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EXTRA : Class 1-2 (0:01:00.41)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Hey, A-kun, A-kun! (0:01:01.67)
Akuru Akutsu : What, Yoshiko? (0:01:04.17)
EXTRA : Japanese Math English Science (0:01:06.00)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I got a 0 on all my proficiency tests! (0:01:06.34)
Akuru Akutsu : You're an idiot. (0:01:09.28)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : They were even bubble sheet tests!
Isn't that amazing?!
Akuru Akutsu : You're a huge idiot. (0:01:13.36)
EXTRA : Part 1 (0:01:15.72)
Akuru Akutsu : As your friend since we were
little, I should warn you
Akuru Akutsu : that your idiocy is too great to
permit your survival in this world.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : What? No way! (0:01:25.33)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I'm going to die?! (0:01:26.68)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Then before I die... (0:01:28.07)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I want to eat just one more banana! (0:01:30.23)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Then I'll have no more regrets. (0:01:33.87)
Akuru Akutsu : You really are an idiot. (0:01:38.13)
Akuru Akutsu : You need to study, or you're
never going to get a job.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Huh? That means every day will
be like Sunday!
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Hooray! Hooray! (0:01:47.33)
Akuru Akutsu : You wouldn't be able to survive. (0:01:51.90)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Then I'll win the lottery! (0:01:53.80)
Akuru Akutsu : Like you'd win! (0:01:55.42)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Come on, dream a little! (0:01:57.51)
EXTRA : Fury (0:01:59.84)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Or I could become a housewife. (0:02:01.33)
Akuru Akutsu : No one would marry you. (0:02:03.72)
EXTRA : Fury (0:02:09.14)
Akuru Akutsu : Who the hell would marry an idiot like you? (0:02:10.52)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : No way! Do you have a girlfriend, A-kun? (0:02:13.72)
Akuru Akutsu : N-No... So what if I don't? (0:02:16.67)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I knew it. You don't seem to
understand girls, anyway—
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're so cold, A-kun. (0:02:31.88)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Even when... (0:02:34.23)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I love you so much! (0:02:36.05)
Akuru Akutsu : Oh, I see. (0:02:39.52)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : So careless! (0:02:40.18)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : It's true! (0:02:41.26)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You come wake me up every morning, (0:02:42.63)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : you tell me when I forget things... (0:02:45.18)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : And... (0:02:47.12)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : When I'm hungry, you give me bananas! (0:02:48.16)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You give me bananas! (0:02:52.10)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're so sweet, A-kun! (0:03:01.27)
Akuru Akutsu : Right. (0:03:03.14)
EXTRA : How to Train
Your Pet
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You even ended up in the same high school
as me because you were worried about me.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're too sweet. (0:03:08.88)
Akuru Akutsu : No, you idiot. (0:03:10.05)
Akuru Akutsu : It's only because I considered
the required study time
Akuru Akutsu : and commute time. The good
high schools were too far away.
Akuru Akutsu : Got it? (0:03:16.40)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Yup! So basically... (0:03:17.37)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're a tsundere! (0:03:19.55)
Akuru Akutsu : She's got no clue. (0:03:21.50)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : But whatever the reason
might be, it makes me happy.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Thanks for always staying by my side,
even though I cause you so much trouble.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : As thanks, I'll let you see my panties! (0:03:35.90)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Panties! (0:03:38.73)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, you're so shy! (0:03:40.38)
Akuru Akutsu : That's not it! (0:03:42.36)
Akuru Akutsu : I don't want to see your filthy panties! (0:03:43.50)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : What?! (0:03:46.17)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Even I wouldn't have
skid marks on my panties!
Yoshiko Hanabatake : There's no poop on them! (0:03:51.95)
Akuru Akutsu : Shut up! (0:03:53.67)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh! (0:03:55.08)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Apparently, the banana shop
in front of the station
Yoshiko Hanabatake : is getting in some super
top-quality bananas today!
Yoshiko Hanabatake : All right, A-kun! See you tomorrow! (0:04:00.75)
Akuru Akutsu : How exhausting... (0:04:05.97)
Akuru Akutsu : School's not over yet! (0:04:09.38)
Akuru Akutsu : Hey. (0:04:21.92)
Akuru Akutsu : Wake up, you idiot. (0:04:22.87)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Eek! (0:04:28.35)
EXTRA : Part 2 (0:04:32.04)
Yoshie Hanabatake : I'm sorry to make you do this every morning. (0:04:33.07)
Yoshie Hanabatake : She won't wake up unless it's you, A-kun. (0:04:34.99)
Akuru Akutsu : Well, we are neighbors. (0:04:38.17)
Akuru Akutsu : Even though I don't really have a choice... (0:04:41.99)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Bananas so good... (0:04:46.34)
Yoshie Hanabatake : I'm so sorry that she's such an idiot. (0:04:49.43)
Akuru Akutsu : You have my condolences. (0:04:52.31)
Yoshie Hanabatake : If you two started going out, I wouldn't
have anything to worry about. Peek.
Akuru Akutsu : That's impossible. (0:04:58.74)
Yoshie Hanabatake : B-But she's not so bad on the outside. (0:04:59.96)
Akuru Akutsu : Just think about it. (0:05:02.32)
Akuru Akutsu : Humans don't fall in love
with monkeys, do they?
Yoshie Hanabatake : Then please... Please, just make
her somewhat human!
Akuru Akutsu : True... We shouldn't have her go out
into society the way she is right now.
Akuru Akutsu : All right. I'll figure something out. (0:05:17.85)
Yoshie Hanabatake : A-kun... (0:05:19.91)
Akuru Akutsu : If that fails... (0:05:21.31)
Akuru Akutsu : Let's have her commit a misdemeanor,
so they'll lock her up in a cell.
Yoshie Hanabatake : A-kun... (0:05:27.67)
Sayaka Sumino : Good morning, Yoshiko-chan. (0:05:36.62)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're as cute as ever, Sayaka-chan. (0:05:38.47)
Sayaka Sumino : O-Oh, please. You're cuter
than me, Yoshiko-chan.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : What? Really?! (0:05:44.64)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Like, the cutest in the world?! (0:05:45.74)
Sayaka Sumino : Huh? (0:05:46.83)
Sayaka Sumino : S-Sure... (0:05:47.36)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : For real?! Then next, I'll be
the cutest in the universe?!
Sayaka Sumino : S-Sure... (0:05:50.89)
Akuru Akutsu : Wait, stop. (0:05:52.49)
Akuru Akutsu : I beg of you, please don't
encourage this idiot.
Sayaka Sumino : Well, it's true that Yoshiko-chan
is cuter than me.
Akuru Akutsu : Uh, no matter how you look at it,
you're definitely cuter.
Sayaka Sumino : Huh? (0:06:04.77)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're hitting on her, A-kun?! (0:06:06.74)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : How could you, when you
have someone like me?!
Akuru Akutsu : Shut up, you idiot! (0:06:11.77)
Akuru Akutsu : Hey... (0:06:14.57)
Akuru Akutsu : We're not together. (0:06:16.29)
Sayaka Sumino : U-Um, uh... (0:06:17.84)
Sayaka Sumino : I'm sorry! (0:06:19.81)
Sayaka Sumino : Your face is scary, so I have to decline! (0:06:20.87)
Akuru Akutsu : Hey... (0:06:24.53)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, A-kun... (0:06:26.13)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : No cheating on me allowed, you hear? (0:06:28.74)
Akuru Akutsu : What the hell are you
talking about, you idiot?
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Even though you saw my
panties again this morning?
Akuru Akutsu : You showed them to me when
no one even asked you to!
Yoshiko Hanabatake : W-Well, it was embarrassing for me! (0:06:39.45)
Akuru Akutsu : Then put some damn clothes on! (0:06:42.92)
EXTRA : Part 3 (0:06:54.10)
Atsuko Oshieda : All right. (0:06:56.04)
Atsuko Oshieda : Is there anything anyone doesn't
understand up to this point?
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Yes! (0:06:59.87)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I don't understand any of it! (0:07:00.74)
Atsuko Oshieda : Well, that's not good. (0:07:02.39)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Indeed, it is not. (0:07:04.40)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : So I want to go outside and play dodgeball! (0:07:05.90)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I wonder why I don't get any of this. (0:07:11.40)
Sayaka Sumino : Maybe there's something else you're
good at besides your studies.
Sayaka Sumino : Do you have any hobbies, Yoshiko-chan? (0:07:18.29)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Bananas! (0:07:20.83)
Sayaka Sumino : U-Um... I meant is there
anything that you like to do?
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Something I want to do? (0:07:27.34)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I want to stand above others. (0:07:31.65)
Sayaka Sumino : That's... (0:07:33.64)
Akuru Akutsu : ...impossible for you. (0:07:34.92)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Huh?! (0:07:36.92)
Sayaka Sumino : B-But you're really cheerful, so maybe
you can make others cheerful, too.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Right?! (0:07:43.21)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You should end up beneath me in
your future, too, Sayaka-chan.
Sayaka Sumino : Th-That's... (0:07:47.62)
Sayaka Sumino : I-I mean, I don't have any talents. (0:07:49.98)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Have a little more faith in yourself! (0:07:53.10)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : It's okay. (0:07:55.78)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : If you try really hard, you'll end up
being useful to someone, Sayaka-chan.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Right? (0:08:01.83)
Akuru Akutsu : Pretty sure you could
get mad at any time now.
Akuru Akutsu : Also, know your place, Yoshiko. (0:08:06.04)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, come on. You're such a kidder, A-kun. (0:08:08.84)
Akuru Akutsu : I'm serious! (0:08:11.84)
Akuru Akutsu : And you need to tell her
when she's being impossible!
Akuru Akutsu : What? (0:08:17.47)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Jeez you're going to scare
Sayaka-chan with a face like that!
Akuru Akutsu : I-I don't really care about
being liked by your friends.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : That's not good! You don't even have
any friends, let alone a girlfriend!
Sayaka Sumino : R-Really? (0:08:29.84)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Yeah, he's super cold and has a quick temper. (0:08:31.63)
Sayaka Sumino : Ah... (0:08:34.57)
Sayaka Sumino : B-But I'm sure he has at
least a couple of friends.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Nope! A-kun, let me see your phone. (0:08:40.37)
Akuru Akutsu : Hey! (0:08:42.95)
EXTRA : Number of Contacts (3)

Yoshiko's House
Sayaka Sumino : S-So tragic... (0:08:47.10)
Akuru Akutsu : Really, stop. (0:08:49.25)
Sayaka Sumino : All right. (0:08:51.66)
Sayaka Sumino : I'll be your friend, A-kun-san. (0:08:52.85)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Really?! You aren't scared? (0:08:56.01)
Sayaka Sumino : Yeah. Now that I know how tragic
he is, he's not scary anymore.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, I totally get that. (0:09:02.57)
Sayaka Sumino : Cheer up, okay? (0:09:05.94)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Isn't that great, A-kun? (0:09:09.04)
Akuru Akutsu : Her kindness... hurts. (0:09:12.29)
EXTRA : Home
Yoshiko's House
Sumino Sayaka
Yoshiko Hanabatake : All right, it's done! (0:09:20.35)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : A-kun's at the height of puberty,
so I'm sure that when he sees this,
Yoshiko Hanabatake : he'll get all worked up and... (0:09:25.20)
Akuru Akutsu : Yoshiko's boobies! (0:09:28.82)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Eek! A-kun, you perv! (0:09:30.84)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : It's okay, A-kun. You can't
help it, since you're a boy.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Yoshiko! (0:09:45.81)
EXTRA : Part 4 (0:09:47.65)
EXTRA : Disciplinary
Public Morals Chairwoman : The disciplinary committee will be
searching everyone's belongings.
Public Morals Chairwoman : Make sure you thoroughly show
us the inside of your bags.
Akuru Akutsu : A search... Hey, go throw that book away. (0:09:56.06)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : No! This book is basically a part of me! (0:09:59.55)
Public Morals Chairwoman : You, there! What do you think
you're bringing into school?
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, this? I gave this to A-kun this morning. (0:10:06.96)
Akuru Akutsu : Hey! (0:10:10.36)
Public Morals Chairwoman : I'll be confiscating that as the
head of the disciplinary committee.
Public Morals Chairwoman : Bringing something so indecent
to school so boldly...
Public Morals Chairwoman : It's people like you that bring disorder
to the decency of this school.
Akuru Akutsu : Damn that Yoshiko... (0:10:19.62)
Public Morals Chairwoman : Are you listening to me? (0:10:21.50)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Your boobs are huge! (0:10:24.43)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : The president of the disciplinary
committee's boobs
Yoshiko Hanabatake : bring more disorder to this
school's decency than anything else!
Public Morals Chairwoman : Wh-Who do you think you are? (0:10:30.81)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I'm Hanabatake Yoshiko from Class 1-2! (0:10:32.62)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Could I squeeze your boobies for science? (0:10:35.19)
Public Morals Chairwoman : O-Of course not! (0:10:38.22)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, come on. I'm not saying "for free." (0:10:40.57)
Public Morals Chairwoman : Hey, I'm the president of the
disciplinary committee. You can't...
Public Morals Chairwoman : She must be an idiot. (0:10:48.50)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : What? (0:10:51.06)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Then... (0:10:52.23)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : How about a banana? (0:10:53.96)
Public Morals Chairwoman : Huh? (0:10:56.02)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : And it's no ordinary banana! (0:10:56.73)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Once you eat it... (0:11:00.88)
Public Morals Chairwoman : What's with this girl? She's so creepy. (0:11:03.45)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Your body will crave more,
until you can't go on without it.
Public Morals Chairwoman : Do you mean the indecent kind of banana? (0:11:12.19)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Huh? It's just a high-quality banana.
They cost 1,000 yen each!
EXTRA : Sweet
Public Morals Chairwoman : Huh? (0:11:18.99)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Wait, what? What's an indecent banana?! (0:11:19.95)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Oh, a peni— (0:11:22.84)
Public Morals Chairwoman : No! (0:11:24.12)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : You're wide open! (0:11:26.70)
Public Morals Chairwoman : Wait, don't... (0:11:28.54)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : This is... (0:11:29.96)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Mother of God! (0:11:35.19)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : This heft! The bounciness!
These aren't boobs anymore, they're...
Yoshiko Hanabatake : They're... What are they?! (0:11:42.55)
Akuru Akutsu : What are you?! (0:11:47.18)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : I-If my boobs were that big,
A-kun would love me more.
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Erf. (0:11:58.01)
Akuru Akutsu : Nope. (0:12:00.11)
Akuru Akutsu : Sorry about that. Are you all right? (0:12:03.35)
Public Morals Chairwoman : Y-Yes. (0:12:05.71)
Akuru Akutsu : If that idiot ever causes you
trouble again, let me know.
Akuru Akutsu : I'll kill her. (0:12:11.95)
Public Morals Chairwoman : O-Okay. (0:12:13.54)
EXTRA : Aho Girl Multiplies! (0:12:24.97)
Yoshiko Hanabatake : Next time: "Aho Girl Multiplies!" (0:12:26.12)

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