Ichijou : I moved here from Tokyo. (0:07:38.78)
Komari Koshigaya : Wow! From Tokyo?! (0:07:40.34)
Natsumi Koshigaya : That says "Hotaru"? (0:07:42.14)
Renge Miyauchi : I never saw that character before. (0:07:43.61)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What grade? (0:07:45.30)
Hotaru Ichijou : Fifth. (0:07:46.85)
Komari Koshigaya : Younger? She's younger than me?! (0:07:47.98)
Natsumi Koshigaya : She doesn't look like a fifth grader. (0:07:49.95)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Did you get into trouble at your old school? (0:07:52.50)
Hotaru Ichijou : No, it's because of my dad's work. (0:07:55.61)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Oh, well, that sounds normal. (0:07:58.20)
Renge Miyauchi : Meowning! (0:08:02.62)
Hotaru Ichijou : M-Meow... (0:08:06.14)
Kazuho Miyauchi : Have a seat. (0:08:08.24)
Hotaru Ichijou : Okay. (0:08:10.72)
Renge Miyauchi : Oh, that's it. There's an extra seat. (0:08:11.64)
Komari Koshigaya : You just noticed? (0:08:15.15)
Renge Miyauchi : Nice to meet you, Hotarun. (0:08:16.41)
Hotaru Ichijou : Hotarun... (0:08:20.21)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What's first period again? (0:08:27.62)
Komari Koshigaya : Japanese. (0:08:29.22)
Hotaru Ichijou : Oh, everyone's in a different year? (0:08:35.17)
Renge Miyauchi : I'm in first grade. (0:08:37.15)
Komari Koshigaya : I'm in eighth. (0:08:38.61)
Natsumi Koshigaya : I'm in seventh. (0:08:40.00)
Natsumi Koshigaya : And Nii-chan here is in ninth. (0:08:41.42)
Hotaru Ichijou : But you're all in the same classroom? (0:08:43.48)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Yeah. (0:08:45.63)
Hotaru Ichijou : All different classes, too? (0:08:46.76)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What do you mean, different classes?
This is the only class.
Hotaru Ichijou : There are only four students
in the whole school?
Renge Miyauchi : Five, now that you're here. (0:08:54.92)
Komari Koshigaya : Since we're all in different grades, (0:08:59.92)
Komari Koshigaya : we mostly just study on our own. (0:09:01.73)
Hotaru Ichijou : On your own? (0:09:03.45)
Komari Koshigaya : Didn't you get a workbook? (0:09:04.69)
Hotaru Ichijou : Oh, I did... (0:09:06.34)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Well, what should we do? (0:09:21.03)
Renge Miyauchi : I think... (0:09:23.02)
Renge Miyauchi : Dodge ball! I'm good at dodge ball! (0:09:25.11)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Dodge ball, huh? (0:09:28.54)
Hotaru Ichijou : Um... (0:09:30.33)
Hotaru Ichijou : I wondered when I was on my
way to the classroom, too...
Hotaru Ichijou : What are those buckets for? (0:09:35.70)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Oh, they're just to catch leaks. (0:09:37.99)
Natsumi Koshigaya : So try not to get too close to them. (0:09:41.60)
Hotaru Ichijou : I see. (0:09:44.03)
Hotaru Ichijou : It'd be a pain if a bucket got moved and
we couldn't tell where the leak was.
Natsumi Koshigaya : No, that's not why. (0:09:49.73)
Natsumi Koshigaya : The floor around them is
rotten from the moisture.
Natsumi Koshigaya : If you get too close, you'll fall through. (0:09:53.20)
Hotaru Ichijou : What?! (0:09:54.88)
Natsumi Koshigaya : I'm just kidding. (0:09:56.58)
Natsumi Koshigaya : No idiot has ever fallen
through the floor before.
Natsumi Koshigaya : We're just supposed to be careful. (0:10:01.10)
Hotaru Ichijou : I see... (0:10:03.55)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Here it comes! (0:10:05.83)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Take that! (0:10:17.93)
Komari Koshigaya : Darn it! (0:10:20.59)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Huh? (0:10:22.57)
Renge Miyauchi : Hotarun! (0:10:29.39)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Hotarun's out. (0:10:33.81)
Hotaru Ichijou : I shouldn't have tried to catch it... (0:10:35.55)
Renge Miyauchi : There's a key on the ground. (0:10:39.63)
Hotaru Ichijou : Oh, that's mine. (0:10:41.82)
Natsumi Koshigaya : A key? To what? (0:10:43.55)
Komari Koshigaya : What's up? (0:10:45.16)
Hotaru Ichijou : No one in my family will
be home until tonight,
Hotaru Ichijou : so I brought a house key. (0:10:50.14)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ren-chon, do you lock your house door? (0:10:56.92)
Renge Miyauchi : No. (0:10:59.82)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Nee-chan, ours don't lock either, do they? (0:11:01.05)
Komari Koshigaya : I've never even seen a lock. (0:11:04.18)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Me, either... (0:11:07.15)
Komari Koshigaya : You're unusual. (0:11:16.16)
Renge Miyauchi : You're unusual. (0:11:16.16)
Natsumi Koshigaya : You're unusual. (0:11:16.16)
Hotaru Ichijou : Then, what should I use my key for? (0:11:27.65)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Filleting mackerel? (0:11:31.16)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Finally done! (0:11:49.24)
Komari Koshigaya : Let's head home. (0:11:51.21)
Renge Miyauchi : Hotarun! (0:12:04.83)
Renge Miyauchi : Want to come to my house? (0:12:08.00)
Renge Miyauchi : You don't want to? (0:12:12.20)
Hotaru Ichijou : Oh, sure. (0:12:13.28)
Hotaru Ichijou : Just for a little while. (0:12:15.39)
Renge Miyauchi : Those are tangerine trees. (0:12:34.49)
Renge Miyauchi : The new blossoms are just coming out. (0:12:36.35)
Hotaru Ichijou : You grow tangerines here? (0:12:39.09)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Also rice and vegetables, mainly. (0:12:40.96)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Oh, and leaves. (0:12:43.43)
Hotaru Ichijou : Leaves? (0:12:44.64)
Natsumi Koshigaya : The kind you garnish food with. (0:12:45.90)
Hotaru Ichijou : Um, do you have any stores? (0:12:47.76)
Renge Miyauchi : There's a co-op and a candy store. (0:12:50.07)
Hotaru Ichijou : Um, any others? (0:12:52.24)
Natsumi Koshigaya : The police box? (0:12:54.07)
Komari Koshigaya : That's not a store. (0:12:55.05)
Hotaru Ichijou : Is there a bookstore? (0:12:56.78)
Komari Koshigaya : The candy store sells magazines. (0:12:58.20)
Komari Koshigaya : They come in two days late, though. (0:13:00.10)
Hotaru Ichijou : So... no convenience stores, either? (0:13:01.84)
Renge Miyauchi : I've seen commercials about them! (0:13:04.85)
Hotaru Ichijou : Cattle? (0:13:10.81)
Natsumi Koshigaya : And sometimes deer. (0:13:11.70)
Komari Koshigaya : And boars. (0:13:13.01)
Renge Miyauchi : What's wrong? (0:13:17.17)
Hotaru Ichijou : I was just thinking it's nothing like Tokyo... (0:13:18.87)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Guess it's still too early
to put the kotatsu away.
Komari Koshigaya : You noticed the door wasn't locked, right? (0:13:32.44)
Hotaru Ichijou : Yes. (0:13:35.02)
Renge Miyauchi : My mom and dad are out in the fields today. (0:13:35.86)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Nee-chan, grab that for me. (0:13:38.93)
Komari Koshigaya : Can't you get it yourself? (0:13:40.87)
Komari Koshigaya : Here. (0:13:43.76)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Thanks. (0:13:44.49)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What's this about, Ren-chon? (0:13:48.85)
Renge Miyauchi : I'm gonna show Hotarun
my special talent!
Natsumi Koshigaya : No sound's coming out. (0:14:01.12)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Still no sound coming out... (0:14:04.23)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Whoa, something came out! (0:14:06.30)
Hotaru Ichijou : A tanuki! (0:14:07.59)
Komari Koshigaya : You have a pet tanuki? (0:14:08.63)
Natsumi Koshigaya : And the tanuki actually heard that? (0:14:10.22)
Renge Miyauchi : I gave it a name, too. (0:14:12.69)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What kind of name? (0:14:14.43)
Renge Miyauchi : Gu! (0:14:15.40)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Oh! A psychedelic name! (0:14:16.26)
Renge Miyauchi : And if I whistle again, Gu will do a trick! (0:14:18.27)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Seriously?! (0:14:21.42)
Natsumi Koshigaya : It made a sound this time! (0:14:23.21)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What's Gu gonna do?! (0:14:24.54)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ren-chon! (0:14:54.42)
Komari Koshigaya : Morning! (0:14:55.08)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ren-chon? (0:15:02.91)
Renge Miyauchi : Nattsun... (0:15:05.34)
Renge Miyauchi : Do we live in the country? (0:15:08.35)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Where's this coming from? (0:15:12.73)
Renge Miyauchi : Hotarun was really surprised. (0:15:14.53)
Renge Miyauchi : Having all different grades in
one classroom, and the tanuki...
Renge Miyauchi : Nee-nee told me that if you drive
a car at fifty kilometers per hour,
Renge Miyauchi : you'll get to a place fifty
kilometers away in one hour,
Renge Miyauchi : and that's really amazing. (0:15:28.19)
Natsumi Koshigaya : I see. (0:15:31.80)
Renge Miyauchi : Just so you know, if you drive
fifty kilometers per hour,
Renge Miyauchi : you can't get to a place fifty kilometers
away in one hour because of traffic lights.
Natsumi Koshigaya : Yeah... I knew that. (0:15:49.89)
Natsumi Koshigaya : But even in Tokyo, (0:15:52.76)
Natsumi Koshigaya : I'm sure there are places with combined elementary and middle schools, (0:15:54.51)
Natsumi Koshigaya : even if they're not in the same room. (0:15:57.59)
Natsumi Koshigaya : And there are no traffic
lights on the highway.
Natsumi Koshigaya : It doesn't mean we live in the country. (0:16:01.67)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Hotarun, hello! (0:16:13.90)
Komari Koshigaya : Morning! (0:16:15.83)
Renge Miyauchi : Meowning. (0:16:16.86)
Hotaru Ichijou : Good morning. (0:16:18.38)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Ren-chon? (0:16:24.28)
Renge Miyauchi : But a tanuki lives at my house,
so I think we're in the country...
Natsumi Koshigaya : You're still talking about that? (0:16:30.47)
Hotaru Ichijou : What were you talking about? (0:16:32.44)
Komari Koshigaya : Whether we live in the country or not. (0:16:34.21)
Renge Miyauchi : Is this really the country? (0:16:36.46)
Komari Koshigaya : If you think about it logically... (0:16:39.23)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Nah, just because we live here, (0:16:41.38)
Natsumi Koshigaya : that doesn't mean it's the country. (0:16:43.87)
Komari Koshigaya : You already sound like a country girl. (0:16:45.29)
Natsumi Koshigaya : But even in Tokyo,
monkeys randomly show up.
Natsumi Koshigaya : So just because a tanuki shows up,
it doesn't mean this is the country, right?
Natsumi Koshigaya : Right? (0:16:55.90)
Hotaru Ichijou : Ah... (0:16:56.59)
Komari Koshigaya : You really don't want this
to be the country, do you?
Natsumi Koshigaya : If living in the country means it's so
inconvenient you can't do anything,
Natsumi Koshigaya : just having cattle and tanuki doesn't
make anything inconvenient, right?
Natsumi Koshigaya : So this isn't the country. (0:17:07.40)
Renge Miyauchi : I get it! (0:17:09.04)
Renge Miyauchi : So, this isn't the country... (0:17:10.57)
Renge Miyauchi : I think I feel better. (0:17:15.37)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Glad to hear it! (0:17:17.09)
Natsumi Koshigaya : What a good girl you are. (0:17:18.99)
Komari Koshigaya : Let's eat! (0:17:35.32)
Hotaru Ichijou : Let's eat! (0:17:35.32)
Renge Miyauchi : Let's eat! (0:17:35.32)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Let's eat! (0:17:35.32)
Komari Koshigaya : This was made with the wild
plants we picked today.
Natsumi Koshigaya : Horsetail shoots, wild udo, and tara sprouts. (0:17:48.36)
Hotaru Ichijou : It's good! (0:17:57.79)
Hotaru Ichijou : It sort of tastes like spring! (0:17:59.28)
Renge Miyauchi : Hotarun, save your
sakura mochi dessert.
Hotaru Ichijou : How far are we going? (0:18:16.76)
Komari Koshigaya : We're almost there. (0:18:18.52)
Renge Miyauchi : Hotarun! (0:19:05.02)
Renge Miyauchi : Good, isn't it? (0:20:54.10)
Hotaru Ichijou : Yes, delicious! (0:20:55.23)
Renge Miyauchi : We'll bring you here again. (0:20:57.01)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Wait! (0:21:14.54)
Komari Koshigaya : We took it too slow... (0:21:23.17)
Hotaru Ichijou : By the way, when does the next bus come? (0:21:46.83)
Komari Koshigaya : In two hours. (0:21:50.10)
Hotaru Ichijou : What?! (0:21:50.99)
Natsumi Koshigaya : Man, buses in the country
are so inconvenient.
Renge Miyauchi : I knew it! (0:22:03.63)

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