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EXTRA : He totally ticked me off, so I dumped him. (0:00:03.68)
EXTRA : For real?! (0:00:06.37)
EXTRA : Huh? But you said you did him the other day! (0:00:07.85)
EXTRA : Well, summer's the season of love,
so I'll work on the next one.
Yuzu Aihara : I... (0:00:15.10)
Yuzu Aihara : I want a boyfriend, too. (0:00:17.95)
EXTRA : Didn't you say you broke up with
your last boyfriend, Yuzucchi?
EXTRA : I'd love to invite you to the mixer, but
you're transferring in the fall anyway.
EXTRA : Long distance totally sucks. (0:00:27.61)
Yuzu Aihara : It's fine, it's fine. (0:00:30.04)
Yuzu Aihara : Once I transfer, I'll grab a guy in a snap. (0:00:32.42)
Yuzu Aihara : Changing's fun in a nice, big room! (0:02:26.58)
EXTRA : Hachiware Moving Services (0:02:46.01)
Yuzu Aihara : There. (0:03:22.68)
Yuzu Aihara : Whoa, (0:03:24.24)
Yuzu Aihara : I haven't learned any of this stuff. (0:03:26.37)
Yuzu Aihara : A high school girl only needs
courses on fashion and friends!
EXTRA : Yuzu,
Good luck on your first day
at your new school!

Yuzu Aihara : Thanks, Mama! (0:03:34.43)
Yuzu Aihara : I'm heading out! (0:03:37.89)
EXTRA : Aihara
Yuzu / Ume
Yuzu Aihara : During the summer of my
freshman year in high school,
Yuzu Aihara : my mama suddenly found a new papa. (0:03:49.08)
Yuzu Aihara : It meant I'd be moving to a new town
and attending a new school.
Yuzu Aihara : I gotta show off on my first day, (0:04:06.87)
Yuzu Aihara : and find some awesome new people! (0:04:10.91)
EXTRA : Good morning. (0:04:13.73)
EXTRA : Good morning! (0:04:14.50)
EXTRA : Good morning. (0:04:14.98)
EXTRA : Hey. (0:04:16.35)
Yuzu Aihara : Although, no matter how
much I pump myself up...
EXTRA : Aihara Academy Girl's High School Division (0:04:26.36)
Yuzu Aihara : this is just an all-girls school. (0:04:29.87)
Yuzu Aihara : My best years are over. (0:04:33.73)
Yuzu Aihara : I've managed to fool everyone so far, but... (0:04:37.00)
Yuzu Aihara : After the mixer, we kissed in the park! (0:04:39.74)
EXTRA : For real?! (0:04:42.51)
EXTRA : Wow! (0:04:43.58)
Yuzu Aihara : Honestly, I've never once been in love. (0:04:47.80)
EXTRA : Good luck, Yuzucchi.
Though I guess you
won't need it!
Yuzu Aihara : What I've always admired... (0:04:52.13)
Yuzu Aihara : ...are the first kisses in manga. (0:04:55.54)
Yuzu Aihara : Not that I could admit it. (0:05:00.38)
Yuzu Aihara : I don't really get love. (0:05:03.78)
Kayo Maruta : Excuse me, you there. (0:05:06.26)
Yuzu Aihara : Yes? (0:05:09.47)
Kayo Maruta : Can I please see your student ID? (0:05:10.51)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? Why? (0:05:14.06)
Kayo Maruta : Your hair color and general appearance
are in violation of the school rules.
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:05:19.11)
Kayo Maruta : Also, cell phone use is prohibited,
so I'll have to confiscate it.
Yuzu Aihara : Seriously?! (0:05:24.74)
Yuzu Aihara : I just transferred here today,
so I didn't know about any of that!
Yuzu Aihara : Can we let it slide? (0:05:30.56)
Himeko Momokino : We cannot do that. (0:05:31.60)
Himeko Momokino : It would set a bad example
for the other students.
Yuzu Aihara : Her hair's permed, though! (0:05:36.57)
Himeko Momokino : This is my natural hair. (0:05:38.57)
Himeko Momokino : Please don't touch it! (0:05:40.40)
Kayo Maruta : Also, furthermore, (0:05:42.02)
Kayo Maruta : your makeup, your top button,
your non-approved ribbon,
Kayo Maruta : your blouse, your accessories, your fake nails,
your bag, and your skirt length
Kayo Maruta : are all in violation of school rules. (0:05:52.86)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh?! (0:05:55.19)
Yuzu Aihara : What's the point of being a high school
girl if you're dressing all drab?!
Yuzu Aihara : That takes all the fun out of it! (0:06:05.09)
Himeko Momokino : Hey, stop! (0:06:08.70)
Himeko Momokino : Back off. (0:06:09.75)
Yuzu Aihara : Besides, how we're dressed
doesn't affect how we study!
Mei Aihara : It does. (0:06:14.44)
Himeko Momokino : President. (0:06:16.39)
Mei Aihara : School rules are for our social education,
teaching us to obey designated rules.
Mei Aihara : Everyone is held to the same standards here. (0:06:23.84)
Mei Aihara : If you wish to attend this academy,
then you must obey its rules.
Yuzu Aihara : Isn't that kinda crazy? (0:06:34.45)
Yuzu Aihara : I just transferred here and
didn't know the rules,
Yuzu Aihara : so the rules are new for me. (0:06:39.01)
Yuzu Aihara : What do you think about that,
Miss Student Council President?
Yuzu Aihara : See? Can't even object— (0:06:48.20)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:06:50.65)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:06:52.69)
Yuzu Aihara : What... (0:06:55.69)
Yuzu Aihara : What are you— (0:06:56.88)
Yuzu Aihara : doing... (0:07:06.08)
Mei Aihara : Please follow all rules
starting tomorrow.
Yuzu Aihara : That girl's totally crazy! (0:07:22.15)
Amamiya : Hey, Aihara! (0:07:35.28)
Yuzu Aihara : No makeup sucks. (0:07:37.29)
Yuzu Aihara : That girl... (0:07:42.97)
Yuzu Aihara : She had a really nice smell. (0:07:45.76)
Yuzu Aihara : I wonder what shampoo she uses. (0:07:51.42)
Amamiya : Aihara! (0:07:53.39)
Yuzu Aihara : Ow! (0:07:54.10)
Yuzu Aihara : M-Me?! (0:07:55.39)
Amamiya : Hey, now, are you okay? (0:07:57.15)
Yuzu Aihara : He's super hot! (0:08:00.56)
Yuzu Aihara : Oh, uh, I'm still not used
to my new last name.
Amamiya : I'm your homeroom teacher, Amamiya. (0:08:08.69)
Amamiya : I'm heading to our classroom,
so come with me, please.
Yuzu Aihara : Yes. (0:08:13.03)
Yuzu Aihara : Frankly, this school's rules are a pain, (0:08:35.43)
Yuzu Aihara : but maybe I'll give it
a shot for this teacher.
EXTRA : Yuzu (0:08:46.38)
Yuzu Aihara : All right, first off is making friends! (0:08:50.01)
EXTRA : We don't have clubs today. (0:09:01.64)
EXTRA : Then... (0:09:02.85)
Yuzu Aihara : Hey, hey! (0:09:03.56)
Yuzu Aihara : What are you talking about? (0:09:04.64)
EXTRA : Huh? Um, what to do after school. (0:09:06.44)
Yuzu Aihara : A mixer? Karaoke? (0:09:09.88)
Yuzu Aihara : I don't have any friends yet,
so I'd love it if you invited me!
EXTRA : What do we do? (0:09:16.93)
EXTRA : The delinquent's bothering us. (0:09:18.49)
Yuzu Aihara : H-Huh? (0:09:20.25)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? Huh? Huh? (0:09:23.29)
Harumi Taniguchi : Hey, hey! (0:09:23.79)
Harumi Taniguchi : Aihara-san, it doesn't work that way! (0:09:26.96)
Yuzu Aihara : Uh, who are you? (0:09:31.02)
Harumi Taniguchi : I'm Taniguchi Harumi. (0:09:33.86)
Harumi Taniguchi : Call me Harumin! (0:09:35.81)
Yuzu Aihara : Then, Harumin, what was wrong with that? (0:09:37.44)
Harumi Taniguchi : Almost all the girls here have been part of
the escalator system since elementary school.
Harumi Taniguchi : They're all sheltered with a capital S. (0:09:45.83)
Harumi Taniguchi : By the way, I started here at high school. (0:09:48.36)
Harumi Taniguchi : I'm secretly a gyaru, too! (0:09:50.55)
Yuzu Aihara : I think I get it. (0:09:52.73)
Harumi Taniguchi : The students at this academy have all (0:09:54.78)
Harumi Taniguchi : grown up bound by the school rules
and this school's scary chairman.
Harumi Taniguchi : So everyone turns out like that. (0:10:02.04)
Yuzu Aihara : I see. (0:10:05.53)
Harumi Taniguchi : Well, that girl's an exception. (0:10:07.20)
Yuzu Aihara : Exception? (0:10:10.12)
Harumi Taniguchi : She's smart and pretty, plus she became
student council president in her first year.
Harumi Taniguchi : Apparently, she's already betrothed
to an elite teacher, too.
Yuzu Aihara : H-Huh?! Her marriage is
already decided at her age?!
Harumi Taniguchi : Well, she's the granddaughter
of the school chairman,
Harumi Taniguchi : set to inherit the school, after all. (0:10:25.49)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh... (0:10:27.71)
Yuzu Aihara : I bet she's lived a boring life,
with no time for love.
Harumi Taniguchi : Well, that's the gist of things. (0:10:33.46)
Harumi Taniguchi : So let's be friends... (0:10:35.26)
Harumi Taniguchi : ...and exchange addresses! (0:10:37.93)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? A smartphone?! (0:10:39.47)
Yuzu Aihara : I had mine taken this morning. (0:10:41.27)
Harumi Taniguchi : It's not a violation if they don't find out! (0:10:43.41)
Harumi Taniguchi : That said, if you didn't get it back
from the student council,
Harumi Taniguchi : then it'll be in Mineko's room. (0:10:50.88)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:10:53.62)
Mineko Fuji : Listen up. (0:10:55.15)
Mineko Fuji : It's important to conduct yourself
properly on a daily basis.
Mineko Fuji : That applies not only at school,
but at home as well.
Yuzu Aihara : Yes. (0:11:04.81)
Mineko Fuji : What are you thinking, dressing like that? (0:11:05.63)
Mineko Fuji : A proper lady must always
take care with her appearance,
Mineko Fuji : remaining diligent so as not to
embarrass herself at any given time.
Mineko Fuji : That will contribute to proper mental
growth and a mature, healthy lifestyle.
Mineko Fuji : When I was young, we would— (0:11:20.99)
Mineko Fuji : Are you listening? (0:11:25.56)
Yuzu Aihara : I'm sorry. (0:11:27.87)
Mineko Fuji : Teaching students to follow rules
and receive a proper education
Mineko Fuji : is the founding principle of this academy. (0:11:33.45)
Mineko Fuji : Yet, here you are... (0:11:35.61)
Yuzu Aihara : That was awful. (0:11:39.36)
Yuzu Aihara : Mineko's crazy. (0:11:41.59)
Yuzu Aihara : I'm glad I got it back. (0:11:46.98)
Yuzu Aihara : Amamiya-sensei? (0:12:05.69)
Yuzu Aihara : I'll get him to share his address! (0:12:07.46)
Yuzu Aihara : Amamiya-sensei! (0:12:12.92)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:12:27.48)
Yuzu Aihara : H-Hold on a sec! That's... (0:12:35.70)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:12:50.65)
Yuzu Aihara : What was that?! (0:13:05.99)
Yuzu Aihara : The student council president
and Amamiya-sensei?
Yuzu Aihara : Plus... (0:13:11.72)
Yuzu Aihara : She realized I saw them?! (0:13:16.42)
Harumi Taniguchi : Hey, Yuzucchi, your phone? (0:13:21.16)
Harumi Taniguchi : Was Mineko that hard on her? (0:13:29.01)
Yuzu Aihara : I don't get what's going on. (0:13:38.52)
Yuzu Aihara : I'm home. (0:13:44.42)
EXTRA : Hachiware Moving Services (0:13:46.09)
Yuzu Aihara : What's this? (0:13:47.78)
Ume Aihara : Yuzu! (0:13:49.11)
Ume Aihara : Jeez, where have you been all this time? (0:13:51.73)
Yuzu Aihara : Sorry. (0:13:55.10)
Yuzu Aihara : Things came up, things happened, and... (0:13:55.98)
Ume Aihara : You promised to help clean up after moving, right? (0:13:57.86)
Yuzu Aihara : I'll still do that. (0:14:00.61)
Yuzu Aihara : Is my new papa here already? (0:14:05.31)
Ume Aihara : About that... (0:14:08.16)
Ume Aihara : He said he was going to see
the other side of the world and left!
Yuzu Aihara : Huh?! (0:14:13.48)
Ume Aihara : He won't be back home for a while. (0:14:14.92)
Yuzu Aihara : I was looking forward to seeing what
kind of person my new papa is.
Yuzu Aihara : I hope you haven't fallen for a weirdo. (0:14:21.88)
Yuzu Aihara : Isn't this a bit much? (0:14:28.77)
Ume Aihara : Is it? (0:14:30.23)
Ume Aihara : I figure we need this much,
since you're a growing girl.
Yuzu Aihara : Mama? (0:14:35.01)
Ume Aihara : Hmm? (0:14:36.01)
Yuzu Aihara : Mama, are you happy now? (0:14:37.14)
Ume Aihara : Yes, very. (0:14:39.40)
Yuzu Aihara : I see. (0:14:48.68)
Yuzu Aihara : That's good, then. (0:14:50.21)
Ume Aihara : I have you with me. (0:14:57.43)
Ume Aihara : And your papa's daughter, too. (0:15:02.05)
Ume Aihara : I'm happy to be surrounded by my two girls. (0:15:05.07)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:15:08.72)
Yuzu Aihara : Two? (0:15:09.61)
Ume Aihara : Oh, did I forget to tell you? (0:15:10.80)
Ume Aihara : Starting today, you'll have a little sister. (0:15:13.55)
Mei Aihara : I'm home. (0:15:28.22)
Yuzu Aihara : Huh?! (0:15:29.88)
EXTRA : Aihara

Mei / Yuzu / Ume
Yuzu Aihara : Huh?! Ow, ow! (0:15:36.29)
Yuzu Aihara : Wh-Why on earth are you here?! (0:15:37.65)
Mei Aihara : Nice to meet you. (0:15:40.43)
Mei Aihara : I'm Aihara Shou's daughter, Aihara Mei. (0:15:41.76)
Mei Aihara : I'll be in your care starting today, Mother. (0:15:45.56)
Yuzu Aihara : No, no, she's my mama! (0:15:48.62)
Ume Aihara : You don't need to be so formal! (0:15:51.34)
Ume Aihara : We're family already. (0:15:54.22)
Ume Aihara : You be nice to her too, Yuzu. (0:15:57.85)
EXTRA : Breakfast, Lunch (Lunchboxes) (0:16:00.23)
EXTRA : Mama (0:16:00.23b)
Ume Aihara : Have you been doing council work this whole time? (0:16:00.56)
Mei Aihara : It's always like this, yes. (0:16:03.23)
Ume Aihara : That's so noble of you.
I bet you're hungry, right?
Ume Aihara : Tonight I went all-out for you, Mei-chan! (0:16:07.52)
Mei Aihara : I'm looking forward to it. (0:16:10.33)
Ume Aihara : Yuzu will be the big sister since (0:16:11.74)
Ume Aihara : her birthday's earlier, so that
makes you the little sister, Mei.
Mei Aihara : Yes. (0:16:16.62)
Ume Aihara : Aren't you happy to have such
a cute little sister, Yuzu?
Yuzu Aihara : She's glaring! She's glaring at me! (0:16:26.85)
Ume Aihara : My, but you're so shy, Mei-chan. (0:16:29.31)
Yuzu Aihara : She's totally not! Get a clue, Mama! (0:16:32.62)
Yuzu Aihara : Jeez, this is getting stupid. (0:16:36.64)
Ume Aihara : Yuzu, you're eating way too fast! (0:16:41.55)
Yuzu Aihara : I'm growing! (0:16:43.85)
Ume Aihara : Good grief. (0:16:45.78)
Ume Aihara : Sorry, Mei-chan. (0:16:47.65)
Mei Aihara : It's fine. (0:16:49.64)
Ume Aihara : Speaking of which, Mei-chan, you've been
living with your grandfather until now, right?
Mei Aihara : No, I lived in my father's house. (0:16:54.53)
Ume Aihara : Oh? (0:16:57.66)
Ume Aihara : But Shou-san's always traveling
around the world, isn't he?
Yuzu Aihara : Huh? (0:17:04.43)
Mei Aihara : I haven't seen my father
in nearly five years.
Yuzu Aihara : Wow. (0:17:11.54)
Ume Aihara : It must have been tough
living on your own, right?
Mei Aihara : No, my grandfather was kind enough
to take care of my finances.
Yuzu Aihara : Then she's been living
by herself this whole time?
Yuzu Aihara : Wasn't she lonely? (0:17:20.18)
Ume Aihara : Oh. (0:17:23.21)
Ume Aihara : Right, he's the chairman
of your school, wasn't he?
Ume Aihara : He has a famous mansion
near Rikugi-en, right?
Yuzu Aihara : Hmm? (0:17:31.07)
Mei Aihara : I haven't visited my grandfather's home very often. (0:17:31.74)
Yuzu Aihara : If she's my little sister, (0:17:34.69)
Mei Aihara : My grandfather's always at the
Aihara home near the academy.
Yuzu Aihara : then makes me the chairman's
granddaughter too, doesn't it?!
Yuzu Aihara : I'm one of the super elite! I'm super rich! (0:17:41.56)
Yuzu Aihara : Heh! (0:17:46.83)
Mei Aihara : Dimwit. (0:17:49.48)
Yuzu Aihara : Argh, I'm totally exhausted. (0:18:05.55)
Yuzu Aihara : Suddenly telling me I'm a big sister... (0:18:13.52)
Yuzu Aihara : She acted perfectly normal
in front of Mama, but...
Yuzu Aihara : She also did that ... (0:18:23.34)
Yuzu Aihara : She can make faces like that too, huh? (0:18:27.41)
Yuzu Aihara : Are kisses that incredible? (0:18:36.69)
Yuzu Aihara : Ah, jeez! Why do I keep thinking about her?! (0:18:40.76)
Yuzu Aihara : Honestly, what's wrong with me? (0:18:54.44)
Yuzu Aihara : Bath's open. (0:19:08.81)
Yuzu Aihara : Wow, cute bear— (0:19:21.53)
Yuzu Aihara : You like that kind— (0:19:28.68)
Yuzu Aihara : Uh, I get that a bunch of stuff happened
and now it's hard to talk to each other,
Yuzu Aihara : but we're stepsisters now. (0:19:43.08)
Yuzu Aihara : It doesn't matter if it's just for show
at first, but let's try and get along.
Yuzu Aihara : Ignoring me?! (0:19:58.34)
Yuzu Aihara : If that's your plan,
then I'll make you talk to me!
Yuzu Aihara : So today... (0:20:06.60)
Yuzu Aihara : You kissed our teacher, right? (0:20:08.93)
Yuzu Aihara : Is it okay for our student council
president to be doing that?
Yuzu Aihara : Or does doing it where someone else
might catch you make it hotter?
Yuzu Aihara : Was that maybe your first kiss? (0:20:20.43)
Yuzu Aihara : I always thought kissing was more
about sharing your feelings, or...
Yuzu Aihara : Hm? Huh? (0:20:28.95)
Mei Aihara : That's what kisses are like. (0:21:23.97)
Yuzu Aihara : That girl! (0:21:38.82)
Yuzu Aihara : The first kiss I had always dreamed about... (0:21:43.37)
Yuzu Aihara : What is with her?! (0:21:47.17)
Yuzu Aihara : ...was stolen today by my
brand-new little sister.
Yuzu Aihara : Because this girl went and kissed me... (0:23:25.97)
Mei Aihara : A child who's never kissed someone
before shouldn't act like they know.
Yuzu Aihara : Because of me, she's... (0:23:31.09)
Mei Aihara : Will you take me from grandfather's home, too? (0:23:33.01)

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