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EXTRA : Hast thou not gone against sincerity? (0:00:02.62)
EXTRA : Hast thou not felt ashamed
of thy words and deeds?
EXTRA : Hast thou not lacked vigor? (0:00:10.57)
EXTRA : Hast thou exerted all possible efforts? (0:00:14.39)
EXTRA : Hast thou not become slothful? (0:00:18.28)
EXTRA : A mysterious fleet appeared
from the depths of the ocean.
EXTRA : Mankind named them "Abyssals." (0:00:34.78)
EXTRA : From destroyers to super dreadnoughts, (0:00:39.51)
EXTRA : their varied attacks drove
humanity from the seas.
EXTRA : Only one thing can stand against them... (0:01:15.68)
EXTRA : Girls who possess the souls
of warships from years past,
EXTRA : the Fleet Girls. (0:01:24.28)
Haruna : Haruna won't let you get away with this! (0:01:26.48)
Kirishima : All gunports, open fire! (0:01:33.27)
EXTRA : Using weapons known as "outfits," (0:01:35.85)
EXTRA : they were born with the
power to fight the Abyssals.
EXTRA : Enemy Ri-class heavy cruiser severely damaged! (0:01:48.93)
EXTRA : We're close. (0:01:51.33)
Nagato : Yeah. (0:01:52.28)
EXTRA : With their help, a mission to take
back the seas is about to begin.
Nagato : Your priority is to locate the enemy base! (0:02:01.15)
Nagato : We're close! (0:02:03.15)
Shoukaku : Here I go. (0:02:07.91)
Shoukaku : Second wave attack... (0:02:09.03)
Shoukaku : Launch! (0:02:11.23)
Fubuki : So beautiful... (0:02:32.92)
Fubuki : Okay! (0:02:51.62)
EXTRA : Admiral's Room (0:02:52.52)
Fubuki : Hello, Commander! (0:02:53.09)
Fubuki : I'm Fubuki! (0:02:55.60)
Fubuki : Nice to meet you! (0:02:57.61)
EXTRA : Hello, Commander! (0:03:00.80)
Fubuki : Thank you very much! (0:03:01.52)
Fubuki : What should I do? (0:03:07.13)
Mutsuki : Um... (0:03:08.32)
Fubuki : Y-Yes?! (0:03:09.41)
EXTRA : Admiral's Room (0:03:10.29)
Mutsuki : Are you Fubuki-san? (0:03:10.59)
Fubuki : Ah, yes! (0:03:12.44)
Fubuki : I'm Fubuki! (0:03:13.66)
Fubuki : I'm transferring into
Torpedo Squadron Three today!
Mutsuki : I'm Mutsuki, also with Torpedo Squadron Three! (0:03:20.48)
Mutsuki : Nice to meet you! (0:03:23.97)
Fubuki : Oh, nice to meet you, too... (0:03:26.15)
Mutsuki : He's so cute! (0:03:37.32)
Mutsuki : I'm glad. (0:03:41.71)
Mutsuki : I heard you were one of the
Special Type destroyers,
Mutsuki : so I thought you might be scary! (0:03:46.91)
Fubuki : I was worried about what
I'd do if I ended up in
Fubuki : the same fleet as someone scary, too. (0:03:54.21)
Fubuki : I'm glad. (0:03:56.15)
Fubuki : This naval district is huge, isn't it? (0:04:02.85)
Mutsuki : We can do almost everything from here. (0:04:06.87)
Mutsuki : Not just missions and sorties... (0:04:10.04)
EXTRA : Café Mamiya (0:04:10.52)
Mutsuki : There's also places you can
go to spend your days off.
Mutsuki : I never really leave the district. (0:04:15.77)
Fubuki : That's amazing. (0:04:20.06)
EXTRA : Torpedo Squadron Three (0:04:26.45)
Fubuki : Here? (0:04:30.21)
Mutsuki : Yeah! (0:04:31.20)
Mutsuki : Yuudachi-chan? (0:04:33.41)
Mutsuki : I brought Fubuki-chan. (0:04:34.65)
Yuudachi : Poi? (0:04:37.01)
Fubuki : Hello, I'm Fubuki! (0:04:38.47)
Yuudachi : I'm Yuudachi. (0:04:42.70)
Yuudachi : So you're the name ship of
the Special Type destroyers?
Yuudachi : You seem kinda plain. (0:04:47.24)
Mutsuki : Jeez, that's mean. (0:04:48.95)
EXTRA : Fubuki (0:04:52.91)
Mutsuki : This can be your desk. (0:04:54.26)
Mutsuki : And you can put your luggage over here. (0:04:56.47)
Mutsuki : Yuudachi-chan! (0:05:00.86)
Mutsuki : I told you to clean this up
before Fubuki-chan got here!
Yuudachi : But, it won't fit in my drawers! (0:05:06.07)
Fubuki : It's okay. I don't have that much stuff. (0:05:10.36)
Mutsuki : No, that's not right! (0:05:13.89)
Mutsuki : We're all living together here! (0:05:16.41)
Yuudachi : There she goes again... (0:05:18.68)
Yuudachi : Mutsuki-chan, you need to relax. (0:05:20.32)
Mutsuki : And you need to straighten
up a little, Yuudachi-chan!
Fubuki : They seem like good people. (0:05:25.43)
Sendai : So, this is the name ship of
the Special Destroyers, huh?
Sendai : She's a little unrefined, but cute! (0:05:32.38)
Jintsuu : Sister... (0:05:35.18)
Fubuki : And you are? (0:05:36.52)
Mutsuki : That's Sendai-san! (0:05:38.37)
Mutsuki : She's another member of Torpedo Squadron Three. (0:05:40.28)
Mutsuki : She and her younger sisters, Jintsuu-san (0:05:42.89)
Mutsuki : and Naka-chan, live in the room next door. (0:05:44.50)
Sendai : Hey, Special Destroyer! (0:05:47.60)
Fubuki : It's Fubuki, actually... (0:05:49.82)
Sendai : You like nighttime? (0:05:51.35)
Fubuki : I d-don't dislike it... (0:05:53.23)
Sendai : Right?! (0:05:55.54)
Sendai : Nighttime is so great, isn't it?! (0:05:56.77)
Sendai : I think you and I are going to get along! (0:05:59.39)
Yuudachi : Still idiotically into night battles, huh? (0:06:02.72)
Sendai : Don't call me an idiot! (0:06:05.05)
Jintsuu : I'm sorry my sister is
causing trouble for you.
Mutsuki : Where's Naka-chan? (0:06:09.56)
Sendai : Huh? (0:06:11.36)
Sendai : She was just here. (0:06:12.37)
Naka : I'm Naka-chan, of Torpedo Squadron Three! (0:06:14.81)
Naka : Naka-chan, idol of the fleet,
is having her first concert!
EXTRA : Naka
Torpedo Squadron Three
First Concert
Fubuki : That's Naka-chan! (0:06:26.32)
Jintsuu : I'm sorry, both of my
sisters are causing trouble.
Kuma : Don't mess with me, kuma! (0:06:35.62)
Tama : There, nya! (0:06:38.29)
Atago : Ta-da! (0:06:40.46)
Atago : Take this! (0:06:42.42)
Shoukaku : Found them. (0:06:56.26)
Ooyodo : Incoming message from
Shoukaku in the Fourth Fleet.
Ooyodo : The enemy base has been discovered. (0:07:01.85)
Ooyodo : Repeat, the enemy base has been discovered. (0:07:03.27)
Nagato : We finally found their nest, huh? (0:07:06.29)
Mutsu : What do we do? (0:07:09.52)
Nagato : I've already confirmed
the admiral's intentions.
Nagato : Order the Fourth Fleet to return to base. (0:07:14.57)
Nagato : We will organize a fleet
to destroy the enemy base.
Nagato : We're going on the attack! (0:07:21.31)
Tone : One more lap! (0:07:24.05)
Tone : Follow me! (0:07:25.59)
Shimakaze : You're so slow! (0:07:28.78)
Ikazuchi : You can do it, Inazuma! (0:07:30.38)
Ikazuchi : We're almost there! (0:07:31.64)
Kisaragi : Oh, no! (0:07:32.84)
Kisaragi : This is damaging my hair! (0:07:33.77)
Mutsuki : Keep at it, Kisaragi-chan! (0:07:35.73)
Yuudachi : This is the classroom. (0:07:42.61)
EXTRA : Destroyers (0:07:44.86)
Mutsuki : It's Sunday and nobody's here, (0:07:47.16)
Mutsuki : so I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow. (0:07:49.32)
Fubuki : Okay, thanks. (0:07:51.74)
EXTRA : Torpedoes (0:07:55.87)
Fubuki : Hey, Mutsuki-chan, Yuudachi-chan... (0:07:57.85)
Fubuki : How many real fights have you been in? (0:08:00.29)
Mutsuki : Real fights? (0:08:02.54)
Mutsuki : Only two since I was
assigned to this fleet.
Yuudachi : And in one of them, the bigger girls (0:08:07.79)
Yuudachi : defeated the enemy before
we could do anything.
Mutsuki : What about you, Fubuki-chan? (0:08:13.40)
Fubuki : Uh, um... (0:08:14.59)
Fubuki : About this many? (0:08:17.46)
Yuudachi : Twenty? (0:08:19.06)
Fubuki : No... (0:08:20.93)
Yuudachi : That's a name ship for you! (0:08:22.09)
Mutsuki : I'll have to do my best, too! (0:08:23.88)
Fubuki : What's that? (0:08:31.86)
Yuudachi : Looks like the First Carrier
Division is having a drill!
Fubuki : First Carrier Division? I've heard of them! (0:08:41.18)
Fubuki : They're legendary for fighting dozens
of Abyssals with a single fleet,
Fubuki : and winning without getting hit once! (0:08:48.85)
Fubuki : So, they're deployed here! (0:08:53.68)
Mutsuki : Want to go see them? (0:08:57.59)
Fubuki : Yeah! (0:08:59.72)
Fubuki : How pretty. (0:09:22.89)
Mutsuki : That's the pride of the First Carrier Fleet,
the Fleet Carrier Akagi-senpai.
Fubuki : Akagi-senpai... (0:09:31.19)
Fubuki : Wow. (0:09:36.64)
Fubuki : When she lets her arrow loose,
she concentrates on a single point
Fubuki : and doesn't move at all. (0:09:40.27)
Kaga : Skilled as always, Akagi-san. (0:09:43.57)
Akagi : No, it still needs some fine-tuning. (0:09:45.45)
Akagi : I can't be arrogant. (0:09:49.03)
Mutsuki : Oh, no! (0:09:51.69)
Fubuki : Hey! (0:09:53.62)
Mutsuki : Are you okay, Fubuki-chan? (0:09:57.86)
Kaga : You shouldn't come in here without asking. (0:10:02.03)
Mutsuki : I'm sorry. (0:10:04.47)
Mutsuki : Fubuki-chan. (0:10:06.60)
Akagi : Fubuki-san? (0:10:11.02)
Fubuki : Y-Yes! (0:10:12.98)
Akagi : I knew it was you. (0:10:14.89)
Akagi : I heard about you from the Admiral. (0:10:17.29)
Fubuki : From the Admiral? (0:10:19.81)
Akagi : I hope we can fight in
the same fleet someday.
Fubuki : Yes! (0:10:28.20)
EXTRA : Café Mamiya (0:10:29.94)
Mamiya : Here you go. (0:10:31.04)
Yuudachi : Let's eat! (0:10:36.19)
Mutsuki : This is Mamiya's famous
super-size fruit parfait.
Fubuki : "I hope we can fight in
the same fleet someday."
Fubuki : Smile. (0:10:47.04)
Yuudachi : Smile? (0:10:47.83)
Mutsuki : She's not listening at all. (0:10:49.28)
Yuudachi : Akagi-senpai is really cool, isn't she? (0:10:51.43)
Yuudachi : Poke, poke. (0:10:55.23)
Fubuki : What is this?! (0:10:58.43)
Mutsuki : You just noticed? (0:10:59.92)
Fubuki : Sorry. (0:11:02.10)
Kitakami : You worry too much, Oicchi. (0:11:03.51)
Kitakami : I just got out of my seat for a second! (0:11:06.35)
Ooi : You promised that when you were
going away, you'd say something!
Kitakami : Did I? (0:11:14.61)
Ooi : Jeez. (0:11:15.91)
Kitakami : Fine. (0:11:17.80)
Kitakami : I'm sorry. (0:11:19.03)
Kitakami : Here. (0:11:20.39)
Ooi : Jeez... (0:11:22.51)
Mutsuki : That's Kitakami-san and Ooi-san. (0:11:25.70)
Yuudachi : When they're together,
it's best not to talk to them.
Ooyodo : Our main force will consist
of Carrier Task Force One,
Ooyodo : Support Fleet Two, (0:12:01.25)
Ooyodo : and Torpedo Squadron Three. (0:12:03.06)
Ooyodo : All ships participating in the
operation are ready to go.
Nagato : This is secretary ship Nagato. (0:12:10.53)
Nagato : Fleet Four recently encountered
Abyssal ships during an expedition.
Nagato : During that encounter,
they discovered an enemy base.
Nagato : There's no doubt that this is
the base for the Abyssal fleet
Nagato : that controls the seas
around the naval district.
Nagato : We are now going to attack this base. (0:12:26.73)
Akagi : An attack... (0:12:28.97)
Akagi : It's finally time for our counterattack! (0:12:30.46)
Kaga : I won't give this place to anybody. (0:12:33.60)
Kongou : I'm getting expatriated! (0:12:36.45)
Hiei : Sister, that doesn't make any sense. (0:12:38.18)
Nagato : As for our formation, (0:12:40.42)
Nagato : the Carrier Task Force with the First Carrier Division,
Akagi and Kaga, will attack the base.
Nagato : Support Fleet Two will provide cover. (0:12:46.84)
Nagato : Torpedo Squadron Three will go ahead
of them and perform reconnaissance.
Nagato : Understood? (0:12:54.22)
Nagato : The goal of this operation is to
eliminate the threat of the Abyssals,
Nagato : and secure the sea defense lanes
around the Naval District.
Nagato : Remember this, everyone. (0:13:04.97)
Nagato : Arrogance is absolutely forbidden. (0:13:08.21)
Akatsuki : Who is she talking to? (0:13:10.35)
Hibiki / Verniy : Khorosho. (0:13:12.63)
Nagato : All right. Torpedo Squadron Three will
launch ahead of the main force!
Nagato : Gain victory in the dawn horizon! (0:13:18.60)
Fubuki : Wh-What should I do? (0:13:38.21)
Mutsuki : Let's do our best, Fubuki-chan! (0:13:40.89)
Fubuki : Yeah. (0:13:43.25)
Fubuki : But... (0:13:44.28)
Fubuki : Um... (0:13:46.03)
Fubuki : I actually... (0:13:47.18)
Yuudachi : Come on, let's have a wonderful party! (0:13:49.41)
Ooyodo : Torpedo Squadron Three, please go ahead. (0:13:52.90)
Mutsuki : Time to head out, Fubuki-chan. (0:13:59.36)
Fubuki : At this point... (0:14:04.09)
Fubuki : I have to go, don't I? (0:14:05.88)
Jintsuu : Torpedo Squadron Three, flagship Jintsuu. (0:14:18.77)
Jintsuu : Here I go. (0:14:21.83)
Fubuki : Fubuki! Here I go! (0:14:27.96)
Ooyodo : The forward fleet has left the docks. (0:15:35.05)
Ooyodo : The main force of Support Fleet Two and
Carrier Task Force One will now launch.
Akagi : Akagi, First Carrier Division, heading out! (0:15:45.60)
Kaga : Kaga, heading out. (0:15:47.76)
Fubuki : I'm going too fast! (0:16:35.76)
Sendai : Special Type Destroyer,
you're out of formation!
Fubuki : I-I'm sorry! (0:16:41.04)
Mutsuki : Are you okay? (0:16:42.59)
Yuudachi : Is something not working? (0:16:44.05)
Fubuki : I'm fine! (0:16:46.64)
Jintsuu : Fubuki-chan, have you... (0:16:49.41)
Fubuki : Ah, um... (0:16:52.96)
EXTRA : You've never been in a real battle?! (0:16:55.53)
Sendai : Zero? (0:16:58.41)
Sendai : In other words, this is your first battle? (0:16:59.59)
Mutsuki : You have zero experience? (0:17:01.79)
Yuudachi : They wouldn't let you fight? (0:17:03.88)
Fubuki : It wasn't that they wouldn't let me, (0:17:06.67)
Fubuki : I just couldn't... (0:17:08.76)
Mutsuki : You couldn't? (0:17:10.17)
Mutsuki : Why? (0:17:10.99)
Fubuki : Because I can't... (0:17:12.11)
Sendai : Why didn't you tell us? (0:17:22.93)
Fubuki : The commander said it was fine,
and that I could do it.
Yuudachi : He's so irresponsible. (0:17:28.24)
Jintsuu : More importantly, everyone... (0:17:30.08)
Jintsuu : We're almost to enemy territory. (0:17:31.84)
Naka : Looks like it's time for work! (0:17:38.70)
Fubuki : So, that's an Abyssal? (0:17:47.29)
Fubuki : It's so big! (0:17:49.78)
Jintsuu : Initiating surface combat. (0:17:52.32)
Jintsuu : Sendai-neesan! (0:17:54.12)
Sendai : It's not even night yet! (0:17:55.17)
Naka : Naka-chan's the center! (0:17:58.59)
Naka : Taking the spotlight! (0:18:00.03)
Naka : Here I go! (0:18:01.55)
Naka : Boom! (0:18:07.98)
Sendai : Sister! Naka-chan! (0:18:15.84)
Naka : Stop it! (0:18:18.38)
Sendai : Now you've done it. (0:18:19.94)
Fubuki : Are you okay? (0:18:21.55)
Naka : An idol doesn't let anything get her down! (0:18:23.52)
Sendai : Just wait until it's nighttime! (0:18:25.77)
Fubuki : So, this is a battle... (0:18:31.17)
Mutsuki : Look! (0:18:33.66)
Yuudachi : There's so many. (0:18:35.70)
Jintsuu : Let's stay calm and get back in formation. (0:18:38.26)
Jintsuu : Line ahead formation! (0:18:41.50)
Fubuki : I need to make sure I don't
slow everyone down.
Sendai : Fire! (0:18:59.61)
Fubuki : I did it! (0:19:05.39)
Yuudachi : Poi! (0:19:10.76)
Sendai : No time to be scared! (0:19:14.98)
Fubuki : Right! (0:19:17.83)
Yuudachi : Poi! (0:19:19.05)
Ooyodo : Torpedo Squadron Three and Support
Fleet Two have entered combat.
Ooyodo : Fleet One will enter enemy
range in five minutes.
Nagato : I'm counting on you! (0:19:28.98)
Kongou : Burning Love! (0:19:30.60)
Hibiki / Verniy : The name "Phoenix" isn't just for show. (0:19:35.63)
Mogami : It looks like my back cannon broke. (0:19:42.98)
Ooyodo : You'll be arriving at the enemy base soon! (0:19:48.90)
Fubuki : That's the enemy base? (0:20:00.16)
Mutsuki : Fubuki-chan! (0:20:02.70)
Mutsuki : Fubuki-chan! (0:20:09.97)
Naka : Fubuki-chan, fire! (0:20:19.70)
Fubuki : Please, hit them! (0:20:27.76)
Yuudachi : Fubuki-chan! (0:20:35.63)
Akagi : Good work, Torpedo Squadron Three. (0:20:54.99)
Akagi : Fall back. (0:20:58.46)
Akagi : The First Carrier Division will handle the rest. (0:20:59.68)
Kaga : I won't give this place to anybody. (0:21:02.70)
Mogami : Akagi-san? (0:21:11.90)
Fubuki : Wow... (0:21:38.60)
Hiei : Main gun barrage! (0:21:50.04)
Kongou : All gunports, fire! (0:21:55.16)
Yuudachi : No way... (0:22:10.36)
EXTRA : Her barrier... (0:22:11.93)
Fubuki : Amazing... (0:23:03.70)
Fubuki : She's so cool! (0:23:05.11)
Ooyodo : Enemy base eliminated. (0:23:09.71)
Ooyodo : The area has been liberated! (0:23:13.87)
Fubuki : Akagi-senpai... (0:23:28.00)
Fubuki : If I could fight like that... (0:23:30.06)
Akagi : I hope we can fight in
the same fleet someday.
Fubuki : There's no way somebody like me could... (0:23:40.37)
Fubuki : Commander? (0:23:51.40)
Naka : I'm even cuter now! (0:24:01.08)
Mutsuki : Where's Sendai-san? (0:24:04.95)
Naka : Still at the docks. (0:24:06.75)
Naka : She was severely damaged. (0:24:08.41)
Mutsuki : What's wrong, Fubuki-chan? (0:24:13.61)
Yuudachi : Did something happen? (0:24:15.70)
Fubuki : I've decided... (0:24:19.15)
Mutsuki : Decided what? (0:24:21.62)
Fubuki : I'm going to do my best! (0:24:23.30)
Fubuki : I'll get strong... and someday... (0:24:25.24)
Fubuki : Someday, I'll be Akagi-san's escort! (0:24:28.30)
Fubuki : I'll fight with her! (0:24:31.95)

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No, the offical page says 3 August. - NatsumiSawada


Moi? But where is my name, then? - Arisa Ahokainen

Oh... That could be a problem. - Arisa Ahokainen

Moi ! - Arisa Ahokainen

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