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Eleonora Viltaria : Drop your weapon. (0:00:03.77)
Eleonora Viltaria : My name is Eleonora Viltaria. (0:00:05.60)
Eleonora Viltaria : Who are you? (0:00:09.43)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Tigrevurmud Vorn. (0:00:12.43)
Eleonora Viltaria : Very well. (0:00:14.90)
Eleonora Viltaria : From now on, you are mine. (0:00:19.59)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Bertrand! (0:01:57.42)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Lord Mashas! (0:01:58.82)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : It was a terrible... (0:02:09.41)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : battle... (0:02:11.63)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : That was a war maiden. (0:02:27.09)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Going by the sound, I'd say I've got five left. (0:02:34.35)
EXTRA : A Brune survivor! (0:02:41.05)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Aw, man. (0:02:50.10)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I wanted the horse to ride on. (0:02:53.04)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Seven of them? (0:02:59.17)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : That hair—she's a war maiden. (0:03:03.00)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : If I can take out their leader, (0:03:06.95)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : they'll have bigger worries
than chasing us down.{they'll have more important things to deal with than chasing us down.}
Tigrevurmud Vorn : All right... (0:03:11.82)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Range is three hundred alsins. (0:03:16.81)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I can do this. (0:03:19.67)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Eris, goddess of wind and storms... (0:03:31.98)
Eleonora Viltaria : Drop your weapon. (0:04:31.38)
EXTRA : Between the Kingdoms of Brune and Zhcted lie the Dinant Plains, (0:04:38.36)
EXTRA : where a major battle between the two countries was about to take place. (0:04:42.10)
EXTRA : Their overwhelming superiority of numbers filled the Brune soldiers with confidence. (0:04:47.90)
EXTRA : Not a single one of them thought they could possibly lose. (0:04:52.01)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Yeah. (0:04:57.75)
Zion Thenardier : Huh? You're here, too, are you, (0:05:02.94)
Zion Thenardier : Vorn? (0:05:06.11)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I am honored to meet the
renowned Lord Zion Thenardier.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I, too, have been called on
as one of His Majesty's—
Zion Thenardier : Such a meek way of answering me. (0:05:17.63)
Zion Thenardier : What good is having you
here supposed to do?
Zion Thenardier : Look at how downright
shabby this guy is dressed!
EXTRA : Leather armor! (0:05:25.97)
EXTRA : You're a nobleman; don't you own some decent armor? (0:05:27.25)
Zion Thenardier : A bow, huh? (0:05:29.80)
Zion Thenardier : I'll show you! (0:05:34.87)
EXTRA : Are you hurt, Lord? (0:05:39.78)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : What were you going to do
if my bow got bent?!
EXTRA : Your bow?! (0:05:44.19)
EXTRA : A bow is the weapon of a coward! (0:05:45.45)
Zion Thenardier : Honestly, (0:05:50.05)
Zion Thenardier : you're only obsessing over your bow because you can't handle a sword or spear. (0:05:51.77)
Zion Thenardier : You're just here to play soldier. (0:05:56.53)
Zion Thenardier : Your only attendant is some old man.
Such a disgrace.
Zion Thenardier : A count of the Kingdom of Brune should be training daily— (0:06:04.46)
Mashas Rodant : Lord Zion... (0:06:09.60)
Mashas Rodant : I am sure your eloquent speech (0:06:12.07)
Mashas Rodant : has made you quite thirsty, hasn't it? (0:06:14.24)
Mashas Rodant : Wine is now being distributed to the soldiers. (0:06:17.27)
Mashas Rodant : Please , go and drink a cup. (0:06:20.76)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Thank you very much, Lord Mashas. (0:06:26.88)
Mashas Rodant : Not at all. (0:06:29.74)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I was trying to walk the high road, but couldn't stop myself. (0:06:31.65)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Luckily you got me out of it. (0:06:35.18)
EXTRA : I envy Duke Ganelon. (0:06:37.34)
EXTRA : Huh? For what? (0:06:39.82)
EXTRA : This war gave him the
perfect excuse to raise taxes.
EXTRA : And if you don't pay up,
your daughter's off to the castle.
EXTRA : Heard the same.
And Lord Thenardier is forcing his subjects
EXTRA : to give away their liquor
"as a pledge to the gods".
EXTRA : Both of them are burning down the houses of those who refuse. (0:06:53.47)
EXTRA : By the way, I heard Lord Thenardier is also forcing family members (0:06:57.04)
EXTRA : to kill one another in duels
as examples to others.
EXTRA : Sounds like a good time. (0:07:03.78)
Mashas Rodant : Take it easy. (0:07:13.12)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Are those things really happening? (0:07:14.81)
Mashas Rodant : Those lords wouldn't even deny it. (0:07:16.91)
Mashas Rodant : I guess you're out of the loop since you haven't visited the capital for a while. (0:07:19.59)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : His Majesty... (0:07:23.88)
Mashas Rodant : His Majesty has a plan, I'm sure. (0:07:24.92)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : A plan? (0:07:28.30)
Mashas Rodant : Even if His Majesty won't do something, Regnas will, in time, surely— (0:07:29.96)
Limalisha : Are you finally awake? (0:07:47.10)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Is it morning? (0:07:51.27)
Limalisha : It's noon already. (0:07:52.43)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : That's an unusual way
of waking someone up...
Limalisha : It was my first time too— (0:07:56.58)
Limalisha : I don't usually have to go this far to wake people up. (0:07:58.64)
Limalisha : But seriously, you must be the
only prisoner who can sleep so soundly.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I guess it's a special talent of mine. (0:08:07.24)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Let's see. (0:08:11.31)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I'm in Zhcted, aren't I? (0:08:13.13)
Limalisha : Lady Eleonora is calling for you. (0:08:14.62)
Titta : Huh?! (0:08:17.81)
Titta : Wh-What do you mean, captured? (0:08:19.39)
Mashas Rodant : Our forces were routed during an enemy surprise attack. (0:08:22.74)
Mashas Rodant : Tigre did not get away in time and was taken prisoner. (0:08:25.37)
Titta : B-But you outnumbered the enemy five to one. (0:08:28.11)
Titta : There's no way you could have lost, is there? (0:08:32.68)
Mashas Rodant : True, (0:08:35.19)
Mashas Rodant : our twenty-five thousand men faced
an enemy force of about five thousand.
Mashas Rodant : Since this was Prince Regnas' first campaign, His Majesty assembled a huge army. (0:08:40.52)
Titta : His Majesty was asking too much of Lord Tigre. (0:08:44.87)
Titta : He barely managed to scrape
together the required hundred men.
Mashas Rodant : Of those hundred, (0:08:50.40)
Mashas Rodant : seven are dead and thirty are injured. (0:08:52.10)
Bertrand : Mostly because their fleeing allies trampled them. (0:08:56.39)
Mashas Rodant : This is what the enemy leader wrote: (0:09:00.20)
Mashas Rodant : Unless Tigre's ransom is delivered to Zhcted within fifty days, (0:09:03.15)
Mashas Rodant : he will become their property. (0:09:07.11)
Titta : How much is it? (0:09:09.33)
Titta : Even if it's a lot, as long as everyone in the village helps... (0:09:10.65)
Mashas Rodant : They're asking for a sum three times as large as Alsace's tax income (0:09:15.53)
Mashas Rodant : or something of comparable value. (0:09:19.03)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : That's too much. Bring it down some. (0:09:22.86)
Eleonora Viltaria : No. (0:09:25.46)
Limalisha : The sum has to be paid within fifty days of us delivering our demands to the Kingdom of Brune. (0:09:27.96)
Eleonora Viltaria : If I don't receive the ransom in time,
you will officially enter my property.
Eleonora Viltaria : Those terms were laid down in our treaty with the Kingdom of Brune. (0:09:37.75)
Eleonora Viltaria : We swore this by Radegast, god of honor and contracts. (0:09:41.40)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : So, you stuck a sword in my mouth and dragged me here (0:09:45.94)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : just to make me listen to this outrageous talk? (0:09:50.09)
Eleonora Viltaria : Now, now, of course
that wasn't the only reason.
Eleonora Viltaria : I also have a special favor to ask of you. (0:09:56.79)
EXTRA : And the second shot's way off mark too! (0:10:09.29)
Limalisha : Are you taking this seriously? (0:10:11.82)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Sure am. (0:10:13.95)
Rurick : Well, I could always take over for him! (0:10:15.30)
EXTRA : Rurick, that's harsh. (0:10:18.47)
EXTRA : Why would the war maiden
take this guy prisoner?
EXTRA : Hey, look, he's still at it. (0:10:23.78)
EXTRA : He's going to embarrass
himself even more, isn't he?
Tigrevurmud Vorn : This is such a ridiculous farce. (0:10:27.10)
Rurick : The first shot was too short.
The second one was way off the mark.
EXTRA : Our precious count must be
coming down with something.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I've gotten the feel of the bow now. (0:10:41.13)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : All right... (0:10:43.89)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Look out! (0:10:50.47)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Get down! (0:10:51.46)
Eleonora Viltaria : Arifar... (0:10:53.34)
Limalisha : Seize that rebel! (0:11:04.31)
EXTRA : Yes, Ma'am! (0:11:05.89)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Will they take him alive? (0:11:06.40)
Limalisha : That'd be way too risky!{I'm starting to think some of these lines could be edited in real time with almost 0 brains} (0:11:08.93)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : All right. I'll shoot his foot. (0:11:11.12)
Rurick : What the...?! With that crude bow?! (0:11:24.58)
EXTRA : We're over three hundred alsins away from the range! (0:11:30.92)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I'll ask just in case:
should I continue target shooting?
Eleonora Viltaria : No, that's fine. (0:11:42.92)
Eleonora Viltaria : You did well, Tigrevurmud Vorn. (0:11:48.22)
Eleonora Viltaria : I apologize for yesterday! (0:12:07.56)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : What are you talking about? (0:12:11.77)
Eleonora Viltaria : About the bow you were given. (0:12:13.44)
Eleonora Viltaria : I never would've thought
they'd give you one that bad.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Hm, so not all Zhcted bows
are that poorly made?
Eleonora Viltaria : Three soldiers hatched
that scheme and carried it out.
Eleonora Viltaria : I'll behead them, so— (0:12:26.41)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Wait a second! (0:12:27.66)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : You don't have to go that far. (0:12:29.20)
Eleonora Viltaria : They were trying to
make a fool out of you,
Eleonora Viltaria : to publicly dishonor and humiliate you. (0:12:35.21)
Eleonora Viltaria : It's only fair they pay
with their lives for that.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Would you please
forgive them this one time?
Eleonora Viltaria : But only this once. (0:12:47.85)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : B-By the way, what was the point of yesterday's practice? (0:12:51.28)
Limalisha : Well... (0:12:59.66)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : You, a war maiden,
fell for me at first sight?!
Eleonora Viltaria : That's right. (0:13:06.33)
Eleonora Viltaria : People seem to love speculating (0:13:07.30)
Eleonora Viltaria : about battlefield romances and gossip about enemies becoming lovers. (0:13:09.09)
Eleonora Viltaria : And there's rumors like that about us too.{I have no idea. I can tell this show is going to be the crowning achivement of anime, though.} (0:13:11.91)
Eleonora Viltaria : Then again, it's not like they're completely off the mark. (0:13:16.33)
Eleonora Viltaria : The falling-for part is true. (0:13:18.43)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : For me? (0:13:20.37)
Eleonora Viltaria : For your skill with the bow. (0:13:22.38)
Eleonora Viltaria : Sorry to tell you,
but I don't love you yourself.
Eleonora Viltaria : Anyway, some of my men overreacted after hearing those stories. (0:13:27.95)
Eleonora Viltaria : To keep the rumors from spreading,
they want me to kill you.
Limalisha : A notion I wholeheartedly agree with. (0:13:39.28)
Limalisha : Everyone shared her attitude. (0:13:41.45)
Eleonora Viltaria : I thought showing them your skills would be (0:13:43.21)
Eleonora Viltaria : the quickest way to make them stop. (0:13:47.60)
Eleonora Viltaria : It worked better than I could've hoped. (0:13:50.06)
Eleonora Viltaria : Oh, yeah. Let me add this: (0:13:53.90)
Eleonora Viltaria : It wasn't the potential ransom money
that made me take you prisoner at Dinant.
Eleonora Viltaria : If I had to give a reason, I'd say it was
because I found you entertaining.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Entertaining? Me? (0:14:04.89)
Eleonora Viltaria : All in all, it was a terrible battle. (0:14:07.31)
Eleonora Viltaria : One of the most boring I ever fought. (0:14:11.99)
Eleonora Viltaria : The enemy outnumbered our
five thousand soldiers five to one.
Eleonora Viltaria : I expected a brutal battle. (0:14:23.72)
Eleonora Viltaria : Charge! (0:14:35.50)
Eleonora Viltaria : But half a day was all it took to wipe out Brune's forces. (0:14:42.06)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Why are you complaining
about an easy victory?
Eleonora Viltaria : I had come up with several
excellent battle plans!{This anime will have no nudity in it. Given the crap setup and story-telling, it's a true winner!}
Eleonora Viltaria : And yet, your side collapsed during
my first one, and were routed by us!
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Your first plan? (0:14:55.49)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : You mean the late-night surprise attack? (0:14:57.25)
Eleonora Viltaria : True enough, we did scout out the area ahead of time, (0:14:59.41)
Eleonora Viltaria : but it was still too easy to disrupt the enemy
rear guard, break through, and split their army.
Eleonora Viltaria : On top of that, we took the head of the Brune prince. (0:15:06.08)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Prince Regnas? (0:15:08.43)
Eleonora Viltaria : Were you close? (0:15:10.53)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : No way. (0:15:11.86)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I only ever met him once. (0:15:13.48)
Eleonora Viltaria : Will this become a problem? (0:15:15.99)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : It's what happens on the battlefield. (0:15:19.14)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I myself killed some Zhcted soldiers. (0:15:21.16)
Eleonora Viltaria : I see. (0:15:24.20)
Eleonora Viltaria : Once the news of his death spread, (0:15:26.87)
Eleonora Viltaria : the whole Brune force collapsed. (0:15:29.08)
Eleonora Viltaria : The enemy broke rank and fled,
so we attacked them from behind.
Eleonora Viltaria : We literally ran them over. (0:15:41.39)
Eleonora Viltaria : It was anticlimactic.
I was thoroughly disappointed.
Eleonora Viltaria : And that's when I met you! (0:15:46.86)
Eleonora Viltaria : I thought it'd be a shame to kill you. (0:15:54.85)
Eleonora Viltaria : You amazed me.
Despite everything, you were still fighting.
Eleonora Viltaria : You tried to kill me, calmly and deliberately. (0:16:02.00)
Eleonora Viltaria : I really liked that. (0:16:05.65)
Eleonora Viltaria : That's why I brought
you here to Leitmeritz—
Eleonora Viltaria : Hm? (0:16:10.22)
Eleonora Viltaria : Is that why you don't like him?
Could you be holding a grudge, Lim?
Limalisha : That is completely unrelated. (0:16:15.50)
Eleonora Viltaria : Still haven't figured it out yet? (0:16:19.06)
Eleonora Viltaria : Back on the battlefield,
the first horse you shot was Lim's.
Limalisha : Limalisha. (0:16:25.93)
Limalisha : Once again, I am pleased to meet you, (0:16:27.79)
Limalisha : Count Tigrevurmud Vorn. (0:16:30.60)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Y-Yeah... (0:16:33.80)
Eleonora Viltaria : Come to think of it, your name... (0:16:35.48)
Eleonora Viltaria : It's pretty long for a Bruneman. (0:16:37.64)
Eleonora Viltaria : Where does it come from? (0:16:40.30)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I was named after one of my ancestors. (0:16:42.46)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : If it's too hard for you to say,
you can call me Tigre.
Eleonora Viltaria : In that case, you can call me Elen! (0:16:47.19)
Eleonora Viltaria : I'm more used to— (0:16:50.13)
Limalisha : Lady Eleonora! (0:16:50.83)
Eleonora Viltaria : Why don't you serve under me? (0:16:57.03)
Eleonora Viltaria : I will bestow upon you the
same titles as you had in Brune.
Eleonora Viltaria : And in battle I will treat you the same as
my men, regardless of you being a Bruneman.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : No thanks. (0:17:09.12)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I appreciate the offer, though. (0:17:10.74)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : No one in the Kingdom of Brune
would treat a prisoner this way.
Eleonora Viltaria : Then why are you turning it down? (0:17:16.25)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : There already is a place
for me to return to and protect.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Alsace. (0:17:24.63)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : It's the county I inherited from my father. (0:17:29.67)
Titta : Lord Tigre, please be all right. (0:17:35.26)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Listen, if I were you,
I'd stop shaving my head.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Your shiny dome seems to be ruining
your good looks more and more by the minute.{He sucked with hair. Seriously, what was that mop on his head supposed to be?}
Rurick : Let me tell you again! (0:17:53.91)
Rurick : I was ordered by the war maiden to sacrifice whatever is most important to me! (0:17:56.17)
Rurick : Truly, I should be dead by now, (0:18:02.09)
Rurick : but thanks to your benevolence,
Lord Tigrevurmud, I am still alive.
Rurick : Keeping my head shaven is the least I can do! (0:18:07.33)
Rurick : Besides, I was genuinely inspired
by your miraculous skill with a bow.
Rurick : I'm ashamed of how incompetent I am in comparison! (0:18:16.45)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Uh, yeah... (0:18:19.37)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : O-Okay, just stand up! Sorry I asked! (0:18:21.45)
EXTRA : There they go again. (0:18:24.38)
EXTRA : Master Rurick never does things halfway. (0:18:25.72)
EXTRA : Still, Lord Tigrevurmud's skill
with a bow is something else, huh?
EXTRA : It sure is. (0:18:33.97)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : No matter how many
times I eat it, it's delicious.
Rurick : You really are an odd one. (0:18:47.01)
Rurick : What's so special about the
standard rations given to us soldiers?
Tigrevurmud Vorn : That's the great part! (0:18:52.52)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Once I get back to Alsace,
I'll have Titta cook this for me.
EXTRA : How does he hit the target with three arrows at once? (0:18:58.74)
EXTRA : That's awesome! (0:19:00.88)
EXTRA : Tigre! Please give me another archery lesson sometime! (0:19:06.63)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Yeah! (0:19:09.72)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I'm fitting right in, huh? (0:19:11.55)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Even so, I'm still very much a prisoner. (0:19:27.03)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : A dragon pup?
I've never seen one before!
Eleonora Viltaria : That's Lunie, my pet dragon. (0:19:44.45)
Eleonora Viltaria : Hey. (0:19:52.74)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I-I'm sorry! (0:19:59.87)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I... discovered this place
when I was taking a walk earlier.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : It didn't look like anyone
would be using it, so... that is...
Eleonora Viltaria : You don't have to apologize. (0:20:08.58)
Eleonora Viltaria : You came here to wash yourself, right? (0:20:13.47)
Eleonora Viltaria : Don't stand there with your back to me.
Come on over.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Then, um... (0:20:20.19)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : in Zhcted... you know, (0:20:21.70)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : men and women bathe together? (0:20:24.19)
Eleonora Viltaria : No, of course not. (0:20:27.26)
Eleonora Viltaria : And this is awkward for me too. (0:20:29.22)
Eleonora Viltaria : But I am a war maiden. (0:20:32.02)
Eleonora Viltaria : So even if I'm taken by surprise, seen naked, (0:20:35.54)
Eleonora Viltaria : and feel like I could die from embarrassment, (0:20:37.54)
Eleonora Viltaria : I can't cower in a corner like a little girl, now can I?{She's missing the logic leap from 'not shrieking' to 'inviting a guy to bathe with her'. Somehow those things don't strike me as being quite the same.} (0:20:40.15)
Eleonora Viltaria : I want you. (0:20:48.69)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : It's so peaceful here. (0:21:01.05)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : "I want you," huh? (0:21:04.54)
Rurick : We've captured an old man
with a Brunish accent.
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Bertrand! (0:21:25.05)
Bertrand : Young Master! (0:21:27.79)
Bertrand : Thank goodness you're safe! (0:21:31.03)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : I could say the same! (0:21:32.56)
Rurick : So you actually know him? (0:21:34.41)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Thanks, everyone! (0:21:36.29)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Bertrand has been my attendant for ages! (0:21:37.92)
Bertrand : Young Master, we have no time for this. (0:21:40.35)
Bertrand : Duke Thenardier's force
is marching on Alsace!
Bertrand : They're numbering three thousand! (0:21:47.43)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : They're what?! (0:21:49.11)
Rurick : Please come back, Lord Tigrevurmud! (0:21:51.65)
Eleonora Viltaria : Where do you think you're going at this time of day? (0:22:01.42)
Tigrevurmud Vorn : Please let me pass. (0:22:05.72)

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