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EXTRA : It's so warm. (0:00:02.89)
EXTRA : I know. (0:00:04.48)
EXTRA : I didn't think we could
buy all this in the fall.
EXTRA : Right? (0:00:08.97)
EXTRA : Does this look okay, Inuyama-san? (0:00:10.52)
Aoi Inuyama : Yeah, looks good. (0:00:13.18)
EXTRA : Here, one cocoa for Shimarin. (0:00:15.05)
Rin Shima : Thanks. (0:00:17.52)
EXTRA : Want some, Nadeshiko? (0:00:18.67)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I'll enjoy the fire some more first. (0:00:19.60)
EXTRA : Saitou-san, you'll burn your marshmallow
if you get it too close to the fire.
Ena Saitou : What? Really? (0:00:27.13)
Ena Saitou : This is harder than it looks, huh? (0:00:28.76)
EXTRA : The trick is to cook it
slowly from a distance.
Aoi Inuyama : I can't wait that long, though. (0:00:34.10)
Chiaki Oogaki : I know what you mean. (0:00:36.78)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Let's take a group picture! (0:00:53.99)
Rin Shima : It's hidden behind the clouds today. (0:03:46.97)
EXTRA : Saturday, November 4th (0:03:51.83)
Rin Shima : It's already 2:00. (0:03:52.54)
Rin Shima : What's up with her? (0:04:18.75)
Rin Shima : She's bound to catch a cold. (0:04:24.65)
Rin Shima : I'd like to stay for a night, please. (0:04:30.71)
EXTRA : Of course. Please write your
name and contact info here.
EXTRA : Shima Rin (0:04:35.25)
EXTRA : Your checkout time is 10:00 AM tomorrow. (0:04:38.83)
EXTRA : Feel free to use whatever is
in the forest for firewood.
Rin Shima : Okay. (0:04:45.04)
EXTRA : Is that girl here to camp at this time of year? (0:04:56.16)
EXTRA : Oh, Itou-san. (0:04:59.32)
EXTRA : That girl shows up a lot
around this time of year.
EXTRA : Huh... (0:05:05.20)
EXTRA : She's tough for such a tiny kid. (0:05:07.09)
Rin Shima : I've got the place to myself. (0:05:37.44)
Rin Shima : Off-season is the best. (0:05:39.72)
Rin Shima : I'll set up here. (0:05:42.86)
Rin Shima : There. (0:06:51.82)
EXTRA : Episode 1
and Curry Noodles
Rin Shima : So warm... (0:07:02.83)
Rin Shima : I think I can do without a campfire today. (0:07:05.43)
Rin Shima : They're a pain, anyway. (0:07:09.06)
EXTRA : Current Temperature (0:07:29.05)
EXTRA : The Mystery of
Ancient Civilization X
Rin Shima : This isn't working so well. (0:07:35.12)
Rin Shima : I don't want a campfire, though... (0:07:37.21)
Rin Shima : They're a pain to start,
and they get so smoky...
Rin Shima : And the sparks put holes in your clothes. (0:07:41.62)
Rin Shima : First, before I start collecting firewood... (0:07:51.72)
Rin Shima : There. (0:07:55.12)
EXTRA : The pine cone. (0:07:57.45)
EXTRA : Hello! (0:07:59.01)
EXTRA : Hello (0:07:59.14)
EXTRA : Pine cones are excellent
natural fire starters.
EXTRA : They'll ignite with a single match. (0:08:03.47)
EXTRA : The ones that are open are
well-dried, and will burn nicely.
Rin Shima : That one. (0:08:10.80)
Rin Shima : This one's damp. (0:08:12.67)
Rin Shima : Here's one. (0:08:14.06)
Rin Shima : Another one. (0:08:15.25)
Rin Shima : Done. (0:08:19.38)
Rin Shima : I got too many, but whatever. (0:08:21.12)
EXTRA : Next, firewood. (0:08:24.07)
EXTRA : Try to find the driest pieces you can. (0:08:26.82)
EXTRA : If they're too damp, they may not catch fire, (0:08:30.44)
EXTRA : or they may pop. (0:08:34.95)
EXTRA : If you're buying it, we recommend
buying from firewood shops.
EXTRA : One bundle costs 300 to 500 yen. (0:08:39.95)
EXTRA : But some generous campsites allow
you to collect firewood for free
EXTRA : once you pay their camping fee. (0:08:47.41)
Rin Shima : There. (0:08:50.85)
Rin Shima : I got too much again, but whatever. (0:08:51.96)
Rin Shima : I'll turn you all into rust on my blade. (0:08:56.06)
Rin Shima : Bathroom. (0:09:15.19)
Rin Shima : She moved a little. (0:09:30.00)
Rin Shima : Oh, well. (0:09:32.59)
EXTRA : To start a fire, first ignite the kindling. (0:09:43.21)
EXTRA : Hot! (0:09:46.66)
EXTRA : Start stacking thinner twigs first. (0:09:48.53)
EXTRA : Gradually work up to thicker sticks (0:09:58.99)
EXTRA : while leaving space
between them for air flow.
EXTRA : When fanning the flame, do so gently. (0:10:06.02)
Rin Shima : I know my face is going to dry out. (0:10:18.13)
Rin Shima : I know I'm going to smell like smoke. (0:10:22.12)
Rin Shima : But nothing beats this warmth. (0:10:27.07)
Rin Shima : I can't believe that girl can
sleep in a place like that.
Rin Shima : I'd die from the cold. (0:10:38.51)
Ena Saitou : Rin. (0:10:45.32)
Rin Shima : Yeah? (0:10:47.76)
Ena Saitou : Where'd you go today? (0:10:49.23)
Ena Saitou : Motosuko, huh? (0:10:54.71)
Rin Shima : Mount Fuji's wearing a hat. (0:10:56.58)
Ena Saitou : It happens. (0:10:58.52)
Ena Saitou : I hope it clears up. (0:10:59.84)
Rin Shima : Yeah. (0:11:01.86)
EXTRA : Don't catch a cold (0:11:05.26)
EXTRA : Sakura, where did that girl go? (0:11:46.52)
Sakura Kagamihara : When the heck is she coming home? (0:11:55.92)
Rin Shima : I guess I should get my lantern out now. (0:12:03.47)
Rin Shima : I drank too much soup. (0:12:23.50)
Rin Shima : Bathroom. (0:12:25.64)
Rin Shima : She's gone. (0:12:38.46)
Rin Shima : Of course she'd go home by now. (0:12:41.01)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Wait for me! (0:13:02.18)
Rin Shima : So you just moved here to Yamanashi today? (0:13:15.52)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Yeah. (0:13:19.54)
Rin Shima : And you came by bike to see Mount Fuji, (0:13:20.56)
Rin Shima : but you got tired, fell asleep, and missed it. (0:13:22.99)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Yeah. (0:13:25.68)
Rin Shima : And when you woke up, it was pitch black. (0:13:27.39)
Rin Shima : It's downhill that way. (0:13:32.84)
Rin Shima : You can get to the bottom quickly. (0:13:35.21)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : No way! (0:13:37.02)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : That's way too scary! (0:13:38.18)
Rin Shima : Why don't you call home and
ask them to pick you up?
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Oh, yeah. (0:13:43.15)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : My smartphone, smartphone... (0:13:44.89)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I just bought a new smartphone,
smartphone, smartphone, smartphone...
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Smartphone! (0:13:50.38)
EXTRA : 52-Card Deck 430 Yen (Tax Included) (0:13:51.26)
EXTRA : Gurrrgle (0:13:55.18)
Rin Shima : Want some ramen? (0:14:03.25)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I can have that? (0:14:05.20)
Rin Shima : For 1,500 yen. (0:14:06.66)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I-I'll give it to you in fifteen payments... (0:14:09.80)
Rin Shima : I'm kidding. (0:14:13.98)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Aren't you going to boil it over there? (0:14:29.86)
Rin Shima : The campfire would turn
my pot black with soot.
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Huh... (0:14:35.52)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I wouldn't have thought of that.
You're like a pro!
Rin Shima : At what? (0:14:40.31)
Rin Shima : You can use my smartphone. (0:14:42.68)
Rin Shima : Tell me your home phone number. (0:14:44.37)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I just moved, so I don't know it! (0:14:47.84)
Rin Shima : Then what about your own cell phone number? (0:14:50.09)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I don't remember! (0:14:52.66)
EXTRA : Gurrrgle (0:14:54.74)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : It's boiling! It's boiling! (0:15:00.04)
Rin Shima : No surprise you'd catch a cold. (0:15:13.09)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Thanks! (0:15:30.88)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : It's so warm. (0:15:33.13)
Rin Shima : Now that I think about it,
I've only ever camped solo.
Rin Shima : I wonder if this is what it's
like to camp with other people.
Rin Shima : Here you go. (0:15:50.83)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Thanks! (0:15:51.67)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Curry noodles, curry noodles! (0:15:53.13)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I'll just dig right in! (0:15:59.31)
Rin Shima : She sure makes it look tasty... (0:16:33.30)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I burned the inside of my mouth. (0:16:42.48)
Rin Shima : Why does she seem happy about that? (0:16:46.40)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I wonder if this girl's camping by herself. (0:17:07.01)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : She's even smaller than I am. (0:17:11.49)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : She must be younger than me, right? (0:17:15.72)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Is she in elementary school? (0:17:18.76)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : She's so amazing. And so tiny! (0:17:21.33)
Rin Shima : Hey, where did you come from? (0:17:29.86)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Me? (0:17:32.54)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : From way at the bottom. (0:17:33.54)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : A place called Nanbucho. (0:17:35.38)
Rin Shima : Nanbucho? (0:17:37.61)
Rin Shima : I can't believe you came all
the way here on your bike.
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : My sister told me that the view of Mount
Fuji from Motosuko is on the 1,000 yen bill.
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : So I came all the way up the hill to see it, (0:17:46.92)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : but it's so cloudy, you can't see a thing! (0:17:49.43)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Hey, hear me out! (0:17:57.51)
Rin Shima : You can't see it? You mean that? (0:18:01.49)
Rin Shima : That. (0:18:04.94)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : What? (0:18:06.50)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I can see it... (0:18:27.17)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Mount Fuji. (0:18:29.94)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Actually, I do know my sister's phone number. (0:18:44.82)
Sakura Kagamihara : I'm so, so sorry (0:18:52.46)
Sakura Kagamihara : about my idiot of a kid sister. (0:18:55.28)
Sakura Kagamihara : Please take this for your trouble. (0:18:59.11)
Rin Shima : No, it's not a big deal. (0:19:01.04)
Sakura Kagamihara : It's not a "mobile phone"
if it doesn't go with you!
Sakura Kagamihara : Get in the car, you little pig! (0:19:10.40)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Ow! Ow, ow, ow! (0:19:14.07)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Stop! My curry noodles are coming up! (0:19:15.42)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Ow! (0:19:19.42)
Sakura Kagamihara : Goodnight! (0:19:22.69)
Sakura Kagamihara : Don't catch a cold. (0:19:24.13)
Rin Shima : Goodnight. (0:19:25.85)
Rin Shima : My ramen transformed into kiwis. (0:19:32.06)
Rin Shima : She was pretty weird. (0:19:36.75)
Rin Shima : Guess I'll go back and listen to the radio... (0:19:39.02)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Wait up! (0:19:41.66)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Here you go. (0:19:50.27)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : My phone number. (0:19:51.94)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I asked my sister for it. (0:19:53.48)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Thanks for the curry noodles! (0:19:55.60)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Let's go on a proper camping trip next time. (0:19:59.85)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : See you! (0:20:07.41)
EXTRA : Kagamihara Nadeshiko (0:20:21.07)
Rin Shima : What a weirdo. (0:20:22.36)
Rin Shima : I guess I'll add her, though. (0:20:28.75)
Sakura Kagamihara : You have school in two days, don't you? (0:20:34.06)
Sakura Kagamihara : Quit messing around and get ready. (0:20:36.74)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I'll be fine. (0:20:39.32)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Hey, Onee-chan, do we have
camping supplies at home?
Sakura Kagamihara : I think I've seen a big tent there. (0:20:47.22)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Really? (0:20:49.92)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I want to come see Mount Fuji at night again. (0:20:54.22)
Sakura Kagamihara : By the way, I've been meaning to say... (0:21:00.50)
Sakura Kagamihara : You smell like smoke. (0:21:04.40)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Oh-ho? (0:21:06.47)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I'm heading out! (0:21:13.06)
Chiaki Oogaki : So the other day, we set up camp, and... (0:22:06.22)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : I saw it! (0:22:08.10)
Ena Saitou : Morning, Rin. (0:22:17.99)
Rin Shima : Morning. (0:22:20.22)
Ena Saitou : Pretty cold, huh? (0:22:21.18)
Ena Saitou : I'll do your hair for you later. (0:22:23.16)
Rin Shima : Don't. (0:22:25.18)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : Is my shoe locker... (0:22:28.49)
Nadeshiko Kagamihara : that way? (0:22:31.55)
EXTRA : Room Camp (0:22:39.00)
EXTRA : Room Camp! (0:22:39.44)
Chiaki Oogaki : We want to go camping! (0:22:41.52)
Chiaki Oogaki : And that's why we started the
outdoor activities club in April...
Aoi Inuyama : But it's already November. (0:22:47.82)
Chiaki Oogaki : Winter camping just doesn't take off. (0:22:49.90)
Aoi Inuyama : Well, it is cold. (0:22:53.05)
Aoi Inuyama : I think the cold raises the entry barrier. (0:22:55.46)
EXTRA : Cold Weather Sleeping Bags (0:22:57.43)
EXTRA : Compact Heaters (0:22:58.18)
Chiaki Oogaki : In that case... (0:22:59.13)
Chiaki Oogaki : I bet a heated tent would really sell. (0:23:01.44)
Aoi Inuyama : Oh, that sounds good. (0:23:03.84)
Chiaki Oogaki : Equipped with a 1,200-watt
halogen tube heater!
Chiaki Oogaki : Rigid, self-framing construction for vastly
improved durability and habitability!
Chiaki Oogaki : A sturdy roof to keep you
safe even in a hail storm!
Chiaki Oogaki : Plus a handy remote to
control the temperature!
Aoi Inuyama : That's a kotatsu! (0:23:22.43)
EXTRA : Next Episode: (0:23:28.59)
EXTRA : When camping... (0:23:35.51)
EXTRA : It gets cold during the winter.
Stay warm and be well-prepared!

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