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EXTRA : Namu
EXTRA : Believe it or not, the world is
filled with strange phenomena
EXTRA : that science is yet to explain. (0:00:06.34)
EXTRA : And when people come face to face with them, (0:00:10.02)
EXTRA : they are helplessly thrown
into the dark depths of fear.
EXTRA : But there are those who fight every day (0:00:18.13)
EXTRA : to shine a ray of hope
into that chaotic darkness.
EXTRA : People call them... (0:00:25.51)
EXTRA : Psychics (0:00:27.70)
EXTRA : Psychics. (0:00:28.13)
Client : There's no doubt about it... (0:00:31.93)
Client : What I saw was not of this world. (0:00:34.19)
Client : I knew there was something
wrong with this property
Client : since I bought it dirt cheap. (0:00:40.05)
Client : I've never been the type to
worry about stuff like that.
Client : But fields are at their most vulnerable
in the days leading up to a harvest.
Client : So I got worried one night, (0:00:49.33)
Client : went to check on things,
and that's when I saw it.
Client : Something was wriggling back and forth,
dancing on my fields!
Client : The next morning, I found
all of my crops withered away.
Client : I only started farming to kill time,
but this has been going on for three years.
EXTRA : Amino Acid Fertilizer
{\fs14\b1\c&H457EBC&\3c&H051217&\4c&HD4D3D7&\shad3}Potting Compost
Client : It's starting to creep me out now. (0:01:10.40)
Client : My next harvest is coming up,
so that's why I gave you a call.
Client : I figured I needed the help of
someone with psychic powers.
Arataka Reigen : A wise decision, sir. (0:01:22.73)
Client : But, you see... (0:01:24.47)
Client : Next year, my idiot son will be
starting high school, so...
Client : As for your fees... (0:01:30.85)
Arataka Reigen : You don't think you can pay? (0:01:32.49)
Client : It would depend on how much, but... (0:01:34.33)
Arataka Reigen : Well, I am running a business here, (0:01:37.12)
Arataka Reigen : so I'm going to need
some form of compensation.
EXTRA : Executing the Exorcism!! (0:01:40.40)
EXTRA : We will do our best to reduce the spirit possessing you
Option A — Trial Course\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hA Mere 2,000 yen (Tax Excluded)
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hOutside Offer Period: 3,980 yen
Option B — Serious Course \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hA Mere 5,000 yen {\f
Client : Right... (0:01:42.69)
Arataka Reigen : Let's see. If I'm able to exorcise
whatever it is that's haunting your fields...
Arataka Reigen : I'll take 30 percent of your upcoming harvest! (0:01:50.95)
Client : He's okay with veggies as payment? (0:01:55.92)
Arataka Reigen : I looked into this a bit on my own, (0:01:58.94)
Arataka Reigen : but I don't see any issues
with the fertilizer or the soil.
Arataka Reigen : Meaning there's not much
I can do about this situation.
Arataka Reigen : What do you think, Mob? (0:02:06.61)
Shigeo Kageyama : Again, could you not summon me
on such short notice?
Arataka Reigen : This could be the work of
those daikon fairies.
Shigeo Kageyama : Do those even exist? (0:02:15.71)
Arataka Reigen : Did you see something move just now? (0:02:19.03)
Shigeo Kageyama : Actually... (0:02:21.91)
Shigeo Kageyama : It's rather weak,
but I do sense an aura.
EXTRA : I heard you yappin' earlier today, too. (0:02:26.33)
EXTRA : You gonna exorcise me? (0:02:28.95)
Arataka Reigen : Mob, let's take care of this quickly. (0:02:35.63)
Shigeo Kageyama : Okay. (0:02:38.58)
Arataka Reigen : Is that it? (0:02:43.56)
Shigeo Kageyama : Yes. It was just possessing the scarecrow,
so it probably couldn't do much harm.
Arataka Reigen : What the heck is that? (0:02:54.27)
Shigeo Kageyama : Oh, that would be the spirit's true form. (0:02:55.48)
Arataka Reigen : So the scarecrow was a decoy?! (0:02:57.44)
EXTRA : High-Level Spirit
Wriggle Wriggle
EXTRA : This is my land, and I won't
let anyone else have it!
Arataka Reigen : Then show me the deed! (0:03:08.72)
Arataka Reigen : Do you have any idea how hard it is
to grow crops until harvest?
Arataka Reigen : Talk about a twisted way to harass someone! (0:03:14.45)
EXTRA : It's not like I'm letting
the crops go to waste.
EXTRA : Did you actually think
that spirits can't eat?
Arataka Reigen : You guys don't need nutrients! (0:03:22.83)
EXTRA : I can absorb the lifeforce of all the crops
that grow in these fields.
EXTRA : So don't worry. They're serving
their purpose as my food.
Arataka Reigen : You wretched vegetable thief... (0:03:33.80)
Arataka Reigen : Mob! (0:03:35.56)
Arataka Reigen : Blast him! (0:03:36.39)
Shigeo Kageyama : Okay. (0:03:37.63)
EXTRA : Not bad, kid. (0:03:39.90)
EXTRA : But it appears your friend here
is as ordinary as they come.
Shigeo Kageyama : Master! (0:03:45.74)
EXTRA : I'll turn you both into fertilizer! (0:03:46.92)
EXTRA : It's no use! (0:03:53.12)
EXTRA : What you're destroying is but
a tiny portion of the plants I control.
EXTRA : But keep it up, and I'll instantly kill
your friend and rip him to pieces!
EXTRA : You're indeed a child. (0:04:09.00)
EXTRA : How naïve. You should've known
you were both going to die anyway.
Shigeo Kageyama : Since destroying the vines
doesn't hurt the spirit itself,
Shigeo Kageyama : it must not be possessing them. (0:04:21.06)
Shigeo Kageyama : It's controlling living things
like a remote control car.
Shigeo Kageyama : I've never even thought about doing that. (0:04:27.48)
Shigeo Kageyama : I wonder if I can do it, too...
The same thing as an evil spirit.
EXTRA : You brat! (0:04:41.59)
Arataka Reigen : The plants stopped moving? (0:04:50.82)
Shigeo Kageyama : I tried ordering the plants. (0:04:53.56)
Shigeo Kageyama : When I sent them a stronger signal
than the evil spirit,
Shigeo Kageyama : I was able to control them. (0:04:59.35)
Arataka Reigen : That's the correct solution.
I'm glad you were able to realize it.
EXTRA : Curse you, you brat! (0:05:07.40)
EXTRA : How dare you overwrite
my command over these plants?!
EXTRA : Damn it... You'll pay for this! (0:05:13.15)
EXTRA : Die! (0:05:17.69)
EXTRA : What?! (0:05:25.17)
Arataka Reigen : Huh? (0:05:26.17)
Shigeo Kageyama : What is that? (0:05:36.47)
Arataka Reigen : I thought I'd start a home garden. (0:05:37.97)
Arataka Reigen : If it works out, we can save money on food. (0:05:40.31)
EXTRA : Spirits and Such
Consultation Office
Arataka Reigen : The veggies we were supposed to
get as payment were a bust,
Arataka Reigen : but he gave me some soil, fertilizer,
and vegetable seeds instead.
EXTRA : 3 times a day!
Organic Fertilizer
Arataka Reigen : Oh, and here. Your pay for that last job. (0:05:51.82)
Arataka Reigen : Broccoli seeds. (0:05:55.39)
Shigeo Kageyama : I'm getting paid in kind now... (0:05:57.13)
Shigeo Kageyama : Thank you very much. (0:05:59.65)
Arataka Reigen : Oh, right. (0:06:01.16)
Arataka Reigen : I planted some cherry tomatoes in here. (0:06:02.90)
Arataka Reigen : Why don't you put some energy into it
and see if you can make them grow?
Shigeo Kageyama : Okay. (0:06:10.29)
Arataka Reigen : Whoa, that's amazing! (0:06:16.11)
Arataka Reigen : I smell a new business opportunity! (0:06:18.36)
EXTRA : If you have 3 evil spirits,
the exorcism fee on 1 of
them will be on the house!!
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThis Month Only
Arataka Reigen : Let's see... (0:06:21.15)
Arataka Reigen : It tastes like crap. (0:06:25.74)
EXTRA : Umami 0% (0:06:26.99)
Arataka Reigen : You can take these cherry
tomatoes home with you.
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? (0:06:30.28)
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? (0:06:32.70)
EXTRA : Mob Psycho (0:07:55.24)
EXTRA : Welcome, my fellow upper echelon members
of the Psycho Helmet Religion.
EXTRA : We're Looking For Our God.
The Psycho Helmet Religion
EXTRA : Let us begin our twelfth official meeting. (0:08:10.74)
EXTRA : As for today's agenda, (0:08:13.72)
EXTRA : we'll be discussing the head temple
for our Psycho Helmet Religion.
EXTRA : Actually, before we get into that,
I have a question.
EXTRA : Has there been any progress in
the search for our beloved founder?
EXTRA : He has not been found yet. (0:08:28.11)
Ichi Mezato : Many men have claimed to be the founder,
but they were all impostors.
Ichi Mezato : At the (LOL) gathering, (0:08:35.50)
Ichi Mezato : I saw his face up close,
so I'm the one verifying these claims.
Ichi Mezato : I can guarantee they are false. (0:08:40.73)
Ichi Mezato : But I promise to bring our founder
before you very soon.
Ichi Mezato : Yeah, right. I know the kid to begin with. (0:08:48.68)
Ichi Mezato : I'm going to keep riling up these believers (0:08:52.98)
Ichi Mezato : and make Mob-kun a cult star. (0:08:55.49)
Ichi Mezato : But the biggest obstacle here
is Mob-kun himself.
Ichi Mezato : Right now, there's no way
he could lead anyone.
Ichi Mezato : I need him to grow more as a person. (0:09:06.18)
Ichi Mezato : There has to be a way...
Something that'll make Mob-kun grow.
Shinji Kamuro : I... (0:09:16.25)
Shinji Kamuro : Kamuro Shinji, (0:09:17.54)
Shinji Kamuro : hereby resign from my position
as student council president as of today.
EXTRA : What? (0:09:22.75)
Shinji Kamuro : I spread false rumors about fellow students (0:09:24.76)
Shinji Kamuro : and accused them of crimes they didn't
commit, and that's why I'm resigning.
Shinji Kamuro : Therefore, an election for the next student
council president will be held very soon.
Ichi Mezato : That's it! This is perfect!
Something to help Mob-kun grow!
Ichi Mezato : But there's no reason
Mob-kun would want to run.
Ichi Mezato : How do I... (0:09:47.30)
EXTRA : I wonder who the next
president is going to be.
Tsubomi Takane : Right? (0:09:54.83)
Tsubomi Takane : I just hope they're a good person,
if nothing else.
Shigeo Kageyama : Ah, it's Tsubomi-chan. (0:09:59.98)
Shigeo Kageyama : She's as cute as ever. (0:10:02.16)
Ichi Mezato : You're staring way too hard again. (0:10:04.67)
Shigeo Kageyama : Mezato-san?! (0:10:07.06)
Ichi Mezato : And you're panicking too much. (0:10:07.61)
Ichi Mezato : So you do like Takane-san. (0:10:10.11)
Shigeo Kageyama : Wha... How did you... (0:10:12.46)
Ichi Mezato : What's with that reaction? (0:10:16.32)
Ichi Mezato : I never expected you to
fall for the school's idol.
Ichi Mezato : I guess even you can be
rather superficial, too.
Ichi Mezato : I honestly don't get
what you see in her, though.
Shigeo Kageyama : I've been friends with Tsubomi-chan
since we were little.
Shigeo Kageyama : Oh, she's the school's idol? (0:10:31.96)
Shigeo Kageyama : I see... (0:10:34.58)
Ichi Mezato : How did two childhood friends end up
in such drastically different situations?
Ichi Mezato : Under normal circumstances,
you'd have no chance with her,
Ichi Mezato : but right now, you have a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
Shigeo Kageyama : What do you mean? (0:10:47.12)
EXTRA : Student Council (0:10:48.29)
Ichi Mezato : The seat of student council
president is vacant!
Ichi Mezato : Right now, Takane-san is
way out of your league,
Ichi Mezato : but what if you were
student council president?
EXTRA : Student Council President (0:10:58.38)
Ichi Mezato : You'd go shooting up the ranks! (0:10:58.68)
Ichi Mezato : You might be able to close the gap
between you and your school idol!
Ichi Mezato : I wouldn't mind helping you out
if you're thinking about running.
Ichi Mezato : You'll owe me one, though. (0:11:09.33)
Ichi Mezato : This is the perfect opportunity to show
people who you really are, Mob-kun!
EXTRA : Hardcore Training Montage (0:11:17.65)
EXTRA : And on that day,
Mob's hardcore training began.
EXTRA : Finally, a week later... (0:11:26.45)
EXTRA : {\fad(526,433)\an8\fnTimes New Roman\fs18\c&H405C5A&\3c&HA2CDD2&\shad0\frx20}Student Council President Candidate Speech Competition (0:11:28.16)
EXTRA : We will now begin the election to decide
our next student council president.
EXTRA : There are a total of four candidates. (0:11:33.62)
EXTRA : Our first candidate is
Morishige Kyohei-kun from Class 2-2.
EXTRA : Each candidate gave their speech. (0:11:41.60)
EXTRA : Next, from Class 3-4, (0:11:46.64)
EXTRA : we have Kamuro Shinji-kun. (0:11:49.32)
EXTRA : Wait, why? (0:11:51.59)
EXTRA : Didn't he resign? (0:11:53.45)
Ritsu Kageyama : President, why did you resign
without discussing it with us?
Ritsu Kageyama : I'm just as responsible for what we did! (0:12:02.42)
EXTRA : Resigning is no way to take responsibility. (0:12:04.55)
EXTRA : You're still running away,
which achieves nothing.
EXTRA : Stand for election again,
and if you do get elected...
Shinji Kamuro : Yeah. That'll be my opportunity
to truly make things right.
EXTRA : And finally, Mob's turn arrived. (0:12:19.72)
Ritsu Kageyama : Nii-san? (0:12:28.56)
Tome Kurata : What the heck is he doing? (0:12:29.90)
Tsubomi Takane : Wait, Mob-kun? (0:12:31.77)
Ichi Mezato : You practiced your speech over and over,
not to mention I basically wrote it for you.
Ichi Mezato : You've got this! (0:12:38.13)
Musashi Gouda : Kageyama! It's all about guts! (0:12:39.85)
Tenga Onigawara : You pulled a fast one on me,
White T Poison.
Tenga Onigawara : You're not content with ruling
the school from the shadows?
Ritsu Kageyama : I was planning on supporting
President Kamuro,
Ritsu Kageyama : but this changes everything. (0:12:51.06)
EXTRA : Kageyama Shigeo-kun from Class 2-1. (0:12:55.90)
EXTRA : Please begin. (0:12:58.85)
Ichi Mezato : And it's over. (0:13:16.94)
EXTRA : Each candidate is given five minutes
for their campaign speech,
EXTRA : and he was the first person ever
to not say a single word in that time.
EXTRA : Student Council President Election
Voting Results
1st Kamuro
2nd Nakayama
3rd Morishige
4th Kageyama
Ichi Mezato : He won't cut it as the founder like this. (0:13:31.47)
Ichi Mezato : I need him to be better. (0:13:34.34)
Shigeo Kageyama : I never should've done that. (0:13:37.77)
EXTRA : This one did a number on him. (0:13:41.43)
EXTRA : He's not moving at all. (0:13:44.26)
Musashi Gouda : Go on home for the day, okay? (0:13:45.72)
EXTRA : Telepathy Club (0:13:47.97)
Shigeo Kageyama : Yes, sir. I'm very sorry. (0:13:48.29)
EXTRA : I'll be waiting for you behind the school. (0:13:56.85)
Shigeo Kageyama : W-Wait, this is... (0:13:57.24)
Emi : When I saw you muster the courage to take
the podium despite being so uncomfortable,
Emi : I ended up falling for you, Kageyama-kun. (0:14:04.95)
Emi : Um... (0:14:08.08)
Emi : Please go out with me. (0:14:09.86)
EXTRA : Progress Toward (0:14:11.99)
EXTRA : Mob's Explosion (0:14:12.32)
EXTRA : Progress Toward Mob's Explosion: % (0:14:12.70)
EXTRA : {\frx40\fscy200\fs40\fnTimes New Roman\c&H71FFF6&\pos(150,43)}II (0:14:15.45)
EXTRA : {\frx40\fscy200\fs40\fnTimes New Roman\c&H71FFF6&\pos(507,43)}II (0:14:18.95)
EXTRA : Telepathy Club (0:14:22.45)
Emi : Kageyama-kun. (0:14:23.73)
Emi : Let's walk home together. (0:14:25.94)
Shigeo Kageyama : Oh, but I have club... (0:14:27.50)
Musashi Gouda : Go on, Kageyama.
Today's menu is free training, anyway.
Shigeo Kageyama : Thank you, Captain Musashi. (0:14:33.37)
Tome Kurata : Huh? (0:14:35.80)
Tome Kurata : Mob-kun has a girlfriend? (0:14:36.92)
EXTRA : What's going on? Is this some
supernatural phenomenon?
EXTRA : What the heck's happening? (0:14:42.31)
EXTRA : But man, I'm so envious... (0:14:44.27)
Emi : So what do you usually do, Kageyama-kun? (0:14:49.80)
Shigeo Kageyama : Um... (0:14:53.36)
Shigeo Kageyama : I do some running with
the Body Improvement Club.
Shigeo Kageyama : Other than that, I help
an acquaintance with their work.
Emi : What kind of work? (0:14:59.84)
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? Oh, ghost— (0:15:00.78)
Shigeo Kageyama : I-It's sort of like a bookstore. (0:15:02.75)
Emi : What? You work part-time at
a bookstore, Kageyama-kun?
Emi : That's amazing! (0:15:09.21)
Shigeo Kageyama : N-No, it's not a big deal... (0:15:10.24)
Shigeo Kageyama : I only help out with really simple things. (0:15:13.82)
Emi : Still, it is amazing!
I'd love to work at a bookstore.
Shigeo Kageyama : I'm already lying to her. (0:15:19.95)
Shigeo Kageyama : But I think telling her I have
an exorcism job will creep her out.
Emi : You look a little pale. Are you okay? (0:15:27.00)
Shigeo Kageyama : Yeah. Hey, you like books, Emi-san? (0:15:29.65)
Emi : Well... I do like books, but... (0:15:34.58)
Emi : I guess I don't mind telling you,
Emi : I'm writing a novel. (0:15:42.63)
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? (0:15:44.99)
Shigeo Kageyama : Wow, that's amazing! (0:15:45.82)
Emi : What's amazing about that? (0:15:47.34)
Emi : Oh, you don't care, huh? (0:15:48.79)
Emi : Sorry. (0:15:50.28)
Shigeo Kageyama : No, I really think it's amazing! (0:15:51.48)
Shigeo Kageyama : I'm just bad with words. (0:15:54.12)
Emi : Maybe I'll have you read it sometime. (0:15:57.33)
Emi : I haven't shown anyone else, (0:15:59.31)
Emi : so it'd be pretty embarrassing for me. (0:16:01.15)
Emi : But this counts as practice, too. (0:16:03.35)
Shigeo Kageyama : Sure, I'll read it. (0:16:04.85)
EXTRA : And every day after that,
Mob walked home from school with Emi.
Dimple : Hey, Mob. You're home early again. (0:16:11.91)
Dimple : Did you quit your club? (0:16:14.76)
Shigeo Kageyama : No, I'm actually heading back to school now. (0:16:17.20)
Dimple : Huh? (0:16:19.81)
Dimple : Why the heck did he
bother coming home, then?
Arataka Reigen : Hey, Mob. You seem more
cheerful than usual today.
Arataka Reigen : You exorcism game is on point, too. (0:16:28.31)
Shigeo Kageyama : You think so? I can't really tell myself. (0:16:30.09)
Arataka Reigen : Did you get a girlfriend? (0:16:32.84)
Arataka Reigen : As if! (0:16:35.14)
Shigeo Kageyama : I-I'm done with the exorcism,
so I'm going home now.
Shigeo Kageyama : Bye. (0:16:39.93)
Arataka Reigen : Huh? (0:16:40.79)
EXTRA : What? (0:16:42.14)
Arataka Reigen : What? (0:16:42.29)
Shigeo Kageyama : Seconds, please. (0:16:44.40)
Mrs. Kageyama : Wow, this is rare.
Our Shige asking for seconds.
Mr. Kageyama : What's up, Shigeo? Did you use
too much of your psychic powers?
Shigeo Kageyama : No, it's not like that. (0:16:52.71)
Ritsu Kageyama : I thought Nii-san would be
bummed out about the election,
Ritsu Kageyama : but I'm glad to see he's more than fine. (0:16:58.88)
EXTRA : One Week Later (0:17:01.62)
Emi : Are you done reading? (0:17:06.15)
Emi : What do you think? (0:17:08.13)
Shigeo Kageyama : It's really good... I think. (0:17:10.00)
Shigeo Kageyama : You know a lot of big words. (0:17:13.03)
Emi : If you don't get it, just say so. (0:17:19.45)
Shigeo Kageyama : Sorry! That's not what I meant! (0:17:23.10)
Shigeo Kageyama : I really did pay attention to every word! (0:17:24.95)
Emi : Say, Kageyama-kun... (0:17:27.83)
Emi : It's been a week since I asked you out. (0:17:29.86)
Emi : You rejected me then,
so why do you still walk home with me?
Emi : Is it because you felt bad for me? (0:17:37.79)
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? No, it's nothing like that. (0:17:40.42)
Emi : I also know you were going back
to your club after you got home.
Emi : You keep trying not to hurt my feelings. (0:17:46.91)
Emi : Are you sure it's not pity?
I feel sort of pathetic.
Shigeo Kageyama : I-I'm sorry. That's not my intention. (0:17:52.66)
Emi : And all you do is apologize. (0:17:55.80)
Emi : I don't understand how you feel at all. (0:17:57.87)
Emi : Or could it be... (0:18:01.19)
Emi : that you don't even have feelings? (0:18:03.66)
Shigeo Kageyama : Huh? (0:18:05.95)
Emi : Like, your own opinions. (0:18:06.83)
Emi : Your froze up in your campaign speech, too. (0:18:08.55)
Emi : Did you only run for president
because someone told you to?
Emi : Well... (0:18:17.62)
Emi : The truth is,
I'm sort of like that, too.
Shigeo Kageyama : You are? (0:18:22.45)
Emi : The reason I asked you out
was because of a dare.
Emi : We thought your silent speech was hilarious, (0:18:27.69)
Emi : so my friends and I played
rock-paper-scissors, and I lost.
Emi : I was afraid I'd be a laughingstock
if you turned me down,
Emi : but since you started walking home with me,
they never found out you actually did.
Emi : Thanks. (0:18:41.53)
Emi : But I figured it was about time I told you. (0:18:43.17)
Emi : Sorry for lying to you for the past week. (0:18:48.86)
EXTRA : A novel? Seriously? You're too funny! (0:19:29.17)
EXTRA : Let me read it! (0:19:33.31)
EXTRA : Damn, you wrote a lot! What the hell? (0:19:36.31)
Emi : Hey, come on. Don't just read it like that. (0:19:39.87)
Emi : It's really embarrassing. (0:19:42.34)
EXTRA : Are you actually writing
this seriously, Emi?
Emi : Of course not. I was just a little bored. (0:19:47.37)
EXTRA : How bored could you possibly be
to write this crap?
EXTRA : Instead of wasting your time writing
this drivel, go to the arcade with us!
Emi : It's not like I spend all my time on it. (0:19:55.98)
EXTRA : Hey, stop that. You're littering. (0:19:57.96)
Emi : No, if you're going to do it,
make sure it's all ripped up.
Shigeo Kageyama : Stop... that. (0:20:08.96)
EXTRA : Who are you? (0:20:12.43)
Emi : Kageyama-kun? (0:20:13.21)
EXTRA : Oh, hey! It's that guy! (0:20:14.44)
EXTRA : The one who turned statue during his speech! (0:20:16.07)
EXTRA : Wow, so he can talk. (0:20:18.32)
EXTRA : What the hell's your problem? (0:20:19.63)
EXTRA : Still think you're dating Emi?
She only asked you out on a dare, dude.
EXTRA : Hilarious. (0:20:25.41)
EXTRA : She's not your girlfriend! (0:20:26.40)
Shigeo Kageyama : It's really mean of you to rip up
the novel she worked so hard to write.
EXTRA : Huh? (0:20:32.33)
EXTRA : You said it was just to kill time, right? (0:20:33.89)
Emi : Y-Yeah. Something like that. (0:20:36.00)
EXTRA : What the hell's your problem? Get a clue. (0:20:38.07)
EXTRA : Scram. (0:20:40.19)
EXTRA : Didn't you hear me? Get outta here! (0:20:42.98)
Shigeo Kageyama : I don't think this is trash. (0:20:45.66)
Shigeo Kageyama : If you're going to throw
it away, I'll take it.
Shigeo Kageyama : I made the decision to
consider my feelings more.
Shigeo Kageyama : And you need to pick up
things you feel are important.
EXTRA : Wh-What the hell is he talking about? (0:21:02.41)
EXTRA : Talk about creepy... (0:21:05.16)
EXTRA : Emi?! (0:21:09.99)
Emi : You guys can head home. (0:21:11.71)
EXTRA : Oh, really? (0:21:15.97)
EXTRA : Okay, then. (0:21:17.33)
EXTRA : Bye-bye. (0:21:18.50)
Emi : Aw... (0:21:32.50)
Emi : What are we even doing? (0:21:34.47)
Emi : Wanna chase after them? (0:21:37.16)
Emi : But... Thank you. (0:21:41.69)
EXTRA : No going back... (0:21:41.73)
Emi : Forget this. I can just write it again. (0:21:44.75)
Shigeo Kageyama : You see... (0:22:18.50)
EXTRA : Adventure (0:22:19.31)
Shigeo Kageyama : I happen to be an esper. (0:22:19.91)
Emi : Thank you, Kageyama-kun. (0:22:31.47)
Tsubomi Takane : Smooth. (0:22:35.86)
EXTRA : Ripped Apart
~Someone Is Watching~
Dimple : What? Seriously? (0:22:43.00)
Dimple : If something that fun was going on,
you should've called me!
Dimple : I never would've expected you to show
someone your powers on your own!
Dimple : So, what happened after that? (0:22:53.57)
Shigeo Kageyama : What do you mean? (0:22:55.99)
Dimple : With that Emi girl or whatever. (0:22:57.16)
Dimple : Did her attitude toward you change
when she saw your powers?
Dimple : Did she go, "I've really fallen for you now,"
or something like that?
Shigeo Kageyama : That would never happen just
because I have psychic powers.
Dimple : Really? Is that how it is? (0:23:09.67)
Emi : Psychic powers, huh... (0:23:13.34)
Emi : Kageyama-kun sure is amazing. (0:23:18.80)
Emi : A middle school student...
with psychic powers...
Dimple : More importantly, you fell
for another love letter?
Dimple : Looks like you'll always need
an advisor like me, Shigeo!
Dimple : From now on, I'll always stay by your side! (0:23:42.98)
Shigeo Kageyama : That's gross. (0:23:46.88)
Dimple : You're not nice to me, but I knew that. (0:23:48.43)
EXTRA : Progress Toward (0:23:51.49)
EXTRA : Mob's Explosion (0:23:51.82)
EXTRA : Progress Toward Mob's Explosion: % (0:23:52.20)
Arataka Reigen : Let's go to Cuticle City
in search of urban legends!
Arataka Reigen : Human-Faced Dog, Dash Granny,
Red Raincoat, the Dragger, and many more!
Arataka Reigen : I'm leaving the rest to you, Mob! (0:24:01.62)
Arataka Reigen : Next time on Mob Psycho 100 II Episode 2: (0:24:03.30)
Arataka Reigen : "Urban Legends
~Encountering Rumors~."

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