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Sakura Matou : Senpai? (0:01:34.51)
Sakura Matou : Senpai, are you awake? (0:01:39.72)
Shirou Emiya : Good morning, Sakura. (0:01:43.56)
Sakura Matou : Right, same to you, Senpai. (0:01:49.15)
Shirou Emiya : Sorry, Sakura... I should be helping
with the morning chores.
Sakura Matou : Don't worry about that, Senpai. (0:02:01.62)
Sakura Matou : You were up late again last night, weren't you? (0:02:03.95)
Shirou Emiya : Dummy, that's no excuse. (0:02:06.29)
Sakura Matou : Senpai, let me handle the morning chores. (0:02:08.92)
Sakura Matou : If you leave the storehouse this messy,
Fujimura-sensei will scold you.
Shirou Emiya : Good point... (0:02:20.47)
Shirou Emiya : I guess I'll have you do that, then. (0:02:22.47)
Sakura Matou : Sure. I'll be waiting for you, Senpai. (0:02:24.56)
Shirou Emiya : Falling asleep before I finish proves
I'm lacking in concentration.
EXTRA : #01 Winter Days, A Fateful Night (0:04:13.81)
Sakura Matou : Perfect. (0:04:31.13)
Shirou Emiya : I feel terrible, making you do all this, Sakura. (0:04:46.95)
Sakura Matou : It's no trouble at all. (0:04:50.08)
Sakura Matou : I do it because I enjoy it. (0:04:52.54)
Shirou Emiya : Morning, Fuji-nee. (0:04:56.33)
Taiga Fujimura : Yep, morning! (0:04:58.46)
Shirou Emiya : Let's eat! (0:05:02.92)
Sakura Matou : Let's eat. (0:05:04.13)
Sakura Matou : Senpai? (0:05:18.44)
Shirou Emiya : Th-This is Worcestershire sauce! (0:05:19.90)
Shirou Emiya : Worcestershire sauce on grated yams...
And it's oyster flavor, no less!
Taiga Fujimura : Ha! I swapped the labels on the Worcestershire
sauce and soy sauce bottles earlier!
Taiga Fujimura : Yay! (0:05:33.66)
Shirou Emiya : Who pulls a stunt like that,
first thing in the morning?
Shirou Emiya : You'll be twenty-five this year. (0:05:37.71)
Shirou Emiya : But you'll always be the same Fuji-nee. (0:05:40.46)
Taiga Fujimura : You deserved it! (0:05:43.21)
Taiga Fujimura : It's payback for yesterday! (0:05:44.63)
Sakura Matou : Senpai, have some tea! (0:05:47.59)
Shirou Emiya : You seemed awfully quiet. (0:05:49.05)
Shirou Emiya : So it was because you'd been
plotting this since yesterday.
Taiga Fujimura : Damn straight. (0:05:54.39)
Taiga Fujimura : And because of that, now I have to
get going in a hurry to grade some tests.
Taiga Fujimura : So I've gotta run, or I'll never finish in time! (0:06:00.36)
Taiga Fujimura : Thanks for breakfast! (0:06:05.11)
Taiga Fujimura : See you at school! (0:06:07.91)
Taiga Fujimura : Make sure you aren't late. (0:06:10.28)
Taiga Fujimura : And don't go back to sleep, okay? (0:06:12.49)
Taiga Fujimura : Well, I'm out of here! (0:06:14.33)
Taiga Fujimura : Breakfast was as delicious as ever, Sakura-chan! (0:06:18.46)
Sakura Matou : It was nothing, Fujimura-sensei. (0:06:23.76)
Shirou Emiya : Damn that Fuji-nee. (0:06:31.72)
Shirou Emiya : Even if she's the landlord's daughter,
why must she eat here every day?
Shirou Emiya : She's no better than a freeloader. (0:06:38.40)
Sakura Matou : Did you do something to her yesterday? (0:06:44.48)
Shirou Emiya : I accidentally called her by her nickname. (0:06:48.03)
Sakura Matou : Then it was really your own fault. (0:06:50.20)
Sakura Matou : You can't do that. (0:06:52.66)
Sakura Matou : Your using that nickname is
the one thing she hates.
EXTRA : Suspect Had No License,
Minivan Had Malfunctioning Brakes
EXTRA : Gas Leak in New Fuyuki Business District (0:07:03.18)
EXTRA : In our next story, (0:07:03.21)
EXTRA : workers in a building in New Fuyuki's
business district passed out
EXTRA : and were taken to the hospital late last night. (0:07:10.22)
EXTRA : According to a police spokesman, (0:07:13.20)
EXTRA : Gas Leak in New Fuyuki Business District (0:07:13.20b)
EXTRA : since victims seemed to be suffering from hypoxia, (0:07:14.74)
EXTRA : they believe it may have been the result of a gas leak. (0:07:18.02)
EXTRA : However, given a similar incident
that occurred last month,
Shirou Emiya : Hear that? Another gas leak in New Fuyuki. (0:07:21.02)
EXTRA : investigating police are exercising extreme
caution due to the possibility of a link.
Shirou Emiya : That's messed up. (0:07:24.07)
Shirou Emiya : We need to be careful, too. (0:07:25.90)
Sakura Matou : Don't worry. (0:07:27.61)
Sakura Matou : I always double-check the gas valve, so we'll be safe. (0:07:30.07)
Shirou Emiya : No, not about that... (0:07:36.94)
Shirou Emiya : Well, work hard at club practice. (0:07:49.14)
Sakura Matou : About that, Senpai... (0:07:52.89)
Sakura Matou : Maybe you could stop by the dojo? (0:07:54.80)
Shirou Emiya : I have to go to the student
council office this morning.
Sakura Matou : O-Oh, of course. (0:08:02.90)
Sakura Matou : I'm sorry. Forget I asked. (0:08:05.19)
Sakura Matou : Well, I should get going. (0:08:09.90)
Sakura Matou : Look forward to dinner tonight, okay? (0:08:11.79)
Issei Ryuudou : The school's budgeting priorities
are completely out of whack.
Shirou Emiya : Yeah, athletic clubs get the lion's share
of the budget, and the rest get crumbs.
Issei Ryuudou : Yes. (0:08:27.50)
Issei Ryuudou : As a result, the non-athletic club
rooms are in poor repair.
Issei Ryuudou : They've given zero thought to
resolving our heater issues.
Shirou Emiya : There are more broken heaters? (0:08:35.55)
Issei Ryuudou : There are. (0:08:37.77)
Shirou Emiya : Like I thought, this one's just showing its age. (0:08:40.21)
Issei Ryuudou : Can you fix it, Emiya? (0:08:43.14)
Shirou Emiya : I can. (0:08:44.77)
Issei Ryuudou : Really? (0:08:45.65)
Shirou Emiya : Issei, I'll have it fixed in a jiffy,
so could you wait outside?
Issei Ryuudou : Of course. I'll get out of your way. (0:08:52.03)
Shirou Emiya : Okay, then... (0:08:57.74)
Shirou Emiya : Two spots where the heating
element is about to break...
Shirou Emiya : The heat transfer pipes are still good. (0:09:10.55)
Shirou Emiya : For now, I can patch the power
cord with electrical tape.
Issei Ryuudou : Tohsaka... (0:09:30.78)
Shirou Emiya : Tohsaka? (0:09:33.53)
Rin Tohsaka : Well, if it isn't the student council president. (0:09:34.78)
Rin Tohsaka : Patrolling the campus so early in the morning? (0:09:36.82)
Rin Tohsaka : Or are you making maintenance
rounds of the club rooms?
Rin Tohsaka : Not that I care either way.
Still, you're the diligent student as always.
Issei Ryuudou : And what do you have up your sleeve? (0:09:46.21)
Issei Ryuudou : Why are you here so early,
when you aren't in any clubs?
Rin Tohsaka : I just felt like it. (0:09:53.38)
Shirou Emiya : I fixed it, Issei. (0:09:57.39)
Issei Ryuudou : Oh, sorry. (0:09:59.43)
Issei Ryuudou : I asked you for help, but you
did it all, Emiya. My bad.
Shirou Emiya : Where's the next one? (0:10:05.56)
Shirou Emiya : I don't have a lot of time. (0:10:07.48)
Issei Ryuudou : The next one's in the A/V room. (0:10:08.90)
Issei Ryuudou : They say it's been acting up lately, but it's
finally exhausted its lifespan.
Shirou Emiya : If it's dead, I can't fix that.
Buying a new one would be faster.
Issei Ryuudou : That's true, but I'd appreciate it if you
could take a look at it anyway.
Issei Ryuudou : It looked dead to me, but you may be able
to see if it's just faking or really dead.
Shirou Emiya : Okay, I'll try... (0:10:28.39)
Shirou Emiya : You're here early, Tohsaka. (0:10:37.20)
Shirou Emiya : The art club's heater will have to wait until lunch. (0:10:49.77)
Issei Ryuudou : Sure. (0:10:52.11)
Shinji Matou : You're quite the busy bee this morning, Emiya. (0:10:53.23)
Shinji Matou : I was wondering what you'd been
up to after you quit the club.
Shinji Matou : You're the student council president's errand boy? (0:10:59.30)
Shirou Emiya : If you need something, you can tell me, Shinji. (0:11:04.04)
Shirou Emiya : If it's something I can help with, I will. (0:11:06.71)
Shirou Emiya : You never were very good at
restringing and mending bows.
Shinji Matou : I don't want your help. (0:11:14.71)
Shinji Matou : And anyway, you aren't a member
anymore, so stay out of the dojo!
Issei Ryuudou : What a jerk, (0:11:22.39)
Issei Ryuudou : talking to you like that, when he's the
one who drove you out of the club.
Shirou Emiya : It's okay. That's just how he is. (0:11:28.10)
Shirou Emiya : When you've known him a long
time, you get used to it.
Issei Ryuudou : Do you, now? (0:11:33.61)
Shirou Emiya : You do. (0:11:34.98)
Shirou Emiya : Oops, Fujimura-sensei is
about to come barreling in.
Taiga Fujimura : Yes! I made it! (0:11:42.24)
Taiga Fujimura : Good morning, class! (0:11:45.54)
Taiga Fujimura : I'll call the roll now! (0:11:47.04)
Issei Ryuudou : Emiya, you'd better wolf that down,
or you won't finish before lunch ends.
Shirou Emiya : It's okay, I'm almost done. (0:11:59.80)
Issei Ryuudou : You could've stopped with the heaters. You didn't
have to agree to fix personal items, too.
Shirou Emiya : Don't worry about it. (0:12:10.60)
Shirou Emiya : As they say, "In for a penny, in for a pound." (0:12:11.81)
Issei Ryuudou : There's such a thing as being too considerate. (0:12:14.59)
Issei Ryuudou : Being helpful is all well and good, but
maybe you should be a little more selective.
Issei Ryuudou : You take "turn no one away" to extremes. (0:12:22.57)
Shirou Emiya : Do I look that unprincipled to you? (0:12:25.93)
Issei Ryuudou : You're opening yourself up to being taken
advantage of by the unscrupulous.
Issei Ryuudou : Surely you could turn people down, once in a while. (0:12:33.46)
Shirou Emiya : What're you talking about?
Helping others is a good deed.
Shirou Emiya : The heir to a temple shouldn't make a fuss over that. (0:12:39.96)
Issei Ryuudou : I'm just saying that you take it too far, Emiya. (0:12:42.51)
Issei Ryuudou : Keep going like this, and it'll burn you out. (0:12:46.47)
Shirou Emiya : Duly noted. (0:12:49.85)
Shirou Emiya : Okay, all done! (0:12:52.64)
Illyasviel von Einzbern : If you don't summon yours soon,
you're gonna die, Onii-chan.
Taiga Fujimura : At times like this, you should
really come home early!
Taiga Fujimura : I said in homeroom that it hasn't been
safe in town lately, remember?
Shirou Emiya : Um... Something came up. (0:13:59.50)
Taiga Fujimura : Do you get that from Kiritsugu-san? (0:14:03.17)
Taiga Fujimura : I worry about you because you're
always trying to help people...
Sakura Matou : Excuse me, Fujimura-sensei? (0:14:10.10)
Sakura Matou : Has Senpai always been this way? (0:14:12.31)
Taiga Fujimura : Yeah, for as long as I've known him. (0:14:14.98)
Taiga Fujimura : Shirou just doesn't have it in him
to ignore people in need.
Taiga Fujimura : "Comfort the afflicted, and afflict
the comfortable," you know?
Taiga Fujimura : As a kid, he wrote in an essay, "My dream is to
become a hero of justice when I grow up."
Sakura Matou : Wow, you were an amazing child! (0:14:32.19)
Shirou Emiya : Chalk it up to Fuji-nee. (0:14:34.62)
Shirou Emiya : When kids see immature adults,
they have funny ideas put in their heads.
Shirou Emiya : If you don't like it, cook your
own damn meal for once.
Taiga Fujimura : Wha? (0:14:45.09)
Taiga Fujimura : You're reducing your "big sis" to tears! (0:14:48.13)
Taiga Fujimura : Sakura-chan, refill! (0:14:51.51)
Shirou Emiya : Trace on. (0:15:25.76)
Shirou Emiya : Tracing fundamental structure. (0:15:31.51)
Shirou Emiya : Tracing component materials. (0:15:35.64)
Shirou Emiya : Altering fundamental structure. (0:15:38.23)
Shirou Emiya : Strengthening component materials. (0:15:46.57)
Shirou Emiya : Damn, I failed again. (0:16:08.01)
Shirou Emiya : I can't believe that I still can't do something so basic. (0:16:11.93)
Shirou Emiya : I'm gonna be a novice forever. (0:16:15.35)
Shirou Emiya : I just don't know... (0:16:21.31)
Shirou Emiya : How do I become a hero of justice? (0:16:23.23)
Shirou Emiya : Sakura... Wait a second. (0:16:46.21)
Sakura Matou : Yes? (0:16:49.96)
Shirou Emiya : What happened to your wrist? (0:16:51.55)
Shirou Emiya : Shinji again? (0:16:54.89)
Shirou Emiya : What's he thinking, raising a hand to his little sister? (0:16:56.18)
Sakura Matou : N-No, that's not it, Senpai! (0:17:00.01)
Sakura Matou : I, um, bumped it when I tripped and fell. (0:17:02.98)
Shirou Emiya : You can't get a bruise like that from tripping. (0:17:07.73)
Shirou Emiya : I knew it. (0:17:12.95)
Sakura Matou : Honest, my brother had nothing to do with this. (0:17:14.45)
Sakura Matou : I got hurt by myself, that's all! (0:17:16.78)
Shirou Emiya : If that's what you say happened, I'll leave it at that. (0:17:24.00)
Sakura Matou : It is. I'm sorry, Senpai. (0:17:29.30)
Shirou Emiya : Why are you apologizing, Sakura?
Shinji's the one who's to blame.
Taiga Fujimura : Do I smell your famous rolled omelets, Shirou? (0:17:37.57)
Issei Ryuudou : What's up, Emiya? (0:18:01.04)
Issei Ryuudou : Let's eat. (0:18:02.45)
Shirou Emiya : Sorry, Issei... I'm going to eat in the cafeteria today. (0:18:03.73)
Issei Ryuudou : You don't usually eat there. Did something happen? (0:18:07.75)
Shirou Emiya : Not really. (0:18:10.42)
Souichirou Kuzuki : Excuse me. Is Ryuudou here? (0:18:12.57)
Issei Ryuudou : Yes, I'm here. What is it, Kuzuki-sensei? (0:18:15.88)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : Going for the Chef's Choice for lunch today, huh? (0:18:26.71)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : You aren't eating with the student
council president today?
Shirou Emiya : I guess not. (0:18:32.48)
Shirou Emiya : Say, Mitsuzuri... (0:18:35.28)
Shirou Emiya : Has Sakura seemed okay to you lately? (0:18:37.53)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : Sakura? (0:18:40.08)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : Yeah, she's practicing her heart out. (0:18:41.14)
Shirou Emiya : Oh. (0:18:43.50)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : It's her brother that's the problem. (0:18:44.95)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : He's been tearing into the first-year boys. (0:18:47.29)
Shirou Emiya : What for? (0:18:50.38)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : From what I hear, he got shot
down pretty hard by Tohsaka.
Shirou Emiya : By Tohsaka? (0:18:55.34)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : Keep your voice down! (0:18:57.03)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : Anyway, ever since yesterday,
Shinji's been in a foul mood.
Ayako Mitsuzuri : I've had to keep a close eye on Shinji
during practice, so I'm exhausted.
Shirou Emiya : Yeah, Shinji does have a nasty temper... (0:19:10.36)
Ayako Mitsuzuri : I hear he plans to do something
to Tohsaka, to get even.
Shirou Emiya : No, I doubt even Shinji would try to get
anywhere near someone who'd rejected him.
Ayako Mitsuzuri : But if she comes to where he is,
he can't avoid her.
Ayako Mitsuzuri : I don't know why, but recently, Tohsaka's been
coming to watch at the dojo a lot.
Ayako Mitsuzuri : You probably don't know, since you quit and all! (0:19:33.17)
Shinji Matou : That was hilarious earlier! (0:19:38.47)
Shinji Matou : He practically peed his pants! (0:19:41.22)
Shirou Emiya : When Shinji gets mad, he doesn't know when to stop. (0:19:51.69)
Kaede Makidera : Hey, you! (0:19:55.32)
Kaede Makidera : Matou Shinji, I hate to break it to you, (0:20:01.16)
Kaede Makidera : but no matter how long you wait,
Tohsaka Rin isn't coming!
Kane Himuro : Maki, this guy doesn't match Mitsuzuri's description. (0:20:13.50)
Kane Himuro : He doesn't have wavy hair, either. (0:20:17.92)
Kaede Makidera : The way I see it, he just wet his
naturally curly hair down today.
Kaede Makidera : A face this stupid-looking could
only belong to Matou Shinji!
Shirou Emiya : No, I'm not Shinji. (0:20:27.31)
Kaede Makidera : See what I mean? That's what the bad guys all say. (0:20:29.73)
Kane Himuro : Wait. (0:20:32.81)
Kane Himuro : Sorry, but would you mind
showing us your student ID?
Shirou Emiya : S-Sure. (0:20:39.53)
EXTRA : NAME Emiya Shirou
Kane Himuro : Maki-chan, we have the wrong man. (0:20:46.37)
Kaede Makidera : Emiya? That Emiya? (0:20:49.00)
Kaede Makidera : That guy who fixes our gear whenever
he has a spare moment?
Kaede Makidera : The one they call "Homurahara's Brownie"? (0:20:54.33)
Shirou Emiya : I don't know that nickname, but I do know
the track club president when I see her.
Yukika Saegusa : We're sorry. You seemed to be looking
for someone, so we just assumed...
Shirou Emiya : That's okay. What was that
about Tohsaka not coming?
Yukika Saegusa : Has something happened? (0:21:13.90)
Yukika Saegusa : She stayed home today. (0:21:15.56)
Kaede Makidera : Yeah! Tohsaka says she has a cold,
so she's staying home, good sir.
Kaede Makidera : Hard to believe a model student like her
is capable of catching a cold, though.
Kane Himuro : We're sorry if our exotic beast here
caused you any trouble, Emiya.
Kane Himuro : But you shouldn't be here, either. (0:21:33.33)
Kane Himuro : Weren't you told that students with no club
meetings should go straight home?
Shirou Emiya : Did something happen? (0:21:38.88)
Kane Himuro : You don't know? (0:21:40.96)
Kane Himuro : There was a murder incident at
the intersection near the school.
Kane Himuro : Of the family of four, the only survivor was a child. (0:21:47.18)
Kane Himuro : They say the parents and older
sister were stabbed to death.
Kane Himuro : The killer is still at large, (0:21:53.98)
Kane Himuro : and everyone's freaking out about the
way it seems like a random killing.
Kane Himuro : In New Fuyuki, it's those gas leaks. (0:22:00.78)
Kane Himuro : Over here, we've got grisly murders. (0:22:03.28)
Kane Himuro : It's no wonder they're sending students home early. (0:22:06.41)
Shirou Emiya : I do know... (0:22:30.31)
Shirou Emiya : Helping others and being a hero
of justice aren't the same thing.
Kiritsugu Emiya : Ah, I see. (0:22:43.94)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Thank you. (0:22:45.78)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Hello. (0:22:57.75)
Kiritsugu Emiya : You must be Shirou-kun. (0:22:58.89)
Kiritsugu Emiya : I'll come right out and ask you which you'd prefer... (0:23:01.17)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Being sent to an orphanage or being
taken in by a man you've just met?
Kiritsugu Emiya : I'm glad. (0:23:30.95)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Then let's get you dressed right away. (0:23:32.41)
Kiritsugu Emiya : You should get acclimated to your
new home as soon as possible.
Kiritsugu Emiya : Oh, I forgot to mention something important. (0:23:38.75)
Kiritsugu Emiya : There's something extremely important
that I have to tell you. Ready?
Kiritsugu Emiya : Yeah. (0:23:47.30)
Kiritsugu Emiya : I should get this out of the way. (0:23:48.63)
Kiritsugu Emiya : I am a magic-user... (0:23:50.72)
Shirou Emiya : I have some time before I need to get to work. (0:24:00.73)
Kiritsugu Emiya : He's alive... He's alive... (0:24:10.99)
Kiritsugu Emiya : He's alive! (0:24:13.53)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Thank you... Thank you! (0:24:17.75)
Kiritsugu Emiya : I'm so glad I found you... (0:24:22.71)
Kiritsugu Emiya : By saving even one person, (0:24:26.00)
Kiritsugu Emiya : I'm saved myself. (0:24:30.18)
Shirou Emiya : All I remember of that day, ten years ago,
is that it was hot, and I couldn't breathe.
Shirou Emiya : And people were trying to save others,
all of them dying in the process.
Shirou Emiya : I hate that. (0:24:47.48)
Shirou Emiya : It makes me mad when people who try so hard die. (0:24:49.49)
Shirou Emiya : Is it greedy of me to wish for an outcome (0:24:53.53)
Shirou Emiya : in which everyone is saved and happy,
and can share a laugh about it afterward?
Kiritsugu Emiya : It isn't that simple. (0:25:01.46)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Because what you're describing is the
act of trying to save everyone, Shirou.
Shirou Emiya : My younger self wasn't convinced
by Kiritsugu's answer.
Shirou Emiya : I mean, Kiritsugu saved my life, right? (0:25:13.84)
Shirou Emiya : I knew he was a magic-user, who could do anything. (0:25:17.56)
Shirou Emiya : So I asked Kiritsugu if, back then, (0:25:21.60)
Shirou Emiya : he could have saved everyone. (0:25:25.71)
Shirou Emiya : But Kiritsugu... He... (0:25:32.57)
Kiritsugu Emiya : Shirou, (0:25:34.78)
Kiritsugu Emiya : saving one person means being
unable to save another.
Kiritsugu Emiya : You see, one can only save those (0:25:40.58)
Kiritsugu Emiya : who belong to one's own side. (0:25:44.60)
Kiritsugu Emiya : It should be obvious, but that is the very
definition of a "hero of justice."
Shirou Emiya : I understand that now. (0:25:55.43)
Shirou Emiya : When you put it like that, it's obvious. (0:25:58.01)
Shirou Emiya : But still... (0:26:00.25)
Shirou Emiya : But still, I hate it. (0:26:01.77)
Shirou Emiya : I'm not interested in a salvation that's inherently
limited to a set number of people.
Shirou Emiya : I can't bear the thought of strangers dying
around me, as they did that day!
Shirou Emiya : That was Tohsaka... (0:26:31.99)
Shirou Emiya : Wasn't it? (0:26:34.14)
Shirou Emiya : Where's Sakura? (0:26:50.38)
Taiga Fujimura : She went home early tonight. (0:26:52.32)
Shirou Emiya : Why did you send her home alone? (0:26:55.45)
Shirou Emiya : You were the one who warned us that
going out alone wasn't safe, remember?
Taiga Fujimura : It's fine, it's fine. I sent one of my guys with her. (0:27:04.31)
Shirou Emiya : You should've been the one to go. (0:27:07.79)
Shirou Emiya : You're our teacher, after all. (0:27:10.38)
Taiga Fujimura : If I'd done that, I wouldn't get
to eat dinner until after 10...
Taiga Fujimura : Anyway, it's your own fault for coming
home so late because of work!
Taiga Fujimura : On your work days, my stomach
always has to patiently wait.
Shirou Emiya : Hey, don't you have the option of
eating dinner at your own house?
Taiga Fujimura : I've told you, this is my own house. (0:27:29.45)
Shirou Emiya : Sheesh... (0:27:33.82)
Shirou Emiya : What's this? (0:27:36.28)
EXTRA : Luck, Come In! Customer Appreciation Sale (0:27:38.23)
Taiga Fujimura : Oh, someone gave that to me,
but I don't want it, so you can have it!
Shirou Emiya : I don't want it, either! (0:27:43.91)
Taiga Fujimura : If you think you can hit me with skills
like yours, you're sadly mistaken.
Taiga Fujimura : If you don't like it, I suggest you practice more. (0:27:55.51)
Taiga Fujimura : But more importantly, Shirou, I'm famished! (0:28:00.47)
Taiga Fujimura : I've been waiting for ages,
so hurry up and make dinner!
Shirou Emiya : Yeah, yeah. (0:28:07.56)
Sakura Matou : Senpai, after tonight, I won't be able
to help with dinner for a while.
Sakura Matou : Do you mind? (0:28:18.95)
Shirou Emiya : Don't worry about it. It's the weekend, anyway. (0:28:20.28)
Shirou Emiya : You should be hanging out with your friends. (0:28:23.41)
Sakura Matou : No, it's not like that! (0:28:27.45)
Sakura Matou : It's a personal thing, but I'll still
be going to club practices!
Sakura Matou : S-So if anything comes up, please come
to the dojo, and I'll do what I can.
Sakura Matou : It's not like I'm goofing off,
just because it's the weekend!
Sakura Matou : So, I'd appreciate it... (0:28:44.05)
Sakura Matou : if you didn't get the wrong idea. (0:28:45.97)
Shirou Emiya : Understood. (0:28:50.06)
Shirou Emiya : If something comes up, I'll go to the dojo. (0:28:51.39)
Sakura Matou : Okay, that would be great. (0:28:53.48)
Sakura Matou : Senpai! Your hand! (0:28:57.57)
Shirou Emiya : Where'd this come from? Did I cut myself
while I was tinkering with my old junk?
Shirou Emiya : Well, it doesn't hurt or anything,
so it should fade soon.
Shirou Emiya : I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about. (0:29:10.16)
Sakura Matou : Okay, if you say so... (0:29:12.58)
Shirou Emiya : Maybe I'm just tired. (0:29:33.52)
Issei Ryuudou : Thanks to you, Emiya, it looks like we'll have
all the equipment fixed before exams begin.
Issei Ryuudou : I have to thank you again. (0:29:45.78)
Shirou Emiya : No problem. See you later. (0:29:47.33)
Shinji Matou : No, it was nothing! You think that was amazing? (0:29:57.04)
Shirou Emiya : Shinji... (0:30:01.80)
Shinji Matou : Still at school, Emiya? (0:30:03.88)
Shirou Emiya : I need to talk to you. Come with me for a minute. (0:30:08.73)
Shinji Matou : A minute? Sorry. (0:30:12.02)
Shinji Matou : As you can see, I'm busy. (0:30:14.44)
Shinji Matou : Whatever your little problem is, it can wait. (0:30:17.11)
Shinji Matou : Isn't that right, girls? (0:30:20.15)
Shirou Emiya : Hang on, Shinji. (0:30:22.90)
Shirou Emiya : This is about the bruise on Sakura's wrist. (0:30:24.28)
Shinji Matou : What's this about Sakura? (0:30:27.82)
Shirou Emiya : Don't dodge the question. You hurt her again! (0:30:29.83)
Shinji Matou : Like I know anything about her! (0:30:32.54)
Shirou Emiya : Even though you're siblings? (0:30:35.12)
Shinji Matou : Look, Emiya... (0:30:38.13)
Shinji Matou : If it's about something between siblings,
isn't that all the more reason for you to butt out?
Shirou Emiya : You really don't know how she got it? (0:30:47.59)
Shinji Matou : Nope! (0:30:49.51)
Shinji Matou : Or is Sakura saying that I beat her? (0:30:50.93)
Shirou Emiya : No. (0:30:55.81)
Shinji Matou : There you go, then. (0:30:56.56)
Shinji Matou : It's not nice to make reckless accusations, Emiya. (0:30:57.90)
Shirou Emiya : I suppose so. I'm sorry I suspected you. (0:31:03.90)
Shinji Matou : If you feel bad, then do me a favor. (0:31:08.66)
Shinji Matou : See, the dojo's kind of a mess right now... (0:31:11.52)
Shinji Matou : If you have all this free time, maybe you
could do something about it, Emiya-kun?
EXTRA : Didn't Fujimura-sensei tell you to do that, Senpai? (0:31:21.09)
EXTRA : She did! If you don't do it, she'll... (0:31:24.42)
Shinji Matou : It's fine. (0:31:27.09)
Shinji Matou : Anyway, if I start cleaning now, the shop
will be closed by the time I finish.
Shinji Matou : I know I can count on you! (0:31:34.06)
EXTRA : Wait, Senpai! (0:31:36.18)
EXTRA : Thank you so much! (0:31:38.31)
Shirou Emiya : Man, this place never changes. (0:31:51.95)
Shirou Emiya : Done! (0:32:26.65)
Shirou Emiya : Who are they? (0:32:42.42)
Lancer : Who's there? (0:32:56.08)
Lancer : Hey. (0:33:28.55)
Lancer : Today just wasn't your lucky day, kid. (0:33:51.95)
Lancer : Now that you've seen me, you have to die. (0:33:54.20)
Lancer : Dead men tell no tales, and all that. (0:33:57.87)
Lancer : With your dying breath, curse that you
were born with no luck or power.
Lancer : You make me do some nasty jobs. (0:34:10.17)
Lancer : It's a sick joke for a hero to act like this. (0:34:12.56)
Lancer : I understand. I'm not complaining. (0:34:16.09)
Lancer : The girl's Servant saw me. (0:34:19.14)
Lancer : I'll be a good boy and return. (0:34:21.02)
Lancer : Jeez, my Master is a real piece of work. (0:34:24.10)
Rin Tohsaka : If his heart was hit, there's no way to save him. (0:34:38.91)
Rin Tohsaka : Don't do this to me... (0:34:45.67)
Rin Tohsaka : Why are you here? (0:34:47.63)
Rin Tohsaka : Why did you have to pick this hour,
on this day, to be here?
Rin Tohsaka : There's still a way. (0:34:57.01)
Shirou Emiya : What happened? (0:35:25.54)
Shirou Emiya : That man in blue and that man in red... (0:35:57.86)
Shirou Emiya : Who were those two? (0:36:03.74)
Shirou Emiya : They weren't ordinary humans. (0:36:06.29)
Shirou Emiya : So I really was nearly killed. (0:36:09.42)
Shirou Emiya : No, (0:36:12.24)
Shirou Emiya : I wasn't nearly killed. (0:36:13.70)
Shirou Emiya : I was killed. (0:36:15.58)
Shirou Emiya : But here I am, alive. (0:36:24.97)
Shirou Emiya : Someone who came along afterward saved me. (0:36:28.23)
Shirou Emiya : Who was it? (0:36:32.44)
Shirou Emiya : I wish I could at least thank them. (0:36:34.61)
Lancer : I was trying to be considerate,
figuring it'd hurt more if you saw it coming.
Lancer : Stuck with killing the same
person twice in one day...
Lancer : I guess the human world is a
bloody place, whatever the era.
Shirou Emiya : Trace on. (0:37:04.93)
Lancer : Find your way to the other side this time, kid. (0:37:15.57)
Shirou Emiya : Strengthening component materials. (0:37:20.40)
Lancer : That's an odd style. (0:37:32.71)
Lancer : It's faint, but I sense mana. (0:37:37.96)
Lancer : So that's why you're still alive
after your heart was skewered.
Lancer : This might be fun, after all. (0:37:45.72)
Lancer : I gave you a chance, but you went and wasted it. (0:38:07.33)
Lancer : If you're a man, show some dignity. (0:38:16.42)
Lancer : Checkmate. (0:38:27.85)
Lancer : That last move was pretty surprising, kid. (0:38:29.12)
Lancer : I don't get it, though... (0:38:34.02)
Lancer : You think fast on your feet,
but you're hopeless at magecraft.
Lancer : You do seem to have a knack for it... (0:38:39.73)
Lancer : Maybe you were meant to be the seventh. (0:38:42.11)
Lancer : Well, even if you were, this is the end for you. (0:38:45.20)
Shirou Emiya : Screw this... (0:38:48.41)
Shirou Emiya : My life was saved. (0:38:52.95)
Shirou Emiya : My life was saved, so I won't die that easily. (0:38:55.46)
Shirou Emiya : I need to live, to fulfill my duties. (0:39:00.30)
Shirou Emiya : And I can't do that if I'm dead. (0:39:03.88)
Shirou Emiya : I'm not gonna be killed in a place like this, (0:39:07.22)
Shirou Emiya : for no good reason, by a guy like you, (0:39:11.72)
Shirou Emiya : who kills people like it's nothing! (0:39:14.31)
Lancer : The seventh Servant? (0:39:23.30)
Saber : I ask... (0:39:34.96)
Saber : Are you my Master? (0:39:40.15)
Shirou Emiya : "Master"? (0:39:52.10)
Saber : Your Servant, Saber, has come
in response to your summons.
Saber : Master, your orders? (0:40:01.40)
Saber : Henceforth, my sword will be at your side. (0:40:06.57)
Saber : Henceforth, your fate is my fate. (0:40:09.57)
Saber : The pact is now sealed. (0:40:12.45)
Shirou Emiya : What do you mean by "pact"? (0:40:17.31)
Lancer : Coward! What's the meaning of
this, concealing your weapon?
Saber : What's the matter, Lancer? (0:41:10.99)
Saber : If you stand there, you'll give
spearmen a bad name.
Saber : If you will not come to me, I shall come to you. (0:41:15.39)
Lancer : Before you do, let me ask you one thing. (0:41:18.14)
Lancer : Your Noble Phantasm... Is it a sword? (0:41:20.27)
Saber : Who can say? (0:41:23.23)
Saber : It may be a battle axe. Or perhaps a polearm. (0:41:25.02)
Saber : Or it might even be a bow, Lancer. (0:41:29.11)
Lancer : Very funny, swordswoman! (0:41:34.82)
Shirou Emiya : That stance... (0:41:37.74)
Lancer : One more question. (0:41:39.54)
Lancer : Since this is our first meeting, would you
be interested in calling it a draw?
Saber : I think not. (0:41:46.71)
Saber : You will fall here, Lancer. (0:41:47.86)
Lancer : Is that so? (0:41:51.17)
Lancer : My objective was simply to observe... (0:41:52.59)
Lancer : I'll have your heart! (0:42:06.65)
Lancer : Gae... (0:42:11.19)
Lancer : Bolg! (0:42:14.32)
Lancer : So, you dodged my lethal strike, Saber. (0:42:49.90)
Saber : A curse? (0:42:57.91)
Saber : No, a strike that reverses cause and effect? (0:42:59.74)
Saber : Gae Bolg... (0:43:03.46)
Saber : You are Ireland's Child of Light! (0:43:05.00)
Lancer : I messed up... (0:43:08.79)
Lancer : It needs to be fatal if I use that move, or I'm in trouble. (0:43:10.46)
Lancer : My lord is a coward, you see. (0:43:15.93)
Lancer : You dodged my spear, so he's ordering me home. (0:43:18.80)
Saber : You would run? (0:43:22.60)
Lancer : You're more than welcome to follow. (0:43:24.73)
Lancer : But if you do, be prepared to die! (0:43:28.15)
Saber : Wait, Lancer! (0:43:34.53)
Shirou Emiya : I-Is she an idiot? (0:43:35.90)
Shirou Emiya : Hey, are you okay? (0:43:39.99)
Shirou Emiya : What the hell are you? (0:43:46.71)
Saber : As you can see, I am your Saber-class Servant. (0:43:50.17)
Saber : As such, please call me "Saber." (0:43:53.80)
Shirou Emiya : I'm Shirou... (0:43:58.43)
Shirou Emiya : Emiya Shirou. (0:44:00.39)
Saber : Emiya... (0:44:02.71)
Shirou Emiya : This house... (0:44:05.93)
Shirou Emiya : No, that's not right. That isn't
what I want to ask you.
Saber : I know. (0:44:12.59)
Saber : You are not a proper Master, are you? (0:44:14.07)
Saber : And yet, regardless, you are my Master. (0:44:18.86)
Shirou Emiya : W-Wait, isn't it weird, calling me
"Master" all of a sudden?
Saber : Then I shall call you "Shirou." (0:44:26.87)
Saber : Yes, the sound of that is pleasing to me. (0:44:31.33)
Shirou Emiya : Wh-What are these? (0:44:37.85)
Saber : Those are what are called Command Seals. (0:44:40.93)
Saber : Do try to avoid careless use. (0:44:43.35)
Saber : Shirou, my wounds, please... (0:44:46.64)
Shirou Emiya : You're asking me? (0:44:49.27)
Shirou Emiya : Sorry, but complicated magic
like that's beyond me.
Saber : Then, I shall face them as I am. (0:44:53.86)
Saber : There are two enemies outside. (0:44:57.40)
Saber : One more battle should not pose a problem. (0:44:59.28)
Shirou Emiya : What do you mean by "enemies outside"? (0:45:02.45)
Shirou Emiya : Stop, Saber! (0:45:14.75)
Saber : Are you mad, Shirou? (0:45:22.80)
Saber : I could have defeated them handily,
but you ordered me to stop!
Shirou Emiya : Just hold on, Saber. (0:45:28.56)
Shirou Emiya : I have no idea what's going on. (0:45:30.64)
Shirou Emiya : If I'm your Master, at least fill me in. (0:45:32.77)
Saber : You would demand this with the enemy before us? (0:45:35.79)
Rin Tohsaka : Hmm? (0:45:38.91)
Rin Tohsaka : So that's how it is, Mr. Novice Master? (0:45:40.43)
Rin Tohsaka : At any rate, good evening, (0:45:49.33)
Rin Tohsaka : Emiya-kun. (0:45:52.48)
Shirou Emiya : I have no reason to fight. (0:47:25.80)
Rin Tohsaka : He is, without question, a fake priest. (0:47:27.68)
Saber : Shirou is my Master. (0:47:29.85)
Rin Tohsaka : Berserker? (0:47:31.51)
Kirei Kotomine : Whether or not you decide to
participate in the Holy Grail War,
Kirei Kotomine : let us decide it here, Emiya Shirou. (0:47:36.02)
EXTRA : Next Time
The Curtain Rises

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