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Ikuko Tsukino : Usagi! (0:01:55.51)
Ikuko Tsukino : You're gonna be late! (0:01:56.92)
Usagi Tsukino : Come on, Mum! (0:02:07.89)
Usagi Tsukino : Why didn't you wake me up earlier?! (0:02:09.76)
Usagi Tsukino : Ouch! (0:02:17.15)
Ikuko Tsukino : Are you all right? (0:02:19.69)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm not all right! (0:02:21.89)
Usagi Tsukino : It hurts... (0:02:25.03)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm off! (0:02:27.62)
Ikuko Tsukino : Have a safe trip. (0:02:29.44)
Ikuko Tsukino : Be careful. (0:02:30.70)
Usagi Tsukino : Okay. (0:02:32.28)
Ikuko Tsukino : Really, Usagi... {not great but better than "my, this usagi." srsly sakura? srsly? -☿} (0:02:35.87)
Ikuko Tsukino : I wish you'd take after Sailor V. (0:02:39.17)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm late, I'm late! (0:02:46.44)
Usagi Tsukino : Why does morning have to come every day? (0:04:26.47)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm so sleepy... (0:04:29.61)
Usagi Tsukino : My name is Usagi Tsukino, (0:04:31.77)
Usagi Tsukino : fourteen years old, eighth grader. (0:04:33.74)
Usagi Tsukino : I think so myself, (0:04:35.89)
Usagi Tsukino : but I'm a bit clumsy and a crybaby. {not great, maybe edit/QC could polish this line and the above a bit -☿} (0:04:37.55)
Usagi Tsukino : Whoa! {orig. "wow!" really, CR? really? and sakura, y u no fix it?} (0:04:42.07)
Usagi Tsukino : Ouch! (0:04:46.00)
Usagi Tsukino : Huh? Did I just step on something? (0:04:48.95)
Usagi Tsukino : No way! A cat?! (0:04:52.55)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm so sorry! (0:04:55.03)
Usagi Tsukino : A black cat, huh? (0:04:59.44)
Usagi Tsukino : How cute! Please forgive me. (0:05:02.13)
Usagi Tsukino : What's with you? There's no need to scratch me! {huh, sakura actually fixed CR. also: "Meowth used Scratch! It's super effective!"} (0:05:11.17)
Usagi Tsukino : Huh? (0:05:14.46)
Usagi Tsukino : Why do you have band-aids on? (0:05:15.82)
Usagi Tsukino : Do you want me to take them off? (0:05:19.02)
Usagi Tsukino : All right. (0:05:20.61)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh, no! I don't have the time for this! {edit/QC: should there really be two commas there? the first one doesn't look right to me. -☿} (0:05:39.81)
Jedite : Come forth, youma, servant of our great master. (0:05:52.66)
Jedite : Go. (0:06:06.62)
Jedite : Get me the "Legendary Silver Crystal". (0:06:07.83)
Patricia Haruna : Tsukino Usagi-san! (0:06:16.81)
Patricia Haruna : You're late again? (0:06:18.97)
Patricia Haruna : Go stand in the hallway! (0:06:20.67)
Usagi Tsukino : Yes... (0:06:21.97)
Usagi Tsukino : Ahh... {alt. "unbelievable"/"oh man..."/*expression of exasperation* / orig. "i can't believe..."} (0:06:25.31)
Usagi Tsukino : She made a frail little girl stand in the hallway. {literal. orig: "...she made an innocent girl like me stand outside."} (0:06:26.55)
Usagi Tsukino : The princess in my dream was so beautiful. (0:06:40.03)
Usagi Tsukino : It must be nice. (0:06:44.23)
Usagi Tsukino : A princess wouldn't have to go to school. (0:06:45.85)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm hungry... (0:06:51.93)
Usagi Tsukino : Well, I skipped breakfast today, so... (0:06:57.36)
Usagi Tsukino : Let's eat! {TL note: "itadakimasu" is nipponese for "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub"} (0:06:59.61)
Usagi Tsukino : Ah! (0:07:01.62)
Patricia Haruna : Tsukino-san! What are you doing? (0:07:03.46)
Patricia Haruna : Ah, well, thing is, I, um... (0:07:06.86)
Patricia Haruna : That's why you get scores like this! (0:07:08.94)
Usagi Tsukino : This is my homeroom teacher, Sakurada Haruna-sensei. (0:07:14.34)
Usagi Tsukino : Nickname: Haruda. She teaches English. (0:07:17.33)
Usagi Tsukino : I don't like English...{alt. "i'm bad with english" / "i no engrish berry werr."} (0:07:20.20)
Molly Baker : Really, Usagi! (0:07:25.70)
Molly Baker : I can't believe it. (0:07:27.04)
Molly Baker : Eating your lunch early even though you're a girl. (0:07:28.54)
Usagi Tsukino : Well... (0:07:31.05)
Usagi Tsukino : This is my best friend, Naru-chan. (0:07:33.36)
Melvin Overstreet : Usagi-san, how'd you do on the test? {they fucking say "test" in english, how can CR and sakura fuck that up? it's not like it means something different in japanese.} (0:07:35.31)
Melvin Overstreet : I held back this time, but... {orig: "I didn't prepare much this time, but..." CR's version changes the meaning of the line.} (0:07:38.08)
Usagi Tsukino : This is Umino, the nerd. (0:07:41.28)
Usagi Tsukino : He's annoying. (0:07:43.26)
Melvin Overstreet : Tests are like a game. (0:07:45.62)
Molly Baker : A game? (0:07:48.55)
Molly Baker : You really are annoying! (0:07:49.78)
Molly Baker : Umino was the one person I didn't want to lose to. {orig. "I can't believe only his score is higher than mine."} (0:07:53.59)
Usagi Tsukino : Naru-chan is pretty and smart. And her family is rich. {feel free to fix the grammar, but even in the manga, usagi talks like a mentally challenged child.} (0:07:56.75)
Yumiko : Oh yeah, have you heard that another jewellery store in town got robbed? (0:08:02.11)
Yumiko : Been a lot of those lately. (0:08:05.82)
Molly Baker : That's scary... (0:08:07.75)
Melvin Overstreet : But Sailor V caught the robbers. (0:08:09.04)
Usagi Tsukino : What's that? {orig: "who's she?" usagi hasn't heard of sailor v at this point and she's dumb as a brick. she wouldn't know a random english word is referring to a specific person let alone that it's a girl. so i went with the literal "what's that?"} (0:08:12.33)
Melvin Overstreet : You don't know? (0:08:13.41)
Melvin Overstreet : Sailor V is helping the public right now... (0:08:14.98)
Melvin Overstreet : an ally of justice in a sailor uniform! (0:08:17.95)
Melvin Overstreet : There's even a rumour that she's a special investigator for the police department. (0:08:21.33)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh, so there's someone like that around. (0:08:25.43)
Yumiko : Ah, but I can understand the feeling of wanting to rob a jewellery store. {somewhat literal. also, she says feeling in a way that implies jewels make her wet. she's probably the type of girl that would put out if you bought her a necklace.} (0:08:28.32)
Kuri : Jewels are so pretty! They're so sparkly! (0:08:34.42)
Usagi Tsukino : Yup, yup! (0:08:37.77)
Usagi Tsukino : Naru-chan, your family runs a big jewellery shop, right? {lit. "naru-chan, your house is a big jewelry store, isn't it?"} (0:08:39.31)
Molly Baker : Actually, there's a big sale that started yesterday. {orig. "Yes, actually we've just started discount sales,"} (0:08:43.03)
Molly Baker : There's even some that we can afford. {orig. "making some of our jewellery actually affordable."} (0:08:45.99)
Yumiko : You're kidding, right? I will drop by on the way home, then. (0:08:48.50)
Usagi Tsukino : Me too, me too. (0:08:50.93)
Mrs. Baker : The one in the middle is a Pigeon's Blood Ruby. (0:08:59.88)
Mrs. Baker : It's worth one billion yen! (0:09:01.83)
Mrs. Baker : Though we can't exactly put these items on sale. (0:09:03.71)
Usagi Tsukino : So many people... (0:09:11.10)
Mrs. Baker : Help yourselves, we've got plenty of cheap ones! {orig. "Please come in and feel free to look, they are really cheap!" why would she say that? they're already inside.} (0:09:13.55)
Molly Baker : Mum, I'm back! (0:09:17.09)
Mrs. Baker : Ah, welcome home, Naru-chan. (0:09:19.10)
Mrs. Baker : Your friends? (0:09:21.32)
Molly Baker : Yes. (0:09:22.63)
Mrs. Baker : It's crowded, but see if you can find something you like. (0:09:24.68)
Mrs. Baker : For Naru-chan's friends, I'll lower the price a bit more. (0:09:26.56)
Yumiko : Really? (0:09:29.69)
Molly Baker : We've never had a sale before... (0:09:33.22)
Molly Baker : I wonder what happened to my mum. (0:09:36.90)
Mrs. Baker : Don't push! (0:09:38.37)
Mrs. Baker : We've got plenty for everyone. (0:09:39.98)
Kuri : This is so cute! (0:09:44.06)
Kuri : Since I did well on my exam, I'll ask my dad to buy it. (0:09:45.56)
Mrs. Baker : I need more young energy... (0:09:50.49)
Mrs. Baker : I need to gather... more... (0:09:54.95)
Usagi Tsukino : I want one... {lit. "must be nice" usagi is implying she'd like to lose her shit and collect shiny things like those other girls or perhaps like a crow, but she can't for some reason. perhaps spending all her money on junk food and stuffing her face.} (0:09:58.36)
Usagi Tsukino : Only thirty percent. I don't think I can ask my mum for anything. (0:10:06.87)
Usagi Tsukino : Let's go home! (0:10:12.25)
Usagi Tsukino : Huh? (0:10:15.87)
Mamoru Chiba : That hurt, Bumpy-head. (0:10:18.31)
Mamoru Chiba : Are you trying to give me a bump on my head, too? (0:10:20.82)
Usagi Tsukino : These aren't bumps, they're called buns! (0:10:23.78)
Mamoru Chiba : Thirty percent. (0:10:26.67)
Mamoru Chiba : You need to study harder, Dumpling-head. {dango can be dumplings, unless QC thinks we should just have "dango" in the TLs. but as a hairstyle, i think the proper term is "buns"}{TIL "odango" is an actual thing ( lol SM had something to do with it) but I'd like to keep the weeb level low and stick with an English translation - ♃} (0:10:28.55)
Usagi Tsukino : M-Mind your own business! (0:10:32.50)
Usagi Tsukino : My heart is still pounding... (0:11:00.63)
Usagi Tsukino : Who wears a tuxedo in the middle of the day? What a show-off! {alt. "smug bastard"/"pretentious asshole"}{don't use either alt. doesn't fit the tone and usagi isn't smart enough to know what "pretentious" means} (0:11:05.35)
Mamoru Chiba : That's a huge jewellery store. (0:11:16.08)
Mamoru Chiba : They might even have it. (0:11:18.74)
Mamoru Chiba : The "Legendary Silver Crystal". (0:11:21.90)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh, so this is the Sailor V everyone's talking about? (0:11:28.73)
Usagi Tsukino : I wish I were Sailor V. (0:11:32.59)
Usagi Tsukino : I wouldn't have to go to school, (0:11:35.49)
Usagi Tsukino : and I bet it's nice to beat up the bad guys. {lit. "and being able to get rid of bad guys seems like it would be refreshing."}{but you know what's even more refreshing? the crisp lemon-lime taste of Sierra Mist. It's one shockingly refreshing lemon-lime.} (0:11:37.24)
Usagi Tsukino : Eh, I can't beat him! (0:11:46.84)
Usagi Tsukino : You stupid mook! {mook in the sense of being a meat shield, a red shirt, or cannon fodder. usagi sucks so hard, she's losing to a generic enemy.} (0:11:48.28)
Andrew Foreman : Oh, Usagi-chan. Are you on your way home from school? {orig. "Oh Usagi-chan, are you again on a detour on your way back home, wearing your uniform?" looks like sakura or CR ran it through google-sensei since the original was extra literal.} (0:11:49.84)
Andrew Foreman : There's a special trick for this one. (0:11:54.53)
Andrew Foreman : Here, take a look. (0:11:56.30)
Andrew Foreman : If you keep spacing out, you'll lose! (0:11:57.96)
Andrew Foreman : We did it! (0:12:02.89)
Usagi Tsukino : We did it! (0:12:02.89)
Usagi Tsukino : This is Motoki-oniisan, who works part-time at this arcade. (0:12:06.27)
Usagi Tsukino : He's really cool and kind. (0:12:09.31)
Usagi Tsukino : I've got my eye on him. (0:12:11.27)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh hey, it's the black cat from this morning. (0:12:16.66)
Andrew Foreman : Ah, this cat... (0:12:19.07)
Andrew Foreman : She's been wandering around here the past few days. (0:12:21.11)
Usagi Tsukino : Hahaha, look! She's got a crescent moon-shaped bald spot on her forehead. (0:12:23.68)
Usagi Tsukino : I'm home. (0:12:37.04)
Ikuko Tsukino : Welcome back, Usagi. (0:12:38.84)
Ikuko Tsukino : I ran into Umino-kun not too long ago. (0:12:41.24)
Ikuko Tsukino : He scored ninety-five percent on his test. (0:12:44.57)
Ikuko Tsukino : What score did you get, Usagi? (0:12:47.75)
Usagi Tsukino : That jerk Umino and his big mouth... (0:12:49.79)
Ikuko Tsukino : Thirty percent?! {it was around this time i noticed usagi's mom is voiced by the woman that did mihoshi in tenchi muyo.} (0:12:54.63)
Ikuko Tsukino : Usagi! (0:12:57.31)
Ikuko Tsukino : If you're going to get a score like this, you shouldn't bother coming home! (0:13:00.24)
Usagi Tsukino : Eh, waiMum? (0:13:04.87)
Sammy Tsukino : What are you doing, Stupid Usagi? (0:13:07.57)
Usagi Tsukino : Shingo? (0:13:10.02)
Sammy Tsukino : You got kicked out again? (0:13:10.88)
Sammy Tsukino : I wish I could have a more capable sister. (0:13:13.01)
Usagi Tsukino : Shingo! Even though you're my younger brother! {literal. implying usagi is saying he isn't showing her proper respect as the elder sibling even though she's done nothing to earn it. at least cure black was good at sports. usagi is useless.} (0:13:16.98)
Usagi Tsukino : Sailor V Kick! (0:13:21.51)
Usagi Tsukino : Ouch! (0:13:28.12)
Usagi Tsukino : Please let me back in, Mum! (0:13:30.34)
Ikuko Tsukino : Be patient, be patient... (0:13:34.16)
Mrs. Baker : Foolish humans. (0:13:51.29)
Mrs. Baker : They have no idea their energy is being drained away by the jewels. (0:13:53.57)
Mrs. Baker : But it seems like what I seek is not here either. (0:13:58.71)
Molly Baker : Mum? (0:14:03.57)
Usagi Tsukino : Mum didn't have to get that angry. (0:14:20.68)
Usagi Tsukino : Ugh, I don't feel like doing homework. (0:14:24.57)
Usagi Tsukino : I'll take just a tiny little break. (0:14:27.15)
Usagi Tsukino : What's going on? (0:14:45.08)
Usagi Tsukino : A continuation of the dream from this morning? (0:14:47.01)
Usagi Tsukino : Huh? (0:14:58.00)
Usagi Tsukino : Ah, so this was a game! {dream? it looks like a game, and sounds like she said game -♀} (0:14:59.29)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh yeah, I gotta help that cat. (0:15:02.26)
Usagi Tsukino : That black cat with the crescent moon-shaped bald spot. (0:15:06.44)
Usagi Tsukino : Ouch! (0:15:10.03)
Usagi Tsukino : What do you think you're doing?! (0:15:12.72)
Luna : It's not a bald spot. How rude. (0:15:14.33)
Usagi Tsukino : Eh? (0:15:17.88)
Usagi Tsukino : The cat talked? (0:15:19.65)
Luna : My name is Luna. (0:15:21.18)
Luna : I have been looking for you, Usagi-chan. (0:15:22.71)
Luna : Removing the band-aids really helped me out. (0:15:26.32)
Luna : With those on, I couldn't speak and it dulled my sensing ability. (0:15:29.16)
Luna : It was troublesome. {QC - perhaps adjust timing on this line and the above and split/combine them somehow. a rewording wouldn't hurt either.} (0:15:32.49)
Luna : The children around here are such brats. (0:15:33.70)
Luna : I'm so happy I met you. (0:15:36.46)
Luna : I was wondering what to do if I couldn't find you. (0:15:38.20)
Usagi Tsukino : Good night. (0:15:41.42)
Luna : Usagi-chan, this isn't a dream. (0:15:42.18)
Usagi Tsukino : This is a dream, a dream... (0:15:44.57)
Luna : Fine. {lit. "i understand." alt. "okay then/all right/etc."} (0:15:48.58)
Luna : I'll give you something to wake you up. (0:15:49.74)
Luna : I've got a present for you, Usagi-chan. (0:15:52.20)
Usagi Tsukino : Eh, a present? (0:15:54.37)
Usagi Tsukino : Oh wow, how cute! (0:15:56.24)
Usagi Tsukino : It's so beautiful. (0:15:59.02)
Usagi Tsukino : Are you sure it's okay for me to have it? (0:16:00.71)
Luna : Usagi-chan, listen to me! (0:16:03.88)
Luna : Right now, in Tokyo, there have been a string of crimes that the police can't handle. (0:16:06.14)
Luna : Usagi-chan, you're a chosen warrior. (0:16:10.77)
Luna : You have a mission. (0:16:13.51)
Luna : Find your allies and defeat the enemy! (0:16:15.74)
Luna : And then search for our princess. (0:16:18.45)
Usagi Tsukino : Luna! The broach is shining! (0:16:21.37)
Luna : You still can't believe what I'm saying? (0:16:25.52)
Luna : Shout out! Moon Prism Power, Make Up! (0:16:29.86)
Usagi Tsukino : Moon? (0:16:34.84)
Usagi Tsukino : Moon Prism Power, (0:16:37.89)
Usagi Tsukino : Make Up! {it's not so bad, just some of the animations don't look natural. -♀} (0:16:40.66)
Sailor Moon : Eh, no way! (0:17:36.07)
Sailor Moon : What's this? (0:17:38.32)
Sailor Moon : I look like Sailor V! (0:17:39.97)
Luna : Do you understand now? (0:17:43.01)
Sailor Moon : What's this? (0:17:44.96)
Molly Baker : Someone please save me, my mum is...! (0:17:47.54)
Sailor Moon : This voice... (0:17:51.09)
Sailor Moon : ...Naru-chan? (0:17:52.50)
Luna : Looks like a youma has appeared. (0:17:54.74)
Sailor Moon : Luna, I don't really know what's going on, but Naru-chan is in danger! (0:17:56.39)
Sailor Moon : I have to go save her! (0:18:00.16)
Molly Baker : What's wrong, Mum? (0:18:05.30)
Molly Baker : Stop it! (0:18:06.87)
EXTRA : Your mum is currently in the basement, having some nice dreams. (0:18:08.59)
EXTRA : I cannot allow you to live since you found out about my secret. (0:18:14.26)
Molly Baker : No! (0:18:19.55)
Sailor Moon : Get away from Naru-chan! (0:18:22.09)
Sailor Moon : You monstrous old hag! (0:18:24.52)
EXTRA : Who the hell are you? (0:18:29.29)
Sailor Moon : Eh, me? (0:18:30.65)
Sailor Moon : I'm, umm... (0:18:32.65)
Sailor Moon : I am... (0:18:41.35)
Sailor Moon : ...the sailor warrior of love and justice, (0:18:44.65)
Sailor Moon : Sailor Moon! (0:18:49.67)
Sailor Moon : In the name of the moon, I'll punish you. (0:18:53.63)
EXTRA : Sailor Moon? (0:18:58.28)
EXTRA : Never even heard of you! (0:19:00.20)
EXTRA : Awaken, servants that offer their energies to our great ruler! (0:19:02.65)
Sailor Moon : Eh, what is going on? (0:19:19.75)
EXTRA : Finish her! (0:19:21.61)
Sailor Moon : What's going on? (0:19:30.82)
Sailor Moon : It isn't a dream? (0:19:31.85)
Sailor Moon : It hurts! I'm bleeding! (0:19:33.80)
Sailor Moon : No! (0:19:37.25)
Luna : What are you doing, Sailor Moon? (0:19:37.78)
Luna : Fight back! (0:19:40.18)
Luna : You have to defeat her! (0:19:41.50)
Sailor Moon : Eh, why? (0:19:42.92)
Sailor Moon : How? (0:19:45.05)
Sailor Moon : Why do I have to go through this? (0:19:54.99)
Sailor Moon : I can't take it any more! (0:20:03.11)
Sailor Moon : I wanna go home! (0:20:05.95)
EXTRA : I'm feeling numb... Are these ultrasonic waves? (0:20:11.35)
Tuxedo Mask : Don't cry! Do it now! (0:20:15.53)
Tuxedo Mask : Sailor Moon! (0:20:17.61)
Luna : Now's the time, Sailor Moon! (0:20:24.37)
Luna : Take your tiara and shout, Moon Tiara Boomerang! (0:20:26.91)
Sailor Moon : Moon Tiara... (0:20:39.24)
Sailor Moon : ...Boomerang! (0:20:42.10)
Luna : You did it, Sailor Moon! (0:20:54.49)
Tuxedo Mask : I couldn't find the "Legendary Silver Crystal", (0:20:58.90)
Tuxedo Mask : but I saw something interesting. (0:21:01.83)
Sailor Moon : Wait, Sailor Moon. (0:21:07.24)
Tuxedo Mask : My name is Tuxedo Mask. {note he is the perfect prince and so hot this season lol ≺3} (0:21:19.61)
Tuxedo Mask : Sailor Moon, I will remember your name. (0:21:22.91)
Jedite : Sailor Moon, huh? (0:21:35.90)
Jedite : Not bad at all. (0:21:37.92)
Jedite : I must obtain the "Legendary Silver Crystal" as soon as possible. (0:21:40.17)
Molly Baker : And then, and then, (0:21:53.84)
Molly Baker : the robber attacked me and I passed out. (0:21:55.43)
Molly Baker : Before I passed out, that sailor warrior came to save me! (0:21:59.28)
Molly Baker : If I didn't pass out, I could have seen who she was. (0:22:04.25)
Yumiko : Did that really happen? (0:22:07.52)
Kuri : Are you sure you weren't just dreaming? (0:22:09.05)
Molly Baker : It really happened! (0:22:10.50)
Luna : What's wrong, Usagi-chan? (0:22:12.11)
Usagi Tsukino : Seems like it wasn't a dream after all. (0:22:17.21)
Usagi Tsukino : What's going to happen to me from now on? (0:22:21.37)

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