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Shion Kyouzuka : Hana! (0:00:12.05)
Shion Kyouzuka : Can I come in? (0:00:13.34)
Hana Ichinose : Sure. (0:00:15.01)
Shion Kyouzuka : Your high school uniform is ready. (0:00:17.97)
Shion Kyouzuka : Here, Hana. (0:00:22.06)
Shion Kyouzuka : I know this is sudden, but try it on. (0:00:28.36)
Hana Ichinose : Wh-What do you think? (0:00:37.49)
Shion Kyouzuka : It's adorable! (0:00:40.66)
Hana Ichinose : R-Really? I hope it's okay. (0:00:42.21)
Shion Kyouzuka : Of course it's okay. (0:00:47.29)
Shion Kyouzuka : You look cute! (0:00:49.46)
Hana Ichinose : M-More importantly, Shion... (0:00:50.88)
Hana Ichinose : Um, do I really look like
a first year high school student?
Shion Kyouzuka : Don't worry! Instead of a high school student,
you could pass for middle school student.
Hana Ichinose : N-Now I hope that's not true. (0:01:06.90)
Shion Kyouzuka : Oh, wait! (0:01:09.52)
Shion Kyouzuka : Do I look like a first year high school student? (0:01:25.00)
Hana Ichinose : I-I don't know about that... (0:01:27.58)
Hana Ichinose : Sh-Shion! (0:01:30.71)
Shion Kyouzuka : Hana, smile! (0:01:32.38)
Hana Ichinose : You don't have to take a photo! (0:01:34.63)
Hana Ichinose : It's embarrassing... (0:01:37.55)
Shion Kyouzuka : Then why don't we take a picture together? (0:01:39.39)
Shion Kyouzuka : Maybe we should take it outside. (0:01:42.52)
Hana Ichinose : I don't know if it's a good idea
for you to wear that outside!
Hana Ichinose : "At last, it's the opening ceremony. I'm off." (0:03:21.20)
EXTRA : TO MOM (0:03:21.91)
Hana Ichinose : Send. (0:03:25.29)
Hana Ichinose : Mom... (0:03:31.50)
Hana Ichinose : From Dad too... (0:03:34.04)
Hana Ichinose : Another mail from Mom? (0:03:36.30)
Hana Ichinose : Again?! (0:03:39.17)
Hana Ichinose : Dad's mail is being drowned out. (0:03:43.26)
EXTRA : And that ends the entrance ceremony. (0:03:51.69)
Hana Ichinose : I was so nervous! (0:03:57.61)
Hana Ichinose : Am I really a high school student now? (0:03:59.94)
Eiko Tokura : Ow! (0:04:07.58)
Eiko Tokura : Um... (0:04:12.71)
Eiko Tokura : Kamuri? (0:04:15.04)
Eiko Tokura : Sorry. You look so much like a girl I know... (0:04:17.80)
Kamuri Sengoku : Eiko... (0:04:22.05)
Eiko Tokura : It is you? (0:04:24.22)
Kamuri Sengoku : Eiko... (0:04:25.47)
Eiko Tokura : I mean, you...
you haven't changed since then...
Kamuri Sengoku : Eiko! (0:04:31.31)
Eiko Tokura : Kamuri! (0:04:32.77)
Eiko Tokura : You really haven't changed, (0:04:37.65)
Eiko Tokura : even though I haven't seen you
since elementary school.
Kamuri Sengoku : Rapid growth! (0:04:48.03)
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm a growing child, after all. (0:04:49.49)
Eiko Tokura : You sure are! You've grown a lot. (0:04:52.66)
Hana Ichinose : I see. Everyone has friends
from elementary school or middle school.
Hana Ichinose : They're all friends already. (0:05:01.55)
Tamate Momochi : Good morning! (0:05:09.39)
Hana Ichinose : G-Good morning! (0:05:11.52)
Hana Ichinose : Huh? (0:05:12.52)
Tamate Momochi : - Good morning!
- Morning!
Tamate Momochi : - Good morning!
- Morning.
Tamate Momochi : Good morning! (0:05:20.32)
Tamate Momochi : What the?! (0:05:22.94)
Tamate Momochi : Why, if it isn't Tokura! (0:05:23.95)
Hana Ichinose : The girls from the hallway... (0:05:27.03)
Eiko Tokura : So we're in the same class, huh? (0:05:28.78)
Tamate Momochi : I know it's gonna be a great year! (0:05:31.75)
Eiko Tokura : Yeah. And it's kind of a relief (0:05:34.25)
Eiko Tokura : knowing someone on the first day, right? (0:05:35.71)
Tamate Momochi : Totally! I was so nervous
that it made me hyper!
Eiko Tokura : I know where you're coming from. (0:05:44.63)
Tamate Momochi : What's this? (0:05:47.14)
Tamate Momochi : You've got something growing on your hip. (0:05:48.80)
Eiko Tokura : Come on, Kamu, don't hide. (0:05:52.72)
Eiko Tokura : Introduce yourself. (0:05:55.48)
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm Kamuri Sengoku. (0:05:58.86)
Kamuri Sengoku : Nice to meet you. (0:06:01.32)
Tamate Momochi : You're the cutest little thing! (0:06:04.07)
Kamuri Sengoku : HMPH (0:06:05.32)
Eiko Tokura : You know, she hadn't grown at all
since elementary school.
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm a late bloomer,
so I grow slower than the average person.
Eiko Tokura : Huh? I thought you said
you were a growing child.
Kamuri Sengoku : You'll be sorry 60 years from now. (0:06:19.71)
Tamate Momochi : A long-term plan! (0:06:23.30)
Eiko Tokura : If you're 75 years old
and still worried about your height,
Eiko Tokura : you'll be a really petty person. (0:06:28.13)
Tamate Momochi : But that would mean you'd still be
friends 60 years from now.
Tamate Momochi : Friendship that deep moves me. (0:06:35.60)
Eiko Tokura : I feel like you're forcing it
into a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Tamate Momochi : I'm moved by my own power to turn
a comeback line into a heartwarming story.
Eiko Tokura : Come to think of it,
this is really our first time together.
Tamate Momochi : Exactly! Back in middle school,
we were only together
Tamate Momochi : for the joint classes, P.E. and home ec. (0:06:52.12)
Hana Ichinose : Those girls are in my class too. (0:06:52.66)
Hana Ichinose : Wow. They're already so close to each other. (0:06:55.91)
Hana Ichinose : When I can't even return a simple greeting. (0:07:00.13)
Kiyose Enami : Hey, get in the room. (0:07:04.38)
Kiyose Enami : Homeroom's about to begin. (0:07:06.63)
Kiyose Enami : First of all,
congratulations on getting into this school.
Kiyose Enami : I'm your homeroom teacher, Enami. (0:07:13.35)
Kiyose Enami : Nice to meet you. (0:07:16.68)
EXTRA : Nice to meet you! (0:07:18.31)
Kiyose Enami : So I'll guess we'll do
self introductions in alphabetical order.
Hana Ichinose : I had a feeling we would
have to introduce ourselves.
Kiyose Enami : Ichinose. (0:07:28.36)
Hana Ichinose : Y-Yes! (0:07:30.36)
Hana Ichinose : I'm always called first for attendance (0:07:32.12)
Hana Ichinose : and I always have to sit in the front. (0:07:33.87)
Hana Ichinose : That's the fate of someone
with the family name "Ichinose."
Hana Ichinose : I hate this... (0:07:38.87)
Hana Ichinose : I'm Hana Ichinose. (0:07:42.54)
Hana Ichinose : It's a pleasure to meet you. (0:07:44.46)
Kiyose Enami : Low energy from
the very first day of school, huh?
Kiyose Enami : Ichinose, it looks like today's your birthday. (0:07:52.43)
Tamate Momochi : Happy birthday! (0:08:04.94)
Tamate Momochi : You're the first birthday of the school year! (0:08:06.78)
Eiko Tokura : Happy birthday! (0:08:09.44)
Kamuri Sengoku : Happy birthday. (0:08:11.53)
Hana Ichinose : Th-Thank you! (0:08:13.78)
Kiyose Enami : All right. Next, Imai. (0:08:18.83)
EXTRA : Right. I'm Chihiro Imai.
Um, I was in drama club in middle school.
Hana Ichinose : That was embarrassing. (0:08:22.79)
Hana Ichinose : I never thought people would wish me (0:08:24.71)
EXTRA : My hobbies are... (0:08:26.54)
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm Kamuri Sengoku. (0:08:29.67)
Kamuri Sengoku : I like sleeping and eating
and my special skill is eating a lot.
Kamuri Sengoku : Nice to meet you. (0:08:38.72)
Eiko Tokura : Um, I'm Eiko Tokura. (0:08:39.93)
Eiko Tokura : My special skill... (0:08:42.85)
Eiko Tokura : If I have to say something,
I guess I'm good with my hands.
Eiko Tokura : I don't know about making tons of friends, (0:08:49.61)
Eiko Tokura : but I would like to get along with all of you. (0:08:51.61)
Eiko Tokura : Nice to meet you! (0:08:55.95)
Tamate Momochi : I'm Tamate Momochi! (0:08:57.41)
Tamate Momochi : Please just call me Tama! (0:08:59.66)
Tamate Momochi : Tama Momochi! I'm Tama Momochi! (0:09:02.41)
Tamate Momochi : Everyone in first-year, class 2,
please think well of Tama Momochi!
Hana Ichinose : Is she campaigning? (0:09:12.05)
Kiyose Enami : Well, that's all for today. (0:09:15.26)
Tamate Momochi : Birthday girl! (0:09:21.81)
Hana Ichinose : M-Ms. Momochi? (0:09:25.06)
Tamate Momochi : You can just call me Tama. (0:09:26.94)
Tamate Momochi : Um, here. (0:09:29.48)
Tamate Momochi : It's your birthday present. (0:09:31.28)
EXTRA : ROAD SAFETY (0:09:34.45)
Hana Ichinose : A good luck charm? (0:09:34.99)
Eiko Tokura : A birthday present? (0:09:36.66)
Eiko Tokura : Then here's one from me. (0:09:39.20)
Kamuri Sengoku : From me too. Here. (0:09:40.99)
Eiko Tokura : They were giving them out this morning
in front of the station.
Tamate Momochi : You kind of just spoiled it. (0:09:50.05)
Tamate Momochi : Sorry that's all you get,
but I didn't know it was your birthday!
Eiko Tokura : None of us did, of course. We only just met. (0:09:57.80)
Tamate Momochi : Oh, that's right! (0:10:01.14)
Eiko Tokura : What? Did you just realize that? (0:10:02.85)
Tamate Momochi : I'll have something better lined up
for your birthday next year.
Eiko Tokura : Yes, next time I'll give you a real present. (0:10:09.19)
Tamate Momochi : All right! From today,
I'll start researching what you really want!
Eiko Tokura : That raises the bar. (0:10:18.07)
Kamuri Sengoku : I think a whole cake would be good. (0:10:20.24)
Eiko Tokura : That's only because
you want to eat it, right, Kamu?
Eiko Tokura : What else would be good? (0:10:24.70)
Hana Ichinose : I just met them and they're already
talking about next year...
Kamuri Sengoku : A whole cake. (0:10:25.96)
Tamate Momochi : What about something spicy. Spicy is good! (0:10:27.00)
Kamuri Sengoku : No, a whole cake... (0:10:29.71)
Eiko Tokura : You keep suggesting food. (0:10:31.34)
Tamate Momochi : I know, right? (0:10:34.34)
Hana Ichinose : E-Excuse me! (0:10:36.05)
EXTRA : ROAD SAFETY (0:10:37.43)
Hana Ichinose : Thank you! I'll treasure these! (0:10:38.05)
Eiko Tokura : You look like someone who really
doesn't want to get in an accident!
Hana Ichinose : H-Huh? (0:10:47.44)
Tamate Momochi : Now you can feel safe
going to and from school.
Kamuri Sengoku : Thank goodness. (0:10:51.31)
Eiko Tokura : What's wrong? (0:10:56.15)
Kamuri Sengoku : We gave her the road safety good luck charms, (0:10:57.53)
Kamuri Sengoku : so now we'll all get into an accident. (0:11:00.32)
Tamate Momochi : Those charms were protecting us. (0:11:03.74)
Eiko Tokura : Then we should just go home with her. (0:11:08.25)
Tamate Momochi : That's a great idea! (0:11:11.63)
Tamate Momochi : Let's walk to the station together. (0:11:13.09)
Eiko Tokura : Maybe you already had plans? (0:11:17.47)
Hana Ichinose : Um, I walk to school... (0:11:19.72)
Eiko Tokura : I'm envious! (0:11:23.72)
Tamate Momochi : So you're within walking distance! (0:11:25.18)
Kamuri Sengoku : You get to sleep as late as you like. (0:11:26.77)
Hana Ichinose : If I tag along with them now,
they might think I'm strange.
Tamate Momochi : She probably takes a shower in the morning. (0:11:29.10)
Kamuri Sengoku : And she can have a leisurely breakfast. (0:11:31.10)
Hana Ichinose : But... but... (0:11:32.27)
Eiko Tokura : What's that?! (0:11:32.61)
Hana Ichinose : They're being friendly to me
and I don't want to lose my chance.
Eiko Tokura : If you walk to school, then you may not have
seen the cherry blossoms by the station.
Tamate Momochi : They're amazing! (0:11:46.33)
Tamate Momochi : It's like a huge cherry blossom tunnel! (0:11:48.54)
Kamuri Sengoku : It's really beautiful. (0:11:50.54)
Eiko Tokura : I mean, it's a little out of your way, (0:11:52.25)
Eiko Tokura : but how about going with us to the station? (0:11:55.38)
Hana Ichinose : S-Sure. (0:11:59.51)
Tamate Momochi : Between the entrance ceremony
and your birthday,
Tamate Momochi : it's like you're on a celebratory streak,
Ms. Hana!
Hana Ichinose : Th-There's no need for the "Ms.",
um... Ms. Momochi.
Tamate Momochi : Then please call me Tama! (0:12:19.82)
Hana Ichinose : Tama... (0:12:23.91)
Eiko Tokura : Did your parents name you "Hana"
because you were born in the spring?
Hana Ichinose : Y-Yeah. (0:12:28.75)
Tamate Momochi : That's a cute name! (0:12:30.12)
Eiko Tokura : Oh, but so is Tamate. (0:12:32.12)
Tamate Momochi : Please just call me Tama! (0:12:33.63)
Eiko Tokura : You're pretty insistent.
You don't want to be called Tamate?
Tamate Momochi : Just "Tama" has a friendlier ring... (0:12:40.22)
Kamuri Sengoku : Tamate. (0:12:42.43)
Tamate Momochi : Tama! (0:12:43.47)
Eiko Tokura : Tama... (0:12:44.93)
Eiko Tokura : ...te. (0:12:47.39)
Tamate Momochi : Ugh! (0:12:48.68)
Eiko Tokura : You don't like your own name? (0:12:50.93)
Eiko Tokura : Oh, a direct question was really effective. (0:12:54.56)
Tamate Momochi : No, no, it's not that I don't like it... (0:12:57.11)
Tamate Momochi : Okay, the name Tamate comes from
"tamatebako," a treasure chest.
Eiko Tokura : I thought that might be the case. (0:13:06.66)
Tamate Momochi : But Tamate is a pretty name. (0:13:09.16)
Tamate Momochi : No, no, no, no, no! (0:13:12.29)
Tamate Momochi : Let me tell you about "tamatebako." (0:13:14.21)
Tamate Momochi : You don't split the word
between "tamate" and "bako,"
Tamate Momochi : TAMATE BAKO (0:13:17.29)
EXTRA : TAMATEBAKO (0:13:19.55)
Tamate Momochi : but between "tama" and "tebako,"
like "treasure" and "chest."
EXTRA : TAMA TEBAKO (0:13:20.17)
Tamate Momochi : Do you see?! (0:13:21.80)
Tamate Momochi : My dumb parents! (0:13:23.17)
Tamate Momochi : They should've thought about it
a little more before naming me!
Eiko Tokura : I was thinking you didn't like it
because of the "treasure chest" origin.
Eiko Tokura : Like when you open the treasure chest
and become an old woman.
Tamate Momochi : That's another reason not to like it... (0:13:34.81)
Eiko Tokura : Sorry about that. (0:13:39.11)
Eiko Tokura : But I really do think Tamate is a cute name. (0:13:40.57)
Tamate Momochi : Thank you. (0:13:45.32)
Kamuri Sengoku : I get it. (0:13:48.87)
Eiko Tokura : Get what? (0:13:49.87)
Kamuri Sengoku : Deriving the name "Tamate"
from "tamatebako"
Kamuri Sengoku : would be like having meatballs (0:13:56.04)
Kamuri Sengoku : and naming someone "Meatba" after them. (0:13:58.67)
EXTRA : MEAT (0:13:58.92)
EXTRA : MEATBA (0:13:59.38)
Hana Ichinose : Meatba... (0:14:01.38)
Eiko Tokura : Meatba! (0:14:03.38)
Tamate Momochi : Sheesh! (0:14:04.38)
Eiko Tokura : I guess I wouldn't like that. (0:14:05.34)
Tamate Momochi : It's not that funny, Eiko! (0:14:08.43)
Eiko Tokura : Sorry. Kamu just cracked me up
with that incredible example.
Tamate Momochi : Now that I think of it,
Kamu is also an unusual name.
Eiko Tokura : Yes, it's written as "Kanmuri,"
but pronounced "Kamuri."
Tamate Momochi : Kanmuri?! "Tiara"? (0:14:25.07)
Tamate Momochi : There must be
an incredible origin story behind that.
Tamate Momochi : D-Don't tell me you have the precious blood
of a royal family flowing through your veins!
Kamuri Sengoku : Peasants! (0:14:35.46)
Eiko Tokura : Royal family? Actually,
I don't know the origin of your name,
Eiko Tokura : but I am curious. (0:14:41.80)
Kamuri Sengoku : I think it's taken from "kanmuriwashi,"
or "crested serpent eagle."
Tamate Momochi : That sounds strong! (0:14:46.22)
Eiko Tokura : Do crested serpent eagles have a crest? (0:14:47.63)
Kamuri Sengoku : The crest is the feathers
that grow from their head.
Kamuri Sengoku : Like this. (0:14:56.23)
Tamate Momochi : A ribbon?! (0:14:58.35)
Tamate Momochi : An eagle, huh?
Compared to that, we're little birds.
Tamate Momochi : Little birdie... (0:15:04.90)
Tamate Momochi : Little birdie... (0:15:06.15)
Eiko Tokura : That's an eagle's prey! (0:15:07.57)
Tamate Momochi : Although I imagine you
more as a predator, Eiko.
Eiko Tokura : Really? (0:15:18.00)
Eiko Tokura : Shall I prey on you? (0:15:19.87)
Tamate Momochi : There, see?! There it is! (0:15:22.21)
Tamate Momochi : In middle school, everyone knew who Eiko was,
and that name echoed throughout the school.
Tamate Momochi : She was the most popular girl
in the whole school.
Eiko Tokura : That's not true. (0:15:31.59)
Kamuri Sengoku : Eiko's been making a big impression
since elementary school.
Tamate Momochi : Sounds like you've got valuable info! (0:15:36.81)
Tamate Momochi : I'm not going to let that slip on by. (0:15:38.81)
Eiko Tokura : Don't you jump on this bandwagon, Kamu! (0:15:40.85)
Eiko Tokura : They're both exaggerating. (0:15:42.90)
Hana Ichinose : O-Okay. (0:15:45.40)
Eiko Tokura : There, Hana understands. (0:15:46.23)
Tamate Momochi : That's your charm working on her, Eiko. (0:15:48.07)
Hana Ichinose : I may actually be having a good time... (0:15:49.20)
Kamuri Sengoku : Charm... meatballs... (0:15:50.91)
Hana Ichinose : Wow! (0:16:02.79)
Tamate Momochi : If we were in a dating sim game,
this would definitely be used for an event.
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm hungry. I want to eat meatba. (0:16:09.88)
Tamate Momochi : Kamu, you can say the whole word,
"meatballs," right?
Eiko Tokura : Hey, is there a good café
or something around here?
Eiko Tokura : I mean, next time we can all have tea together. (0:16:21.02)
Tamate Momochi : Please tell us! (0:16:24.77)
Tamate Momochi : A sweets café or bakery... (0:16:27.48)
Tamate Momochi : And while we're at it,
recommend a supermarket
Tamate Momochi : that has cheap fish and vegetables! (0:16:32.03)
Hana Ichinose : I-I'm sorry! (0:16:34.37)
Hana Ichinose : J-Just last year... I mean, this year... (0:16:35.78)
Hana Ichinose : I just moved here this year,
so there's nothing I can tell you...
Hana Ichinose : Nothing... (0:16:46.59)
Eiko Tokura : So that's why you didn't know
about the row of cherry blossom trees.
Eiko Tokura : Was your father transferred here? (0:16:52.59)
Hana Ichinose : N-No. I'm by myself... (0:16:54.26)
Eiko Tokura : You live alone? (0:16:57.22)
Tamate Momochi : How mature of you! (0:16:59.27)
Kamuri Sengoku : That's adulty! (0:17:00.64)
Hana Ichinose : My cousin is the landlady of the apartment, (0:17:02.23)
Hana Ichinose : so even though I say I'm living alone,
it's like I have a roommate.
Tamate Momochi : You have a roommate?! (0:17:09.44)
Tamate Momochi : I want to visit you there sometime! (0:17:11.28)
Hana Ichinose : Great! You're welcome to come over anytime! (0:17:14.28)
Eiko Tokura : Are you sure? We'll make it into our hang-out. (0:17:17.62)
Kamuri Sengoku : Then can I leave some sweets there? (0:17:20.91)
Hana Ichinose : O-Of course.
You can leave whatever you like there.
Eiko Tokura : You're happy you went out of your way, right? (0:17:35.84)
Tamate Momochi : See you tomorrow! (0:17:48.02)
Eiko Tokura : See you! (0:17:49.90)
Hana Ichinose : S-See you tomorrow! (0:17:50.98)
Kamuri Sengoku : Bye-bye. (0:17:52.78)
Hana Ichinose : This is the first time friends from school
have given me a present.
Hana Ichinose : Friends... (0:18:08.38)
Shion Kyouzuka : Hana! Dinner's ready. (0:18:10.92)
Hana Ichinose : Okay! (0:18:13.21)
Hana Ichinose : It's a feast! (0:18:17.05)
Shion Kyouzuka : After all, it's a double celebration,
the first day of high school and your birthday!
Hana Ichinose : Thank you, Shion! (0:18:22.77)
Shion Kyouzuka : Come on, let's eat. (0:18:25.89)
Shion Kyouzuka : Thank you for the food! (0:18:29.11)
Hana Ichinose : Thank you for the food! (0:18:29.11)
Shion Kyouzuka : Hana... (0:18:36.11)
Shion Kyouzuka : I apologize if I'm wrong, (0:18:38.57)
Shion Kyouzuka : but have you made friends? (0:18:41.41)
Hana Ichinose : H-How did you know? (0:18:48.33)
Shion Kyouzuka : I could just tell by the way
you're enjoying dinner.
Shion Kyouzuka : I haven't seen you look like that
since you came here.
Hana Ichinose : I-Is it really written all over my face? (0:18:58.01)
Shion Kyouzuka : In capital letters! (0:19:02.18)
Hana Ichinose : By friends, I mean... It's kind of complicated. (0:19:06.02)
Hana Ichinose : I went to see the cherry blossoms
by the station with them.
Shion Kyouzuka : That sounds nice. (0:19:12.77)
Hana Ichinose : But all we did was talk and look
at the cherry blossoms. I mean...
Hana Ichinose : I don't know if it's okay
to call them my friends just from that.
Shion Kyouzuka : Of course it's okay! (0:19:24.54)
Hana Ichinose : R-Really? (0:19:26.66)
Shion Kyouzuka : This makes me really happy too. (0:19:30.25)
Shion Kyouzuka : Maybe I'll check out the cherry blossoms
by the station too...
Shion Kyouzuka : In my old high school uniform! (0:19:36.30)
Hana Ichinose : I-I think you should wear
your normal clothes for that, Shion!
EXTRA : HANA (0:19:41.26)
Shion Kyouzuka : Happy birthday, Hana! (0:19:44.47)
Hana Ichinose : Thank you, Shion! (0:19:49.56)
Shion Kyouzuka : Here. (0:19:51.65)
Shion Kyouzuka : Your birthday present. (0:19:52.90)
Hana Ichinose : C-Can I open it? (0:19:56.99)
Shion Kyouzuka : Of course! (0:19:58.11)
Hana Ichinose : An umbrella! Thank you, Shion! (0:20:00.53)
Shion Kyouzuka : Isn't it cute how it looks just like a leek? (0:20:03.87)
Hana Ichinose : L-Leek? (0:20:06.79)
Shion Kyouzuka : Here. (0:20:09.87)
EXTRA : ROAD SAFETY (0:20:10.46)
Shion Kyouzuka : They were handing them out at the station. (0:20:11.12)
Shion Kyouzuka : This way you'll be safe
going to and from school.
Hana Ichinose : W-Wow, I sure will! (0:20:16.55)
EXTRA : You made friends already? That's great! (0:20:23.18)
Hana Ichinose : Yeah. I was really nervous,
but it may turn out fine.
Hana Ichinose : Maybe... (0:20:30.60)
EXTRA : Yes, you'll be fine! You worry too much, Hana. (0:20:31.64)
EXTRA : It's getting late. (0:20:36.82)
EXTRA : It's still cold, so be sure
to keep yourself warm when you go to bed.
Hana Ichinose : I will. Tell Dad I said hi. (0:20:41.65)
Hana Ichinose : Goodnight. (0:20:44.78)
EXTRA : Goodnight. (0:20:46.24)
EXTRA : Father, Hana says she made friends. (0:20:50.12)
EXTRA : Really? She made friends, huh? (0:20:53.08)
EXTRA : Good for you, Hana. (0:20:56.04)
Shion Kyouzuka : See you later! (0:21:06.18)
Hana Ichinose : See you later. (0:21:08.14)
Tamate Momochi : Well, well, yesterday's birthday girl!
Good morning!
Eiko Tokura : Yesterday's birthday girl. Good morning. (0:21:16.82)
Kamuri Sengoku : Yesterday's birthday girl. Good morning. (0:21:20.40)
Hana Ichinose : M-Maybe they haven't remembered my name? (0:21:23.57)
Kamuri Sengoku : I'm hungry. (0:21:28.54)
Eiko Tokura : Isn't it early? (0:21:29.83)
Tamate Momochi : We've got a ways to go before lunch. (0:21:31.71)
Hana Ichinose : E-Excuse me... (0:21:32.79)
Hana Ichinose : Tama! Eiko! Kamuri! (0:21:34.67)
Hana Ichinose : I-I'm Hana Ichinose! (0:21:37.42)
Hana Ichinose : Again, it's nice to meet you! (0:21:39.42)
Tamate Momochi : Oh, that's right! Hana! (0:23:14.22)
Kamuri Sengoku : It was the impact of your birthday... (0:23:16.73)
Eiko Tokura : No, we knew it. (0:23:18.56)
Hana Ichinose : Hana Ichinose. (0:23:23.19)
Hana Ichinose : Seventeen years old. (0:23:24.86)
Hana Ichinose : I studied a year to get into this school,
so I'm off to a slow start...
Hana Ichinose : ...but my high school life has begun. (0:23:31.45)

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