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Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... (0:00:09.91)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... (0:00:14.54)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... (0:00:19.87)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... (0:00:24.66)
Hougetsu Shimamura : It's not uncommon to see students skipping class
on the rooftop in manga and such,
Hougetsu Shimamura : but if you actually took a nap up there,
you'd get a sunburn like no other.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I think third period is about
to start for everyone else.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I pretty much always skipped classes, (0:00:50.62)
Hougetsu Shimamura : and Adachi rarely ever came to school. (0:00:52.91)
Hougetsu Shimamura : We happened to meet up here by chance, (0:00:55.62)
Hougetsu Shimamura : and ended up spending a lot of time together. (0:00:57.33)
Sakura Adachi : Do you mind if I serve next? (0:01:01.79)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Sure? (0:01:05.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? (0:01:07.50)
Hougetsu Shimamura : What?! (0:01:11.87)
Sakura Adachi : I found out how to do that serve online. (0:01:13.12)
Sakura Adachi : But I didn't have a racket at home,
so I practiced with a rice paddle.
Hougetsu Shimamura : No fair using curveballs on amateurs like me. (0:01:20.70)
Sakura Adachi : You lack ambition, young Shimamura. (0:01:24.33)
Sakura Adachi : And that's not my... fault! (0:01:27.12)
Hougetsu Shimamura : When we're skipping class like this, (0:01:34.50)
Hougetsu Shimamura : --we can usually sense if the other is here.
--I can only get it to work like
one out of ten times right now.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --And we usually find each other up here.
--So you're getting worse...
EXTRA : Let's do this! (0:01:47.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I guess third period was PE class. (0:01:49.16)
Sakura Adachi : What if they come up here? (0:01:51.79)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Why don't we open the windows and jump? (0:01:55.04)
Sakura Adachi : What?! But we're on the second floor! (0:01:57.95)
Sakura Adachi : Wouldn't we break our legs? (0:02:00.45)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Ah, I see that you lack calcium in your diet. (0:02:02.50)
Sakura Adachi : I really don't like that interpretation. (0:02:06.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Crap. This is sorta exciting. (0:02:16.12)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I don't think they realize
we're up here, though.
Sakura Adachi : Maybe I'll just drink some milk
with my lunch today.
Sakura Adachi : So my legs don't break if we ever have to jump. (0:02:35.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I see. So you've decided
to strengthen your bones.
Hougetsu Shimamura : This time we spent together
where nothing else mattered
Hougetsu Shimamura : always felt so nice. (0:02:51.12)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... Shukoh... (0:04:23.50)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... (0:04:29.62)
Sakura Adachi : Ugh, I can't anymore. (0:04:36.95)
Sakura Adachi : It's so hot! (0:04:39.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Wanna go outside? (0:04:41.33)
Hougetsu Shimamura : It's almost lunchtime anyway. (0:04:43.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : My, how lewd. Our school's... (0:04:47.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Um... (0:04:51.29)
Sakura Adachi : Dignity? (0:04:53.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Yeah, that! Our school's dignity
is at stake here.
Sakura Adachi : It's lunchtime, but what should I do? (0:04:59.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Yeah, yeah. We can't have you
go out in that state.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I'll just go. (0:05:09.16)
Sakura Adachi : I'll go next time. (0:05:11.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : You and I always seem to have
different opinions about "next time."
Hougetsu Shimamura : Oh, you probably want your usual danish, (0:05:21.62)
Hougetsu Shimamura : but do you want milk today? (0:05:25.16)
Sakura Adachi : Water, please. (0:05:27.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Roger. (0:05:29.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hup. (0:05:31.37)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Doing bad things with Adachi is pretty fun. (0:05:33.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Is it because I got hooked
doing this with Adachi,
Hougetsu Shimamura : or do I just get a rush doing bad things? (0:05:40.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : The answer's obvious, but... (0:05:44.58)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I'll leave things ambiguous for now. (0:05:46.50)
Sakura Adachi : What is she even doing? (0:05:55.00)
Sakura Adachi : Shimamura was the first one to be up here
on the second floor of the gymnasium.
Sakura Adachi : She still looked like a middle schooler, (0:06:04.62)
Sakura Adachi : so I figured she was a first-year like me. (0:06:06.91)
Hougetsu Shimamura : A-Adachi, was it? (0:06:11.83)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah? (0:06:16.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Um, we're in the same class. (0:06:18.16)
Sakura Adachi : Oh, right. (0:06:20.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : My nickname's Shimamura, but in hiragana. (0:06:23.25)
Sakura Adachi : Shimamura... (0:06:26.58)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Do you come here often? (0:06:30.33)
Sakura Adachi : I just happened to stop by today.
What about you?
Hougetsu Shimamura : Pretty much the same. (0:06:35.50)
Hougetsu Shimamura : They're so loud. (0:06:44.29)
Sakura Adachi : Right? (0:06:46.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hiyah! (0:06:57.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Oh. (0:06:59.95)
Sakura Adachi : Are you able to touch them? (0:07:07.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Cicadas aren't too bad. (0:07:08.70)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Think it'll stay on? (0:07:16.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : How many days do you think it has left? (0:07:24.20)
Sakura Adachi : I dunno. (0:07:27.58)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Yeah... (0:07:29.20)
Sakura Adachi : How much longer do you want it to live? (0:07:32.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Fifteen days... I think. (0:07:39.87)
Sakura Adachi : Fifteen days later, (0:07:43.50)
Sakura Adachi : Shimamura's hands were covered in dirt
when she came up to the second floor.
Sakura Adachi : That was my first encounter with Shimamura. (0:07:51.66)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi! (0:07:54.58)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I got you the last danish. (0:07:56.95)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Here's your water. (0:08:00.08)
Sakura Adachi : Thanks. (0:08:01.62)
Sakura Adachi : This was still when (0:08:04.70)
Sakura Adachi : I didn't consider Shimamura my friend yet. (0:08:07.25)
Yashiro Chikama : Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. (0:08:22.41)
Yashiro Chikama : Pshuu. (0:08:24.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I guess they have a book for everything.
Dang, that's expensive.
Akira Hino : Hey, it's Shimamura. (0:08:35.12)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hino. (0:08:37.66)
Akira Hino : Whatcha lookin' at? (0:08:38.83)
Akira Hino : --Smash! You joining the table
tennis club, Shimamura?
Hougetsu Shimamura : --Hino is a classmate
who's sort of a plain jane.
--Smash! You joining the table
tennis club, Shimamura?
Hougetsu Shimamura : --Hino is a classmate
who's sort of a plain jane.
--No, I was just curious.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --She's never even dyed her hair before.
--No, I was just curious.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --She's never even shoplifted, either.
--Curious? You randomly picked
a book about ping-pong?
Hougetsu Shimamura : --She's apparently never pulled the hair
of a girl from another school, either.
--Curious? You randomly picked
a book about ping-pong?
Taeko Nagafuji : Hey! (0:08:53.41)
Taeko Nagafuji : --Jeez. You just leave me behind
and end up finding Shimamura.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --My other classmate, Nagafuji, is your
usual bespectacled girl with big boobs.
--Jeez. You just leave me behind
and end up finding Shimamura.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --Need I say more?
--Jeez. You just leave me behind
and end up finding Shimamura.
Hougetsu Shimamura : --Need I say more?
--So, what were you
talking about?
Hougetsu Shimamura : --Her big boobs and her big attitude
make her pretty mature...
--Nothing important.
Taeko Nagafuji : --All right. I won't inquire any further then. (0:09:08.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : --...but she's a bit dumb.
--All right. I won't inquire any further then.
Taeko Nagafuji : --...but she's a bit dumb.
--All right. I won't inquire any further then.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hino, do you have an excuse
for that blatant sexual harassment?
Akira Hino : Nagafuji is too self-conscious, (0:09:16.00)
Akira Hino : so I thought I'd lighten the mood. (0:09:18.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Really? (0:09:20.95)
Taeko Nagafuji : Well, when they're this big,
the boys always look.
Taeko Nagafuji : Of course, I'm self-conscious. (0:09:26.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I'm sure all the boys in class
staring at your boobies
Hougetsu Shimamura : have fondled them at least
ten times in their minds.
Taeko Nagafuji : What?! That's gross. (0:09:34.20)
Akira Hino : That's the price you pay for being famous. (0:09:38.16)
Akira Hino : Oh, whoops. My hand slipped. (0:09:40.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Apparently, Hino and Nagafuji
have been friends since they were little.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I became friends with them
after we got into high school,
Hougetsu Shimamura : so my distance with them varies. (0:09:51.20)
Hougetsu Shimamura : But when it comes to distance, (0:09:54.45)
Hougetsu Shimamura : being as close as you can be
isn't always the best option.
Hougetsu Shimamura : If you get too close, you might fight
and have misunderstandings.
Akira Hino : Oh, yeah. The other day at the fishing hole
there was someone in a spacesuit...
Akira Hino : Hey, look over there! (0:10:13.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I think relationships with others (0:10:42.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : are like free diving. (0:10:44.25)
Taeko Nagafuji : Hey, who was that?
Wasn't she in our class in like April?
Akira Hino : You say that like every time we see her. (0:11:27.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Her name is Adachi. (0:11:31.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : She's our classmate. (0:11:33.45)
Akira Hino : She's definitely a certified delinquent.
Taeko Nagafuji : Huh...? (0:11:38.08)
Taeko Nagafuji : Is she one of yours, Shimamura? (0:11:39.50)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Who knows? (0:11:41.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : You keep sinking deeper and deeper, (0:11:45.33)
Hougetsu Shimamura : and things start disappearing around you. (0:11:47.54)
Hougetsu Shimamura : You struggle to breathe, so you try
to get back to the water's surface.
Hougetsu Shimamura : And then you poke your head out
for a breath of air
Hougetsu Shimamura : before sinking deeper yet again. (0:12:03.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : If you keep repeating that cycle... (0:12:07.20)
Sakura Adachi : Morning. (0:12:19.37)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi... (0:12:26.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hey, you're late today. (0:12:28.62)
Sakura Adachi : Oh, I... (0:12:30.95)
Sakura Adachi : ...thought I'd just head home, (0:12:33.16)
Sakura Adachi : but I heard the sound of a ping-pong ball. (0:12:35.37)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I saw you yesterday. (0:12:40.45)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah, you did. (0:12:42.70)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Where's your school bag? (0:12:44.58)
Sakura Adachi : In my bicycle's basket. (0:12:45.91)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I see. (0:12:48.29)
Sakura Adachi : Well, I'm heading home. (0:12:57.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Okay... (0:13:00.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Say, Adachi. (0:13:06.66)
Hougetsu Shimamura : "Let's go to class today," (0:13:11.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Which would you prefer? (0:13:14.75)
Sakura Adachi : Huh? Um... (0:13:16.12)
Sakura Adachi : In that case... I'll just go kill some time
somewhere until school's over... I guess.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Sorry to keep you waiting. (0:13:30.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : You didn't have to be sitting
the same exact way.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Sorry, it started raining. (0:13:38.37)
Sakura Adachi : Well, the rain's not your fault. (0:13:40.79)
Sakura Adachi : Which way is your house, Shimamura? (0:13:44.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : This way. (0:13:46.70)
Sakura Adachi : Oh, I thought so. (0:13:48.33)
Sakura Adachi : Here, hold this. (0:13:50.91)
Sakura Adachi : I just figured your house
was pretty far from mine.
Sakura Adachi : I live this way. (0:13:57.83)
Sakura Adachi : So, whose home
should we go home to first?
Hougetsu Shimamura : That's a novel way of putting it. (0:14:04.37)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Then... Why don't we go to your place first? (0:14:07.95)
Sakura Adachi : Okay. (0:14:11.45)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Riding a bike like this is a crime, you know? (0:14:15.70)
Sakura Adachi : Like that matters. We're delinquents. (0:14:18.95)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Good point. (0:14:21.20)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Man, being delinquents rules. (0:14:22.83)
Sakura Adachi : It sure does. (0:14:25.66)
Sakura Adachi : So I guess you actually have friends. (0:14:32.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? (0:14:35.20)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Oh, you mean Hino and Nagafuji? (0:14:36.50)
Sakura Adachi : I thought you were always up there
because you didn't have friends.
Hougetsu Shimamura : What about you, Adachi? (0:14:46.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Do you have friends? (0:14:47.37)
Sakura Adachi : You're probably my only one. (0:14:50.95)
Hougetsu Shimamura : That's so sad! (0:14:56.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Killing time outside of school
and then going home together is weird.
Hougetsu Shimamura : This is definitely weird, (0:15:06.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : but the idea sounded amusing and elating. (0:15:08.66)
Hougetsu Shimamura : If either of us were actually
honor students, we'd say,
Hougetsu Shimamura : "We shouldn't be doing this!" (0:15:16.45)
Hougetsu Shimamura : And try to steer the other back down
the right path with the power of friendship,
Hougetsu Shimamura : but we were both pretty irresponsible. (0:15:24.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : So we were just dragging
each other down deeper.
Hougetsu Shimamura : So I go through here, and then...
to get back to my house...
Hougetsu Shimamura : That's a pretty decent walk. (0:15:37.50)
Sakura Adachi : Shimamura! (0:15:39.37)
Sakura Adachi : Here, I got you a towel. (0:15:41.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? Wh-Whoa. (0:15:43.58)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Thanks. (0:15:46.95)
Sakura Adachi : Sorry. (0:15:48.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? About what? (0:15:49.79)
Sakura Adachi : I feel bad for making you take
a really long way home.
Sakura Adachi : Want me to give you a ride home? (0:15:55.45)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? No. This whole ride
would be pointless, then.
Sakura Adachi : I guess you have a point. (0:16:01.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Okay, I'm going home. (0:16:08.16)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah, I'll probably see you tomorrow. (0:16:09.95)
Hougetsu Shimamura : When I looked down at Adachi's head
from the back of her bicycle,
Hougetsu Shimamura : I noticed her hair that usually
looked so pretty with her face
Hougetsu Shimamura : also looked like some floofy creature. (0:16:22.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Maybe I looked the same way. (0:16:24.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : What a weird day. (0:16:28.75)
Akira Hino : See? I told you there were noises
coming from upstairs.
Akira Hino : Huh? I guess you really were
playing table tennis.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Gack. (0:16:53.75)
Akira Hino : Did you really say, "Gack" to your friend? (0:16:55.29)
Akira Hino : Shimamura... (0:17:03.54)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi... (0:17:10.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : So, how'd you know I was here? (0:17:12.62)
Akira Hino : You were looking at the table tennis
book at the bookstore.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Whoopsie. (0:17:17.25)
Akira Hino : So... Is that Adachi over there? (0:17:18.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Um... I think that's pretty
self-explanatory, but yeah.
Taeko Nagafuji : Yup, Adachi. (0:17:27.45)
Akira Hino : You guys were friends? (0:17:29.62)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Well, yeah. (0:17:32.50)
Akira Hino : Then yesterday... Well, whatever. (0:17:34.45)
Taeko Nagafuji : I'm Nagafuji. (0:17:39.00)
Akira Hino : I'm Hino. (0:17:40.33)
Sakura Adachi : Nagafuji and Hino... Got it. (0:17:42.20)
Sakura Adachi : Nice to meet you. (0:17:46.54)
Akira Hino : Um... I bought us some bread. (0:17:47.54)
Taeko Nagafuji : I'm surprised they never found
you guys during PE class.
Hougetsu Shimamura : We stayed pretty quiet
whenever there was class.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Which one do you want, Adachi? (0:17:58.54)
Sakura Adachi : I'll take whichever one you like, Shimamura. (0:18:01.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hm... In that case... Here! (0:18:04.45)
Akira Hino : Are you free on Sunday, Shimamura? (0:18:10.70)
Hougetsu Shimamura : This week? I think so. (0:18:12.83)
Akira Hino : Then wanna go to the fishing hole? (0:18:14.95)
Akira Hino : That kid in the spacesuit
I was telling you about is a riot.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Are you basically just asking me
to go fishing with you?
Akira Hino : No, no. That's just a bonus. (0:18:24.87)
Akira Hino : They said they wanted to meet you
when I mentioned you.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Why don't you just take Nagafuji with you? (0:18:33.25)
Taeko Nagafuji : I have club. (0:18:35.37)
Akira Hino : Come on, let's go! (0:18:37.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Hm... Yeah, sure. (0:18:39.70)
Akira Hino : Heck yes! (0:18:41.62)
Akira Hino : Okay, we're going to the fishing hole on Sunday. (0:18:43.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : The next day, Adachi didn't come here. (0:18:47.33)
Hougetsu Shimamura : There was a lot
I didn't know about Adachi,
Hougetsu Shimamura : and that frustrated me at times. (0:18:57.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : What I did know was what I felt. (0:19:00.66)
Hougetsu Shimamura : After seeing Hino and Nagafuji having
a blast up here yesterday, I realized again...
Hougetsu Shimamura : That's not what I wanted. (0:19:13.08)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi might not show up again for a while. (0:19:17.91)
Hougetsu Shimamura : If I was super unlucky, I may not
see her again until graduation.
Hougetsu Shimamura : That was totally possible. (0:19:27.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I guess my luck does suck. Welp... (0:19:35.91)
Sakura Adachi : Blammo! (0:19:39.41)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? (0:19:44.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : A-Adachi? (0:19:46.08)
Sakura Adachi : Sorry... (0:19:48.83)
Sakura Adachi : I was planning to stop
but didn't make it in time.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I'm pretty sure I heard you say, "Blammo." (0:19:55.12)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Wait, are you sure about this? (0:19:58.91)
Sakura Adachi : About what? (0:20:00.54)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Well, your house isn't this way. (0:20:01.70)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah, but... (0:20:04.29)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah, you're right. (0:20:05.91)
Sakura Adachi : Shimamura, here. (0:20:10.29)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Huh? Wait, what? (0:20:12.41)
Sakura Adachi : I was going to give them
to you during lunch today.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Lunch? (0:20:20.83)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Oh, so this is "next time." (0:20:22.00)
Sakura Adachi : I'm glad you weren't going home
with your other friends.
Sakura Adachi : I wouldn't have been able
to give them to you.
Sakura Adachi : What? (0:20:36.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Oh, nothing. (0:20:37.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi had said that I was her only friend. (0:20:39.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I guess that's all there is to it then. (0:20:44.04)
Hougetsu Shimamura : This was about all I could ask (0:20:46.75)
Hougetsu Shimamura : and this was all Adachi
was able to say right now.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi. (0:20:54.16)
Hougetsu Shimamura : You are walking me all the way home, right? (0:20:56.29)
Sakura Adachi : Yeah, that was my intention. (0:21:01.70)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Look at me! I'm a plane! Vroom! (0:21:11.50)
Hougetsu Shimamura : The slight elation that I felt
had given me wings.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I wonder how many steps it'll take
before embarrassment sets in.
Akira Hino : So, what's Adachi like? (0:23:04.20)
Hougetsu Shimamura : What is she like? Um, normal? (0:23:07.70)
Akira Hino : That explains nothing,
my dear Shimamura.
Hougetsu Shimamura : I don't know how much I should tell you. (0:23:15.00)
Hougetsu Shimamura : Adachi likes water
and usually drinks mineral water.
Hougetsu Shimamura : She doesn't seem to care about brands. (0:23:23.54)
Akira Hino : I see. So Adachi is a Namekian. (0:23:26.25)
Hougetsu Shimamura : I haven't seen her regrow
any limbs yet, though. Also...
Akira Hino : Anything biting? (0:23:33.62)
Yashiro Chikama : Shukoh... Shukoh... (0:23:35.87)
Hougetsu Shimamura : The spacesuit was so white that it just
compounded their awkward presence.
Hougetsu Shimamura : Suddenly, a small astronaut stood before me. (0:23:49.95)
EXTRA : "Episode 1: Playing Ping-Pong in Our Uniforms" (0:23:52.16)
EXTRA : "Episode 1: Playing Ping-Pong in Our Uniforms" (0:23:54.58)
EXTRA : "Next Time: 'Adachi Question'" (0:23:57.87)
EXTRA : "Next Time: 'Adachi Question'" (0:24:00.45)
EXTRA : "Next Time: 'Adachi Question'" (0:24:02.25)
EXTRA : --But what about when you play
ping-pong seriously?
--Then it's table tennis.
EXTRA : --But what about table tennis for fun?
--Then it's just ping-pong!
EXTRA : --Ping-pong is but table tennis.
EXTRA : I tried to sound philosophical. (0:24:10.91)

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I'm so curious about his past ! - Anonymous


Like I said before the training camp, - Shota Aizawa

Who hit first? - Shota Aizawa

Originally, individual
agencies recruited on their own,
- Shota Aizawa

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