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Cocoa Hoto : It's so pretty! (0:00:35.22)
Cocoa Hoto : This town is so cute! (0:00:36.80)
Cocoa Hoto : It's gonna be fun living here! (0:00:41.72)
Cocoa Hoto : If that's here, and that's there, then... (0:00:55.45)
Cocoa Hoto : Well, whatever! (0:01:01.29)
Cocoa Hoto : A café? (0:01:16.55)
Cocoa Hoto : "Rabbit House"... (0:01:20.14)
Cocoa Hoto : Rabbits? (0:01:22.35)
Cocoa Hoto : That tickles! (0:01:32.19)
Cocoa Hoto : Let's see what it's like! (0:01:35.15)
Chino Kafuu : Welcome. (0:01:43.29)
Cocoa Hoto : Rabbits! Rabbits! (0:01:46.54)
Cocoa Hoto : I don't see any rabbits... (0:01:52.67)
Cocoa Hoto : I don't see any rabbits? (0:01:57.13)
Cocoa Hoto : I don't see any rabbits! (0:02:00.80)
Chino Kafuu : I'm not sure how to respond... (0:02:08.10)
Cocoa Hoto : A fuzzball? (0:03:50.44)
Chino Kafuu : You mean this? (0:03:52.53)
Chino Kafuu : This is Tippy. (0:03:53.86)
Chino Kafuu : A rabbit, technically. (0:03:55.57)
Cocoa Hoto : A rabbit? (0:03:56.88)
Chino Kafuu : May I take your order? (0:03:58.88)
Cocoa Hoto : I'll have that rabbit! (0:04:00.50)
Chino Kafuu : The rabbit's not for sale. (0:04:02.21)
Cocoa Hoto : A-At least... (0:04:05.96)
Cocoa Hoto : At least let me cuddle him! (0:04:07.63)
Chino Kafuu : One cuddle per cup of coffee. (0:04:09.63)
Cocoa Hoto : I'll take three! (0:04:11.67)
Chino Kafuu : Here are your drinks. (0:04:43.79)
Cocoa Hoto : I ordered three cups, so I get to hold him three times! (0:04:48.33)
Chino Kafuu : Please drink the coffee before it gets cold. (0:04:52.42)
Cocoa Hoto : R-Right! (0:04:55.32)
Cocoa Hoto : What a sophisticated aroma! (0:05:00.07)
Cocoa Hoto : So this is Blue Mountain? (0:05:02.07)
Chino Kafuu : No, that's Colombian. (0:05:03.82)
Cocoa Hoto : How tart! This must be Kilimanjaro. (0:05:09.50)
Chino Kafuu : No, that one's Blue Mountain. (0:05:12.33)
Cocoa Hoto : A taste that makes you feel at home... (0:05:17.00)
Cocoa Hoto : This has to be instant— (0:05:18.76)
Chino Kafuu : That's our original blend. (0:05:19.84)
Cocoa Hoto : Eh? (0:05:22.05)
Cocoa Hoto : Well, they're all delicious! (0:05:23.93)
Cocoa Hoto : He's so cuddly-wuddly! (0:05:29.64)
Cocoa Hoto : Oh no, I'm drooling. (0:05:31.98)
Cocoa Hoto : Huh? Did this rabbit just shout? (0:05:35.57)
Chino Kafuu : You're imagining things. (0:05:38.69)
Cocoa Hoto : But seriously, I could get addicted to this. (0:05:40.45)
Chino Kafuu : Are you finished yet? (0:05:44.87)
Chino Kafuu : Um... (0:05:48.49)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Unhand me already, girl! (0:05:50.12)
Cocoa Hoto : Did this rabbit just demand release in a dandyish voice? (0:05:53.54)
Chino Kafuu : That was my ventriloquism. (0:05:57.50)
Chino Kafuu : Now, please finish your coffee. (0:06:00.38)
Cocoa Hoto : I'll be attending school here
starting this spring semester.
Chino Kafuu : I see... (0:06:13.44)
Cocoa Hoto : The thing is, I got lost
looking for my host family.
Chino Kafuu : Host family... (0:06:18.44)
Cocoa Hoto : So I thought I'd come in here
to rest and ask for directions.
Cocoa Hoto : Do you know the Kafuu family? They should live in this area. (0:06:23.65)
Cocoa Hoto : It's written with the characters for "fragrant" and "wind". (0:06:27.62)
Chino Kafuu : This is the Kafuu household. (0:06:30.83)
Cocoa Hoto : Really?! (0:06:32.54)
Cocoa Hoto : Wow! (0:06:33.37)
Cocoa Hoto : This is beyond mere coincidence! It's destiny! (0:06:34.50)
Chino Kafuu : My name is Chino. I'm the owner's granddaughter. (0:06:38.84)
Cocoa Hoto : I'm Cocoa! Nice to meet you, Chino-chan! (0:06:42.38)
Chino Kafuu : You too, Cocoa-san. (0:06:46.55)
Cocoa Hoto : So anyway, according to school policy, (0:06:48.47)
Cocoa Hoto : I'm supposed to make myself useful to my host family as thanks for letting me stay. (0:06:50.72)
Chino Kafuu : So you want to work here. (0:06:55.52)
Cocoa Hoto : That's right! (0:06:57.65)
Chino Kafuu : Well, I can take care of the chores on my own, (0:06:58.44)
Chino Kafuu : and it's not like the café's short on staff, (0:07:02.86)
Chino Kafuu : so there isn't really anything for you to do. (0:07:05.70)
Cocoa Hoto : Right off the bat, I'm a third wheel. (0:07:07.99)
Cocoa Hoto : Anyway, I should probably say my hellos. (0:07:13.50)
Cocoa Hoto : Is the owner out? (0:07:16.46)
Chino Kafuu : Last year, my grandfather... (0:07:18.42)
Cocoa Hoto : I see... So you've been managing the place all by yourself. (0:07:20.09)
Chino Kafuu : Well, no, there's my father
and the part-time girl—
Cocoa Hoto : I'll be your big sister!
You can tell me anything!
Cocoa Hoto : So, you can call me "Onee-chan", okay? (0:07:37.40)
Chino Kafuu : Then, Cocoa-san... (0:07:39.81)
Cocoa Hoto : Call me "Onee-chan"! (0:07:42.23)
Chino Kafuu : Cocoa-san... (0:07:44.69)
Cocoa Hoto : Call me "Onee-chan"! (0:07:45.69)
Chino Kafuu : Cocoa-san, please get to work. (0:07:48.07)
Cocoa Hoto : You got it! (0:07:51.24)
Chino Kafuu : You can use this closet. (0:07:59.58)
Cocoa Hoto : Thanks. (0:08:01.96)
Chino Kafuu : I'll go get your uniform. (0:08:03.55)
Cocoa Hoto : I get a uniform! (0:08:06.05)
Cocoa Hoto : Uniform! Uniform! (0:08:08.22)
Cocoa Hoto : I should be alone, but I feel
like I'm being watched.
Cocoa Hoto : A-A half-naked... (0:08:29.99)
Cocoa Hoto : burglar?! (0:08:32.03)
Rize Tedeza : I should have been completely undetectable! (0:08:33.95)
Rize Tedeza : Identify yourself! (0:08:36.87)
Cocoa Hoto : I-I'm Cocoa. I'll be staying here starting today. (0:08:38.75)
Rize Tedeza : I received no report of this. (0:08:43.67)
Rize Tedeza : You've got some explaining to do! (0:08:45.33)
Cocoa Hoto : One of us here has significantly more explaining to do than the other. (0:08:47.30)
Chino Kafuu : Is something the matter? (0:08:54.26)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan, it's a burglar! (0:08:56.60)
Rize Tedeza : I-I am not! (0:08:58.52)
Rize Tedeza : Isn't it normal to maintain cover around an unidentified entity? (0:08:59.69)
Cocoa Hoto : Well, what about the gun?! (0:09:02.31)
Rize Tedeza : It's for self-defense! (0:09:03.98)
Rize Tedeza : My father's in the military, (0:09:06.53)
Rize Tedeza : so I've been trained in self-defense and the like since I was young. (0:09:09.07)
Rize Tedeza : But I'm a normal high school girl!
You can believe me!
Cocoa Hoto : You're making that very difficult! (0:09:16.53)
Chino Kafuu : Um, your uniform... (0:09:19.12)
Cocoa Hoto : It's so cute! (0:09:36.93)
Chino Kafuu : Very nice. It suits you well. (0:09:43.31)
Rize Tedeza : Yes, it's not bad at all. (0:09:45.56)
Chino Kafuu : Cocoa-san, this is Rize-san, our part-timer. (0:09:48.36)
Cocoa Hoto : So she really does work here. (0:09:52.41)
Chino Kafuu : Rize-san, since you have experience, please show Cocoa-san the ropes. (0:09:54.78)
Rize Tedeza : S-So I'm her drill instructor? (0:09:59.70)
Chino Kafuu : You look pleased. (0:10:01.96)
Rize Tedeza : What gave you that impression? (0:10:03.67)
Cocoa Hoto : Show me how it's done, Rize-chan! (0:10:05.96)
Rize Tedeza : When addressing your superiors,
you will end your sentences with "sir"!
Cocoa Hoto : Please calm down, sir! (0:10:11.72)
Rize Tedeza : Let's start by moving these bags of coffee beans to the kitchen. (0:10:21.31)
Cocoa Hoto : O-Okay! (0:10:25.35)
Cocoa Hoto : S-So heavy... (0:10:28.61)
Cocoa Hoto : This is too much for a normal girl to handle! (0:10:29.90)
Cocoa Hoto : Don't you think so, Rize-chan? (0:10:32.65)
Rize Tedeza : Oh, r-right! (0:10:34.66)
Rize Tedeza : G-Gosh, that sure is heavy. (0:10:35.78)
Rize Tedeza : Can't budge it. Not us normal girls, nope. (0:10:37.74)
Cocoa Hoto : I guess we'll just move the smaller bags. (0:10:41.87)
Cocoa Hoto : Even the small ones are heavy! (0:10:46.91)
Cocoa Hoto : I can barely lift one! (0:10:49.38)
Rize Tedeza : You said it! (0:10:53.42)
Rize Tedeza : I can barely lift one! (0:10:54.76)
Rize Tedeza : Not even one... (0:10:56.43)
Rize Tedeza : Cocoa, make sure you memorize the menu. (0:11:03.06)
Cocoa Hoto : Sure. Thanks. (0:11:06.23)
Cocoa Hoto : It's going to be hard to remember all these varieties of coffee, though. (0:11:09.94)
Rize Tedeza : You think so? (0:11:12.99)
Rize Tedeza : I memorized it in one go. (0:11:13.90)
Cocoa Hoto : Whoa! (0:11:15.57)
Rize Tedeza : I've had training, you know. (0:11:16.91)
Rize Tedeza : Chino here can identify coffee by smell alone. (0:11:18.95)
Cocoa Hoto : She's more grown-up than me! (0:11:22.29)
Rize Tedeza : She can't do it without milk and sugar, though. (0:11:24.66)
Cocoa Hoto : That's the most reassuring thing I've heard all day! (0:11:28.13)
Cocoa Hoto : You're lucky, Chino-chan and Rize-chan. (0:11:31.55)
Cocoa Hoto : I wish I had some special talent. (0:11:35.84)
Cocoa Hoto : What have you got there, Chino-chan? (0:11:41.06)
Chino Kafuu : My spring vacation homework. (0:11:43.60)
Chino Kafuu : I work on it in my spare time. (0:11:46.06)
Cocoa Hoto : Oh, the answer to that one is 128. (0:11:50.77)
Cocoa Hoto : The next one is 367. (0:11:53.57)
Rize Tedeza : Cocoa, (0:11:58.03)
Rize Tedeza : if someone orders 29 cups of 430-yen blend coffee, what is the total price? (0:11:59.03)
Cocoa Hoto : 12,470 yen. (0:12:03.37)
Cocoa Hoto : Now, if only I had some special talent... (0:12:07.71)
Rize Tedeza : Of all the unexpected abilities... (0:12:10.50)
Cocoa Hoto : Welcome! (0:12:16.34)
EXTRA : Goodness, a new girl? (0:12:18.68)
Cocoa Hoto : Yep! (0:12:20.51)
Cocoa Hoto : I just started today. My name's Cocoa! (0:12:21.26)
EXTRA : Pleased to meet you. (0:12:24.64)
EXTRA : I'll have a Kilimanjaro. (0:12:26.14)
Cocoa Hoto : Right away! (0:12:27.64)
Rize Tedeza : Looks like she can handle customers just fine. (0:12:30.02)
Chino Kafuu : Yes, it seems we won't have to worry. (0:12:31.94)
Cocoa Hoto : I did it! (0:12:35.48)
Cocoa Hoto : I took her order! (0:12:36.57)
Cocoa Hoto : One Kilimanjaro, please! (0:12:39.32)
Rize Tedeza : Right. (0:12:41.87)
Chino Kafuu : Well done. (0:12:43.99)
Rize Tedeza : Watch it! (0:12:56.50)
Rize Tedeza : You've got some nerve, sneaking up on me! (0:12:57.86)
Cocoa Hoto : Thank you for coming! (0:13:04.05)
Cocoa Hoto : Hey, Chino-chan! (0:13:06.77)
Cocoa Hoto : If this place is called Rabbit House, (0:13:08.47)
Cocoa Hoto : why aren't we wearing bunny ears? (0:13:11.44)
Chino Kafuu : We'd be a different sort of café entirely if the staff wore bunny ears. (0:13:13.06)
Cocoa Hoto : But I bet Rize-chan would look great in them! (0:13:16.44)
Rize Tedeza : You'll never get me to wear that . (0:13:19.86)
Rize Tedeza : It'd be far too revealing! (0:13:30.74)
Cocoa Hoto : I thought we were talking about bunny ears! (0:13:32.58)
Cocoa Hoto : Instructor! (0:13:36.04)
Cocoa Hoto : Why is this place called Rabbit House, then? (0:13:37.00)
Cocoa Hoto : Sir! (0:13:39.63)
Rize Tedeza : Because our mascot is Tippy, I'd assume. (0:13:40.67)
Cocoa Hoto : But... (0:13:45.80)
Cocoa Hoto : Tippy's not very rabbit-like. (0:13:47.47)
Cocoa Hoto : He's all fluffy. (0:13:49.56)
Rize Tedeza : What would you rather call this café? (0:13:50.89)
Cocoa Hoto : Why, "Fluffy Cuddles Café", of course! (0:13:53.02)
Rize Tedeza : Exactly what it says on the tin, I see. (0:13:57.19)
Chino Kafuu : Fluffy Cuddles Café... (0:13:59.77)
Rize Tedeza : She likes it! (0:14:02.20)
Cocoa Hoto : Rize-chan, whatcha doing? (0:14:11.04)
Rize Tedeza : Latte art. (0:14:12.96)
Rize Tedeza : I'm using milk foam to draw pictures on a caffè latte. (0:14:14.46)
Rize Tedeza : Have a look. (0:14:17.46)
Rize Tedeza : It's a free service for our customers. (0:14:20.05)
Rize Tedeza : Wanna give it a shot? (0:14:22.84)
Cocoa Hoto : If it's art you want,
you're in luck!
Cocoa Hoto : Believe it or not, I once won
a gold medal for mine!
Rize Tedeza : Don't go telling me it was in the neighborhood lower-elementary division or something. (0:14:28.51)
Rize Tedeza : Well, here are a few examples. (0:14:36.48)
Cocoa Hoto : Wow! You're really good! (0:14:39.02)
Rize Tedeza : Y-You think so? (0:14:41.23)
Cocoa Hoto : Absolutely! (0:14:43.36)
Cocoa Hoto : You're a great artist! (0:14:44.99)
Cocoa Hoto : Come on, make another one! (0:14:47.32)
Rize Tedeza : I-If you insist. (0:14:49.24)
Rize Tedeza : But just this once. (0:14:51.33)
Cocoa Hoto : Really? (0:14:52.71)
Rize Tedeza : Watch closely, and learn. (0:14:54.12)
Rize Tedeza : Done! (0:15:07.46)
Cocoa Hoto : Amazing! (0:15:09.89)
Rize Tedeza : Oh, it's really nothing special! (0:15:10.85)
Cocoa Hoto : No... This goes above and beyond "well-drawn". (0:15:12.97)
Cocoa Hoto : Beyond the realm of human ability, for that matter! (0:15:16.73)
Cocoa Hoto : All right! Lemme give it a shot! (0:15:19.94)
Rize Tedeza : You can do it! (0:15:22.40)
Cocoa Hoto : This is tricky. (0:15:33.58)
Cocoa Hoto : It didn't come out like I imagined. (0:15:35.25)
Rize Tedeza : Let me see. (0:15:37.00)
Rize Tedeza : I-It's adorable! (0:15:42.37)
Cocoa Hoto : She's laughing at me! (0:15:47.05)
Cocoa Hoto : Aw... (0:15:48.72)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan, you do one too. (0:15:49.89)
Chino Kafuu : You want me to make one? (0:15:51.76)
Rize Tedeza : Rize-chan, I can't wait to see what she comes up with! (0:15:54.52)
Rize Tedeza : I seem to recall Chino's latte art being... (0:15:58.23)
Chino Kafuu : I'm finished. (0:16:01.19)
Cocoa Hoto : Th-This is... (0:16:02.90)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan's the same as me!{} (0:16:07.20)
Chino Kafuu : The same? (0:16:09.16)
Cocoa Hoto : We're the same! (0:16:10.15)
Rize Tedeza : You can't judge that kind of art the same way as ours... (0:16:13.66)
Cocoa Hoto : Good work, everyone! (0:16:21.41)
Rize Tedeza : Good work! (0:16:23.00)
Rize Tedeza : So, Cocoa, you'll be living here starting today? (0:16:27.47)
Cocoa Hoto : Yep, that's right! (0:16:30.84)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan, let's make dinner together! (0:16:32.72)
Chino Kafuu : I can do it on my own. (0:16:35.64)
Cocoa Hoto : But I wanna help! (0:16:37.43)
Chino Kafuu : I don't need help. (0:16:40.02)
Cocoa Hoto : Why not? (0:16:41.14)
Cocoa Hoto : Let's spend time in the kitchen together! (0:16:42.60)
Rize Tedeza : See you! (0:16:45.11)
Chino Kafuu : Have a nice evening. (0:16:46.03)
Cocoa Hoto : Bye-bye! (0:16:47.44)
Chino Kafuu : Will stew be all right for dinner? (0:16:50.48)
Cocoa Hoto : Let me chop the vegetables! (0:16:52.70)
Chino Kafuu : No, I can manage on my own. (0:16:54.49)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan! (0:17:02.84)
Chino Kafuu : Yes? (0:17:04.59)
Cocoa Hoto : Ta-dah! (0:17:05.59)
Chino Kafuu : Are those... (0:17:08.59)
Cocoa Hoto : I made them myself earlier! (0:17:09.68)
Chino Kafuu : (0:17:12.39)
Cocoa Hoto : That's right! (0:17:14.14)
Cocoa Hoto : Who's this? (0:17:20.31)
Chino Kafuu : He's my father. (0:17:21.69)
Takahiro Kafuu : So, you're Cocoa-kun? (0:17:23.86)
Takahiro Kafuu : Well, the more the merrier, I say. (0:17:26.15)
Takahiro Kafuu : Welcome to our home. (0:17:29.32)
Cocoa Hoto : Th-Thank you for having me! (0:17:31.82)
Takahiro Kafuu : The pleasure is all ours. (0:17:34.58)
Takahiro Kafuu : Take care of Chino for me. (0:17:37.33)
Takahiro Kafuu : Do excuse me. (0:17:39.58)
Cocoa Hoto : O-Okay! (0:17:40.37)
Cocoa Hoto : Is your dad not gonna eat with us? (0:17:44.13)
Chino Kafuu : At night, Rabbit House becomes a bar. (0:17:46.37)
Chino Kafuu : My father is the bartender. (0:17:49.67)
Cocoa Hoto : Wow, really? (0:17:51.38)
Cocoa Hoto : He seems like the type who'd deal in shady information. (0:17:53.39)
Cocoa Hoto : Pretty cool! (0:17:56.35)
Chino Kafuu : What are you talking about? (0:17:59.10)
Cocoa Hoto : Is it about done? (0:18:04.69)
Chino Kafuu : Nearly. (0:18:06.36)
Cocoa Hoto : It almost feels like we're sisters!{this line made a lot more sense in the manga since Cocoa was actually helping with the cooking...} (0:18:09.07)
Chino Kafuu : Sisters? (0:18:11.82)
Chino Kafuu : So you'd be Cocoa-oneechan. (0:18:17.08)
Cocoa Hoto : Say it again! (0:18:22.46)
Cocoa Hoto : Please! One more time? (0:18:27.46)
Cocoa Hoto : Please. One more time? (0:18:33.34)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan! (0:18:46.27)
Cocoa Hoto : Let's bathe together! (0:18:48.02)
Cocoa Hoto : It'll be a cocoa bath! (0:18:49.40)
Chino Kafuu : A cocoa bath? (0:18:51.49)
Cocoa Hoto : This is heaven! (0:18:56.11)
Cocoa Hoto : My fatigue's just melting away. (0:18:58.12)
Cocoa Hoto : Hey, can I sleep in your room tonight? (0:19:00.45)
Chino Kafuu : In my room? (0:19:03.96)
Cocoa Hoto : Yeah! (0:19:06.12)
Cocoa Hoto : My things aren't here yet, (0:19:08.71)
Cocoa Hoto : and there's so much I want to talk about! (0:19:10.96)
Chino Kafuu : Talking... Sleeping together... (0:19:14.17)
Chino Kafuu : Will I be able to manage that? (0:19:18.01)
Chino Kafuu : I-I've never done this before, (0:19:22.52)
Chino Kafuu : so please go easy on me. (0:19:25.76)
Rize Tedeza : Get this, Wild Goose. (0:19:33.24)
Rize Tedeza : We got a new hire today,
and a real oddball at that.
Rize Tedeza : By the end, we were drowning
in cups of practice latte art.
Rize Tedeza : I've had enough caffè latte
to last me quite a while.
Rize Tedeza : I'm not lonely! (0:19:51.17)
Rize Tedeza : I'm not lonely! (0:19:52.59)
Cocoa Hoto : By the way, where's Tippy? (0:19:56.88)
Chino Kafuu : Working the bar with my father. (0:19:58.88)
Cocoa Hoto : Phooey. I wanted to fall asleep cuddling him. (0:20:01.31)
Chino Kafuu : Tippy is not a teddy bear. (0:20:05.10)
Cocoa Hoto : Then maybe I'll cuddle you tonight! (0:20:07.23)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Good grief. We're in for some hectic times. (0:20:14.65)
Takahiro Kafuu : I hope Chino gets along with her. (0:20:17.61)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Cocoa, was it? (0:20:20.32)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Didn't take her long
to settle into this café.
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Perhaps a friend like that
is just what Chino needs.
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : That said, I can't have her always treating me like a stuffed toy. (0:20:30.75)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : I may be in this body now,
but in a sense I'm still, you know...
Takahiro Kafuu : Come, now. (0:20:39.43)
Takahiro Kafuu : This is shaping up to be a fun ride, Pops. (0:20:40.39)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Imbecile! (0:20:42.39)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : You haven't a clue what I'm going through! (0:20:44.43)
Takahiro Kafuu : Welcome. (0:20:47.39)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : Listen to me! (0:20:48.10)
Rize Tedeza : A message? (0:20:56.78)
Rize Tedeza : It's from Cocoa. (0:20:57.94)
Rize Tedeza : That's what she's been up to? (0:21:01.66)
Rize Tedeza : Looks like I have a new wallpaper. (0:21:07.75)
Chino Kafuu : Cocoa-san... (0:21:16.80)
Cocoa Hoto : I should've gotten a second helping of stew. (0:21:19.67)
Chino Kafuu : Of all things... (0:21:22.84)
Cocoa Hoto : Chino-chan! (0:21:24.60)
Cocoa Hoto : This is a wonderful town! (0:21:26.64)
Chino Kafuu : Really? (0:21:29.68)
Cocoa Hoto : Yep! (0:21:31.81)
Cocoa Hoto : I'm glad I came here. (0:21:35.07)
Cocoa Hoto : I can feel lots of adventures
waiting just around the corner!
Chino Kafuu : I look forward to our time together, Cocoa-san. (0:21:44.95)
Cocoa Hoto : I'll be the best big sister you never had! (0:21:47.58)
Chino Kafuu : On second thought, I take that back. (0:21:49.54)
Cocoa Hoto : We're sleeping in the same bed tonight! (0:21:52.37)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : I hear Cocoa will be starting school next episode. (0:23:30.97)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : While worrying about her new class, (0:23:33.39)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : she runs into another girl. (0:23:35.89)
Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe : To her surprise— (0:23:37.27)
Takahiro Kafuu : What was that?! (0:23:38.36)
Takahiro Kafuu : Look forward to it. (0:23:39.31)

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Neco-Arc Bubbles

Full of pilk - Juan_Elric


That sounds just like a lesson schedule! - Sayori Mizushima

I made that up. - Sayori Mizushima

It had nothing to do with your family. - Sayori Mizushima

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