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Arata Kasuga : Everything was shrouded in total black. (0:01:32.58)
Arata Kasuga : I have to take her hand. (0:01:48.88)
Arata Kasuga : And in order to take her hand... (0:01:52.70)
Arata Kasuga : Just for that purpose... (0:01:54.96)
Arata Kasuga : I will... (0:01:57.08)
Arata Kasuga : Oh, Hijiri... (0:02:08.84)
Arata Kasuga : Good morning. Breakfast? (0:02:11.00)
Hijiri Kasuga : Don't you "Breakfast?" me! (0:02:15.04)
Arata Kasuga : Come on... Are you still mad? (0:02:24.08)
Hijiri Kasuga : Don't you have something to say to me? (0:02:27.11)
Arata Kasuga : Like, "I guess you've gotten a little bigger"? (0:02:31.38)
Hijiri Kasuga : No! (0:02:33.92)
Arata Kasuga : Why? (0:02:35.26)
Arata Kasuga : Being bigger is a good thing. (0:02:36.24)
Hijiri Kasuga : That's not the issue here! (0:02:38.36)
Arata Kasuga : Look at that. (0:02:42.46)
Arata Kasuga : You were such a sweet little
girl when you drew that.
Hijiri Kasuga : Why do you have a drawing
from that long ago?!
Hijiri Kasuga : That's just embarrassing... (0:02:52.62)
Arata Kasuga : It's too late. (0:02:56.13)
Arata Kasuga : I've already set your drawing
as the background on my phone!
Arata Kasuga : W-Wait! Time out! (0:03:04.78)
Hijiri Kasuga : Wait! (0:03:07.98)
Arata Kasuga : My name is Arata Kasuga, (0:03:08.41)
Arata Kasuga : and this is my cousin and
childhood friend, Hijiri Kasuga.
Arata Kasuga : There are some annoyances here and there, (0:03:14.69)
Arata Kasuga : but honestly, I don't dislike
this uneventful sort of life.
Hijiri Kasuga : The weather's great again today. (0:03:30.20)
Hijiri Kasuga : I'm glad it's sunny out. Aren't you, Arata-san? (0:03:32.09)
Arata Kasuga : Huh? (0:03:35.23)
Arata Kasuga : Is the sun... (0:03:36.74)
Arata Kasuga : I guess I'm just imagining things. (0:03:39.15)
Lilith Asami : Awaken now, Arata Kasuga. (0:03:52.44)
Lilith Asami : If you do not, I will have to kill you. (0:03:55.60)
EXTRA : "All six armies refused to march,
leaving the emperor with no choice.
EXTRA : The fair maiden of slender eyebrows
died before the horses." This means...
Lilith Asami : Awaken now, Arata Kasuga. (0:04:13.92)
Hijiri Kasuga : Arata-san. (0:04:22.31)
Hijiri Kasuga : This is where you've been? (0:04:24.58)
Hijiri Kasuga : What's the matter? (0:04:27.36)
Hijiri Kasuga : You look as if you're deep in thought. (0:04:28.76)
Arata Kasuga : Hey, Hijiri... (0:04:32.00)
Arata Kasuga : Has the sun always been black? (0:04:33.44)
Hijiri Kasuga : Huh? (0:04:37.04)
Hijiri Kasuga : What are you talking about? (0:04:39.58)
Hijiri Kasuga : The sun has always been black. (0:04:41.28)
Hijiri Kasuga : It was black when you were born,
and before you were born, too.
Arata Kasuga : Are you being serious? (0:04:47.97)
Hijiri Kasuga : I am. (0:04:50.95)
Hijiri Kasuga : That's the sort of world you lived in, (0:04:52.42)
Hijiri Kasuga : and the sort of world you wished for. (0:04:55.08)
Arata Kasuga : The world I wished for? (0:04:57.60)
Hijiri Kasuga : Yes. (0:04:59.52)
Hijiri Kasuga : A world where I'm there, and you're there, (0:05:01.71)
Hijiri Kasuga : and where having fun every day is our way of life. (0:05:04.52)
Hijiri Kasuga : So, (0:05:08.48)
Hijiri Kasuga : it doesn't matter if the sun is black, does it? (0:05:10.30)
Hijiri Kasuga : Here... (0:05:14.73)
Hijiri Kasuga : If you stay with me forever, (0:05:16.63)
Hijiri Kasuga : your own Hijiri will do whatever you want. (0:05:19.13)
Hijiri Kasuga : Now, Arata-san... (0:05:24.36)
Hijiri Kasuga : Don't forget me. (0:05:28.00)
Hijiri Kasuga : What's wrong? (0:05:33.74)
Arata Kasuga : Are you... (0:05:36.26)
Arata Kasuga : really Hijiri? (0:05:38.24)
Hijiri Kasuga : Wh-What are you saying? (0:05:41.34)
Hijiri Kasuga : I'm Hijiri. I am. (0:05:43.35)
Hijiri Kasuga : I'm your cousin and childhood friend. (0:05:45.61)
Arata Kasuga : When is my birthday? (0:05:49.42)
Hijiri Kasuga : June 18th. (0:05:51.29)
Arata Kasuga : What's my favorite food? (0:05:53.68)
Hijiri Kasuga : Fried chicken. (0:05:55.65)
Arata Kasuga : Where do I hide my dirty magazines? (0:05:56.98)
Hijiri Kasuga : Under your bed. (0:05:59.43)
Hijiri Kasuga : You still don't believe me? (0:06:01.54)
Hijiri Kasuga : You know I would never lie to you, Arata-san. (0:06:03.80)
Arata Kasuga : Then... (0:06:07.80)
Arata Kasuga : What color is the sun? (0:06:09.40)
Hijiri Kasuga : Huh? (0:06:11.16)
Hijiri Kasuga : I-It's black, of course— (0:06:13.00)
Arata Kasuga : That's a lie. (0:06:15.44)
Arata Kasuga : Then why did you draw the sun
red when you were little?
Arata Kasuga : Hijiri wouldn't lie to me. (0:06:25.45)
Arata Kasuga : Who are you? (0:06:27.95)
Arata Kasuga : Where's the real Hijiri? (0:06:31.54)
Sora : Oh, man, you got me. (0:06:38.64)
Sora : I see. I see. (0:06:40.28)
Sora : I didn't see that coming at all. (0:06:42.19)
Sora : I never thought you'd figure it
out from that child's drawing.
Sora : Hey, hey. (0:06:56.48)
Sora : That was quite the vicious greeting, mage. (0:06:57.85)
Lilith Asami : So you've finally revealed
your true colors, cracker!
Arata Kasuga : You're the girl from this morning
with the outrageous boobs!
Lilith Asami : My name's Lilith Asami. (0:07:10.18)
Arata Kasuga : Wh-Why do you look like you're dressed to kill?! (0:07:13.49)
Lilith Asami : It should be obvious that this
is a mage combat uniform.
Arata Kasuga : Mage?! (0:07:19.62)
Sora : You have a vague idea of
what's happening, don't you?
Arata Kasuga : Wh-What is this place? (0:07:44.00)
Sora : This is the world you lived in before. (0:07:46.15)
Lilith Asami : It happened about three days ago. (0:07:51.24)
Lilith Asami : A large-scale gravitational fluctuation of
unknown origin was detected in this area.
Lilith Asami : We call it a breakdown phenomenon. (0:07:58.80)
Lilith Asami : Swallowed up by the gravitational
quake, this whole town...
Sora : You remember now? (0:08:11.90)
Arata Kasuga : That's right... (0:08:14.16)
Arata Kasuga : A black sun... (0:08:16.05)
Arata Kasuga : Its black light swallowed (0:08:18.34)
Arata Kasuga : all the people up... (0:08:21.60)
Hijiri Kasuga : Arata-san, take this. (0:08:26.21)
Hijiri Kasuga : Please. (0:08:29.08)
Hijiri Kasuga : Save Arata-san. (0:08:30.43)
Hijiri Kasuga : Grant his wish. (0:08:32.86)
Arata Kasuga : H-Hey, who are you talking to? (0:08:34.99)
Arata Kasuga : What's going on? (0:08:38.12)
Hijiri Kasuga : Try to wake up on time in
the mornings after I'm gone.
Hijiri Kasuga : Make sure you eat three meals a day. (0:08:43.50)
Hijiri Kasuga : And keep the place clean, too. (0:08:47.60)
Hijiri Kasuga : And... (0:08:50.05)
Hijiri Kasuga : And... (0:08:51.74)
Hijiri Kasuga : Don't (0:09:01.04)
Hijiri Kasuga : forget me. (0:09:03.89)
Arata Kasuga : Hijiri! (0:09:07.08)
Arata Kasuga : Hijiri! (0:09:08.94)
Arata Kasuga : What's going on? (0:09:14.43)
Arata Kasuga : There's nothing here. (0:09:19.05)
Arata Kasuga : Where is everyone?! (0:09:20.94)
Arata Kasuga : This is worse than a bad joke! (0:09:22.80)
Arata Kasuga : Hey. If you can really grant my wish, (0:09:27.23)
Arata Kasuga : then give me my normal life back right now! (0:09:30.00)
Arata Kasuga : I created this... (0:09:39.45)
Sora : That's right. (0:09:42.50)
Sora : I was told to grant your wish, (0:09:44.37)
Sora : so I created this world exactly as you wished. (0:09:48.38)
Lilith Asami : I was surprised, as well. (0:09:52.80)
Lilith Asami : I was dispatched here by the school to investigate (0:09:55.91)
Lilith Asami : this breakdown phenomenon, and I found... (0:09:58.28)
Lilith Asami : There was a city here, where there
was supposed to be nothing.
Sora : A simple feat for the likes of me. (0:10:08.92)
Lilith Asami : A dangerous grimoire... (0:10:13.02)
Lilith Asami : If you had failed, (0:10:14.97)
Lilith Asami : the breakdown phenomenon would
have only spread further.
Lilith Asami : And you created another world... (0:10:19.77)
Lilith Asami : That's not something a normal grimoire could do! (0:10:23.01)
Lilith Asami : Make your choice, Arata Kasuga. (0:10:29.64)
Lilith Asami : You can have that grimoire dispel
this fabricated world right now,
Lilith Asami : and I promise that you will be able
to live out your days peacefully.
Lilith Asami : However, we will dispose of the grimoire, (0:10:42.96)
Lilith Asami : and erase all your memories of
Hijiri Kasuga and the others.
Lilith Asami : And your other option:
if you won't hand over the grimoire,
Lilith Asami : I will have to kill you here. (0:10:52.70)
Lilith Asami : After all, it was you who wished
for this world to be created,
Lilith Asami : not anyone else. (0:10:58.42)
Arata Kasuga : So if I want to live, I have to forget everything? (0:11:03.41)
Arata Kasuga : And Hijiri... (0:11:08.00)
Arata Kasuga : Hijiri? (0:11:12.89)
Arata Kasuga : Hey! What happened to Hijiri? (0:11:14.14)
Arata Kasuga : Where is she? (0:11:16.72)
Sora : She's alive. (0:11:18.07)
Sora : This form of mine is a shadow projection of her. (0:11:20.28)
Sora : A rift in space-time.... (0:11:24.88)
Sora : Somewhere in this world... (0:11:26.64)
Sora : At any rate, she is, without a doubt, alive. (0:11:28.96)
Arata Kasuga : Hijiri's alive... (0:11:33.83)
Arata Kasuga : I see... (0:11:36.72)
Arata Kasuga : I've decided. (0:11:39.71)
Arata Kasuga : I won't hand over the grimoire. (0:11:41.93)
Lilith Asami : What? You're... (0:11:43.71)
Arata Kasuga : But I won't die, either. (0:11:47.22)
Arata Kasuga : I'm going to pick the third option. (0:11:49.70)
Arata Kasuga : So this is it... (0:11:56.32)
Arata Kasuga : Royal Biblia Academy... (0:11:58.44)
Arata Kasuga : This magic school sure is
in the middle of nowhere.
Lilith Asami : I can't believe you were allowed
to get away with that.
Lilith Asami : This has never happened before. (0:12:15.21)
Arata Kasuga : What's the problem? (0:12:17.34)
Arata Kasuga : Good to know you, Lilith Asami. (0:12:19.21)
Lilith Asami : You're going to become a mage?! (0:12:24.23)
Lilith Asami : Are you serious?! (0:12:26.41)
Arata Kasuga : I am. (0:12:28.68)
Arata Kasuga : Mages have grimoires, right? (0:12:30.46)
Arata Kasuga : Which means I can become one, too, right? (0:12:33.74)
Lilith Asami : I've never heard of that happening! (0:12:37.80)
Lilith Asami : B-But it's true you were able
to create a world like this...
Arata Kasuga : Then I'll become one, (0:12:45.20)
Arata Kasuga : no matter how small that possibility is. (0:12:47.24)
Arata Kasuga : Anyway... So you're a teacher here, huh? (0:12:51.92)
Arata Kasuga : How old are you? (0:12:55.74)
Lilith Asami : The same age as you. (0:12:57.12)
Lilith Asami : Also, call me by my name, Lilith. (0:12:59.53)
Lilith Asami : You're really rude, you know that? (0:13:02.41)
Arata Kasuga : Oh, right. Sorry about that. (0:13:04.88)
Lilith Asami : This is your classroom. (0:13:07.79)
Lilith Asami : Make sure you greet everyone properly. (0:13:09.69)
Arata Kasuga : R-Right. (0:13:12.82)
Lilith Asami : So this is the new transfer
student, Arata Kasuga.
Arata Kasuga : My name is Arata Kasuga. (0:13:20.64)
Arata Kasuga : Nice to meet you all. (0:13:22.75)
Selina Sherlock : Over here! Question! (0:13:24.86)
Lilith Asami : Go ahead, Selina-san. (0:13:27.44)
Selina Sherlock : What type of girls do you like? (0:13:29.86)
Arata Kasuga : Girls with big boobs. (0:13:32.37)
Selina Sherlock : Wow, that was straightforward. (0:13:34.04)
Arata Kasuga : Though, I could probably love
a girl without boobs, too.
Selina Sherlock : And that doesn't do much to smooth it over! (0:13:38.67)
Arata Kasuga : Also, she's gotta have a pretty face. (0:13:41.12)
Selina Sherlock : So, to be blunt, you're every girl's enemy. (0:13:43.37)
Selina Sherlock : Got it. (0:13:45.48)
Lilith Asami : Do you feel better now? (0:13:48.76)
Lilith Asami : Then... (0:13:50.45)
Selina Sherlock : Excuse me... (0:13:51.18)
Selina Sherlock : Is it true that you constructed a new world, (0:13:53.24)
Selina Sherlock : something that only someone of
the demon lord class could do?
Arata Kasuga : Yeah. (0:13:58.31)
Arata Kasuga : Can't anyone do that? (0:13:59.89)
Lilith Asami : Hey, Arata... (0:14:02.61)
EXTRA : He's the real deal! (0:14:05.44)
EXTRA : We've got a demon lord candidate here! (0:14:06.76)
Selina Sherlock : Extra! (0:14:12.06)
Selina Sherlock : The new transfer student possesses
magic on the level of a demon lord!
Selina Sherlock : He supposedly constructed
a world on his own, too!
Selina Sherlock : Royal Biblia Academy Newspaper (0:14:20.83)
Principal : Getting called a demon lord
the day you transfer here, huh?
Lilith Asami : It's nothing to laugh at, Headmaster. (0:14:26.07)
Lilith Asami : We couldn't even hold class today because of this. (0:14:28.86)
Arata Kasuga : Hey, it sounds cool, so who cares? (0:14:31.85)
Lilith Asami : You be quiet. (0:14:33.95)
Principal : No, this is interesting. (0:14:36.05)
Principal : I welcome you on behalf of
the school, Arata Kasuga.
Principal : Royal Biblia Academy is a super-secret
organization that educates mages.
Principal : We receive funds from nations
and governments worldwide,
Principal : and we investigate unsolved and
potentially magic-related cases...
Principal : That is what we mages do. (0:14:55.63)
Principal : We're also called Magus. (0:14:57.64)
Arata Kasuga : So if I become one of those,
then I can get Hijiri back?
Principal : Who knows? (0:15:05.65)
Principal : Magic allows for all possibilities. (0:15:08.77)
Principal : In other words, whether it's
possible or not is up to you.
Arata Kasuga : Is there a shortcut? (0:15:15.70)
Lilith Asami : Of course not. (0:15:16.93)
Lilith Asami : Only your effort and discipline can— (0:15:19.60)
Arata Kasuga : But... (0:15:21.31)
Arata Kasuga : He said magic allows for all possibilities. (0:15:22.34)
Lilith Asami : That was... (0:15:25.56)
Principal : Yes, I certainly did. (0:15:27.99)
Lilith Asami : Headmaster! (0:15:30.60)
Principal : What's the problem? (0:15:31.89)
Principal : This school has seven students who
are like boss characters in a game.
Arata Kasuga : Boss characters? (0:15:38.12)
Principal : The Trinity Seven. (0:15:39.64)
Principal : That's what they're called. (0:15:42.12)
Principal : Seven girl mages who excel in their own fields. (0:15:45.16)
Principal : Lilith-chan is one of them. (0:15:48.38)
Arata Kasuga : Is she? (0:15:50.80)
Arata Kasuga : She does have a nice figure. (0:15:52.10)
Lilith Asami : Wha— (0:15:53.80)
Lilith Asami : H-How I look is irrelevant. (0:15:56.17)
Principal : Anyway, (0:16:00.40)
Principal : if you get to know the Trinity Seven
and make some of them your pawns,
Principal : you might just figure out what
mages are pretty quickly.
Arata Kasuga : I get it. (0:16:11.56)
Lilith Asami : Don't agree with him! (0:16:12.78)
Lilith Asami : For goodness' sake... (0:16:15.88)
Lilith Asami : Don't take him seriously, okay? (0:16:17.08)
Arata Kasuga : Seriously, huh? (0:16:19.83)
Levi Kazama : Oh, so you noticed my presence. (0:16:28.20)
Arata Kasuga : Amazing. (0:16:34.23)
Arata Kasuga : You're a ninja. (0:16:35.25)
Levi Kazama : Cool, right? (0:16:36.44)
Levi Kazama : Nice to meet you, Arata-san. (0:16:40.07)
Levi Kazama : I'm a ninja. The name's Levi Kazama. (0:16:42.21)
Arata Kasuga : Huh? You're not a mage? (0:16:45.26)
Levi Kazama : Ninja arts, arts of astrology,
arts of the bedroom...
Levi Kazama : They all fall under magic arts. (0:16:50.37)
Arata Kasuga : Arts of the bedroom? (0:16:53.50)
Lilith Asami : Th-That's none of your business! (0:16:54.86)
Levi Kazama : You're as pure as ever, Lilith-sensei. (0:16:58.36)
Lilith Asami : A-Anyway, (0:17:01.40)
Lilith Asami : Levi-san is one of the Trinity Seven. (0:17:03.69)
Arata Kasuga : Oh, then you're pretty awesome,
or something, right?
Levi Kazama : Oh, yeah, really awesome. (0:17:09.28)
Levi Kazama : I am a ninja, after all. (0:17:11.29)
Levi Kazama : I know everything from assassination
to really sexy ninja techniques.
Lilith Asami : H-Hey! Hey! Hey! (0:17:18.22)
Levi Kazama : I was just kidding. (0:17:22.07)
Levi Kazama : You're a pretty up-front guy. I find that fun. (0:17:24.24)
Arata Kasuga : I'm just acting normal, as far as I can tell... (0:17:28.16)
Lilith Asami : No, you're definitely weird, Arata. (0:17:31.41)
Arata Kasuga : By the way, what are the
other Trinity Seven like?
Lilith Asami : Huh? (0:17:37.79)
Levi Kazama : Oh, as it happens, they're right there. (0:17:39.04)
Levi Kazama : Looks like they're heading out for
an information control mission.
Levi Kazama : Akio Fudou-san and Mira Yamana-san. (0:17:45.00)
Levi Kazama : In terms of pure ability, (0:17:48.94)
Levi Kazama : Mira-san is said to be more
capable than Lilith-sensei.
Levi Kazama : And Akio-san is unrivaled in
terms of attack capabilities.
Arata Kasuga : They're all girls... (0:17:57.94)
Levi Kazama : Magic is the research of
the mind and emotions.
Levi Kazama : So girls are more suited towards it. (0:18:04.32)
Arata Kasuga : So it's better to be more emotional? (0:18:06.56)
Arata Kasuga : Like being honest with your desires? (0:18:08.99)
Lilith Asami : Th-That's not right. (0:18:10.81)
Lilith Asami : You need to show restraint with such things... (0:18:12.48)
Levi Kazama : Look, she's blushing. (0:18:14.75)
Levi Kazama : Turns you on, doesn't it? (0:18:16.73)
Arata Kasuga : You know it. (0:18:18.78)
Levi Kazama : Lilith-sensei just loves
to learn more about things.
Arata Kasuga : Oh-ho-ho-ho! (0:18:23.08)
Lilith Asami : Arata! (0:18:25.64)
Arata Kasuga : Ow... She's pretty emotional, all right. (0:18:30.79)
Levi Kazama : No, I've never seen Lilith-sensei
having so much fun.
Arata Kasuga : Really? (0:18:38.41)
Levi Kazama : She's usually a total ice princess. (0:18:39.81)
Arata Kasuga : Really? (0:18:44.68)
Levi Kazama : If she's different with you, (0:18:47.64)
Levi Kazama : then I guess you might just be special. (0:18:49.35)
Arata Kasuga : That was a long day. (0:18:56.22)
Arata Kasuga : Hey, where's my grimoire? (0:19:00.55)
Arata Kasuga : Oh, so that's where you were. (0:19:03.89)
Sora : You're not surprised? (0:19:06.20)
Arata Kasuga : Well, not after everything that's happened. (0:19:07.91)
Sora : Hey, you wanna take a bath? (0:19:10.88)
Arata Kasuga : A bath? (0:19:12.97)
Sora : There's nothing like a bath when you're tired. (0:19:15.87)
Arata Kasuga : That's true. (0:19:18.44)
Arata Kasuga : Hello. (0:19:41.58)
Arin Kannazuki : Hello. (0:19:43.25)
Arin Kannazuki : That's not the shampoo. (0:19:53.44)
Arin Kannazuki : That's the shampoo. (0:19:56.50)
Arin Kannazuki : Did it get in your eyes? (0:20:04.01)
Arata Kasuga : Not that! You're supposed
to go "Eek!" or something!
Arin Kannazuki : Oh. (0:20:08.92)
Arin Kannazuki : Eeeeek. (0:20:13.82)
Arata Kasuga : Talk about monotone! (0:20:15.08)
Arata Kasuga : Huh? (0:20:17.77)
Arata Kasuga : You... (0:20:21.86)
Arin Kannazuki : My bust size is 82C. (0:20:23.08)
Arata Kasuga : Thank you for the feast! (0:20:32.07)
Lilith Asami : Hey, what's the matter, Ara— (0:20:36.03)
Lilith Asami : Wait... Put on some clothes! (0:20:39.29)
Arata Kasuga : Yes! That's the right reaction! (0:20:41.52)
Arata Kasuga : Lilith, you're spot on. (0:20:43.96)
Arata Kasuga : B-But forget that! Hijiri's in there! (0:20:47.01)
Lilith Asami : Oh, you mean Arin-san, right? (0:20:50.08)
Arata Kasuga : You knew about her? (0:20:52.64)
Lilith Asami : Yes, Arin Kannazuki-san. (0:20:53.92)
Lilith Asami : She's one of the Trinity Seven, as well. (0:20:56.75)
Arata Kasuga : So it's not her, then... (0:21:00.04)
Lilith Asami : Right. To me, it's Hijiri-san
who looks like Arin-san...
Lilith Asami : Huh? (0:21:06.48)
Lilith Asami : Arin-san! (0:21:07.92)
Lilith Asami : This is the men's bath! (0:21:09.18)
Arin Kannazuki : I thought it'd be okay,
since there are no men here.
Lilith Asami : Well, there's one here now! (0:21:15.13)
Arin Kannazuki : I don't mind. (0:21:17.42)
Lilith Asami : You should! (0:21:19.12)
Arin Kannazuki : Oh. (0:21:22.07)
Arin Kannazuki : Eeeeek. (0:21:23.40)
Lilith Asami : Your timing is all wrong! (0:21:25.11)
Arin Kannazuki : This is pretty difficult. (0:21:26.98)
Arata Kasuga : Hey, grimoire. (0:21:33.69)
Sora : That was quite a treat, huh? (0:21:35.67)
Arata Kasuga : Even I ended up taking the straight man's role. (0:21:37.26)
Sora : She has the same face, but what's
inside is completely different.
Sora : Isn't it good you figured that out, at least? (0:21:44.57)
Arata Kasuga : Yeah, (0:21:48.07)
Arata Kasuga : but I get the feeling that
Arin is connected to Hijiri.
Arata Kasuga : And the Trinity Seven... (0:21:56.55)
Arata Kasuga : They're going to be important to me. (0:21:58.68)
Arata Kasuga : I get that feeling, too. (0:22:01.94)
Lilith Asami : Put on some pants! (0:22:05.44)
Arata Kasuga : Oh, I forgot. (0:22:07.96)
Arata Kasuga : The dormant power within me is about to awaken. (0:23:40.88)
Arata Kasuga : Is a demon lord candidate that dangerous? (0:23:44.45)
Arata Kasuga : Connect to the Archive. (0:23:50.96)

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Vanitas is my favorite character.😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤ - Anonymous


I know that very well. - Tenya Iida

What are you doing? - Tenya Iida

And the villain was trying to save
Midnight because he loved her .
- Tenya Iida

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