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Mira Konohata : When I was a young child,
I went on the town camping trip
Mira Konohata : and met a certain boy. (0:00:23.60)
Mira Konohata : Hey! (0:00:28.82)
Mira Konohata : What are you doing out here? (0:00:32.63)
Ao Manaka : What am I doing? (0:00:35.26)
Ao Manaka : Letting my anger cool off. (0:00:36.90)
Ao Manaka : The lights from the campsite are interfering. (0:00:49.96)
Ao Manaka : That's Jupiter. (0:00:52.88)
Mira Konohata : Which one? (0:00:55.24)
Ao Manaka : Here. (0:00:57.49)
Mira Konohata : Thanks. (0:00:58.28)
Ao Manaka : Look, over there. (0:01:00.08)
Mira Konohata : Oh! The dot! (0:01:04.56)
Ao Manaka : Dot... (0:01:05.86)
Ao Manaka : Well, yeah. (0:01:07.30)
Ao Manaka : You can't see it with binoculars, (0:01:09.31)
Ao Manaka : but Jupiter has stripes
and thin rings around it.
Ao Manaka : It also has about 70 moons. (0:01:14.72)
Mira Konohata : You know a lot! (0:01:17.59)
Mira Konohata : Hey, what's your name? (0:01:19.48)
Ao Manaka : Ao. (0:01:22.32)
Mira Konohata : I'm Mira! (0:01:23.10)
Ao Manaka : The variable star! (0:01:25.25)
Mira Konohata : Terrible start? (0:01:26.60)
Ao Manaka : No, not that. (0:01:27.88)
EXTRA : In the evening, the long-period variable star Mira of the Cetus
constellation in the southwest sky will reach peak magnitude.
Ao Manaka : The variable star Mira. (0:01:30.17)
Ao Manaka : It's a star in the Cetus constellation that's
unusual because its brightness varies.
Mira Konohata : Wow! I have the same name as a star? (0:01:35.80)
Mira Konohata : What about you, Ao? (0:01:39.11)
Mira Konohata : Is there a star with your name? (0:01:40.44)
Ao Manaka : There's no star with a weird name like that. (0:01:42.68)
Mira Konohata : It's not weird! It's cool! (0:01:45.46)
Ao Manaka : Huh? (0:01:47.81)
Mira Konohata : Besides, if there isn't one,
why not name one after you?
Ao Manaka : Name one? (0:01:52.32)
Ao Manaka : An asteroid, maybe... (0:01:54.09)
Ao Manaka : If I discover one of those,
I should be able to name it.
Mira Konohata : Let's find one, then! (0:01:59.55)
Ao Manaka : Huh? (0:02:01.44)
Mira Konohata : Let's discover the star Ao! (0:02:02.19)
Mira Konohata : That was the last time I saw that boy... (0:02:07.74)
Mira Konohata : And now I'm in high school. (0:02:15.30)
Misa Konohata : I'm very happy to be enjoying life together
with you all here at the same school.
Misa Konohata : As we each work toward our goals and dreams, (0:02:22.75)
Misa Konohata : let us study diligently together. (0:02:25.45)
Mira Konohata : Starting today, I'm a high schooler! (0:02:29.20)
Mira Konohata : And the one thing I wanted to do
after starting high school is...
EXTRA : Club Listings (0:02:34.92)
EXTRA : Congratulations on Starting School (0:02:36.88)
Moe Suzuya : Huh? What's wrong, Mira? (0:02:37.37)
Mira Konohata : Suzu-chan! (0:02:39.74)
Mira Konohata : The astronomy club that was
here until last year is gone!
Mira Konohata : I was totally set on joining
it in high school! Why?!
Yuki Endou : Yeah, about that... (0:02:49.35)
Moe Suzuya : Oh, uh... (0:02:51.55)
Moe Suzuya : Endou-sensei. (0:02:53.04)
Yuki Endou : Starting this year, the astronomy
club and the geology club have been
Yuki Endou : merged into the earth sciences club. (0:02:57.81)
Mira Konohata : Earth sciences club? (0:02:59.90)
Moe Suzuya : Earth sciences club? (0:02:59.90)
Mira Konohata : I can't believe the clubs were merged. (0:03:02.48)
Moe Suzuya : Maybe they weren't very popular? (0:03:06.22)
Mira Konohata : That's not true! (0:03:08.58)
EXTRA : Astronomy Club
This Way
Mira Konohata : At last year's cultural festival... (0:03:10.69)
EXTRA : She's cute! (0:03:12.52)
EXTRA : Earth Sciences (0:03:14.29)
Mari Morino : Come to our sexy planetarium! (0:03:14.64)
Mira Konohata : was a huge hit! (0:03:18.27)
Moe Suzuya : Maybe that's the reason? (0:03:20.04)
Yuki Endou : Setting aside their chastisement
for the cultural festival...
Moe Suzuya : They did get chastised for it? (0:03:26.27)
Yuki Endou : They lost members, and there were
other issues on the school's end.
Yuki Endou : So it was merged with the geology club
to form the earth sciences club.
Mira Konohata : Looking up at the sky and looking down at
the ground are completely different, though.
Moe Suzuya : You think so? (0:03:43.85)
Moe Suzuya : They're both the same when you're
looking from space, aren't they?
Mira Konohata : Wow! You've got a galactic perspective! (0:03:48.51)
Moe Suzuya : Stop it. That's embarrassing. (0:03:51.80)
Moe Suzuya : Um, isn't the club room a bit far? (0:03:56.60)
Yuki Endou : Its building is way out
at the far end of campus.
Mira Konohata : Isn't this building kind of old? (0:04:07.68)
Yuki Endou : Th-There are still a few holes that
let drafts in, but we fixed the leaks.
Yuki Endou : Hey, I've brought some
girls here to observe you.
EXTRA : Earth (0:04:21.40)
EXTRA : Man (0:04:21.40b)
Moe Suzuya : Heaven, Earth, man? (0:04:23.87)
Mira Konohata : Are we at war? (0:04:26.99)
Moe Suzuya : I don't think so. (0:04:28.27)
Mari Morino : Sorry. (0:04:31.19)
Mari Morino : We haven't really adjusted to the merger yet. (0:04:32.44)
Mari Morino : I'm the club president, Morino. (0:04:36.50)
Mari Morino : I used to be in the astronomy club. (0:04:38.40)
Mikage Sakurai : I'm the vice president, Sakurai. (0:04:40.21)
Mikage Sakurai : I used to be in the geology club. (0:04:42.53)
Mikage Sakurai : So, which are you? (0:04:44.98)
Moe Suzuya : Which? (0:04:47.75)
Mikage Sakurai : Geology or astronomy!
Which were you hoping for?
Mikage Sakurai : If you're here for the geology club, (0:04:53.27)
Mikage Sakurai : you get this power stone set that boosts
your luck! For new members only!
Mai Inose : Vice President! You'll make
us lose more members!
Mai Inose : I'm sorry. (0:05:02.95)
Mai Inose : Our vice president's very concerned
about our membership ratio.
Mai Inose : Oh, I'm Inose, a second-year on the geology side. (0:05:06.99)
Ao Manaka : I'm Manaka, a first-year.
I was hoping for the astronomy club.
Mira Konohata : There are other new students here!
I was hoping for the astronomy club, too!
Ao Manaka : You like stars? (0:05:20.03)
Mira Konohata : I do! (0:05:21.98)
Mira Konohata : And there's something I want to do! (0:05:23.20)
Mira Konohata : I want to discover an asteroid! (0:05:26.46)
Mari Morino : Oh? That's an awfully big goal. (0:05:29.40)
Moe Suzuya : Is that hard to do? (0:05:32.90)
Mari Morino : There is a record of a high schooler
discovering one in the past, but...
Mikage Sakurai : It's practically impossible
for a tiny club like ours.
Mai Inose : You're being too harsh, Vice President! (0:05:42.77)
Mira Konohata : Yes... (0:05:46.00)
Mira Konohata : But I made a promise. (0:05:47.10)
Mira Konohata : With a boy, a long time ago. (0:05:49.68)
Moe Suzuya : What?! (0:05:51.62)
Moe Suzuya : I never heard about this, Mira! (0:05:52.51)
Mira Konohata : Well, if I told you about it,
you'd dig into who he was, right?
Moe Suzuya : Yes! I'd string him up! Gimme his name! (0:05:58.36)
Mira Konohata : Ao. (0:06:01.02)
Mira Konohata : We promised to discover an
asteroid together and name it Ao.
Mira Konohata : I never saw him again after that, though. (0:06:08.56)
Mari Morino : Oh, dear. Could that possibly be... (0:06:11.81)
Mikage Sakurai : I think it might... (0:06:15.14)
Mikage Sakurai : You're bright red, Manaka. (0:06:17.69)
Mikage Sakurai : Manaka Ao. (0:06:20.50)
Mira Konohata : What?! (0:06:22.27)
Mira Konohata : Ao? The Ao? You're a girl?! (0:06:25.52)
Ao Manaka : My name's kind of boyish,
and my hair was short...
Mira Konohata : Y-Y-You remember me?! (0:06:34.51)
Ao Manaka : Of course! (0:06:37.38)
Ao Manaka : I've wanted to discover an
asteroid ever since that day.
Ao Manaka : And this... (0:06:42.31)
Mira Konohata : A whale mascot? (0:06:44.12)
Mira Konohata : So you wouldn't forget my name? (0:06:46.25)
Mikage Sakurai : Well, well. (0:06:52.47)
Mari Morino : Sounds like things are getting fun. (0:06:54.34)
Mira Konohata : The boy I met that day was actually a girl. (0:06:57.86)
Mira Konohata : Good evening! (0:08:41.36)
Mira Konohata : Today was a big surprise! (0:08:42.50)
Mira Konohata : I never imagined you'd be in the
same high school club as me!
Mira Konohata : I'm so happy we're reunited! (0:08:47.74)
Mira Konohata : I'm really sorry I mistook you for a boy. (0:08:50.30)
Mira Konohata : It's good to see you again! (0:08:53.72)
Ao Manaka : M-Mom! (0:08:57.82)
Ao Manaka : I'm borrowing a book! (0:08:59.51)
Shiori Manaka : Huh? (0:09:01.16)
Shiori Manaka : I wonder if she's planning
to get a part-time job...
Moe Suzuya : Mira. (0:09:16.04)
Moe Suzuya : What's with that look? (0:09:17.87)
Moe Suzuya : Hey, you were finally reunited with the
sweetheart you've longed for all these years.
Moe Suzuya : Smile, smile. (0:09:24.33)
Mira Konohata : Sweetheart? (0:09:26.50)
Mira Konohata : You're having fun with
this for once, Suzu-chan.
Mira Konohata : You always do mean things to the
people who try to get close to me.
Moe Suzuya : Well, that's because Manaka-san's
a girl, and she's cute.
Moe Suzuya : If it's a girl, then I'm totally okay with it. (0:09:40.13)
Mira Konohata : What? (0:09:42.90)
Moe Suzuya : So, what's up? (0:09:44.58)
Mira Konohata : This... (0:09:46.74)
Moe Suzuya : Hmm, that's pretty formal. (0:09:49.02)
Mira Konohata : She used to be way more frank. (0:09:51.70)
Mira Konohata : I wonder if she doesn't like me now... (0:09:55.82)
Moe Suzuya : The only thing I can say is... (0:09:59.30)
Moe Suzuya : You sent too many texts. (0:10:01.64)
Mira Konohata : Huh?! I did?! (0:10:02.94)
Moe Suzuya : If you're that worried,
go talk to her in person.
Moe Suzuya : The best thing about you is that you take
action without overthinking things.
Mira Konohata : Yeah. (0:10:13.92)
Mira Konohata : Excuse me! (0:10:15.17)
Moe Suzuya : At least think a little, though! (0:10:16.78)
Mira Konohata : Oh, she's there! (0:10:18.50)
Mira Konohata : Ao! Want to eat lunch together? (0:10:19.52)
Moe Suzuya : Sorry. Mira's rushing into things. (0:10:24.45)
Ao Manaka : It's fine. (0:10:27.43)
Mira Konohata : Ao, I'm sorry I sent you
all those texts last night!
Ao Manaka : Huh? (0:10:32.49)
Mira Konohata : I was bothering you, wasn't I? (0:10:33.17)
Mira Konohata : I'll cut back a little next time. (0:10:34.92)
Ao Manaka : N-No, it wasn't a bother at all. (0:10:37.08)
Mira Konohata : Really? Oh, good! (0:10:40.31)
Ao Manaka : I'm sorry, too, for not being
able to send cute replies.
Moe Suzuya : That's so cute! (0:10:48.66)
Mira Konohata : Don't mind her. (0:10:51.80)
Mira Konohata : Suzu-chan's always been that way. (0:10:53.12)
Ao Manaka : S-Sure. (0:10:55.49)
Mira Konohata : You're really different from
when you were younger.
Mira Konohata : I thought you were pretty chatty
back during the camping trip.
Mira Konohata : Now you have this mature,
cool beauty thing going on.
Moe Suzuya : Hey, Mira! (0:11:10.23)
Mira Konohata : I'll go wash it real quick! (0:11:12.75)
Moe Suzuya : She should learn from your composure. (0:11:17.18)
Ao Manaka : I'm not composed at all, though. (0:11:20.96)
Ao Manaka : I keep panicking at my lack of words. (0:11:25.41)
Ao Manaka : I'm so nervous about
messing up in front of Mira.
Moe Suzuya : Messing up what? (0:11:32.38)
Ao Manaka : I really embarrassed myself in the
past by saying the wrong thing...
Ao Manaka : So hot... (0:11:43.68)
Ao Manaka : It's so wet today. (0:11:45.35)
EXTRA : Ao-chan, don't you mean humid? (0:11:47.94)
EXTRA : Ao-chan said something dirty! (0:11:50.70)
EXTRA : Dirty Ao-chan! (0:11:53.62)
Ao Manaka : Ever since then, I've had trouble speaking. (0:11:56.46)
Moe Suzuya : That changed her personality?! (0:11:59.02)
Moe Suzuya : I'm sure you know far
more words than Mira does.
Moe Suzuya : I'm her childhood friend, so I know. (0:12:06.31)
Moe Suzuya : You'll be fine. (0:12:12.19)
Moe Suzuya : You're going to discover an
asteroid together, right?
Ao Manaka : Yeah... (0:12:17.10)
Moe Suzuya : If you share the same dream,
I'm sure you'll get along in no time.
Mira Konohata : Suzu-chan, what do I do about this? (0:12:24.34)
Moe Suzuya : Mira! (0:12:27.85)
Moe Suzuya : Jeez, it would have come out if you'd
just patted it with a handkerchief!
Mira Konohata : But... (0:12:32.83)
Ao Manaka : I know what Suzu-san said,
but I'm still nervous.
Mira Konohata : You're really different from
when you were younger.
Ao Manaka : My hair and body have grown,
and I speak less,
Ao Manaka : so I imagine I do seem different now. (0:12:52.23)
Ao Manaka : But my feelings... (0:12:55.34)
Mira Konohata : Hello? (0:13:01.70)
Ao Manaka : Um, hello... This is— (0:13:02.94)
Mira Konohata : Ow! (0:13:05.96)
Ao Manaka : Huh? Mira?! (0:13:07.08)
Mira Konohata : Sorry about that! (0:13:08.48)
Mira Konohata : I just found something cool! (0:13:09.76)
Ao Manaka : H-Huh? That was from something good? (0:13:11.74)
Mira Konohata : Ao, can you see outside right now? (0:13:15.36)
Mira Konohata : To the west! The western sky! (0:13:17.59)
Mira Konohata : That's Mercury, right? (0:13:25.27)
Ao Manaka : Yeah. (0:13:27.47)
Mira Konohata : I got it right! (0:13:28.45)
Mira Konohata : I've been studying a lot thanks to you, Ao! (0:13:29.90)
Mira Konohata : Ao? (0:13:35.11)
Ao Manaka : I'm fine. It's nothing. (0:13:36.06)
Ao Manaka : I'm sorry for calling out of the blue. (0:13:40.00)
Ao Manaka : I didn't really have anything to talk about. (0:13:42.32)
Mira Konohata : Oh, that's totally fine. Let's chat. (0:13:44.64)
Ao Manaka : Chat? (0:13:48.63)
Mira Konohata : Hey, so, is Venus visible right now? (0:13:50.60)
Ao Manaka : Oh, uh... (0:13:54.23)
Ao Manaka : I think you can see it shining really
brightly in the mornings right now.
Ao Manaka : It's probably around magnitude -4. (0:14:00.87)
Ao Manaka : Yeah, uh-huh. (0:14:04.72)
Moe Suzuya : Morning. (0:14:07.93)
Mira Konohata : Morning! (0:14:09.16)
Moe Suzuya : Hmm? You seem happy. (0:14:10.86)
Mira Konohata : Yeah! I chatted with Ao a lot last night! (0:14:13.39)
Moe Suzuya : Oh? Good for you. (0:14:17.51)
Moe Suzuya : Which means... (0:14:20.89)
Mira Konohata : Suzu-chan, Ao's not a cool beauty at all. (0:14:24.15)
Mira Konohata : She's super cute! (0:14:31.93)
Yuki Endou : Homeroom's starting. (0:14:34.49)
Mari Morino : Time for the first... (0:14:43.60)
Mari Morino : sciences club meeting! (0:14:45.04)
Mira Konohata : So, what are we doing? (0:14:49.86)
EXTRA : Earth Sciences Club
Activity Schedule
Mari Morino : We haven't clearly defined what
our club activities are yet.
Mari Morino : So if there's anything you think we should
do or have, we'll take suggestions.
Mira Konohata : I want this! (0:15:00.79)
EXTRA : 30m Aperture Telescope Project (0:15:01.65)
Mikage Sakurai : Rejected! (0:15:02.20)
Mira Konohata : Huh? But you just said to say what we wanted. (0:15:03.00)
Mai Inose : You need to think of things
within our club's budget.
Ao Manaka : How much is in our budget? (0:15:10.75)
Mikage Sakurai : Making that face won't get us more money! (0:15:17.07)
Yuki Endou : It's because neither the astronomy club
nor the geology club have any achievements.
Yuki Endou : The clubs that are active, participating
in tournaments and winning awards,
Yuki Endou : are the ones that get bigger budgets. (0:15:27.30)
Mira Konohata : It's true. (0:15:31.10)
Mira Konohata : So if we want to buy a great telescope... (0:15:32.74)
Mikage Sakurai : Then do something to get results first. (0:15:36.40)
Mira Konohata : I see. (0:15:39.92)
Yuki Endou : So when are we having a barbecue? (0:15:41.91)
Mira Konohata : Rejected! (0:15:43.84)
Yuki Endou : Aw... (0:15:44.72)
Yuki Endou : That reminds me. Where's Suzu? (0:15:46.52)
Mira Konohata : Suzu-chan won't be joining the club. (0:15:48.63)
Mira Konohata : She's busy helping out at home. (0:15:51.08)
Mikage Sakurai : Oh, that's a shame. (0:15:53.88)
Mikage Sakurai : If she had joined the geology club side, (0:15:55.93)
Mikage Sakurai : our club would've been evenly
balanced at three and three.
Mai Inose : Vice President... (0:16:01.54)
Mai Inose : Please cheer up! (0:16:02.81)
Mai Inose : I'll work hard enough for two people! (0:16:04.47)
Mikage Sakurai : Thanks. (0:16:07.99)
Mikage Sakurai : Inose, your side-steps are super slow. (0:16:09.95)
EXTRA : [Geology Club]
Mineral Observation
Fossil Collection
Cultural Festival
Mai Inose : I've listed our activities from
before the merger for now.
Mari Morino : We already have the equipment,
so I think we can keep doing most of these.
Mai Inose : The big problems are the
ones that cost money:
Mai Inose : our summer camps and the cultural festival. (0:16:22.86)
Mikage Sakurai : Speaking of the cultural festival, (0:16:25.94)
Mikage Sakurai : you aren't going to pull the same
thing as last year, are you?
Mira Konohata : The same thing? (0:16:30.72)
Mari Morino : This? (0:16:32.57)
Mikage Sakurai : You don't need to drag it out! (0:16:33.16)
Mikage Sakurai : Going for sex appeal as a
high schooler is shameful!
Mira Konohata : It was super popular, though. (0:16:38.99)
Mai Inose : Truth is, the vice president's been
mad about that since last year.
Mari Morino : Really? (0:16:45.74)
Mikage Sakurai : Gathering customers
through cosplay isn't fair!
Mikage Sakurai : You should have put together
a proper exhibit, like us!
EXTRA : Geology
Mai Inose : Even though we only drew in about a tenth
of the astronomy club's visitors.
Mikage Sakurai : Inose, you're sharing too much. (0:17:00.45)
Mira Konohata : Ao, what's wrong? (0:17:06.08)
Ao Manaka : We're kind of divided. (0:17:08.08)
Mira Konohata : You're right. There aren't activities
that our groups would do together.
Ao Manaka : I think we need some. (0:17:16.79)
Mira Konohata : A joint project, huh? (0:17:18.70)
Mira Konohata : We could do our previous activities together,
or come up with something new...
Mira Konohata : What do you think? (0:17:26.27)
Mari Morino : How did you understand her? (0:17:27.80)
Mari Morino : It's like you're telepathic. (0:17:29.74)
Mai Inose : Um, I have a proposal. (0:17:32.64)
Mai Inose : Why don't we have our groups
create a newsletter together?
Mari Morino : A newsletter? (0:17:39.51)
Mai Inose : Yes. We'll print a sort of pamphlet
introducing our club activities.
Mira Konohata : That sounds fun! (0:17:45.59)
Ao Manaka : Yeah. (0:17:46.80)
Mikage Sakurai : What's the point of a newsletter, though? (0:17:47.72)
Mai Inose : Vice President, um... (0:17:50.59)
Mai Inose : I know we didn't draw many visitors last year,
but I thought we made a really good exhibit.
EXTRA : Look At Our Geological Map (0:17:54.51)
Mai Inose : If we make our club more well-known, (0:18:00.56)
Mai Inose : I think lots more people will to come see us. (0:18:03.37)
Mikage Sakurai : Inose... (0:18:06.92)
Mira Konohata : Ino-senpai! Can we write whatever
we want for the newsletter?
Mai Inose : Ino-senpai? (0:18:12.86)
Mai Inose : Uh, sure. As long as it relates to our club. (0:18:14.54)
Ao Manaka : I could probably write an
introduction to the planets.
Mira Konohata : If it has some interesting columns, (0:18:21.96)
Mira Konohata : maybe more people will want to read it. (0:18:24.20)
Mikage Sakurai : Then I'll write... (0:18:27.24)
Mikage Sakurai : a column introducing different minerals! (0:18:30.15)
Mari Morino : Sounds good. (0:18:32.92)
Mari Morino : What should we name our newsletter? (0:18:34.13)
Mira Konohata : Yes! I have an idea! (0:18:36.32)
EXTRA : Weekly
Find an
Mira Konohata : Weekly Find an Asteroid ! (0:18:38.96)
Mira Konohata : We'll include telescope
parts with each issue!
Mikage Sakurai : Rejected! (0:18:44.39)
Mikage Sakurai : That's too focused on the astronomy side! (0:18:45.74)
Mai Inose : Weekly might be impossible,
as well as including extras.
Mira Konohata : What do you think would
be good, Vice President?
EXTRA : Mica Time
First Issue
Mikage Sakurai : How's this? (0:18:56.18)
Mai Inose : No way! (0:18:57.32)
Mira Konohata : I know! Aim for an Asteroid ! (0:18:59.00)
Mikage Sakurai : You girls have a lot of nerve. (0:19:02.94)
Mai Inose : Senpai, calm down! (0:19:06.04)
Yuki Endou : It's going to be a challenge
to get these two together.
Mikage Sakurai : It needs to have both the
astrology and geology club in it.
Mai Inose : That makes it worth the trouble. (0:19:10.24)
Mira Konohata : This is hard. (0:19:11.88)
Yuki Endou : Sorry to interrupt the fun,
but it's time to leave school.
Mari Morino : Let's all go home. (0:19:17.92)
Mikage Sakurai : Then... Heaven & Earth . (0:19:19.68)
Mira Konohata : That's not really... (0:19:21.57)
Mikage Sakurai : Why not? (0:19:22.89)
Mira Konohata : Something cuter would be better. (0:19:23.68)
Ao Manaka : Cuter... (0:19:26.54)
Yuki Endou : They're not listening. (0:19:28.16)
Mari Morino : Who wants a hamburger? (0:19:30.24)
Mira Konohata : The stars are so pretty! (0:19:39.39)
Mikage Sakurai : I do think something that conveys
the charms of rocks would be best.
Mai Inose : Vice President, let's just think about
it while we eat some burgers!
Mikage Sakurai : Right. (0:19:49.32)
Mikage Sakurai : Man, I'm hungry. (0:19:50.89)
EXTRA : Sparkle (0:19:54.42)
Mikage Sakurai : Sparkle ? (0:19:55.24)
Mira Konohata : Sparkle ? (0:19:55.24)
Mai Inose : Sparkle ? (0:19:55.24)
Mari Morino : Sparkle ? (0:19:55.24)
Mari Morino : Makes sense. (0:19:58.17)
Mai Inose : Both gems and stars do sparkle. (0:19:59.60)
Ao Manaka : It's not weird, is it? (0:20:02.84)
Mira Konohata : No! It's really cute! (0:20:04.70)
Mira Konohata : It's a great kirakira name! (0:20:07.20)
Ao Manaka : Kirakira... (0:20:08.99)
Mikage Sakurai : Sorry, Inose. (0:20:15.45)
Mikage Sakurai : I kept thinking about how to do a proper job, (0:20:17.80)
Mikage Sakurai : but we need to get more people
to understand what our club does.
Mai Inose : Vice President... (0:20:25.94)
Mikage Sakurai : We need to take down the
barriers between ourselves first.
Mai Inose : Right! (0:20:32.68)
Mikage Sakurai : So, with that in mind... (0:20:34.17)
Mikage Sakurai : How about this project?! (0:20:35.92)
EXTRA : Don't lose to
the astronomy club!
Mai Inose : That awkward side of you is so... (0:20:38.19)
Yuki Endou : Well? (0:20:42.43)
Yuki Endou : Are you all getting along? (0:20:43.33)
Yuki Endou : I was worried about Sakurai, since she's
always prickly around unfamiliar people.
Mari Morino : Inose-chan's doing a good job
mediating, so they're fine.
Yuki Endou : I see. (0:20:54.92)
Yuki Endou : That's good. (0:20:55.86)
Yuki Endou : Oh, we have an addition to the budget. (0:20:57.62)
Yuki Endou : Here, take this. (0:21:01.36)
Yuki Endou : Tell everyone to make sure
they're free next weekend.
Mari Morino : You want to do this no matter what, huh? (0:21:07.86)
Mira Konohata : The winter constellations are
still pretty at this time of night.
Ao Manaka : Yeah. (0:21:16.96)
Mira Konohata : Hey, Ao? (0:21:19.38)
Mira Konohata : It's so amazing that we're able to watch
the stars and chat together like this.
Mira Konohata : I'm really happy we're reunited. (0:21:27.31)
Mira Konohata : Ao? (0:21:31.72)
Ao Manaka : Me, too. (0:21:33.87)
Ao Manaka : I always hoped I might see you again. (0:21:35.80)
Mira Konohata : Yeah. (0:21:41.62)
Mira Konohata : Well, see you at school tomorrow. (0:21:43.94)
Ao Manaka : Yeah. (0:21:46.96)
Mira Konohata : I want to find one. (0:21:52.64)
Ao Manaka : I want to make it happen. (0:21:54.93)
Mira Konohata : Like we promised each other. (0:21:57.81)
Ao Manaka : Like we promised each other. (0:21:57.81)

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Minoru Mineta
ilikememes0 : honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope?

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