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Rico : Come on, Nat! (0:00:04.17)
Rico : Why are you following me?! (0:00:05.75)
Nat : Shut up! (0:00:07.50)
Nat : I'm responsible for the area just above yours, Riko! (0:00:08.88)
Rico : Oh, that's right... (0:00:11.50)
Rico : Well, at least help me carry the Relics
on the way home, then.
Nat : Why?! (0:00:21.67)
Rico : Well, today my haul needs to receive
the highest valuation out of all the Red Whistles!
Nat : Doubt that'll happen. (0:00:29.42)
Nat : This area's mostly been searched already... (0:00:32.29)
Nat : and there's not much anything rare left. (0:00:34.92)
Rico : That's why it's gonna come down to quantity! (0:00:38.00)
Nat : You okay with that? (0:00:40.42)
Nat : How about fudging the numbers...
with that thing you swiped the other day?
Rico : The Star Compass? (0:00:47.92)
Rico : I can't do that! (0:00:49.67)
Rico : It guides its user toward the truth of the Abyss, after all. (0:00:51.13)
Rico : Besides... if it's found out I was hiding it... (0:00:55.21)
Rico : I'll get a worse punishment
this time than being strung up naked.
Rico : Talk about traumatizing a little girl! (0:01:01.29)
Nat : Well, be careful. (0:01:03.83)
Nat : Ah, the big gondola. (0:01:07.29)
Rico : Huh?! (0:01:09.25)
Rico : Wow! (0:01:10.04)
Rico : Nat, look at that! It's the 600-meter group! (0:01:11.17)
Nat : I know, okay? (0:01:14.58)
Rico : Ah, it already went out of sight... (0:01:18.25)
Rico : Lucky them... I wish I could ride it. (0:01:21.04)
Nat : Say... isn't it kinda quiet today? (0:01:23.96)
Rico : Probably 'cause there aren't any hammerbeaks around... (0:01:27.42)
Rico : I can't hear them singing at all, anyway. (0:01:29.83)
Nat : You're right. (0:01:32.17)
Nat : Well, should make it easier to work. (0:01:33.50)
Nat : Those guys take anything shiny
back to their nests, after all.
Rico : Wait! Why are you going on ahead of me?! (0:01:39.75)
Rico : I'm the one who takes the lead! (0:01:42.42)
Nat : Huh?! (0:01:44.29)
Rico : I'm gonna go all out excavating today! (0:01:51.04)
Rico : I'll get so much stuff Leader will be at a loss for words! (0:01:55.83)
Rico : Alright, let's do this!
I'm gonna get the number one assessment!
Rico : Hup! (0:02:12.00)
Rico : There's one! (0:02:13.79)
Rico : Two! (0:02:17.42)
Rico : Three! (0:02:22.92)
Rico : Four... (0:02:23.75)
Rico : Five! (0:02:26.83)
Rico : A skeleton of someone in prayer. (0:02:34.25)
Rico : First time I've seen one in quite a while,
so it came as a shock.
Rico : Sorry for disturbing you. (0:02:39.54)
Rico : I can do it if I just try. (0:02:42.96)
Rico : At this rate, it's only a matter of time
until I'm bumped up to the 600-meter group.
Rico : Heavy... (0:02:52.88)
Rico : Hey, Nat! Help me out! (0:02:54.38)
Rico : This is seriously heavy. Where'd he run off to...? (0:02:59.71)
Rico : Damn it, Nat. (0:03:03.54)
Rico : A crimson splitjaw? (0:03:13.08)
Rico : What's it doing this far up?! (0:03:15.29)
Rico : Nat...?! (0:03:21.58)
Rico : Oh no! Is that blood?! (0:03:22.96)
Rico : What should I do? (0:03:26.67)
Rico : Nat's... (0:03:28.96)
Rico : Nat's gonna be eaten! (0:03:30.42)
Rico : Oh crap! (0:03:40.42)
Rico : M-my arm... is it broken?! (0:03:51.33)
Rico : It's not?! (0:03:54.96)
Rico : Nat! (0:03:56.63)
Rico : Help! (0:04:36.38)
Rico : Amazing... The petrified trees are melted. (0:05:08.71)
Rico : I think... maybe somebody saved me. (0:05:12.38)
Rico : Wow, beautiful... (0:05:22.71)
Rico : H-hello there... (0:05:45.67)
Rico : No way! He's not breathing! (0:05:49.58)
Rico : He needs artificial respiration! (0:05:51.25)
Rico : What's with this texture...? (0:06:04.75)
Rico : Huh?! (0:06:07.25)
Rico : He's not human! (0:06:08.96)
Rico : A-a machine? (0:06:11.50)
Rico : Wow, this is big! (0:06:13.75)
Rico : Never seen anything like this before! (0:06:16.25)
Rico : He's still warm... (0:06:18.33)
Rico : Must've been moving until a moment ago. (0:06:19.88)
Rico : But, where did this boy come from? (0:06:31.50)
Rico : Thanks! (0:08:23.71)
Rico : Alright! Nat, just a bit more to go! (0:08:27.83)
Nat : Screw you! The hardest part is just starting now! (0:08:30.29)
Shiggy : What's the matter? (0:08:33.25)
Nat : Oh, it's just you, Shiggy. (0:08:37.38)
Rico : You startled me. (0:08:39.21)
Shiggy : Who's that? (0:08:41.92)
Rico : Don't know. (0:08:42.83)
Rico : But, for the time being I'm calling him "robot boy." (0:08:44.17)
Shiggy : Huh? (0:08:47.17)
Shiggy : I get it. So you swiped something again, Riko, huh? (0:08:48.54)
Rico : I'm just sheltering him, okay! (0:08:51.46)
Nat : Either way is fine by me... (0:08:53.50)
Nat : Ah, I knew she'd be there. (0:08:57.50)
EXTRA : Director, we're back home now. (0:09:00.79)
Director : Hurry up and get inside. (0:09:03.42)
Nat : How are we gonna get past her? (0:09:05.71)
Shiggy : I think we can manage it. (0:09:10.25)
Rico : Huh?! (0:09:11.54)
Shiggy : Kiyui! (0:09:19.71)
Kiyui : Huh? Welcome ho- (0:09:20.54)
Shiggy : Shh! (0:09:22.63)
Nat : He gonna understand that? (0:09:31.29)
Rico : I hope so... (0:09:33.21)
Director : Hm? (0:09:36.83)
Kiyui : Book... book... (0:09:41.38)
Director : How many times do I need to tell you?! (0:09:49.46)
Director : Don't read books out on the veranda! (0:09:51.88)
Director : Drop it again and I'll take it away! (0:09:54.50)
Jiruo : Good work out there yesterday. (0:10:12.71)
Jiruo : You didn't manage to excavate all that much,
but it was the first time working solo for most of you...
Jiruo : so that's only to be expected. (0:10:19.92)
Jiruo : Once again next week, (0:10:21.63)
Jiruo : I'll have you base yourselves at the same site
100 meters down and continue working.
Jiruo : Those of you who lost their equipment,
file a request with General Affairs.
Jiruo : That is all. (0:10:30.50)
Jiruo : Now, a word from the director. (0:10:33.25)
Director : There's just one thing I want to say. (0:10:37.79)
Director : Realize that your possession of a whistle
is based on being a student of the guild's orphanage.
Director : Strive to work hard... (0:10:44.21)
Director : so as not to shame your parents who fell so nobly. (0:10:46.29)
Director : Ah, one more thing. (0:10:50.83)
Nat : That's two things now... (0:10:52.88)
Shiggy : That's two things now... (0:10:54.04)
Director : Helping yourself to Relics is strictly forbidden. (0:10:55.25)
Rico : Is she glaring at me? (0:11:02.63)
Director : Relics provide valuable income to the orphanage... (0:11:04.46)
Director : So pocketing them is inexcusable. (0:11:07.25)
Director : No matter the punishment... (0:11:09.63)
Director : I don't want to hear any complaints! (0:11:11.96)
Rico : She knows it was me?! (0:11:13.88)
Director : Next time, it won't stop at just being strung up naked. (0:11:15.79)
Director : Keep that in mind. That is all. (0:11:18.71)
Jiruo : You're dismissed. (0:11:21.38)
Rico : She doesn't know... I'm safe. (0:11:24.00)
Jiruo : Riko. (0:11:27.71)
Jiruo : Can I talk to you for a sec? (0:11:29.25)
Jiruo : Nat tells me he lost his backpack
due to being attacked by a crimson splitjaw...
Rico : That's right! (0:11:36.88)
Rico : If I didn't save him, he'd be snake droppings
right about now. Oh, that Nat!
Jiruo : You saved him? (0:11:42.63)
Rico : Yes! I blew my whistle like so
and made myself a decoy!
Jiruo : Well, how did you get saved, then? (0:11:48.63)
Rico : That's also surprising! (0:11:51.63)
Rico : A light like none I've ever seen just- (0:11:53.83)
Rico : Ah, that was close! (0:11:58.13)
Rico : I was just about to start talking about the robot boy... (0:11:59.75)
Jiruo : Well, whatever. (0:12:03.13)
Jiruo : Even at a relatively safe 100 meters,
you never know what's going to happen...
Jiruo : From now on, don't let your guard down. (0:12:09.75)
Rico : Leader! (0:12:15.88)
Rico : U-um... (0:12:18.21)
Rico : I have a favor to ask! (0:12:22.21)
Rico : Please assign me to somewhere deeper! (0:12:23.75)
Jiruo : I thought I told you I'd consider it
if your haul was assessed to be the most valuable!
Jiruo : First, develop some skills that allow you
to cave-raid more efficiently.
Rico : I... want to quickly build up experience at deeper depths. (0:12:37.50)
Rico : I want to become a White Whistle as soon as I can...
and catch up with my mother!
Rico : I'll go down as deep as she has and- (0:12:46.71)
Jiruo : You can't! (0:12:48.83)
Jiruo : To begin with, if you were to go down 400 meters
with your current level of experience,
Jiruo : simply heading back up again
would be all you could handle!
Jiruo : For the time being, keep your head down and work hard. (0:12:57.54)
Nat : Well... (0:13:07.29)
Nat : That's too bad, Miss Saved-My-Life! (0:13:09.08)
Rico : What of it?! Eavesdropping like that isn't cool! (0:13:12.33)
Nat : More importantly, Riko, what are you going to do
about that thing in your room?
Rico : The robot? (0:13:19.33)
Rico : I'll wake him up, of course. (0:13:21.17)
Nat : He's sleeping? Really?! (0:13:22.67)
Rico : Yep! We've gotta hurry and wake him! (0:13:24.21)
Rico : So, help me out, everybody! (0:13:26.71)
Rico : So? How's that? (0:13:31.50)
Rico : I think maybe he moved a little. (0:13:32.58)
Rico : Really?! (0:13:34.21)
Reg : Is someone there? (0:13:35.42)
Rico : Maybe we should try turning up the power a little bit? (0:13:37.54)
Reg : The voices of children?
Maybe we should try turning up the power a little bit?
Reg : The voices of children?
Yeah, good idea. Riko, set the dial to 2.
Shiggy : Yeah, good idea. Riko, set the dial to 2. (0:13:41.08)
Rico : I'm on it! (0:13:42.67)
Reg : Whatever... (0:13:45.00)
Reg : I'll sleep... a bit longer... (0:13:46.88)
Reg : Done!
I'll sleep... a bit longer...
Reg : I'll sleep... a bit longer... (0:13:48.71)
Rico : So, Shiggy, can I press it now? (0:13:50.71)
Nat : Riko, isn't it actually set on 20? (0:13:53.29)
Rico : Huh? (0:13:55.29)
Rico : H-he's up! (0:14:07.21)
Nat : Seriously?! (0:14:11.38)
Rico : See! I told you that electricity would do the trick! (0:14:13.33)
Nat : And who was the one who fed him hot coals earlier? (0:14:16.46)
Rico : Hey, hey, Robot Boy, do you recognize me? (0:14:20.00)
Rico : You saved me! (0:14:22.67)
Rico : How did you attack that snake from so far away? (0:14:24.63)
Rico : Ah, but first, tell me your name! (0:14:27.33)
Nat : Hey, don't get carried away! He looks overwhelmed... (0:14:30.04)
Rico : Ah, I'm sorry. My name's Riko! (0:14:33.46)
Reg : I feel bad about replying to a question
with a question, but...
Rico : He spoke! (0:14:41.54)
Rico : How cute! (0:14:43.04)
Reg : There's something I want to ask... (0:14:44.67)
Rico : What? What? Ask whatever you want! (0:14:46.38)
Reg : Where... is this place? (0:14:48.54)
Rico : Here? (0:14:50.75)
Rico : This is my room! In Belchero Orphanage. (0:14:52.17)
Reg : Do you guys work as torturers? (0:14:57.00)
Rico : Huh? (0:14:59.96)
Nat : Riko's room is actually an old execution chamber. (0:15:00.88)
Nat : She got up to too much mischief and was moved here. (0:15:03.42)
Nat : Anyway, we work as cave raiders. (0:15:06.75)
Nat : Well, strictly speaking,
we're apprentices called Red Whistles.
Rico : Hey, hey, Robot Boy, what's your name? (0:15:12.88)
Rico : What kind of stuff can you do? Who made you? (0:15:15.92)
Reg : It's been on my mind for a bit now, but... (0:15:23.25)
Rico : Yeah? (0:15:25.71)
Reg : I'm... a robot? (0:15:26.63)
Rico : You're a robot! (0:15:31.04)
Rico : Electricity made you move! (0:15:32.42)
Rico : You totally withstood fire! (0:15:34.04)
Rico : And there's not a single scratch on you! (0:15:35.63)
Rico : So, uh... you don't even remember that you're a robot? (0:15:38.96)
Nat : Maybe that jolt of electricity messed with his memory? (0:15:42.29)
Shiggy : Everyone, this is bad! (0:15:45.58)
Shiggy : The lights are out throughout the whole orphanage! (0:15:47.13)
Rico : What?! (0:15:49.75)
Shiggy : I think we overdid it by going full throttle earlier. (0:15:50.67)
Shiggy : Hide quick! Leader is headed straight over here! (0:15:53.71)
Rico : Huh?! How does he know it was us?! (0:15:57.17)
Nat : Probably 'cause you're always pulling stuff. (0:15:59.00)
Nat : Can you stand? (0:16:00.83)
Nat : Suppose we've gotta get that off you first... (0:16:02.21)
Shiggy : Riko! (0:16:05.17)
Rico : Huh?! (0:16:08.67)
Nat : Riko! Distract him best you can! (0:16:09.63)
Shiggy : I've got a bad feeling... (0:16:11.67)
Rico : Huh? (0:16:12.79)
Rico : Huh?! (0:16:14.33)
Rico : Don't come out of there! Got it? (0:16:19.92)
Rico : We'll be in a world of trouble if you do! (0:16:22.00)
Jiruo : Hey, Riko! Open up! (0:16:23.63)
Rico : O-okay! (0:16:25.96)
Rico : Coming no-! (0:16:27.96)
Rico : Ow...! (0:16:29.21)
Jiruo : So, what the heck did you do this time? (0:16:36.38)
Rico : Huh? Nothing... much really... (0:16:38.96)
Rico : Ah, m-more importantly, I just banged my foot. (0:16:42.33)
Rico : Caught it at a bad angle, too. (0:16:46.79)
Rico : I-it hurts really bad... (0:16:48.17)
Rico : I bumped it just the wrong way... (0:16:50.21)
Rico : Wai...! (0:16:53.33)
Rico : Huh?! (0:16:58.88)
Jiruo : So this here is Shiggy's handiwork? (0:16:59.42)
Jiruo : Once again, no idea what he's up to... (0:17:01.50)
Jiruo : Hey, do you have anything to say for yourself? (0:17:05.17)
Rico : S-sorry. I won't do it again. (0:17:07.88)
Jiruo : I know you're frustrated given that
your cave raiding didn't go so well...
Jiruo : That said, there's simply no sense
in causing a blackout at the orphanage.
Jiruo : Riko...? (0:17:20.92)
Jiruo : You listening to me, Riko? (0:17:22.63)
Jiruo : Before I hear your explanation for this mess, (0:17:28.54)
Jiruo : I think I'll have you clean the orphanage
and write a sincere apology.
Rico : Huh? (0:17:35.38)
Rico : Ah... I'm sorry! (0:17:36.50)
Reg : I get it now. (0:17:43.67)
Reg : If he was to find me here, there'd be hell to pay... (0:17:45.13)
Reg : Nevertheless, my arm can extend... (0:17:51.88)
Reg : I've got an extending metal arm... (0:17:56.83)
Reg : and this helmet... (0:17:59.38)
Reg : Talk about suspicious... (0:18:03.46)
Reg : What exactly am I? (0:18:09.29)
Reg : Does a robot really need a belly button? (0:18:13.96)
Reg : Huh?! (0:18:17.54)
Reg : D-do I need this thing, too? (0:18:18.33)
Reg : Whoa! (0:18:21.08)
Rico : Shh! (0:18:22.46)
Rico : I took the chance to sneak away
when Shiggy and the others got caught.
Rico : Oh, what now? You getting all dressed up
in front of the mirror?
Reg : Uh, n-no... (0:18:32.79)
Jiruo : Riko! (0:18:34.42)
Jiruo : Riko! Where'd you go?! (0:18:37.08)
Rico : C-crap!
Riko! Where'd you go?!
Jiruo : C-crap!
Riko! Where'd you go?!
Jiruo : Riko! Where'd you go?! (0:18:39.08)
Rico : What are we gonna do?! We need to get outta here! (0:18:39.96)
Reg : Grab onto me! (0:18:43.54)
Reg : Quick! (0:18:45.29)
Rico : Amazing! What a handy hand! (0:18:59.58)
Rico : How cool! (0:19:03.96)
Jiruo : Riko, where'd you go?! (0:19:05.83)
Reg : Doesn't look like things
are gonna calm down anytime soon.
Rico : Oh, right! (0:19:10.50)
Rico : Reg, there's something I've been wanting to show you. (0:19:11.46)
Reg : "Reg"? (0:19:13.63)
Rico : That's your name. (0:19:14.71)
Rico : Not having one is pretty inconvenient, right? (0:19:15.92)
Rico : So what do you think of the name "Reg"? (0:19:17.96)
Reg : I don't mind it, but... how'd you come up with it, anyway? (0:19:20.08)
Rico : It was the name of a dog I used to have. (0:19:23.38)
Reg : A dog... (0:19:26.13)
Rico : Reg, hurry, come quick! (0:19:27.92)
Rico : We're here! (0:19:42.88)
Rico : It's almost time now, Reg! (0:19:47.21)
Rico : Reg, this is the city all of us live in. (0:20:10.92)
Rico : The city of the great pit. It's called Orth! (0:20:14.42)
Rico : Welcome to Orth, Reg! (0:20:17.54)
Reg : So this pit...? (0:20:30.88)
Rico : Huh? (0:20:32.29)
Rico : Reg, you've even forgotten about the Abyss?! (0:20:33.54)
Reg : "Abyss"? (0:20:36.71)
Rico : This great pit is called the Abyss. (0:20:37.79)
Rico : And I found you in the depths of the Abyss! (0:20:39.58)
Reg : I... (0:20:43.54)
Rico : I thought that... (0:20:45.42)
Rico : maybe you came up from the bottom of the Abyss, Reg! (0:20:47.46)
Reg : Huh? (0:20:50.50)
Rico : I mean, I've never seen any kind of robot like you before! (0:20:51.54)
Rico : That's gotta be right! (0:20:55.33)
Rico : You must've come from the bottom of the Abyss,
which no one has ever seen...
Reg : The Abyss... (0:21:02.00)
EXTRA : About 1,900 years ago, (0:21:06.21)
EXTRA : a huge pit was discovered on a remote island
in the southern sea of Beoluska.
EXTRA : With a diameter of around 1,000 meters
and a depth that is still unknown to this day,
EXTRA : the mysterious formation mesmerized people. (0:21:21.00)
EXTRA : Valuable and dangerous primeval creatures and
mysterious Relics that are beyond comprehension
EXTRA : beckoned adventurers looking to strike it rich,
which in time gave rise to a giant city.
EXTRA : Over the span of many years, (0:21:40.54)
EXTRA : with a spirit of adventure for the unknown
and countless legends luring them in,
EXTRA : the world's only remaining unexplored chasm
has swallowed up a great many people.
EXTRA : It is known as the Abyss. (0:21:52.33)

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