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EXTRA : July 18, year 372 in the time
of the realm of humanity
Eugeo : Forty-seven! (0:00:16.12)
Eugeo : Fifty! (0:00:30.92)
Kirito : I only heard three good hits out of fifty. (0:00:49.11)
Kirito : Let's see, that brings it to 41 total, huh? (0:00:53.36)
Kirito : Looks like you're treating me
to the siral water today, Eugeo.
Eugeo : Says the guy who's only at 43 good hits. (0:01:04.12)
Eugeo : I'll catch up in no time. (0:01:06.92)
Eugeo : Come on, it's your turn... (0:01:08.68)
Eugeo : Kirito. (0:01:11.21)
Kirito : Yeah, yeah. (0:01:12.41)
Kirito : One year and three months. (0:01:16.22)
Kirito : After swinging that ax this much every day... (0:01:18.71)
Kirito : I can't take much more of this. (0:01:22.77)
Eugeo : There's no point complaining. (0:01:24.60)
Eugeo : After all, it's our Calling
to cut down the Gigas Cedar.
Kirito : Sure, I know that, but there's no sense
of accomplishment in this job.
Kirito : Let's see. How much was its life before this? (0:01:39.49)
Eugeo : Something like 235,590. (0:01:43.08)
Kirito : A measly 50! (0:01:48.17)
Kirito : After toiling away for two months,
just a measly 50 out of 235,000-something?
Kirito : We could keep going forever
and never cut it down!
Eugeo : Well, it is a tree that's renowned
for its steel-like durability.
Eugeo : The six generations of carvers before us
worked on it for 300 years.
Eugeo : So it should take another 18 generations...
about 900 years.
Kirito : Listen, you... (0:02:10.02)
Eugeo : Ouch. (0:02:18.07)
Kirito : Why are you such a goody-goody? (0:02:20.20)
Kirito : Figure out how to deal
with this unfair role of ours instead!
Eugeo : Wh-What are you doing? (0:02:26.45)
Eugeo : D-Darn you! (0:02:28.97)
Eugeo : Let's see how you like it! (0:02:31.79)
Eugeo : Why, you— (0:02:34.09)
Eugeo : All right, do you give up? (0:02:36.80)
Kirito : Now you've done it! (0:02:38.61)
Kirito : Take that! (0:02:41.05)
Kirito : Payback time! (0:02:42.60)
Kirito : - Cut it out, Kirito!
- How about here!
Alice Zuberg : - Cut it out, Kirito!
- How about here!
Alice Zuberg : Hey! I caught you slacking off again,
didn't I?
Kirito : Crap. (0:02:51.48)
Eugeo : H-Hey, Alice. (0:02:53.69)
Kirito : Y-You're done with your sacred arts class? (0:02:56.40)
Kirito : I mean, you're pretty early today. (0:02:59.45)
Alice Zuberg : I'm not early at all. (0:03:02.62)
Alice Zuberg : It's the same time as always. (0:03:04.53)
Alice Zuberg : Since you have enough energy to wrestle, (0:03:08.37)
Alice Zuberg : maybe I should tell Old Man Garitta
to increase your cutting quota?
Kirito : N-No, anything but that! (0:03:16.21)
Alice Zuberg : I'm only kidding. (0:03:18.54)
Alice Zuberg : Now then... (0:03:20.67)
Alice Zuberg : ...let's have lunch. (0:03:23.14)
Alice Zuberg : It's hot today... (0:03:28.18)
Alice Zuberg : eat fast before it all spoils, okay? (0:03:32.69)
Kirito : - Right!
- Right!
Eugeo : - Right!
- Right!
Eugeo : The pie sure tastes awesome today! (0:03:39.44)
Kirito : Your cooking skills are really improving, Alice! (0:03:43.49)
Alice Zuberg : Y-You really think so?
I felt like it was still missing something.
Kirito : Still... This lunch is so tasty,
I wish we could've taken our time enjoying it.
Kirito : Why does the heat make it spoil so quickly? (0:04:01.51)
Eugeo : What do you mean, why? (0:04:04.34)
Kirito : During the winter we can leave
salted raw meat outside and it'll keep for days.
Eugeo : Sure, because it's cold during the winter. (0:04:10.89)
Kirito : That's right. So if we keep it cold,
our lunch will last longer, even at this time of year.
Eugeo : Are you going to use the forbidden
weather-altering arts to make it snow?
Eugeo : An Integrity Knight from the Axiom Church would
show up before you could blink and spirit you away.
Kirito : Ice. (0:04:36.54)
Kirito : We could keep our food cold enough
if we had lots of ice.
Kirito : And then we could enjoy these delicious lunches
for as long as we want!
Kirito : That's it! Ice! (0:04:46.51)
Kirito : Let's go search for ice! (0:04:49.05)
Alice Zuberg : Listen, you... (0:04:50.68)
Alice Zuberg : It's summer. Where would we find ice? (0:04:52.18)
Alice Zuberg : I'm sure there isn't even any
in the Centoria market.
Kirito : Hey... (0:05:06.57)
Kirito : Do you remember the story
about the hero Bercouli?
Alice Zuberg : Which one? (0:05:12.08)
Kirito : You know. (0:05:13.20)
Kirito : "Bercouli and the Northern White Dragon." (0:05:15.04)
Kirito : The hero, Bercouli,
followed the Rul River to the north.
Kirito : Inside a cave in the End Mountains, he found
a huge white dragon asleep atop a pile of treasure.
Kirito : He took hold of a beautiful sword
in the treasure, but the instant he did...
Kirito : According to the story, he found giant icicles
hanging just inside the cave, right?
Kirito : So if we break some off... (0:05:44.03)
Eugeo : Look, you... (0:05:45.49)
Alice Zuberg : That's not a bad idea. (0:05:46.74)
Eugeo : Come on! You do know, don't you?
Under the laws of the village...
Alice Zuberg : The village law forbids any child unaccompanied
by an adult from playing in the End Mountains.
Alice Zuberg : But searching for ice doesn't count as playing. (0:05:59.00)
Alice Zuberg : If it means extending the life of our meals,
it will benefit the villagers, won't it?
Alice Zuberg : So this should be interpreted as work. (0:06:07.74)
Kirito : I agree. (0:06:11.68)
Kirito : You're absolutely right. (0:06:13.01)
Eugeo : Yeah, but going to the End Mountains
isn't just against village law,
Eugeo : it's forbidden by "that," right? (0:06:19.06)
Kirito : "That"? (0:06:20.98)
Eugeo : You know what I mean. (0:06:22.10)
Eugeo : The Taboo Index, of course. (0:06:23.75)
Eugeo : We can't just violate the Taboo Index, can we? (0:06:26.40)
Alice Zuberg : Eugeo, this is what it says in the Index. (0:06:31.03)
Alice Zuberg : Taboo Index, Book One,
Chapter Three, Verse Eleven.
Alice Zuberg : "Thou shalt not cross the End Mountains
that encircle the Human Empire."
Alice Zuberg : By "cross," it means entering the Dark Territory
on the other side of the End Mountains.
Alice Zuberg : That doesn't include entering the cave. (0:06:49.59)
Eugeo : But... (0:06:52.01)
Eugeo : Ouch! (0:06:54.68)
Kirito : All right, it's settled! Our next day off
will be spent looking for the white dragon...
Kirito : no, I mean the ice cave! (0:06:58.98)
Alice Zuberg : Yeah! (0:07:02.07)
Alice Zuberg : Okay, then we'll meet at the North Gate at 7:00 AM. (0:07:03.44)
Kirito : Right! And don't oversleep! (0:07:05.77)
Alice Zuberg : Right back at you! (0:07:07.99)
EXTRA : July 21, year 372 in the time
of the realm of humanity
Kirito : Jeez. Making us carry everything... (0:07:16.95)
Eugeo : Well, you shouldn't complain. (0:07:21.71)
Eugeo : I mean, we might not get to go out with Alice
like this much longer.
Eugeo : Since Alice is the daughter of the village elder, (0:07:28.63)
Eugeo : I'm sure she'll get even more tied up
with her studies.
Kirito : Well, the reason
she hasn't been given a Calling
Kirito : is so she can study
how to hone her sacred arts skills.
Eugeo : And she might be forbidden
from playing with boys too,
Eugeo : to act as a role model
for the other villagers.
Alice Zuberg : Hey! (0:07:47.73)
Alice Zuberg : What are you two whispering about? (0:07:49.07)
Kirito : U-Uh, nothing! Right? (0:07:52.28)
Eugeo : Yeah. (0:07:54.41)
Eugeo : We were just saying, we have to head back
to the village before the evening bell.
Alice Zuberg : Oh? (0:08:00.08)
Alice Zuberg : That's true. (0:08:01.16)
Alice Zuberg : Then let's turn back
when Solus reaches the middle of the sky.
Alice Zuberg : Now that that's settled, let's hurry! (0:08:07.50)
Kirito : By the way, did you know? (0:08:19.77)
Kirito : When this village was first founded, (0:08:22.77)
Kirito : occasionally evil spirits like goblins or orcs
would come from beyond the mountains,
Kirito : and steal sheep or spirit away children! (0:08:30.36)
Alice Zuberg : What? Are you trying to scare me? (0:08:33.61)
Alice Zuberg : I know about that. (0:08:36.37)
Alice Zuberg : In the end, the Integrity Knights came from Centoria
and drove them away, right?
Kirito : Ever since then, on sunny days, (0:08:42.20)
Kirito : you can see a Silver Dragon Knight
soaring far above the End Mountains!
Alice Zuberg : There's no way... right? (0:09:00.68)
Alice Zuberg : A cave... (0:09:21.74)
Alice Zuberg : Is this the cave in the End Mountains? (0:09:23.87)
Alice Zuberg : Well, we have no choice but to go in now, right? (0:09:34.30)
Alice Zuberg : System Call. (0:09:39.55)
Alice Zuberg : Generate Luminous Element. (0:09:41.13)
Alice Zuberg : Adhere! (0:09:43.35)
Eugeo : Hey, didn't you say that
the icicles were hanging just inside the cave?
Kirito : Did I say that? (0:10:00.78)
Eugeo : You did! (0:10:02.33)
Alice Zuberg : Eugeo? (0:10:08.79)
Alice Zuberg : Bring the light a little closer. (0:10:12.00)
Alice Zuberg : See? You saw that, didn't you? (0:10:21.80)
Kirito : Seriously? No wonder it feels colder now. (0:10:24.27)
Alice Zuberg : It's summer outside,
but it's winter inside this cave.
Alice Zuberg : I'm sure there's ice, too! (0:10:32.23)
Eugeo : Yeah. Let's go a little farther in. (0:10:34.36)
Alice Zuberg : Hey, what are we going to do
if we really come across a white dragon?
Eugeo : We'll have to run, of course. (0:10:41.62)
Kirito : Don't worry. The white dragon won't mind
if we just take some icicles.
Kirito : But it would be great
to grab at least one scale...
Eugeo : Hey, what are you thinking? (0:10:54.55)
Kirito : Because if we can bring home proof
that we saw a real dragon...
Eugeo : Hey, it's ice! (0:11:07.56)
Eugeo : There's ice! There's ice here! (0:11:08.64)
Eugeo : I bet there's more up ahead! (0:11:11.90)
Eugeo : That's... (0:11:22.70)
Alice Zuberg : This much ice should be enough
to keep all the food in the village cold.
Kirito : Are you kidding? (0:11:49.27)
Kirito : We could make it winter
in the village for a while!
Eugeo : - Hey, don't stop all of a sudden!
- What is this?
Kirito : - Hey, don't stop all of a sudden!
- What is this?
Kirito : Just what is... (0:12:00.24)
Kirito : ...this? (0:12:02.86)
Eugeo : The bones of the white dragon? (0:12:08.24)
Alice Zuberg : It died? (0:12:10.87)
Kirito : Hey... (0:12:16.04)
Kirito : This is all scratched up. (0:12:17.42)
Kirito : And the tip's been cut off cleanly. (0:12:19.38)
Alice Zuberg : Was it fighting with something? (0:12:21.84)
Alice Zuberg : But what living creature could kill a dragon? (0:12:23.88)
Kirito : These are blade marks. (0:12:27.97)
Kirito : This dragon was killed by a human. (0:12:30.93)
Alice Zuberg : B-But... (0:12:35.15)
Alice Zuberg : ...even the hero Bercouli
only managed to get away.
Alice Zuberg : An Integrity Knight? (0:12:43.78)
Alice Zuberg : Don't tell me that an Integrity Knight
from the Axiom Church
Alice Zuberg : killed a white dragon,
a protector of the realm of humanity?
Eugeo : I don't know. (0:12:54.21)
Eugeo : There might be really powerful knights
in the Dark Territory, too.
Eugeo : But if there are, then the forces of darkness
could just cross over the End Mountains.
Eugeo : What are you doing, Kirito? (0:13:06.76)
Kirito : This is really heavy! (0:13:09.72)
Alice Zuberg : Could this possibly be... (0:13:13.14)
Kirito : Yeah. What Bercouli supposedly tried to steal. (0:13:15.01)
Kirito : It must be the Blue Rose Sword. (0:13:19.86)
Kirito : No good. It's too heavy. (0:13:30.62)
Kirito : Even Eugeo and I together couldn't carry it out. (0:13:34.46)
Kirito : Looks like there are all kinds of treasure, too. (0:13:39.04)
Alice Zuberg : Yeah. But we can't just take them, can we? (0:13:42.76)
Alice Zuberg : That would be like grave robbing. (0:13:47.59)
Kirito : But the White Dragon won't mind
if it's just some ice, right?
Alice Zuberg : So pretty! (0:13:57.19)
Alice Zuberg : What a waste,
bringing it back just to have it melt.
Kirito : But if it means our meals will last longer,
what does it matter?
Alice Zuberg : You mean everybody's meals, right? (0:14:05.78)
Eugeo : We'd better get going,
or we won't make it back by evening.
Alice Zuberg : You're right. (0:14:12.79)
Alice Zuberg : Hey... (0:14:17.92)
Alice Zuberg : which way did we come in from? (0:14:19.08)
Alice Zuberg : We've been walking a long time now. (0:14:26.67)
Alice Zuberg : Do you think maybe
we came from the opposite direction?
Kirito : You're the one who picked this path
because you thought it was closer.
Alice Zuberg : Did you say something? (0:14:37.60)
Kirito : No, nothing! (0:14:38.85)
Alice Zuberg : Is that the wind? (0:14:48.49)
Eugeo : We're almost outside! (0:14:49.86)
Eugeo : We picked the right path! (0:14:51.80)
Alice Zuberg : Hey! You'll fall if you run in a place like this! (0:14:53.85)
Eugeo : There's the exit! (0:15:06.55)
Kirito : This is... (0:15:23.23)
Alice Zuberg : ...the Dark Territory. (0:15:25.23)
Eugeo : We can't go any farther. (0:15:30.57)
Alice Zuberg : Dragon Knights... (0:15:44.38)
Kirito : The white one... (0:15:46.13)
Kirito : Is that an Axiom Church Integrity Knight? (0:15:48.13)
Eugeo : So the black one's from the forces of darkness? (0:15:51.39)
Kirito : No! (0:16:57.45)
Eugeo : Alice! (0:17:11.59)
Alice Zuberg : Taboo Index, Book One,
Chapter Three, Verse Eleven.
Alice Zuberg : "Thou shalt not cross the End Mountains
that encircle the Human Empire."
Kirito : Alice! (0:17:33.82)
Alice Zuberg : I-I... (0:17:38.16)
Eugeo : I-It's all right, Alice. (0:17:39.74)
Eugeo : It's not like you left the cave.
Right? Isn't that right, Kirito?
Eugeo : Kirito? (0:17:47.12)
Eugeo : What's that? (0:17:55.42)
EXTRA : Singular unit detected. (0:17:56.43)
EXTRA : Tracing ID. (0:17:59.09)
EXTRA : Coordinates fixed. (0:18:01.14)
EXTRA : Report complete. (0:18:03.14)
Eugeo : It's gone? (0:18:07.31)
Eugeo : What was that just now? (0:18:08.69)
Kirito : I don't know. (0:18:10.32)
Kirito : Let's just head back! (0:18:11.73)
Kirito : All right, let's go home. (0:18:31.13)
Alice Zuberg : Right. (0:18:36.84)
Alice Zuberg : Okay, I'm going to go put this
in the basement.
Eugeo : Okay. (0:18:41.26)
Kirito : See you. (0:18:42.26)
Alice Zuberg : Look forward to tomorrow's lunch, okay? (0:18:51.23)
Kirito : Sure! (0:18:54.57)
Eugeo : S-Sure. (0:18:55.48)
Eugeo : Alice... (0:19:20.30)
Eugeo : Don't go! Alice! (0:19:26.43)
Eugeo : Alice! (0:19:30.39)
Eugeo : Hey, Kirito! (0:20:07.72)
Kirito : Yeah. It's the Integrity Knight from yesterday. (0:20:09.39)
Kirito : No way! Alice... (0:20:13.69)
Eugeo : It can't be. (0:20:16.40)
Eugeo : Just for something like that? (0:20:18.40)
Kirito : Let's go! (0:20:22.45)
Eugeo : Hey! (0:20:24.74)
Eugeo : Alice! (0:20:44.55)
Alice Zuberg : Kirito! Eugeo! (0:20:47.14)
Kirito : Quiet. (0:20:48.56)
Kirito : You'd better get away while you can. (0:20:50.22)
Alice Zuberg : Father! (0:20:59.02)
Gasuft Zuberg : I serve as the village elder.
My name is Zuberg.
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : I am the Axiom Church Integrity Knight
overseeing northern Norlangarth,
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : Deusolbert Synthesis Seven. (0:21:16.25)
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : For her crimes against the Taboo Index,
the child of Gasfut Zuberg, Alice Zuberg,
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : will now be apprehended, taken in,
and, after questioning, executed.
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : The charge is Taboo Index, Book One,
Chapter Three, Verse Eleven,
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : trespassing into the Dark Territory. (0:21:37.98)
Kirito : Sir Knight! (0:22:01.67)
Kirito : A-Alice never went into the Dark Territory! (0:22:03.80)
Kirito : She just touched the ground with one hand
for a second!
Kirito : That's all she did! (0:22:11.14)
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : What more do you think she had to do? (0:22:12.72)
Kirito : Th-Then we're just as guilty as she is! (0:22:16.19)
Kirito : We were there in that same place! (0:22:19.04)
Kirito : If you're taking her, then take us, too! (0:22:21.15)
Kirito : Eugeo... listen. (0:22:26.90)
Kirito : I'm going to swing the ax at him. (0:22:29.24)
Kirito : You grab Alice then and run! (0:22:31.37)
Eugeo : K-Kirito... but that's... (0:22:33.74)
Kirito : Who cares about taboos? (0:22:36.37)
Kirito : Are you saying they're more important
than Alice's life?
Eugeo : Kirito! (0:23:01.52)
Deusolbert Synthesis Seven : Escort those two kids from the square. (0:23:03.48)
Kirito : Dammit! (0:23:07.86)
Kirito : Eugeo, please! Go after her! (0:23:18.91)
Kirito : Eugeo! At least get these guys off me! Then I'll... (0:23:40.73)
Kirito : Eugeo! (0:23:44.65)
Kirito : Alice! (0:24:13.64)
EXTRA : Underworld (0:24:35.99)
EXTRA : Saturday, June 27, 2026 (0:24:41.46)
Klein : This is a fully-automatic Tanegashima! (0:25:37.51)
Lisbeth : You dirty PK jerks, how do you like this? (0:25:43.81)
Klein : Damn! (0:26:04.12)
Sinon : You're up! I'll cover you! (0:26:08.17)
EXTRA : Photon Swords? (0:26:39.07)
EXTRA : Teams B and C,
head to Grid 4-6 to back up Team A.
EXTRA : You have permission to use grenades. (0:26:45.87)
EXTRA : Hey, Boss, can I go too? (0:26:47.75)
EXTRA : It's probably too late for that. (0:26:50.54)
EXTRA : Just sit back and watch. (0:26:53.84)
Asuna Yuuki : Leave this to me! (0:27:17.65)
Kirito : Again? (0:27:43.60)
EXTRA : Time's up, huh? (0:27:49.31)
EXTRA : All teams, retreat. (0:27:51.94)
EXTRA : Move away from Grid 1-9. (0:27:54.11)
EXTRA : That would've been
the last prey for today, right?
EXTRA : You sure you want to end on a loss, Boss? (0:28:01.78)
EXTRA : Battling an irregular squadron like that
won't do much good, training-wise.
EXTRA : We wouldn't want any negative effects
to carry over into the actual operation.
EXTRA : Let's go. (0:28:14.13)
EXTRA : Till next time. (0:28:20.34)
Klein : Man, I'd heard the rumors,
but GGO sure is a hardcore game.
Klein : I mean, you're allowed to PK all you want
wherever you are on the field!
Sinon : Yeah, but even with no-holds-barred PK-ing,
that squadron we just fought was an anomaly.
Sinon : Normally, you'd PK for money or items... (0:28:42.66)
Kirito : But those guys only seemed to be
focused on killing us.
Kirito : They were tossing grenades and smoke
without restraint.
Kirito : Wouldn't that put them in the red? (0:28:52.87)
Sinon : Probably. But they're always like that
whenever they show up.
Sinon : They attack squadrons that are left isolated
on the field, massacre them,
Sinon : then vanish without even looting items. (0:29:03.59)
Asuna Yuuki : Is it true they have a 100% win rate? (0:29:06.09)
Sinon : As far as I know, yes. (0:29:09.64)
Sinon : So... (0:29:11.93)
Sinon : I thought we could win
if we went after them in a really unusual style.
Sinon : That's why I asked you all for your help. (0:29:17.06)
Sinon : Sorry. My plan had too many holes. (0:29:19.61)
Sinon : I never thought they'd just retreat like that! (0:29:22.93)
Klein : But hey, it's not a defeat, right? (0:29:25.61)
Klein : Nah, they're the ones who ran,
so it's the same as a win!
Lisbeth : Not that we have any idea who they really are,
or what they're after.
Klein : Well, that's just... um... (0:29:36.38)
Asuna Yuuki : I wish we could've
at least found out their leader's name.
Silica : It wasn't even clear which one of them
was the leader, though, was it?
Lisbeth : Hey! Don't crash out like that! (0:29:49.43)
Asuna Yuuki : He said he's been taking time off from school
since Thursday, touring companies.
Sinon : He's probably tangled up
in some bizarre business again, huh?
Sinon : You guys, thank you so much
for helping me out.
Klein : Hey, no biggie! (0:30:06.70)
Klein : Later! (0:30:08.91)
Silica : I had fun! (0:30:09.87)
Lisbeth : See you! (0:30:11.57)
Asuna Yuuki : All right, I'm off, too. (0:30:13.87)
Sinon : Um... Asuna. (0:30:15.00)
Asuna Yuuki : What is it? (0:30:16.58)
Sinon : There's actually something I need your help with. (0:30:17.33)
Asuna Yuuki : You mean with the PK squadron? (0:30:20.50)
Sinon : Actually, it's something else. (0:30:22.09)
Sinon : Could you and Kirito meet with me
on the other side tomorrow?
EXTRA : Coming at the end of 2026 (0:30:27.91)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's see... the evening should be okay. (0:30:31.68)
Asuna Yuuki : Is Agil's shop all right with you? (0:30:35.73)
Sinon : Of course. (0:30:37.35)
Sinon : Oh, I'll email you the gist of what
I'm going to ask you. Read it over, okay?
Asuna Yuuki : Roger that! (0:30:43.53)
EXTRA : Saturday, June 28, 2026 (0:30:50.24)
Shino Asada : Hey, did you lose more weight? (0:30:51.70)
Kirito : You think so? (0:30:53.99)
Kirito : Never mind that. (0:30:56.25)
Kirito : Didn't you want to ask me something? (0:30:57.87)
Kirito : Is it about BoB? (0:31:00.04)
Shino Asada : Yeah. (0:31:02.17)
Shino Asada : There's a player named Subtilizer
who won BoB IV.
Shino Asada : He also won the very first one. (0:31:07.51)
Shino Asada : We were all so fired up, you know. (0:31:12.51)
Shino Asada : About getting the chance
to face the legendary Subtilizer.
Kirito : From what I could tell from the live feed,
he's got a silent, matter-of-fact fighting style.
Kirito : It seemed similar to the vibe I was getting
from yesterday's PK squadron.
Shino Asada : Hey, now that you mention it, it is. (0:31:27.28)
Shino Asada : The only difference is that
Subtilizer's on a whole other level.
Shino Asada : It was the same with me, too, but... (0:31:35.66)
Shino Asada : He read my every move,
and forced me into extreme close combat.
Shino Asada : I was killed
before I could even aim my gun.
Kirito : That's incredible. (0:31:45.09)
Kirito : To be able to anticipate the moves
of BoB veterans.
Shino Asada : After playing enough to be considered a veteran,
you find yourself bound by theory,
Shino Asada : so it might be easy to recognize patterns
in our movements.
Shino Asada : Which brings me to my request. (0:31:59.23)
Shino Asada : The way I see it, a player who acts totally off-script
might be able to outmaneuver Subtilizer.
Shino Asada : It may be a little early, but I'd like your help
in the fifth one at the end of the year.
Shino Asada : That's why I've asked you here today. (0:32:14.28)
Kirito : Huh? (0:32:17.29)
Shino Asada : Whoever we're up against,
we're definitely going to win the next one!
Shino Asada : Whatever it takes! (0:32:22.04)
Kirito : Looks like you're pretty much over it now. (0:32:24.88)
Shino Asada : It isn't like I'm not scared at all,
but I'm getting better.
Kirito : By the way, how's he doing? (0:32:34.51)
Shino Asada : Shinkawa is... (0:32:38.72)
Shino Asada : Yeah, his condition's starting to stabilize. (0:32:41.06)
Shino Asada : I'm planning to visit him again soon. (0:32:44.36)
Kirito : I see. (0:32:47.69)
Kirito : Then that means the Death Gun incident
is wrapped up now, huh?
Shino Asada : Although there's still one perp on the run. (0:32:55.07)
Kirito : Kikuoka said it's just a matter of time
before he's arrested, too.
Shino Asada : Yeah. I guess so. (0:33:02.73)
Asuna Yuuki : Hello! (0:33:05.46)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey, there, Shino-non! (0:33:07.84)
Kirito : A-Asuna! (0:33:09.17)
Shino Asada : Hello, Asuna! (0:33:10.88)
Asuna Yuuki : About BoB V, it's okay with me! (0:33:14.01)
Kirito : You asked Asuna, too? (0:33:16.93)
Shino Asada : Yes. I was a little nervous that
you'd spin out of control on your own,
Shino Asada : so partly to serve as your limiter... (0:33:23.31)
Asuna Yuuki : Hey, Kirito. (0:33:27.06)
Asuna Yuuki : You've lost weight, haven't you? (0:33:29.57)
Kirito : You think so? (0:33:32.40)
Shino Asada : You see? Even Asuna thinks so! (0:33:33.90)
Asuna Yuuki : It's because of your part-time job, isn't it? (0:33:36.87)
Asuna Yuuki : Really. Overdoing it again. (0:33:38.99)
Asuna Yuuki : It doesn't seem to be
affecting you physically, but...
Shino Asada : What are you looking at? (0:33:44.83)
Shino Asada : What's this? (0:33:48.17)
Kirito : Don't stare at it like that. (0:33:50.50)
Shino Asada : Hold on, is this Kirito's... (0:33:53.55)
Asuna Yuuki : You guessed right! (0:33:55.97)
Shino Asada : B-But how does that work? (0:33:57.34)
Kirito : I have a miniature sensor implanted right here. (0:34:00.39)
Kirito : It sends information more or less in real time
over the internet to Asuna's smartphone.
Shino Asada : Wh-Wh-Why would you... (0:34:11.19)
Shino Asada : It wouldn't be an anti-cheating system,
would it?
Asuna Yuuki : - No, no!
- It's not!
Kirito : - No, no!
- It's not!
Kirito : They recommended it to me
when I started at my current part-time job.
Kirito : Because it would be a hassle
to stick electrodes on me every time.
Kirito : And when I told Asuna about it,
she started using it for this.
Asuna Yuuki : Well, looking at it
really sets my mind at ease.
Asuna Yuuki : To see that Kirito's heart is beating. (0:34:35.47)
Asuna Yuuki : It makes me trip a little, you know! (0:34:38.59)
Shino Asada : That doesn't sound very good, Asuna. (0:34:43.72)
Shino Asada : Anyway, having you on my side
gives me an edge.
Shino Asada : It's like having a heavy machine gun
in a pillbox!
Asuna Yuuki : You won't be sorry you picked me! (0:34:53.31)
Shino Asada : Now, then... (0:34:57.24)
Shino Asada : Let's hear about your sketchy new job. (0:34:58.74)
Shino Asada : Though I'm sure it's as an alpha tester
for some new VRMMO game.
Kirito : What I'm testing isn't a game app. (0:35:07.96)
Kirito : It's a brain-machine interface
for a new full-dive system.
Kirito : It's being developed by Rath. (0:35:15.76)
Shino Asada : I've never heard of that company. (0:35:18.17)
Asuna Yuuki : That's the name of an imaginary creature
that appears in Through the Looking-Glass .
Asuna Yuuki : Some say it's a pig,
while others say it's a turtle.
Shino Asada : So they're going to release
a next-generation full-dive machine?
Kirito : I don't know about that. (0:35:33.94)
Kirito : In the first place, it's completely different
from the current full-dive tech.
Shino Asada : Different? What's the in-game world like? (0:35:40.49)
Kirito : I don't actually know. (0:35:45.29)
Kirito : I'm sure it's for the sake of confidentiality, (0:35:48.29)
Kirito : but any of the memories
the machine creates in this VR world,
Kirito : I can't bring back to the real world. (0:35:54.46)
Kirito : Whatever I saw during the tests,
whatever I did,
Kirito : I've forgotten every last detail. (0:36:00.59)
Shino Asada : Forgotten every last detail? (0:36:04.60)
Shino Asada : Don't tell me it's the same as the Augma? (0:36:06.77)
Kirito : Uh... no, it's not! (0:36:12.77)
Kirito : It doesn't put any stress on your brain
like the Augma did.
Kirito : It's just that I can't remember,
since the Fluctlight is blocking the path.
Shino Asada : Fluct...? (0:36:22.49)
Kirito : Should I explain the general concept? (0:36:25.08)
Kirito : About this machine...
the Soul Translator technology?
Kirito : Where do you think the human soul is located? (0:36:34.96)
Shino Asada : Soul? (0:36:37.67)
Shino Asada : In your head... the brain, right? (0:36:38.76)
Kirito : The brain is more or less
a clump of brain cells, right?
Kirito : So where among the brain cells
does the soul exist?
Kirito : All cells, including brain cells,
are supported by a structural network.
Kirito : Apparently, they're called microtubules. (0:36:55.65)
Kirito : Tubes. In other words, hollow pipes. (0:36:59.15)
Kirito : And there's something
sealed inside those hollow pipes.
Shino Asada : What's inside them? (0:37:06.70)
Kirito : Light. (0:37:09.50)
Kirito : Light. A fluctuating light photon. (0:37:11.16)
Kirito : And that's what comprises the human soul,
according to Rath.
Asuna Yuuki : You mean that cluster of light is the human soul? (0:37:17.84)
Kirito : And at Rath, this thing that might be
the human soul is known as...
Kirito : The Fluctlight. (0:37:33.39)
Asuna Yuuki : So the machine that reads Fluctlights
is called the Soul Translator?
Asuna Yuuki : But you could do the opposite as well, right? (0:37:41.36)
Shino Asada : Opposite? (0:37:43.77)
Asuna Yuuki : The Amusphere allows us
to experience the virtual world
Asuna Yuuki : by sending visual and audio signals
to the brain, right?
Asuna Yuuki : So couldn't the Soul Translator send information
to the soul in the same way?
Kirito : Yeah, that's right. (0:37:58.59)
Kirito : The Soul Translator, (0:38:00.50)
Kirito : or STL, writes short-term memories
onto the Fluctlight to insert information
Kirito : of the sights or sounds
it wants us to experience.
Kirito : Apparently, it's called mnemonic visual data. (0:38:11.39)
Kirito : I have memories of my test dives
at the very beginning,
Kirito : but it was different. (0:38:20.27)
Kirito : It was completely different. (0:38:21.69)
Kirito : Nothing like the VR world
created by the Amusphere.
Kirito : At first, I couldn't even tell it was a virtual world. (0:38:27.62)
Asuna Yuuki : But is it really safe? (0:38:31.87)
Asuna Yuuki : It scares me. (0:38:35.46)
Asuna Yuuki : It was Mr. Kikuoka of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
who offered you that job, wasn't it?
Kirito : It's true that I have to be on my guard
around that guy.
Kirito : But I want to know. (0:38:48.76)
Kirito : Where full-dive technology is headed. (0:38:52.01)
Kirito : I have a feeling. (0:38:55.89)
Kirito : There's something about the STL. (0:38:57.44)
Kirito : I mean, sure, terms like "Fluctlights"
and "mnemonic visual" sound complicated.
Kirito : But the world created by the STL
is like a realistic dream.
Asuna Yuuki : A dream? (0:39:10.07)
Kirito : For example,
you have long dreams sometimes, right?
Kirito : And when you wake up, it feels like
you've been dreaming for two or three hours.
Kirito : But chances are, you've actually
only been dreaming for a few minutes.
Kirito : The STL creates the same kind of phenomenon. (0:39:25.13)
Shino Asada : Um... (0:39:28.51)
Kirito : The same way that humans see dreams
spanning several hours in a matter of minutes,
Kirito : you can also experience the virtual world
several times longer than the actual dive time.
Kirito : That's the STL's featured function. (0:39:40.06)
Kirito : Fluctlight Acceleration. (0:39:43.07)
Kirito : FLA for short. (0:39:45.53)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm so confused. (0:39:49.66)
Shino Asada : So during the three days you were diving,
about how much time did you spend inside?
Kirito : I'm not sure. (0:39:58.37)
Kirito : I don't remember
whether it was ten days or a month.
Kirito : The only thing they told me was the code name
of the experimental virtual world.
Shino Asada : What's it called? (0:40:10.89)
Kirito : The Underworld. (0:40:12.22)
Shino Asada : Under... an underground world? (0:40:13.60)
Asuna Yuuki : You know, that could be from Alice too. (0:40:16.10)
Asuna Yuuki : See, that was what the manuscript version
of Alice in Wonderland was called.
Asuna Yuuki : The original title was
Alice's Adventures Under Ground .
Shino Asada : Is something wrong? (0:40:31.32)
Kirito : Well, when I heard the name Alice,
it felt like a memory was about to surface.
Shino Asada : Does that mean... (0:40:38.08)
Kirito : It's like... (0:40:40.21)
Kirito : It's like there's something
I need to do right away.
Shino Asada : We'll be back soon, Agil! (0:40:50.76)
Agil : Right. (0:40:53.14)
Shino Asada : Okay, I'll be in touch again about BoB. (0:41:00.48)
Shino Asada : Thanks for coming today. (0:41:03.83)
Asuna Yuuki : Sure! See you, Shino-non! (0:41:05.61)
Shino Asada : Later, Asuna. (0:41:07.82)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's go. (0:41:10.65)
Asuna Yuuki : What's wrong? (0:41:13.57)
Kirito : N-Nothing. Let's go. (0:41:15.20)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito? (0:41:35.22)
Kirito : Asuna. (0:41:39.72)
Kirito : I'm thinking of going after all. (0:41:42.69)
Asuna Yuuki : America? (0:41:45.35)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:41:46.48)
Kirito : The next generation full-dive tech research
is more advanced over there.
Kirito : I have to see it. (0:41:53.20)
Kirito : The moment the next world is created. (0:41:55.20)
Asuna Yuuki : It wasn't all just fun and games. (0:41:59.62)
Asuna Yuuki : There was so much pain and sadness, too,
wasn't there?
Asuna Yuuki : Of course you want to find out
why that castle summoned you,
Asuna Yuuki : and where it all leads. (0:42:09.80)
Kirito : Not even living several centuries
would be long enough to find that out.
Kirito : So... (0:42:17.22)
Kirito : I-I want... (0:42:19.06)
Kirito : I want you to come with me, Asuna. (0:42:21.18)
Kirito : I know that's asking a lot. (0:42:25.06)
Kirito : But even still, I... (0:42:27.52)
Kirito : I can't live without you! (0:42:31.69)
Asuna Yuuki : Of course I'll go. With you. (0:42:40.12)
Asuna Yuuki : I'll go wherever you go. No matter where! (0:42:43.20)
Kirito : Asuna... (0:42:46.79)
Asuna Yuuki : But don't you want to research
the Soul Translator?
Asuna Yuuki : It's a next-generation interface, too, right? (0:43:03.85)
Kirito : I'm not sure about that. (0:43:07.06)
Kirito : I have a feeling it's not just a machine
that enables people to full-dive into virtual worlds.
Asuna Yuuki : Then what is it? (0:43:15.44)
Kirito : It might be a machine for learning more
about Fluctlights... about human consciousness.
Kirito : And also... (0:43:23.16)
Kirito : I think the STL is an extension of his...
of Heathcliff's philosophy.
Asuna Yuuki : The commander's? (0:43:31.25)
Kirito : Why that guy used the NerveGear
and SAO to cause thousands of casualties,
Kirito : why he burned out his own brain, (0:43:39.01)
Kirito : and on top of that scattered something
like the Seed all over the place...
Kirito : I guess I do want to find out,
but I don't want that to be my career path.
Kirito : Because that would feel like
he was still manipulating me.
Asuna Yuuki : Didn't you have a talk
with the commander's consciousness?
Kirito : Yeah. (0:43:58.80)
Kirito : I have a feeling that the reason
he left a copy of himself behind
Kirito : has something to do with what
Rath is trying to accomplish with the STL.
Johnny Black : Excuse me! (0:44:11.42)
Johnny Black : Um, which way is the station? (0:44:13.46)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's see... (0:44:16.38)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito? (0:44:19.88)
Kirito : You were skulking around the Dicey Cafe,
weren't you?
Johnny Black : I guess an ambush isn't going to work. (0:44:25.89)
Kirito : Who are you? (0:44:28.48)
Johnny Black : Hey now, don't be like that, Kirito. (0:44:29.39)
Johnny Black : Oh wait, I always had a mask on
over there, didn't I?
Johnny Black : Now that XaXa's been caught,
I have to show some grit, right?
Johnny Black : As the last survivor of Laughing Coffin! (0:44:43.82)
Kirito : Johnny Black! (0:44:48.79)
Johnny Black : Nope! No sword there! (0:44:57.09)
Kirito : So you're still on the run? (0:45:00.51)
Johnny Black : Of course! (0:45:03.22)
Johnny Black : But really, Kirito... (0:45:05.30)
Johnny Black : Without your sword,
you're nothing but a feeble little brat, huh?
Johnny Black : I can't believe you're the same swordsman
who beat the crap out of me!
Kirito : What about you? (0:45:16.73)
Kirito : You don't have your poisoned weapon of choice. (0:45:18.22)
Johnny Black : Oh, I have it! (0:45:21.03)
Johnny Black : I have a poison weapon, all right! (0:45:22.24)
Kirito : Death Gun! (0:45:26.70)
Kirito : Asuna! Run! (0:45:35.25)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito! (0:46:02.28)
EXTRA : Next time: The Demon Tree. (0:47:36.12)

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